Tuesday, October 15, 2013

MSNBC's Thomas Roberts tees off on disingenuous Republican lawmaker: "Do you hate Obamacare more than you love your country?"

Courtesy of the YouTube page: 

"Let me ask you, when it comes to Obamacare, do you hate Obamacare more than you love your country?" 

As expected, that set off Blackburn: "I've got to tell you something. I think that comments like that, that you are making, are just incredibly inappropriate." 

Roberts volleyed back with a fiery response: 

"You don't think it's incredibly inappropriate to shut down our government and take all the hostages of Americans that you've taken? No, it's not inappropriate because you took the government hostage through the shutdown and all the American people, you're now walking them to a cliff, the economy, and you're going to push them over one by one based on the fact that you don't like the ACA. That's all it is. You don't like the Affordable Care Act." 

"Listen to yourself!" Blackburn replied. "Just listen to the way you're sounding. My goodness! We didn't want a government shutdown. We don't want a government default." 

Roberts read off a recent quote from Blackburn praising Sen. Ted Cruz for his efforts in defunding Obamacare, because accusing: "So you have been planning a shutdown since August." 

"Not at all," Blackburn shot back. "What you are doing is so inappropriate. We didn't want a shutdown. What we want to do is solve problems."

No they could care less about solving problems, ALL they want to do is destroy the President's signature piece of legislation and are willing to shut down the governemtn and bankrupt the country to do it, and we have seen reams of evidence to support those conclusions. 

You know I gotta tell you that Thomas Roberts guy is rapidly becoming one of my new favorites on MSNBC. He will soon join the ranks of Alex Wagner, Rachel Maddow, and Lawrence O'Donnell as my one of my "must watch" MSNBC hosts.


  1. Scalia is ano0ther Bush klingon5:11 PM

    "justice" Scalia doesn't read the liberal newspapers. But the little man is not afraid to channel him some Ted Nugent.

    "Scalia: "The 14th Amendment protects all races" -- not "only the blacks."" www.salon.com/2013/10/15/scalia_14th_amendment_is_for_everyone_not_only_the_blacks/singleton/

    "Nugent’s new racist rant: ‘The blacks’ are to blame for their own oppression" www.rawstory.com/rs/2013/07/17/nugents-new-racist-rant-the-blacks-are-to-blame-for-their-own-oppression/

    1. Anonymous8:25 PM

      Sounds like the pedo-perv over the hill Sarah-twin has a case of the red-ass. You can stop shitting your britches, now, Teddy, and maybe that diaper rash will go away.

      What the fuck has that ancient piece of shit done in the past 35 years other than run his fucking mouth?

    2. Anonymous1:20 AM

      Nugent has been strangely silent through all this. I wonder what's up there! Not that I'm complaining...

  2. Chenagrrl5:31 PM

    Clearly this dingbat doesn't understand that the U.S. will spend the money on health care wisely with ACA or foolishly by supporting emergency rooms that serve as primary care facilities nationwide.

  3. Anonymous6:17 PM

    Idiot dingcutn doesn't have a grasp on facts at all.

  4. Anonymous6:45 PM

    Really -- 0bama vs.the c0untry

  5. Anonymous6:54 PM

    If the GOP was so interested in "solving problems", why did they refuse 18 requests from the Democrats to conference about the budget?

    And why did they change the rules at the last minute to prevent anyone besides Cantor from forcing a vote on the shutdown?

    Most importantly, do they really think the American people will believe a damn word they say when there's proof that everything out of their mouths is a lie?

    1. Anonymous8:32 PM

      Marsha needs a couple more layers of makeup caked on her freckled face. She's starting to look like Pam Geller. So much for growing older gracefully. Marsha's a lying Bagger who needs to carry a few brown paper bags around with her.

  6. Anita Winecooler7:31 PM

    What I loved when I saw it on television, was after his response, he cut away because Speaker Pelosi was about to speak. "Why that's inappropriate" Marsha, Marsha, Marsha. Lead, Follow or Get out of the Way. The only problem you've been solving is keeping the GOP obstruction sound so palpable with your "Tennessee Charm". Listen to how you're sounding! You're like the "Paula Deen" of "being offended"

    I so agree, Thomas Roberts's star is going to rise. He finessed that as well as Tameryn Hall, and he's got his t's crossed and i's dotted like Rachel, LOD, Etc.

  7. Anonymous8:17 PM

    By giving Cantor the absolute power about ending this shutdown, I would call this a COUP!!! Isn't there something the President or VP or whoever is next in line can do about this???

  8. Anonymous8:33 PM

    Marsha Blackburn is an idiot

  9. Anonymous8:36 PM

    Dumb bitch was about to have a case of the vapours. "I do declare, how dare you speak truth to my lying ass".

  10. Anonymous3:08 AM

    You can always tell when these yahoos are cornered with the truth. High pitched, voice elevated, fast talking blather. They ALL do it.

    I'm a huge Thomas Roberts fan. Inappropriate my @ss.

    1. Here we go with the Whack-A-Mole deal AGAIN. Bachman quits congress soon and here comes Blackburn to take her place.
      Fucking pathetic.

  11. Anonymous5:00 AM

    The sheer ignorance of the Republicans in the House of Representatives is simply astounding. The Republicans in the Senate are almost as bad but a few of them have been there long enough to know that they did not used to behave this badly.

    In 2009 the Republicans made so many changes to what eventually became the ACA that it was very different from what it originally was. But enough of them voted for it along with enough Democrats to make it the law of the land. ( My hope is that the ACA will ultimately give us something close to universal health care.)

    What on God's earth do the Republicans and their evil puppet masters, the Koch brothers, have against the American people? Why is it so hateful to give all Americans access to decent health care coverage?

    And they have done all of this without ever considering the consequences of their actions. What made them think that President Obama who won a second term resoundingly last November would cave into their demagoguery? What made them think that they could run roughshod over the American people without having to face the consequences of their actions?

    I guess the Koch brothers haven't issued an instruction letter with a map to show them the way out of the morass they've created. The Kochs are busy cowering in their dark mansions, so terrified because they've been outed. They're so scared that, according to "Washington Post" columnist Dana Milbank, they've just given a few of their millions to MIT to start a day care center! That won't make the evil of what they're doing to the American people go away. A public apology and a trial for conspiracy and sedition might be a start. And as for the GOP in Congress, each one should have to agree to whatever the President wants. They have lost. The demagoguery must end.

    1. You are wrong about something. The repukes did change many parts of the ACA in the bill negotiations, but not one of them - in either legislative body voted for it. They watered it down during the crafting of the bill and Dems agreed, thinking they would get repuke votes, but when the votes came in the Senate and the House, not one repig had the courage to vote yea.

    2. Anonymous7:24 AM

      Gee, and I thought that a few of them had some morals at the time. Thanks for the info, Unknown at 6:16 am. I'm, of course, not surprised. What jerks they all are.

    3. Anonymous7:58 AM

      What made them think....They don't.

    4. Boscoe10:44 AM

      "And they have done all of this without ever considering the consequences of their actions."

      Don't forget that we're dealing with psychopath reasoning here. They don't see them as being *their* actions, they see it as being Obama's actions because he didn't capitulate and do whatever they told him to. So, to them, any consequences are clearly HIS fault, their "consciences" are clear.

  12. Anonymous8:18 AM

    Roberts is a pompous jackass who belongs on msnbc


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