Sunday, August 11, 2013

California Catholics pray to tree that they believe sheds tears of God. Turns out to be aphid piss.

Courtesy of WPTV: 

As the mid-day sun beat down, a group of parishioners huddled under a tree looking for shade, but seeking a miracle. 

Rosemarie Navarro, a parishioner at a Fresno, California Catholic Church says, "I said my prayer and asked the Lord to give me a miracle cause I'm really, really sick." 

 Navarro counts herself among the believers, a small but growing group that thinks the liquid dripping from this Crape Myrtle tree is the tears of God. 

Parishioner Maria Ybarra says, "When you say ‘glory be to God in Jesus name’ the tree starts throwing out more water." 

On close inspection, arborist Jon Reelhorn agrees, something is falling from the tree in front of St. Johns Cathedral. But it isn't water. 

"The aphides will suck the sap, the sap goes through the aphid and then it is a honey dew excrement from the aphid and it gets so heavy in the summertime that it will drip down," Reelhorn says. 

He calls it a natural process. He also found another tree dripping across the street. 

Perhaps somebody should show these morons a calendar and let them know they are living in the  21st century.

Only religious faith could make people this gullible.

And THIS my friends is why people like Ted Cruz, Michelle Bachmann, and Sarah Palin get elected. Because faith wins over logic every time with some people.


  1. In a country where a grilled cheese with the virgin Mary face sells for $28,000 ( aphid piss is small tomatoes...

    1. Hey, watch what you say about the divine VMFT! The Flying Spaghetti Monster may take offence. And you know where THAT leaves you! -:)

    2. Anonymous5:30 AM

      Pirates - Arghhhhhhhh!!!!!

  2. Anonymous2:49 PM

    This type of idiocy, ignorance and susperstition-believing behavior boggles any rational human. I am beginning to believe the human race is doomed to idiocy resulting in a massive collapse. I am tired of humoring and tolerating such religious fervor, fanaticism or whatever it may be called. If anyone feels the need to inform me about anything even slightly sounding like religious proselytizing I ignore them and consider them emotionally and mentally challenged (and dangerous to the health of the planet).

    1. Anonymous4:31 PM

      You are right. It's embarrassing to be an American when so many of them are dim and gullible and a threat to the the earth.

  3. Randall3:33 PM

    Don't forget George W. "Born Again" Bush.

    GW was born again when he was 40.

    GOD told George W Bush to invade Afghanistan.

    GOD told George W Bush to invade Iraq.

    Yes, indeed - GOD talked to George W Bush.

    ...can we please stop electing people who are insane?

  4. Anonymous3:46 PM

    Remember Father Guido Sarducci on SNL? "Finda the Pope in da Pizza"!

    Also too Carl Hiaasen's book "Lucky You" featured a woman that lived in rural Florida and worshipped an oil stain on the road that "looked like Jesus". She dressed in a wedding dress and met the faithful each day offering them cold sodas and blessings (for donations) until the road stain Jesus was paved over.

    Also there is the South Park episode where Stan's Dad goes to the statue of the Virgin Mary who squirts blood on people's faces from her vagina and cures them of things that are simply in their minds.

    There's cheeto Jesus, and Mother Mary on Toast, dog butt Jesus and best of all, the Shroud of Turin.

    This shit's been going on for a long time now and for some reason there are those that need to believe in it that find it credible and believable. Woe is to them that worship false idols (right, am I right???!!!)

    If miracles were going to happen don't you think that any god who was worth his salt could do better than these shams?

    I realize that all listed examples are somewhat mocking of those that find faith in the weirdest places, but really folks, really?

    1. Anonymous5:44 PM

      And of course, the water-stain Virgin Mary in Paddy's Pub.

    2. Anonymous5:34 AM

      And the shroud thing is hysterical - subjected to actaul testing , it turned our to be a more than century short of age fake. RCC claimed that was because the scientists tests a "repaired part" even though it was the church that chose where to take t he tiny sample from. Now they "won't subject the Holy Shroud" to any further desecration." Liars and fools... BLIND FOOLS! (J.C. with the money lenders - also, Teddy Neeley, JCSS, much more melodically).

  5. Anonymous3:53 PM

    If they are stupid enough to reject science, I say let the aphids piss on them.

  6. Anonymous3:54 PM

    This is hysterical! Thanks for sharing! Catholics don't have a corner on this market though. I saw a youtube video of a Hindu goddess statue that drinks milk from a spoon. (I think it turns out that the clay absorbs the liquid or something.)
    Some where out in the cosmos really smart beings are laughing their asses off at the stupidity of humans.
    Bug piss = god's tears.

    Jesus wept.

  7. Anonymous3:59 PM

    Hey - any journalists out there:
    Hoe is it that a family practice physician pretended to be a high risk OB to a sitting governor? Unqualified, she is said to have INDUCED a high risk pregnancy at an ill equipped hospital, even though she had family practice privileges at a more qualified hospital with a nicu. This inducement, after the doctor said it was not "unreasonable" for Sarah to fly for 1/2 a daY, WHILE LEAKING AMNIOTIC FLUID AND HAVING CONTRACTIONS, IN HER 7TH HIGH RISK PREGNANCY, carrying a DS fetus.
    Unlock this mystery and babygate will be exposed.
    Someone? Anyone??
    Oh yeah - and the sitting governor's friends from church were all over the MatSu hospital board, so mums the word!!

    1. Anonymous4:28 PM

      I think that pregnancy "mystery" has been so thoroughly unlocked that only people capable of confusing aphid piss with "God's blessing" still believe Palin's ludicrous account of the pregnancy that never was.

      Thing is, the woman is so past her sell by date, the general public no longer gives a damn.

    2. Anonymous3:19 AM

      O think you re wrong. Most of the general public D O NOT KNOW the details , becasue they have not been alowwed to reach the mainstream. If the general public knew all that the followers of babygate know, thne there wuld FINALLY be that huge outrage to shut the freak Sarah Palin up and put her away for good. No more TV appearances where she can gloat over lies.
      That is the difference.
      I am right about this.

  8. Anonymous4:25 PM

    Now all they need is a grilled cheese sandwich with the image of Jesus on it and they'll have a full meal. Oh, wait.....never mind.

  9. Anonymous4:30 PM

    so god lets this woman get 'really really sick' and then she begs him for a miracle? so why would god give her a 'miracle' if he made her 'really really sick' to begin with? seems like kind of an asshole move on god's part...

    1. Anonymous6:13 PM

      Love your logic!

  10. Anonymous6:12 PM

    Are you saying the Cruz, Bachmann, Palin pee pee dribbles aren't the tears of god?

  11. Anonymous6:36 PM

    I sincerely hope they drank some of "Gods Tears "(big Smile).

  12. Anita Winecooler6:59 PM

    Find me a tree that cries gasoline (regular unleaded) and I just might convert!!!! Until then, I'll side with the arborist any day. If you're into aphid golden showers, that's your business.

  13. I know I'm going to Hell...this story was reported in my home town...
    I can say I actually know the people in this is scary

  14. Anonymous7:53 PM

    Believers are always looking for a "sign".
    What I don't understand, though, is how these people could think the sticky aphid mess was tears/water. If any of you have ever had aphids in your yard you know what it is like.

    Pat Padrnos

    1. hedgewytch9:08 AM

      ooooh! I'm covered in a sticky, reddish substance that is ruining my nice white gown. Must be tears from God. Let us Pray!!

      LMAO at the incredible stupidity and gullibility of some people.

  15. Anonymous1:45 AM

    Yesterday some columnist, I can't remember his name, referred to Coulter and Malkin as "the Hate Hags". Gotta add Palin.

    "The Hate Hags" just fits.

    1. Anonymous8:24 AM

      Early on in the 2008 VP run for lack of anything good to say about the unknown candidate, everyone kept saying she was a nice woman but, . . .

      We Alaskans knew, she was no nice woman.

  16. hedgewytch8:58 AM

    Oh Jesus H Christ on a piece of toast - oh wait that was last year....

    This is why stupid should be outlawed. This is what comes from "not believing in science". You let bugs piss on you and call it manna from Heaven.

    God(dess) is Laughing their Asses off at these stupid idiots. He/She really does have a wicked sense of humor.

    Just saying.

  17. Tree worshipers?

    Tee hee.

  18. What I wish for these people is that they could acquire more intelligent discernment without losing their faith completely.

    In Chaim Potok's "The Promise," Rabbi Saunders counsels his son regarding ignorant people to "pity them the pain of their ignorance."

    These people are obviously suffering, and they're more to be pitied than mocked.

    Pax et bonum


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