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Hannity than rattles off the names of the handful of Senators supporting Cruz, which were Mike Lee, Marco Rubio, Rand Paul, David Vitter, Pat Roberts, and Senator Inhofe. And then asks where are the other 39? (Could it be that they recognized this is a exercise in futility, that Cruz is ONLY engaging in simply to attract media attention and garner support for a 2016 presidential run? Could that be why?)
Her reply: "And the Democrats, remember many Democrats had recently come out against Obamacare saying specifically they understood now about the death panels and other things that Obamacare, as the court said, was actually a tax that..uh...they had not been aware of previously, And the Democrats even who had opposed it, where the heck are they? Sean what you are suggesting is this is something much greater than just this boot on the neck, jammed down your throat America, socialized, healthcare coverage program of Obama's, that's going to be run by the IRS. It's greater than that,"
She goes on: "Ted Cruz loves his countrymen ans he does not want to see us destroyed by bad selfish policies so he fights for what is right and yet the naysayers, Sean, are telling us that this is a lost cause? Fighting for what's right. Fighting against a program that's so bad that Congress itself exempted itself out of."
Hannity then claims that Cruz is not advocating shutting down the government, but that he is trying to filibuster a vote for cloture which would allow Harry Reid to put back the Obamacare funding with 60 votes and move the bill forward. He then asks why the other Republicans do not support him in that? (I must point out that the vote for cloture has not even been scheduled yet, and is not expected until next week. So unless Cruz can stand on the floor for another week he is really just making an ass out of himself.)
However of course Palin does not really understand all that legislative change-y stuff: "Well they're expecting that the American people will not be keeping up with the political-ese that is a part of these kind of arcane Senatorial rules that are kin of tough to follow, you get kind of glassy eyed in trying to follow what exactly is going on, but Cruz is right when he explains that a vote for cloture, to cut off debate and just take a vote on the CR, and allow Senator Reid to defun..or to take out the defunding mechanism that is part of the CR now. A vote for that WILL be a vote for Obamacare. Let me go back to those though who are causing...calling this a lost cause. I don't know if you saw 'Mr. Smith Goes to Washington,' in that movie when Jimmy Stewart's character said 'a lost cause' during his own filibuster, his character, he said 'a lost cause is the only one it's actually worth fighting for' because a lost cause, the only reason you would be fighting for such a thing was for one reason, one plain and simple reason, and that is love thy neighbor. And in a world today that is full of hatred that one politician who understands that virtue, love they neighbor, is going to fight tooth and nell (sic) until his political death if you will in order to do the right thing and in that he has a great trust. So are people going to trust that virtue, love thy neighbor, and in this case loving of the country so that we won't be insolvent under Obamacare? Or are you going to love this deceptive program called Obamacare, that they passed not know even what it was really entailing?"
Hannity then invokes Reagan's challenging of Gerald Ford in 1776, and wonders why all of the Republicans do not stand with Cruz to stop the ACA.
Palin: "Well you're right and these statesmen can do what happened back then during our bicentennial year in '76, I remember I was going into junior high and the world's eyes and ears were on the debates at that time and what was going to happen. (I will bet my house that Palin had no idea whatsoever who Ronald Reagan even was back in 1776.) What Reagan allowed then by standing tall and strong on what was right was opening the door for success of a real conservative agenda that the nation needed at the time fours years later. (Did Palin just admit that Cruz is simply positioning himself for a run at the White House? So much for all of that "love they neighbor" stuff!) That is exactly what we are going to need in a few years here, Once President Obama is gone, our country will be so close to having been fundamentally transformed as he had promised that we're going to have a heck of a lot of work to do get us back on solid footing, back to that exceptional, growing, producing nation that we once were. We're going to have a heck of a lot of work to do so yes if the statesmen would stand up today and actually do their job which is fulfilling their campaign promises and implementing the will of the people. (You mean "the people" who elected President Obama by a huge margin in both 2008 and 2012?) We'll see another Reagan uprising, if you will, in a couple of years and that is exactly what we need."
Hannity then suggests that, like Reagan, the establishment Republicans (John McCain included.) are jealous of Ted Cruz.
She of course rushes to throw roses pedals at his feet: "He's is a tough Texan he can handle this. Remember that people throw rocks at things that shine, and Ted Cruz is shining and it's not just him personally, individually, what it is that he, as a person, is represent..represents it's his belief, his idills (sic) his love of country and of, again, not wanting to see us destroyed under something like Obamacare that the IRS is going to continue to cram down our throats."
So if I may sum up. Ted Cruz is either the reincarnation of Ronald Reagan, or Jesus Christ, John McCain and the establishment Republicans want to destroy America, and Obamacare is most likely something we were warned about in the Book of Revelations.
Well I will say that Palin looked much more presentable for this interview, but you know new wigs and more makeup just can't hide the crazy.
Hopefully the lunatic stays off of the television for awhile as I cannot wade through another one of these until I have fully decompressed from this one.
Update: By the way just in care there is any question as to just how full of shit Ted Cruz is, it should be noted that he negotiated the terms for this fake filibuster with Harry Reid ahead of time.
Oh yeah, Palin's backing yet ANOTHER winner.
The idiot has NOT read the law! All the Republicans say the Bill (before it became law!) was 20,000 pages. O'Donnell mentioned on his show last night that the number is incorrect....
ReplyDeleteit's substantially less! Republicans are all trained to say one thing and repeat, repeat, repeat whether it is accurate or not!
Thank god, Presidents Obama and Clinton will be making appearances (national TV) explaining the law in detail. Americans are going to be very happy in being able to sign up for it!
The Republicans are fighting it like they did Medicare and Social Security. And, guess what!!!??? Just try taking either away from people today. The same will occur w/Obamacare!
Thank you Mr. President!
Indeed, she's lying about the number of pages in the ACA -- as if that were important.
DeleteAs this analysis shows, there's a lot of "white space" in the ACA text, as there are for many U.S. laws.
"Basic Information about the Length of H.R. 3962
Number of words in H.R. 3962 impacting substantive law: 234,812 words (w/ generous calculation)
Number of total words in H.R. 3962: 363,086 words (w/ titles, tables of contents …)
Number of text blocks: 7,961
Average number of words per text block: 24.18
Average words per section: 267.03
Is this a Large or Small Number?
Comparison to Harry Potter
Number of substantive words in H.R. 3962: 234,812 words
Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix - 257,000 words
Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire - 190,000 words
Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows – 198,000 words
Her new hair piece looks like a beaver's bum.
ReplyDeleteIs that hairdo supposed to be an advertisement for Willow's hair salon? Are there any mirrors in the Palin house?
ReplyDelete"Hannity then invokes Reagan's challenging of Gerald Ford in 1776 ..."
ReplyDeleteWow, those guys WERE old, weren't they!?
Saint Ronald of Reagan had an 11th commandment, not to speak ill of another Republican in public. So much for being grateful to John McCain for giving Sarah Palin the big break of a lifetime. Even though she lost, she has been trading on that former VP candidate status for 5 years now.
ReplyDeleteIt's pretty clear that the Establishment Republicans turned their backs on Palin when she wasn't invited to the 2012 convention. Ailes warned her not to respond after the Tucson shootings, but that was Palin's big chance to play her victim card again (Blood Libel). Another clue: Roger Ailes did not renew Palin's Fox contract at the end of 2012. He took her back at a much lower salary. They do keep her around to keep her Tea Party fans around, but the way that Sarah is talking, she's ready to form her own political party, "The Good Guys." (Maybe they can earn some extra money working for the NRA, you know, "The only thing that can stop a bad guy with a gun is......")
"Remember that people throw rocks at things that shine..." says Sarah Palin, about Sen. Ted Cruz.
ReplyDeleteSo, now Sarah Palin is plagiarizing bad Taylor Swift lyrics? Sounds like she and Piper share an iPod play list. Not surprised at all.
Taylor Swift - sue her ass for stealing!!!!!!!!!
DeleteWell, when Sarah was growing up, she LITERALLY threw rocks at things that shined. That's what her "science teacher" daddy taught her.
DeleteDuck, Sarah! That wig looks awful shiny!!
DeleteWell, whatever she is saying (I'm not listening) isn't worth a cat box full of tootsie rolls, so I will comment on her appearance.
ReplyDeleteThat hair was real stylish on 20-something actresses in Hitchcock movies from about 1963. Or on green alien space ladies canoodling with that old horndog, Captain Kirk, in the original Star Trek tv show.
On a 49 year old rapidly aging has-been in 2013? Not so much.
Ted Cruz has my vote for President
ReplyDeleteSarah has picked another winner
Obamacare must be defunded and defeated.
vote ?!?
Deleteyou're too lazy to even register to vote dumb fuk
Ted Cruz has your vote which makes Hillary the winner!
DeleteObamacare must be defended and funded. Fixed it for you idiot medicare recipient!
Now get back on your scooter and ride back to your government assisted housing.
Hon, if you used periods at the end of your sentences your message might be less idiotic.
Delete@7:34 Keep voting for losers like Ted Cruz. It's votes like that guarantee another Democratic win in 2016.
DeleteSarah Palin can not pick winners because she is ignorant (and a sociopath).
OK I'll bite, and you get your nickel. Please tell us how not granting health care to all Americans has one thing to do with 'love your neighbor?' Double dare you to equate one GOP policy with anything taught by Jesus.
Deletefuck off & go search for change in your couch to send to that feeb, sarah.
DeleteYou, 7:34, are a TROLL go ahead and waste your vote on an Evangelist who will not win the Nomination. You Weak Minded Sheeple will follow any Preacher who Grifts money.
Delete@7:34 A.M.:
DeleteTed Cruz is not even doing a real filibuster, dumb-ass! He isn't blocking a bill! Rafael "Ted" Cruz is doing nothing but throwing a tantrum. Ted Cruz's little stunt is not going to lead to the defeat of Obamacare.
FYI: $arah Palin picks "winners?" The bitch couldn't pick a winner in her own state! Remember Joe Miller? That grandstanding asshole Ted Cruz is NEVER going to be president, just like that loser Palin.
For the Troll: Headlines from this morning:
DeleteFamous quitters: Those who bailed rather than face scandal, scrutiny or stress
Sarah Palin Defends Ted Cruz’s Stance on Obamacare By Making it All About Sarah Palin
"But even in her written defense of Ted Cruz, she somehow managed to make it all about herself.
She apparently feels that she’s basically the same person as Ted Cruz. Sure, they’re both radical and borderline insane. The difference is, Cruz is a very calculated individual who’s in a position of power nationally. Palin is a shallow and downright stupid individual who’s been relegated to Fox News contributor when she’s not tweeting somewhere in the Alaskan wilderness.
Palin is simply a babbling idiot. But she’s also a massive narcissist who makes everything all about herself."
Go suck Ted's dick Troll Anonymous7:34 AM!!!!
Oh troll, last night as I was walking my dog a car didn't stop in the sidewalk so I threw a bag of shit at him :)
DeleteI'm throwing a virtual bag at YOU!
I just called my Senator to have Ted Cruz impeached for wasting time and taxpayer $$ I suggest everyone do the same and also added that congress needs a kick in the A$$ also,too!
DeleteCouldn't listen to screechy meth™Palin just looking at that cockeyed wonky fug face and hair I know she is saying the Same old shit!
Fuck her ass. She's moldy toast!
NPD*, both of them.
Delete(Narcissistic Personality Disorder)
NPD*, both of 'em.
Delete*Narcissistic Personality Disorder
"Shake her pom-poms" does that mean she had her "tits" on last night?
DeleteSorry I couldn't WATCH! Anyone?
"...you get kind of glassy eyed in trying to follow what exactly is going on..."
ReplyDeleteOh, honey, you get glassy-eyed trying to figure out who flips the switch on the big sky ball every morning.
Ted Cruz shines? Is that kind of like in The Shining?
ReplyDeleteYuo..those evil red eyes are just begging for someone to throw something at them (hers AND his.)
DeleteTed Cruz wastes time and taxpayer money with his circus act. Hey GOP - what ever happened to jobs, jobs, jobs? How about trying something different, like, oh I don't know - CRAFTING SOME LEGISLATION?
ReplyDeleteAnd, what about passing a Budget?
DeleteEveryone of them in Congress needs to lose their seats. They have not represented 'the people' since prior to President Obama's election in 2008....fuckers, all of them!
Is she pinching a loaf in that screen cap? She trying to look so serious and concerned, but it makes her look like she's bearing down on a real behemoth of a turd.
ReplyDeleteMeghan in PA
The bill is 906 pages long frackin idiot skank
The rest are earmarks!
She is nothing. Gum on the bottom of my shoe. Fox went audio silent on Reid's non filibuster grandstanding. Fox had everyone on slamming Ted. Ailes put skank on to support Ted-which basically slams him! Having her be the one "consultant" in support of him nailed his coffin. Ailes probably told her to wing it knowing all her cray cray would fly and this way Ted is forever linked to the skank.
Thanks roger:)
Audio silent on ted's non filibuster not Reid's:(
DeleteIt's not a BIll! It's a LAW!
DeleteThese Republicans are NUTS and, as I've said before, I'm sure the majority of them have never read the law and their mistakenly quoted 20,000 pages!
Vote as many as possible out of office across the nation, America!!! They have done zero since prior to President Obama being elected and badly need to be fired!
As to Palin and Cruz - cannot say what I want done to them - but, you get the idea!
DeleteIt is a bill that is upheld by the law. Go to the link and read "bills" :)
8:12 Think you need to be educated about this issue. It began as a Bill and eventually was passed by Congress and signed into Law by our wonderful President Obama!
DeleteIt's my understanding it can now be amended and changes voted upon (up or down) by Congress.
Jeebus, the way these people are bloviating, you'd think the Evil President and his minions were leading us down a path to an unjustifiable war. Turns out only to be healthcare for all. Can't wait for this next week, will they all blow a gasket before 10/1/13?
ReplyDeleteCruz was just told he has the right to continue his fake filibuster until one o'clock and totally pretended he did not understand that so that he could quit earlier at noon.
ReplyDeleteSo full of shit!
He must have run out of childrens' books to read...his understanding peaked at Dr. Seuss. Why didn't he share some precious Ayn Rand fables with us?
DeleteBTW, Gryphen, in the language of his ancestors, his name is spelled Rafael Eduardo Cruz (not Raphael).
DeleteIf we were to "Americanize" his entire name, it would be Raphael Edward Cruise. Yeah, I can believe he and Tom Cruise are related...
I apologize for my chronic whiteness.
Deletelol +100
DeleteGood one, Gryphen - but Cruz is actually every bit as white as you are.
Delete8:59 White Cuban like Fidel Castro.
DeleteOh no Palin! Your hero Cruz QUIT his faux filibuster!!
DeleteNo wonder you love him. Cause you QUIT too, didn't you? QUIT your position half-way through your Governorship.
Quitty, Quitty quite contrary
How does your garden grow?
With frauds and lies and hoaxs too
And beesmirking all in a row.
9:11 White Cuban like Perez Hilton
DeleteThere are two major republican-manufactured crises going on right now. Palin is not a player in either one. It appears that she is determined to edge her way into the discussions going on right now because otherwise, she is, and has, nothing.
ReplyDeleteHitch her wagon to Cruz because he is the noisiest, most obnoxious person inn this circus; attention on him will (hopefully) bring attention to her also.
She sees this in her slimy little fantasies as being able to appear on all the talk shows and blather on about how she fought the good fight and finally took down the President when others gave up.
She will not be ignored and he, by God, is finally going to have to acknowledge her superiority.
Yup, by God, if there is a God, please smite this evil woman before she takes down the entire nation with her hate.
DeleteRemember how she use to talk about the 'doors opening for her'? Well, they haven't and won't! She's so damned retarded, she hasn't figured it out yet....slow leaner for sure! Just like they reflected in 'Game Change'!
DeleteThe one impression I got from watching her foam at the mouth yesterday (it's useful to down half a bottle of wine afterwards) is how she's sounding more and more like Glenn Close's character in "Fatal Attraction". Cantcha just hear her saying "I won't be IGNORED!" to the batshit loons who "interview" her on Faux News?
Delete8:46 AM - God undoubtedly slammed those doors shut when Jude-ess rabidly snatched up her 30 pieces of silver.
ReplyDeleteTina Fey is hosting SNL this weekend.
Do I detect major material for the SNL writers or what???
Did anyone contact Tina Fey and sugget she take on the retarded Sarah Palin again? (Tina is continuing to win big awards for her great work in writing and comedy.
DeleteShe needs to know that there is great NEW material out there for her to mock Palin - i.e. waving either her or Todd's underwear would be a great start - as a sign of 'ass - - - - -' (the word used by Schmidt describing her).
this uneducated wonk eyed lyin' POS skank needs to go play out on the glenn highway during rush hour
ReplyDeleteAnd, I want her to experience horrible pain - the like of what she has put upon Americans since prior to the election of 2008.
DeleteThere is no one that deserves more what she has coming!
It must feel really good when she detaches that fright bump from the top of her head. Ahhhhhhhh......
ReplyDeleteAre those beehive things made of plastic? I wonder how heavy they are.
DeleteYes, Sarah, "Obamacare" will be a disaster..
ReplyDeletejust like the disaster that is Social Security
just like the disaster that is Medicare
...it will be a disaster
...for the Republicans
Sarah Palin is my favorite muppet.
ReplyDeleteBWAHAHAHAHAHAHA...Game Change is on HBO right now! It's at the part when Baldy was yelling at Nicole Wallace after the Katie Couric interview! Baldy will NEVER get away from Game Change....she was batshit crazy then and she's even battier NOW!
ReplyDeleteDon't ya ever change Baldy! LOL!!!
Ah yes, Gina, this is 15:00 and worth every bit. Yours starts at 6:26 and lasts 3 minutes.
HBO has been playing "Game Change" a LOT! Good! Everyone needs to see what Palin is really like which includes being an idiot, not qualified for the position of VP or any other office, uneducated, has a nasty temper and is very, very vindictive!
DeleteAll has been proven since McCain and she lost to President Obama and VP Biden.
She is a mental case!
Scariest horror movie I ever watched.
DeleteFour more days. Four more business days and then ACA is implemented.
ReplyDeleteThe Repubs are totally freaking out. And there is nothing that they can do at this point. Everything up to now has only underscored that they have no plan for a budget, or health care, nor do they intend to come up with one. Bye Bye GOP and your Tea Party spawn! But we'all may need some good earphones before Monday the screeching will get so high pitched!
Do we have to hear her use the phrase "rammed down our throats" over and over and over because some guy, sometime in her past, triggered her gag reflex?
ReplyDeleteGet over it Sarah, Linda Lovelace got on with her life, so can you.
She is mentally ill.
Delete"rammed down our throats"
DeleteGosh Hunched-Back-Herpied-Harridan of the North. That is exactly the way we feel about YOU. You keep trying to ram yourself down OUR throats - but Palin - we ain't buying your s**t and will keep exposing you for being the hunched-back-herpied-harridan who stuffed a pillow up her shirt, pretending to be pregnant.
Every time she says "rammed down our throats," Becky Mansour puts in another couple of hours pro bono.
DeleteGryphen Cruz cannot run for President, he was born in Canada.
ReplyDeletebut he will try his hardest anyway. Republicans will never nominate him, so maybe he'll go Independent.
DeleteHe can because his mother was an American citizen. He won't win because he's an ignorant, lying sack of shit who looks like Joe McCarthy.
Delete@8:29 You need to read both the constitution and assorted clarifications made through the centuries. You could start with
In short, if one of your parents is a US citizen then it doesn't matter where you were born, you are "natural born". But it does help to have paperwork if you are born not on US "soil".
Gryphen, Palin has a very telling photo up on Facebook. She's holding a sleepy Trig, in his pajamas, with Tripp acting up beside them (not in his pjs because of course he has no bedtime). She admits this picture was taken late at night and is intended to show them watching "Uncle Ted" grandstanding on TV. But what's interesting is that this photo is obviously taken at Bristol's house (anyone who watched that painful reality show will recognize it immediately). Did Sarah go over there late at night and drag Trig out of bed for a photo op? Last night was a school night; both boys should have been asleep in their own beds hours before that photo was taken. So is Trig now living with his birth mom and brother? What's the word around Wasilla?
ReplyDeleteThe Palin Trolls will be swamping this Blog to cry Slander. Why else would Tri-g be in his pajamas at his Mother's house, right, Bristol?
DeleteHere's the link to the picture!
Look at Trig's(which Trig is this again??) bed hair! Baldy probably flew into his room ala Mommie Dearest and snatched him out of his sleep! It's the only way she can hold him without him slapping the taste out of her mouth!! And look at Tripp...what's he doing...trying to save his brother from the Wicked Witch of Wasilla of course! He knows evil when he see's it! LOL!!
Love how Baldy looks like she's been tweaking all night! Poor Beefy...having to take this picture...she probably had to climb out her warm bed from sleeping with whatever "dude" she picked up at the Whiskey Saloon...wait...that's not it...oh who cares what it's called! LOL!!!
why don't they just come forward and admit it..they're not smart enough to keep spinning this tangled web..
DeleteNorthern Exposure?
DeleteEnlarged the picture. Y'All take a look also too. Trig's ear is exposed. Ruffle/Bumps. Check out the slippage on Sarah's wig and the been on TVeee earlier orange top. Tripp is tall for his age. Guess he is in a hurry to GROW UP & GET A LIFE.
Also note that Sarah is the only wearing shoes. Who has their shoes on that late at night unless just dropping by for a photo opp with her grandkids?
Deleteit's called the mugshot saloon - back when $carah was a regular it was known as hoopies roadhouse
pic of the skank looks like she's tryin' to snap one off
ReplyDeleteShe definitely just burned a mule.
DeleteHere it is clearly stated at real clear politics.
ReplyDeleteFollow Cruz and skank on a bridge to nowhere and watch us ride into 2016 with control in house, senate and wh!
And with they never will understand.
DeleteHow does the bulbous thing on top of her head enhance her beauty? Ugh, so weird! Though I suppose it's not nice to mock someone's physical appearance. It's just that I get tired of mocking her demeanor, lack of intelligence, poor parenting skills, greed, inability to tell the truth, ability to grift, and her uncanny knack of staying out of prison. Also, too, I resent those who continue to prop her up. Alas, have a good day, all. Signed, Still Bitter About Palin After All These Years
ReplyDeleteIs Palin now wearing a hat made out of human hair lately? How tacky!
ReplyDeleteI tried to post twice, to no avail. I guess i'll need to wait until your kinks are worked out, hopefully before the Sen. from Cuba/Canada//texas finally has gotten wobby on his pins.
ReplyDeleteUpdate: Rafael votes, along with all 99 other Senators, in favor of the bill he was filibustering against. Anger and confusion at the Asylum, despite his telling Rush (who else?) that the vote today was unimportant. Even the dolts at the Asylum are picking up on the stench of this.
ReplyDeleteI think she has ChuBaka behind her or his head mask!
ReplyDeleteScreech is all I hear. Oh boy now she will be talking about those h-1b visa workers. Just wait for the next screech. Decipher for us Grypen.
Stupidity should be painful.
ReplyDeleteOnce again, Mrs. Palin lies. Congress is not exempted from Obamacare.
I imagine that McCain is putting his fingers in his ears and singing to himself every time Palin opens her yap in praise of Cruz http://www.mediaite.com/tv/mccain-rebukes-cruz-appeasers-remark-a-great-disservice-to-brave-americans/
ReplyDeleteWhat is wrong w/the Alaskan voters? They keep sending the recent nationally noted 'corrupt' Congressman back to D.C., they elected the idiot, liar, fraud and 'quitter' to the gov slot and then put in Parnell a/k/a 'Captain Zero' and the guy that keeps filing suits against the federal government, keeps losing and spending their taxpayer money?
ReplyDeleteSuggest Alaskans pay closer attention to how they mark their ballots!
Oh my.... This is awkward.
ReplyDeleteApparently a rumor had been circulating that young Master Cruise was wearing adult incontinence products to relieve him from the requirement of stepping away from the podium to relieve himself in the senate's men's room or in the highly polished, 18th century antique brass portable pissoir - or chamber chamberpot - kept under the minority leader Yertle's desk.
After such conservative luminaries as Sen. Mike Lee of Utah, Marco Rubio of Florida, David Vitter of Louisiana and James Inhofe of Oklahoma joined Cruise at the podium to show their political, vocal and bladder support, some wag apparently noticed at least one of the members of America's most august deliberative bodies seemed to also be rocking the highly absorbent undergarments. (Which brand was he wearing, you ask? That depends....)
Turned out to be a false alarm as the be-diapered Senatorian from an unnamed state is well known for his predilection for the dapper nappies and was simply dressed in his usual squishy attire.
In other news, Cruise is threatening to simultaneously run for high elected office in his native Canada and, as he puts it, "Once elected, I'll try to ruin Canada, also, too."
Beldar J Conehead10:17 AM
DeleteIn other news, Cruise is threatening to simultaneously run for high elected office in his native Canada and, as he puts it, "Once elected, I'll try to ruin Canada, also, too."
Very amusing, Beldar!
Canada may have the dubious 'honor' of being Cruz's birthplace and place of residence until he was four years old but believe me he would never be elected to any position of power here. Hopefully this imbecile would be turned away at the border and sent packing back to Texas where they gave credence to his craziness. As the saying goes, 'they can have him, we don't wan't him, he's too nuts for us'.
Someone named Jester over at the pond:
ReplyDelete"I just watched Sarah's interviews. On Cavuto she said she was working on businesses in addition to family stuff and hunting. Anyone know what businesses she's talking about?"
Fleecing morons, that's her sole business Jester. Now shut up and send her another check.
Family stuff may mean she is getting all Todd's family to the clinic for flu shots and birth control to be ready for the winter. We all know what an avid hunter she is, she spent a week in the forest after Trig started school. She must have tons of work to do getting their haul in the freezer. I am waiting for the pictures because you know if she does all that work she is proud.
DeleteThe latest and main business would be the Rainbow Big Game vacation spot for the luxury inclined crowd. It is very, very remote. Anyone else would be talking about such a score. There must be an article in the ADN? Why would it be top secret? Funny she did not mention the new business, she went nuts over the double rainbow omen. Todd bought into a partnership last July and everyone wants to know who, what, when and where.
I'm trying to get this straight. She says, "So are people going to trust that virtue, love they neighbor, and in this case loving of the country so that we won't be insolvent under Obamacare?"
ReplyDeleteSo her take is that Obamacare is a deceptive program and is loved by the people just like they love their neighbor. But, Ted is making great sacrifices and putting his political career on the line is trying to get the people not to love Obamacare. And if he succeeds in this, then he has shown America that he loves his neighbor.
So loving one's neighbor is trying to sabotage a law passed by the party that the electorate chose, and passed by the representatives that the majority elected, and was accepted and stamped and approved and signed? Loving one's neighbor is taking away affordable healthcare for the needy families and their children?
Trying to counter something that will do good for the people is loving their neighbor? Sarah supporting a man who would take an IV out of a baby's arm is loving one's neighbor?
Even if there were negative details in the care plan that needed to be fine-tuned, a loving christian would rather cancel out the whole thing than work with the planners and creators of the care act, to help as many people as possible?
I think Sarah Palin is NOT reading her bible. Loving thy neighbor is loving them as yourself. If you have affordable healthcare Sarah, and YOU try to squeeze it out of the needy hands, then you DO NOT LOVE YOUR NEIGHBOR. PERIOD.
You'd better repent.
Two things...Someone must really be paying her BIG BUCKS
ReplyDelete1) Her hair, though seriously plastered, looks better than usual--the bottom actual looks combed!
2) She actually said "President Obama" ???? or was that a typo on Gryphen's part? (see below)
"That is exactly what we are going to need in a few years here, Once President Obama is gone, our country will be so close to having been fundamentally transformed as he had promised that we're going to have a heck of a lot of work to do get us back on solid footing, ..."
Remember, her kids receive “socialist” health care. She suffers amazing cognitive dissonance.
ReplyDeleteFlaunt it Sarah Palin flaunt it.
ReplyDeleteSarah Palin posted two new pictures on her facebook. I can't afford one big screen flat tv and she is flaunting in her pictures that she has multiple big screen tv's in her multiple rooms.
Life is great for the Palins after Governor Sarah Palin quit on Alaska halfway through her first term.
Fuck you Sarah Palin and your family photo ops. Who in hell with a big screen or regular tv stands that close to their tv's? You want your followers to believe that your uneducated kids stands that close to the tv to watch news programs while you or somebody else takes pictures?
DeleteFuck you!
Sarah how come you are holding Trig so close to the tv and where are his damn prescription glasses? The boy can't see you ass hole.
DeleteFor the love of Pete WHY doesn't the media ask her why she even gives a flying F. Her healthcare is covered through Todd and the Tribal Healthcare system IHS. Worried about ACA..I think not...It's a just a pot for her to stir.
ReplyDeleteHow many Democrats voiced their displeasure with Obamacare?
ReplyDeleteSarah has a bible for a prop, and it has commentary written in it?
Calling Father Damian!
I was surprised when I saw her move her hands. I thought that buckle at the top of her outfit meant she was wearing a designer straight jacket.
ReplyDeleteSnickers, lotsa MF's out with holes in their pants cause they can't see how they can get elected and she worked her way up hard and clean. Their stinking shit mouth pieces just cause them to vomit on their own shoes. And, not surprisingly, no one notices.
ReplyDeleteFuck you Sarah Palin and your family photo ops. Who in hell with a big screen or regular tv stands that close to their tv's? You want your followers to believe that your uneducated kids stands that close to the tv to watch news programs while you or somebody else takes pictures?
ReplyDeleteTrolls, pokes and other head in the earth objects have made their way here and define themselves ass upwards!
ReplyDeleteDon't feed the trolls!
ReplyDeleteIt just goes directly to their thighs.
And I was surprised when I saw them move their hands. I thought that buckle at the top of their outfits meant they were wearing designer straight jackets.