Friday, September 27, 2013

Just in case you missed it, here is President Obama's entire speech about the Affordable Care Act from yesterday in Largo, Maryland.

It was a truly great, and informative speech.The President also took a few well deserved shots at his Republican opponents.

“Just the other day, one Republican in Congress (None other than Ted Cruz) said we need to shut this thing down before the marketplaces open, and people get to see that they’ll be getting coverage, and getting these subsidies because — and I’m going to quote him here, he said ‘It’s going to prove almost impossible to undo Obamacare. So, in other words, we’ve got to shut this thing down before people find out that they like it,” the President said, to more applause from the crowd.”That’s a strange argument.”

And this:

"One congressman said that Obamacare is the most dangerous piece of legislation ever passed," (Louisiana Representative John Fleming) Obama said in Largo, Md. "Ever, in the history of America, this is the most dangerous piece of legislation. Providing -- creating a marketplace so people can buy group insurance plan, the most dangerous ever." 

"You had a state representative somewhere say that it's as destructive to personal and individual liberty as the Fugitive Slave Act," (New Hampshire representative Bill O’Brien) he added. "Think about that. Affordable health care is worse than a law that lets slave owners get their runaway slaves back. I mean, these are quotes. I'm not making this stuff up." 

"And here's one more that I've heard. I like this one. We have to, and I'm quoting here, we have to repeal this failure before it literally kills women, kills children, kills senior citizens," (Michele Bachmann) an incredulous Obama said. "Now, I have to say, that one was from six months ago. I just want to point out we still have women, we still have children, we still have senior citizens. All this would be funny if it wasn't so crazy."

And then pointed out that, despite so much bizarre opposition, that someday it will be accepted and that they will no longer want to associate it with his name:

"Here is a prediction for you: a few years from now, when people are using this to get coverage and everyone's feeling pretty good about all the choices and competition that they've got, there are gonna be a whole bunch of folks who say, "Yeah, yeah, I always thought this provision was excellent. I voted for that thing,'" he continued. "You watch. It will not be called Obamacare."

In fact that day of acceptance may be almost upon us as we just learned the other day that the cost of Obamacare will be lower for 95% of Americans than previously estimated.

Oh, and all of those full time jobs that the law was supposed to be costing Americans? Yeah well that is turning out to be a bunch of crap as well.

Yep, all of that spells good news for uninsured Americans, and bad news for the Republicans who have spent all of these last four years fighting against its implementation.

I would shed a tear for them but I am too busy being excited about signing up for health insurance.

(H/T to TPM and Mediaite)


  1. Anonymous5:04 AM

    Did you see this from Bill Maher? I love the smell of dripping sarcasm against the right wing with my coffee in the morning.

    1. Sharon6:38 AM

      What a great my Bill. I fondly remember the 1st time I lived in CA in 1978 when all state universities (UCLA) was totally free if you were a resident for a year. Food was sooooo cheap, gas and clothes...even car insurance. Even that many years ago, coming from NJ it was so much cheaper to live. The funny part was Jerry Brown was governor and dating Linda Ronstadt.

  2. Anonymous5:58 AM

    "I'm not making this stuff up!"

    OMG, Queen Esther! He finally semi-acknowledged you! Time for a panty change, harridan?

  3. Anonymous6:21 AM

    I can't post the link but if you google Palin, an interesting link from The Nation appears. It seems SarahPac's man, Tim Crawford, used "dark money" to fund attack ads for Josh Mandel. Scarah liked Josh. Thought you might want to cover it. No one else is.

    1. Anonymous6:45 AM

  4. Anonymous7:04 AM

    President Obama is so damned good! Love him, love him! The Republicans and the Teabaggers are going to eat crow on this issue.

    Make sure you tell those family and friends (that need insurance) to start the process of signing up on 10/1. We need to assist President Obama in talking the 'good' and 'truthful' parts of Obamacare!

  5. hedgewytch7:30 AM

    The President used 3 examples of outrageous statements about Obamacare in his speech yesterday. This statement: "You had a state representative somewhere say that it's as destructive to personal and individual liberty as the Fugitive Slave Act," (New Hampshire representative Bill O’Brien)"

    O'Brien's statement using the example of the Fugitive Slave Act must have been picked up by our own Fred Dyson (who I thought this quote was first attributed to when I heard the President say it.) who used the same outrageous comparison in his Compass piece in the Anchorage Daily News on Wed. regarding State health care benefits paying for abortions.

    Wonder if both Dyson and O'Brien got that phrase from some talking points handed to them by a "think tank"?

  6. Anonymous8:07 AM

    The country needs more politicians like Ted Cruz and Sarah Palin.
    Obamacare must be defunded and defeated.

    1. Those two would seem to be the best-equipped candidates to do that.

      (See, I can be as brainless as you!)

    2. Spouting your anti-American viewpoints here is a waste of your time. Go to a some right-wing America-hating site and spout that crap.

    3. Anonymous9:14 AM

      You keep thinking that, 8:07 AM. You're obviously easily bamboozled.

    4. Anonymous2:57 PM

      But it won't be, so you're shit outta luck, troll.

  7. Beldar J Conehead9:09 AM

    "You watch. It will not be called Obamacare."

    No, no, no, Mr. President, you are wrong.

    As the provisions of your signature legislation are adopted and improved over time, millions of grateful Americans will insist on referring to this program as Obamacare in your honor, as an important part of your legacy. And if you'll pardon my clumsy French, sir, them what don't like it can shove it up their ass.

    1. I believe you are correct, Beldar. It didn't take me long after passage of the PPACA to decide that, by God, I was going to proudly stand up for Obamacare!

      I think there are many who will ensure that this short and sweet term is not an insult, but instead gives credit where credit is due. And I think it is beginning to dawn on some republicans that coming up with the term "Obamacare" and insisting on using it might turn out to be an oopsies.

  8. Anonymous11:43 AM

    I never believe anything that Barry Obama says.
    Especially about his Unaffordable Care Act

    1. Beldar J Conehead12:20 PM

      Oh, Beldar... You and your semi-moderately amusing faux-moronic trollery!

      hey, wait a minute...

      I'M Beldar!

      So... that makes you....

      ah.... now I get it....

      Hey, 11:43, I like your tin-foil hat! tres chic!

    2. Anita Winecooler6:05 PM

      Mr Conehead, Sir. I understand you're a very busy person and all that, but what's your take on Sarah "BENGHAZI" Palin's screech attack on Hillary Clinton?

      She "thinks" (continue reading once you catch your breath) Hillary would be "ill suited" to run for President!

      Thank You in Advance!

    3. Beldar BENGHAZI!!!! Conehead7:10 PM

      Anita - Interestingly enough, I am actually not all that busy but I am definitely "all that". Go figure, eh?

      As to your question regarding the Screechy Wretch(tm), I hope you dont think me rude for pointing out that ALL of my well-considered opinions on every conceivable subject are available in my best-selling e-book, Beldar Opines Just For You. Sure, it's pricey, but it's a bargain at half the price, I assure you.

      Since you asked, I will summarize my opinion of Screechy's attack speech on Hillary Clinton (BENGHAZI!!!! ) in three distinct timeframes, so pay attention closely.

      As to the past, there is no doubt. She clearly was never good enough and on that assessment there is near unanimous agreement. As regards the present, there is simply no rational argument against the proposition that she currently is not at all good enough. And, as to the future, which is rarely known with certainty, it is without question in this specific matter, that she will, without any doubt, never, ever, ever, never. never, ever, ever be good enough. And that should just about cover everything, won't you agree?

      Two more points for you to consider: 1) Screechy's opinion of Hillary Clinton is of absolutely no consequence as Screechy has proven herself to be irredeemably irrelevant and uninformed on all matters of even minimal importance and 2) she's a complete and total twatwaffle.

      If you have any further questions, just buy my e-book, will ya! It'll be the best $125 you ever spend. I promise. (plus shipping and handling, also too...)

    4. Anita Winecooler5:03 PM

      , I e mailed Darryl (not one of the husbands on Bewitched) Issa and got several pages of BENGHAZI in every font imaginable with sixty exclamation points.
      Since the link got over six thousand responses, mostly different variations of "twatwaffle", I'm pretty sure we're both on the same page.

      125 is a bargain, unless shipping and handling are a hundred bucks, you should reconsider. Especially if it's signed. People pay more because it makes them feel "special"

  9. Anita Winecooler5:51 PM

    This was absolutely fantastic! It was " If my kids were home, I'd have taken photos of us standing up and watching it on tee vee! then put it on facebook" fantastic!

    But TODAY, was even better! Yes, our President at his best, among other things, doubled down on Congress, showed the power of speaking softly while carrying a big stick,along with working behind the scenes with Hillary Clinton and John Kerry using diplomacy, the President spoke to the leader of Iran by phone! And ended his conversation in Farsi. saying "Thank You and God be with You". after he said "Thank You for speaking with me". This is a HUGE step in the right direction.

    Rachel did a great cover of the story... no link yet,


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.