Saturday, August 03, 2013

I have decided to start your Saturday with an overload of cute. I double dog dare you not to smile.

When little Kai took Ellen's hand I was a goner.

It should be illegal to be that damn cute.


  1. Anonymous4:57 AM

    Super Kai! and Ellen, also, too.
    Love (and music) make the world go 'round.
    Many thanks for sharing, Gryphen.

  2. Carli5:26 AM

    OMG! So, so freaking adorable! Even when he forgets the words (probably nervous!).

    Thanks for showing this clip, Gryph! You brought a smile to my face this morning!

    I love Ellen!

  3. Pat in MA5:27 AM

    Adorable! What a great way to start the day, thanks G!

  4. Anonymous6:11 AM

    Very often, children who perform at this age are kind of obnoxious and annoying. THIS little guy, however, is just too cute for words.

    Super Kai!!!

  5. Anonymous9:00 AM

    What a great way to start the day! Kai is absolutely delightful and so darn cute! Love, love, love Kai!

  6. Anonymous9:43 AM

    That was the sweetest thing I have seen in a very long time. Thanks for that, it made my day. And oh, what is this, tears on my face? I must have been cutting onions, yeah, that's it, cutting onions. That's my story and I'm stickin' to it.
    Thanks again for the smiles. I needed that.

    1. Anonymous11:14 AM

      Funny thing...your onions made me cry too. Imagine that!

  7. Anonymous10:08 AM

    The kid is super cute. But he cannot carry a tune in a bucket. As a musician I have to say that not only does his attempts at song hurt my ears, but I'm really tired of seeing little kids being pimped this way when they can't actually sing. It's unfair to them. They grow up thinking how special/talented they are, when really, they're not. It's setting them up for a fall.

    The kid is darling, but he should be singing for grandma or something, not on national TV.

    1. Anonymous1:48 PM

      Do you kick puppies and kittens too? What a sourpuss !

  8. Anonymous12:21 PM

    Thanks Gryphen for sharing. Unbelievably sweet.

  9. Anonymous1:50 PM

    I absolutely ADORE Ellen. she and Lucille Ball have always been my two biggest role models growing up, and still are!


  10. Was his mom singing with him in the background?

  11. Anita Winecooler7:21 PM

    What a cute kid, and yeah, my eyeballs sweat a bit when he reached for her hands. He won't have any problems with the ladies when he gets older, he knows the value of time and flowers at four! Ellen is about the only daytime television show worth watching, she makes people happy and does some fantastic things for people in need.


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It just goes directly to their thighs.