Monday, August 05, 2013

Alison Grimes: “If the doctors told Sen. McConnell he had a kidney stone, he would refuse to pass it.” Ooh, I like her!

Courtesy of Freak Out Nation:

The Kentucky Senate race began with a bang this weekend as Alison Grimes (D) looked at Sen. Mitch McConnell (R) at the state’s annual Fancy Farm picnic and said, “If the doctors told Sen. McConnell he had a kidney stone, he would refuse to pass it.” 

Grimes also pointed out that Rand Paul wasn’t in Kentucky, but instead was spending his weekend with his loved ones — the tea party in Iowa.

Well you know how much I wanted Ashley Judd to take on Mitch McConnell but if Grimes continues hitting McConnell in this way, and continues to hold the lead in the polls that she currently enjoy, she might be EXACTLY the kind of candidate that the Democrats in Kentucky actually needed.

I like this poll in particular:

What’s more, controlling for McConnell’s initial edge in name recognition by examining just those voters familiar with both candidates (a group comprising 53% of the likely electorate) reveals that Grimes holds an impressive 15-point lead (53% Grimes, 38% McConnell).

Yep to know little Mitch McConnell, is to dislike little Mitch McConnell.

Like I said, I am really starting to appreciate Grimes, as well as her chances against this troll of a politician.

How I imagine McConnell's fate come election day:

And Yertle the Turtle, the king of the trees,
The king of the air and the birds and the bees,
The king of a house and a cow and a mule…
Well, that was the end of the Turtle King’s rule!
For Yertle, the King of all Sala-ma-Sond,
Fell off his high throne and fell Plunk! in the pond!

And today the great Yertle, that Marvelous he, 
Is King of the Mud. That is all he can see. 
And the turtles, of course… all the turtles are free 
As turtles and, maybe, all creatures should be.


  1. Anonymous2:40 AM

    In all his years in office has he ever done one good thing for our country?
    Please help me despise this smarmy slime ball a little bit less.

  2. Anonymous3:04 AM

    Ol' Mitch has a fight on his hands against this woman!! I have seen dead fish on a slab with more life in their eyes than this man has. He will fight dirty, so maybe Alison could ask "Why were you discharged from the service after only 3 weeks?" There was "an incident in the showers". After seeing the crying and wringing of hands he did when one of his male aides left to take a job a few blocks away, I believe there are lots of "incidents" that he has been involved in. Not that there is anything wrong with that except he has a "wife" and kids. Another family values repub. who has none.

  3. Sally in MI3:33 AM

    I love this woman! And you know how the poor picked upon consevatives are always telling us how we are just jealous of their 'hot' consevative women because liberal women are 'ugly?'Take that, you lying scumbags! This liberal woman is smart, fearless, and quite cute too.

    1. Oh sally!!!! you are a little too excited to finally find a liberal woman who isn't a complete dog..hahahaha you go girl! You all better hang onto her because this is such a rarity. Enjoy bitches!

    2. Oh shit...nevermind sally, I just saw her picture, yeah she's not cute....sorry thought you gals finally had one.

    3. Anonymous7:14 AM

      Beauty fades, dumb is forever! Surely Palin is living proof of that? Intelligent people admire people with BRAINS, so we libs. welcome Alison to our team. Too bad you gop'ers could not have attracted a truly "hot" woman to run with McCain. I think Pamela Anderson is a dem. If you really think you have "hot" women on the gop side, think again. Better yet - name one, just ONE.

    4. Anonymous8:34 AM


      besides being a dipshit you're also quite the dumbfuk, eh

    5. Pamela Anderson????? Hahahahahaha. Yes she screams class! I am glad she is a dem, You can tell she is with her high intelligence and all. Nice one. I've got one for bitch, I'm hot as hell.

    6. Gimp is a troll. But worse for, er, it... Gimp is limp.

    7. Okay everybody....ignore Gimp the Wimp...we all figured out on the Steve Schdmit thread from yesterday that Gimpy is one of Baldy's alter Lou Sarah!

      Poor thing got her flat ass handed to her so badly yesterday that BaldyPac is reduced to trolling on behalf of The Turtle....knowing Baldy's grifting ass...she'll have Tim Crawford send a bill to the Mitch's TurtlePac for payment!

      Amirite Gimpy/Baldy or amirite! LOL!!!

  4. Anonymous3:53 AM

    I think I like her, too. Its high time we get some strong smart women in position to take out these dead fish.

    1. Anonymous6:06 AM

      It would be great to see more strong women (and men) confronting and challenging such losers as: Paul Ryan (budjet chairman/ pretender and mean guy who had no problem helping himself to his deceased father's Social Security for his education though they were a very wealthy family); Eric Cantor (says he's observant but, unlike many other powerful Jews, does not seem to share any feeling for the socially powerless- an opportunist, plain and simple waiting for McConnel to lose, become ill, resign or slip on a banana peel); Marcia Blackburn (sweet talker but evil doer); John Cornyn (in it for the moolah and always has been; has zero compassion and a mean spirit); Peter King (waffles between reasonable and vicious= unreliable); Steve King (just plain racist and stupid- never lets the facts get in his way); Kelley Ayotte (seems to have no principles and pretty much a parrot- i.e. not an original thinker).... AND SO MANY MORE REPUBS!

    2. Anonymous1:46 PM

      Just heard that she is close to the Clintons! That should be a wonderful help. Send her funds to help in her campaign, Americans!

      We need to get McConnell out of D.C

  5. Anonymous4:26 AM

    She may be swell but sorry, the more than shoulder length hair (ie:tits-long, to be crude) does not play well here in the northeast. It's as simple as that.
    Get a haircut (or never be seen without a bun) and you're in, hon.

    1. Anonymous4:47 AM

      Oh please, 4:26.

    2. Anonymous5:39 AM

      What a dumb post... I feel a bit queasy. If Alison were a ale, there would have been no post in fact.

    3. Anonymous5:54 AM


    4. Anonymous1:44 PM

      4:26 You are obviously an idiot! Hair? Give me a friggin' break. Far more important stuff going on in Kentucky and that is getting rid of the obstructionist McConnell!

    5. Anonymous5:37 AM

      I've lived and traveled extensively in the north east my entire life. I also have much much longer hair than most, it falls to below my hips.

      never once has anyone ever told me my hair was too long for me to be taken seriously. the only people who have told me to cut my hair off are those who wanted to buy it off me.

      it's a bit shallow to say us NEers would judge someone based on the length of their hair.

      how silly.


  6. Anonymous6:16 AM

    Ashley Judd had the spunk to go against McConnell, but she also had a lot of baggage and was far more closely associated with Hollywood than with Kentucky.

    Grimes seems to have the same spunk without all the baggage that his campaign would have been overjoyed to attack.

    Although seniority and power are pretty important qualities in a politician, he is so unlikeable and has done so little for Kentucky and the country, I suspect that this will be quite a race once the voters get to know her better.

  7. Anonymous7:45 AM

    And the good news is, he has to slog through a primary before he even faces her!

  8. Anonymous7:57 AM

    Alison Grimes Storms Into Fancy Farm and Turns Mitch McConnell Into a Paranoid Old Man

    Democratic senate candidate Alison Grimes blew into the Fancy Farm Picnic, stared down Mitch McConnell, and left him looking like a directionless and paranoid old man.

    Alison Grimes began by talking about her long name and then said with your help Kentucky in January 2015 you can call me senator. Grimes said that she didn’t have to apologize for having more government experience than Rand Paul. She took a shot at Paul by pointing out that he wasn’t in Kentucky, he was spending his weekend with his loved ones, the tea party in Iowa. Grimes slammed McConnell for trying to gut Medicare. She said,”If the doctors told Sen. McConnell he had a kidney stone, he would refuse to pass it.” She hammered McConnell for being the most unpopular senator among both Democrats and Republicans.

    Grimes said that McConnell is disliked by the voters in Kentucky and in the United States. She said McConnell is at the center of the DC dysfunction. The Democrat said after years of McConnell’s leadership the GOP stands for Gridlock Obstruction and Partisanship. She told McConnell to stop. She called out his empty rhetoric on defending Kentucky coal. She called McConnell on his votes against the Violence Against Women Act, and the Fair Pay Act.

    Grimes called for Kentucky to have a senator that unites all Kentuckians. She said Kentucky women deserve equal pay for equal work, and she will fight to keep the state’s jobs from going overseas.

    The McConnell supporters in the crowd tried to drown Grimes out, but by the end of the speech they were reduced to low murmur, as she had the Democrats in the crowd applauding and chanting along with her.

    After seeing her speak today, it’s clear that McConnell isn’t going to be able to defeat Grimes simply by tying her to President Obama. Grimes is on the offensive, and going after McConnell hard. She also pulled some pages from Elizabeth Warren’s campaign playbook by making a strong appeal to women in the state.

    Sec. of State Grimes has one big thing working for her. She is running on an anti-incumbent message during a time when Congress has never been less popular. She is also running against the ultimate symbol of Republican obstruction and incumbency. The contrast in the two candidates’ speeches was obvious. McConnell talked in paranoid tones about what would happen to Kentucky if he wasn’t reelected. Grimes talked about what she could do for Kentucky as the state’s senator.

    Mitch McConnell Whines That An Invasion of Liberals is Pushing Him Around

    Mitch McConnell is desperately trying to save his job, and he is claiming that liberals are invading Kentucky and pushing him around.

    McConnell offered up no agenda, and no ideas. His speech was about gluing himself to Rand Paul, and spreading more fear of the black president. It was fascinating to watch McConnell try to defuse the charge that he has become too Washington by slapping on his heavy Kentucky accent. McConnell is arguing that his incumbency is a good thing, which will be a tough sell to an electorate that is tired of congressional failure.

    ...Mitch McConnell is continuing his campaign of appealing to Republican paranoia and fear. His debut message for 2014 wasn’t terribly strong. Mitch’s main message seems to be that he is so weak that liberals are coming to the state to push him around. Mitch can’t hold off the liberal hordes by himself, so he needs the help of every ‘Merica loving Republican in the state to save his sorry ass. Sen. McConnell’s ominous warning to Republicans was that if he goes down, they’re next.

  9. Anonymous8:11 AM

    Yertle the Turtle is a perfect description, but I always thought he kind of looked like Mr. Magoo as well.

  10. Anonymous9:13 AM

    Election officials catch dead man donating $100,000 to Sen. Mitch McConnell

  11. Anita Winecooler12:25 PM

    He fired the first volley with the most inanely stupid "What rhymes with Grimes" ad. No substance, just attack her for her name, which inadvertently boosted her name recognition.
    She's taken the bull by the horns at fancy farms, leaving yertle not only a post turtle, but on his back with his arms and legs flailing. He can't just associate her with President Obama's record, as would be expected, no, she's in control, and he has to address the issues on HER terms. She's another Liz Warren.

  12. Anonymous1:30 PM

    People across the nation need to donate to her campaign. You can be sure that the national Republican group will be pouring money into Kentucky!

    We need to get the asshole McConnell out of Washington D.C. FOREVER! He's done nothing but obstruct a do nothing House of the U.S. Congress. He is the majority of the reason they are so poorly rated - 8%. Friggin' amazing!

    Kentuckians - VOTE HIM OUT OF OFFICE!


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.