Sunday, October 13, 2013

Fox News White House correspondent storms out because Jay Carney ignored him and hurt his widdle feelings. Update!

Courtesy of HuffPo:  

Fox News correspondent Ed Henry walked out of a White House press briefing after being repeatedly ignored by spokesman Jay Carney on Friday. Henry attempted to ask Carney a question twice, but Carney called on other people instead. 

After the first time, Henry could be seen shaking his head and muttering something to colleague Major Garrett. After the second time, Henry angrily got up and left the room. The briefing continued without him.

You can see the head shake at the 4 sec mark, the slow burn at the 2 minute mark, and the storm out at the 3:20 mark. Such a professional.

Personally I don't think that the President or his spokespeople should EVER call on any Fox News reporters. After all if you want to disseminate information it is best to do so by  providing it to actual journalists, and NOT Republican propagandists.

Update: Oh this just keeps getting better:

The exchange, or lack of one, followed a contentious session on Wednesday in which Henry essentially accused the president of being indifferent to the families of servicemembers killed in action. The Wednesday exchange between Carney and Henry over the restoration of military death benefits centered on Henry repeatedly asking when Obama “learn[ed] specifically that the military death benefits would not be paid,” the tone becoming more confrontational with each back and forth between Henry and Carney. 

Carney described Henry as a partisan opponent during that exchange. This wasn’t the first contentious exchange between the two. Henry badgered Carney last month about whether or not the White House staffer would sign up for Obamacare. Though Henry meant it as a gotcha-type accusation, Carney replied “If I did not have employer provided health insurance, like I’m sure you do, unless there’s something about Fox I don’t know, then I would absolutely enroll and it would be more affordable.” 

At the impromptu Friday press conference, Carney called on no television reporters, and ignored Henry’s attempts to ask a question.

So NO television reporters were called on, but only ONE cable news idiot threw a tantrum because of it. 


  1. Anonymous4:43 PM

    So much for his slow burn. Ed's more of the angry fucking flamer.

  2. Anonymous4:47 PM

    Good for the White House in their new approach as to Fox, et al.
    I'm behind them 100%. FOX has never done 'real journalistic' work in its history!!! Fuck them!

  3. Or as Al Giordano used to say, his "peewings" were hurt.

    Apparently some can't understand that ignorant and malicious demagoguery does not merit respect.

    1. Leland1:42 AM

      Liz, of course they don't understand it - they can't even PRONOUNCE it!

  4. Anonymous4:54 PM

    Amazing, not called on twice and he's all bent out of shape. This is what passes for adults these days?

    Elizabeth 44

  5. Anonymous4:56 PM

    I say kick Fox out until they are a new organization instead of an infotainment entity

  6. Anonymous4:59 PM

    Isn't this the asshole from Faux that interrupted the President during a speech He was giving in The Rose Garden?eh isn't even a US citizen and is here because he married an american woman.

  7. Anonymous5:15 PM

    Carney called on NO tv reporters that interview:

  8. Anonymous6:34 PM

    Jay Carney is stupid. Though most WH mouthpieces are. #coverups

    1. You sad little person - take your crazy some place else

    2. Anonymous7:52 PM

      Dana Perino will forever be the dumbest WH Spokesperson ever.

      She did not know what the Cuban Missile crisis was! !

    3. Anonymous7:53 PM


    4. Anita Winecooler8:45 PM

      Jay Carney Stupid? I suppose Sarah is the queen of handling mouthpieces, shame she wasn't there so he could ignore her, also too! #Getalife #GrowUp #Libel # Slander #Moran #TheOnlyOneWhoCanJudgeaLife #live vibrantly

    5. Anonymous3:31 PM

      Dana Perino also said there had been NO terrorist attacks during the Dubya's administration. Does 911 sound familiar? What a waste of space and botox that woman is

  9. President Obama answers an Ed Henry attack question 2009
    Ed will never learn.

  10. Anita Winecooler8:36 PM

    Oh, I can imagine the poutrage for days. "Fox Snubbed at Media Event in White House", "Carny displays Crony Cesorship", Yadda Yadda Yadda.... You KNOW it'll be top billing on all their shows.
    Sarah and Greta MUST slip it in the conversation tomorrow.

  11. Anonymous3:56 AM

    The more important question would have been "when did GOP House members realize that they were depriving death benefits from military families." The shutdown has been all about the GOP; neither President Obama nor the Democrats in Congress bear any responsibility for the shutdown or the pain it has been causing Americans, from federal workers to military families to Native Americans to poor people everywhere.

  12. Anonymous5:14 AM

    someday you will see who was right and you will wish you had listened, can't believe the country is in such a terrible mess and you look the other way jay carney stands up there and lies for obama and so does the media except fox news they stand up for the truth no matter which side.

    1. Anonymous6:56 AM

      I am so tired of right-wing idiots. Just go away. Or pay attention to the real world. You live in a Faux News bubble.

    2. Anonymous8:22 AM

      This has to be a troll. No one is that stupid to come here and say such nonsense unless they are hoping to provoke a fight. Just a lot of hysterical and baseless claims.

    3. Bwa ha ha ha HA HA HAHAHAHA.

      Damn. Now I've got to go change my underwear.

  13. Randall5:17 AM

    Oh Boo Fucking HOOOooo...
    The asshole doesn't get called on because he's an asshole and Carney knows he'll ask an asshole question, so he does the only asshole thing available to him - he walks out.
    Proving that he's an asshole.

  14. Anonymous9:52 AM

    Love how the question/answer thing is going at the White House Press Conferences of late.

    It's about time they exclude FOX because they ask idiotic questions and their take is always going to be incorrect and/or lies about the subject matter.

    That chair 'allowed' for FOX should be given to someone else - a REAL journalist perhaps! - that is serious about their job!

    Mr. Carney and President Obama, carry on!!!! We are behind you 100%!

  15. I think he should lose his front row seat and be put in the back row.


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.