Monday, August 12, 2013

Sarah Palin slobbers all over John McCain's newly rigid opinion concerning President Obama.

Courtesy of the Arizona Snowbird's ghostwritten Facebook post:

John McCain is right about Obama completely underestimating Putin’s intensions and autocratic unwillingness to put people before his political power. 

As Senator McCain noted today: “The president comparing [Putin] to a kid in the back of a classroom, I think, is very indicative of the president’s lack of appreciation of who Vladimir Putin is. He’s an old KGB colonel that has no illusions about our relationship, does not care about a relationship with the United States, continues to oppress his people, continues to act in an autocratic fashion.” 

Senator McCain is also right in his assessment of Obama’s absurd claim that al Qaeda is on the run despite the evidence to the contrary with the closure of diplomatic posts in Yemen due to terror threats from APAQ. As McCain said, “You can’t say you’ve decimated the core of al Qaeda and at same time have to close these posts.” 

I respect Senator McCain’s stance on Russia, al Qaeda, and foreign threats. Our current president would be wise to hear Senator McCain on these real security threats and to finally start prioritizing our tax dollars to fund our nation’s real national security needs instead of growing the Obama nanny state. 

- Sarah Palin


The ONLY reason that McCain is slapping Obama's wrist right now is because of the rumors of their "bromance" and fears that he will lose credibility with the lunatic fringe of the Right Wing if he doesn't. The President even predicted on the Tonight Show that it would be bad for John McCain for him to say nice things about their relationship.

And who CARES what Palin has to say about President Obama (Who she clearly lusts after while acting like she hates his guts), John McCain (Who Palin has some sort of mutual agreement not to smear), or Putin?(Who Palin based her foreign affairs credential on the fact that he "rears his head into Alaska airspace" and she could see his country from her porch.)?

 The only thing other than foreign relations that Palin is less qualified to express an opinion on would be appropriate parenting. Essentially she knows absolutely NOTHING about diplomacy and NOTHING about what goes on when the leaders speak without cameras present.

And as for John McCain? Well we all remember that in 2007 Mccain was asked about dealing with Iran that he sang  bomb bomb bomb, bomb bomb Iran. Which essentially demonstrates HIS ability to interact diplomatically with troubling nations.

You know I find it humorous that when McCain is getting criticized by the Teabaggers that Palin doesn't make a peep, but let him do something that seems like an unreasonable attack against the President and there she is rubbing her metaphorical boobies all over his face again.

It makes me wonder just WHO has dirt on WHOM.


  1. Anonymous6:25 AM

    who cares what rah-rah thinks when she doesn't even write her own posts?

    1. Sarah STILL doesn't get the meaning of what being a libertarian or a true conservative means in the way of a non-interventionist foreign policy. Instead of speaking softly and carrying a big stick, she screeches her nonsense as loudly as possible and has Tahhhhd carry her purse. She'll never be anything more than an ankle biter--- of the mosquito variety, definitely not a pit bull.

    2. Anonymous3:11 PM

      Could she be kissing McCain's a$$ B/C Malia Littmen just sent a letter to him about "Captain Zero" pimping?

      I think that's more likely. But still why DOES McCain protect her? Her protection comes from HIGH up?

  2. Anonymous6:50 AM

    I think that President Obama understands Putin much better than George W. Bush ever did. Remember when Bush looked into Putin's eyes and saw his soul and decided that he was a good guy? And John McCain is almost as jealous of the president as Sarah Palin is. And almost as crazy.

    1. Anonymous9:16 AM

      Yes, how many Republicans are now saying, "we agree with former President George Bush: we looked into Putin's eyes, and we can see his soul" – and then, as a consequence, as Bush did, decide to trust Putin? The GOP is so mentally sick now they would refuse to even admit that this happened, though Bush is on videotape saying it for all the world to see and hear.

  3. Anonymous6:53 AM

    She is so offensive. Who the F does she think she is? I'm sure she didn't know Putin was KGB "colonel" and I'm damn sure she couldn't find Yemen on a map.

  4. Anonymous6:54 AM

    Her IQ is 83 & her speechwriter's is 123. They'll coattail anyone. Her followers' collective IQ is in that 40 pt. span. Maybe McCain's, too.

  5. Anonymous6:58 AM

    Sarah is a mentally ill drug addict with anorexia. She faked her pregnancy with Tri-G. He is not her biological son. Her entire family is a failure. They don't work and are lazy slobs. Her fake husband is a pimp who abuses women. Her family hates her guts and is responsible for not intervening and intentionally are keeping her sick so they can leech more money off her through the poor suckers who donate to SarahPAC.

    Sarah is nothing more than a puppet who is easily manipulated. She is obsessed with President Obama because he is black and he ignores her. She is in love with him.

    1. Anonymous7:35 AM

      All good, but didn't you misspell intensionally?

    2. Anonymous9:41 AM

      Hey, Anon 7:35 -- Look up 'intentionally' - be sure to use the correct spelling!

    3. Anonymous9:56 AM

      Very succinct description of Sarah Palin, thank you.

    4. Anonymous11:29 AM

      Hahahahaha---Can't anyone here spell *intensionally* correctly at this De-funked blog?

      I stand with Sarah Palin, and if she says spell it *intensionally', then that's how it's spelled. Sarah does not make mistakes. She spelled it that way intensionally.

      Leg-Humping PeeBot on Duty

      P.S WTF are these red squiggly lines that are causing such a squirmish under my words here?

  6. Anonymous6:58 AM


    1. Anonymous9:50 AM

      And where is his birth certificate?

    2. Anonymous3:30 PM

      And why did Dr. Cathy Baldwin Johnson fake being a high risk OB for Sarah. A family practice physician can not be a high risk OB, unless she practices in really remote areas AND has undergone frequent continuin medical education. Which, CBJ did not have. AND, her malpractice insurance didn't cover her as a high risk OB.
      Unravel or follow up on this little wrench in Sarah's plan and the whole babygate comes undone!!!

  7. Anonymous7:02 AM

    Lol picture goes with post title

    1. Anonymous7:34 AM

      Oh yeah, she definitely polished that old weenie. Todd has it on tape, I suppose. Come over here Bristol girl, let me learn you something.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. Typo!

      I think Todd or Greg West provided hookers for McCain himself during campaign 2008.

      He cheated with Cindy on his wife Carol, and he's cheated on Cindy since. Its no secret - so why not during a "stressful" campaign? That's what I think Palin has on him.

    4. Anonymous10:11 AM

      McCain has always cheated, not only on women and wives. By this time in that marriage Cindy has an arrangement. She also takes lovers. Why not? She is attractive and due to the deal she is not going to divorce him and make waves in his political career. He must be on committees and have influence. He needs to be in position to block and manipulate investigations and such. What else has he carved out for himself?

  8. Anonymous7:03 AM

    "John McCain is right about Obama completely underestimating Putin’s intensions and autocratic unwillingness to put people before his political power."

    "Intensions" is not a word, no matter how much tension there might be between the US and Russia. Maybe Palin means "intentions."

    "Senator McCain is also right in his assessment of Obama’s absurd claim that al Qaeda is on the run despite the evidence to the contrary with the closure of diplomatic posts in Yemen due to terror threats from APAQ."

    What organization is Palin talking about when she writes "APAQ"? Adapted Physical Activities Quarterly? Association des propriétaires d'autobus du Québec? Maybe she mixed up the letters of "AQAP"
    Al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula.

    It's Palin who loves to point to the so-called lamestream media, telling them to stop making things up. I suggest that if the journalism major wants to write a column for her Facebook, she should proofread it, the way she was taught in school when she got her degree (LOL). And, she should also check her facts first, as she was taught in school (LOL, again).

    1. I was waiting for somebody to notice the word "intensions."

      Even WITH a ghostwrite she's a moron.

    2. Anonymous7:21 AM

      you just made me smile. thanks.

    3. Anonymous9:39 AM

      Gryphen, according to the Tea Party, I think that they spell the word "moran."

    4. jcinco11:15 AM

      "intensions" effin' birdbrain..she must be inducing vomiting or something as she broke away from reading the comments here to miss everyone catching that. It's still misspelled on her fakebook page..3..2...1 before she hops on & corrects it and pretends it never happened..wait, didn't her brother say it was impossible to correct typos on fakebook, she'll have post a whole new idiotic scree regarding how her keyboard is sticky and it's impossible to correct typos..blah, blah, blah..I refuse to have a fb, can someone who does go ask her what "intensions" are??

    5. fromthediagonal1:31 PM

      jcinco... don'tcha know that intensions are the opposite of outtensions? AHEM!

  9. Outside of intellect, I don’t think Obama and Putin can find much common ground. This may be one of those agree-to-disagree relationships. They’ll be polite but mostly avoid each other, and I wouldn’t be surprised if Putin had a streak of racism. He seems to have homophobia. He’s some years older than Obama, growing up in less tolerant times, very hard knocks and militaristic, certainly not a professor. He genuinely liked Clinton, considered Bush a clown, and now eyes Obama critically. We’ll see.

    1. Anonymous7:52 AM

      It's really going to be interesting to see how the world countries handle the upcoming winter Olympics that will be held in Russia. Putin is anti gays and has put a new law into effect regarding them - arrest and jail!

      If I were a gay athlete planning to attend the upcoming event, I'd be very nervous. President Obama is still promoting their attendance, but is focused on all the work and practice the athletes have done to be able to participate. I would suspect there will be security for them.

      Putin knows he'd better not allow his police force do anything to hurt any of the participants. Wonder how many countries will NOT let their athletes attend? This will be interesting to watch. Could the winter Olympics be moved at this late date?

      Remind anyone of prior to WWII and the fact Hitler was anti Jews, blacks and gays?

    2. Anonymous9:29 AM

      The Russian Olympics facilities are mired in scandal and corruption as well. They are overdue, over-budget, poorly constructed (buildings, built by unpaid migrant workers, are literally collapsing), and many of the facilities amenities most likely will not even work properly. Due to cronyism, Putin decided to locate them in an area near the Black Sea (Sochi, an old Stanlin-era warm-weather resort) that is warm and doesn't get enough snow. Putin will be internationally disgraced during these Olympics once this is all on camera. As of now, for all the foregoing reasons, Russian police forbid curious journalists to even go near the facility, forcing their cars off the road if they try.

    3. Anonymous12:55 PM

      There's much discussion afoot to move the games to Vancouver.

    4. Anonymous1:22 PM

      Shit. There goes men's figure skating, and pairs and dance. As a former long time competitor i know more men are gay than not in this sport.
      Is there realky talk of moving to Vancouver?

  10. Anonymous7:04 AM

    Nom nom nom gulp ahhhhh

  11. Anonymous7:10 AM

    Someone please break Palin's jaw so that a dentist could wire her jaw shut and we'd not hear her voice w/her unknowing words for a good number of weeks!

    We all know she knows zero about anything - even less about foreign affairs! Sincerely wish Putin would kidnap her and put her in their prison system somewhere in their very, very cold country for Americans and the world never to hear from her again EVER!

    1. Anonymous7:57 AM


    2. Anonymous8:30 AM

      Any harm in her burnt, split end head would only elevate her in their estimation. I actually don't wish her or her ilk any harm, just white harmless noise.

    3. Anonymous9:22 AM

      The woman deserves the wrath of God being the 'fine' Christian woman that she projects herself to be! Hell awaits her!

    4. Anonymous9:58 AM

      A couple of pair of socks will do just fine. Take her false teeth out and jam them in good.

    5. Anonymous3:52 PM

      Please, lets not harm this idiot. We need to keep her around for a bit. With this ignorant Bitch on the scene, the GOP will continue to be a political laughing stock. Now she is endorsing Rand Paul, and Ted Cruz. You gotta love it.

    6. Anonymous5:05 PM


    7. Anonymous5:07 PM

      Anonymous3:52 PM

      Please, lets not harm this idiot. We need to keep her around for a bit. With this ignorant Bitch on the scene, the GOP will continue to be a political laughing stock. Now she is endorsing Rand Paul, and Ted Cruz. You gotta love it.
      Nope! Sick and tired of it. PBO is the most disrespected POTUS EVAH and it started with this bitch during the campaign, "he's not like us..."
      I say Clean house get rid of her First and foremost and the rest will fall like dominoes!

  12. Anonymous7:12 AM

    I suspect that President Obama is reading Putin pretty damned well. The guy looks like one creepy dude! He and Palin fit together beautifully as to their nasty attitudes!

  13. Randall7:20 AM

    Its becoming near to pathetic how Sarah Palin is struggling via relevance.

    1. Anonymous8:41 AM

      Isn't it, though? We know Banister being called Australia's Sarah Palin got DEEP under her skin so now she's grasping for anything.

  14. Anonymous7:29 AM

    John McCain: so stupid he chose Sarah Palin as his running mate. Lost credibility for it.
    Mitt Romney: chose Paul Ryan as his running mate.

    I don't think the GOP really wanted to win.

    If they did, they should have chosen less divisive candidates.

    Sarah Palin would crap her pants if she ever came face to face with Putin.

  15. Anonymous7:30 AM

    One of these days either John McCain or a GOP senior is going to bust open Sarah's big closet of secrets. She is daring them to. She has been DARING media and anyone to come and unveil her and Todd's secret life.

    Usually when people DARE powerful people, they are pretty assured they have the over-riding power over everyone else. Normal criminals would just be glad they've overcome the hurdle of investigation and stay quiet. But not Sarah Palin. Instead of retrieving, she lunges ahead and DARES anyone to try to take her on.

    Either she, like a psychopath, enjoys the dare of her perceived enemies and wants to get into a public fight (a la Trump), or her mental illness is forcing her to react in a way that she wishes that all her lies would be exposed; she's so obsessive for any attention that even if media exposed some awful things about her, it would relieve her from her attention/need withdrawal symptoms.

    Maybe she secretly wants out of the marriage with Todd and wants media to expose HIM. I'm sure she has a plan all in place and excuses all listed as to make her the victim in all this. I wonder if this is why she's making herself so accessible these days, on facebook, and providing photos of her happy shiny family life. If Todd's activities were revealed, she could then show media all those happy family times and claim shock and innocence.

    1. Anonymous8:16 AM

      I personally think Sarah Palin was part of Todd's prostitution ring in Alaska! I think she was aware of it, supported it and used it (along w/Todd) for the people supporting her politically, the Anchorage cops, FBI members, Secret Service guys, etc.

      Shaily Tripp's book ("Boys Will be Boys") reflects specifics as to names and phone numbers and they were found to be accurate upon review and verification.

      I think that after McCain dies that more and more facts will come out about the Palin klan....people (to include in Alaskans) will stop covering up for them!

    2. hedgewytch8:37 AM

      Yep. Sarah most certainly knew about the whole thing. And I'm certain they have kept all sorts of notes on who was "serviced".

      McCain also has a nice fat file folder on Palin. You can bet you ass they have a mutual destruction agreement.

    3. Anonymous10:20 AM

      Sarah could be a martyr as the "innocent" wife of a pimp. He'll be compensated if he goes along with her version. She could also swing a story about how she had to fake pregnancy that could make her seem courageous and strong in the face of some horror she was protecting her cubs. She probably has it all lined up. She can get rid of Todd and come clean on her fraud in such a way she will be a heroine instead of a criminal. Todd will go down but save her ass. McCain will again come out smelling like a rose and Todd will get off light due to a technicality.

    4. Anonymous11:41 AM

      Let's hope there's more justice than that at the end of this reality show.

    5. Frank bailey, the little bitch, gave accounts of Todd and the corrupted insufferable dummy running cons in Ak. She is not what we need.

  16. Anonymous7:31 AM

    "As Putin rears his head, and uh comes into uh the air space of the United States of America, where do they go? It's, it's Alaska, it's right over the border. And it's from Alaska that we send those out to make sure that ... blablablaaaa

    Malia Litman pointed out that just ONE of the hundreds of Youtubes with stupid Palin answers has had 4 million views. Sarah's abject ignorance has gone global - this must be what those sad freaks at the pond call her 'foreign policy' experience.

    Remember when we looked forward to 2012 so that we could laugh as Bigmouth Sarah let down her cult after fleecing them for years? Remember how we knew that the moment the 2012 votes were counted they'd start bleating about her running in 2016?

    And now she rarely even gets her name in the papers - and when she does it's only because people are laughing at her. She'll never - ever - live down her 2008 campaign but least we'll always know what the best-dressed two-bit hookers are wearing.

    1. Anonymous8:43 AM

      Best dressed? She's donned some pretty gaudy get-ups!

    2. A. J. Billings8:50 AM

      The 2008 campaign was just so entertaining watching Our $arah fuck up literally everything she touches and gaffed her way to permanent infamy and a rich vein of comedic gold.

      My favorite moment in "Game Change" the movie,
      where $arah was in the stairwell, and she screams out in despair at Nicole Wallace, "YOU'VE RUINED ME IN ALASKA!".

      I'd pay a large amount to have that actual moment on video tape, so we could enjoy the schadenfreude.

      As though any rational Alaskan didn't already know exactly what a lazy grifting harpy bitch she is while persecuting Trooper Wooten, faking a pregnancy, and grifting her way to the Governor's office.

    3. Anonymous10:13 AM

      At the 8:04 mark, A.J.!

  17. Anonymous7:39 AM

    And taking false calls from comedians impersonating the French Prime Minister. The dumb ass actually believed, that she was important enough for any head of state to call her. Stupid, thy name is Bitch.

  18. Anonymous7:43 AM

    She is the bitch with a hitch....she lashes on to anyone and anything that would give her publicity.She can never write or say anything on her own.

    1. Anonymous8:44 AM

      "Bitch with a hitch." PERFECT.

    2. Anonymous10:55 AM

      Yeah man, the Bitch title is spreading. So fitting, so just.

  19. Anonymous7:54 AM

    "McCain is right."

    McCain, must be thrilled with his 'A' grade on Palin's Russia/Putin/al Qaeda/foreign threat pop quiz after failing her immigration reform, NSA, and Paul/Cruz exams. Or he may resent the bitchy tone coming from such an empty head.

  20. Anonymous8:21 AM

    Still living in her 2008 pageant Miss USA VP candidate glory days. Her crown was stolen and she has to remind herself and her pond frogs that she rubbed shoulders with the 'elite' in Washington.

    1. Anonymous2:57 PM

      That's 3 pageant crowns the Bitch has lost. Miss Alaska in 1984, Republican VP election in 2008, QUITTING as 1/2 term governor of Alaska in 2009, and fired as a on air pundit for FAUX news in 2012-2013. What an impressive resume. (Ha,Ha). "Nobody puts baby in the corner".

  21. Anonymous8:47 AM

    Sit down and shut up, Lil' Sarah. The adults are talking.

  22. O/T but relevant to Palin:

    This is what horrible people like Palin think is just fine for Americans. The true death panels that operate every day and that republicans want to see continue to operate like this with impunity.

  23. As far as I'm concerned, that was the absolute highlight of her 'career'. Has never been topped. Seven Day Pregnancy, The Great Turkey Pardon, Dirty Clothes/Big Shoes event, the Crossout McCain Hat, 'in what respect, Charlie', the Paul Revere History -- none of that even comes close to The Phone Call.

  24. Anonymous8:54 AM

    Hey, not to toot my own horn, but I've got a master's degree from one of those brainiac, elite East Coast universities, and have worked in journalism -- real, now-old-fashioned print journalism -- for 40 years. I know that I couldn't, in a knee-jerk Facebook posting, give multiple opinions about foreign policy without pausing to think. But Our Sarah doesn't need to pause at all!

    I'll remain "anonymous," but just wanted to point out that few well-informed citizens, unless they work at the State Department, Foreign Affairs magazine, or on the foreign desk of a major newspaper,
    could come up with astute and learned comments about Russia, Putin, Yemen, al-Queda, etc. without thoughtful consideration -- even those experts who have the best "intensions."

    Somehow, though, Sarah seems to have a pipeline to the greatest minds in foreign policy -- or maybe she is one of those great minds, and we just never noticed. Can't wait for her next Facebook opinion piece, from which we can learn even more.

    A loyal IMer

    1. Anonymous10:29 AM

      Excellent observation!

    2. Anonymous11:13 AM

      Thank you for doing the real work! Sarah Palin’s “communications” degree barely qualified her for a sportscasters job. She sucked at it, figuratively and literally. Now she is stuck in Twitter and FaceBook world delivering word-salad missives that contradict at every turn. Alaskans should be embarrassed they were so fooled by the grifter extraordinaire.

    3. Anonymous3:01 PM

      We are ALL still waiting to see the transcript, and the degree itself. Any university or college will do, even if she got it off the internet.

    4. Anonymous4:58 PM

      Sarah doesn't "pause" to think before she speaks because she doesn't think before she speaks.

    5. Anonymous5:46 PM

      Neither does RAM, Beaglemom. Those are two unhappy bitches.

    6. Anonymous5:48 PM

      3:01 PM - that's because she DIDN'T graduate. TRUST me.

    7. Anita Winecooler6:48 PM

      Great Observations! I't ok to use your real name here, you're among friends, and thanks for asking her what she reads (wink)

  25. Anonymous8:55 AM

    And Sarah's BUTT boy Cruz has a bonkers daddy:

    1. Anonymous11:13 AM

      Ted Cruz is as bonkers as his daddy, a pastor affiliated with the dominionist New Apostolic Reformation. They're both super smart--conmen extraordinaire. Papa Rafael Cruz is Director of Purifying Fire International, the 'ministry' of Suzanne Hinn, Benny Hinn's wife.

      Papa Cruz has suggested his son has been anointed by God to save freedom in America.

      I wonder how many times Ted has been struck by the fire.

    2. Anonymous12:43 PM

      I just saw a video of Papa Cruz in one of his "sermons." SCARY!!! Like father, like son.

  26. Gryhen, this is OT but I hope that you will cover this.

    I live in Georgia. While there are some things about this state I love, living in a red, Republican intrenched has some frightening aspects to it. One of which seems to be a more totalitarian government and police force with higher incidences of abuse of power.

    This report is by CBS. It is a video of the police in DeKalb County entering a home in the middle of the night illegally. The video is taken by a young man who is clearly frightened and repeatedly asks them what they are there for. The police refuse to answer him and keep giving him the wrong house address while pounding on his door. He tells them over and over again that it they have the wrong address, which they reply that they don't care, and to open the door anyway.

    This started at 1:30 in the a.m. There are 3 large SUVs. When the young man and his mother finally open the door, they rush in and arrest his mother for failure to pay a civil fine.

    The video has strong language by the police. The young man stays respectful throughout the encounter. Be warned, it is difficult to watch!

    1. Anonymous5:02 PM

      Three sheriff’s deputies in DeKalb County, Georgia have been suspended and a sergeant in the department could be demoted after video surfaced of their conduct while serving a civil warrant on a home in July 2013, WSB-TV reported on Monday.

      The video shows a group of eight deputies entering Nantania Griffin’s home around 1:13 a.m. on July 26 to serve a civil warrant for failing to pay a $1,000 debt. Her sons secretly recorded the encounter on their phones and posted it online. Griffin and her family allegedly refused to let the deputies into the home for 30 minutes while telling them they had done nothing wrong.

      “You acted like a 2-year-old, so we treated you like a 2-year-old,” one of the deputies can be heard saying in the video. Griffin’s son, Donovan Hall, told WSB that deputies kicked him in the head and that one hit him in the face with the butt of his gun.

      “Fifteen days overdue,” Griffin told WSB about her debt. “Why would you come to my house with this unbelievable show of force?”

      The sergeant in danger of being demoted might only avoid the penalty by retiring. A spokesman for the department said new regulations would be instituted governing when it may serve warrants.

      Watch footage from the original arrest in this video aired on WSB on Aug. 7, below

  27. Anonymous9:05 AM

    Sweet Karma: Watch Donald Trump go birther on Ted Cruz

  28. Anonymous9:12 AM

    ...But facts or no, Palin is delivering exactly the sort of nonsensical diatribe Fox News was looking for – irrelevant and misdirected, wrath-laden filler to keep the base frothed up in between elections, feeding them a healthy dose of fear and fodder for their imagined self-victimization.

    Yes, shallow as she is, Palin is precisely the sort of thing Republicans like: a pretty but vacuous face; someone who can convince perfectly average people on behalf of the people who are trampling their rights that somebody else is responsible for trampling their rights – someone who can pronounce evil with a smile.

  29. Anonymous9:12 AM

    Here's Exhibit A of how Obamacare and Eric Holder's 'death panels' actually work in practice:

    "Michigan doctor accused of defrauding Medicare by filing $35 million worth of claims for chemotherapy treatments that patients didn't need." The doctor, who owns and operates several oncology centers, is said to have 'systemically defrauded Medicare'. The doctor is currently on bail, awaiting his criminal trial. Additionally, by giving patients medically unnecessary treatments, some patients also alleged that he severely compromised their health.

    Obama cares. He worked for Congress to pass what is now derisively called Obamacare, a health plan that is almost the exact image of a healthcare plan devised by former President Richard Nixon (a Republican) and former Governor Mitt Romney (a Republican). Romneycare is very popular in Massachusetts, where it works very effectively.

    The correct name of Obamacare is The Affordable Care Act. But Republicans don't want you to know this: they don't want you to understand that healthcare will be much cheaper and far more efficient under Obamacare than it is under our present inefficient and bankrupting (for the patient) system.

    Without Obamacare, it is every insurance company for itself (and to heck with you and the other patients). Without Obamacare, insurance companies can deny you coverage for a pre-existing condition – and THEY decide what constitutes a pre-existing condition. If you saw the documentary Fahrenheit 911, you will know that acne has been considered a pre-existing condition for breast cancer patients: yes, you read that right. Without Obamacare, the insurance companies can deny you coverage altogether, or refuse to reimburse you for many medical conditions that you believe are covered; their high-school educated 'bureaucrats' make those medical decisions FOR you. THAT system, and not Obamacare, is what is legitimately known as a death panel.

    1. Anonymous10:06 AM

      Republicans Are In a Full Blown Panic as the Affordable Care Act Grows More Successful

  30. Anonymous9:17 AM

    McCain's vetting of Sarah was only to learn, first hand, if she was a spitter or a swallower.

    He did not bother finding out any other details, like Todd being a pimp or fake births.

    1. Anonymous9:53 AM

      Don't leave us hanging. Is Sarah a spitter or swallower?

    2. Anonymous10:31 AM

      She wants to spit but she is a meth head, they will swallow anything.

    3. Anonymous10:44 AM

      Pity the thought either way.

  31. Anonymous9:18 AM

    I have to admit that I am somewhat perplexed by the irrational line of reasoning being used to explain away the endless barrage of banal sound bites, simplistic fact-devoid assessments, and every-present rash of blunders made by Palin every time she steps up to the microphone. The explanation goes as follows:

    “Sarah Palin cannot possibly be as shallow, petty, inarticulate, and ignorant as she appears to be. Therefore, she must actually be quite brilliant, and the rest of us are simply too stupid to realize how brilliant she is.”

    Sorry, but that’s just a load of disingenuous rhetoric composed of two parts spin-doctoring and one part psycho-babble.

    Stupid is as Sarah does.

    1. Anonymous9:35 AM

      Sarah equates getting attention with getting money. Someone called her a political whore. Just about right.

  32. Anonymous9:20 AM

    Palin is politically bankrupt no matter her ranting. She’s the “ring girl” at a boxing match, strutting around between rounds feeding salacious T&A to the slobbering goobers. The promoters don’t mind. She’s just part of the side show

    1. Anonymous9:51 AM

      Too damn old and smelly to be a ring girl.

    2. Anonymous3:05 PM

      Where is the T, and where is the A?

    3. Tits are around her waist--- straight down and floppy, sort of like fruit by the foot unrolled. Flat ass still flabby but she tucks it in support hose that flattens out the cottage cheese lumps. Excuse me while I go throw up now.

  33. Anonymous9:21 AM

    Sarah Palin is the new replacement for conservative kiddie porn. Everything she spouts could easily be debunked if the kiddies had a brain. But we know that isn’t going to happen.

  34. Anonymous9:27 AM

    "...finally start prioritizing our tax dollars to fund our nation’s real national security needs instead of growing the Obama nanny state."

    My head hurts... Didn't she just say she was on Team Rand Paul?! Hasn't she been trying to recast herself as a libertarian?! Isn't Rand Paul against most of what McCain wants done through international intervention? And doesn't Rand Paul want to do away with the very military and national security measures that Palin is now saying the US needs....

    1. Anonymous10:07 AM

      But then you'd be expecting Our Sarah to have consistent views.
      She just holds onto the coat tail of whoever looks like her best shot at publicity. No need to reconcile one position with another, from one day to the next.

      Another question is why she's spewing all these opinions out on Facebook, when she's supposedly a paid opinionator at Fox? Isn't she using up her rants for free before she gets to broadcast them and get paid for it?

      Perhaps it's because she can't be sure when and if she'll ever appear on Fox again. Clearly, her agreement with them is a very loose affair.

    2. Anonymous11:22 PM

      If Kelly gets Hannity's slot, Palin will never be on at 9 again. Kelly won't handfeed her marshmallow questions.

  35. These two racist assholes dont have the slightest, one iota to whats happening in the real world let alone the WH. Reality excapes These self-promoting ignorant clowns.

    To the insufferable bitch it's still 2008 and to the crazy man it"s 1960's. When both were faking out the world. Top fucking liars who can't fool people any longer. Traitors!

    Both are old washed up losers that can't get over themselves and can't get elected again.

  36. Anonymous9:30 AM

    "Intensions"? Her ghostwriter is a dope too? It chaps my ass that this bitch uses Senator McCain ten times and can't ever lower herself to say President Obama once. Petty little girl.

    Meghan in PA

    1. Anonymous1:08 PM

      In the press conference with Ted Stevens and his bridge to nowhere, Palin was sitting right next to him and refused to call him by his name or even by his title of Senator. She only referred to him in the third person either referring to him as "he", "his" plan or "him", even while sitting right next to him. It was so unbelievable disrespectful. While answering questions she wouldn't even acknowledge him and would point in his direction and say "him". I don't think she even looked at him once. People deserve to be treated with more respect than that, U.S. Senator or not. I can't believe this classless woman thinks she is better than other people.

    2. Anonymous5:28 AM

      Amazing enough Sarah and pimp husband, Toad, did attend the service for Ted Stevens, in Anchorage, after he died in the plane crash. I saw them there.

      They tried to leave via a side door (kind of sneak out w/o the rest of us), but the door was locked and they had to depart via the main entrance as did the rest of us!

      Cracked me up as the Palins were NOT liked in Alaska at that time. Sarah had long past lost her shine to the majority of Alaskans!

  37. Anonymous9:31 AM

    Her ghostwriter misspelled "intentions"

    1. Anonymous11:51 AM

      If I remember correctly, her ghostwriter is not only a dope who cannot spell but is also quite repulsive in every way.

    2. Anonymous3:59 PM

      That be you RAM.

  38. Anonymous9:34 AM

    If she weren't so damned dangerous to our Nation in her penchant for catering to the basest instincts of the fringe elements of her party, in her unfailing utterances of skewed and/or utterly false 'information' to whip a crowd into a frenzy, and in her unerring ability to bring out the absolute worst in people, Palin would be downright funny. Alas, all she is, is: dangerous.

    1. Anonymous4:00 PM

      Dangerous and STUPID, what a combination.

  39. Anonymous9:35 AM

    Sarah, you call John McCain "Senator," so you, by rights, should address Mr. Obama as "President Obama," not your bare and bleak put-down using just "Obama."

    Perhaps you think this sly disparagement is clever. It's not. It's a two-bit child's trick.

    Whatever your view of the Administration's foreign policy (or any policy) the head of the Administration, voted into office TWICE by a MAJORITY of American voters, is a man called President Barack Obama. You could look it up.

    1. Anonymous12:59 PM

      A Pimp's wife has no class. Sarah Palin is jealous of President Obama and 1st Lady Michelle Obama for denying her a position in Washington D.C. Sarah Palin is a Yard Dog barking at all of those who have been elected to positions that she 'THOUGHT' that she deserved. Sarah had better try some more of Pastor Muthee's Witch Doctor's Brew to give her the Illusion that she is popular.

  40. Anonymous9:41 AM

    Keep it up, Sarah! If Republicans are still listening to you in 2016, America will have another Democratic President, all but guaranteed.

    1. Anonymous5:54 PM

      Especially hoe she's covered now in her "lamestream" media. Everyone laughs and points. Immature? Maybe but SOME of us love this country. SHE loves attention and money. By the POUND.

  41. lostinmn9:41 AM

    Now I know you chose that photo because it looks like Sara is going down on Johnboy. Ironic isn't it that could have been a shot taken of what it must have looked like when she went down on Glen Rice years ago; or what she dreams she could do to the President.

  42. Anonymous9:43 AM

    Soooo... Does this mean that $arah agrees the homoscshuals should not be discriminated against???

  43. Anonymous9:49 AM

    A special note to Sarah Palin,
    Sarah, you lost! You lost in 2008. You lost the minute that you explained your foreign policy experience, "As Putin rears his head, where does he go?" Do your remember?

    "— it's very important when you consider even national security issues with Russia as Putin rears his head and comes into the air space of the United States of America, where— where do they go? It's Alaska. It's just right over the border. It is— from Alaska that we send those out to make sure that an eye is being kept on this very powerful nation, Russia, because they are right there. They are right next to— to our state."

    Sarah, dear, you are simply irrelevant. You are simple. And no ghost writer can make you look smart. Admit it! All you really want is the money, and the donations have been dropping off lately. It's an easy job that you have given yourself, posting Facebook rants, energizing that crowd of fans who are enjoying the Nanny State's Medicare and Social Security, and making them believe that you might run for office some day, if only they would contribute more money. It sure beats working in some old governor job which required actual work. Sarah, dear, you really must get over losing to Obama in 2008. That's five years ago, and it's starting to affect your health. That need for revenge seems to be driving what was already a pretty nasty mouth. One day, you will exhaust yourself with your hatred. I'm looking forward to that day.

    1. Anonymous10:48 AM

      From one who would know, 9:49 AM!

  44. Sarah Palin proving that she has never had a clue about World Affairs:
    Sunday 2 November 2008 19.01 EST
    Joke on Palin Again As She Falls For Fake Sarkozy Call
    by Suzanne Goldenberg in Washington

    Maybe Sarah Palin should have caught on when the caller purporting to be Nicolas Sarkozy told her he could see Belgium from the Elysée Palace.

    But the Republicans' vice-presidential candidate remained blissfully unaware during the six-minute conversation with a Montreal comedian that she was the victim of a prank - even after the fake Sarkozy said his wife, Carla Bruni, was hot in bed, and slipped in a line in French about how fun it was to kill baby seals.

    The caller, Marc-Antoine Audette, was one half of a comedic duo called the Masked Avengers. Audette described his call with Palin as his greatest triumph.

    The prank on one of the most heavily protected personalities in US politics was an instant internet sensation in the final hours of the presidential campaign.

    It also overshadowed what John McCain had orchestrated as his comedic moment - an appearance on Saturday Night Live with his wife, Cindy. McCain used his turn to try to make light of Obama's dominance of television advertising, saying his campaign only had the money to appear on the shopping channel - where his wife displayed campaign jewellery.

    "I'm a true maverick - a Republican without money," he joked. He went on to lay out a number of strategies for trying to overcome Barack Obama's lead including one he called "Sad Grandpa".

    "That's where I get on TV and go, 'Come on, Obama's gonna have plenty of chances to be president. It's my turn'," he said. But instead, it was Palin who got the most laughs - albeit inadvertently. The telephone call got off to an auspicious start.

    Palin, evidently thrilled to take what she had been told by aides was a call from the French leader, told the faux Sarkozy within a matter of seconds that she loved him. She did her best to keep that love alive, even when the conversation took an increasingly bizarre turn. When her caller pointed out the two have a lot in common "except from my house I can see Belgium", Palin cheerfully responded: "Well, see, we're right next door to different countries that we all need to be working with."

    When her caller mentioned his love of hunting, Palin instantly invited him on a hunting trip. "We can have a lot of fun together while we're getting work done. We could kill two birds with one stone," she said. "Exactly," the caller responded. "We could go try hunting by helicopter like you did."

    He added in French that the pair could also go out and kill baby seals. Switching to English the caller added: "I just love killing those animals. Mmm, mmm, take away life, that is so fun." The exchange was littered with other clues. The fake Sarkozy mentioned an adviser called Johnny Hallyday who was in contact with the McCain campaign. Palin, who has made much of her contacts with Canadian officials in her negotiations over an oil pipeline through Alaska, might well have been expected to catch on when the caller got the name of Canada's prime minister wrong, substituting that of a singer.

    Or when he added that Bruni was jealous of Palin. But the vice-presidential candidate evidently missed those cues - or at least was too polite to raise objections even when her caller extravagantly praised a porn film about her.

    In interviews at the weekend, Audette said it had taken five days to get clearance from Palin's communications team as well as the Secret Service for the phone call.

    "I wanted to see how she was on an intellectual level," he told the Canadian Press. "You can see that she's, well, not really brilliant."

  45. Anonymous10:38 AM

    Sarah,you have NOTHING substantial to add to ANY conversation,especially current affairs.You know nothing and you don't seem to want to learn anything either.

  46. Anonymous10:45 AM

    How come Sarah Palin always had unremarkable looking breastesses during the 2008 campaign?

  47. Anonymous10:48 AM

    She is all over the map. It wasn’t very long ago she was all about the US not being the world police. She is entirely without memory, ethics and self awareness. She is just griftin in the wind.

  48. Anonymous11:01 AM

    In this picture Palin is saying, "And what's your name, little girl?"

    Never lets her mothering get in the way of her politicking.

  49. Anonymous11:04 AM

    The phone call was brilliant! Palin will never live it down. Remember, she returned to Alaska as governor, then quit and has never run again. This is her resume. Nothing else except Faux News. She imagines herself the pole dancer politician and until the ignorant who fund her wise up to their idiocy she will remain on the stage. She needs us to provide the grist for her victimization. She fuels the hate. If she is a real Christian she could break this cycle anytime by stepping off the stage and tending to her dysfunctional family. Don’t count on it though. She is hooked on the adulation and the cash.

  50. Anonymous11:11 AM

    Quick Sarah, $20 if you tell us what autocratic means. . .

    1. Anonymous11:48 AM

      Uh, eatin' at one them autocrats they used to have in New York?

    2. Anonymous1:23 PM

      Doesn't it have something to do with the automobile?

    3. Anonymous3:33 PM

      I would sign more books but the autocratic pen stopped autocrattin'.

  51. Congress spends you dumbass skank. It's your do-nothing gop congress who hasn their job in years bc like you they are inept and and incompetent We dont need no advice from an ugly old fatass cow who left both offices in disgraced, corrupted and in the hole for millions.

  52. Anonymous11:21 AM

    Oldie but goodie from two years ago...

    Another reason that EVEN GOP Establishment RINOs AND Conservatives consider Sarah Palin to be the hypocrite that she is:

  53. Anonymous11:59 AM

    The Hate Hag isn't getting much positive on Buzzfeed, look at the FAILs and LOLs.

  54. jcinco12:31 PM

    Internationally famous bristle palin will be heart broken that tabloids, etc can't tell her apart from her stout little sister...Gee, I guess she's not as well known and famous as she perceives herself to be..just another palin skank.

  55. jcinco2:22 PM

    lol, she's letting her typo stand as we'll know she reads here if she fixes it. That's cool, sea hag, we can know you're a fucking illiterate idiot instead..haha.

  56. Anonymous2:30 PM

    This from a woman whose foreign policy experience was based on the conception of Vladimir Putin as some sort of Slavic bobble-head doll who sometimes bobbled his head into Alaskan airspace. The sum total of Alaskan airspace has got nothing on what occupies the space between Palin's two ears.

  57. Anonymous3:11 PM

    Just follow the smell of bacon, then you will find Bristol.

  58. Anonymous3:47 PM

    Sure, McCain still says nice things about her to save face, but she definitely has something on him. I'm still waiting for the iceberg.

  59. Anonymous4:14 PM

    can someone paste this at buzzfeed?
    i can't get it to go through!!!!!!!!
    you palin panty sniffers are such arrogant fools and your abominable disrespect for others is astonishing in it's rudeness.
    we know you c4peers so don't try to hide with a new name/avatar here at buzzfeed.........we read how you are reprimanded by the mods at c4p when you attack attack and insult "the left" so you have been trying to hide behind false names.

    let's go with your assisinine presumption that the media corrupted the truth about skank palin-okay she has had five years, numerous books, reality shows and a multi year gig on fox to set the record straight. and.............nope-we all see she really is the idiot she portrayed herself to be in 2008 only less intelligent than anyone even imagined back then.

    in 2011 when she was doing the big tease to get as much money out of you all that she could before she said what we "lefties" knew she would say "NOT RUNNING FOR PRESIDENT"-she had all the media following her around on that fake bus tour paid for by -wait for it-YOU IDIOTS. we all knew she wouldn't run and the reason she didn't and she won't is because all of the skeletons in her family closet of lies will fall out and be exposed.

    you keep on preachin to your own choir and you keep sending your money to skank. you will never figure it out regardless of how many times we tell you-we WANT you to support her and send money to her. that is less money and votes for the republican who will run for president. we LOVE THAT ABOUT YOU. your idiocy guarantees another democrat in office in 2016 and it will be hilary and/or joe.
    read it and weep.

    oh and nice christian values you all have -cyber "stoning" paul vermeer-you are not at all people who walk in the steps of god and do NOT FOLLOW THE TEACHINGS OF JESUS.
    move on you hypocritical angry hating racist idiots.

    1. Anonymous7:06 PM

      I think it's fine HERE. They know who they are, WE know who they are. Ever last bit of it, which is why she will NEVER run for office again because it WILL come out. The 4-pees are so ignorant emptying their bank accounts for her. You watch, there will be an excuse. There is ALWAYS an excuse.

      The major freak when "Australian Sarah" went around the world?!? Creepy Chuck Jr.'s "soft hands?" It is to LAUGH...transparent as the day is long! Projection in response to boot.

  60. Anita Winecooler7:00 PM

    I have a wonderful idea, President Obama should send Sarah and McCain to Russia to be special envoys. They can tag team with Snowden and patch things up with Vladimir "Putz" Putin. This way, the Russians can laugh at her, also, too!

    1. Anonymous8:31 PM

      Why send Sarah? She can see Russia from her toilet in Wasilla.

  61. Anonymous8:37 PM

    Jackie Sale > Sarah Palin · Hello Ms Sarah. So I work for a big retail company, my hours of part time have been cut back from 35-38 hours per week to 20-25 hours. Nothing new for us part timers...however, I do not need the medical that my company would have to provide if I was full time (over 29 hours) (I… See More

    Jackie consider yourself lucky. You are working 100 hours a month and Sarah Palin is only working 15 minutes a month. That's a big difference.

  62. Anonymous8:45 PM

    Michael CoolChange > Sarah Palin · Sarah Palin 2016 . Stand up to the bullies. Don't let the vermin like Steve Schmidt, Joe McGinniss , Levi Johnston , and Gabby Giffords keep you from leading this nation. Run for President in 2016 or this country will never recover. Run Sarah Run . Palin 2016

    Mike what are you talking about? What did Levi do to Sarah except for bang her high school daughter senseless multiple times and then some?

    Don't bring Levi into this.

    What did Gabby Giffords due to Sarah? Gabby didn't put rifle scope crosshairs on Sarah.

    I'm sure Sarah resents you bringing the Tucson nightmare up again.

    Great job there buddy.

    1. Anonymous5:20 AM

      Michael: Amazing you mentioned Gabby Gifford - Sarah is responsible for hurting her so badly and killing others at that shootout in AZ.

      Sarah Palin will NEVER go anywhere unless it is dog catcher in Wasilla and that probably wouldn't occur either.

  63. Anonymous8:51 PM

    Michael Valdez > Sarah Palin · As we look forward to whom will lead our nation and the World we the Valdez Clann of Ellenville New York Look and Pray that it will be Mrs. Sarah Palin who will step up and sacrifice her self and family to lead this dying nation into its rebirth as the Greatest Nation Under God

    Mike slow down there. I can tell you're not from these parts. Alaskans are experienced with these people and know that Sarah and her family doesn't sacrifice anything for anybody. Like Todd said, "What's in it for us?"

    1. Anonymous11:16 PM

      A sacrifice? Sarah's already sacrificed her kids for cash. She already faked a pregnancy and sacrificed an innocent special needs kid for cash. She already has nothing to do with her grand-daughter, and is not even allowed to acknowledge Track was ever a daddy. Poor Todd sacrificed his booming pimp business for her. Bristol showed off her lack of talent for Momma's bots you want her blood now? And sorry, Michael, but God is not a big fan of a woman who hangs out with domestic terrorists and witch hunters. Just not gonna happen. Hitch your wagon to another GOP idiot, why don't you? Let's see, Cruz calls himself a Christian. So does Perry.

  64. Anonymous8:58 PM

    Glaring misspelled word in first sentence - 'intensions'. But her FB readers won't notice.

  65. Anonymous8:58 PM

    Sarah Palin shared a link. ·. Here’s a shout out to an intelligent, independent Texan who uses her cowgirl smarts to point out that liberal elites are “all hat, no cattle.” Thank you, Michelle!

    Shout out? Are you kidding me? Shout out? Who in hell says that? You reatard.

    1. Anonymous5:43 AM

      She said it during the one VP debate to get points with the younger demographic to show how cool she is. Gwen Ifill kind of swatted that immaturity down. Add Hater and pretty much everything else in her vocabulary that she uses and abuses. Miss Malaprop.

  66. Anonymous9:04 PM

    Walter VanSlyke > Sarah Palin · I am very disapointed that you will not be running for the presidential campaign. So I was wandering who YOU would endorse for president? I would like to have someone who is Christian, and will stop giving our wealth to the countries who do not back our principals, but will direct it here in our own country where it is needed most to cover Obama's excessive spending habits. And one who will bring God back into our schools.

    Walt, believe me, America is disappointed just like you. It would have been fun watching that train wreck get derailed. As far as would she endorse? You should know that Queen Maker Sarah Palin always wait until the last second to see who the favorite is then she announces her pick.

    1. Anonymous2:40 AM

      Yo. Walter. If you would like someone who is Christian, you're posting on the wrong Facebook page.

    2. Anonymous3:40 AM

      Where were you "wandering," Walter?

  67. Anonymous9:18 PM

    Michael CoolChange > Sarah Palin · Start talking Palin for President in 2016 , that will sell lots of your books and boost contributions to SarahPac . Every single one of your supporters and fans wants you to run for President in 2016 . We want to fight for you. Please rise up and run for President . Start talking Palin2016 . The folks at Conservatives 4 Palin and Organizing 4 Palin are still alive and well. Give us some hope. Palin for President 2016

    Oh Sarah please rise up and give Mike some hope.

    Sarah do you see what you are doing to these ignorant fools? You know you are not running for president in 2016 so why are you letting these retards think you will run? You are just a narcissist who loves hearing your name and how you give hope to others.

    You are a real of piece of shit Sarah Palin. You should tell these fools you have no desire to run for anything.

    1. Anonymous2:19 AM

      Yes, Sowah, you are one BIG piece of shit and the whole world knows it.

  68. Anonymous3:44 AM

    There's proof that Sarah Palin, her family or some paid flunkie from SarahPac reads Immoral Minority. Sarah Palin's facebook comments used to be full "I love you Sarah, you're beautiful and full of comments that showed how illiterate her followers really are, but now they are being filtered out. What does that tell you?

    Sarah Palin is embarrassed of her followers. Sarah Palin is Immoral Minority's bitch.

  69. Anonymous5:17 AM

    Sorry Michael! Hillary Clinton would clean Sarah's ass and we hear it's badly needed!

  70. Anonymous9:30 AM

    Hi Sarah's SarahPac flunkie.

    1. Anonymous10:12 AM

      We know you are stalking Immoral Minority.

  71. Anonymous2:18 PM

    Palin slams Christie, says ‘I’m on Team Rand’

    ..... Discrediting Christie’s reputation as a governor who “goes rogue,” Palin said “he’s got a schtick going there where he’s got a YouTube videographer following him around, kind of these set-up situations sometimes so he can be seen as perhaps a little bit avant-garde and going rogue on things.”....

    And Alaska's Gov Sarah Palin doesn't use her kids, especially her DS grandchild for photo ops and for her image. Can't forget Sarah Palin used her combat non-combat son to tell America she raised a combat vet and we can't take that away from her. Oh Sarah you are such a retard.

    1. Anonymous2:29 PM

      Palin is captain of Team Moron.

    2. Anonymous2:31 PM

      No, Sarah Palin is captain of Team Retards.

    3. Anonymous3:46 PM

      That must make Todd co-captain of Team Retards


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