Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Despite evidence to the contrary Fox News is still pushing the idea that the gas attack in Syria was the work of the rebels. To help them sell this opinion they bring in Alex Jones. Seriously?

Courtesy of Mediaite:  

Radio host Alex Jones spoke to Fox News’ Geraldo At Large about the theory that the Syrian rebels were responsible for the recent chemical weapons attack in a ruse to provoke a U.S. intervention. 

“I don’t know who launched the chemical attacks, but all the evidence leans toward the rebels having the motive to do it,” Jones said. “And the Russians have put out a new report saying they have proof the rebels did it back in March of this year.” 

Producer Craig Rivera noted that Jones was a “conspiracy theorist,” but asked if he at least wanted to see some evidence that the rebels had perpetrated the attacks. 

“Come on, Obama is putting out conspiracy theories,” Jones said. “He said I have a red line one year ago, now he said he never said that. Kerry said no boots on the ground, now he said, oh, we need them. Is questioning known liars a conspiracy theory?” 

“Libya, look what happened there,” Jones added. That was clearly a set-up to put al Qaeda in charge.”

WHO...in the hell...would bring Alex Jones in to make the case that the Syrian rebels gassed themselves? 

I mean has Fox News simply decided to completely do away with the idea of pretending to be an actual journalistic endeavor and are now going to start bring in every lunatic and nutjob out there to start making insane accusations and bizarre predictions about the President's policy decisions?

But then again, considering how hard they are attempting to fellate the Benghazi story back to life, perhaps inviting Alex Jones on is the next logical step. 

By the way just in case anybody was thinking of giving any credibility to Jones argument, there was a report released by two weapons experts which described how Assad managed to kill so many people, and that it was highly unlikely that anybody else was to blame for the attacks.

And just in case you are not yet aware of just how completely insane Jones is click here and see lunacy on parade. (Don't worry you don't have to watch long to get the point.)


  1. Leland6:51 AM

    Has the UN report on the gas attack been released yet? I've seen nothing about it.

  2. Anonymous7:15 AM

    With today's news about Russia's mediation and Syria's acceptance of this new proposal, and Senator's working on a new plan to have UN do it, and Kerry still answering questions for pushing strikes, and the millions of opinions on speculation of what the President will deliver tonight in his address, and add the icing on this cake with Fox News doing the only thing they know to do, is to take this serious dilemna and turn it into a "hate Obama marathon", it almost makes me pinch myself and ask if this is all a dream.

    1. Anonymous7:58 AM

      With the news about Russia's mediation and Syria's acceptance of the new proposal...Sarah Palin has no relevance in the current discussion. She left it up to Allah, and Allah called forth the Russians, Assad, Kerry and probably Obama. All that Sarah can do is change the subject and beg for money again. And hate Obama, too, also.

    2. Anonymous8:32 AM

      She CONVENIENTLY left it up to Allah because she doesn't understand what's going on. As USUAL.

  3. fromthediagonal7:56 AM

    Gryphen, in the last paragraph, did you really mean to call Jones "inane", or was that a typo? "Insane" seems the appropriate term.

    1. Yes I did, thanks for pointing that out.

  4. Anonymous8:47 AM

    Syria: Dominionist U.S. Military Superiors Find Common Ground With Islamic Extremists

    The Military Religious Freedom Foundation (MRFF), the civil rights and constitutional defense foundation of which I’m Founder and President, received the shocking testimonials of over 250 armed servicemember clients regarding the obsessed anticipation of apocalypse emanating from their superiors among the ranks of officers both commissioned and non-commissioned, spanning all four service branches. The Book of Revelation is their blueprint for “success” and they are all too happy to trumpet this “Good News” to their helpless armed forces subordinates. You see, they interpret almost ANYthing that will further inflame the Middle East, and its nexus to bloodshed in Israel, as a divinely prophesied accelerant or lubricant to hasten the End of Days apocalypse wrought by their avenging warrior “flavor” of Jesus Christ. The proposed attack on Syria has these U.S. military superiors licking their chops in delicious delight as an absolutely necessary and foretold event to herald the advent of the Armageddon they pray for endlessly.

    To be sure, our very own American Jihadists, the fundamentalist evangelical Christian Dominionists, are just as steeped in the horrendous expectation of “rapture” as our ostensible Islamist foes. How about a good example? Permit me to present to you one Rod Parsley, leader of the enormous World Harvest Church in Columbus, Ohio, and one of the most influential leaders of the fundamentalist dominionist Christian movement in the USA. Parsley’s fire-and-brimstone tinged sermons regularly include promises of a 200-mile long river, four and a half feet deep, filled with nothing but the blood and gruesome remains of those slaughtered by his weaponized version of the Lord Jesus Christ at the Battle of Armageddon. After describing this unimaginable river of endless blood and death, Parsley delivers his rapturous denouement by raising his hands to the ceiling and exhorting his massive thousands of eager-beaver congregants to “Rejoice! Rejoice, for the worst is yet to come!”

    According to this past couple of weeks’ batch of new MRFF clients, “Rejoice, rejoice!” is precisely the sentiment of their military superiors, the highest ranking of whom is a 1-star Brigadier General, senior commander. These avid anticipators of “Rapture” are anxiously awaiting the battle of their lives, the battle to end all battles. In their sick minds the fighter jets and bombers of the United States Air Force and the vessels of the United States Navy are simply Jesus’ means for raining fire and brimstone down from heaven.



  5. hedgewytch9:14 AM

    When Jones first appeared on the scene, as a progressive I was interested in what he had to say. Then he fell down the rabbit hole. What the heck happened? This guy is smart, he has a point with a lot of what he says, but then he goes conspiracy theorist off the deep end....Needless to say I was pretty disappointed.

    1. Anonymous10:09 AM


    2. Anonymous10:39 AM

      Unfortunately, Alex lJones earned that the way to increase clicks quickly is to speak the absurd to those whose imaginations resist common sense, because... well, because.

      My second thought is that Alex has likely been "signed up" as a provacateur to bring plausible "conspiracies" out, and then to layer the absurd onto them in order to discredit anyone who believes there is government mischief involved at all in the situation.

      I've seen him take what appears to be a cover story told by our government to US citizens that was in conflict with other reputable international media in Europe or Canada and talk about how our media is downplaying the truth in order to support the Pentagon or MIC, which is plausible and likely the truth. But then by making up shit and just layering it on thickly and mixing it in with credible analysis or evidence, he discredits the whole idea that there is a snow job in process along with a mdlackout on information filtered to us. That in itself is a tactic of propagandists to sway public opinion, and it always works on certain segments whose skepticism is limited to partisan politics.

      But we know that our CIA is active in many countries in doing counter intel, which often involves planting stories in the press of different countries, especially when trying to destabilize an economy or political process that might be counter to the interests of the US militarily or whoever is pulling the strings at that moment.

      For instance, there was a huge scandal in the 60's that many people never heard about with the CIA working domestically to infiltrate many groups here domestically by creating secretive foundations to hide the money trail which was funds that were skimmed and diverted from black ops to other domestic purposes because of the lack of oversight and tracking. The CIA was doing this as a counter to the Communist Party, which was doing similar infiltration into the unions and other student led groups on the campuses. Michigan State University was the center of CIA efforts at that time until they were busted out by Ramparts Magazine, which is now defunct. Many of the New Left writers did a stint at Ramparts, if you care to look at his movements are created and thwarted by the weight of ideology (on both sides of the political spectrum).

      Some of the things the CIA did actually had good intentions and worked out well, even though they were subverting US laws at every level if jurisdiction with spying/espionage, murder, fraud, etc.; basically violating our constitution in every way possible, and then doing the same with payoffs and pressuring others to keep it out of the headlines. When that failed, smearing the whistleblower (or worse) was the accepted MO, and there was even less protection for those "patriots" of the day. Unfortunately, the corruption and illegal activities provided incentives for the ethically-bankrupt to leverage those situations to garner more power and wealth. Not unlike today, by any means.

      But you're right. Alex isn't an idiot, but he plays one fairly well. He just goes off-script on the ludicrous side, but it serves its purpose of discrediting his message, which is by design. The truth is usually contained in one of the nuggets that he "supports" but then does such an awful job of articulating with credible evidence. But that's the point. It can be an exhaustive task to extract the truth from his rants, but I'm convinced he's giving cover in many cases to something tangible that someone wants to be blurred by being supported by the nutcases and ignored by everyone else. He creates his own noise that makes the nugget of truth unpalatable. Propaganda. Plain & Simple.

  6. Anonymous9:26 AM

    How long HAS it been since Palin appeared on Fox? I think it was when she and Todd flew up to pose for photos with Greta and the wounded warriors. In all of the discussions about Syria, Fox didn't bother to put Palin on for even 5 minutes to repeat her sassy "Let Allah sort it out." Once she said it, they must have seen Blood Libel all over again.

    One of Sarah's fans reported yesterday that someone on CNN mentioned her name, was she going to appear on CNN? Seriously, if Palin is under contract to Fox CAN she appear on CNN?

    1. Anonymous10:27 AM

      Sarah was already fired from Fox. Call them and you will see.

  7. Anonymous10:22 AM

    Reality check Gryphen.....whether or not tis true.....tis unfortunately not totally beyond the pale.....remember who we're talking about here....I do.

  8. Anonymous10:26 AM

    They are also telling everyone that all the rebels are Al Quaeda , which is a blatant lie.

  9. Boscoe5:34 PM

    As much as it sickens and frightens me, I'm with Alex Jones on this one. Al Queda gassing civilians in order to trick Obama into helping further their goals makes a hell of a lot more sense than Assad gassing them after Obama announced that chemical weapons would be the trigger to provoke a US response.

    Think for a minute, what makes more sense: Assad decided to commit suicide, or Al Quaeda murdering civilians in order to manipulate the US?

    Occam's Razor, my friend.

  10. Anita Winecooler6:25 PM

    Consider the source. Where was Geraldo? Posting more selfies on the net? They had to have his brother fill in for him?
    Alex Jones makes Sarah look somewhat sane by comparison, but not by much.


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