Thursday, August 29, 2013

Christian school made famous when one of their 4th grade tests on dinosaurs turned up on the internet has been forced to close. Well that's one down.

Remember this test?

Well that pathetic example of "science" education was from the Blue Ridge Christian Academy. And that sorry excuse for a learning establishment is now no longer with us:

The media attention resulting from that “outing” seemed to do wonders for them. Answers in Genesis’ Ken Ham encouraged his followers to donate money to the school, and they received donations “ranging in amounts from $1 – $1000.” 

Administrator Diana Baker later said: 
“It is unmistakable that our culture greatly needs well-equipped warriors for Christ. Even though the attack on the school was meant to be harmful, God has used it to provide affirmation regarding the importance of our work. We are hopeful that the recent unexpected interest in our school and in Christian Education will provide support for a future for BRCA.“ 

Turns out God isn’t a big fan of their school. While they ended up raising about $15,000, it was a long way from the $200,000 or so that they needed to keep the place open. 

This month, Blue Ridge Christian Academy announced that they would be closed for the school year.

 I have said before that I believe that parents who send their children to "schools" which teach them this superstitious claptrap are guilty of child abuse.

Once again if you want to teach your children allegorical stories to help them to grow up to be moral adults, that is one thing. But if you pass off the Bible as a source to help explain science or history, well then you are not using it for the purpose for which it was created.

I would like to see the day when there are NO religious based schools in this country, and where every child is afforded access to a proper, and rational, education.

P.S. Before anybody challenges me, NO I don not think that the Bible is a very good source for the teaching of morals either, but I do think it fits better in that category then it does as a textbook.


  1. Anonymous6:53 AM

    Here's what's wrong with that test. Those kids will never get a good score on a SAT or any other test that is used in getting into a good college. They can never dream of a career as a doctor, dentist, nurse or veterinarian.

    1. Anonymous8:09 AM

      Good job Gryphen digging up the redacted Quiz results of Sarah Palin!


    2. Anonymous12:26 PM

      OT: to Conscious at last
      re: pro-vaccine trolls
      COL read this! UNICEF has been scouring the web
      for "anti'vaccine" sites

      I do think some of the nasty people here the other night were from BigPharma.
      I think some of the other trolls after: Kajo, GinaM, Just a Mote are RW'rs doing the divide and conquer BS.
      Its easier to understand these idiots are attacking b/c they are LOSING!

    3. Anonymous1:25 PM

      Wow, 12:26; You guys got whipped by reality, and you just can't let go, can you? You're just digging yourself in deeper and deeper. You sound like Batshit Bachmann shrieking about Gardasil making a girl "retarded".

    4. Anonymous6:55 PM

      Anonymous1:25 PM
      Who is "whipped by reality"?

      Did Sarah Birth TriG?

      Does Big Pharma manipulate the public?

      No and Yes.

    5. Anonymous3:38 AM

      yes, there's certainly no proof that the woo-meisters are livin' large by bilking foolish people like you of their money to buy plain old water to cure cancer.

    6. Anonymous3:42 AM

      12:26; the topic here is a now-defunct Christian school. If you feel so strongly against science, please feel free to never seek any medical attention for any ailment you may have. Avoid penicillin and ibuprofen; that is certainly your right, but you sound unhinged ranting about science on a post about Christian schools.

  2. Anonymous6:53 AM

    What those Christian schools get away with in the name of curriculum astounds me. I went all through Catholic school - grade school to college -- during the 50s & 60s, and got an excellent education. What I was taught was about a grade level ahead of my public school l peers. Oh, there were a few historical facts they glossed over pretty quickly (mostly about the Reformation), but the rest was great, including the science curriculum.

    It is disgusting that what these Christian schools are teaching is so unregulated. I think they should be REQUIRED by law (with testing as accountability) to teach REAL, up-to-date science. If they want to spout their anti-evolutionary crap they can keep it to Religion Class.

    1. Agreed.

      I wasted a bunch of time on the Job reference; I think that was an Old Testament attempt to explain large prehistoric bones; there’s no way a person and a dinosaur coexisted unless Loch Ness monster-types are real.

    2. Anonymous8:09 AM

      I agree about Catholic parochial school education in the 1950's. One big lack was science but we were far ahead of our public school peers in English and about equal to them in math. Oh, and we knew how to pay attention in class, how to write a proper paragraph (weekly book reports helped), and answer questions properly. And we memorized poetry, something I wish children were more exposed to today. I have a very clear memory of drawing a picture to illustrate a poem when I was in first or second grade. There is some truly beautiful poetry for children but no one seems to read it, except for some of us grandmas.

      I went on to public high school, a very good one at that, and my grade school study habits helped me a lot. My lack of science was, and is still, a sadness to me but I don't think I was ever intended to cure any diseases or build any skyscrapers or fly into space. I can appreciate those who do all of those things but I never did like or trust test tubes.

    3. Anonymous11:07 AM

      My catholic high school was harder than college freshman year. I was well prepared. It even had a comparative religion class, but it only showed how the others were wrong lol!! But science and math were great. Hhstory so so. Since i went to college for nursing i really relied on strong science and math skills.

    4. Anonymous3:47 PM

      I was in catholic school grade 4-8 in the 60's. I can not recall a single science lesson although they probably said we did science. My math lessons were a disgrace. But boy oh boy we did phonetics sheets, even though I tested at college level reading at the start of grade 5, I did every f'ing phonetics sheet, mountains of the things.

      The basic problem was the nuns probably graduated from whatever passed for teachers college about 1930. Their goal was to produce female docile breeders that would slave for the parish between pregnancies. Boys were potential priests and thus, we girls were to understand our "place". My 6th grade nun even had all the girls sit at the back of the room.

      Imposing stringent standards on non-public schools should extend to all religious schools, exotic techniques schools, sports-insane schools, home school, private tutors, etc. Every child is entitled to a reasonable curriculum sanely presented. Will that ever happen? Not soon.

  3. Anonymous7:27 AM

    That test questions are amazing! The country is in sad shape not regulating these 'christian' schools. It's the last place I'd put a child of mine!!!

  4. Anonymous7:31 AM

    there is no end to stupid

  5. Anonymous7:32 AM


    Christian schools are part of the 'dumbing down' of our society! It's being done on purpose throughout the nation...

    Our society needs to stay away from the supposed 'christians'! (ie.e the likes of Sarah Palin, Robertson, etc.) Also, it may be a good idea to stay away from FOX as American citizens really need to expand their knowledge and horizons of the world around them.

    Don't be a follower!

    1. Boscoe10:44 AM

      Is it any surprise how much effort the Republicans have put into eliminating federal oversight of schools and killing the public school system in favor of charter schools?

    2. Anonymous10:57 AM

      This is so true. I have a relative who has sent his kids to these schools and they inevitably end up at a Liberty University school because they are not prepared for anything more rigorous. Remember when Bush Jr. peppered the Justice Department with Liberty law school graduates? What a fiasco. They manage in their own little echo chamber but when confronted by the real world they fall to pieces. These schools are guilty of abusing children by not teaching a skill set that is reality based.

    3. Anonymous12:18 PM

      We're dumbing them down to create more meat for the war machine; unquestioning "patriot bots" who won't ask "who, where, what, why" but will blindly go where sent and kill and bomb people. These same dumbed down adults are also too dim to question voting restrictions and other crimes against democracy. Create a nation of fools that question nothing and government can do whatever it wants.

  6. Randall7:47 AM

    Drive them around, point and say "THAT is a 'school'"
    drive some more and point at another building and say "THAT is a church".

    'School' is where we teach things we can prove.
    'Church' is where they teach stuff they wish they could prove.

  7. LoveAndKnishesFromBrooklyn9:26 AM

    What always gets me is that "schools" and "camps" such as this invariably mention "warriors for Christ", especially in reference to young, impressionable kids. I really hope this is a metaphor--but knowing these overwrought dingbats, do they expect these children to arm themselves against non-believers should the "call" go out?

  8. Anonymous10:22 AM

    YAY! There was a christian school in the Valley that had been around for many years. Tuition was rather pricey, yet the school was nearly always in the red. The last two years prior to it closing the teachers were asked to volunteer as there was no money to pay them. Of course they were told that god would want you to do this and he will provide, blah, blah, blah. A remarkable number of teachers remained, unpaid, to teach until the school closed.

    I've known a few people that were unfortunate enough to have attended the now defunct school and one of the best stories I heard was that their principle would often speak in tongues, like during assemblies or sporting events! How fun is that??!!! The kids I knew transitioned into public school by their early high school years and catch up was an absolute bitch, and in fact the ones that weren't as intellectually gifted never really did recover educationally from their christian school experience. What a disservice these parents do their children!

    1. Boscoe10:41 AM

      LOL This sounds like the premise for a sitcom! Man, I would've loved to have a principal that would spontaneously break into speaking in tongues...

  9. Anonymous10:30 AM

    Piper did good on the test!

    1. Anonymous6:22 PM

      Too bad she didn't do well on the test.

  10. Anonymous11:47 AM

    The intolerance/bigotry of the left astounds me.

    1. Anonymous12:15 PM

      If you want to keep your children ignorant and incapable of functioning in "the real world" by all means be my guest. I'd prefer you prepare your kid to be a productive member of society instead of an ill-equipped, underemployed person whom my tax dollars will be used to support, but hey, it's a free country right?

    2. Anonymous12:33 PM

      So, basically, you think it's ok that these kids were being taught outright lies that will only hurt their futures.

      Good to know.

    3. Anonymous9:16 AM

      Why should deliberate stupidity and ignorance be tolerated? Will it help the US to compete with countries who actually teach their children math and science? Do you want American children to work in Chinese factories for minimum wage?

  11. Our Lad3:42 PM

    Yup,I'm a lefty and I'm intolerant and bigoted of and toward fucking morons. I guess that would be you,huh huckleberry? Now have a Coke and a smile and go fuck yourself.

  12. Anita Winecooler6:12 PM

    "Warriors for Christ" cracks me up. Christ was supposed to be all about "peace", "Warriors" kind of tarnishes the brand.


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.