Tuesday, October 08, 2013

Bernie Sanders takes to the Senate floor and tells the American people who is REALLY behind the defund Obamacare drive, and what's next on their agenda.

You go Bernie!

This is EXACTLY how the liberals need to publicize what is going on in this country.

Citizens United opened the floodgates for wealthy businessmen to take over out political system, and the Koch brothers and other conservative donors did not waste a moment taking advantage of it.

I love that he submitted the entire New York Times article into he record.


  1. Anonymous12:40 PM

    We need more senators like Bernie Sandors. LOVE this man!!

    1. Anonymous8:00 PM

      NO we don't. We need to shut down the federal government and disband our military. There is NO external threat to this country, nor need for centralized assemblage of elected officials in the tele-work age.

    2. Anonymous4:27 AM

      8 PM Fuck you! You should be put on trial for treason - I'd be there to watch!

  2. Anonymous12:44 PM

    A great commentary.


    M from MD

    1. Anonymous8:01 PM

      Washington Post runs CNN along with the CIA. Now controlled by Bezo's who is communizing commerce? Yes, the MKULTRA brainwashed masses have "elected" these people, but that just means the shadowy brainwashers made the selections.

    2. Leland5:11 AM

      @ 8:01

      Proof please! Define Bezo's, please. Define "shadowy brainwashers", please.

      Otherwise, fuck off.

  3. Anonymous12:50 PM

    Check out Anderson Cooper's take down of Republican representative Labrador.


  4. Anonymous12:53 PM


    Frightening what is going on.
    M from MD

    1. Anonymous4:26 PM

      Indeed, M . . . for the noisy minority, sponsored by cunning millionaires/billionaires, are effectively staging a government coup.

  5. Anonymous3:40 PM

    It truly is scary what is going on - and I don't know how we can stop it since $$$ talk, not people. What will it take? I hope we don't have a civil war again, but I simply do not see how we can continue to allow Koch et al to buy our country.

    1. They're in front of the Supreme Court right now trying to eliminate the last of the restrictions for unfettered campaign spending. Soon they'll just own the government and we will slip into the Corporatism that Mussolini described. I.E. Fascism.

  6. Anonymous3:59 PM

    wow...he summed up the whole "tea party" in a few minutes,
    and laid bare the way the usa is run

  7. Anonymous4:10 PM

    I certainly hope someone is keeping a close eye on the Oathkeepers...

    did you watch Pres Obama's press conference? so intelligent, so compassionate, and so so tired...I think we should all send him 'love and light' especially every time that shrew from the North Country belittles him or his office.


    1. Anonymous6:49 PM

      I agree Aurora. He was so eloquent, but tired. Shit, look what he deals with. I'm sending all my positive vibes his way!!

    2. Anonymous7:22 PM

      I listened on the radio. He didn't pull any punches. I'm glad he's staying strong and telling the American people exactly who the problem is.

    3. Anonymous4:24 AM

      Send him positive notes to the White House...cannot imagine having to govern w/these asshole Republicans pulling everything apart.

      It is NOT President Obama's fault. Why is health insurance such a bad thing? I thought Republicans were suppose to be the 'christian' base? What bullshit!!!

      I hope Boehner, Cantor, McConnell et al have good security because they are going to need it!

  8. Anonymous4:16 PM

    Sen. Sanders is a gem! I hope he'll retake the Senate floor and draw attention to the fundamentalist xtianist extremists the Koch brothers and others are funding.



    Rick Joyner's recent call for a military takeover was a clip from a larger message that reveals his certainty of trouble ahead--a certainty derived from knowing about the behind-the-scenes plan to create economic havoc and blame it on Pres. Obama.

    Contrary to all the xtianist fear-mongering over abortion and gay rights and Democrats, Pres. Obama has been leading us in an economic recovery. Well, they won't stand for such a thing...so they'll do their damnedest to force economic hard times.

    The part about the economy starts around 9:14.

  9. Anonymous4:22 PM

    Gotta admire his candor and boldness . . . I only wish that the team had gotten out in front of these predictable storms months earlier~ to better control the messaging.

  10. Anonymous6:07 PM

    these Koch brothers are plotters just like John Wilkes Booth and his group of friends, trying to take the government down, conspiring to hurt the country, having secret meeting plotting to do away with our jobs don't want us voting, healthcare. Throw them in jail. the military needs to do it so they can be held as long as needed.

  11. Anita Winecooler7:42 PM

    We need more like Mr. Sanders to drum this into people's consciousness. The shutdown has sent "non essential" FDA inspectors home, and now there's an outbreak of a particularly strong strain of salmonella. We're screwing our vets of so much that they deserve, Veteran's hospitals are operating with sub skeleton shifts, and now there's a post on Mudflats that got my blood boiling.


    Sanders exposed the Koch's. They have blood on their hands, and we need to showcase those wealthy, good folks who defend Obamacare and have no problem paying more for healthcare.

    We need to support President Obama while he stands firm and fights for us. Vote, get out the vote, and do what you can to get these traitors out of office.


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It just goes directly to their thighs.