Palin: “I think that remark is one of his more out of touch remarks that we’ve heard in in recent..uh..days, what embolden our enemies and what empowered competitors was his promise to fundamentally transform America from being a a solvent, free, exceptional country into something that we’re not going to recognize, also what has emboldened enemies is he, with doubling of our debt since he’s been elected, putting on a path towards bankruptcy, and then locking up pipelines and resources that will result in us being more reliant on foreign imports for energy, and then of course, he, having left behind, his administration left behind our brave men in Benghazi to be murdered, and then of course there’s Syria where he promised to bomb Syria because in that civil war, Syria was going to bomb Syria and then we never heard another word again about his threat to bomb in a foreign civil war and then of course, most recently Megyn, he, using our military, those who would fight against our enemies, our military our vets, shutting down their memorials and holding them hostage in terms of budget dills (sic), threatening to withhold paychecks from our brave men and women.”
At this point Megyn who looked more and more confused as that word salad vomited forth, tries valiantly to break in, but Palin is determined to finish her damn talking points.
Kelly: "Well let me ask..let me jump in.."
Palin: "As for for economic competitors. Corporate tax? Second highest in the industrialized world? No that empowers our competitors"
Kelly: "Let me get this in, cause you heard Ed Henry talking about the hit the Republicans took on the generic ballot. And there are a lot of people who watch and say 'Okay I stood with Ted Cruz, I stood with Governor Palin. I stood with those who took a principled stand on issues like debt and Obamacare. But I don't want to lose the House of Representatives.' Because it's the only body that the Republicans hold and these people, who see the way that you do, they don't want to lose that body. So your thoughts on how the generic ballot has been affected negatively for the Republicans according to what Ed just reported?"
Palin, who maintained a glassy stare and the facial expression of a blow up sex doll, during the questions, responded thusly:
"People who see the way that I, and Ted Cruz, and Mike Lee, and whole lot of other Americans see..uh..that we are taxed enough already. Of course that's an acronym for the Tea Party movement. We're taxed enough already and we believe that the Constitution, THAT'S the blueprint that leads us toward a more perfect union and we'll fight very strong for that. So if the GOP is standing strong on the planks and the platform that represent everything that I just mentioned. If we stand united well then we won't lose the House, and we could even win back the Senate. I tell ya fiscal conservatives are more energized than ever, after last night's dill (sic) where Americans came out as the losers because we're just going to incur more and more debt. This unsustainable spending spree that Barack Obama is on? No we're saying that enough is enough, and we are energized."
![]() |
The moment when Megyn Kelly started to question her career path. |
Palin: "I've been saying for years that robust competitive primaries make for a better political system. It makes people work harder, and express more articulately what their record is, and what their intentions for our country is. So as for the individual races? I'm going too see who the opposition to the sitting, kind of status quo politicians are, and we'll go from there. But Megyn here's the dill (sic). The..what we're talking about right now, the enemy of America's economic freedom is this fundamental transformation of America. The enemy of the enemy is my friend. Is any common sense conservative's friend. So we do have to consider, a politicians record, truly what it is they intend to do to stop this fundamental transformation, and the stripping away of our economic freedom. And those who can't stand strong to defend our Republic, to defend our Constitution? Heck yeah they've got to be primaried, otherwise we're going d-o-w-n."
I wonder if Megyn and her fellow Fox News hosts get combat pay for having to sit though that blizzard of bullshit?
Essentially Palin said that she had learned nothing (I know, big surprise.) and that the blueprint for success was more of the same from the Right Wing movement until they had replaced every somewhat reasonable Republican with a TeaBorg replacement.
Palins still labors under the assumption that President Obama is NOT the President that REAL Americans wanted and that even though their numbers are falling that the small core of radical conservatives are the ONLY demographic who deserve representation in Washington.
However if the Republicans continue to allow this Right Wing collective to metastasize within their party they are doomed. And ultimately they will cease to be a voice within national American politics at all.
Actually it is Palin's plan that would fundamentally change America, by making it predominantly a one party system run by the most liberal faction of the country. Or a three party system, two of which would cancel each other out, and allow us to be run by it most liberal faction of the country.
Which is sort of funny since, I as an actual liberal, don't think that would be in the country's best interests at all.
Right now Ted Cruz is riding high in far-right circles. He needs Palin to cement the ties. Once he figures that he no longer needs her ,or that she may be a liability, he will cut her loose. Like Palin, he is not opposed to throwing anyone under the bus if he sees the need.
ReplyDeleteIf Palin mounts a campaign to destroy Graham at the polls, I wonder who McCain will side with. He has maintained loyalty to Palin even though he despises her cohorts. If she attacks his good friend, where will his loyalties rest. Will he finally help destroy the monster that he created?
He washed his hands of her long ago.
DeleteSarah Palin is The Stupidest Woman in the World.
DeleteFrom the looks of this clip, I think it's Palin who is riding "high". I mean, she's high.
DeleteRiding high in RWnutter circle-jerks is something Sarah and TeddyCruz can do from now until 2016, but it won't pick up any electoral votes for the Bagger Bunch.
DeleteIf push comes to shove, McLame will stick by his girlfriend Lindsey. There is NO way he will stand by and let her lead the charge to have him ousted. My guess is he'd try the private phone chat route 1st & try to convince her to call of her dogs. But if she pushed the issue or ignored him like she did Ailes when Gifford got shot, he'd find a way to hamstring her. Maybe not directly...but he'd make sure she knew that HE knows her secrets.
DeleteSarah has already turned on McCain, just as he said in Game Change. "I can't reign her in. She might turn on me!" Well, Johnny Boy she did turn on you. She did go to the dark side.
DeletePalin looks awful...what did she do to her eyes and her eyebrows?! She also suffers from diarrhea of the mouth. Megan is amazing that she can hold such a poker face listening to Palin's babble.
DeleteI don't understand why Ms. Dippy is wearing a blue plastic shower curtain. Or is it one of those paper doctor's gowns?
ReplyDeleteI can't be bothered to listen to whatever wharrgarbbl is spewing from her cakehole. I just feel bad for whatever birds had to fall out of the sky, as she seems to be getting higher-pitched by the day lately.
I'm assuming it was stupid and traitorous as always?
It's a blue plastic splashguard used for cosmetic "procedures". She wears it a lot.
DeleteSomeone over at the Sea of Pee didn't think much of it either.
Norma_Perez mymati • 2 hours ago −
What in the world was that v neck thingamajig she was wearing? I'm laughing myself silly over it.
I don't understand why the gates of hell don't open and swallow this woman.
DeleteI thought she was wearing a tablecloth. Paper? Or vinyl? I've never actually seen "fabric" drape like that.
Then I was transfixed by that one blonde curl on Palin's right side. Where did that come from?
Then I was horrified, again, when Palin reverted to her singsong dance for daddy little girl voice.
A plate of aspic would be a better interview.
Proof there's no gawd or devil, Liz.
DeleteIt's probably a hospital jonnie stolen from the asylum she escaped from.
DeleteDamn it! THAT'S why trying to sell my soul never worked?
I had a shirt like that once. It was a maternity shirt.
DeleteMaybe she's going to try and fake another pregnancy?
You would think she would not agree to a split screen with someone so much younger, better looking, and smarter than her. She looks like the clueless hag she is. Greta, problem with her frankenface...altough she dresses better.
DeleteMy goodness. I think that first jumble of words aet a new world's record for the most words without a period. She sure does intend to have her say and the h*** with answering any questions. What a moron. It is the GOP who tanks the economy and spends like Midas (she should know, she left Wasilla AND Alaska in debt.) Whoever decided that the best way to present the GOP was for them to lie about everything and blame the other side for their mistakes had something before the Internet. But now, these lies are so easy to destroy that the only people swallowing Palin's vomit are the poor suckers who will suffer the most should the GOP's plan be implemented. She should be ashamed of herself...what a mean, evil woman she is.
ReplyDeleteIt's that Journalism/Communications background shining through. Haha
DeleteMegyn is thinking, "WTF is this idiot trying to say, and how can I cut this bitch off? And who the hell booked her on my show?"
DeleteI think its because she rattles off a memorized speech as quickly as possible before she forgets the talking points. People who cram before a test do the same thing.
DeletePrecisely, Nolaredhead.
DeleteArticles of impeachment are being prepared by the house
ReplyDeleteLets rid the nation of the Kenyan Muslim socialist
Thanks to Sarah and Ted
DeleteYou're determined to wave your idiot traitor flag proudly, aren't you?
DeleteYou should be ashamed of yourself.
Your tea is to weak for my taste. And your intelligence is lacking. You're not even a very good troll if that's your best effort. It's interesting that you would have to make up a complete lie about our President to try to deflect from the embarrassing performance by your Quitter Queen in answering a couple of softball questions on the cable channel where she's employed.
DeleteProvide sources or you're a lying, delusional idiot, just like your queen.
your sensless postings
Deletemake no impact on us here
you are a moron
7:05, shut up you ignorant slut.
DeleteThe only charges they could come up with though were "being President while black."
Delete"too weak".
Delete7:05 AM:
DeleteLOL! You obviously have no idea how the impeachment process works! The House can prepare as many "articles of impeachment" they want, but the House can't convict the president! The SENATE has to convict him. And, who controls the senate? The DEMOCRATS! Hahahaha!
The democrats are NOT going to convict President Obama, and kick him out of office. The republicans would need 67 votes for a conviction in the senate, and they aren't even close! Even if the republicans win control of the senate next year, they still won't have enough votes to convict the president!
But, because of the recent republican shutdown, and threat of default (and, probably more to come) republicans may have ruined their chance to retake the senate, for a THIRD time in a row! They already put the House in play!
President Obama isn't going anywhere! You LOST, so shut the fuck up!
America is sick of the Tea Party! Let's rid the nation of racist, inbred, fascist, tea-party white trash, like $arah Palin!
Fuck $arah Palin, and fuck Carnival Cruz, too!
Not to mention that they would actually need a real reason with real proof to bring up the charge. And no, being POTUS while black is not an impeachable offense no matter how much you'd like it to be...
DeleteEven if by some bizarre circumstance they could get the 67 votes, they would still NEED some impeachable offenses of which they have none. If hating someone rose to the level of being an impeachable offense, there wouldn't be a TPer left in Congress.
DeleteOdds of Sarah and Todd dying in a murder/suicide are higher than impeachment of the President.
DeleteEven if the impeachment suceeded, Joe Biden would become President and he would appoint a democrat as VP. What do you hope to gain?
7:05 Supports a Cuban Hispanic Communist-Rafael Eduardo Cruz, the Canadian Citizen. Sarah has done nothing but make a Bigger ASS of herself. As the Vet at the demonstration said"YOU ARE AN IDIOT", "The Republicans shut down the Government". Now scurry back to that Rat Hole at C4PEEPEE.
DeleteHey, dummy at 7:05, the Daily Currant site is satire.
DeleteYou know. If you're a human being, then you're a descendant of the original people, Africans. So technically, you're not a U.S. citizen either.
Delete2:28 It also means that technically we are all a bit "black".
DeleteTo some that makes a difference to me, I say we're all better for the diversity.
The "Impeared" think "Impeach" means canning stone fruit preserves, but only the fuzzy kind.
DeleteHere's some "Articles" to read
From a thing called "The Constitution". Good Luck!
7:05 sighhhhhh.... it's a scam, you retard
So the poster at 7:05 pm actually BELIEVES Sister Sarah Word Salad Logic and thinks President Obama can be impeached for being POTUS while African-American?
DeletePeople can indeed be STUPID, huh?
ReplyDeleteShe's high as a kite!
ReplyDeleteYou know, I actually watched the whole video, and while I do agree 100% that she's on... something... I couldn't help but feel like she was more mellow than she's been in a long time :/ I mean, she was talking sooooo sloooooowly and almost groaning through the whole thing, which was a marked difference from the last few videos I saw of her where she acted like a bobblehead on crack-- arms waving everywhere, eyes bugging out, hands flapping and pointing.... At one point I thought she was gonna fall asleep with that creepy smile on her face :/
Deleteafter that pile of dreck, I no longer need to worry about Palin, or even Faux News. Such dreck is of no importance to anyone. and the fact that Ms. Kelley interviews her at all is a scream. what a bunch of know-nothing losers
ReplyDeleteI muted my speakers before I let it run and mainly watched Megyn. I saw ZERO affirmative head nods from Megyn, but lots of quizzical eyebrow shots.
ReplyDeleteI think Sarah will still be doing her cutesy routine when she’s in assisted living. Maybe an old man will slip her a buck now and then, but I doubt her family will visit.
All this because McCain thought vaginas were interchangeable.
Meghan was going over her shopping list in her mind with one eye on the clock anticipating when she could finally break in and say Goodbye governor, don't let the door hitcha on the way out.
DeleteLOL-- Meghan was like a STONE STATUE. Like she heard the dreck issue forth and just froze like, "Shit, how the hell am I supposed to respond to that like a good Faux News lapdog?" Can't do it.
DeleteShe's high. Red Bull and Ativan would be my guess.
ReplyDeleteWhoa! That was a gigantic ceaser word salad.
ReplyDeleteI cracked up looking at Megyn's face. She must have been thinking about how Roger Ailes owed her big time for putting up with Palin.
Anyway---there is no way to comment about anything this attention whore woman says. Palin has no idea what she believes herself. As long as its anti-Obama. What a waste of
a human mind.
No snark necessary to add to Sarah's own words. Megyn didn't deserve to have this idiot booked on her show, and Ailes and Shine will hear about it.
ReplyDeleteTwo of the PeePond's major basket cases, DeeDeeThree and John Norton, made a beeline over to Mediaite to defend their Exalted One's honor, which was about as pitiful an effort as you could imagine. At least Sarah knows those two will buy her latest ghostwritten piece of shit, that is, if they can come up with the 26 bucks.
I wouldn't feel too bad for Megyn. You lie down with dogs. and all that
DeleteNo tears for Megyn.
DeleteLike President Obama said if you don't like the work he is doing get off your fucking ass and run for president! Why is Sarah Palin constantly complaining? Why does Sarah Palin constantly announce she may run for president or congress then backs out? Sarah Palin is full of shit. Sarah Palin knows she is done and can't win any political position.
ReplyDeleteBecause Sarah "Wasilla Beauty Queen" Palin has much of a chance of being President as the Courtney Stodden. If you don't know who C.S. is -- Warning (NSFW)
Wow. That first paragraph she vomited was particularly unintelligible.
ReplyDeleteThat woman is an idiot.
Where's Keith Olbermann when you need him?
DeleteAnyone else watch Meghan's mouth? You have to have it large-screen, but she's biting her cheeks and lips through this whole interview, like she's trying to stop herself from saying something LOL
DeleteThat was hilarious! Obama received a "solvent" country! And, he just quit talking about bombing Syria, nothing at all happened, he just quit talking about it! She doesn't even know about the international community coming together to get the chemical weapons out of Syria. Hellooooo Sarah!!!! That was the point of the threat of bombing. OMG That whole thing was one sentence. Poor Meghan. She has always seemed to think that Palin is a crackpot, and the way she signs off with Palin proves it. Goodbye Governor, see ya sometime if I HAVE TO. Blech!
Delete"The enemy of my enemy is my friend".....See I knew she was palling around with terrorists.
ReplyDeletehedgewytch: I always thought that this quote is an old Arab Proverb. Lo and behold, every site I googled agrees, not just wikipedia!
DeleteWho's gonna tell her?
That woman is an insult to Idiots!
I agree with you G - absolutely not in the best of the country's interests. It's how LePage got elected in ME and he's been the worst governor ever, besides Palin of course.
ReplyDeleteBill Maher mentioned this in his monologue last week - "unfortunately, the extremists standing in the wings just waiting to replace the dinosaurs are even worse" ...
I can't understand how costing the country another $24 BILLION was helpful in any way. The republicans, specifically the t-baggers, were solely responsible for this ripple in the economy that will be felt worldwide.
Now, Rafael is promising another shutdown? Can he be impeached on grounds of treason?
I've watched Megyn before and her face registers OMFG though this whole "I'll talk, you listen" interview that wasn't. How anyone would want her endorsement is beyond me unless the Kochs are threatening "or else."
ReplyDeleteShe maintained the glassy stare as she was thinking "Generic? Generic ballot? WTF does THAT mean?"
ReplyDeleteOkay--- same spot in the video, right about where she starts her response--- her chest suddenly starts HEAVING. Then her neck tightens up and she gets her breathing back under control, pastes the smile back on (anyone else get the impression she's been practicing in the mirror lately?) and vomits some more.
DeleteHuffpost is laughing their heads off at her:
Track's contacts came through.
DeleteI've been high.
DeleteI know high.
That lady is high.
DeleteWhat is Ketamine?
Ketamine is a dissociative anesthetic developed in 1963 to replace PCP and currently used in human anesthesia and veterinary medicine. Much of the ketamine sold on the street has been diverted from veterinarians’ offices. Ketamine’s chemical structure and mechanism of action are similar to those of PCP.
What does it look like?
Although it is manufactured as an injectable liquid, in illicit use ketamine is generally evaporated to form a powder.
How is it used?
Snorted or swallowed.
Ketamine is odorless and tasteless, so it can be added to beverages without being detected, and it induces amnesia. Because of these properties, the drug is sometimes given to unsuspecting victims and used in the commission of sexual assaults referred to as “drug rape.
What are its short-term effects?
Ketamine can cause dream-like states and hallucinations. Users report sensations ranging from a pleasant feeling of floating to being separated from their bodies. Some ketamine experiences involve a terrifying feeling of almost complete sensory detachment that is likened to a near-death experience. These experiences, similar to a “bad trip” on LSD, are called the “K-hole.” Low-dose intoxication from ketamine results in impaired attention, learning ability, and memory .In high doses, ketamine can cause delirium, amnesia, impaired motor function, high blood pressure, depression, and potentially fatal respiratory problems.
What is its federal classification?
Schedule III
Special K Word Salad. She might be doing molly's too, also!
DeleteWow. She has got to be on something. Her eyes are in two different directions and she looks like she's about to pass out.
ReplyDeleteJust say no Bitch, just say no! A lack of a mind, is a terrible thing to waste.
DeleteIt's good that she's on, showing her one-trick-pony-isms. Maybe someone from Fox will start to knock her down a size. Notice that no one on Fox, while opining, ever refers to quotes by Sarah. They'll discuss a previous guests theories and thoughts on the political front, but none refer to Palin's jumbled thoughts on a particular theme. She's just there for a 3-minute plug to keep the circus audience waiting to see a physical wonder, like the yak woman.
ReplyDeleteYakkity Yak woman.
DeleteCan we please not refer to Palin's verbal excrement as "word salad"?
ReplyDeleteThere's no need what so ever to associate a delicious mix of healthy green leafy vegetation and an assortment of nutritious & colotful vegetables with what Palin spews.
Nope. No reason what-so-ever to do that.
The term should be: "Word Sausage" ....a jazzed up mix of low end meats stuffed into a shitsack.
Word Sausage. Please leave the veggies out of it, they don't deserve the association.
Thank you.
I'm with you on this. Salad is good for us, Palin's words on our eardrums are not.
Deleteword sausage works for me, and plays into Palin's need to use sexual language and code words.
Deletelet's all try to use "word sausage" and see how fast and far it goes.
maybe the visuals will spawn comic images of a word sausage pouring out of her mouth.
LOL I'm totally down with this. "Word sausage" it is.
Delete(And past it's sell by date)
How about Word Scrapple? Nobody has any idea what's in that stuff.
DeleteOK, I'm in.
DeleteOk, only lasted til 2:35 mark. Can't go on.
DeleteBenghazi? Syria?
WTF you are an idiot. STFU already.
Your point is cute about leaving veggies alone.
DeleteThe term "word salad" is a name given in psychology to such diatribes of unrelated facts, disconnect from reality, joining words or nonrelated facts into statements.
Personalities who have extreme black and white thinking, extremes, who select facts to prove that their extreme thoughts are real listen to her word salad cherry picking the extreme negative words.
The vast majority hear, read or are attentive to the whole content or big picture which is nonsensical, nonfactual wth does she mean.
It's not word anything. It's vomit.
DeleteHow about verbal tripe?
DeleteMrs. Palin, please stop shoving your overstuffed word sausage down my throat.
DeleteVerbal diarrea?
DeleteSarah Palin's "sack of shit stream of consciousness" is known by many names. None are complimentary.
DeleteWored salad, word sausage, it's more like Shit on a Shingle to me. As long as we're using food metaphors....
DeleteFunny how she's always using "we" - She says: "No we're saying that enough is enough, and we are energized."
ReplyDeleteThere is a tea party out there who feel that way. But, Sarah is in the delusion that they follow her lead. Megyn Kelly and the right include her and Cruz and Lee as a team, as though Sarah has any clout or influence on anything. She has no role, no function, no legal way to remedy laws, she has no vote, no counsel, no power to change anything. All she has is her scraggly voice. And her SarahPAC pays her to keep harping and harping and complaining and backstabbing and jabbing and she gets nothing done. She balks, barks, whines, does cutesie girly talk, and yet, it holds absolutely NO POWER. She's a talking doll with that string on her back that her wealthy employer pulls and she has to march to HIS orders. And his orders to Sarah are: look like a jerk, talk nonsense and rile up the base; keep doing that, keep them riled up, that's your job. She doesn't even realize how non-significant she is. Her string-puller is controlling her. She has abandoned all her power and control to those string pullers. And they have made her a laughing-stock to the world.
She might have a rat in her pocket entitling her to use the collective 'we'.
DeleteThe rat is in her hair, on top of her head.
Chris Noth Unloads On GOP, Tea Party: 'Racist,' 'Un-American' (VIDEO)
ReplyDeleteChris Noth isn't just political on "The Good Wife."
The actor stopped by HuffPost Live Wednesday to discuss his work around hunger relief, and shared his thoughts on the Republican-controlled Congress with host Marc Lamont Hill.
Noth called today's legislative branch "the worst Congress since right before the Civil War" and explained why he sees "racist" undertones in the government shutdown and Birther claims and views the Tea Party as "un-American."
Watch Noth explain his political thoughts below:
She is a fucking insufferable bitch clown. Look How Proud she is being a freakin idiot.
ReplyDeleteThe idiot forgot to take off the robe hairstylists use to keep hair off their customers. The
Whole dysfunctional family are big time pathetic jokes. Kardashians they ain't.
She just put dems in graham mcconnell's states. Thanks baldy (due to mange)
She's obviously broadcasting from Arizona so maybe that green drape is a swimsuit coverup; outta the pool and into the studio!
DeleteHow is Bristol's new addition? When does the party start? I can't wait to see the vibrant celebration.
DeleteThat we are taxed enough already. Of course that's an acronym for the Tea Party movement.
ReplyDelete???? I thought Tea was an acronym for Talkin' Eagerly out my Ass
Totally Egregious Assholes
DeleteGod grief, she is drunk!
DeleteLMAO! OMGoodness....did anyone else hear Baldy say at the 2:20 mark..."FLEWprint"... and not "blueprint"? That cocktail she sucked down before going on TV last night must have been a DOOZY! LOL!!
ReplyDeleteI love "Mean Mugging Megyn" in this interview! She looks like she was literally FORCED...possibly at gunpoint to interview Baldy's crazy fucking ass! Me thinks the Kocksuckers control Roger the Hut in addition to Roger Murdoch! How else is Baldy able to appear on Fake News and spew the jumble thoughts in her head once a month!
Baldy is a SUBSIDY! LOL!!
PS...isn't today Bristol the Tramp's b-day! I wonder how old she really IS?
Bristol is old enough to Drink Alcohol and Spread her Legs for a Trial Daddy. How many Bastard Kids does she have now?
DeleteBrisket had been preggo by her sweet 16th birthday. Noone who's ever had a girlfriend wants whatever might be left of her worn-out poonie, no matter how much she pays up front. Once the check clears, they do a "Gino".
DeleteI actually listened to the whole thing - rare for me - and I thought Palin had finally flipped her wig. The babbling was incredible and made little or no sense. And I do NOT feel sorry for Megyn Kelly. She asked for this by taking a job at Fox News and completely toeing the "party line".
ReplyDeleteI listened to the entire thing, yes Palin's hit an all time low, even by her usual standards. She had a blank affect at times while waiting for her brain to reboot.
DeleteNo empathy for Megyn, she could do much better than Fox.
At least Megyn has the good sense to look disgusted and confused. That asshole, Greta, laps up whatever Sarah (and Todd) spew out with a huge smile on her face.
ReplyDeletePerhaps Greta has so much botox done that she cannot look disgusted and confused but just is.
DeleteGood point.
DeleteSarah is not high.
ReplyDeleteMegyn is giving Sarah the stink eye.
Sarah is a stumbling, stuttering, scared shitless mouse in the interview.
Watch it again and gulp down the tears.
I agree. Sarah is clearly angry with Megyn because she is asking real questions and looking attractive. Sarah can't handle it.
Deleteyup yup
DeleteSee this regarding "enemy of my enemy..."
ReplyDeleteStephanie Miller was all over this interview this morning. Even played part of it. Steph & the mooks were speculating on whether or not Caribou Barbie was drunk, going so far as to feel sorry for Kelly.
ReplyDeleteI think they have the "you're an idiot" as part of their sound effects, too.
Jezebel's take:
The comments are the best! Especially the Alaska comments. Also, how many nearly 50-year-old women do that “I’m so goddamn cute I can’t stand myself!" 15-year -old nose squint? Grow up Sarah and pull yourself away from the drugs.
DeleteHaha The last time I heard that was when someone wrote it on the stall in the women's restroom at the Opryland Hotel during a Tea Party event in Nashville, where a lot of people were extremely pissed at Sarah Palin for asking for $100K plus a private jet and luxury accomodations in order to address the "grass-roots" movement, which was charging $549 for regular folks to attend.
DeleteSomeone at the "convention" had written "I fucked Todd Palin." Right under it was written, "Big shit--I used to fuck him all the time!" Underneath that was written, "Go home, Sarah, you're drunk and you've already fucked everyone here out of $549, you money-grubbing bitch!!!"
It was in case she spit up her word vomit.
LOL My dog had a clear one when we got him fixed.
DeleteI'm disappointed with Megyn Kelly. She showed herself to be a partisan player here, not the objective host Fox News claims her to be. Her full lead-in question is included in the video at Mediaite. Kelly refers to Pres. Obama 'suggesting NOTHING has done more damage to our credibility in the world and our standing with other countries than this latest fight. REALLY?"
ReplyDeleteIf Kelly REALLY wanted accurate information about how other countries viewed the threatened debt default, she would have made the minimal effort needed to gather readily available quotes from around the globe. Instead, she set up Palin for a series of memorized talking points.
Later, Kelly refers to the Cruz/Palin position as taking a 'principled stand.'
Palin's 2008-campaign-style, clueless responses had me in stitches at first until I had a chance to digest what she was saying and realize how effing dangerous she is. She used the word, enemy, 6 times.
Does anyone really believe that anyone on FoxNews is objective?
DeleteI wonder if she showed up in just her black bra...the old horny guys love black lace, you know... & they had to throw a tablecloth around her!
DeleteMore like "objectionable"
DeleteYou have to lower your expectations of Megypoo. She works for Fox News and gets paid to look good and stick to the script. "Fair"", yeah, she's fair complected. "Balanced"? yeah, she can chew gum and walk in stilettos and short skirts despite being well educated.
DeleteObjectively, Fox has a known bias to the right. But In addition, Fox has a tendency to misinform, promote propaganda which is neither fact-checked nor credible, and worst of all, Fox chooses to emphasize only positive stories about GOP matters and focuses on negative matters about Democrats, especially the President, no matter how shaky their foundation in truth. They're like the "homer" announcer who never complains that his team obviously sucks or plays a weak defense, but instead wails and whines about how the referees are calling such a bad game or the other team is cheating. It's sad because when the radio audience sees the video, they realize that their team DOES suck. Sort of like recent elections and polling. The same people that were played for suckers last November are still using Fox as their primary (if not their *only*) source of "news", and they're going to be suckered again.
Delete"The best list a con man can have is the list of former victims, because some of those idiots never learn." I think Sarah Palin gets credit for the quote, but I can't find the source at the moment.
Love Wonkette's take:
ReplyDeleteWe at Wonket don’t hate Megyn Kelly. She’s smart. She’s got spunk. (We hate spunk.) She stands up for herself when Erick Erickson is within a fifty-mile rapius. She can even say sentences!
And now she is making that face the whole time the former half-term griftrix is speaking in tongues. She should make gaybies with Shep Smith, pretty little mean smart gaybies. The end.
My favorite comment from HuffPost:
She's one of those Republicans where you never really know whether she's believing her own lies or not. Obama is being completely "out of touch" when he says that the debt ceiling war hurt our image abroad AND our economy, Palin claims. But you only have to open a foreign newspaper to see that it's true. It's simply an ECONOMIC fact, NOT something that is related to one or the other ideological interpretation of facts. So ... is she aware of this fact and simply lying, or is she STILL not reading international newspapers ...?
And then she throws in a famous GOTP line: the idea that Obama would be on "an unconditional spending spree". Whereas independent reports have shown that spending inflation is the LOWEST under Obama since ... Eisenhower. Would she UNDERSTAND something about spending inflation, and is she lying, or doesn't she even know what "spending inflation" means ... ?
Then she goes on telling us that Obama increased the debt much more than his predecessors. On this issue, I cannot possibly believe that she's believing this herself. The GOTP perfectly knows that Bush left with a STRUCTURAL, $1.4 trillion deficit, and that there's NO way to eliminate it entirely before ... 2040. So they KNOW that the debt will continue to go up for two more decades to come, even when new presidents don't sign ANY new bill into law. She certainly also knows that from the $5 trillion debt increase during Obama's first term, Obama only signed $1.4 trillion into law himself, AND that most of that money simply went to turning Bush's -9% GDP into a stable, positive GDP.
Finally, that's she's unable to focus on Megyn's question, and just repeats the same one-liners over and over again, is nothing new. She has ALWAYS been like that. It's one of the reasons why McCain made a VERY unwise choice when he decided to ask her to run as his VP candidate. What's more amazing is that Megyn herself doesn't correct her each time she lies ... isn't this the network that wants to be "fair and balanced" .... ?
She is a walking ad for her sun bed. Tanning is almost worse than cigarettes! Nobody in Alaska looks like that this time of year and we all know she had to put one in the governor’s mansion she was so addicted to her sun bed. The addiction to tanning is well researched and the effects are a bloody disaster. Look at her chest some time, she is spotted like my dog’s belly. She is an addict at heart, nothing else. No wonder she fears something called “death panels.” One day she may be called out for her reckless behavior.
ReplyDeleteThat may have been the longest stream of gibberish she ever assembled,but I could be wrong.
ReplyDeleteOkay, I'm going to try to fix this god-awfulness. I'm pretty sure THIS is how Palin THINKS she sounded (as in, no repeating herself, no mixing up past/present/future tenses in the same sentence, no mini-strokes):
DeletePalin: I think that remark is one of his more recent out-of-touch remarks.
What energized our enemies and our competitors was his promise to fundamentally transform America from a firm, free, exceptional country into something we're not gonna recognize.
Another factor for our enemies is that Obama has doubled our debt since he's been elected, putting us on a path towards bankruptcy. Then he locked up pipelines and resources which will result in us being more reliant on foreign imports for energy.
And then his administration left behind our men in Benghazi to be murdered.
And then of course there's Syria, where he promised to bomb Syria because of their civil war. And then we never heard another word again about his threat.
And then most recently, Megyn, he used our military. Our vets. Shut down their memorials. Held them hostage in terms of budget deals. Threatening to withhold paychecks. As for economic—
Kelly: Listen, but let me ask you — let me jump in
Palin: AS FOR ECONOMIC COMPETITORS! Corporate tax rate is the second highest in the industrialized world. Now that empowers our competitors.
Sooooooo.... Pay-me Palin managed to misrepresent Benghazi and Syria, point out that she's a fucking energy expert (can't ever forget to bring that up, can we sweetheart?), and then kept throwing out stuff about our competitors and our enemies. Who are our competitors and our enemies, Sarah? I ask not because I need your input, but because I'm just curious-- if you think North Korea are our allies, who pray tell are our enemies?
This's what happens when you let swimsuit models talk about politics.
ReplyDeleteMeygan had the exact same expression that Amy Pohler had while interviewing Tyna Fay in the memorable SNL skit.
ReplyDeleteLook at her. Tries to remain impasible but there is deffinitely the WTF expression there.
ReplyDeleteYep, still an idiot!
ReplyDelete"The enemy of the enemy is my friend."
-Sarah Palin
Wasilla Beauty Pageant Contestant
2008 Republican Party VP Candidate
Wasilla's Sarah Palin said "The enemy of the enemy is my friend"
Should Sarah Palin have said "The enemy of my enemy is my friend"?
The phrase the enemy of my enemy is my friend(sometimes shortened to enemy mine) is a proverbthat advances the concept that because two parties have a common enemy, they can work with each other to advance their common goals.
Maybe she meant to say "Enema"? You never know when meth meets word salad.
DeleteIf I were Sarah Palin I would insist that FOX News would not have a split screen with a younger prettier reporter. It shows how old Sarah Palin is getting.
ReplyDeleteWould make sense to a sane woman, but even with her "fireside chats", the fire upstages her!
DeleteMaybe they could use the blurry lens technique" Or having her talk behind a sheet in shadowed silhouette?
Put a black stocking over the lens. If that doesn't help, use the heel if its reinforced. If still not better, put the cover on the lens and add a little graphic to the screen--/ Sorry! Technical Difficulty. a la 1950, when most of Baldy's fans were teenagers and young adults.
DeleteOMG ROFL I just watched it again, watching Megyn. She can't stop blinking, when Palin says "Dill" Megyn blinks, it's as though she was trying to hard to keep a straight face that the eye blinking was the only outlet! I think that blue thing is like one of those drapes they used to put over high school girls for their school pics. The producers probably took one look at how she was dressed and insisted that she wear the plastic drape. Ed and his guests were guffawing at Megyn's looks, so I went back to watch it again. Poor Megyn, and Bill O Reilly hasn't had her on since Palin had a snit fit when he said "You're supposed to be a political analyst".....
ReplyDeleteThis speech reminds me of the quitter speech, but with less fish-like gasping for breath.
ReplyDeleteGryphen please do a poster of Palin as Medusa , Goddess of
ReplyDeleteDestruction and Sexuality . Her hair is a mass of writhing snakes
and was the ultimate, crazed mean girl. Alternate spelling:
Medousa. Maybe that is why she wears those "big hair" wigs.....
to cover the snakes!
Medusa is the perfect avatar for Sarah Palin.
DeleteRemember, folks, what you are wilnessing was once possibly an old old old man with a history of melanoma's heartbeat away from being President of The United States.
ReplyDeleteNow, she's (rightly so) compared to a vinyl blow up sex doll, except I imagine, the vinyl blow up sex doll knows better to keep her mouth shut and not remove all doubt that she's the ultimate airhead.
She ended her manic verbal diarrhea with the words "going down". Stay Classy, Baldy!
P.S. Next time you're in Florida, one of your followers has a nifty halloween prank involving "the war on Christmas" that you may want to add to your upcoming ghostwritten book.
John McCain you still proud of that babbling idiot?
ReplyDeleteSo what's the consensus, was she drunk or on Oxy?
"...and then of course there’s Syria where he promised to bomb Syria because in that civil war, Syria was going to bomb Syria and then we never heard another word again about his threat to bomb in a foreign civil war .”
It was in the papers, Sarah....all of them.
I'm not a Megyn-hater, but I do wish Ms Kelly would do a fact-check on whether or not Sarah Palin actually considers herself a Republican, because there's not many at all who consider her to be one. Plus, most of her pitiful "fans" consider her to be independent of the GOP, while most of the Republicans whom she considers to be RINOs actually detest her and want her to go away and take her brand-damaging rhetoric with her to Baggerville. Mitt Romney had her pegged dead to right--- she's just not worth the trouble.
ReplyDeleteThis is a fine example of a psychopath on drugs. They make things up as they go, but she speaks Wasillarian which makes whatever she says nearly unintelligible (Dill means deal in that language).Add some Zanax, a couple drinks on the plane and lots of propaganda from the right wing puppet masters and you get Dick Cavett's Wild Wordsmith of Wasilla. We can’t ignore her because psychopaths are masters at recreating themselves and she and her minions have hurt lots of people. I have personal experience with being harmed by her administration myself. I enjoyed the hilarious comments.