Wednesday, August 14, 2013

What to expect once the Republicans finish rewriting the bible.

There will also be NO healing without comprehensive private insurance, no feeding of the parasitic multitudes, and none of that driving out the money changers. (Instead they would get tax breaks and laws written specifically to protect them.)


  1. Anonymous5:52 PM

    It seems to me that Atheists have more in common with Jesus than those that use his name for their religion.

    1. Anonymous7:34 PM

      As a Christian, I agree ESPECIALLY with certain politicians. We all know good people who live their talk. Watch for those who spout TOO much God. They're the ones who have the skeletons and proselytize.

  2. Boscoe6:00 PM

    Jesus in the hands of Republicans is like anthropomorphised cognitive dissonance.

    So it makes complete sense that they'd make the king of progressives into their mascot.

  3. Anonymous6:14 PM

    The sad thing about this posting is that it is so true. And Anonymous 5:52's comment is also, sadly, true.

    As a Christian, I can see now how the true Christians were sent to the concentration camps by the pseudo-Christian Nazis – –– after the latter got through sending the handicapped, gays, intellectuals, immigrants, union folks, and Jews there.

    What is horrifying is how similar the pseudo-Christians in the US are to their Nazi counterparts, and how much they seem to have learned from them: same enemies' lists, same bombastic 'patriotism', same obviously false 'faith' claims, same uncontrolled emotions, same MO (other than the 'final solution'). Considering how trigger-happy, well-armed, highly-propagandized, and well-organized the pseudos are, don't think Kristallnacht and its subsequent progeny can't happen here.

    1. Anonymous3:32 AM

      Not surprising at all considering that the Koch family had Nazi ties before coming to America. A generation back, they supported the things you are talking about. I suspect they still do.

    2. Anonymous6:49 AM

      And the Kochs have figured out the way to make gazillions of dollars using that hate.

      Because, clearly, it's not enough to have the money to buy the world three times over. They need more, more, MORRRRRE!!!!!!

  4. Anonymous6:37 PM

    How about Doing unto others what you won't have done to yourself!

    "Three Republicans Who Opposed Sandy Relief Now Demand Disaster Aid For Arizona

    By Josh Israel on August 14, 2013 at 2:33 pm
    Arizona Republicans Sen. Jeff Flake, Sen. John McCain, and Rep. Paul Gosar all voted against emergency relief funding after SuperStorm Sandy ravaged much of the New Jersey and New York area earlier this year. Now, following an Arizona wildfire, the same trio is vocally complaining that the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) is not doing enough to aid their state."

    Well then. Assholes each and every one of them!!

    1. I don't know it seems the wildfire folks had enough time to.escape. Property damage should be covered by homeowner insurance

    2. Anonymous6:51 AM

      But, but,'s different because...



      It just IS!

      Give us the MONEY!

  5. Anonymous9:58 PM

    So funny Amazon bio now lists 2 grandchildren. Someone please have screened saved the previous entry of her claiming one gradson.

    "The Palins reside in Wasilla with their five children and two grandchildren. They enjoy an extended family throughout Alaska and the Lower 48."

    1. Anita Winecooler5:23 PM

      Funny, someone posted the original wording on some random blog in Patheos, and it spontaneously disappeared. Coincidence or miracle?

  6. Anonymous10:35 PM

    If you can get yourself to believe Fox claims that unemployment is higher than ever (its actually at a decade LOW) I suppose its just as possible to think Jesus really said such things.

    Or that Arabs have blended in with the Mexicans who are spilling over the southern border, by the hundreds of thousands.

    Or that being able to light your tap water on fire, has nothing to do with human caused pollution.

    And the rightwingnuts wonder why we think of them as dimwits.


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