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"Hah you thought I'd forget. I forget nothing!" |
We haven't forgotten Obama's mocking of the Special Olympics a few years ago on Leno's show. And now we see how his signature legislation hurts parents of special needs children. I guess it's easier to mock our kids than respect them and level the playing field for their productive lives, eh, Mr. President?
- Sarah Palin
Now the article that Palin links to is from the Daily Caller. I will not do them any favors by encouraging you to provide them with traffic, so here is the pertinent point:
More than 30 million Americans place money into a pre-tax Flexible Spending Account (FSA) through their employers to help save emergency funds to pay for their families’ medical costs. Obamacare institutes a brand new $2,500 cap for FSAs, which will make more money taxable and could raise $13 billion in taxes for the federal government over the next decade.
“Before Obamacare passed, there was no limit to how much money you could put into your FSA at work,” Ryan Ellis, tax policy director at Americans for Tax Reform, told The Daily Caller. Ellis was inspired to perform research on the issue after hearing the complaints of a friend with a special-needs child.
“Most people don’t, but the one group that does put a lot of money into their FSAs is parents of kids with Down Syndrome, and parents of kids with physical disabilities,” Ellis said.
Yes most people don't put a lot of money into their FSA accounts, and if they do put TOO much in, and do not use it all before the end of the fiscal year, they would forfeit the left over amount, most often to their employer. This is called the "use it or lose it" rule and the administration actually wanted to do away with it, but so far there has been no change. However with the limit of $2,500 that will no longer be such a constantly occurring problem.
This new rule seems to affect a very small number of people using the FSA system and as for this new cap having such a detrimental effect on the parents of special needs children I am not at all sure that is such a problem either.
This from the Society for Human Resource Management:
The $2,500 limit applies only to salary reduction contributions under a health care FSA and does not limit the amount permitted for reimbursement under an FSA for dependent care assistance or adoption care assistance. Nor does it apply to salary reduction or any other contributions to a health savings account (HSA) or to amounts made available by an employer under a health reimbursement arrangement (HRA).
Now I am no expert but that sounds as if there is a work around for parents attempting to save money for their children's medical needs.
It seems to me that this is the very definition of the proverbial "making a mountain out of a molehill."
Gee you would think that with all of the highly paid "good" advisers working for her that Palin would pick her battles with a little more care, and have better information on her side.
The President was reached for comment, but this was his only response.
Really, who wastes their time reading Sarah's bitter word salad? Not me, not the DC assclowns, not Roger Ailes, certainly not anyone in government - yet she keeps addressing herself to the President like she was relevant. Those few simpletons who follow her are so easily pleased.
ReplyDeleteAt least if there's a video there's plenty of entertainment in her awful wigs, her overstretched left eyebrow and her medication status.
Trig Palin is now 5 years old. In that time there has never been a picture published of Sarah Palin looking into that child's eyes the way a loving mother looks into their child's eyes. Know what I mean moms out there?
ReplyDeleteThe only special needs kids Sarah Palin ever gave a rat's ass about was the one that was supposed to increase her anti-abortion cred with the religious right and get her the vice presidency.
So true. Even when we first saw her, she had the baby turned away from her, on the rare occasions she held him. I was appalled that they turned over most of his care to a 7 year old. And who can forget her book tour in December, when he was hustled off the bus at night with a onesie and no coat or even socks..yes, Sarah, you are some kind of mother all right. Just not Trig's.
DeleteSo Barack Obama once made a joke (?) or made an insensitive comment on a late-night comedy program years ago? And this reflects his total thinking about children with special needs, and therefore this new ACA change is one more step in his campaign to hurt families with children who need extra care?
ReplyDeleteReally, Sarah? Really?
And he was making a joke about himself, not about special needs children.
DeleteI can hardly wait until someone exposes the entire Trig birth conspiracy. Once the TRUTH is out, I hope the groups she was paid to give screeches to about "her" special needs child will demand their money bavk. This con is even worse than her VERY sexually active daughter giving speeches about adstinence. If any of them speak about anything meaningful, look for the con. What a group of grifters, liars the entire group.
DeleteI paid $150 plus parking to listen to her screech about birthing Tri-G. I did it of my own free will. Yes, my plan, when the truth comes out, is to sue her for fraud.
Maybe get the mailing list of attendees and do a class suit.
Oh yeah. I'm a patient, patient person.
I find it pretty entertaining that she thinks he is interested in anything she says! What an idiot.
ReplyDeleteMy grandparents were the parents of a Down Syndrome daughter and never have I seen photos of them with her that aren’t downright explicit in their love for her! I agree, Palin looks disinterested or just meeting Trig’s needs at the best. But, c’mon folks! We are expecting the woman who raised the rest of her kids so shoddily to have a come to Jesus moment regarding Trig? She is a narcissist extraordinaire!
The percentage of people with special needs kids this would affect is tiny, if indeed the work-around that Gryphon found doesn't work for all.
ReplyDeleteSpeaking as a mom of a severely disabled son (now an adult), most of us don't have enough money to fund a FISA. Also, many, many more of these kids have been on Medicaid, because until Obamacare made it illegal, insurance companies dropped them like rocks. Happened to me, when my son was diagnosed at 4 months old. If it weren't for Medicaid, he'd be dead.
SP, with her state-funded health care for Trig, can suck it. She is ignorant and uncaring as always.
I've worked with kids with disabilities for the past 30 years. It infuriates me that, with all of the other stresses on a family with a disabled child, they also have to constantly fight to get adequate medical care and support services.
DeleteParents like you have enough to deal with just getting through everyday life. You should NOT be worrying about how to afford the expensive medical care your child needs to survive!
Actually, Trig’s care is provided by Native health care in Alaska. It is a top of the line system in the town where I live. The Native hospital in Anchorage is new, well funded and receptive to meeting needs. I wish Trig the best care as I wish any child in the US the best of care. Sarah Palin is full of her regular BS when she discusses health care in any situation. She has never had to worry her children were unable to receive care, let alone pay for it. It is free to Native families. I have a friend who works in the Native clinic in my town — prescriptions are free, dental work also is free. Alaska Native health care is the ultimate health care available. Even orthodontics is covered.
DeletePea brain stinks up the joint again. STFU Mrs. Pimp.
ReplyDeleteAs if she gives a damn about special needs children. She doesn't take care of her own special needs child.
ReplyDeleteFuck off Psycho Bitch from Wasilla! The President doesn't give a shit about what you think.
Yeah, like Mrs. Palin does anything proactive for her DS grandson. We see him, we see that he is a low functioning DS kid. There are people that post here on this blog that have DS kids and they have done EVERYTHING possible within their means to make their child the highest functioning person that he or she can be.
ReplyDeleteYou can bet your ass that if Mrs. Palin had done ANYTHING for Trig then we'd hear about it on her Facebook; she basically relives her greatest bowel movements on her Facebook so one would surmise that any great strides made by Trig, through her intervention, would be praised to the top of the skies and beyond.
Unfortunately, it really does seem that Mrs. Palin took Trig from Bristol as a Pro-Life Prop and has simply let him languish in his tunnel of dysfunction and didn't do a damn thing to assist him in perhaps attaining her own 83 IQ.
Face it, with a little work from ages 1-4, Trig could have actually excelled beyond that 83 IQ, and maybe that's what Mrs. Palin is so afraid of; can't have anyone in the family bein' smarter than her!
Hell, the family turtle is smarter than her.
DeleteYeah, wasn't it a year ago that Todd was bragging that Trig was talking...at four?
DeleteExcellent point, 6:31. I heartily concur.
DeleteWild Tortoise
Palin pours this BS out for those who send money into her PAC. She loves to play the victim and also loves to berate President Obama every chance she gets. Anyone with an ounce of sense could see through her BS.
ReplyDeleteHowever, take a look at what one of her ardent supporters at the C4P says:
"Let's be blunt.
Obama wanted these kids terminated before they ever got out of the womb.
His policies to bankrupt their families are merely punishment for not having aborted them and he means to see their families die in poverty.
But then again, he wants all of us to die miserable.
The sooner people see that is what he is all about the better.
He wants us all to die. Miserable and without hope."
It really just boggles the mind that anyone could be that ignorant, but then this is kind of person that supports Palin. Sick, sick, sick....
So what does this guy think of the Kochs and their stance on ending the minimum wage? Or the GOP in general, who think women are nothing more than incubators? THAT will keep you wealthy, having a child a year, huh?
DeleteThat is a supporter who is convinced of the outright lies and twisted tales that Palin spews. As long as Palin uses words to control people to love her and hate Obama she wins. Palin does not care about the fear, terror or hurt she puts even her worshipers through with her lies (death panels to kill babies and the elderly per Palin.
DeleteObama made fun of himself when he made a reference to the Special Olympics. He apologized acknoweledging that was offensive to some. He did not repeat the joke.
Palin fails to speak about the pros for special needs persons e.g no lifetime caps, no preexisting conditions, parents won't be canceled then limited by medicaid etc. She wants to con people she is pro life painting a contrast Obama plans to kill any imperfect human beings. I hate her!
Oh hell no. What is this fucktarded dumbass trying to say, that President Obama hates children??? That he wants them all dead? Am I actually reading this? What would be the benefit for President Obama if he wants to just kill everyone in America, especially the babies? Where has this shit-sack BEEN for the past 5 years that he/she doesn't know that our President adores children and they love him and trust him on sight? They are SO FUCKING STUPID! Completely detached from reality and brainwashed by their fucking idiot queen to believe that Obama is pure evil and has no good in him. And the vile shit they accuse him of only proves that their minds are in a very dark fucking place. Sick indeed. The scum of humanity is all the asshole bitch has in her corner anymore. She must be so proud.
DeleteAn apology is never good enough for people like Sarah...slight a psychopathic bitch like her (and of course in her fucked up delusional mind Obama was somehow disparaging or insulting HER) and they will hold onto their hate forever, nursing it, stewing in it, and they will NEVER stop bringing it up. It's the only joy bitches like Sarah ever get. She sure is an unforgiving little turd, to be such a devout Christian woman like she constantly tells us she is. I wish Jesus would come get her stupid fucking ass cause we're definitely DONE with her. She's caused so much damage to this nation with her non-stop nasty, lying, jealous, ugly-to-the-bone attitude. She's such a loser even Jesus doesn't want to be around her troglodyte ass. FUCK YOU SARAH!
DeleteShe is just grasping at bendy straws. She doesn't even discuss real major problems affecting people, she picks every minor distraction for a chance to blame and trash the President.
ReplyDeleteMan, is she mad at him, because he got elected TWICE, and she didn't even get her foot in the Oval Office. She's just so JEALOUS - it's so laughable.
Oh God, can you imagine those feet enclosed in her gogeous footwear anywhere in the WH?
DeleteLaughable is spot on. Repugs I know swear McCain put her on the ticket knowing he was losing anyway and she provided the reason for his loss. Both of them are losers, both have out of control egos that define themselves yet they are too egocentric and lacking basic self awareness to notice.
DeleteYeah she's a washed up, over, dumbass "never was" but she will still probably be popping up weekly for all eternity to remind us that she hates President Obama. As if we could forget since every interview with her retarded ass consists of her babbling nonsense in a lame attempt to answer the softball questions Fox tosses her, trying to act like she's informed, even though we've all heard her admit on Fox that she doesn't even do any studying about the subject she is expected to comment on. She rushes through her word salad bullshit so she can steer her segment to the Obama bashing before her 10 minutes are up. He is her world, he rules her tiny little brain 24/7. It would be hilarious if she wasn't constantly demonizing him in the hope that one of her mental midget fans will take a shot at him. She is so repulsive. Walking proof that there is no god.
DeleteShe is true there was no limit, but you had to use it by the end of the year for medial purposes or face normal taxes on the remainder. Obamacare removes the need for limitless banking of FSA fundsIf we go to single payer healthcare, look for FSA to totally disappear.
ReplyDeletere-read, please - it was forfeit. which is why we never, ever put in a penny over what we would be using for daycare, non-special needs. We NEVER put in medical needs - too hard to predict. Now that there are rollover HSA's good deal!
DeleteThe remainder doesn't get taxed, it gets forfeited.
DeleteAs a single mother I thought the FSA was a great plan and I put a good share of money into it to cover child care expenses. I put in extra on top of that to cover unexpected health care co-pays. Big mistake. I got burned because there was a good chunk left over at the end of the year and I scrambled to try to use it up and I ended up loosing it, forfeiting my hard-earned money. Who got it? Who got that free hand-out? I never ever used that plan again.
DeleteAnon at 6:27 pm. You are absolutely right. It was a forfeit; your hard-earned income went back to the employer if it was not used. At first, our plan was to use it for dental bills that went above what the insurer covered but it became so complicated to figure out that we gave it up. It never was a good idea. And doesn't Obamacare require that insurance providers cover disabled children anyway? Lots of families with disabled children have been very pleased with the changes already in effect.
DeleteAt the time of the 2009 heath care debate the only medical advocacy group that came out in support of health care reform was a national Down Syndrome organization. Where was Sarah Palin then? Braying about "death panels" when she should have been advocating for health care reform or, better yet, universal health care.
I have numerous medical issues and have used the FSA for many years. Usually I input less than $2,500, but in the last couple of years, bumped it up. Now that my medical bills are getting even bigger, I'm sorry that the limit is $2,500 max. We also used the Child Care Account when our daughter was small. This has been a good program, but you do have to plan carefully. It works best if you have predictable expenses. Most years we ended up spending more than we put into the FSA and CCA. We only lost some money one year.
DeleteIt is nice to have the benefit of paying co-pays and extra services with pre-tax dollars. However, remember that you still have to pay these expenses. It's not like someone gave you money to pay them with. Plus, you have to be in a position to have this extra money deducted from your pay each month. I suspect a lot of parents of disabled children cannot afford to set aside so much money.
Basically, I think it's a shame that the cap has been added, but it won't significantly affect anybody. If your budget is so tight that you will be "bankrupted" by losing the pre-tax benefit (30% max on the FSA dollars), then you probably can't afford to put money aside each month.
Last thing, Gryph, is that those other programs are not interchangeable. You can't use Child Care money for health expenses and vice versa. The HSA is something else entirely, it doesn't make sense for anyone who currently HAS a bunch of expenses, as the co-pays and deductibles are very high. It only allows you to save (a very small amount) for future (years off) uses.
Anyway, Palin is still an idiot.
Incredible how she never showed any interest in children with Down Syndrome - she never makes mention of the children she's met through Trig. Why does she NEVER send a shout-out or endorsement on her facebook towards special events for the disabled and DS, sports events, arts and music events for DS children, and or summer camps, Special Olympics, special DS Awareness groups, etc.?
ReplyDeleteWhat people with special needs children would like to know, Sarah, is what have YOU done to bring awareness to those struggling families with a lot LESS than you have, for THEIR children? These families aren't whooping it up at Nascar races, Kentucky Derby, NBA games - they're working their $15/hour jobs and come home exhausted. What legislation have you worked on to improve the lives of these families?
Great questions. Wasn;t she going to be the advocate for all special needs families? Oh, wait, only if she became VP.
DeletePresident Obama has spent more time with and done more for disabled and/or special needs children than this skank ever has or will. One more thing he's better at, right Sarah...you stupid slut.
DeleteWhat middle class family, with a special needs child, can afford to put more than $2500 into an FSA anyway? Does Sarah think that middle class families can afford a mortgage, car, food, affordable health care, child care, medications, special needs therapies, special supplies, wheelchairs, with the high cost of living as it is, and be able to top their FSA accounts over $2500?
ReplyDeleteSarah Palin is not living in other people's shoes. She is barking up the wrong tree and is not even concerned about the financial concerns about these families. She exploits their strength and love so she can draw more racist sentiments from her followers. She is a sick sick individual. She is full of venom and hate.
$carah can't DO that kind of MATH (basic addition and subtraction.) Besides, she's just looking for a chance to bitch about the president and grift more PAC money.
DeleteYou're forgetting that a dspecial needs child gets a government check every montn.. no strings attached. I teach music lessons, and severla of my parents use their kids' checks to pay for that, as well as therapy, or tutoring. I somehow doubt Sarah is either participating in FSAs OR sending back those evil guvmint checks.
DeleteI have done it before. You estimate how much you will use in the account. For me that was insurance deductibles for the year, braces, and co-pay. You can fudge a bit by claiming medical miles and expenses related to that. Your employer than divides that number by the number of paychecks you get in a year. It is taken out that way. You don't have to turn in your receipts right away.
DeleteYou can't do all of those things unless you have a very high income. We drive around in a very very old car that is always on the brink of breaking down and we rent a condo we hardly ever go out just so we can afford all of the medical care. However I always remind my kids and husband that we are very blessed and lucky to live in the United States of America because in many countries and even in the United States there are people who would never received any medical care. We are relatively blessed with rich people problems ( compared to the rest of the world). Whenever I get down about our situation I remember a news program I think it may have been PBS about a man in India crawled on all fours because he could not get medical treatment. I have seen many other documentaries and read about any other cases but this one just deeply affected me. So I just remember to thank God that we are lucky to have doctors like Children's Hospital that I can send my children to. Sorry about the run on and lack of punctuation I am using speech to text because my carpal tunnel is acting up.
DeleteYes, there are many countries where healthcare is in worse shape than the US. However, the majority of western countries have MUCH better syayems than the US. My family in the UK say they would never switch their National Health Service for the US system of having to be well off to get care. My niece is horrifed that people who need extensive medical care for their children have bake sales and fund raisers to help with the bills. Families stricken by cancer and other major illnessess can not afford the care, or go into debt to pay for it. Disgusting.
DeleteNot all special needs children get government checks. They have to qualify for it and be on the most severe side.
It is good to limit - cause it is easy to lose money with FSA. My employer's FSA is a fucking red tape nightmare.It is your own money, but it is just a ridiculous red tape fucking PIA to navigate. I did it once and will never use it again. Plus, I lost about 570$
ReplyDeleteOurs has just changed so that you do NOT lose funds, and we are using it to save for retirement health spending. I think it has something to do with the ACA, but there are no caps, and no required withdrawals.
DeleteOh, and Sarah, when can we expect to see you and Toad coach Trig in the Special Olympics? Actually, when can Trig expect you to spend five minutes with you at all?
Many Americans simply go to the emergency room, even if there is no money to pay for it, and if you are sick enough you have surgery that they know you can never pay for and you get bills in the mail that can never be paid. I don't have a problem with that but I think that health insurance for our population might stop the "bleed" from private health care that is not ever paid for.
DeleteMy brother in law had heart surgery that cost $420,000. He can't ever pay, so who pays in the end?
Taxpayers, that is who. People who are fortunate enough to have healthcare. It is a broken system, run for profit. We should demand that politicians get off the government dole, free healthcare, and find out what regular people have to go through. McCain would not be accepted by any supplement insurance plan, he has a pre-axisting condition.
DeleteNope, others without healthcare, but with jobs. Insurance companies negotiate low payments to healthcare providers. And they garnish wages.
DeleteWhere's my RETARDED BABY?
Sarah never stops using Trig and kids with special needs as her props. She even traveled, at her PAC's expense to address 27 kids in a high school graduation. Sarah has never been shy when it comes to publicity or acphoto. Yet, we have never seen her donate her time and high profile to a DS organization, for fund raising and raising awareness. She acts like the word police if someone says something that age can make a fuss over. But give some time in support of DS organizations? As Todd said, "what's in it for us?"
ReplyDeleteMaybe they do not like being surrounded by people who are smrter than either of them? Not too difficult to find a group such as that, is it? Plus there would be questions asked about Trig.
DeleteLevi Johnston appeared on CBS’ Early Show Wednesday, where he explained his reasons for spilling unflattering information about the Palin family and said he was keeping some “huge” secrets. Among other things, Johnston said Palin joked about her son Trig’s Down Syndrome, calling him her “retarded baby.”
ReplyDelete“I was just in shock the first time I heard it,” he said, when host Maggie Rodriguez expressed disbelief. He also said Bristol took care of the baby much more than her mother: “Sarah was never home.” Johnston also said that Todd and Sarah would fight in front of their kids.
No wonder she is in such a tear. The secrets are spilling slowly and she is not taking it well.
DeleteWTF? Wait a minute. That interview was a few years ago.
DeleteI remember Levi telling about $carah walking into the house saying "Where is my grandbaby?" He gave Trig to her and she said "No, not the retarded one, the other one"Too bad Levi does not write a tell all, he KNOWS the family secrets.
DeleteWhy would Levi severely change and be favorable about such an evil mother? Hard to believe anyone with a heart would be so lazy about his own son being exposed to all he knows about the family. Levi is content with his life and doesn't give a rats asp about Tripp or Trig. Except they are cute and the regular bologna to keep up a front.
DeleteTrig is a prop, Tripp is a prop, Sarah and Bristol need props and everyone else goes along to get along. Poor props.
Who said:
ReplyDeleteWhere's my retarded baby?
Is Sarah asking where are her children?
DeleteLets see, they're not at the Indy 500.
No they're not at the Kentucky Derby.
Didn't see them at the NBA playoff game.
Not trout fishing.
Where could they be Sarah?
I guess it's easier to mock our kids than respect them and level the playing field for their productive lives, eh, Mr. President? - Sarah Palin
ReplyDeleteOh Sarah and all your kids are productive.
Reproductive.....which is highly unfortunate. Imagine marrying into that. Britta did and divorced how quick?
DeleteSmart girl that Britta. Get me the fuck outta here. These people are too damn Stupid.
DeleteWhat has Sarah Palin done for DS children and their parents except fake the birth of one?
ReplyDeleteCould this be "our Sarah"?
ReplyDeleteReality Star Thinks She’s A Journalist
"Which reality TV star e-mailed us yesterday offering to fill in for New York Post columnist Andrea Peyser during her leave of absence?
“I read that Andrea is taking a leave of absence from the paper,”” wrote the diva. “”I would love to contribute on any level to the New York Post. Please let me know who to contact regarding content.”
BG Note: Andrea Peyser is a conservative columnist for the New York Post.
Reality Star:
Reality Show:
One two people guess Palin. Guess the bots haven't seen this yet.
My guess...Of Course! Lou Sarah! Need Monee!
What do y'all think?
Haha you love blind gossip too?! My 11 year old daughter and I have been so excited about the blind gossip post about Louis and Harry from one direction finally becoming public. ( I give her the edited versions of the posts about people she cares about.) Someone gave us free tickets to One Direction and we were so excited to see them. On the way home she asked me if Harry thought about Louis when he sung the love songs. When I said probably she said aw. <3
DeleteI can't see Sarah doing this because it would require work!!!!!
Wow! That is too funny. Imagine $carah applying for a job, then having her ghost writer write the column! Why doesn't the ghost writer apply for the job for herself, probably does not pay as well as SarahPac.
DeleteListen here, you BITCH $arah, just what the hell have you done for Trig except pass him off? He's not even your baby! WHAT have you done for him? Name one THING!
ReplyDeleteTHIS is what you pay people the big bucks to write in your name? "Eh, Mr. President????" Are you KIDDING me?
There are PLENTY of people whose lives are a living hell caring for disabled children they LOVE and ADORE and do anything FOR. Just. Shut. UP.
Good GOD, IMers, THIS because her PAC expenses were talked about? We all knew she's reply with something.....but THIS?????
This woman AND whomever writes this crap in her name are sick. SICK.
SEEK HELP, you self-serving wench!
I hope I live long enough for KARMA to slap this bitch into the next century, her and her grifting, lying, scumbag family. McCain is most likely behind keeping her secrets hidden. Once the truth comes out, he will be affected too. Worthless scumbags, both of them.
DeleteThis is actually a real issue but I am confused the cap is already in place. It has affected us this year because our family ran out in June. Next to housing we spend the most on medical care. My children have special needs and both my husband and I have medical issues. My husband stays in a job he hates because the medical care is good. Despite the good coverage we still pay thousands upon thousands a year. We are a single income family (because I am disabled) and we struggle to make it daily. The FSA cap has made a huge difference and affected us for the worse. I am NOT opposed to taxes at all and know that we need them for our nation to provide for everyone, but think it is wrong to put those taxes on the backs of people who struggle with medical/financial issues. Make no mistake this is taxing the poor and middle class. People with higher incomes that I know pay out of pocket for medical procedures. I think this may be the only time I have ever agreed with Sarah Palin ( and hopefully the last!) :-)
ReplyDeleteI do not believe however she makes these comments because she cares rather she will bend over backwards to attack the president. Since when has she advocated for people with disabilities? She was in a great position to do so and squandered it.
Like I said above in response to someone else's comment I do want to state that we are very lucky to live in the US. We are blessed to have doctors to see at all.
DeleteThat bitch! What the fuck is she talking about? Worry about health care for her kids? They are fucking Native !!!!! All native have 100% FREE health here in Alaska.
ReplyDeleteEven though I was born and raised here, I am stilled not considered 'native'. Not Indian and not eskimo. so therefore I pay for my muther feckin health care.
Her offspring get it free and she wants to cause a stir.
That fucking bitch caused a stir alright. I am fucking tired of paying my way and watching slobs like her get off for free!
She needs to shut the fuck up!
From 8:52 PM. Thank you! Just what did she do for you? I'm in the lower 48, had a Downs cousin growing up whose parents fought tooth and nail in advocating for him when the term was 'mongoloid.' I learned plenty from their example.
DeleteI have an autistic grandson that MY daughter and her husband, and we, fight tooth and nail for every day. TRY living the costs of that.
Best SHE'D do for you, 9:18 PM, is bring you a plate of cookies. BITCH.
Hey Gryphen, You might want to look at this...
Fetus Dolls Given to Kids By Anti-Abortion Group at North Dakota State Fair
by Amanda Denton at August 2, 2013 2:00 pm. Updated at August 2, 2013 1:59 pm.
There's making a point, and there's being creepy. It appears as if one North Dakota anti-abortion group is skewing a bit on the creepy side with their latest move.
Some people go to the State Fair to sample various fried goodies and perhaps ride the Ferris Wheel. The Minot Right to Life group however? They went to hand out little squishy fetus dolls to children.
Even fellow pro-lifers are giving this the Scooby-Doo "wth" look. Rob Port, editor of conservative blog Say Anything, noticed his 5 year old daughter with the toy and wasn't too pleased.
He later commented on his blog, "Whatever group is out there trying to promote the pro-life message by handing out squish alien babies, stop. You're doing more harm than good."
While that statement pretty much sums it up, the best line from Mr. Port was this - "stop being a bunch of weirdos."
Here we go again. When all's not right in Esther Land, out comes the diversionary.
ReplyDeleteHad a bad day, @arah? "Jaws" theme right back atcha, baby. You're toast and you know it. LOVE watching your pole dance. Dance, $arah, Dance for that money! There's a word for that and you ARE one.
They actually capped The FSA at $2500 to benefit the employer.The employee still gets the tax benefit on $2500 and the employer is less likely to be losing money. This is the explanation I found......
ReplyDeleteWhat changes have occurred in Flexible Spending Accounts?
Nonprescription, over-the-counter drugs now require a doctor’s prescription if they are to be eligible for reimbursement in an FSA (or in a Health Savings Account or Health Reimbursement Arrangement). Further, the employer is responsible for compliance with these rules, which includes maintaining adequate records.
Also beginning in 2011, the penalties have increased from 10 percent to 20 percent if funds from a Health Saving’s Account are used for nonmedical expenses before age 65.
And beginning in 2013, the maximum reimbursement amount will be limited to $2,500 for FSAs as part of a Section 125 plan. Currently, there is no Internal Revenue Service (IRS) limit on the amount that employees can defer on a pretax basis into a Flexible Spending Account. Meanwhile, companies on average impose a $5,000 limit, generally because the employer can become responsible for paying this amount, as shown in this example: employee opts to defer $5,000, in January employee undergoes surgery and uses the funds; the employer must provide the funds, even though said funds have not been taken from employee’s paycheck yet. This scenario illustrates the problem which can arise when an employer reimburses an employee who then leaves the company before the funds can be collected through payroll contribution. By imposing a $2,500 cap, the plan generates the after-tax revenue while also presenting an opportunity for a cost savings to the employer.
A constipation of thought and a diarrhea of words. That's you, Mrs. Plain. You fucking creep.
ReplyDeleteThose FSA accounts have always been questionable. Where I worked it was so complicated trying to use the money (for dental issues) that we simply gave up. The forms were virtually impossible to figure out as were the receipts from the doctor's offices. And, yes, the biggest problem was that, if the money was not used by the end of the year, it reverted to your employer. Not a great idea at any time.
ReplyDeleteMy understanding is that Obamacare pretty much covers children with disabilities, in that their "pre-existing conditions" cannot be used to keep them from being covered by their parents' insurance. Lots of people with disabled children have praised the new heath care.
Sarah Palin, not Trig's real mother anyway, is an incredible hypocrite. She never mentions that her children are eligible for free health care. And I'm sure that Trig has never been given all of the therapies that he should be given. It would be impossible with his "family" jetting all over the place all of the time.
We have a son who is completely blind, on full hormone replacement (he has no pituitary gland) and is autistic. He is 27, lives alone (subsidized), will graduate from college this year, volunteers many hours each week, teaches yoga, and takes guitar lessons. He does not consider himself disabled because he is able to do all of these things that make him a productive person in society. He lives on $606 a month SSI. What are the republicans doing for him? Trying to cut his $160 a month food stamps.
ReplyDeleteYou obviously taught your son values. He is a credit to good parenting. Congratulations.
DeleteOne thing that could help 'level the playing field for...productive lives' and which would benefit everyone (except those who don't think there should be a minimum wage) would be to have pay equity.
ReplyDeleteI have used FSAs in the past and found them to be fairly easy to use, which seems to be rather unusual. However, I don't think I have ever put in more than $2000, because of 'use or lose'.
Archie Butt
The idea, it seems, is to prevent predatory employers from creating a new "revenue stream" out of employee paychecks. It doesn't prevent anyone from using FSA as a tool to reduce taxes on money saved for medical bills.
ReplyDeleteGOP vice presidential nominee Sarah Palin continued attacking Democratic nominee Barack Obama before a crowd of roughly 20,000 outside the Richmond International Raceway, while also promising that she and John McCain would help revive the U.S. economy.......Saying she planned to spend time focused on disabled children if elected this fall, Palin argued that all children deserved to be "in the circle of protection" even if they had disabilities.
ReplyDelete-Oct 2008
Okay Sarah Palin you were not elected in 2008 so did that mean you lost all interest in spending time focused on disabled children? What we seen is pictures (posted on your own Facebook) of yourself enjoying life at the Kentucky Derby, Indianapolis 500, NBA basketball games, car auction parties, sitting next to your Arizona mansion pool flexing your arm, shooting a pistol while sitting on a horse and things like that without disabled Trig.Sarah if you publicly announce at your rallies that you have an interest in helping disabled children then you should have kept your word regardless if you were elected or not.Sarah Palin you are a multimillionaire with the means to help disabled children. But before you help America's disabled children, how about starting with Trig?
Trig was used, now tossed aside. He came in handy for a while, but is too much trouble to take care of. Hopefully someone with a heart is caring for the little guy. That would exclude anyone in the Palin family, obviously. Someone in the know, should blow the whistle on this worthless bag of bones.