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Photo courtesy of LynnRockets |
Apparently David Vitter, made famous after being associated with the D.C. Madam and found to have utilized prostitutes while wearing adult diapers, did this:
Sen. David Vitter (R-La.) has been tying up the Senate this week as he pushes an amendment that would bar the federal government from making payments toward health insurance that members of Congress buy in the Obamacare exchanges. Vitter has been trying to attach the proposal to an unrelated bill on energy efficiency.
Pretty douchey I know.
In response the Democrats did this:
But Democratic senators are preparing a legislative response targeting a sordid Vitter episode. If Vitter continues to insist on a vote on his proposal, Democrats could counter with one of their own: Lawmakers will be denied those government contributions if there is “probable cause” they solicited prostitutes.
According to draft legislation obtained by POLITICO, Democrats are weighing whether to force a Senate vote on a plan that would effectively resurrect Vitter’s past if the conservative Republican continues to press forward with his Obamacare-bashing proposal.
Oh no they didn't! But yes, yes they did.
Well this caused Vitter to reflexively fill his depends and then he got pissed. (Or pissed himself, that part is a little unclear.)
So Vitter performed the Senate version of throwing a tantrum:
Sen. David Vitter (R-La.) is calling for an ethics investigation of Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) and Sen. Barbara Boxer (D-Calif.), in response to Senate Democrats floating a bill that would block him from getting health benefits because of his prostitution scandal.
In his call for an investigation, Vitter accuses Reid and Boxer, the chair of the Ethics Committee, of an attempt to influence his vote by "intimidation and bribery."
Now just roll that around in your mind for a moment. The married Louisiana Senator who paid for sex with a number of prostitutes, and who dragged his poor wife out into the public arena to provide cover for his indiscretions, is now calling for a purely politically motivated ethic's investigation?
Personally I think that ANY issue which reminds the American public, and Vitter's constituents in Louisiana, of his past indiscretions is a good thing.
So as President Obama might say, "Please proceed Senator."
By executive order, Obama decreed that congress would get a 75% subsidy to cover their plans. Senator Vitter is the only one I have heard complain about this. Since it was an executive order, congress sidestepped voting on it.
ReplyDeleteThe ACA clearly states that congress is not exempt from the law.
I DO NOT think Vitter should still be in government, but, unless I have it all wrong, he sounds right on this one.
The B.
First of all an executive order is by definition not something congress votes on. And secondly, you are completely wrong.
Anonymous 10:45 am you have it completely wrong, and the Vitters of this world depend on that. Vitter wants to take away employer-provided health insurance for Congressional staff, making them the only category of Americans to lose their coverage, as a cheap political stunt to thrill low information voters. Obama has done no such thing by executive order. If Vitter wont stick up for his employees, why should his constitutents think he would stick up for them?
DeleteMy husband is a Congressional staffer, and Vitter should appreciate that I will stick up for him - just like his wife stood up for him when confessed he done wrong with them hookers.
Anonymous 2:09
Delete"The vitters of this world depend on that."
LOL. "Depends" is a brand of adult diapers. Oh, the irony!
The Democrats (and the others that stay silent on this) are just trying to protect their taxpayer-funded subsidies.
ReplyDeleteDoes this feel right to anyone?
The B.
No. Employers should pay for their employees health insurance. Do you really want Congressional staff to get nothing to pay for their health insurance? I buy health insurance for my daughter's nanny because I want her to do the best possible job caring for my daughter. And we should do the same for Congressional staff.
DeleteWell, since these clowns in DC seem to forget WHO placed them there, and why, then we should refuse to subsidize their healthcare. They have done not a lick of work since President Obama took office. It is just one vote after another to defund Obamacare, no bills for creating jobs, fixing infrastructure. I would throw them all out. Workers at any place of employment who work part time do not get benefits. These clowns in DC work only 3 days a week, take numerous recessess, why do they get all these perks.?Then they go on the Sunday shows, and insult the President, who they have blocked from getting much done every since day one.
DeleteIt's the Dems playing hard ball...finally!!! Please proceed, Senator Vitter.
ReplyDeleteIt is a disgrace that David Vitter is still a senator. If there was ever a poster child for republican hypocrisy, he is it.
ReplyDeleteWhat a friggin' idiot! Another Republican, of course, of course! So many of them need to be voted out of Congress in their next election cycles.
ReplyDeleteLove the fact, the Dems are finally playing nasty right back at him! It's well deserved!
Darell Issa is another one, with Benghazi and the IRS. He is determined to find wrongdoing, and he should be good at it, since he himself has comitted crimes. He should be behinds bars, not in office. Who votes these useless people in?
DeleteI think the Dems are wrong on this, and I thnk it could bite them in the future.
ReplyDeleteI don't like Vitter, but it is not unethical to criticize and use votes in congress to try and hcange legislation.
I think his prostitution activities are "icky," but they don't affect any legislation except to the extent people think it's so awful as to blackmail him.
Passing a law designed to target one member of congress is unethical and immoral. Suppose Repubs then decided to pass a law that says that anyone who has oral sex in the Oval Office can't have health subsidies. or anyone who has an affair can't have congressional benefits?
If someone has to suffer for Dem stupidity and ethical behavior, I'm okay with it being Vitter, but it's still stupid, and unethical.
You don't think the GOP requiring a filibuster majority on every single piece of legislation is stupid and unethical? The Founders NEVER intended the filibuster to be used like this. Until the Dems start hitting back hard at these obstructionists nothing will change. They are not doing the peoples' business. They are playing politics and it has to STOP.
DeleteHe broke a law. He is a criminal and should have been booted from office. And how can anyone "blackmail" someone that has already publically acknowledged that he hired prostitutes to infantise him in his family home in his children's playroom?
DeleteYes I think the GP filibustering everything is stupid. but it's not unethical as defined by the ethical guidelines.
DeleteI'm all for Dems hitting back - or at least stnading up. But within the ethical guidelines.
supposed they passed a law that all congress people that don't work on "x" can't have "y." (and fill in the "x" with some black, muslim, hispanic, etc. celebration).
They might as well have said "This is the David Vitter piece of legislation." That's not right. and it's against the ethical code (yea, I know, calling congress to behave towards some ethical code is funny.) but I don't think this is funny. Suppose it read - no one who consults with the dead can head the state - the "don't let Hilary run" piece of legislation. It's not right. not matter how deserving Vitter is.
Vitter has proposed legislation to exempt one category of Americans from having their employer subsidize their health insurance - Congressional staff. It's a cheap mean-spirited political stunt sure to be a big hit at places like the PeePond. No one has introduced any bill targeting this eejit Vitter. It just highlights the absurdity and evil of singling out one category of people and arbitrarily denying them health insurance. Like, say, a man who goes to hookers and then has his wife defend him in public.
DeleteVitter got a standing ovation when he returned to office, by the way. These repubs. just LOVE their "family values" co workers.
Delete12:08: He broke a law. He is a criminal and should have been booted from office. And how can anyone "blackmail" someone that has already publically acknowledged that he hired prostitutes to infantise him in his family home in his children's playroom?
DeleteThey aren't blackmailing him for using prostitutes. They are hitting back at him, using the prostitute angle, for fighting Obamacare.
Are you sure you want to set a precedent that it's okay to after your enemies because you don't like what they are saying? and it's okay for congress to punish other members whose ideas they don't like.
Like I said, supposed they decided to pass a law that said no one who talks to the dead can run for president. or serve in the senate or cabinet. Hilary is now out. It would be the "eliminate Hilary."
or sex in the oval office is grounds for impeachment (and they didn't impeach him for sex in the office, they impeached him for lying about sex in the office).
or anyone who preys on congressional interns - reworded so that no congressperson shall have sex with an intern - even if they are consenting adults. That would get rid of B.Clinton and a bunch of others - although I actually think it would be a good law. But it would have to apply to everyone, not jut presidents.
I think people fail to realize the danger of approving of a piece of legislation designed to harm one person in congress because of their political ideas.
DeleteThat's what they are doing.
They aren't going after Vitter cuz he had prostitutes.
They are going after Vitter cuz they don't like (with good reason) what he is doing with Obamacare. That's wrong, and if the shoe was reversed, Dems would be screaming, and rightly so.
It won't pass, but I'll bet the Senate Majority won't vote on it 41 or 42 times like those idjits in the house continue doing our of pure fear of being primared by their "party supporters".
DeleteTo get life insurance, if one does things that harm their health/longevity (Smoking cigarettes), they pay higher premiums.
DeleteShouldn't the same apply to health care? Seeing Prostitutes CAN spread diseases and heighten the cost of the people in Vitters little black book, not to mention his wife.
The Dems are just being compassionate and caring people trying to save the taxpayer's money, and vitter's health.
This law isn't targeting one member of congress unless you think only Vitter has solicited prostitutes.
DeleteI think there is nothing wrong with it. If the Republican Party wants to be the party of ethics and family values, then they can damned well practice what they preach.
The law doesn't say members who have solicited prostitutes. The law reads onlky those who have been investigated by the ethics committed and found to have probably solicited prostitutes. There's only one person that fits that description. I think it's a VERY dangerous precedent to allow a law to be passed for the purpose of silencing, or retaliation, for someone's idea. Vitter's ideas are reprehensible, but it scares me that so many are so willing to support relatiatory legislation. It will come back to bite us.
DeleteI'm not sure I'm understanding what Vitter is asking for, but if what he's saying is that congress should pay for their own healthcare, then I'm with Vitter!
ReplyDeleteCongressmen should NOT have their insurance paid for or that of their family members. And, they should NOT become multi-millionaires merely because they are Congressmen. They ALL milk the system to the max and we are all paying for it/them.
DeleteTenures should also be applied.
Say hello to Sarah Palin buddy! She comes with her own health insurance via the Native American Health System and I bet you mean "term limits"not "tenure" and we know she term limits the hell out of herself.
DeleteC'mon Elizabeth, hike that skirt up a little more why don'tcha?
ReplyDeleteElisabeth Hasselbeck's 'Fox & Friends' Debut Is Here
Vitter brought prostitutes INTO his family home and had sex with them in his children's playroom. Yep, one of those "family values" republicans.
ReplyDeleteI'm not defending Vitter's actions, but at least he wears the Depends. Sarah shits her panties and then wears them for 2 or 3 more days, because "people don't usually notice stuff like that".
DeleteThink again, Sarah. Or rather, think, period.
Her good buddy poopy pants Nugent taught her that.
Delete@11:36am - What makes you think only ONE congressperson would be affected by this? ;P
ReplyDeleteName me anyone but Vitter who is affected by this. They admit that was their design, in retaliation for his fight to defund obamacare. I suppose you could argue with them if you want.
DeleteCan someone please explain to me what went wrong in this man's head that he would want to wear diapers as part of sex?! Good god it's disturbing.
ReplyDeleteHe is obviously one sexually sick puppy! Diapers? Good god!
DeleteHe and so many other Republicans in Congress are horribly sexually unattractive with John McCain and McConnell immediately come to mind! Yuk!
McCain still thinks he is a babe magnet. I doubt that he ever was, but how he landed Cindy is beyond me. She has the money, she should dump him.
DeleteVitters is not the only one who wears diapers or Depends. He has many comrades of like persuasion. Whatever works. Usually it goes back to childhood. They are stuck with the only way they can get off.
DeleteThe DC Madam is no more. She had a list and knew their preferences.
The above photo of Vitter should be blown up and put on display somewhere in the halls of the Congress building in D.C.
ReplyDeleteIt's way past time we literally begin embarrassing the hell out of Republicans! I'm sick and tired of their asinine rhetoric, crummy work ethic and the embarrassments they have become throughout the USA!
It's photoshopped.
Delete5 Ways Republicans May Be About To Permanently Destroy The GOP Brand
And they're STUPID enough, and CYNICAL enough to do that ALL!
Fox News Host Todd Starnes Fumes Over Indian American Miss America
The Miss America pageant is not known for being especially thoughtful (the first question asked in the interview segment this year was about twerking, the second question about sexting, the third about Syria).
The judges seem unusually prescient this year though, with their decision to award the title to Miss New York, 24-year-old Nina Davuluri.
But New York-based Fox News & Commentary radio host Todd Starnes isn’t pleased with the pick.
Davuluri’s family immigrated to Fayetteville, New York, from India 30 years ago, and she played up her differences from the traditional idea of Miss America while campaigning for the title. She performed a Bollywood Fusion style dance for the talent portion. In her a video bio, she said, “Miss America has always been the girl next door, but Miss America is evolving and she is not going to look the same.”
That was enough for Fox “News” closet case Todd Starnes to blow a gasket:
This guy is a good buddy of Sarah and is just a smarmy and disgusting.
And THIS is why they are so rabid about stopping Obamacare:
ReplyDeleteObamacare Is Going To Change The Way You Work And Retire
In other words, Obamacare will tilt power in the labor market away from employers and toward employees.
This is a big deal, and it's a sleeper issue that animates the left-right fight over Obamacare even though it is rarely discussed in the open. Conservatives concerned that we are turning into a nation of "takers" see employer-provided health care as one of the few remaining forces that keeps Americans working. Liberals don't just want health coverage for all; they want workers to be able to press their employers for higher wages and better conditions, which they can more easily do if they're less afraid of losing health insurance if they lose their jobs.
That change in the balance of power will affect the economy in a few ways, some good and some bad, but the effects look likely to be more favorable to workers than employers.
Those 1%-ers don't like it when they lose their power...
Employers brought it on themselves. Providing healthcare used to be a perk to attract the brightest and best and to keep employees for the long haul. That avoided the expense of retraining and the loss of company knowledge through attrition and retirement.
DeleteBut they decided to be penny wise and pound foolish and give that up. So they got people coming and going, surfing for better jobs every few years. And they got people coming to work sick, making others sick, resulting in loss of productivity.
They've done the same thing abolishing the pension system.
And sending jobs overseas.
Then they give bonuses and obscene raises to the very top while cutting pay, healthcare and pensions for the very bottom. Is it any wonder workers have no loyalty to the company? That they are discontent? That they put in their time rather than going above and beyond?
I don't think we should be bailing out companies that are so short-sighted.
It's about time the Dems got a spine and fight fire with fire.
ReplyDeleteI remember reading about Vitter, but I do not remember the diapers. That is just plain gross (and highly unsanitary - a guy could get e-coli and possibly need some health care insurance to get treated).
'Bout time Dems grew a pair and a backbone and started using the Republican Playbook to goose the gander. I saw sauce Vitter's ass.
ReplyDeleteEngaging in sex with prostitutes is a highly risky behavior and I don't see why the government healthcare should pay for someone that is putting themselves in danger of aides and other very expensive STDs.
Vitter doesn't like it? Fuck him.
He'd probably like that.
I pity the poor prostitute that drew the "short straw" and got Vitter. One would THINK he'd have a lick of sense and just shut up, knowing the world knows what a pervert he truly is.