Monday, September 02, 2013

Remembering when the Republican party could celebrate Labor Day with pride.

Could you imagine the GOP posting something like this today?

It just seems to drive home the point that the Republican has abandoned virtually ALL of its former principles.

(H/T to Mike the Biologist.)


  1. Anonymous4:59 PM

    My dad was a railroader, a union man, and a Republican. I find that so hard to reconcile in my mind today, but he never could have envisioned the fiasco that would overtake his party just a few short years after his death.

  2. Boscoe5:17 PM

    They all became infected with the Ayn Rand pandemic.

  3. Quel embarrassment. (If they could be embarrassed, that is.)

  4. They should hang their heads in shame when they remember what they were and know what they have become.

    1. Anonymous7:16 PM

      But we know they HAVE no shame, and no conscience either.

      This is the same party that wants to take food out of the mouths of children, elderly people and those who are too disabled to work. It's the same party that wants people who are sick to just die. It wants people to live and die in poverty because they didn't happen to inherit great wealth and the opportunities to rise above and achieve the American dream have been stolen in the name of limitless greed.

      Heartless, greedy bastards who answer only to their corporate masters.

  5. Anonymous6:33 PM

    They are one screwed up party and no wonder their numbers have dropped considerably. They are the former and present KKK group (very racist and against our half-white current POTUS!) with the majority being fat, white, evil and male members.

    I'd be high tailing it from them if I were a woman because sex to them is suppose to be a 'duty' vs fun, playful and exciting! We all know that the majority of them are having affairs outside of their marriage or have had them. Their wives bore them! The majority of Republican men are ugly and evil to look at - most are obese, white and unattractive as can be...w/bellies that hang over their tiny peepees. And, many of them are not respective to their wives calling them 'cun--'! (i.e. John McCain - proven and on video!) And, most require Viagra to even get it up! Fun, huh?

  6. Anonymous6:37 PM

    Doubt you'd be seeing that if there had been a Democrat in the White House at the time.

  7. Anita Winecooler6:46 PM

    Those were the days before they changed their mantra to "I got mine, fuck off!"

  8. lostinmn7:37 PM

    I grew up in an Eisenhower Republican household. That is exactly what it was like back then. Republicans were for small government and the people. Now they are just trying to get inside women's vagina's, install dominionism into law and generally eff anybody who isn't white, male and heterosexual

  9. Anonymous9:01 PM

    I recall when the John Birch Society, which even the most die hard Republicans thought of as the lunatic fringe, was unable to worm its way into the GOP.

    So they just changed their name, got financial backing from the Kochs and others, and infected that party like a virus, named the Tea Party.


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