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"Hey Cruz-y. Thinking of you." |
Americans who are fed up with Obamacare won a victory yesterday. The House voted to defund Obamacare while still funding the federal government to avoid a “devastating” shutdown. (I shall not digress, but it’s beyond distressing to hear liberals try to convince Americans that any government slowdown is comparable to “terrorism.”) (Yes how dare the media identify terrorism as terrorism when it is not done by those brown Muslim types.)
Now the battle goes to the Senate, and we’ll find out if Harry Reid is so committed to the horrendous “Un-affordable Care Act” that he’ll be the one to shut down the government to fund the unworkable Obamacare. (This is the new Republican trope. That they are NOT the ones who will end up being blamed if the government shuts down, but that they can somehow lay the blame on Harry Reid and the President. That of course is ridiculous and in the end the Republicans will bear virtually all of the blame. Something that Sarah Palin could not possibly understand.)
Let’s be clear. Republicans in Congress aren't advocating a government shutdown. (See?) That’s why they voted in the House to fully fund our bureaucracy while defunding Obamacare. The conservatives in Congress are listening to the majority of Americans who do not want Obamacare. (The people only THINK they don't want Obamacare due to the smear tactics and ad buys used by the Koch brothers and their corporate cohorts. Once Americans start to access the ACA they will be of a much different opinion, which explains WHY the GOP is terrified to let it start implementation.)
Following the will of the people is apparently a novel idea in D.C. these days. Just ask Senator Ted Cruz and his liberty-loving posse on Capitol Hill who have led the charge to defund Obama’s train wreck. (And who better to recognize a train wreck?)
Those of us who hang in there supporting a major political party with our energy, time, and contributions would like to believe that that party would praise principled conservatives like Ted Cruz and Mike Lee for following through on campaign promises. We’d like to believe that the GOP establishment would applaud the way these bold leaders have rallied the grassroots to their cause. But, no, such praise would require a commensurate level of guts and leadership, and the permanent political class in D.C. is nothing if not gutless and rudderless. (Ahh calling the seasoned Republicans "gutless." I wonder how John McCain feels about his creature these days?)
We’re now, once again, subjected to the “anonymous sources” backstabbing game. The Capitol Hill cowards are rushing to anonymously denounce Senator Cruz to any reporter with a pad and pen. (Or as they are known more widely, politically savvy insiders who know that Cruz and his pals are about to destroy the Republic party from within, while doing untold damage to the country.)
Welcome to our world, Ted. The same people have been denouncing conservatives like me for years (right after they ask for help fundraising for themselves or endorsing the latest candidate they’ve suckered into paying their exorbitant consulting fees). We can compare shiv marks next time we meet, my friend. (The only thing conservative about Sarah Palin is the number of brain cells she uses while arguing her point.)
If the Senate doesn’t get behind Ted Cruz’s efforts to defund Obamacare, it won’t be because of any failure on Ted’s part. It’ll be because there weren’t enough principled leaders to stand with him, and that would be a tragic loss, not for Ted, but for America. (Yes how will America survive having politicians do the right thing for their constituents rather than to scream "Benghazi!" and throw a two year old style tantrum until the process in Washington grinds to a halt?)
More and more Americans are waking up to the nightmare of Obamacare as its rollout continues. Hardworking families are losing their employer-provided health care coverage. Businesses are cutting back their employees’ hours to skirt Obamacare’s mandates. Americans barely scrapping (I think this was supposed to be "scraping.") by are discovering that Obamacare has made health care completely unaffordable. Those who aren’t part of a protected special interest group have been left in the cold. (Uh yeah, none of that is exactly true and once the law goes into effect, it will lower insurance premiums, provide far better coverage, and help businesses grow. And THAT is what the Republicans are afraid of!)
When you’re living on a fixed income, having to pay hundreds of dollars more each month for health care will cut into your ability to pay for basic necessities like food, electricity, or gas (which has increased 90% under Obama). Open your eyes, America. When the full reality of Obamacare strikes home, we’ll thank God that principled leaders like Ted Cruz and Mike Lee took a stand to stop it in its tracks. (Wanna bet?)
But the permanent political class is handwringing and howling that if there’s a government shutdown the media will blame Republicans for it. Here’s a little newsflash, GOP establishment: Whenever anything bad happens, the media blames Republicans for it. That’s not an excuse to roll over and play dead. (What a great idea! The public already hates the GOP so why not keep doing things to reinforce that hate, rather than do something to earn back respect? We could call this "The Palin Doctrine.") It’s a call to follow the advice I give my daughters: Woman up, stand your ground, and fight like a girl! (Refusing to cooperate, throwing tantrums when they don't get their way, and changing the subject when they start to lose and argument. I think they already ARE fighting like a girl. No offense ladies.)
I want no pity. I need no empathy. But use me as a barometer. Over the years, the leftwing media has falsely and irrationally accused me of everything from faking a pregnancy to abetting murder. They lie. Deal with it. ("Falsely?" "Irrationally?" I don't think those words mean what you think they mean.)
Republicans in Congress support funding the government. If the Democrats block these funding measures, a government shutdown is on them. In the meantime, stop the ridiculous hysterics. Heck, about the most significant thing that happened during the last government shutdown was Clinton hooked up with Monica. (Actually it made the Republicans look like petulant children, cost them seats in the next election, and helped smooth the way for Clinton's reelection bid. So in the words of our President, "Proceed gentlemen.")
As I said in my speech at CPAC this year, it’s time for the Senate to put itself on Cruz Control. (Jesus how many SarahPAC bucks did THAT line cost her?)
Ignore the peanut gallery pundits. They’ve written my political obituary so many times, I’m practically Lazarus. (Yes, if Lazarus had never been able to crawl all the way out of his grave and simply yelled unintelligible gibberish at passerby's from his hole in the ground. Or Facebook.) Now they’re trying to destroy Ted Cruz. Good luck with that, you weasels. Texans are just as tough as Alaskans. Smaller, but just as tough.
But here’s the important thing that none of these establishment backstabbers understand. It’s not the messenger that matters. It’s the message. You can try to take out someone like Ted Cruz, but that won’t stop the message from catching fire. (A flaming message? Isn't that a Molotov Cocktail?)
The message is liberty, and it’s been resounding ever since a band of patriots dumped tea in Boston harbor. The message only grows stronger. The grassroots is bigger than any one person. We the People will rise up, and we will make our voices heard. Right now, Ted Cruz is speaking for us in this Obamacare fight. God bless him for it.
Hang in there, Ted and Mike. You have millions of supporters among ordinary hardworking Americans. We support you because you don’t shy away from the fray. May your colleagues in the Senate gain the wisdom to support your excellent efforts so that you can see that the view is better from inside the bus than under it. (Yeah I think that Palin has confused the homeless guy in the back arguing with the empty seat in front of him with the driver of the bus.)
Oh, and a little reminder to Republican senators up for re-election in 2014: Moose season ends soon, allowing more time on one’s hands. So, we’ll be watching your votes very carefully this week. (That sounds like a veiled threat to shoot somebody, doesn't it?)
Some days I really hate my job. And this is one one of them.
Having to spend my morning wading through that ghostwritten sewage is not a job for the timid, or for a man with only one slipper (Where is that other slipper?) and only one cup of coffee to inspire him.
However if I don't write about Sarah Palin who will? (No seriously, who will?)
I think it is perfect that the Palin albatross has landed on the Ted Cruz ship of fools, as that is a sure indication that it is about to hit a political reef and sink into the inky blackness.
Of course this was all ghostwritten for her, though there was certainly a lot of Palin in there. ("Faking a pregnancy." "Abetting murder." That last one is just her way of picking at the never quite ready to heal Gabby Giffords scab.)
However after all is said and done Obamacare WILL move forward, and like Medicare it will soon seem to be an indispensable part of American life. And Ted Cruz will join the ranks of radical firebrands like Jesse Helms, Joe McCarthy, and that famous Republican Adolph Hitler.
And Sarah Palin will be remembered, much like Lazarus, as a moldering corpse who stumbled around among the living, not realizing that they were only stinking up the place and looking more decayed with every public appearance.
"Oh, and a little reminder to Republican senators up for re-election in 2014: Moose season ends soon, allowing more time on one’s hands."
ReplyDeleteOh, ffs, you stupid, lying, twatwaffle.
Is she setting the crosshairs on GOP senators now? Sure looks like it from my vantage point.
Didn't know there were moose in AZ. Why knew?
DeleteShe is on the primary along with JUDGE Burgess, corrupt judge Burgess....
DeleteJoe miller and various other twatwaffles....
I hope it makes everyone vote for Begich.
OT: who own this house (for sale) and I wonder "who" will
buy the land now that the house was burned to the ground? Anyone know? We know Fires/Arson a palin specialty! I hope it wasn't the house Joe McGinnis stayed in? (Really close to the compound, that would be stupid and risky)but so palinish! Mavicky!
"When you’re living on a fixed income, having to pay hundreds of dollars more each month for health care will cut into your ability to pay for basic necessities like food, electricity, or gas (which has increased 90% under Obama). "
DeleteSince when does SHE care about people on fixed incomes?
Oh and spewing for "the most hated man" as I saw him referred as the other day, Priceless and so Palin, what a flippin' maverick she is!
Somebody is paying her big money to stick her name on their propaganda. Wonder who?
DeleteWe know she didn't write any of this stuff, she has no clue and stammers around when she speaks live. We've seen her emails (thanks to Irishgirl) in which others ask her permission to slap her name on the words they have written.
Who is using her as a dispensable town crier for the far right?
Is she hinting that she will now be available to appear at their fund raisers, now that moose season is over? What do they pay? I doubt if any of them would welcome $carah and Toad to appear for them, do you?
DeleteWHEN will she grow up, act her age? She is pushing 50, sticking out her tongue like a little sex toy, that she thinks she is Your looks have faded, $carah. Get shorter wigs, dress your age, stop shopping for shoes at "Stippers R Us" and read some books, or newspapers. Hollywood has passed you and your skank daughters by. No talent, faded looks, lost Roger Ailes. Little Johhny McCain will not return your calls, how demoralizing is THAT??
DeleteWho is using her as a dispensable town crier for the far right?
She is blowing the Kocksuckers...of course! Mama needs a need facelife doncha know!
Hollywood has passed you and your skank daughters by.
Yep...She can ki$$ hollywood goodbye after the stupid bitchol dissed Joan!
Nobody disses Joan in Hollywood! And then Wallows too chicken to cut "har" in Alaska....
She and her family are toast in the real world.
They are the "Walking dead" and moldering corpses Lazarus! Why she thinks that is a "good thing" just shows how fuckin' stupid she is.
DeleteLet's add a few cherries to your delish cocktail.
The insufferable bitch's f.funds are drying up, she ls being sued for grifting once again, she says the fake pregnancy isn't viable, without providing proof, of course, the fucking wildride came from her giddy herpes plastic mouth, the clown needs to explain that sick insane mess.
Cruz is as the mental loser overly ex beauty queen.
Oh Yeah, didn't cruz change his position and came to realize ITS THE LAW BETTER IT'S CONSTITUTIONAL. Seems kiss of death needs to read AND COMPREHEND the constitution.
Sarah wants no pity, she needs no 'EMPATHY BELLY' since Piper is not old enough to have her 1st Bastard yet.(Maybe)
ReplyDeleteBristol was 13 or 14 when Trenton was born.
DeleteCan you share a bit more....
DeleteHi anon 6:45
DeleteI think you commented in January that
"Trenton was born when Bristol was 13.
Trig was born when Bristol was 16.
Triple was born when Bristol was 17.
Willow dropped out of HS as a sophomore. Her baby was given to Britta."
Would you please tell us more?
And how do you know this? (we would love to believe you)
Who is Trenton and where did he go? (Please don't say New Jersey). And where is the DWTS baby?
DeleteAnonymous7:23 AM
If Willow's baby was given to Britta then that would mean that Britta faked her pregnancy also. Gryphen posted a picture of Britta sitting on a bed surrounded by baby shower gifts and in that picture she had a sizable baby bump. Would she be so loyal to the Palins that she would willingly copy Sarah's deception?
I'm a Sarah Palin-hater par excellance but I don't know about Bristol's having all these babies you've been referring to. I think she probably had Trig and definitely had Tripp, but these other alleged-babies?
DeleteI wouldn't doubt she's had an abortion or two, but it's not easy hiding a baby...or a growing child. I also don't think the parson's daughter (or her family) would have gone along with these crazy ideas of saying she's pregnant and then "adopts" one of Bristol's illegitimate off-spring.
The only problem with Gryphen's website is the sometime crazy speculation about "Trenton" and other alleged babies by the posters. As I said, I don't doubt that Bristol gave birth to Trig - though Grypen says not - but to engage in silly talk about Bristol's baby production is counter productive. We should be concentrating on finding definitive proof of Trig's birth and Palin's lies.
Ii totally believe Sarah wrote that paragraph btw, LOL. It doesn't fit at ALL with the rest of her ghostwritten bullshit. Sounds like she's still a little testy about those subjects :P
DeleteYou know, Sarah, people who haven't heard about your fake pregnancy or abetting murder will now use google and find Gryphen's "now-defunct blog" (is, I believe, how you put it). More traffic and believers for us! Thanks!
8:21 AM We need some verification. No doubt the Palins are a messy bunch. But how to get documents and pictures to back things up? No one will talk if their name is attached to a statement. The courts are corrupt and the Feds are involved. It seems the Heath/Palin bullies continue a reign of terror over the Valley folk. And beyond. I am curious why Hunter Ray Wolfe of Juneau committed suicide, it it was that. He was only 22, was there any previous indications?
DeleteBritta is an odd duck that is for certain. How many people get a divorce after a yr and half and only say they are fine with it? BIG RED FLAG THAT IT WAS A SET UP ALL ALONG. They may have dated in high school and Britta snagged the big time job as the Governor's close assistant. That was an indication of something is up. Britta had to drool down Sarah's neck continually to the point of WTF? Would she fake a pregnancy? I would think not, but Britta is part of a crime syndicate so it is possible. I am of a mind that she was always in the Palin mix to help keep Track presentable and the warrior/combat image Sarah must maintain about him.
DeleteFunny, all the hate on about Obamacare. Right now Palin has what she calls teens and needy buddies living in Todd's hangar with Track. None of them need health care? Does the military take care of the medical care? What do they need? Is that where Britta's baby spends time with her father, Track Palin? Or is the child not allowed there without supervision?
None of them need health care? Does the military take care of the medical care?
I think Obamacare has free substance abuse? They will need that.
Both Stupid and her Son!
It shows how retarded Sarah Palin really IS if she is talking when talking of Track's friends in that manner. And, I would think Track would not like it unless he is currently heavily into drugs.
DeleteSarah Palin is the WORST example of a mother in the entire country!
Track would be functioning if he was not on dope or medicine or whatever you want to call it. A 24 year old is not going to go home to mommy basement with other older guys if they are alright.
DeleteThe Palins are like some other typical parents that think they are helping to take in a kid they feel sorry for and let his friends move in as well. They think they can control things indefinitely.
Todd may do what he did for the reality show. Try to have Track work at the Rainbow Camp. The Heaths and the Palins believe that hunting can cure anything. Pray and hunt.
$creech does not even acknowledge Britta/Track's little girl - she has omitted Kyla's name whenever she mentions her grand kids. Fact.
DeleteIsn't it fairly rare for Sarah to bring up "faking a pregnancy"? Does she really want to go there? Because we'll be happy to discuss it.
ReplyDeleteYes Sarah, you have presented no verifiable evidence that you gave birth to Trig. None whatsoever. And there is a whole lot of evidence to the contrary.
I wonder why Sarah didn't mention Todd''s career in pimping.
DeleteTime for Bloggers to call her bluff... Issue the demand, Gryphen! We want DNA proof!
DeleteShe mentioned Trig as a diversion. And, she just can't let anything go.
DeleteSarah would be known only to Alaskans if not for the fake pregnancy. Sarah's approval ratings have fallen, and she can't get them back up. Nothing is working for her. All we see from Sarah now is one handful of shit after another being thrown against the wall.
DeleteThere is only one thing Sarah can do that will garner national headlines again: Fake another pregnancy.
Sarah should post on FB one of Bristol's positive pregnancy test results and claim it as her own.
The pregnant Bristol and Sarah should both go into deep seclusion.
Bristol could put on sunglasses, a fright wig, and a halter top to show off her swollen belly. Sarah could post FB photos of Bristol and claim the belly as her own.
Upping the freak show is the only option available to Sarah.
Why isn't Sarah or Todd suing the pants off of the "media"? She makes no sense. I hope someone in the media clears the whole thing up for her. She is making public statements, she wants a public airing of the matters of birth and death.
DeleteIt would be ever so easy to secure items from various members of the Palin klan...then do the DNA testings!
DeleteI'm sure they are careful not to leave things behind them, but they are such idiots, I'll wager it can be done!!
They are paranoid as hell and it's fun making them even more so!!!
You know...I was worried about the democrats losing the senate in 2014 -- now, not so much. The GOP will invariably nominate more losers like Ted Cruz and moderate voters will balk at putting more asshats like that in the upper house.
ReplyDeleteAlso, gas has gone up ninety percent since Bush left office only because the asshole destroyed the economy. Pretty sure gas is LESS now than it was AT THE HEIGHT of the bubble when it hovered at about five dollars and the news media was running all these wacky stories with theories about how you can maximize your gas pump, like how you should avoid getting gas in the middle of the day to minimize evaporation. I know because my stepmother died around that time and when I went to Texas for the funeral my little brother kept talking about these wacky theories because he thought they were true.
Also - the Republicans in the House voting to cut food stamps will have big back lash also too ... the 'reddest' states (Mississippi, Alabama, etc.) have the highest rates of food stamp users. WINNING!
DeleteAnd how much was healthcare going up without the ACA $tupidfuck $carah?
DeleteI am so grateful that you do read $arah's ghostwritten nonsense. That way I know what she's spewing without burning my eyeballs. Thank you!
ReplyDeleteOh, Gryphen, I do pity you, having to wade through this drivel on a (here in Massachusetts) beautiful Sunday.
ReplyDeleteI'm going out to get the garden ready for winter, so I'm going to throw out only three thoughts:
1) Most importantly, the GOP is in the midst of its own civil war, and Palin has chosen to side with her pal "Ted." She may live to regret signing up for Team Ted in the coming weeks.
2) Once again, Palin misuses the word "empathy." It must have been on her Word-of-the-Day calendar, and no one caught her on it the first time around.
You don't want anyone's "sympathy," Sarah.
3) In one paragraph, she trashes the government "bureaucracy" that the Democrats want to keep going. A little while later, she says that Republicans in Congress support funding the government.
Which is it, Sarah? Needed government spending or frivolous, wasteful boondoggles? You can't have it both ways.
Please remember that the GOP is trying to "defund" an established law of the land. It's like passing a budget resolution but taking out funding for the EPA, or Social Security, or any of the other GOP targets. If they were successful with eliminating the ACA, do you think they'd stop at that? They'd play chicken with every other law they don't like. The Department of Education -- that could be on the list next year.
Well, I guess I'll make four points: although this tripe is chock-ful of Sarah's standard dog whistles, she doesn't know what she's talking about. The ACA was passed by the majority of both houses of Congress, signed by the President , and deemed Constitutional by the U.S. Supreme Court. There was plenty of time to fight it in the Congress and the courts -- and the conservatives lost. It's called the majority rule, Sarah.
If the government were to shut down, how will she explain to her parents that their Social Security and Medicare payments will end? And how will she explain that to her many bots, who live off government programs? How will she explain her views to the U.S. military, which will go without funding?
And to the military families who already have to resort to food stamps, which will increasingly be denied to them? What about air traffic controllers, bridge repairs, or the millions of dollars sent to Alaska by U.S. taxpayers?
How will you explain to the world that our credit rating has been lowered, meaning that we'll need to pay more in interest to the Chinese and other investors in order to sell U.S. bonds?
And -- etc. The list goes on. She has not a clue what she's talking about. But she sure does love to talk!
Now, about that phantom pregnancy you brought up, Sarah -- let's talk about that.
GOP'ers/tea partiers who live at-or-below poverty levels really need a wake-up call. They support the GOP because they think "being FOR businesses" means their little mom and pop store. Tell me how your little 30K a year, 4-employee business is even on their radar when it comes to defunding the ACA? (since with so few employees they won't be required to provide them health care benefits)
DeleteThey're out there protecting the big dogs. The corporations. Pharmaceutical companies. Et cetera. When they talk about "small business" they're not referring to you. You're not "small," you're an amoeba. Tea partiers need to realize that. It kills me that anyone who doesn't have to worry about the capitol gains tax thinks these characters give two shits about them.
Tea partiers need to realize that. It kills me that anyone who doesn't have to worry about the capitol gains tax thinks these characters give two shits about them.
face it - if she truly had not FAKED the birth of TriG, she would eagerly show his BC. She can't, so she won't. She created the lie. She has to live with it.
ReplyDeletesurprised she mention the 'fake' stories about Todd's prostitution ring. Looks to me like he's still at it with his Rainbow camp.
Every time the "Rainbow Camp" is mentioned as all I think of is Big Gay Al's Farm for Gay animals from Southpark :-)
DeleteHas Todd announced his new investment yet? The Rainbow place? It was so weird how Sarah did that post about rainbows and all the while they were keeping it secret. Lies of omission. Next she shows up in a phony but designer camo "hunting" fashion advertisement.
DeleteI think they really don't want the public to know and discuss about the big time rollers they are playing with and their secret place. They can't prove Trig's birth and they can't show that Todd is not a pimp. Even their followers and supporters must wonder why they aren't suing at least one of the so-called false accusers. One of these days, one of their suckers are going to want proof of one of the Palin hoaxes or secrets. Trouble is brewing for the Palins. I can't wait for her Fox spiel on ACA.
$he cannot show her "college degree' or any record of her having attended 5 colleges to finally get a bachelor's degree in Journalism (LOL) -- nor has anyone EVER come forward saying they remember her in college. No teachers, students, nada.
DeleteWhat is the Rainbow Lodge people keep referring to? Have any Alaskans ever heard of this "investment" ??
DeleteAlso, too, seriously, there has never been a candidate for national office vetted LESS than you, Sarah.
ReplyDeleteRemember how the media found out that your husband was part of a radical anti-American, separatist political party and you lied about it and everyone dropped the story? Yeah, that wasn't happening to Obama or Biden. Remember how a video of you surfaced showing a Kenyan priest praying over you to get the "wickedness" out of you and the media said BOO about it? Yeah, that wouldn't have happened for Obama -- or Romney even.
Remember when you were asked four times what the Vice President does, and you failed to answer correctly? Yeah, that tidbit was dropped, too, when even Paul Ryan would have been crucified for that.
These are facts, my friend. You need to get used to them -- the media treated you with special kid gloves because the truth is that you made so many gaffes and had so many skeletons and scandals in your closet that if they treated each of them seriously, they'd be in danger of looking like bullies.
Heck, the RUMOR -- a totals right wing fantasy, btw -- that Michelle Obama had used the term "whitey" received more attention than the fact that you were photographed walking around in shirts promoting the Bridge To Nowhere after you said in your acceptance speech that you turned it down! The medi totally bought your bullshit story about Wooten even though it turned out that you had COMPLETELY exaggerated the allegations against him!
You should send a thank you note to the media for all the undue attention you have received IN THE PAST...which is the key phrase, because you ain't nothing now and won't be until you get arrested!
Also? No one ducking blamed you for MURDER. We just pointed out the fact that in light of the shooting of a congresswoman you should probably have APOLOGIZED for putting her name in a crosshairs and acknowledge the fact that you made a mistake -- and hey, if you wanted to go wild, you could have used the opportunity to ask people to tone down the rhetoric! But...NO! You made YOURSELF the victim and compared yourself to Jesus! Which is great. Because whenever made fun of you for being so stupid, you had another thing to complain about.
{{{{clapping}}}} nothing prettier than the truth.
DeleteSarah -- any editor will tell you that you need to "write short." And every good writer will acknowledge that he or she needs an editor.
ReplyDeleteThere's an inverse relationship between the number of words you use and the impact of your thoughts. This mess that you've posted ends up meaning nothing at all.
The only excuse for this lengthy, misshapen diatribe is that your ghostwriter gets paid by the word. If only we got paid by the word for wading through your nonsense!
Hey, that woman claims to have a degree in journalism. It is also strange that when Palin speaks, she doesn't sound a bit like the stuff that she is supposed to write. It's ghost written and cost a pretty consultant's fee from her PAC.
DeleteI agree, tldr.
DeleteImagine how much crap RAM has been trying to shop if the only bites she got were NRO and Deadbart.
ReplyDeleteSarah's problem is that everyone else is getting all the attention. Every crazy wingnut has a microphone except her - and Ailes is only willing to give her the occasional crumb. She's even trying to drag Trig back into the limelight!
Poor old has-been hag, she's had her eyebrows pulled up, her lips injected, bought fake hair, gone down on a Big Gulp, you name it- and still nobody wants her.
There are three $arah articles on Mediaite based on her FOX spew. $he must be ecstatic!! Not one word appears anywhere else. LOL!!
DeleteShe wants no pity or empathy? How many people do I know who have ever faked a pregnancy and drawn cross hairs over the district of a woman who was devastatingly wounded while others died? Let me see...... Um NONE. So she doesn't want pity or empathy? What's she done to get it? This is nothing but a plea for money. The old bank account must be getting bare if she's taken to the media to run her name up the mast once again. What's next? A prick tease for the US Senate? She'll have to figure out which state and then actually go out in public. She keeps using old photos and wait until the faithful who masturbate over her get a gander at how she looks today and turn to Miley Cyrus. Nice try you old hateful hag.
ReplyDeleteThis bitch makes quite a living from hate nd hating. It seems she learned from Christians.
ReplyDeleteBlow kisses, my ass. She's sucking his cock like there's no tomorrow, breathless with her violent imagery. She's a sick, sick, sick woman who foments hate and division every chance she gets. She's disgusting beyond words and I don't get why she is allowed to carry on without being smacked down, hard, by the adults in the room. Why the fuck does she get away with her treason? Her lies? Why the fuck does she get away with her violent metaphors? Why the fuck does ANYONE give her an ounce of credibility? She's as foul as a rotting corpse under a rotting log and yet zombie-like she carries on in the media. It's horrific and unforgivable.
ReplyDeleteI love Sarah Palin and her family. Their dysfuction and entitlement is amusing. And who loses? Not Democrats; Sarah Palin makes us look quite reasonable (because we are). The only people who lose out are those who choose to contribute to her "SarahPAC to nowhere". It's a free country and I'm confident that after a few more presidential and senatorial campaigns where Sarah Palin hints at running, then doesn't, they will catch on. Maybe.
DeleteWell in true Palin fashion they are trying to "Get rid" of the competition!
DeleteMan caught feeding bears at another Lodge (3K a week)
ANon 7:49
DeleteYour post made me realize that so far, there are no Palin trolls on this post... interesting. I guess her PAC really is drying up. But you're right, her family is a total sideshow attraction. If they stopped pretending to be ho they weren't then they'd make a hell of a reality show.
The "Krusty" troll has gone on to infamy thanks to Wonkette, 9:15 AM
DeleteBecause $he sells news stories -- only for the jaw dropping amazement over the spew that comes out of her mouth. That's what gets all the clicks and attention - of course, delusional, hateful $arah thinks it's because she has such a devoted fan base that clings to her hateful, divisive, barely understandable bullshit.
DeleteHer "liberty" is at the muzzle of a right wing gun. Beware of guns in the hand of retarded nuts.
ReplyDeleteGuns? No, this time Sarah is using bombs as her metaphor of attack. She has the entire country in her gun sights, ooops, I mean surveyors' marks.
DeleteCan we call her latest rant, Palin's Manifesto? Do it or else doesn't cut it, Mama Grizzly and it's NOT acceptable
ReplyDeleteWhat newspapers do you read, Sarah? I don't believe the Watch Tower counts as a newspaper.
ReplyDeleteThere's a photo of Sarah reading the newspaper from the John Birch Society (I think that she was on the City Council or Mayor at the time). Far right is always wrong.
DeleteProof that Sarah Palin reads
Like we say all the time...."only in America". Isn't it amazing that a person unable to string together a coherent sentence in real life can use all those really big words? I have faith in the general public this time for the midterms....I predict we will have a record turnout to insure all those evil thugs will be voted out...local, state and national. Obama will have his hands full getting all those wonderful ideas passed and this country will be booming again.
ReplyDeleteReid will have to change the filibusterer rule as it only takes one asshole to stop the senate, and you know that will happen over and over. This drama will only get better as we get closer to the edge. Good luck Sarah in shooting everyone, with her superior frontier only gun skills...no one need worry.
OMG Gryphen, have you seen these???
Sarah -- don't you think the Republicans would be pointing at Romneycare and showing what a disaster it was -- as an argument against the ACA?
ReplyDeleteThey don't, and they can't, because it's a success! Massachusetts was the test case, and it's proven itself. Thanks, Mitt!
The reason you teabaggers, Republicans, whatever you call yourselves, are so intent on stopping the ACA from even starting is that you know that the American public will never, ever give up this health care system once it's in place and the kinks are ironed out. It will be the signature Democratic achievement of the decade, and will ensure votes for Democrats for elections to come.
Plus, keep on promoting anti-women legislation,and, sister, you teabaggers will have dug your own electoral grave without the Democrats having to lift a finger.
Also, please stop talking about American history as if you know one tiny thing about it. You write about Lexington and Concord and Boston Harbor as if you weren't really throwing spitballs during tenth grade social studies class, as we all know you were. Those D+ history grades are as relevant now as they were then.
I liked the part where Sarah said that there were just as many guns in colonial America as there are now, there is no difference. Yes there is. It took a couple of minutes to load one musket ball in that rifle and shoot it. That's one shot per 3 minutes. Now it's 300 rounds in the same amount of time. Yes, Sarah Palin, there is a difference between an AK-47 and the old colonial musket.
DeleteThe entire population of America at the first census conducted in 1790 was just over three million nine hundred thousand people. Currently the total number of legally registered guns in the US is estimated to be around 270 million. I seriously doubt that the nearly 4 million Americans during colonial times owned anywhere near 270 million guns. To achieve that each man, woman and child would have owned 65 firearms. Just sayin'.
Delete(Hey Sarah, in honor of the troops how about you stop making shit up? - her words, not mine ;-)
Sarah was always great at logic. And math, obviously.
DeleteWith a population of 314 million today and .89 guns per resident, Sarah's numbers are correct if each man, woman and child in the 2.1 Million of Colonial residents had 134 guns each in 1780. Otherwise, Sarah has made another stupid comment lacking facts, evidence, context, clarity, or anything else other than her own vapid opinion and ignorance.
Oops, one more detail to consider--- of the 2.1M in the colonies in 1780, about a quarter of the people (565,000) were (black) slaves, which had approximately 0.00 guns per person. That means that each "real" Americun would've needed to own 182 firearms to support Sarah's facts. I can't believe the local and state police would allow them to own all of those guns!! (Snark) but Sarah evidently believes exactly that (no snark).
If you look back in history, Republicans were anti Medicare, Medicaid and Social Security and did everything they could to block it.
DeleteAmericans like and appreciate having all these programs today!
I'm on Medicare (senior citizen) and it is wonderful to have. I worked for eons and earned it! I've had to use it once since having retired and it worked perfectly - along w/my secondary, Blue Cross. I was happy I had it!!!
They are now trying to bring down "Obamacare", but it isn't going to work. Republicans are running horrible ads on TV about it which are absolutely gross!
Everyone who 'needs' medical insurance go ahead and apply for it on 10/1 - on line. It IS available to all in need of it and has many, many benefits that are already in place!
I cannot add anything to Anon7:02 except THANK YOU. Suprememly written!
ReplyDeletePaul in Indiana
Well, this is a couple long-winded, turgid, blatherings recently from RAM.
ReplyDeleteIs she hoping that someone from the GOP is going to hire her away from Palin to write campaign materials?
This latest one in particular really reeks of someone that thinks that every bit of in-desperate-need-of-editing purple prose in this crapsicle is soooo brilliant; worthy of one day being read alongside the Constitution or Gettysburg address. I'm sure she has read it aloud repeatedly to herself believing that every word is perfection.
No wonder no one bought that screenplay years ago.
Reading that nonsense is like wading through shit piled neck-deep --- not only exhausting but also torturous. Anyone not being held hostage with a gun pointed to their year who actually chooses to watch Sarah on TV is a fool.
DeleteShe doesn't want pity or empathy. Of course not.. She wants unquestioning adulation and more money than she can count. If, however, none of the above materializes, she will take the pity and empathy. It is how narcissists roll.
ReplyDeleteI don't have any sympathy for Palin but on occassion poor, poor long-suffering Rebecca Mansour is a pity. I think of her wrestling with the Bristol dilemmas and wtf must it be like for her to sell her soul as she had to do. It is not easy being second fiddle. She may be third, fourth, fifth fiddle.... ??? http://fc02.deviantart.net/fs48/i/2010/273/d/3/don_quixote_and_sancho_panza_by_vandad_farhady-d22h0fq.jpg
Sarah has switched from bullets and targeting people to bombing the whole damned place. Tell ya what, Sarah, tell your folks to send back their social security checks and medicare payments right now. Lead the way.
ReplyDeleteSarah's fans have posted the information that she will be on Fox today at 1:40 Eastern, 12:40 Central. That's well after the regular Sunday morning talk shows (which were recorded a few days ago and played today).
ReplyDeleteThat's funny because every red blooded American is watching football today. Ain't noboby gonna be watchin' little Mrs. Palin, boo fucking hoo.
DeleteShe really must to have pissed off Ailes. Her last 5 minute segment was at least a month ago, now he give her 5 minutes on a Sunday afternoon. While Megyn Kelly is getting her own show and Elizabeth Hasselbeck is replacing Gretchen Carlson. Mrs. Palin of the snakeskin stillettos and push up bra failed her little screen test over at Fox and Friends this summer and she didn't get a job, unless one counts one 5-minute segment per month as a "job".
The few duds that will watch her can't get up to change the channel and they lost the remote. The other foxes are sexier. The only reason to check S.P. out is to see her infamous hair extensions or if she felt she needed the inflation.
DeleteSarah's kissing up to Ted Cruz because in Sarah's fantasies, there's a 1/10 of 1% chance he'll end up in the White House in 2016. In her mind, he's her only chance to be included on the WH guest list.
ReplyDelete"It’s a call to follow the advice I give my daughters: Woman up, stand your ground, and fight like a girl!" Sarah's confused again. Bristol was lying down in that tent and was too drunk to get up. That doesn't qualify as "standing her ground" except maybe in Palin World.
Palin and her daughters are the kind of people that have those tacky "Alaska Girls Kick Ass" bumper stickers on their trucks.
DeleteWhat kind of mother encourages her daughter to "fight"? How about encouraging your daughters to be more empowered through education?
The Palins only fight with misspelled words, otherwise they cower in their complex like the COWARDS that they are. They 'RUN AWAY' like they did from all of their High Schools.
DeleteThat's it! Cruz is her only ticket to the White House. If she sucks hard enough and long enough he'll have to pick her for his VP. Then she'll have Todd arrange a prostitute for him, expose him to the media, he resigns and Voila, President Palin. That's the only way it would happen and she knows it. Suck harder Granny.
DeleteRAM, your bloviating spewage is a truly pathetic waste of digital effort.
ReplyDeleteMoose season indeed, like the vapid Big Boss Queen bitch $arah ever bothers with anything but her enemy list, her plastic surgeon and Adderall refills.
How many fucking moose do these people need to shoot each year. I realize that Piper and Willow probably need a lot of food, but really, moose are very large animals and I'd think one would be enough to feed a family of their size for a year. I'd starve to death as I simply can't choke that stuff down, but hey, to each their own. Mrs. Palin is the only one who looks like she's starving.
Delete1. Yes, one moose will feed more than one family for a year.
Delete2. If they hadn't gotten a moose yet and they've been hunting since end of August (when 1st season opens in some areas), they aren't very good hunters. - but we knew that.
3. Perhaps she is referring to the fact (and not very clearly 'cause she is an idiot) that we are entering meeting season here in AK. Summer/fall is fishing and hunting for everyone. October rolls around and we all start heading to meetings and conferences.
4. You've never eaten moose meat cooked by me. It is excellent if taken care of correctly from start to finish and then cooked properly (not like beef).
MOOSE: Does anyone know where Sarah's Moose Chili Recipe is posted?
DeleteSpeaking of moose season, I thought Track Palin was fighting wars in the Middle East a couple of years back. https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=554759717914448&set=pb.394403993950022.-2207520000.1379877202.&type=3&theater
Two years ago (Track breaks Kristy Patullo's heart)
When did Track Palin have time to spend anytime in Afghanistan?
Just like $arah's "bear hunting" photo in fancy duds. Was it bear season? Did $arah have a license, most of which are only gotten through a state lottery and VERY hard to get. Nope. $he's in it for the phony publicity that she hopes will inspire people to send money. NOT ONE PALIN HAS A JOB!!!
Deletehedgewytch, some people have had bad luck finding legal moose this season- excellent hunters and moose-meat lovers, but just in the wrong place at the wrong time this season, during the time they have available to hunt.
DeleteIt's different for the Palins because none of them have jobs, so they can go as far as they want and wait until they get lucky.
Still, if anyone in Sarah's stupid little hunting party had shot a moose Sarah would be posting pics all over the internet.
Ooh. Sarah will be watching. Booga booga! What's she gonna do? Throw her hooker shoes at anyone who votes to fund Obamacare?
ReplyDeleteThey can hire W to give them dodging lessons. He's not real busy, mostly watching paint dry.
DeleteHappy days are here again! What Sarah Palin used to get Pain $100k to deliver is now offered for free online. Supply has met demand!
ReplyDeleteEvery time I see this picture I can't help but notice how glaringly obvious it is that she's wearing a wig. Her ears are showing as if her hair is behind her ears or in a pony tail or bun yet she has huge winged hair.....Makes absolutely no sense. Funny how EVERY THING in her life makes no sense.
ReplyDeleteI wish the stupid bitch would just fork out and have a full wig made to fit her giant head, complete with the juvenile 80s bangs that she's worn since college.
DeleteWhen the 2008 campaign hairdresser pinned a hairpiece on her sideways she must have got the idea that she can plop any old thing on sideways. The result is you can plainly see above that she has plopped the wig on sideways to cover where she used to part her hair when she had hair. Therefore half of the wig would have hung over her face so it all had to be dragged behind her right ear, creating that weird bulge.
It's beyond me how this woman thinks for a minute that her fake hair isn't glaringly obvious to everyone who's not legally blind. I had to laugh when I saw her with Valerie Bertinelli, who was up close enough to see the mesh base of the wig when Sarah wore it facing the right direction for a change.
Sarah can't win. That's because she's a loser.
Keep that nasty thing inside your mouth, Sarah! And no, I'm not referring to the straw for your drink. You're gross, lady.
ReplyDeleteShe and Miley Cyrus can compete in the "Whose Tongue is More Coated" contest. Ladies, if you're not going to brush or scrape those nasty things, keep 'em in your mouths!
DeleteEvidently Sarah Palin and her Constitutional freedom no longer believes in Freedom of the Press. Tweet demands FOX reveal "unnamed sources" attacking Ted Cruz.
ReplyDeleteThat's a tweet right there!!
DeleteIf you notice - her tweet was pulled! Betcha the big guys at FOX told her to take the fucking thing down IMMEDIATELY!!!
Deletelol, with money boo boo's endorsement cruz will swiftly be totally relegated to the wack-a-doodle faction the true conservatives are trying to distance themselves from. His option is to try to distance himself from this intellectually void harpy as soon as possible. If he embraces her it will be the end of his short & chaotic political career quicker than anticipated. He will never get the nomination as the gotp uses palin as a barometer of how extreme a candidate is. Remember last election? Her least favorite was mittens, who won the nomination? Here's hoping now that she's accused the MSM of publicizing babygate and her responsibility in the Tucson tragedy they move forward and throw it out there. Why not? She accused them of it anyway...
ReplyDelete$100 Cruz won't have a thing to do w/her publically! She is the kiss of death and he knows it.
DeleteBut, he isn't anything to vote for either. Appears to be a horrible man!
I've never seen a head that large in relation to a shriveled up, withered, scrawny body on a healthy human being. She seems to believe that her bobble-headed bimbo look is popular among the near-deaf, sight impaired, low intel, non-reading, Bagger bigots who are battling the onset of Alzheimer's or other dementia.
ReplyDeleteTo all other Americans (and people throughout Western Civilization, Sarah appears to be a cartoon character, although anytime she is funny, it in unintentional on her part. All in all, the only time Sarah should be given a television audience is on early Saturday mornings.
Any person who takes her seriously has major cognitive issues and shouldn't be left alone without supervision.
She has never displayed humor, or having any, and is one middle-aged angry, evil woman!
DeleteShe sets a horrid example for women across the nation. No wonder her children have turned out as they have! Almost feel sorry for them having a 'pimp' as a Dad ("Boys Will be Boys") and a proven liar and fraud for a mother! How embarrassing for them!
Has $arah ever said a nice word about anyone?? (Warrior Bodies doesn't count.) Or tried to inspire anyone to better themselves through hard work, education, travel, etc. Certainly not her "fighting' daughters. All $he can do is sound stupid and angry and full of hate.
DeleteWho is "Kisses", the new GOP elephant mascot?
ReplyDeleteOr is it the pet name that Sarah has given to Ted "Canadian born & bred" Cruz's tiny male member.
Civil War: Fox Contributor Palin Demands Fox News Sunday Release GOP Names Attacking Cruz
ReplyDeleteAfter Wallace's comments aired, Fox contributor Sarah Palin sent out a tweet calling on Fox News Sunday to "Keep it TRULY fair & balanced" and "Release the GOP names encouraging you to trash @SenTedCruz. No more anonymous sources."
She is SO fucking stupid!! No more anonymous sources? Yeah right, sure Sarah. she's such a demented and sick fuck, she only wants names so she can trash the people.
DeletePsycho Sarah never forgets or forgives a slight, no matter how small it is.
Here's the deal $arah. You release the names of those anonymous scribes who write the words you post as 'yours' and a paystub from the (any of 'em, all of 'em) Koch Boyz PAC industry and I will hire Trump to hunt down the names of those Republican sources fer ya. K? DM me.
DeleteBTW, Johny Mac called your newest BFF Cruz a 'wacko bird'. You're not going to let that slide are you???
Palin's 'no more anonymous sources' tweet has been eradicated from her timeline....but, of course, not from the internet. Ditz!
DeleteHer tweet was pulled - probably due to the higher ups at FOX demanding she do so!
DeletePlus, she was on FOX today when no one was watching - too much football, golf and other political shows that have 'some' substance. She's no more than 'the joker' of the USA! And, truly, truly retarded!
"They’ve written my political obituary so many times, I’m practically Lazarus."
ReplyDeleteShe has not held political office since she quit the Governor's job. I have no idea what this woman is talking about! She's simply a cheerleader for the retarded right, NOT a politician. She wrote her own political obituary when she quit her job!
That being said, I heard she smells like Lazarus, but the comparisons end there.
Great Comment. She just had to sneak a bible reference in, you know, christian creds.
DeleteHopes that Ted Cruz and Sarah Palin skip off together to hell. I remember reading that Cruz was pulled from the "fag stag closet" by the powers that be to run in Texas, at least that is what they said in Austin. I can't believe the stupidity of the people in Texas (my home state) to elect a tool like this. He's as big an embarrassment as Perry or the Bushes. Fucking, treasonous bastard and bitch from AK deserve each other. One hopes they drag each other down to the depths.
ReplyDeleteAs usual she's supposed to be talking about Obamacare & Ted cruz, but everything is all about her. She inserts herself in every paragraph. That shit is pathological. RAM must have written this one because it's full of descriptive words that are so "middle school" and the whole thing is angry and juvenile plus she touched on all her old grudges, faked pregnancy, blood libel etc.
ReplyDeleteCompare shiv marks? WTF? Who talks lik that?
Sarah's time slot and her powerful ideas will be a ratings boon for Fox, as she obliterates the programming on all of the Librul media like NFL games, NASCAR, PGA golf (Tour Championship), and College Football Coaches "Sunday Shows) showing game highlights from yesterday's games, and talks about next week's opponents.
ReplyDeleteJust a bit of snark here, but I didn't really need to mention this for anyone with an IQ over 80, but the Pee Ponders who climb the fence and waddle over here to support their Retarded TeaTard Quitter Queen would think that I'm being serious. Haha
"It’s a call to follow the advice I give my daughters: Woman up, stand your ground, and fight like a girl!"
ReplyDeleteYou mean like Piper shoving reporters out of her way?
Bristol kicking Gino out of her car and leaving him beside the road?
Willow's homophobic name-calling?
Well, to be fair, Palin never said she taught her children manners and the social graces. She only taught them how to 'fight'. Just like her.
DeleteYeah, "fight like a girl", kind of makes you wonder why they haven't cut the apron strings and gotten jobs, or at least an education.
DeleteWoman up, stand your ground, and fight like a girl, from a grown woman who rants on facebook, avoids the real media at all costs, and lives off the largess of the weakest among us.
RAM hit all of grifterella's marks for her in this piece of Breitfart shit
ReplyDeleteAngry - check
nasty descriptive words - check
fake pregnancy - check
blood libel-check
bible referecnes- check
compare me to biblical figure -check
hunting reference - check
bumper sticker platitudes -check
kid props - check
I am a victim - check
the media sucks - check
mention my iconic CPAC speech - check
Throw in Alaska reference - check
settle old scores that I can never let go of - check
Badmouth the establishment GOP because they ignore me and didn't make me President- check
mention Defund Obamacare because they're paying me to say that - check
Have you seen Ted Cruz- check
I wish someone would compare the writing in this piece to the piece in the National Review. Totally diffreent.
ReplyDeleteRemember Sarah Palin is a classic narcissist with a huge projection complex. So when she says: "Over the years, the leftwing media has falsely and irrationally accused me of everything from faking a pregnancy to abetting murder. They lie." She is really talking about herself. But the accusation of murder that she's referring to here is not the Gabby Gifford's speech shooting, but the Curtis Menard incident and the trailer fire that killed the nurse. I really, really, hope that one day the skeletons from those closets come out and walk in the light of day and send the Palins et al to jail where they belong.
ReplyDeleteSarah, Coincidence? The only people who want you are the same ones that want this guy... http://www.bradblog.com/Images/OKeefeBreitbart_Pimp_LieLiar.jpg
ReplyDeleteB*tch, I want healthcare. My daughter wants some kind of healthcare since she lost her job. She doesn't qualify here in TN. Here in TN, at our county health dept they only take appointments . on Monday morning. No other day. I think she said they only make 2 appointments a day." You know how they say if we get healthcare we will have to wait"----What about now dummies! I want a better costing supplemental health plan since I lost my 236.00 a month plan. It didn't pay a whole lot more than my prescriptions, no vision or dental. Which all old people need , so you can see and eat! I'm nor listening to a part Cuban communist with a Canadian birth certificate, whose parents took Canadian healthcare before and after his birth. We also supplement his healthcare now, I don't see him giving up his healthcare as a model for us.
ReplyDelete10:24 Effective 10/1 you and your daughter CAN apply for medical insurance on line.
DeleteThe Republicans are doing everything they can to stop folks from doing so, but this method remains open for those in need of insurance to apply.
Ignore the Republican ads on TV - they are so full of shit it isn't funny!
Are there any missing children or pets in Raphael Cruz's neighborhood ?
ReplyDeleteI bet his car is full of candy and stuffed animals.
There is something so off about this guy.
He just makes your skin crawl on a very instinctive level.
In the future , when Central Casting is auditioning a role for a mass murderer, they'll no doubt
put out the call for a Ted Cruz type.
Palin gets all her " facts " from the King of Low Information- Rush Limbaugh.
He is as ignorant and misinformed as Palin.
And just as puerile.
Palin says nothing important happened during the 1995 government shutdown except Monica " hooked up " with Bill Clinton.
Palin is , as usual , factually wrong.
The 1995 shutdown turned the voters against Republicans and Newt Gingrich and resurrected Bill Clinton's flagging poll numbers.
In 1996 Clinton was re elected and Republicans lost 2 House seats.
By the 1998 election , the Republicans lost 5 seats in the House and failed to gain any Senate seats .
This was a historical mid term election failure for the party out of power.
Republicans turned against Gingrich and he resigned under a cloud .
Interesting that sane Republicans are starting to recognize
the party cancers early and turning on them ,
as they have against Cruz.
Why doesn't the perpetually put upon Palin
" woman up " and collect her
little Cuban Canadian worm
and form that Freedom Party
she always threatens to do ?
Because she's all talk and talk and talk and talk and no action.
BTW- how's that run for the
Alaskan Senate seat coming ????
Palin is a wimp , just like the rest of the big mouth bullies.
As an homage to Palin's constant grade school name calling ,
she and Cruz and Limbaugh and Hannity and Levin and the Tea Party are
nothing more than the Balderdash Bunch.
Do not pass go, do not collect millons of pac money, go directly to jail. In the end it comes down to "should we or should we not follow the advice of the galacticly stupid?"
ReplyDeleteHer appearance this morning on FOX, from SarahNET:
What a friggin' idiot! And, she thinks going down in history w/the likes of Ted Cruz is a good thing?
ReplyDeleteAmazing!! Hell awaits them both~
Specifically, who is Sarah Palin accusing of having accused her of 'faking a pregnancy'?
ReplyDeleteIt would be more accurate for Sarah Palin to say, 'the media protected me, refused to ask me the obvious questions about Trig's birth, and ostracized Andrew Sullivan and bloggers who asked journalists to do their job.'
The media, and, perhaps, especially, the liberal media, bent over backwards to keep the questions about the Trig pregnancy from being reported.
That picture is just weird.
ReplyDeleteIt's as if she made a conscious effort to sexualize drinking from a straw. Who but Sarah would stick their tongue out to use a straw?
It's a straw Sarah, not a penis.
Oh, she knows. She actually waited for applause in the video clip.
DeleteThe Straw reminds her of Todd's 2-toned needle dick.
Delete"It's a straw, not a penis." From Sarah's perspective, she can't tell the difference.
DeleteThis is fun! A Google Trends comparing IM and C4P:
I guess Sarah did not get the memo that if the Government shuts down, the military will not get paid.
ReplyDeleteChuck and Sally Heath won't get their social security checks and their medicare payments. For that matter, Sarah's fans in that Pee Place are on food stamps, social security and medicare payments.
Delete"I want no pity. I need no empathy. But use me as a barometer ." It's the drugs, people, she's going "Bohemian Rhapsody", but forgot the words.
ReplyDeleteOkay, Sarah. Is that an oral or anal barometer?
Not smart bringing up pregnancies, murders etc. "Proceed, Nutcase..."
This rusty wingnut, though entertaining as hell to watch, hasn't a clue that she (and those she praises) are nothing more than the "terrorists" they rail against.
Here's Nancy Pelosi on CNN explaining it so even the Tundra Trollop could understand: