Sunday, September 01, 2013

Final thought of the day.

Ain't THAT the truth?


  1. Anonymous7:08 PM

    Perfect! I agree totally :)

  2. Anonymous7:13 PM

    For the longest time I chose to remain blissfully ignorant of all but the most obtrusive current events matters.

    Then at long last the Democrats pushed for healthcare reform.

    Having worked in the insurance field for my lifetime, and as someone who has to deal with the American system half the year, the Canadian the other half, I felt uniquely qualified to add my two cents to the debate.

    Everyone seems to have forgotten that something like 70% of U.S. citizens clamoured for help from the government, to rein in the dastardly deeds of those making obscene profits from the sickly and the dying.

    I got involved to the point of noticing how every goddam day, some Republican asshole or two, says or does something nothing short of EVIL.

    And how there is an entire TV channel, devoted to misinforming a rather dimwitted public, about "Obamacare" and every other aspect of life.

    And how there is a small army of ridiculously rich people, who are not content with private jets and yachts anymore, and have made a hobby of meddling in politics, to game the financial system even more in their favour.

    My KNOWING all this awful stuff does not seem to change a damn thing, sadly.

    Yet, I'm pretty sure I'd rather be wise to it all, as opposed to being a big chump, believing all the Fox lies, and being conned into being afraid of science, intelligence, and the REAL meaning of Christianity (now that its churches have been turned into Republican fundraising sites--and preachers now inspire their flock to hate instead of love.)

    1. Anonymous8:47 PM


    2. Anonymous10:50 AM

      I second that amen. Well said.

  3. Anonymous9:07 PM

    You said it my friend.

  4. Anonymous9:27 PM

    7:13 So perfectly said! My feelings exactly in that I wish I didn't know so much...

    And, I worry so for our President!

  5. Anonymous9:48 PM

    I agree wholeheartedly and thank all of you for your comments everyday.

    And 7:13, you are spot on. I too wonder how the hell the spin machine made so many of us dumb and dumber. Believe me, humans have outsourced their brains for a long time and we don’t need to put up with the idiocy such non action begets.

    Keep speaking up, don’t lie low and hold on. Life is one incredible ride.

    Emily Post

  6. Anonymous1:11 AM

    (From 7:13...actually, Roger)

    At least I can use my "voice" to say some things here and there, and hopefully spark a person or two into waking up from the hypnotic misinformation stupor they are in.

    As many of you have noticed, presenting new facts to most people, causes them to hunker down deeper into delusion--its a proven psychological symptom, weird as it is.

    But not everyone is a lost cause.

  7. Anonymous10:55 AM

    I love this, it's so true of how I feel. It's especially hard for me to stay informed when people are suffering through war and other tragedies.


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