Sunday, September 08, 2013

Climate scientist's lawsuit over defamation by climate change deniers to go forward. I guess calling somebody the “Jerry Sandusky of climate science” is not okay.

Courtesy of Discovery News:

 A superior court said last week that it would not dismiss a defamation lawsuit filed by prominent climate scientist Michael E. Mann against two conservative publications that called him the “Jerry Sandusky of climate science.” 

Mann, a climate science professor at Pennsylvania State University, is best known for his “hockey stick” graph which shows the steady rise in global temperatures in the 20th century. The graph is an iconic visualization of climate change, showing a steep rise in temperatures beginning in the 1950s represented by the “blade” of a hockey stick. 

The graph had been a favorite target for attack by climate skeptics even though Mann’s work has been validated by numerous studies and independent investigators. 

The fracas began in 2012 when the Competitive Enterprise Institute, a conservative advocacy group, posted this blog, indirectly comparing Mann to the former Penn State football coach and convicted child molester Sandusky. The post read, “instead of molesting children, he has molested and tortured data in the service of politicized science… .” 

The comparison was later reprinted in the conservative National Review. Both publications were attempting to discredit Mann’s research. 

Mann sued both the CEI and National Review in 2012, and the publications later filed motions to dismiss the lawsuit. 

Judge Natalia Combs Greene of the Superior Court of the District of Columbia said she would not, and Mann’s case is likely to “succeed on the merits.” She called the language in the blog posts more than just rhetorical hyperbole. 

“Plaintiff is a member of the scholarly academy and it is obvious that allegations of fraud could lead to the demise of his profession and tarnish his character and standing in the community,” she wrote.

Let's hear it for justice shall we?

Hopefully if this is successful, and Mann wins, that will get these other Right Wing, Koch brother financed, attack dogs to think twice before attempting to assassinate somebody's character.


  1. Anonymous10:43 AM

    Seriously where do these idiots come up with this stuff?
    Comparing a scientist to a pedo?
    And wasn't old Jerr a good xtian, also,too?

    Just show what flippin' RETARDS that they all ARE!
    Sue the shit out of any of 'em all of 'em!!!

  2. Anonymous11:03 AM

    Sometimes the intention to defame, does the OPPOSITE:

    I noticed a comment on Facebook coming after one I wrote, that said, "Typical jackass statement from another dipshit liberal...always hoping to ruin America by pushing "equality" and "justice for all."

    Anyone with half a brain knows that will never happen--and that they'd be much better off if they just concentrated on making the world a better place for themselves."

    I had a hard time trying to figure out if this person was being facetious or not...because I took his statement as a huge compliment. (So it was either someone making a point using sarcasm, or a massively selfish prick.)

    1. Leland11:29 AM

      There's one other possibility, 11:03. And that is the individual is so STUPID as to be unable to recognize the complete ignorance of history and the Constitution in his remark.

    2. Sally in MI12:04 PM

      I'll go with massively selfish, because that;s what they are. Can't have any regualtions for clean air and water because it might cut into company profits. Can't have rules about guns because the 2nd amendment says anyone can be their own militia to fight the government, right? Can't have health care because if God wanted the poor to have health care, He wouldn't let them get sick. Can't offer help to the underemployed, the poor, or the elderly, because, again, God made the GOPers rich, so HE likes them better. The poor can deal with it. Or as Grayson said best "Just die." And don't you love all the names they have for us? I recall when Obama was first running for POTUS, and Michelle was interviewed, and said she had reservations, because 'these people are mean!' She is so right. Mean and stupid and greedy.

    3. Sally in MI12:08 PM

      There's a great read at "WHAT DO I KNOW?" about the role of climate change in the problems in Syria and elsewhere. The warming brought years of drought, which meant their wheat crops disappeared, which meant they couldn't see them, let alone have enough grain to eat. The demands on the water table led to more drought, and more starvation, and more anger and frustration. It's a terrific read on what is going to be happening more and more unless we hit some of these morons upside the head and change their minds. The moron who said 'concentrate on making the world a better place for themselves' has no idea how connected we all are, and how the decisions he makes to allow fracking, say, impact all of us when we run out of drinking water.

    4. Thanks for that reference, Sally in MI.

      Even Thomas Friedman, who is not a liberal, says going green and addressing global climate change, is a matter of national security as well as economic security.

    5. Anonymous12:39 PM

      We have the Right wingers who work for corps (as trolls)
      spreading the mantra of:

      "We got ours"
      "What's in it for us"? ~Todd Palin

      Basically a bunch of greedy fucks who don't care about anything but the almighty $$$$$!!!!
      Hope when the Earth burps and spits them out they can eat their $$$$!

  3. Liz I. and Sally in MI, ThinkProgress published an article that brings in Thomas Friedman's previous comments as well as excerpts from other studies/articles.

    The two drought maps are pretty scary, especially when you see how drought has affected the USA as well as globally.

    1. Anonymous5:02 PM

      Globally is right!
      Two recent posts come to mind:

      The polar bear who died of Climate change:

      And this one:
      'Five Minutes to Midnight' as Climate Change Endgame Threatens

      This is no joke and we may already be past the point, with Fukshima infecting the whole Pacific ocean and west coast....

      We live in a horrible age of greed, money over people.
      "I got mine"
      "What's in it for me" attitudes....

  4. hedgewytch3:13 PM

    See this is the problem with Republican projection-ism. They all think that because when they threaten to sue for libel/slander,and they don't really mean it 'cause they ARE guilty - doesn't mean when they actually do slander someone that that person won't sue them!

    I wonder how painful it is when their mental bubbles get popped?

  5. Anita Winecooler6:01 PM

    While reading this post, I couldn't help but remember the ad with the American Indian Chief with a tear rolling down his cheek. What Corporations have done and are getting away with are ruining mother earth.
    These climate deniers need a wake up call, I hope paying huge fines teaches them a lesson or two.

    1. Anonymous6:38 PM

      Your right Anita,
      but sadly it won't happen. Or will happen too late.
      Corporations are people my friend...and thanks to that...
      Well we all know...what that means.
      People don't matter anymore. Or the Earth.
      Its only here to be Drilled and its creatures Killed, or Harvested as they say in Alaska.


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.