Thursday, October 24, 2013

Frustrated that not enough people are paying attention to her Sarah Palin projects her worst personality traits onto the President while trolling for conspiracy theorists.

Okay so just a few hours ago Palin apparently decided go all in with conspiracy theorists who now seem to make up the base of the Tea Party movement, and posted this on her Facebook page:  

Whether accurate or not, for some reason I found this hilarious! Am I out of bounds for cracking up when I saw this take on a nauseated Obama fan, her absentminded pal, and our President's heroics this week? If so, penance paying I'll accept. (Palin puts a Smiley Face here, but I don't allow that kind of crap on this blog.) With the Obama White House’s total lack of transparency, it’s no wonder that some will ask whether they staged even a fainting lady in the Rose Garden. What was once a major leap in logic has become a single step because President Obama has lied so often and so blatantly ("If you like your health care plan, you can keep your plan" comes to mind!).

She then links to this batshit crazy article over at the Weekly Standard, that scrutinizes the moment that Karmel Allison almost fainted behind the President while he was giving his speech about the Affordable Care website problems.

I read through the post, by woman calling herself "Patriot Lady," and found that virtually ALL of her "discoveries of fraud" were easily explained if one applied logic. In fact upon repeated viewings it seems even more farfetched to jump to the conclusion that it is fake. (You can also see an interview with the young woman here and judge for yourself.)

But THAT doesn't stop Palin from suggesting that since the President is SO untrustworthy that it is not out of the realm of possibilities that the staged this. (Yes, HE'S the untrustworthy one.)

However I could not help notice that this comes right after many of the people visiting here bought into that Daily Currant parody that suggested that Palin believed that Jesus Christ had celebrated Easter. Part of the explanation for why reasonable people might believe such a crazy thing about Sarah Palin is that she has a history of making incredibly stupid remarks, and is famous for getting facts wrong about historical events (Think Paul Revere's ride.)

Let's face it this is clearly an example of blatant projection on Palin's part. Obviously there are conspiracies about her that are based on nothing more than very active imaginations and a deep seated disdain for the nasty bitch.

However there are also numerous examples of bizarre things that were proven to be true, such as she faked supporting letters to the editor, that she hijacked polls to make herself seem more popular, that she faked a pregnancy, that she constantly tells lies about her past and her family, and on and on and on. (Feel free to add your own to this list.)

However the conspiracy theories about the President, he was not born in this country, he is a homosexual, he is a secret Muslim, he is killing journalists, he is the Antichrist trying to destroy the country, are all based almost solely on absolutely nothing. And some of them are so crazy that they speak to a derangement that I am not sure we have every seen in this country before. (MSNBC just did a story about where these conspiracy theorists get their "facts" that is definitely worth a read.)

And the same is true of the fainting lady conspiracy.

That being said I do find it more than a little telling that Palin is now working the Alex Jones, Glenn Beck, and World Net Daily side of the fence. You know the place where the truly unhinged go to get their news.

But hey, I guess you go where your audience is, don't you?


  1. Anonymous2:26 PM

    she's truly going off the rails...stupid bitch.

    1. WOWWWW! It looks like Baldy's transformation into the new "m"Ann Coulter is complete!

      Hmmmm...I wonder if Baldy has booked her surgery to have her adam's apple installed yet?

      This stupid fucking bitch isn't even TRYING to hide her craziness anymore! Something big must be heading towards the ugly tranny man! She's been fuming and foaming at the mouth since she showed her dirty drawers on Megyn's Files last week!

      Tomorrow is Friday....the day where bad news is something coming out about the bald fella?

      Stay tuned folks! LOL!!!

    2. Anonymous4:33 PM

      Ann Coulter has hair. Baldy will have to become a Hair Club for Men client.

    3. Anita Winecooler6:56 PM

      Or she could rub testosterone jel on her scalp, but then she'll have to shave her palm prompter, among other things

    4. Anonymous7:34 PM

      Isn't it time for a new Dairygate scandal; more revelations of Palin friends and associates getting rich on free money from her administration?

  2. Anonymous2:27 PM

    Those most paranoid and suspicious are usually those most guilty themselves.

    1. Anonymous3:13 PM

      Sarah should be trying to get Curt Menard's son into Drug rehab. Track still 'CAIN'T GET RIGHT'. That photo of Sarah Palin shows just how RETARDED she is. She is a Mess.

    2. Anonymous6:43 PM

      Dude. Why lie?

    3. Anonymous6:55 AM

      Because I get tired of standing. Duuude!

  3. Anonymous2:37 PM

    sarah, sarah, sarah...

    you lied to the world faked a downs pregnancy- and then used that downs child as a prop and a moneymaker for your own gain. uber christian bullshit artist.

    this will never be swept under the rug or forgotten.

    sick sick liar.

    1. Anonymous3:05 PM

      The sister of the baby pretending to be the son of the grandma is actually the mother. Go figure.

    2. That was the popuar theory in the beginning; for the last several years, not so much.

    3. Anonymous4:53 PM

      What's the current theory?

    4. Anonymous6:00 PM

      Current theory: she's a liar and a whackjob. As far theory about that miracle no twobuller child? Still taint hers.

    5. Anonymous9:24 AM

      current theory - she 'virtually' adopted her husband's child from a prostitute. Bristol's first born was at the age of 14, second at 16, third at 19 and possibly another?

  4. Anonymous2:45 PM

    Why should we be surprised? Glenn Beck and all the other idiots she listens to are conspiracy driven.

  5. Anonymous2:46 PM

    She has truly gone to the dark side when she beds down with Beck, Jones, Breitbart, Fox and WND. Without a doubt she's on the Koch payroll.

  6. Anonymous2:52 PM

    Her anger at being exposed every time she tries to lay down her crap and nonsense has driven her to the final stages of madness. What else could we expect from a woman who has a head full of angry, buzzing hornets? Donations must be way down as I've never seen or heard her so unhinged. Lovin' it!!

  7. Anonymous2:54 PM

    I can't get over the amount of people that still think the way she does. Incredible!

  8. Anonymous2:55 PM

    I NEVER visit her Facebook page but did to see the response she got. Saints preserve us, are her followers whack jobs or WHAT? Are you actually PROUD of that, Esther? "It's just politics" so what you're doing is fine and dandy? Bet ME, sister! You can sit next to your cronies in hell because that's exactly where you're going.

    "Put The Christ In Christmas." Yeah, RIGHT!

  9. Anonymous3:02 PM

    Palin stands by her interpretation of Revere ride.

  10. Anonymous3:03 PM

    This coming from a woman that famously stated "There is a place in Hell reserved for women who don't support other women".

    Also too, Mrs. Allison was ACTUALLY pregnant with a pre-existing health condition, not just an old lady with a pillow up her shirt pretending to be pregnant AFTER she had a tubal ligation 8 years prior.

    Mrs. Palin, you should just stop pointing the finger towards your own hypocrisy and lies because we have your number. If Sean Parnell is considered "Captain Zero" then you Mrs. Palin must be way Less Than Zero.

  11. The more she hangs out with the looniest of the fringe sites, the more marginalized she becomes. Or the other way around. As fewer and fewer mainstream media outlets pay attention to her, she won't have any choice but to pander to the nutballs that will pay attention to her.

    Either way works for me as she falls further and further away from any place in normal society.

    She's falling faster and faster and is too stupid to realize it.

    She will have approximately the same coverage and credibility as Victoria Jackson by the time the next Presidential cycle comes around.

  12. Anonymous3:27 PM

    Another commenter said, "All women who are Republicans fit into one of two categories: they are either mean or they are crazy."

    Sarah is both.

  13. Anonymous3:28 PM

    I wish the pregnant lady would publicly respond to what sarah accused her of.

    1. Anonymous5:56 PM

      That's what Palin wants. A fight. A big fat ugly fight to keep her foul mouth in the news whether she loses or not.

      I'm betting Mrs Allison will not stoop to Palin's level and take the bait. She probably doesn't even know who $P is because she is a Berkley grad who is working as a biologist at UC San Diego enjoying a wonderful life with her husband anticipating the arrival of their child. Something tells me a woman like Karmel Allison would not have time or interest in the foibles of a clueless, ill-mannered attack dog who has never had an original thought in her life.

    2. Anonymous6:00 PM

      She has.

  14. Anonymous3:32 PM

    It helps her case (with her rabid fans) that the woman, that fainted, was black. It's a CONSPIRACY!

  15. Anonymous3:34 PM

    Such women have murdered their own children with less crazed thinking than this.

    1. Those who can be made to believe absurdities can be made to commit atrocities. - Voltaire

  16. If you like your health care, you CAN keep your plan.

    1. Anonymous5:43 PM

      Several insurance companies are dropping many of their former private plans and substituting similar but lesser benefit plans to justify premium increases for less coverage. This is what I think fueled the right wing imagination to use private industry tricks as another way to bash the ACA. The nonsense and obvious falsehood of her claiming this proves that President Obama "lied" wouldn't bother Palin in the least, she's the "mikey" of saying anything whenever the $$$ are right.

  17. Anonymous3:44 PM

    Gryph, this you see this?

    South Carolina soup kitchen refuses to allow atheists to volunteer

    A group called the Upstate Atheists in Spartanburg, South Carolina were rebuffed in their efforts to volunteer at the Spartanburg Soup Kitchen.

    “I told [the Spartanburg Soup Kitchen] we wouldn’t wear our T-shirts. We wouldn’t tell anyone who we are with. We just want to help out,” Upstate Atheist president Eve Brannon told the Spartanburg Herald-Jounal. “And they told us that we were not allowed.”

    Lou Landrum, the Soup Kitchen’s executive director, told the same paper that allowing the atheists to work at the facility would be a “disservice to this community.”

    “We stand on the principles of God,” she said. “Do [atheists] think that our guests are so ignorant that they don’t know what an atheist is? Why are they targeting us? They don’t give any money. I wouldn’t want their money.”

    Landrum said that “they can set up across the street from the Soup Kitchen. They can have the devil there with them, but they better not come across the street.”

    Brannon said the group frequently works with Christian non-profit organizations. “We’ve raised money for March of Dimes, worked with the Generous Garden Project, done community park clean ups, adopted a highway, and sponsored local foster children for Christmas.”

    “They are the only group that denied us the opportunity to volunteer.”

    "we stand on the principles of God'? Are you fucking out of your mind? The principles of God turns away a helping hand? This is just so WTF to me!

    1. Anonymous3:52 PM

      Whatever. I don't support any sort of feeding service for poor people that requires a dose of fairy tales with their food. Feed people, great, proselytize while feeding people, not so great.

      Don't these people realize that hungry people will say anything to get a meal? How many Atheists actually eat there and just spout some made up religious nonsense to get a meal?

    2. Anita Winecooler7:20 PM

      My family used to work for a food bank (secular), a lot of working people, my neighbors and poor depend on them to survive/ stretch their food dollars. I served because there was a need. Then, a muslim food market donated "Halal" meat and veggies, the director REFUSED the donation because of her religious ignorance. I don't know (nor care) what religion the director believes in. Wasting food isn't right on any level. This was around the time of the New York Mosque brouhaha.
      We apologized to the donor and chose someplace else to volunteer, just on principle.

    3. Anonymous7:31 PM

      All that their soup kitchen does is provide a cover for their real agenda.

  18. Anonymous3:50 PM

    Next speechifying opportunity Sarah Palin will bring a wingnut back from the dead,

  19. Anonymous3:51 PM

    Next speechifying opportunity Sarah Palin will bring a wingnut back from the dead.

  20. Anonymous3:54 PM

    I just love to play Doctor. My amateur diagnosis is textbook Projection. Since she has faked a pregnancy, it seems very feasible to her that the young woman that fainted could fake parts of hers. Pair that with the "damsel in distress" fantasy; this young woman was actually caught in the arms of the handsome, charismatic President. It's just the formula to make poor Sarah scream out with her crazy theories.
    If she possessed one iota of class or maturity, she would apologize and send a baby gift to the young women. Anybody taking action on when that will happen?


    1. Anonymous5:33 PM

      With climate change increasing the warmth of the planet I'm guessing hell is getting hotter too. Sorta puts the odds on the big freeze date further out there so I believe I'll sit this one out cause I'm pretty bad at math and calculating. Won't be around in a 1,000 years so couldn't collect my winnings anyway.

  21. Olivia4:03 PM

    I think the only explanation for Sarah Palin's wackaloon behavior is that she is trying to make amends for being the person who singlehandedly lost the presidency for John McCain. She has a lot of wacko work to do to wash that spot from her hands. It will probably take the rest of her life.

    1. Anonymous5:27 PM

      I believe Barack Obama had a hand in McCain's 'loss'. Palin always needs help accomplishing anything.

    2. Olivia6:01 PM

      Barack Obama won the presidency, without a doubt. He won it with a much larger edge than if Sarah Palin hadn't been the boulder hanging on McCain's neck.

    3. Anonymous7:50 PM

      I still say the funniest darn thing ever was when Joe Liebermann brushed her off at the WHCD.when she was on stage trying to get to know that word living in Arizona now, right Esther? wink wink

    4. Anonymous8:27 PM

      In Sarah's world, one doesn't make amends, but rather one RELOADS. She will lay on her death bed with all those lies she told, with all the hate she spread, and all the sins she has committed.

  22. Anonymous4:13 PM

    Keep talking, "writing", and endorsing the opinions of the nutty fringe-based lying liars, Sarah. Neither you nor any of those extremists have any impact on Democratic candidates, but you definitely chase away moderate Republican voters away in General Elections. Please proceed, Sarah.

  23. Anonymous4:14 PM

    Cant embed a tweet here, but this is what it was:

    Has anyone made a Sexy Racist costume yet? I mean, besides the one they ran for V.P. in 2008?


  24. Anonymous4:15 PM

    Sarah Palin is a Godly Christian woman and would not throw stones if it wasn't true.

    1. Anonymous4:42 PM

      Those aren't stones. But give her time, she's evolving

    2. Anonymous5:00 PM

      This is snark, right?

    3. Anonymous5:34 PM

      Those aren't stones she is flinging. She hasn't been potty trained yet.

    4. Anonymous5:39 PM

      Idiot moron. You know nothing about this disease. We pass out faint gt wobbly and even have seizures if our blood sugar gets too low and we can even die from it. How many godly Christian women fake a pregnancy for monetary and political gain?

    5. Anonymous5:46 PM

      Snark master outed his/herself long ago just to get a rise, even told everyone, and none of you remember the confession. Must be having a ball watching responses! Not an enemy, just having fun.

    6. Anonymous6:25 PM

      Anon @5:46 PM

      Anon @5:34 here. I remember but I sometimes comment just to get a gibe at the grifter in. Its a guilty pleasure. I know what the snark master is doing. She deserves it all.

    7. Anonymous6:28 PM

      How would Sarah know what caused this woman thousands of miles away from her to faint?

    8. Anonymous7:43 PM

      6:25, I do it all the time as well. We all know what a POS Esther is.

    9. Anonymous8:16 PM

      Since when do Godly Christians throw stones at anyone? Let he (or she) who is without sin cast the first stone. No stones, no stones.

    10. Anonymous8:23 PM

      I believe Jesus said "Let he (she) who is without sin cast the first stone."

      Sarah is Satan's succubus.

  25. Anonymous4:17 PM

    Wow. A fainting diabetic pregnant woman makes sarah palin crack up. So hilarious, huh? So Christian of you, sarah.

  26. Anonymous4:22 PM

    I wonder what Sarah thinks her status among political analysts is these days. I haven't seen any of her op-eds appearing in the Wall Street Journal lately. Facebook is the best she can do, and saying crazy shit (or repeating the idiotic rhetoric of other fools) is her idea of commentary. It looks like she will be kept in a cage again at convention time in 2016, if she isn't dead or institutionalized by that time anyway. That tumor on her brain must be growing fast, or the bigger tackier wigs are cheaper these days. She's a friggin caricature of a talking head. It's hard not to laugh, just looking at her and imagining what's about to fly out of her mouth. LOL

    1. Anonymous4:53 PM

      She's a ghastly caricature of a human.

    2. Anonymous9:20 AM

      she's the horseless headsman.....

  27. Anonymous4:47 PM

    Nice photo of Winky PooPoo.

  28. Anonymous5:01 PM

    go to c4p and see all the monkeys screeching "yeah, Sarah, that pregnant lady fainting was a hoax!". I was once that pregnant lady, fainting at a graduation ceremony. Sarah is heartless, and so are her followers. Heartless in America, they are.

    1. Anonymous8:10 PM

      Since her last pregnancy was 12 years ago she's forgotten what some of the side effects can be.

  29. Anonymous5:02 PM

    speaking of birds of a feather flocking and all...

  30. Anonymous5:23 PM

    The few times she has ventured out of tightly controlled venues populated with adoring sycophants she gets hit with "you are an idiot" push back. She retreats to her mostly ghostwritten Facebook and Twitter and the safety of Fox. She is a shit throwing, hate mongering, racist coward. I expect to see less of her in venues like the WWII memorial thing... too uncontrolled. If the media didn't pick up on her Facebook, Twitter, and Breitbart crap only a few minutes of babble on Fox would get out there.

  31. Anonymous5:36 PM

    why doesn't Alex Jones investigate Palin's faked pregnancy and expose that!?? That fraud has much to answer for.

    1. Anonymous5:49 PM

      Because they're on the same brain dead side.

  32. Anonymous6:27 PM

    It's official. Sarah Palin has become your crazy aunt who forwards emails.

    1. Crazy grandmother.
      Crazy Grandma Sarah.

  33. Caroll Thompson6:29 PM

    With the tea party losing even the former faithful, I am very sure that contributions to Sarah Pac a'int what they used to be. Sarah has to beat the bushes to get those donations.

  34. Anonymous6:37 PM

    Explanation: It's Fall and the nuts are falling out of the trees.

    Also, too: The war on Christmas is fought at the cash register. It's not about Jesus it's about selling stuff and making money. Sarah has another book coming out just in time for holiday shopping. Free market, capitalism is the reason for the season and Sarah is wanting to cash with all the rest of the stuff merchants.

    RJ in Brownbackistan

    1. Anonymous8:02 PM

      My extra cash and time will be given directly to the poor or to volunteer groups with little or no overhead this season, just as it is done year-round. Buying someone a gift that they neither need not want is not the way our family shows love to one another or to strangers. Why give someone a stupid book that is ghostwritten for a narcissistic psychopath to make money off of when they really need shoes, or groceries, or maybe a hand around their house doing chores or a ride to/from the grocery store?

      If others decide to donate to vile, obscene shills like Sarah Palin by buying their crap, they obviously have more resources than they need to live on, so their complaints about their unhappy lives should be ignored.

      Sarah's not a Christian, and she isn't even aware of just how bad of an actor she is with her pretending to be a follower of Christ, or even display and care for anyone other than herself. Usually I would pity someone who is as miserable as she is, but given that her torment is all self-imposed, she's on her own. She *is* a victim of her own inner demons that she accomodates.

  35. Anonymous6:40 PM

    I read crazier stuff in blog posts here.

    1. Anonymous7:03 PM

      Reality is crazy to the paranoid schizophrenic.

    2. Anonymous7:43 PM


  36. Anonymous6:41 PM

    interesting: 15 obama speeches in the past he has commented on "fainters."

    He turns directly around in this fainting video when he says illness.


    1. Anonymous7:01 PM

      You should see if you can get a job as Beck's 'Dot Connecter'.

    2. Anonymous7:27 PM

      what stupid teabooger crap.

      it's only you who's weird. fuck off.

    3. Anonymous7:44 PM

      You always use that word in your posts.


    4. Anonymous8:37 PM

      ....and in the end, "Game Change" was still a startling accurate depiction according to those who lived it. And she will ALWAYS hate Katie Couric for exposing her.

    5. Anonymous9:18 PM

      I agree 8:37 PM. She is perpetually enraged that folks can see her idiocy. She blames the world for her stupidity.

    6. Anonymous5:20 AM

      hey Palin - go put another wig on - I can see your bald spots.

    7. Anonymous9:19 AM

      Game Change was the scariest Halloween flick I've ever seen.

  37. Anonymous6:53 PM

    Sure glad our President has security 24/7..This crazy bitch is not about to stop.She so wants his attention ..phfff piss off $arah not gonna happen..

  38. Anita Winecooler7:06 PM

    Is it me, or is Sarah actually jealous of a woman who's really pregnant?

    Keep ramping up the, ahem, "pillow talk". Perhaps you could expand on the advantages of having tight abs and delivering a child that was pre ordained and welcomed to the world via a letter from it's maker? (My guess is a sofa cushion company in South Carolina - born in the usa).

    1. Anonymous8:14 PM

      It was the fact that President Obama tried to help the woman and showed concern for her. In Sarah's limited view of the world, any time some one displays an act of kindness has to be staged-- like bringing a plate of cookies to starving, freezing Native Alaskans.

  39. DaScruff7:25 PM

    Haha, I went to her FB page and tried to 'Like' one particular truthful comment.
    'Oops. This doesn't seem to be possible just now. Please try again.'
    I then tried to 'Like' some insane comment - went just fine. Then I clicked 'Unlike' for that same comment, but that didn't register. The 'Like' stood though.
    My own comment is gone now and I don't see the comment I wanted to 'Like' either anymore.
    What a fake.

  40. DaScruff7:30 PM

    Oh, I see my comments are still there on her page. I take my previous comments on this site back.

  41. Anonymous7:47 PM

    Ah, a common sense explanation from one of her demented fans

    Warriors often share this same sense of humor - be it from the gallows or the macabre

    I like the "from the gallows" part

  42. Anonymous9:18 PM

    Sarah Palin Mocks the Pregnant Diabetic Who Fainted at Obama’s Speech

    Type 1 diabetes while pregnant? Sarah Palin thinks you’re a big liar and also, she laughed when you fainted, ‘cuz pregnant ladies fainting is SO FUNNY in that pro-lifey kinda way.

    Palin wrote on her Facebook page,

    Whether accurate or not, for some reason I found this hilarious! Am I out of bounds for cracking up when I saw this take on a nauseated Obama fan, her absentminded pal, and our President’s heroics this week? If so, penance paying I’ll accept. With the Obama White House’s total lack of transparency, it’s no wonder that some will ask whether they staged even a fainting lady in the Rose Garden. What was once a major leap in logic has become a single step because President Obama has lied so often and so blatantly (“If you like your health care plan, you can keep your plan” comes to mind!).’

    “Some will ask” whether Sarah Palin is really as bitter as she appears and some others will ask if Sarah Palin ever sorted out that Paul Revere ride bit that confused her. “Some will ask”, indeed. SOME. WILL. ASK.

    Palin linked to an article from Drudge by a conspiracy theorist who claimed that female audience who fainted was a fake. No, she wasn’t a fake. The fainting “nauseated Obama fan” is Karmel Allison, who suffers from Type 1 diabetes and is pregnant. This is so funny, y’all! The things Obama does to this country.

    Ms. Allison’s blog on how scary her diabetes is during pregnancy:

    I had been trending insulin resistant for a few days — requiring on average about 22 units of insulin per day rather than the standard 14 or 15. This was not too surprising, as — well, I suppose I meant to write a piece announcing this, but it hasn’t happened yet, so here goes nothing- I’m pregnant, and the hormonal ups and downs lead to periodic changes in insulin requirements. Still, heading into Friday night, my insulin behaved like water, and I was just pumping it in with relatively little return on investment. By the evening, I had used some 25 units for the day.
    Now, being pregnant, hyperglycemia is my bogeyman. Hyperglycemia is bad bad bad. And not just standard, over 200 hyperglycemia. I now begin to panic when I hit 130 mg/dL. So before bed, when I began to climb to 120, 130, I bolused excessively and walked in circles, trying to bring myself back down. I stayed up for an extra hour, waiting, walking, bolusing. Finally I was closer to 100 mg/dL, and went to bed, annoyed to have had to stay awake longer than desired

    You may think it’s not very “pro-life” to mock the fact that a pregnant diabetic fainted and then accuse her of lying, but hello: Said diabetic went to Berkley and lives in California, which means she must be an Obama worshiper who is allowed to stand next to President Obama, unlike Obama-stalker Sarah Palin, who is not allowed anywhere near POTUS.

  43. Anonymous9:18 PM

    This is unfair. So, the fainter asked for it. “Am I out of bounds for cracking up when I saw this take on a nauseated Obama fan…” Oh, gosh no, Ms. Palin, especially not in light of pallin’ around with terrorists and supporting the right to “ask questions” about the President’s birth certificate, because you know, SOME WILL ASK.

    This might look all mean girl, oxymoronic “Republican feminism” but don’t hate on Ms. Palin, she can’t help it. It hurts to lose an election God promised just to you. Especially to one of those dark, “exotic” types.

    But anyhoo. Sarah Palin, who crept over the border once to use the great Canadian healthcare system, now thinks the idea of 40 million Americans having access to healthcare a super bad idea because if you can’t keep your same insurance (aka, NONE, for many), well, that sucks so bad that we might as well let you die. Don’t say Palin isn’t an ideas gal.

    At least Palin didn’t instruct her dwindling followers to stop and harass any pregnant diabetics who may have signed up for Obama Care like she told her cult to harass anyone with an Obama bumper sticker.

    Pregnant diabetics fainting – HAHAHAHAH! SO FUNNY. Clearly no one except Sarah Palin needs health insurance.

    This message was brought to you by the pro-life faction of the GOP.

  44. BabyRaptor9:27 PM

    I wonder why PayMe's defenders don't have the balls to post under a name?

    Are they so ashamed of having to defend Sarah that they don't want any history of it being found?

    Own your opinions, people. Show an ounce of integrity!

  45. Anonymous9:38 PM

    Sarah Palin likes to live dangerously, accusing someone of faking a fainting spell and faking a pregnancy. Projection, Sarah? Are you daring people to come back to Wasilla and start turning over some stones and rocks? Maybe people will be more willing to talk, especially if there's a little money and no risk involved.

  46. Anonymous10:21 PM

    Sarah Palin is still riding the 'short bus'. From the looks of her in that photo, she will graduate to a Straight Jacket.

  47. Anonymous12:41 AM

    ay, bin punted from every pro palin site, lol gaterbait, foodstamppete, toadthepimp lol these people have NO sense of humor....

  48. Anonymous6:54 AM

    In addition to her "not so accurate" Paul Revere account, Palin schooled us on the Christmas story of the Wise Men in 2011 on her facebook page. In it, she stated that the Wise Men where visited by an angel (not true!) and that they trekked to Bethlehem to see the baby (also not true).

    Most Christians who know the story of Christmas from reading the bible and not by watching The Little Drummer Boy know that it was the shepherds who were visited by the angel, and that the Magi were not present a Christ's birth and probably did not find and present gifts to Christ until the family was in Jerusalem when Christ was probably between the age of 1-2 years.

    I would almost be amusing to read her Christmas book and her expert account.

    1. Anonymous7:12 AM

      Sorry...Nazareth not Jerusalem

  49. Anonymous8:23 AM

    now she's going after Piers Morgan on her fakebook in that juvenile way of hers. Apparently he invited her on to his show. She throws around a bunch of junior high bs about how she can't make the time to make an appearance on his show & posts a picture of herself with a dead bear. So really shit for brains what you're saying is you're brave enough to kill an unarmed animal with your big gun but too chicken shit to defend yourself from a "furriner" like piers..whatever, you ignorant better slither over to the fakebook call center room and tell the girls they are letting a lot of disparaging comments go through about your vicious attack on the diabetic pregnant brainless piece of shit.

  50. Anonymous9:17 AM

    Impossible for her to own a gun - she has a history of mental disease.


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