Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Alan Grayson under attack for portraying the Tea Party as today's version of the KKK.

This courtesy of Fox News (So you KNOW it's fair and balanced.):  

The email showed a large image of the flaming cross, with the letters "ea Party" etched in to the right of it. The caption read: "Now You Know What the 'T' Stands For." 

The email included "pointed analysis" from Grayson in which he said, "The Tea Party is no more popular than the Klan," blasting the conservative organization for its role in the showdown that resulted in the two-week partial government shutdown. 

 Republicans on Tuesday accused the Florida congressman of stepping -- way -- over the line. 

"There's no excuse for the hateful words and imagery used by Congressman Grayson," said Matt Gorman, a spokesman for the National Republican Congressional Committee. "This hate-filled rhetoric has Americans fed up with Washington." 

 He called on House Democrats to "swiftly and strongly condemn him and return the money he has raised for them." 

Grayson, though, was unapologetic and defended his Ku Klux Klan comparison. 

In a written statement provided to, he cited a litany of examples where the "Tea Party" attacked President Obama by citing his race, including the recurring claims that he is a Kenyan and Muslim "despite all evidence." 

The statement, as an example, included a doctored image of Obama in tribal garb, one of many offensive images of the president from the bowels of the Internet. 

 "One could go on and on, because there is overwhelming evidence that the Tea Party is the home of bigotry and discrimination in America today, just as the KKK was for an earlier generation. If the shoe fits, wear it," Grayson said. 

Um, I am finding nothing about this e-mail to misrepresent the Tea Party in anyway.

Anybody of a different opinion?


  1. Anonymous12:50 PM

    when you have the nutcase Alan Grayson say anything,
    you can be sure it is wrong and the opposite is true
    The truth is that Kenyan Muslim Socialist is a great description of Obama

    1. Anonymous1:12 PM

      No reality for you.

    2. Anonymous1:32 PM

      Sarah @ Anonymus 12:50

    3. Anonymous1:37 PM

      When Barack Obama won the Democratic Primary over Hillary Clinton in 2008, didn't Sarah Palin say,"So, Sambo beat the Bitch". Is that Racist, or was Sarah talking about Glen Rice 'beating' up Sarah's stinkhole in her sister's Dorm Room?

    4. Boscoe1:52 PM


    5. Anonymous2:08 PM

      Once I again, I don't understand the purpose of monitoring comments to this blog, when willfully ignorant, racist comments like the above get through.

    6. Anonymous3:32 PM

      Oh, I'm sorry, 12:50 PM....that's right. We get to listen to Esther's and your upcoming protoges. Yeah, Go $arah.

    7. Anonymous3:40 PM

      both c4p and palin's facebook page have some winner racist comments today.

      here's from palin's facebook- a post about visiting ft hood... all kinds of folks calling obama a muslim et al. but this one was interesting:

      from: Zoltan Stupar
      "Yeah... the Mafia is not Italian, the Muslims are not terrorists, and blacks are not the criminal class...., what a joke appearing on our politicians memos today...!!!"

      interestingly- if you click on zoltans facebook, he lists himself as president of AAMCO transmissions. i dug a little deeper, he is not president, but it appears he is a franchise owner of an AAMCO in NY or NJ. maybe AAMCO's executive board needs to know about zoltan's racist postings.

      then, over on the open thread at c4p, there were two separate ugly racist conversations going on... one about minority/blacks and the education system, and another one where 'socon' was saying he only wanted to see white doctors. there was only one sane(r) c4p poster making these people defend their comments... and of course he was chastised for it.

    8. Anonymous4:35 PM

      chuck_tard jr,

      monitoring IM while out smokin' cigs on yer lunchbreak ?

      go fuk yer fatass inbred self, eh

      oh yeah, how's yer butt buddy joey austerman holdin' up with this ongoing dairygate investigation thingie - scared he mght rat that skank inbred sis of yours out ? that just might effect y'alls griftin' ways, eh ..

    9. Anonymous5:45 PM

      Bite me, @4:35PM

      I was in the teacher's lounge, humping on my future ex-wife (not my current wife, whom I'll dump next), this big-tittied bitch that's a sub for 5th grade. I bet I get more pussy from dumb, non-college educated substitute teachers than you've ever dreamed of. Plus, my sister is the former half-term governor who can have a baby in six weeks. Also, too, she gives good head, and YES, I know. Ask my Dad if you don't believe me. He's been there, too, also.

      The Creepy Chuck, Jr
      Best-Selling Author
      Substitute Teacher/Gold Miner/Jr Grifter
      Sister-Fucking, Family-Abandoning Assholishness *

      * I was just going to say "asshole", but Assholishness popped up on my iPhone, and it sounded more prestigious.

    10. Anonymous10:22 PM


      beautiful !!

      LMFAO !!

    11. Grayson ALWAYS speaks the truth.

  2. Alan Grayson rocks!!! He tells it like it is.

    1. Anonymous1:10 PM

      I totally agree. Grayson is the best!

    2. Anonymous2:05 PM

      Grayson trolls the Bagger Pond and catches a whole mess of racists with just one swipe of his net. Those idiots might as well jump in the boat with him. This will get him on talk shows where he'll present real evidence to back up his suppositions. He might be blunt, crude and arrogant, but he's not simple-minded. LOL "Demanding an apology" ? What a fucking joke. YOUR STINKING TEABAG IDIOTS SHUT DOWN THE GODDAMN GOVERNMENT, DOOFUS. Now WHO needs to apologize to the American people? Here, have a nice cup of STFU for your alligator tears.

      And for you, Sister Sarah:
      Please try to refute Grayson, Baldy. He will fry your pitiful bag of bones and give them to the dogs. But he better do it outside... I don't know what fried shit smells like, and would rather not find out. Besides, your liver might burn for days, like a tire soaked in diesel fuel.

    3. Anonymous2:46 PM

      We have known for a long time that repubs. can not handle TRUTH. They do not welcome intelligent people into their ranks, either. People like $carah are welcome, though, people who can rile a crowd up until they yell "Kill him" regarding our President. Allan Grayson tells it just as he sees it, and I agree with him 100%.

  3. Anonymous12:53 PM

    luv it !

  4. Anonymous12:59 PM

    Need more Alan Grayson's and Bernie Sanders' in D.C. Both mean what they say and say what they mean. The shoe fits comfortably and they damn well know it (tea party and fox news).


    1. Anonymous2:48 PM

      Politicians like Grayson and Sanders would not be welsomed into the gop, even if they wanted to lower themselves to that extent. Thank goodness they are on OUR side. The gop can not handle the TRUTH.

  5. Anonymous1:09 PM

    O/T Sarah Palin claimed today that jesus celebrated easter

    When confronted that easter happened AFTER jesus' death she stared blankly into the screen for 15 seconds until Hasselbeck cut to commercial.

    1. Yeah that's from the Daily Currant, a satirical website.

      Let's not be Fox News and get suckered in by parody, okay?

    2. Anonymous1:28 PM

      Woops. But it sounded SO REAL! lol

    3. Anonymous2:11 PM

      Boo, Gryphen. You can't *handle* the *truth*, according to the Daily Currant. It is as truthful as Sarah is about her *family traditions* in the books that she doesn't read before they are written for her. Nor afterward. She's not exactly a reader, ya know.

    4. Anonymous3:50 PM

      With all the crap that spews from her mouth, it really isn't that far of a stretch to believe that she actually would say that.

    5. Anonymous4:42 PM

      Isn't it frightening that you can't tell the difference between over-the-top satire and Stupid Sarah Palin Comments?

      Even more frightening to think about how close she came to being first in line for the Presidency!

  6. Jim In Texas1:20 PM

    I don't disagree, Gryph, but the Democrats just got a huge boost in public opinion from the whole shutdown debacle. My recommendation is that they not piss it away with petty crap like this.

    1. Anonymous2:02 PM

      I don't think this subject is petty! It's been kept under the hood for way to long since President Obama was elected the first time. The imbecile Sarah Palin started it when running w/McCain and I suggest they lost the race party because of it!

  7. Anonymous1:24 PM

    Grayson is a great help for the people. Check out some of his statements that got news coverage-like what he made known about Daniel Websters' move to keep women in abusive situations and disallow divorces for them.

    Grayson gets quoted often and I contribute to him because of his stands.

  8. Anonymous1:31 PM

    The Truth will set you free, "If the hood fit wear it" PRICELESS!

  9. Anonymous1:41 PM

    Only part of Alan Grayson's email that I wouldn't completely agree with is "...just as the KKK was for an earlier generation", because I know for a fact that the KKK is alive and well in many parts in many parts of the South in this generation too. Alan Grayson lives in the "I-4 Corridor" area of Florida which is an area heavily populated with rednecks and bigots so he knows what he's talking about. There are at least 4 active chapters of KKK in Florida right at this time. Check out the Southern Poverty Law Center site which shows KKK all over the country. It's easy for me to think that when the sheets have to be hidden, the TeaBagger hats go on. Alan Grayson nails it.

    1. fromthediagonal5:28 PM

      anon@1:41: Mr. Grayson may be a Firebrand, but he is carrying his torch for the good of "the rest of us", the 99%. He does not fit the mold of a polite progressive, and so be it!
      I am glad you know about the SPLC, because we need more awareness about the xenophobic, racist underbelly of this nation. Please continue to speak out.

  10. Anonymous2:00 PM

    I totally agree with him and I'm glad he stood his ground to Fox!! So many politicians do not do that!

    An example could be tied to Sarah Palin. She was a racist in Alaska (to Alaska's first people when she was quitter governor) before she even got to the national scene. Her racist stand against Obama lost the race for John McCain.

    Thank God President Obama won both races. She hasn't stopped her racists rants since she and McCain lost!

    1. Anonymous2:55 PM

      I honestly think McCain did not stand a chance, with or without $carah. She got a slight boost for him until people started actually listening to her screeches. The gop did not support him, one stated that McCain "does not have the right disposition to be President" He is a short tempered, foul mouthed LITTLE man. He just ran to boost his ego, and he was shot down even before choosing the Screech from Alaska.

    2. Anonymous5:00 PM

      2:55 I agree that McCain was not presidential material, but the idiot did NOT help him one bit.

      They are both failures today!

  11. Anonymous2:04 PM

    They REALLY think it's a compliment.Go Alan

  12. Anonymous2:07 PM

    Alan Grayson speaks the truth. The Tea Party is full of gun-worshiping racist bigots. There is zero difference between them and the KKK. I'm not surprised they don't embrace the characterization; even they are savvy enough to realize it doesn't benefit them at all to remind voters of all the similarities between them and the KKK. It does speak even more volumes about them that they (SHOCKER!) lack the courage of their racist, misogynistic convictions and prefer not to claim the KKK's mantle, despite its perfect fit.

    Nor does it surprise me that the ever Repug-appeasing wing of the Democratic Party is trying to send Grayson to the woodshed over this. This is one of the reasons why I never donate to the DCCC, but directly to individual candidates.

  13. Anonymous2:21 PM

    Stand yer ground, Congressman Grayson!

  14. Anonymous3:40 PM

    It's about time we call out these people for who they are. I'm tired of Dems playing nice and Repugs spreading lies. We need to fight fire with fire!

  15. Anonymous3:43 PM

    If the shoe fits....they scream.

    1. Anonymous5:49 PM

      The scream is because they're such klutzes, they can't take a step forward without tripping and stepping on their own dick. Sarah is the worst. Todd doesn't have a problem at all, except when he steps on hers.

  16. Anonymous5:18 PM

    Come on already. If the hood fits, wear it. They play this game constantly and hate when they are called on it. You're racist, deal with it.

  17. Anonymous6:06 PM

    Seriously, did Bristool already have Junker's baby? At least she knows who the baby-daddy is *this time*. Even with another ex-con in the family, the Palins are moving on up to the east side.

    Wait, what's an ex-con? He might've been paroled, but he's still a felon, and always will be one, unless he's given a full pardon and has his conviction expunged by the governor. And not the former half-term gov who's currently shilling for the Kochs these days. On the other hand, if it took Sarah getting on her knees to keep her meth supplier out of the pokey, what does having to suck one more dick really matter? For both Beefy or Wallow, sucking one more dick tomorrow would be considered a slow morning.
    Just sayin'.

  18. Anonymous6:24 PM

    The Tea Party can dish it out but they can't take it. They are such babies.

  19. Anita Winecooler6:41 PM

    My first reaction was "Oh no, he went "there", but the more I thought of it, the more I felt he did the right thing mailing this out.
    Give them a little of what they dish out, and (hopefully) he'll move on to greater things.
    I adore Alan Grayson's wit and resolve.. Daily Kos has a brilliant take, along with evidence of the tea party's bigotry.

    My all time favorite huff po "take" on Sarah Palin by Grayson

  20. God bless you, Alan Grayson!


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