Thursday, September 05, 2013

And now I am embarrassed by my ethnicity again.

This is a bridge near Springfield, Oregon.

So apparently the argument is that if you are against racism you are against white people.

Therefore I would assume that according to these idiots those of us who are Caucasian and yet argue against racism are self loathing whites. 

They are partially correct. I DO hate white people, but only the white people who would put up a sign as fucking stupid as that one.

I would assume these individuals are proud members of the Tea Party and are undoubtedly convinced that President Obama is a secret Kenyan Muslim socialist, who is dedicated to destroying the country.

But hey, at least they spelled all of the words correctly.


  1. Anonymous3:28 AM

    One can't be a Christian and be a racist at the same time. All God's children were created in His image.

    Interesting to note that Sarah Palin's husband and children are not all-white. Therefore, she should reject them in order to stay in the good graces of her racist fan base. You can't do one and the other, Sarah. Must make a decision. If it's to still love your family, then you must tell your followers that non-whites are people, too.

    1. Anonymous5:30 AM

      Well, they do accept non-whites when they are equally vile and Uncle Tom-y against their own kind. See Michelle Malkin, Dr. Ben Carson and George Zimmerman.

  2. Anonymous3:33 AM

    only true if "racist" ="white". these ignoramouses live in a bubble fueled by hatred.

  3. Anonymous3:39 AM

    Where I live there is a Shell station on one side of the intersection and a Prime gas station on the other side. The Prime gas station is run by a middle eastern muslim family and often advertises gas prices at significantly lower prices. (I just looked this morning and it was a twenty cent difference). The owner of the Shell station put up a sign that has a rant about buying from AMERICANS and what difference do a few pennies make when it comes to supporting AMERICAN businesses. A thinly veiled rant against the "foreign" competitor across the street. It kind of pisses me off, I got my inspection sticker there before this sign cropped up but I will never do business there again. I would love to call them out on it but really what's the point. These people have no shame. They think they are justified.

    1. Anonymous5:27 AM

      It does make a point. They think everyone will be on their side. It makes a difference when you say they've lost their business with their attitude (and hiked up prices.)

    2. Anonymous8:37 AM

      From Wiki:


      Royal Dutch Shell plc (LSE: RDSA, RDSB), commonly known as Shell, is an Anglo–Dutch multinational oil and gas company incorporated in the United Kingdom and headquartered in the Netherlands.[2] Created by the merger of Royal Dutch Petroleum and UK-based Shell Transport & Trading, it is the largest company in the world in terms of revenue[1] and one of the six oil and gas "supermajors".

      Shell is also one of the world's most valuable companies.[3] As of January, 2013 the largest shareholder is Capital Research Global Investors with 9.85% ahead of BlackRock in second with 6.89%.[4] Shell topped the Fortune 500 list of largest companies in the world.[5] Royal Dutch Shell revenue was equal to 84% of the Netherlands's $555.8 billion GDP at the time.[6

      Well just fuck me naked! Damn, and all this time I've thought that the Netherlands' great wealth was from its Dykes (or was it dikes?). Either way, I guess them lesbians is pumping more than just unleaded gas at emm full-service petrol stations. "Check your oil sir? We've got these strap-on dipsticks that are fast, accurate, and they vibrate at 6000 rpm. We'll get you serviced and back on the road in no time at all hardly. That's why we're endorsed by Sarah Palin."

  4. Sally in MI3:42 AM

    Hmm..I translate that exit town as Horny Dad. I thought Oregon was pretty sane..guess the Teas are infiltrating everywhere now..kind of like the plague.

    1. Ailsa8:35 AM

      I'm so glad I'm not the only one. In fact, before I put my glasses on I thought the post was going to be about the funny exit sign. :)

  5. Anonymous4:10 AM

    Even though Springfield, OR, is right next to Eugene, OR, I think most of the gun-carrying, tea party types tend to live in Springfield while the more progressive thinkers live in Eugene. I lived in that area over 25 years ago and it hasn't changed at all.

  6. Anonymous4:35 AM

    In the end demographics will win out. Non-white babies and non-white immigrants will make the majority non-white.

  7. Anonymous5:57 AM

    Thankfully, I am not responsible in any manner for stupidity exhibited by a stranger, regardless of their ethnicity or mine, and certainly not because our families both might hail from the same village in Oslo, Nairobi, Mumbai, Kiev, Tel Aviv, Ramallah, Damascus, Guangdong, Havana, Sao Paolo, or Signal Mountain, Tennessee.

    There are just too many idiots of every ethnicity or skin pigmentation for anyone of us within any of those groups to "fix" all of them. We can only change ourselves and hopefully, the way we choose to live our lives will lead others to have a desire to change for the better.

    Stupid comes in all colors and shades, and it's not any more or less stupid if its my own stupidity, just because I'm of a particular ethnic origin, nationality or religion. It would be unfair to "my people" to have to share additional burden in their lives just because of my own bigotry or bad behavior. We must all be mindful not to characterize entire groups because of the behavior of the worst representatives of that ethnic group.

    I'm not embarrassed personally for an individual's behavior unless it is someone close enough to me that I feel I should have some positive influence on them that I have not exerted to that point in time. Each of us can make a difference every day.

  8. Anonymous6:40 AM

    Dumbfuckery is everywhere. Oregon is blue overall, but once you are outside the confines of Portland, Eugene, Ashland, you can run into a lot of terminal cracker dumb ass.

  9. Anonymous6:55 AM

    You idiots cant see the truth
    Bathhouse Barry is certainly a Kenyan Muslim Socialist, who has already destroyed our country

    1. Anonymous7:21 AM

      I see the truth that you're a racist, dumb-ass teabagger.

    2. Anonymous7:51 AM

      The truth is I am politely asking you to take your nonsense elsewhere.....nonsense in all the meaning of the word....

    3. Anonymous8:19 AM

      I would really enjoy reading some facts that support your numerous points about President Obama.

      Kenyan?? What exactly makes you think he is Kenyan? He has an American mother so at the most he is half Kenyan. See? So if you say half Kenyan you will at least be making some form of logical sense. However, since he was raised here and had little to do with his father a better term would be American.

      Muslim? So I was curious and did a little homework for you. So hear me out, I'm trying to follow the logic of your argument, because that's what intelligent critical thinkers do. So check this out.

      Just browsed the first line which says Christianity is the most popular religion in Kenya.

      So it would follow if you are going to assume what religion PBO follows it should be a Christian one.

      Next, Socialist. Well that's a complicated word. I'm not even going there because it's just a quagmire...

      And lastly, I'd like to ask you how exactly he has destroyed the country?? HMMMM. Seems like the folks on your side are the ones with blueberry pie on their face.

    4. Anonymous9:02 AM

      TeaBaggery must have some unseen benefits other than getting to hang around with other uneducated low-IQ bigots and rest your scrotum on one another's chins, eh? Come on, you can tell us.

      Or do you guys do the 180 and set your ball sacs on one another's foreheads? And do you take your triangular *patriot* hat off or leave it on so you'll feel more like Glenn Beck?

      Come on, give us the skinny... We already can see that you're loud and you're proud and you're an idiot. Do you get a free sausage biscuit when you're getting that free bus ride down to BumFuck Texas to your little TeaBagger parties? And lemme guess... The 4-hour ride goes by fast when y'all are are telling your personal stories of gay, inter-racial man-on-man hot sex fantasies to fuel your (ahem) patriotism as you sit in a circle and tug on your neighbor's wing-wang, huh,? Careful with those guns, little fellas.

    5. Anonymous9:30 AM is obvious the "Bathhouse Barry" troll is just trying to push our buttons. We're supposed to respond by wringing our hands and moaning, "How can you say that!" and getting all bent out of shape while the silly troll laughs. Troll isn't interested in the truth, just provoking a reaction. I say this is one simpleton I wouldn't waste my time trying to reason with.

    6. You're still a moron and a boring one at that. And lying and stupid. President Obama is so superior to you in every way. Your jealousy over being so inferior to him is obvious.

  10. Anonymous7:50 AM

    "spelled all the words correctly"......there's a first time for everything......

  11. Anonymous8:46 AM

    Yeah buy from Americans.

    From Wiki: SHELL

    Royal Dutch Shell plc (LSE: RDSA, RDSB), commonly known as Shell, is an Anglo–Dutch multinational oil and gas company incorporated in the United Kingdom and headquartered in the Netherlands.[2] Created by the merger of Royal Dutch Petroleum and UK-based Shell Transport & Trading, it is the largest company in the world in terms of revenue[1] and one of the six oil and gas "supermajors".

    Shell is also one of the world's most valuable companies.[3] As of January, 2013 the largest shareholder is Capital Research Global Investors with 9.85% ahead of BlackRock in second with 6.89%.[4] Shell topped the Fortune 500 list of largest companies in the world.[5] Royal Dutch Shell revenue was equal to 84% of the Netherlands's $555.8 billion GDP at the time.[6]

    Well I'll just be damned. And all this time Sarah Palin had me convinced that the Netherlands made all its money with them lesbians, err dykes, with them buckets of water to keep the country from flooding all the time.

    See, you can *tell* Sarah reads a *lot* of books, don't she?

  12. Anonymous10:49 AM

    Presumably the "Randy Pepe" road/exit name is in honor of a real person. If the person had a different full name, and "Randy" was just a nickname, it would have been much better to use the full name - perhaps Randolph, who knows? I'm sure that no disrespect was intended; current word usage has just made the road/exit name unfortunate.

  13. Anita Winecooler6:11 PM

    They're everywhere, like cockroaches. I wonder if people who think like this would refuse a life saving transplant from a non white, or if they'd stay true to their warped beliefs?


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.