Monday, August 05, 2013

Man assaults little boy for wearing a pink headband and calls him a faggot. If your first thought was "Wal-Mart shopper" give yourself a gold star.

Courtesy of Daily Mail:

The mother of a two-year-old boy has been left shaken after a Walmart customer knocked a pink headband off the head of her son and called him a f****t. 

Katie Vyktoriah claims that her son was verbally and physically abused after she stopped off at the Florida store with her two children on Thursday night. 

Her oldest child Dexter, who loves to dress up - from superhero costumes to sparkly outfits - was wearing his mother's lace flower headband which he had been playing with earlier in the day. 

Ms Vyktoriah was at the check out when a large man with a beard, and wearing tattered shorts and a camouflage shirt, yelled out: 'That's a boy?', according to the Huffington Post. 

He then grabbed the headband and threw it to the bottom of the shopping cart before cuffing Dexter lightly around the side of his head and saying with a laugh: 'You'll thank me later, little man!' 

In her shock and anger that a stranger had touched her child, Ms Vyktoriah told the man: 'If you touch my son again, I will cut your damn hands off.' 

The 31-year-old claimed the man then looked at her child in disgust and said: 'Your son is a f****** f****t. He'll get shot for it one day.

 "A large man with a beard, and wearing tattered shorts and a camouflage shirt." Why am I not surprised by that description?

And as for the little boy getting shot someday, if it happens I have little doubt the gunman will be dressed in similar fashion to this asshole.

I am not sure what is more troubling, this idiot's lack of knowledge about human sexuality, his lack of intelligence when it comes to parenting, or his lack of fashion sense.

You know years ago I worked at a camp that served school age children.

There was one five year old little boy who spent a lot of his time playing in the dress up area rather than with the Hot Wheels, Legos, and Tinkertoys in the other parts of the facility.

He liked to put on pink feather boas, a tiara, and a skirt,  and then twirl around making the skirt fan out around him. Needless to say most of us more or less assumed that he would grow up to be gay, and all of his teachers and his mother were fine with that possibility, and nobody tried to "correct" his play. This was over twenty years ago.

Fast forward to about five years ago when I see this handsome young man walking with his gorgeous wife and newborn son through a local mall.

It took a moment, but I recognized the new father as that same little boy with the feather boa at camp.

Clearly nothing about his youthful play had determined his sexuality,  just like I have no doubt that many young boys playing soldier with their friends, or building model cars with their dads today will someday recognize that they like boys in a way that their peers like girls.

If we have learned nothing else from living in the age of the internet we should realize that human sexuality is very complicated, and that bullying or shaming somebody does not change who they are, it only makes them hide it from the world for fear of being judged or, as this guy threatened, hurt or killed.

Fortunately for this little boy he is growing up in time of increasing acceptance, so if he IS gay he will not have to hide it, He can be who he is and expect to be accepted.

However unfortunately for the guy who assaulted him, being an asshole will ALWAYS be socially unacceptable, and so will wearing camouflage unless you are tracking deer or attending a Halloween party.


  1. Anonymous10:15 AM

    Anyone touching another person's child has crossed a major boundary, and should be held accountable. Call security!

    Camouflage is acceptable in war or hunting. Otherwise, it's a big sparkling symbol of provocation and sexual inadequacy. Men can't show their boobs and their legs, so they dress up in mighty-man macho gear to demonstrate how viral they are. Not.

    Mothers who dress their children in camouflage are training their eyes and minds to admire aggressive masculinity. We're looking at you, Bristol.

    1. Anonymous10:49 AM

      I think that the store security people should have been notified and the assailant (because that is what he was) should have been arrested. Not even Walmart should allow their customers to be treated like that even if by other customers.

    2. Anonymous11:31 AM

      10:15 AM wrote: to demonstrate how viral they are

      Just a suggestion … I think you meant virile.

    3. Anonymous5:04 PM


      this story is either a hoax, or the mother is guilty of gross negligence as she didn't call police or alert store security to call police. Yet she has time to "get a story out of it" for Huffpo.

      NOT buying it.

    4. Anonymous5:05 PM

      Oh puhleez.... camo come sin all colors - including pink. To some of us, it is just another pattern.

  2. I saw this on Friday. That asshat would have had his butt in jail for assault if he did that to my kid.

  3. Anonymous10:25 AM

    Gryph, sorry for the OT, but what is it with republicans and their obsession with all things sexual? They have the emotional maturity of 5th graders laughing at dick jokes.

    The Palin idiot is at it again, linking to a truly awful post at Town Hall.

    "Rubbing the back of Obama..."

    She is disgusting.

    1. Yep...old Baldy is disgusting....but what else she got? Not a fucking thing folks!

      The nasty crone would LOVE to "rub the President's shoulders"...she would also love to :rub up against the President" in addition to if she would love to...."rub OUT the President" and other nasty things she spends her days fantasizing about President Obama!

      Luckily the Restraining Order is in effect and will stay that way as long as Baldy is alive! Amirite Toad or amirite! LOL!!!

      Anyway here's what she shartted on her Fecesbook page....

      "Rubbing the Back of Obama"...

      Media: Your rubbing shoulders with, er, rubbing the back of, Barack Obama may get you access to ask hard-hitting questions like the status of steroids in pro ball (you know that's coming next, while the rest of America notes the real State of the Union and we offer this reply to politicians' take on recent baseball "scandals": Who cares?!), but you still squander opportunities to do a respectable job asking the President what needs to be asked. You continue to embarrass yourself. See the article below:"

      SEE...she's just so damn stupid and predictable! This is for her dumbass bots plus she's part of that GroundSWILL group who all post the same stupid shit! Now that Baldy is involved and the Baldy curse is REAL....she'll be taking this group down into the gutter with her! YAY!!!


    2. Anonymous11:31 AM

      If Sarah is getting off on sexual fantasies, then I would doubt that that MacCain is her imaginary john. She's got it bad for Big O bama.

      If the media was in bed with Obama in 2008, then there were a bunch of flacid old farts um....rubbing shoulders with Sarah. She did love to work the rope line. You Betcha!

      When the campaign found out the who, what, where, and when about the VP pick, the question they most wanted to ask was WHY?

      Sarah, the old phrase in politics is "I'll scratch your back if you'll scratch mine."

      RJ in Brownbackistan

  4. hedgewytch10:31 AM

    If I had been that mother, that man would have been arrested for assault.

  5. Anonymous10:43 AM

    That's the kid in the picture, right? Honestly, I don't think that it's that unusual for a child that young to borrow a headband from his mom.

    I think for some kids, there's just something fascinating about grown-up clothes, and they really don't notice that it's a girly color or whatever.

    My younger, male, cousin used to dress up with me all the time. And trust me, today he's 22 and a dedicated skirt-chaser.

  6. I think it’s just kids having fun and it doesn’t mean much, although boys have always suffered more from cross-dressing than girls. I was a tom boy who helped my dad around the farm and I couldn’t do that very well in a dress. I only recall one serious problem, and that was an intruder disabling the tractor I always used, but I think that was hatred of female independence rather than disapproval of my jeans and sweatshirt. It’s a good thing Dad never found the creep.

  7. Anonymous10:53 AM

    Florida..... Ha Ha surprise there. Wish a giant sink-hole would suck down the entire state.

    1. Anonymous11:32 AM

      Love you too!

    2. deebee1:44 PM

      Florida IS a floating sinkhole shaped like a turd.
      I'm hoping Bermuda Triangle.

    3. Anonymous2:11 PM

      There's a reason it's spelled "FloriDuh"

    4. Anonymous4:29 PM

      Yes, there are major assholes in FL who bully children and even kill them, which of course never happens in any of the other states, so you wish for the whole state to sink into the ocean and kill all the children AND the adults. Brilliant. I don't have a lot of love for my home state right now but it's not like we all run around punching babies who look gay or shooting black kids for walking down the street. But hey, whatever makes you feel superior...

    5. Anonymous8:53 AM

      Floriduh elected Rick Scott. Floriduh elected Jeb Bush. Floriduh elected Marco Rubio. Floriduh houses "the villages" need we say more?

  8. An European Viewpoint11:04 AM

    Good for the mother to stand up for her son, and to make this "man"'s awful behaviour very public.

    Having a 7-year-old boy who is currently testing those same limits, I'll admit I'm always making sure he never steps out in public in too girly an attire - I don't want his father to learn about such play by other people, he's a real asshole, and he's of course slightly homophobic - the kind of man who loves to laugh at other parents for having gay children.

    Other parents out there in the same situation ?

    1. Anonymous5:08 PM

      really? she DIDN't stand up for her kid by pressing charges. THAT is the problem.

    2. Anonymous11:37 PM

      I hope you and your son's father are no longer together.

    3. An European Viewpoint12:32 PM

      @11:37 No, we're divorced. He left for older (but more bourgeois) pastures 5 years ago. Yay !

  9. Anonymous11:05 AM

    Crazy assed Cracker!

    RJ in Brownbackistan

    1. Anonymous2:52 PM

      Nailed it.

    2. Anonymous4:31 PM

      OMG why are you so racist?! You MONSTER! *clutching pearls and looking for the fainting couch* lol

  10. Anonymous11:06 AM

    I have commented on this post on Huffington post and the comments i received in return were vile. It is interesting how some see absolutely nothing wrong with it. I was even accused of not raising children ready for the real world if they couldn't handle a little criticism. I ma 7 months pregnant and if anyone dared lay a finger n my child their had there had better be a forest ranger around because i will go momma bear on them and protect my little cub.

  11. Anonymous11:25 AM

    That piece of shit thinks he's the pinnacle of Manhood? Ewwww.

    I'd have called the cops or gotten that man banned from that Walmart for laying hands on my child. And threatening with a 2nd Amendment 'remedy,' for what is now a legally protected right, to be who we are in sexual orientation.

  12. You missed the most shocking, or disgusting, aspect of this story.

    Not ONE shopper at Walmart said or did one thing. They did not say anything to the man about his unacceptable behavior. They did not go to the woman or child and say one consoling thing. They did not do anything to stop this or to report this or, well, anything.

    This woman's child was assaulted and she and her boy were ignored.

    Suffice to say, had this happened in any store I shop at within my hearing distance or sight lines, this "man" would have been verbally beaten, reported and hounded out of the store. I don't take kindly to child abuse. And this man was abusive.

    1. Anonymous4:35 PM

      Come on now,down here the white man rules and everyone else (women, children, and minorities) is just a target for their rage...makes me sick.

    2. Anonymous5:09 PM

      I think the story is that - a story, a hoax. No film, nothing, nada. She didn't go to store management? BS.

    3. Anonymous11:39 PM

      You seem very intent on making everyone think this story is a hoax.

    4. Anonymous8:55 AM

      Yep. and now that we have an update where she admits exaggeration at best. Your apologies and thanks are accepted.

    5. And now we have an update where it has been reported to the Polk County Sheriff's department.

      "The Polk County Sheriff's Deputy has just left our home, and all information about the original Wal Mart incident and the ongoing harassment has been documented and is being dealt with. I have been advised NOT to say any more about the situation, as the investigation is ongoing, so thank you all for your support, but I am going to be offline for the next while until all of this is resolved."

      Anonymous seems to think any exaggeration equates with "it never happened". Must live in Texas considering the utter disrespect he shows to women in general and this mother in particular.

  13. Anonymous11:34 AM

    I guess that since the mom threatened the perp with cutting off his hands, at that point he could have shot her. You know, Florida and stand your ground and all.

  14. First of all, nothing good can come from shopping at Walmart.
    Second, if I were that Mom, that homophobic child abuser would be so sorry that he touched my child.

  15. This brought to mind a very special website by a mom for parents of little boys who like pretty things.

  16. padoreva12:22 PM

    Beautifully written post. Love your writing.

  17. Anonymous1:43 PM

    WalMart is simply a symptom of what is wrong with America today. I haven't shopped in a Walmart for 15 years, and even then I just purchased a hose for my faucet. I'm not sure why people choose "quantity over quality" but I must ascertain that the poor feel "rich" in a Walmart because they can buy more stuff, even if that stuff is crap. I love how Walmart is pushing their fresh meats and steaks now, and when I saw online what they were charging per pound for "walmart meat" it wasn't much less than I get at MatValley meats or other butchers. Plus, most Walmart employees don't even make enough dollars to not have to rely on federal assistance. How can this make sense in our society; the largest chain marketer in America won't pay enough to allow their employees NOT to live off the Government Teat?

    What a strange country we live in.

  18. Anita Winecooler1:49 PM

    I read the linked article and the mother's blog post. While her son was being physically and verbally assaulted, no one, not ONE person came to her defense. She has a two year old and an infant. This woman has a lot more grace and dignity than I could muster. She's NOT pressing charges nor seeking compensation etc.
    I don't think this bigot can be "reformed", but feel he SHOULD be punished and publicly shamed. He's a time bomb and doesn't deserve a chance to do this again.
    Your observations are spot on, Gryphen. Children of both sexes play and role play as part of their normal development, and none of their "choices" have anything to do with sex, gender, preference and sexuality.

    1. Anonymous5:11 PM

      Pressing charges is what she should have done. what the man did was criminal.. By NOT pressing charges she is complicit. But she DID get paid as a Huffpo contributor - right?

    2. No, she doesn't get paid for Huffpo reposting her blog entry.

      And grabbing her kids and going home isn't any different than a rape victim that goes home to take a shower. Shock will do that.

      She's reported it to the Polk County Sheriff. I'm sure if there is security footage at Walmart it will be reviewed. If false, she'll be charged for making a false report. If true, I'm sure nothing will come of it as the sheriffs aren't likely to take much time to pursue camo-dick for taking a girly headband off a 2 year old boy and then predicting the boy will be shot if he doesn't man up.

      Must be a Walmart in TEXAS since they have only disdain and contempt for women.

  19. Notice how cowards choose to assault the weakest target. He did not say to the mother "That headband makes your son look gay." Instead he whacked the kid and hoping he would cry. When forced to respond to the child's mother, he sinks even lower and alludes to the child being shot.

  20. Anonymous2:51 PM

    Hard to believe you recognized him as an adult if you hadn't seen him at all in-between the first encounter and the last one.

    1. He actually looked almost exactly the same. Just an older, taller version.

      Still I wasn't sure until the baby's mother called his name.

  21. Anonymous2:58 PM

    What normal mother would allow their son to go out with a pink headband.
    She must be trying to ensure he grows up as a faggot

    1. If you're going to troll you need to up your game.

      Much too obvious.

    2. Anonymous4:43 PM

      Who knew the color of our clothing and accessories determines our sexuality? Is that in the Bible somewhere? Oh wait why am I asking you, I'll bet you're a devout Christian which means you've never read the fucking thing. Asshole.

    3. You didn't read the article on HP. That was the last of several "battles" getting out the door. I shouldn't have been a big deal.

    4. Anonymous7:20 PM

      Yeah, cuz no two year old kid ever gets laid if he's wearing something pink of his mom's.

      Weak story but I have actually heard idiots say stupid things similar. But they usually got punched in the mouth and were too embarrassed to do anything but walk away. Let's just say that there's a reason for some stereotypes, and ignorant homophobes who are actually turned on by gay porn is a valid stereotype. The damnedest thing is... they're always *conservatives*.

  22. Anonymous3:26 PM

    Hi Gryphen, regular reader here. If this story is true it would be disgusting to the core. Unfortunately it has came out that in the very least it was stretched if not fabricated.

    "It gets better" group is asking this blogger to basically stop repeating this false story because it draws attention away from children that are truly abused and bullied.

    She has admitted on her facebook page that she may have exaggerated the circumstances to make them more literary.

    Simply taking her account into consideration she did not stand up to this man. He suffered zero consequences for abusing her son. She notified NO ONE including store security or the police leaving this man to assault some other child. She now is saying on her facebook page that she can no longer talk about it because she has finally called the police and they are investigating.

    While I am certain that people like this surround us everyday I don't want to be suckered in to feel sympathy or outrage when the story isn't true...kinda like good old Zimmerman "rescuing" the family from a burning car or Palin selflessly giving birth to a DS child.

    1. Well gee thanks for your "concern" but it appears to me that this woman has been harassed and hounded right off the internet.

      Some of those attacks can be seen right here in the HuffPo piece:

      I am having a hard time understanding why people would attack her even if she did exaggerate her story which I am not sure she did.

    2. She's a liar by her own admission. Fabulism is her thing. Read her blog for some insight. None of this story is true aside from the fact that she has a kid.

      It's a load of BS created to pander to the ideologically gullible; those that need affirmation of their biases.

      Just read the other comments here to see how it caters to their prejudices.

    3. Anonymous4:49 PM

      Yes, the horror of possibly empathizing with victims of harassment and assault do give one pause. We've got to stop feeling sorry for people who are treated this way. That baby is probably a socialist anyway and it's high time he got a job. He should be ashamed, mooching off his mother like that. Jesus what the fuck is wrong with people.

    4. Anonymous5:15 PM

      "I am having a hard time understanding why people would attack her even if she did exaggerate her story which I am not sure she did."

      Let me explain - she had a number of avenues to "make the world a better place." Stories like this become entrenched urban legends - try reading the REAL Kitty Genovese story sometime. then it's the boy who cried wolf syndrome. when someone pulls this shit, they set back a real movement decades. What, she couldn't dial her cellphone to the police?

    5. So you're saying that because she didn't notify anyone and didn't stand up to this man it never happened?

      Did he remove the headband from her child? If so, that ALONE is unacceptable.

      Did he gently cuff or in any way touch her child? If so, that ALONE is unacceptable.

      Did he make any comment alluding to what would happen to her boy if he didn't stop dressing like a "faggot" or any similar derogatory language, involving future violence upon his person or not? If so, that ALONE is unacceptable.

      I can't believe how people are stepping up to defend this Deliverance Dick and attack this mother.

      Has everyone suddenly become TEXANS?

    6. Anonymous6:35 AM

      I was assaulted by a crazy woman at the grocery store.

      She smashed her cart into the back of my heel in purpose. I was in flip flops so there was nothing to protect my ankle.

      I was in such shock I moved away from her just to get Away. A store worker approached me and said he saw the whole thing, did I want to get the manager?

      Honestly, u was in shock and pain and just left the store so u could go home.

      Shock is real. .

      I would probably just try to get my kids home to safety first.

  23. Anonymous4:02 PM

    Trust me Gryph, I don't think she deserves to be harassed even if she stretched the truth and the comments on huffpro are disgusting. But being someone that has to go through the atrocity that happens to children deemed "different" her story did hit a nerve with me.

    This woman whom puts herself out there as a champion and detest titles sure does like to use them herself. Her story straight from her blog was littered with sterotypes of older women, young teenage girls and of course the vile camo wearing beer stinking villain. A story that she has since removed.

    I want people to know that things like this happen, I need people to know it...but not this way. It has to be true and stand the test of reasoning for it to be an effective teaching tool.

    You have to ask yourself does the story make sense? Would this woman allow a man to hit her child and not say a word then turn around and blog about it? Stories that seem implausible just gives fuel to the bigoted masses.

  24. Anonymous7:39 AM

    She should have clearly labeled it as a hypothetical then. She's a fame-whore liar otherwise.


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It just goes directly to their thighs.