Tuesday, October 01, 2013

Evidence of ACTUAL Intelligent Design.

It's just too bad that so many Americans refuse to recognize the hand of the creators in bringing everything around us to life. And their purpose for doing so.


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  2. Leland8:09 AM

    I see the problem as one of confusing linguistics.

    You see, the people who are pushing for that wall to disappear recognize ONLY ONE Creator (the big C in that word is another problem they have!) - and don't recognize the Founding Fathers as the authors of the Constitution and therefore the CREATORS of the Constitution.

    To them The Creator (um, their so-called god), made this country and they refuse to acknowledge it wasn't DESIGNED that way.

    Put another way? Their little minds can't see more than one creator! They get all squirrelly and go nutsy when faced with the necessity to THINK!


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.