Thursday, September 12, 2013

On the heels of an anti-Obamacare rally with only a handful of supporters, the Right Wing throws a Benghazi conspiracy rally with much the same result.

Courtesy of Think Progress:

The first anniversary of the Benghazi tragedy was supposed to be the time for conservatives around the country to descend on the Capitol by the thousands, demanding that Congress reveal the truth. Less than one hundred bothered to show up. 

The “Justice for Benghazi” rally was meant to be a joint effort between the Patriots4America and Special Operations Speaks — two groups that have for months now been hammering establishment Republicans for what they see as not enough action to unveil what really happened in Benghazi, Libya last year. Special Operations Speaks was behind a series of ads and petitions demanding that Speaker of the House John Boehner appoint a special committee to investigate the supposed Obama administration cover-up of its involvement in the attack and the deaths of four Americans including Ambassador to Libya Chris Stevens. According to organizers, as many as 5,000 people were expected to show up on the Hill and make their voices heard. 

At the 12:30 PM start time for the rally, though, there wasn’t very much rallying going on. Instead, there were only a handful of people gathered near the open lawn that was meant to be barely containing thousands of supporters. Many of them were hiding from the ninety-five degree weather in the shade, jostling to have their picture taken with former Rep. Alan West (R-FL) who was there for an earlier event. Several of those milling about lamented that technical difficulties had prevented the organizers from setting up their audio equipment until the time when the protest was supposed to begin. 

Even among those near the rallying point, not everyone present was even there for the rally itself. Several standing on the curb of the nearby traffic circle were there to support the thousands of motorcyclists who had intended to drive by en masse as a counter to a protest of how Muslim-Americans have been treated since 2001. Due to permit issues, however, the motorcycles only drove by at a rate of one every few minutes, leaving the onlookers to mingle with the Benghazi protesters.

Okay this stuff is killing me. I laughed so hard reading this, especially after the abysmal showing for the anti-Obamacare rally, that I almost teared up.

So, to be clear, hardly anybody shows up to support the repeal of Obamacare, only a handful show up to seek "justice for Benghazi." and an occasional biker rides by to protest a Muslim rally.

I do not think I could dream up a better metaphor for what is going on with the conservative movement these days. I truly believe that if it were not for the astro-turf support from the Koch brothers and others, these fringe groups would simply blink out of existence in a day or two.


  1. Anonymous5:00 PM

    That first photo is precious; just one fatty with an American Flag! Kind of sums up their entire movement! That gal looks like she need to move a bit more and eat a LOT less ;-)

    She has a Medicaid Mobility Device in her future for sure! Hoveround Hottie!

    1. Anonymous8:49 PM

      Yeah, I would like to see you naked asshole. Why do you have to resort to calling women fat. Loser. If you are a guy, I bet you are ugly and if you are a woman, shame on you.

    2. Anonymous7:35 AM

      Sounds like you're married to one on those closeted Republican perverts, aren't you? And he probably teaches teen boys Sunday school to recruit his prey to keep his stable full, I'll betcha.

      Bless your heart.

    3. Anonymous7:50 AM

      Why do you have to use such foul language to someone who said something you don't like? That's kind of hypocritical and vindictive, too, to call someone an asshole and then to call them ugly. But I guess if something is said that has nothing to do with you that you don't like, it's okay to get mad and start calling someone vulgar names and talking about their physical looks, huh? Yeah, that's what Jesus would do, right? You're sure acting like those hypocritical "kkkristyuns", whether you profess to be one or not. If you're not, you ought to join up with them, because they love to talk about everybody else is ugly and fat and going to hell and try to shame them into feeling bad, when you're doing the same thing yourself, usually worse. But then, those fakers turn right around and play the victim like everybody's done them wrong and that they're so far above such behavior.

      I can't speak for Jesus, but I did read where he might suggest you take a look at that log in your eye before bothering to point out (and drone on and on and on...) that speck in somebody else's eye.

      Sounds like pretty good advice for everyone. But I guess you might call Jesus an asshole too if he said something you didn't like, even if it was true.

    4. Anonymous7:50 AM

      Male or female, fat is fat.

      While controversial (and by no means yet conclusive), recent studies suggest that people who score low on IQ tests in adolescence are more likely to be overweight in middle age, and others have linked obesity to measurable declines in cognitive function:

  2. Anonymous5:02 PM

    See, Sarah? You're done. Pretty soon someone in your family is going to have to get a job (no, spreading your legs for money is not a job, don't listen to your husband).

  3. Olivia5:02 PM

    It is a joy to see these idiots fail so fabulously but the only thing that will send the remainder of them scuttling back under their damp, slimey, moldy rocks is getting a brand new shiny white president. Of course, if that president is Hillary or better yet, Elizabeth Warren, we will have a whole new pack of nasty toothless critters crawling out again.

    1. I love Elisabeth, but she needs to know more than economics. Hillary comes out ahead, I think.

    2. Boscoe8:41 AM

      Now now, who says we have to choose?

  4. angela5:03 PM

    Yep—its all about the Koch machine. The put hundreds of millions of dollars putting a few people on bus and having them flood blogs with anti-Obama anything. But ultimately they are a loud minority. Actually they are a loud almost nothing. Even the first bagger get togethers were really small. But you couldn't tell by the way the MSM acted. A hundred thousand people in Wisconsin protesting against the governor—hardly anything on television. Five hundred baggers in stupid clothes with misspelled signs, and they preempted programming.

  5. Anonymous5:14 PM

    KInd of like the two million bikers for 9/11 that ended up being less than 20 thousand bikers. Still not certain what loud gas guzzling motorcycles have to do with patriotism or Freedumbs, but hey, 'merica Fuck Yea! (not so much, but I guess a lot of folks buy into it so I'll jump on that bandwagon for merely a quote)

    1. Anonymous3:37 AM

      It was an opportunity for the motorcycle crowd to intimidate everyone else. My main complaint about motorcycles is the noise and I do not accept the excuse that the noise is the excitement for the riders as an adequate reason for allowing it. The rest of the population should not have to endure it just so the motorcycle people should have their pleasures.

  6. Anonymous5:30 PM

    My crazy right-wing family members finally shut up about Benghazi (at least around me) last Easter when I interrupted them & challenged them to name the four men killed. Only one of the three could even name the ambassador, Chris Stevens, and none could even think of the name of the one who was from our local area.

    I've since issued that same challenge to several RWNJs and it is interesting how quickly they shut up when they realize they don't care enough about the victims (all four of them) to learn their names.

    I'd LOVE for someone to challenge the Tundra Twit or the Minnesota Mouth to name the four men. I'd hope they would at least know the name of the ambassador, but I wouldn't risk any of my hard-earned $$ on that bet.

    1. Anonymous6:48 PM

      They didn't care about anyone killed in the 13 embassy attacks under W. either.

  7. Anonymous6:12 PM

    I hope that next week they go to court with an order to exhume Vince Fosters body and reopen that case.

    1. Anonymous6:49 PM


    2. Anonymous8:50 PM

      You are CRAZY.

    3. Anonymous9:14 PM

      Who's"they"? You weird demented little troll.

  8. LoveAndKnishesFromBrooklyn6:14 PM

    The toddlers over at the C4Playpen were squealing like little girls about this the other day. One of the "irregulars" kept posting that there were going to be 800,000 bikers drowning out "the Muslims"...wait, no..."it's going to be ONE MILLION!! For real!!!" They were all planning on watching the DC traffic cams to see the mighty minions roar along the closed streets to confront the unsuspecting Muslim crowd while the Capitol police bowed down and let them pass.

    So, out of curiosity, I strolled on over to the webcam site late yesterday morning to witness the historic Parade of Patriots myself. Hmmmm. Cars, cars, cars...oh, here! Look! There's a line of about 15 bikes parked on one side street. Wowser. Nothing else. A million motorcycles would have been a bit hard to hide, no?

    Oh well...I guess the nimrods have to have something to occupy their minds in between quoting the Bible and poking sticks with gum at the end down sewer grates to fish out more change for their Queen.

    1. Anonymous7:14 PM

      At lunch today I overheard the discussion at a nearby table. 2 million bikers gridlocked Washington DC to prevent a million Muslims from Benghazi or something. Ok...

      Fail at the Justice for Benghazi rally caused because someone forgot to activate the alert system!

    2. majii9:14 PM

      I saw the pics of the biker event, and what got most of my attention was not the number of bikers, but how many Capitol Police there were walking beside them! It was obvious to me that the Capitol Police force had no plans to allow them to cause any problems.

    3. LoveAndKnishesFromBrooklyn5:10 AM


      Love that Stephanie Miller/Rocky Mountain Mike clip!!! Everyone give a listen and repeat--


  9. Anonymous6:46 PM

    There wasn't enough electricity to charge up all 'em Rascal's this time, or all the original Teabaggers became too corpulent, or succumbed to diabetic comas, or died, to protest their fellow man's access to affordable health care.

    Also too, perhaps there has been a toll of accidental gun deaths of potential protestors?

    Sarah's all about asking voters to get rid of leadership, she's been doing it since her first year on the city council. She did it with her Gubernatorial neglect of cold and dark villages under her watch and waited for Samaritan's Purse to address the crisis (per an ADN reporter blog):

    Q: Is it possible for these communities that you’ll be visiting, the communities that we’ve been hearing about, to sustain their population that they have now 10 or 15 year from now?

    PALIN: It is certainly a possibility.

    Some of these areas … they may need to see some change in leadership within the community, also. For the leaders whom are looked to for guidance with the young people, that these leaders show them where opportunities are also. So they can, as I just mentioned, seize opportunities for jobs, at the same time being able to be such a strong part of their communities still. It is possible.

    Q. What makes you say that? How do you see a lack of leadership?

    PALIN: I’m not saying it’s a lack of leadership, I’m just saying with new ideas, with new energy in some of these communities, with people not being afraid at all to just call it like they see it and let people know perhaps what their own experience has been in terms of finding success and being a part of the community, at the same time, having income -- there’s nothing wrong with that. And in some of the communities I would say that perhaps new leadership would help provide solutions.

    (Note: I asked for clarification later. Palin said she wasn’t necessarily calling for new elected officials in the region.)

    "I'm not talking about anybody specifically. I'm just talking about young people who are desiring those who will help them see what the opportunities are in Alaska and not just seek government to provide solely for all the needs in rural Alaska."

    But she's too gutless to ever offer her "reluctant servant's heart" into service again.

    Now a Politico writer is mistaking Sarah's sense of follow-through to have her endorse Sullivan for Senate. The 20 hour a week co-Governor couldn't even be bothered to make sure her Yosemite Sam appointee to AG got confirmed - left Wayne Anthony Ross twisting in the wind - but gotta love the way he said she tended to be 'treed by Chihuahuas.' That's a precious take-away.

  10. Anonymous6:49 PM

    Did the FOX Benghazi blow hards cover the big event?

    Will the $hrew from Wassoo share her insights?


  11. Boscoe7:27 PM

    What really fascinates me about this whole thing is that the Koch's clearly did not even bother to bus people in this time. Did they really think an army of the infirm on hovaraounds could keep their own momentum up?

  12. Anita Winecooler7:31 PM

    A thing of beauty is a joy forever!

    What a hoot! I'm shocked that John McCain and his bff and poker partner, Lindsey Graham didn't show up for a photo op.

    1. Boscoe8:35 AM

      Oh, I'm willing to bet they drove up, saw the painfully obvious lack of crowd, and yelled at the driver: "keep going! Keep going!"

  13. Anonymous8:19 PM

    Ugh: Florida bans healthcare navigators

  14. Anonymous8:34 PM

    Oops, wrong thread-meant to post the Florida healthcare comment on the Obamacare thread.

  15. Anonymous3:40 AM

    I bet that most of the few people assembled there couldn't spell or find Benghazi on a map if you offered to pay them to do it. Where do they keep finding their tens of old people? At some local community center day care for senior citizens? And I'm not making fun of senior citizens, because I'm among their number.

  16. Anonymous4:01 AM

    What a (tiny) group of bitter, uninformed losers with nothing better to do with their free time. If they and their ilk were not so dangerous, it would be funny.

  17. Beldar Ben Gazzi Conehead5:48 AM

    Why are you so naive, Mr. Fancy Pants Alaska Librul blogger??? THis so-called President Obama of yours is up to his eyeballs in the Benghazi Massacre and everyone seems to know it but you and the last few librul dead-enders visiting this defunct blog! Wake up and smell the Turkish coffee, buddy boy!

    El Rushbo nailed it yesterday when he asked the simple question: why won't the government release the secret videotape clearly showing a burqa clad, AK47-toting Barack HUSSEIN Obama LEADING the terrorist attack on the consulate compound that left 4 Americans dead, including the ambassador to Libya?

    Have we learned nothing since Watergate? The cover-up is always the worst part of a scandal.

    If Obama would come forward and admit his complicity in the attack, it would save the Amercian taxpayers billions of dollars in unnecessary investigations by suspected arsonist and chief government oversight investigator Rep. Darrel "Dimebag" Issa.

    And consider this final thought: if Obama is hiding his role in the Benghazi attack, who REALLY knows how deeply involved he was in the 9/11 WTC attacks, the Kennedy assassinations, the hole in the ozone layer, or the fatal shootings of Medgar Evers, William McKinley and Abraham Lincoln??

    The Truth will come out, Obama!!! YOU CAN'T HIDE FOREVER!!


    1. Anonymous Lee8:25 AM

      Excellent questions, Beldar. "Enquiring minds need to know!"

      (Cue satire-challenged commenters in 3... 2... 1...)

    2. angela8:59 AM

      I love you Beldar.
      Will you have my alien large headed children? Your gender doesn't matter----you know, 'cause they'll be aliens.

    3. angela, angela, angela... please... Havent you guessed by now that I've already fathered more than my share of large headed alien children with strange independently blinking eyes?

      Don't get me wrong. They're good kids, but they literally eat every bit of mildewed tile grout and white lithium grease in the house!

      (sure, my gender matters not to you, but it's more than a little significant to me!)

    4. BJC part deux3:02 PM

      angela, just to prove there are no hard feelings and that I love you, too, I wrote another reply to your comment:

      angela, baby! What? You forgot already? July, 7th, 1987? You went for a drive in your cute little Plymouth Volare out in the country on a warm starless night? You saw the bright light? And then you woke up in your driveway just before dawn with your culottes on backwards and a mild rash on your inner thigh in the shape of the Orion constellation? You don't remember? Really?

      Well, our little Raymundo is all grown up and a big star now on a very popular Columbian telenovella. And when the full-scale alien invasion begins (very soon), he will reveal himself - bright blue lizard skin, long flicking blood-red bifurcated tongue and all - to be the leader of our new reptilian overlords!

      As his parents, we should be so very proud.

      I know I am!

  18. Anonymous7:56 AM

    That gal with the flag ain't that fat, really, IMO. I like the booty size and I could help her burn some of that belly fat and work on the abs. But that fashion-forward Guernsey-pattern top from Walmart certainly doesn't help her appearance. I won't mention her hair other than to say there are some days when wearing a hat would be more appropriate in public than looking like... that.

  19. Anonymous10:12 AM

    Not real clear on the message on that sign in the first photo ... Why does the city of Benghazi need justice?


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It just goes directly to their thighs.