Friday, September 06, 2013

Alaska rated number five among MOST corrupt states. So proud. Update!

Courtesy of Business Insider:

To get a true sense of the most corrupt state, we need to know how many convictions there have been on a population basis. So we went back to Justice Department data cited by Madigan, to see which states saw the greatest number of convictions per 100,000.

I happen to know that Alaska is VERY corrupt, so for Louisiana, North Dakota, South Dakota, and Kentucky to beat us is REALLY saying something. Especially considering the fact that we actually had a group of politicians who referred to themselves as the Corrupt Bastards Club.

Did anybody else notice that the top eight out of ten are ALL states with Republican Governors? 

I'm sure that's simply a coincidence. Right?

Update: Oops I stand corrected, apparently Kentucky has a Democrat in the Governor's mansion. My bad. 


  1. Anonymous2:07 AM

    Number five, The Dakotas, Louisiana, and Kentucky have you beat.

  2. Leland3:31 AM

    NO! I can NOT believe this is accurate. It just is NOT possible!

    MY state of South Carolina is LAST? Nope. Can't be. Either this list is completely skewed or the crooks in my state are smarter than the rest!

    1. Anonymous7:34 AM

      My thoughts exactly - how did S.C. become the LEAST corrupt state in the nation? Maybe it is because no one is charged or found guilty of corruption?

  3. I really think Texas should be higher on this list.
    Although,as Gryphen states
    "To get a true sense of the most corrupt state, we need to know how many convictions there have been on a population basis."

    What this really shows is none of the Texas politicians are ever held accountable for their actions. Part of the reason Maryland, where I live, ranked so high was the recent conviction of former Baltimore mayor Sheila Dixon of fraudulent misappropriation of funds.

    You have to catch the crooks for the crimes to be noted.

  4. Anonymous4:09 AM

    It's hard to believe that South Carolina is the LEAST corrupt state.

  5. We have been number one for rapes, but those bastards in Louisiana beat us out a few years ago for the number one state in not testing rape kits, we were number two. Now they are beating us for political corruption, if we just had an attorney general who cared more about corruption and less about taking away Native rights and giving oil companies whatever they want perhaps more corruption could be identified and we could be number one. Wait, the DOL helps protect whatever corrupt regime is in power, so that will never happen.

  6. Anonymous4:52 AM

    South Carolina is the least corrupt, or least prosecuted?

    Archie Butt

  7. Most to least is relative. All state politics is corrupt. Some are just more corrupt than others. Reading this graph without numbers is not the best way to judge the REAL levels of corruption in each state in my view. If the AGs in each state are part of the corruption then cover-ups will skew the stats depending on how much money slips under the table.

  8. Anonymous5:39 AM

    HOW is Illinois not higher?

  9. Anonymous5:40 AM

    And I find it interesting that the confederate state is LAST

  10. Anonymous5:40 AM

    Hmmmm. Bachmanns state is near last?

    Must be because of Jesse Ventura and him being the only honest person in politics.

  11. Anonymous5:42 AM

    Louisiana has the loosest alcohol laws in the country. You can buy liquor in convenient and they probably dont card.

  12. Chenagrrl5:50 AM

    If the figures were weighted to show population size, Alaska would match its mountains. So where is Gov. Sean Parnell while the state struggles along? I think he and Sarah just tapped into the status quo, and the status quo let her run her mouth.

  13. Apparently WI Gov. Walker gets off scot-free because he has so thoroughly corrupted WI politics that none of his henchmen ever get arrested or put on trial.

    13th best on corruption? No way.

  14. Anonymous6:22 AM

    I feel that I have to correct you. Kentucky does not have a Republican governor. He is Democrat Steve Beshear. He has done a fairly good job and he succeeded a corrupt Repub. governor in 2007 and got re-elected in 2011. Here's another shocker: The KY legislature has a Democratic majority. Go figure, huh? And, there are 500k more registered Dems than Repubs in this state. The rub is that they are conservative Dems. The natives tell me that 30 or so years ago KY was a blue state. I live in No.KY where the Repubs are the majority big time. Just having McConnell and Paul repping it makes it corrupt in view. But I'm a transplant form California.

  15. Anonymous6:33 AM

    Sarah Palin must be worried if they ever create a list on governors if she was ever involved in questionable activities.

  16. Anonymous8:23 AM

    I thought Alaska would be number one

  17. Anonymous9:49 AM

    Alaska and Texas should be in the top two. Really surprised the Dakotas ranked that high. Guess oil changes everythung.

    1. Anonymous1:38 PM

      Exactly - oil turns into money - which bring nothing but corruption to the state governments! Republicans especially!

  18. Anonymous10:49 AM

    I'm surprised Texas is ranked so low. Believe me, there is a ton of palm greasing going on here and the good ole boy network is alive and well.

  19. Anonymous10:55 AM

    Surprised Alaska isn't rated higher on the list!

    The state is governed by the oil industry -
    it is a red state - current gov Sean Parnell is from the oil industry - he is favoring it currently and will be up against the population of the state in the voting booth soon due to his desire to provide more State of Alaska money to the industry in additional tax benefits.

    'Quitter' govs (Todd has since been proven to have assisted Sarah because she was inept and didn't want to work - Alaska Legislature members actually wore pins on their suits w/her photo saying "Where's Sarah?") Sarah and Todd Palin have since become Alaska's biggest embarrassment in history, which Sarah has become on a national level. She's looked at as a joke!

    Sarah and Sean Parnell are friends and he protects and supports her still today. (Obtaining certain documents from the State of Alaska regarding the Palins cannot be done currently.)

    Alaska has a small population as does Wyoming (two smallest in the nation!) which is equal to that of small cities across the nation - the population in Alaska keeps electing Republicans and it is my opinion Alaskans need to pay more attention to their candidates before they vote. They need to determine how a candidate voted on specific issues because what that candidate might say while campaigning might not reflect how they actually voted on the issue!

    The Parnell Administration is currently taking away rights of Alaska's 'first people'. He counters the EPA (as to clean water issues). He files suits against the federal government - loses and does nothing more than cost Alaskans money! He currently is obstructing Obamacare which will be detrimental to many residents.

    Lisa Murkowski (U.S. Congresswoman from Alaska) and her father, Frank Murkowski (former U.S. Congressman from Alaska and past governor of Alaska) have histories that should also be reviewed. They are also Republicans.

    Alaska is losing population according to their recent Alaska Permanent Fund numbers. Some are due to deaths, but others are due to leaving their state. Canada, anyone?

    Attention should also be paid to the Republican Mayor of Alaska's largest city - Anchorage.
    He hired a past Alaska gov - Bill Sheffield - to oversee the construction (additions) to the Port of Anchorage, which cost millions. And, due to recent inspections, it has been found corrections need to be made to the site which is going to cost millions more! The issue seems to have received very little coverage by the Anchorage (or state) media.

    Alaska needs to pay attention and turn the state back to being blue! It was once!

  20. Anonymous11:33 AM

    Montana has a Democratic governor.


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