Thursday, September 19, 2013

The Republicans are once again holding the debt ceiling hostage in order to force the President to delay the implementation of Obamacare. Here let the Newsroom's Sloan Sabbith explain why that is a dangerous plan.

(Caution this is HBO so you can expect at least one F word.)

And people wonder why I love this show.

As many of you will undoubtedly remember that the Republicans ONLY acquiesced when the President signed the Budget Control Act of 2011 which stipulated that if the two sides could not reach an agreement on the budget by late November then Sequestration would take affect. At the time they believed that despite their differences they were not quite THAT entrenched.

Unfortunately for all concerned, they were.

And during all of this political posturing and threatening Standard and Poor's downgraded our credit rating for the first time in history, dealing a blow to America's reputation and our standing in the world's economy.

Which is just what Sloan Sabbith is warning about in the above clip.

Yes I realize the scene was written after all of this had already happened, giving writer Aaron Sorkin the benefit of 20/20 hindsight, but what is happening right now is ALSO taking place after all of that has already happened, which means that the Republicans and Congress should ALSO be benefiting from 20/20 hindsight, and yet it is increasingly looking as if it is all about to happen again.

What Sloan Sabbith is suggesting the American people do in that clip, is exactly what they, what we, should be doing right now.  I only hope that we can be heard over the rattling of their partisan swords.


  1. Anonymous6:40 PM

    O/t skank on fax Sunday morning on hqdc-baawwwaaahh!
    10am west coast-yeah am sure that is a big audience!!!
    Good work roger!! Keep showing her how very unimportant she is:)

    Oh and if you go to Fox News there is a tweet under hq Sundays asking for questions for skank-anyone? Anything? All of them?

  2. Anonymous10:28 PM

    Nine episodes was not nearly enough, this season!

    Wasn't the usual at least 13, for cable shows?

    At least I watched them all TWICE, so it was like 18 installments.

    Despite the nicely tied up ends, I just read that a third season has been decided upon.

    (And, for NOW, at least, we've got "Homeland" coming back soon, to fill the void.)

  3. Anonymous1:51 AM

    Frankly,at this point ,I am all for a shutdown.Having been mortally wounded by the sequester and fearfully anticipating losing my home and everything I own,the least the Republicans can do is go down with me.......

    1. Anonymous6:19 AM

      But they won't. No one can end salary and benefits to members of Congress unless members of Congress decide to end their own salaries and benefits. And, fat chance of that. The rest of us will suffer if the GOP shuts down the federal government. They did it once with Newt Gingrich leading the charge and it collapsed on them. But these fat pachyderms do not learn easily. They never learned the lesson; they just remember that they did it before so why not again.

    2. Anonymous6:52 AM

      Maybe not THOSE Republicans,but some for sure.....

  4. angela4:07 AM

    The baggers are insane. The corporate media just wants economic disaster so they can get page clicks and viewers. Real journalism is almost nonexistent. It has gone the way of the passenger pigeon and western black rhinoceros.

  5. Anonymous4:17 AM

    Everyone Call your Congressman/woman. If they are a Repub tell them they are fucking FIRED!!!!

    ALEC is playing all kinds of games to keep OBAMACARE or ACA out.

    Fuck THAT. LETS make this "Fired Friday"!!!!

  6. Anonymous4:38 AM

    Here is a complete list of who voted. Alaska get busy!

    Call their asses up and tell them their FIRED! Do what Sloan said!

  7. Anonymous4:55 AM

    President Obama has done more to reduce the deficit, etc., than any president in ages. What is wrong with these bastards in Congress?

  8. Anonymous6:09 AM

    Beaglemom: I'm so sick and tired of the media not giving the positive sides of what President Obama has accomplished since he's been in office - despite the constant obstruction of the Republicans.

    As far as I'm concerned the media is just as bad as are the Republicans in Congress!

    I don't know how our wonderful POTUS keeps his cool - he is working around them though, which is good, good, good!

  9. Anonymous10:02 AM

    Holy shit, that was incredible!

  10. Anonymous1:00 PM

    I love that excerpt. I wish Sloan had been able to get a word in edgewise during the election night coverage in the last two episodes of "The Newsroom" this season. The creepy Romney-robot-lady character was so annoying; I kept expecting Sloan to throttle her. I would have cheered her on from my armchair!


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