Saturday, August 10, 2013

OCD love.

This is a little disconcerting at times but watch it to the end, and you will be rewarded. With tears.

I have worked with people who suffer from OCD in the past and can attest to how accurate this is, and how heartbreaking it is to see them lose somebody who could finally see them through the tics and obsessions that often make them very difficult. if not impossible, to love.


  1. I smiled.I laughed,then my allergies kicked..damn,
    just damn

  2. Anonymous7:20 AM

    No words. I just know that so many suffer in so many different ways, and we need to love one another.

  3. Anonymous7:34 AM

    I recently left working in an assisted living facility (loved the residents, hated the corporation that ran the place--all about the $$). One of our residents was clearly suffering from OCD and had all the classic symptoms--hoarding specific items, constantly checking to see if her door was locked, and cracked, bleeding hands from all the washing.

    My background is in psychology, and I reported my suspicions to our head of nursing (an LPN btw). The resident's brother-in-law, a retired MD, wouldn't hear anything about it. It was all part of her "dementia."

    Our facility discharged the resident to a mental hospital when she smacked someone who was messing with her toilet paper stash. So sad.

  4. Well, he's no Tom Bodett--for goodness sake.

  5. Is that real? Regardless in sitting here in tears.

  6. Anita Winecooler6:42 PM

    Tears here as well. Love hurts for everyone, but I can't imagine having OCD and dealing with that void.

  7. Anonymous7:57 PM

    My husband has OCD. I wish more than anything I could help it go away, it's really hard. It came on with a vengeance the week before I found out I was pregnant with our first child. When she was born he barely noticed as he was consumed by some dust in the corner of the hospital room. We continue to work at keeping things stable and overall he does pretty well now but doctors say we just have to accept it will never be cured. We've been together 25 years and although I hate the disorder, Im lucky to be with such a wonderful man and look forward to the next 25. And yes.... He makes me late to work :-).


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