Friday, October 11, 2013

There is a new voice coming out of Arizona pleading with the Republicans NOT to shut down Obamacare. Oh, you are not going to believe this one!

Hey, what can I say? The damn thing works.
Courtesy of Arizona Daily Star:  

Gov. Jan Brewer said Wednesday that she does not want U.S. House Republicans to succeed in their bid to shut down the Affordable Care Act, saying it would “devastate” the state budget. 

Brewer said she has never been a fan of “Obamacare.’’ And she pointed out she was among several governors who sued — unsuccessfully — to have it declared unconstitutional. 

But the governor said once it was clear the law would take effect, she sought ways to have Arizona take advantage of a key provision rewarding states that expand their Medicaid programs. In this state, that is the Arizona Health Care Cost Containment System, which she described as the “gold standard” of Medicaid programs. 

And she said that made it worthwhile to fight with members of her own Republican Party, to the point of forming an alliance with legislative Democrats, to push the plan through. 

“The bottom line is we need that money in our economy to save rural hospitals and jobs in the rural areas,” the governor said, as well as making sure hospitals in metropolitan areas, where most AHCCCS patients are seen, get paid. “It’s all about jobs and getting back federal dollars that our taxpayers have paid to the federal government, to bring them home.” 

Brewer estimates the Affordable Care Act will produce $1.6 billion in payments a year to the state’s Medicaid program. And she said there is no direct cost to Arizona taxpayers, with the state’s share being paid by a tax on hospitals. 

That concern is causing the normally partisan governor to lash out at congressional Republicans as much as she criticizes the president for the shutdown in Washington over the issue of repealing the Affordable Care Act.

Jan Brewer?

Jan "There are headless corpses in the desert" Brewer?

You know even though I, and many others, predicted that once the ACA started to pay dividends for those states whose legislators allowed the law to be fully implemented, that there would be a lot of Republicans who would embrace it fully, and lawmakers in other states who would feel pressure to follow suit, I have to admit that this is still pretty amazing to witness.

After all Brewer is besties with the most vicious anti-Obamacare crusader of all.

It's just gonna make things awkward the next time they get together to burn a cross on some Arizona immigrants front lawn. That's all I'm saying.

Is it wrong that I am enjoying all of this so much?


  1. Anonymous10:07 AM

    This is exactly why the GOP fought so rabidly against ACA, they knew full well that once it came into being that people would (gasp) like it. ACA has effectively put a nail in the fundie controlled GOP.

    Little Rabbit

  2. Anonymous10:14 AM

    i think brewer is over palin. there was a time in the past when some repubs thought palin was good publicity, but now realize she is more of a toxic liability and nothing but a hanger on. there was an event in az last year involving older vets that brewer was set to attend... then palin also announced she was going to be there, brewer cancelled 'due to scheduling'. i really dont think she wants to be seen anywhere close to palin these days.

    1. Anonymous10:35 AM

      I don't know. Sarah and Trig in a tiny stroller did that walk with Brewer this past spring.

    2. Anonymous11:13 AM

      10:35 AM Photo op only. The Stinky Skank Pimp's Wife is done.

    3. Anonymous11:14 AM

      the 'end child abuse' walk was this spring, mid april, you are right (for some reason i thought this was all over a year ago), but the vietnam veterans deal that brewer cancelled on was just a few weeks later in may. i got the feeling that brewer was a bit unexpectedly sharing the limelight with palin at the walk, and couldn't back out of that point from a fairly non-political charity event, but told her people not to let it happen again. i guess we will have to wait and see, i could be wrong. i haven't seen any AZ politicos hanging with palin at all anymore though.

    4. Anita Winecooler6:59 PM

      Jan is over Sarah? Is that literally or figuratively?

  3. Anonymous10:21 AM

    All this means is that skank is a paid whore and mostly gets paid for servicing the Koch brothers.
    The Koch brothers who tried to walk back the obvious-that they are behind this shutdown and yet funding this ridiculous tea party rally in jersey!!

    Calling on Bruce Springsteen to hold an impromptu rally ten feet away and shut down skank and levin and the Koch brothers!!!!

    I am sure that brewer got some backlash for "hangin" with The skank and she has McCain to contend with as well and he is being quite vocal in condemning the tea party pols who did this!

    Brewer jumping on with McCain says a lot about what they both think of skank!

  4. Anonymous10:29 AM

    Let's see now. Tea Party march on Washington, zilch. Tea Party demonstration/support for Ted Cruz, zilch. Truckers bearing down on DC to impeach the Prez...well, according to Fox News' predictions, it was going to be a KNOCK OUT PUNCH. Viewers tuning in this early AM Eastern were treated to this:

    1. LoveAndKnishesFromBrooklyn1:07 PM

      Anon @ 10:29 am--

      Ooooohhhh, just about the same as the Geriatric Scooter Squad taking over bridges from coast to coast in honor of Patron Saint Sarah so many July 4ths ago. And the millions of angry bikers converging on DC recently to show them thar Muslims a thing or two. Unforgettable. The TPers need better event planners! ;)

    2. Anonymous2:14 PM

      Ha, Ha, Ha!

      You are correct, this was another Bagger event that just didn't coalesce. Oh my, I guess they really are the teeny, tiny part of the population that we all guessed they were.

  5. Anonymous10:44 AM

    Seeking hope is a possibility in even the most intransigent politicians.

  6. Anonymous10:45 AM

    tea_tards backpedaling ... LMFAO !!

  7. Anonymous10:46 AM

    I'd love to see the two of them come to verbal blows over this. How great would that be?

  8. Anonymous11:14 AM

    Well, if it's wrong, then feeling wrong (in this case) never felt so right!!.

  9. Anonymous11:14 AM

    Pariah Palin may soon have to sell her AZ home, no one wants ANYTHING to do with her.
    If you want to know how I have this info, all I will tell you is I have friends that live next to Johnny Mac in Cornville(yep Cornville, not Sedona, though Johnny thinks Sedona sounds better I guess). The richest of the rich, many have their second, third, or fourth residence there all laugh about Palin.

    1. Anonymous12:13 PM

      Thanks. Do tell us more if you can :)

    2. Anonymous1:50 PM

      11:14 - you are spot on.

      serious people do not take non-serious people seriously. palin thought she could waltz right into az and the doors would open for her. socially and politically, she is getting shut out. would not be surprised at all if the palins pull up the stakes... they didn't go far enough south. texas or south carolina would prob be a better fit.

  10. Anonymous11:17 AM

    Cruz getting heckled and Jan going bonkers and getting a peek into reality and ADMITTING it, and Beck speaking out against his fellow Republicans, it just doesn't get more thrilling than this. Michele Bachmann isn't the only one who gets a thrill once in a while.

  11. Anonymous11:37 AM

    No my friend it is sure not wrong to be enjoying all of this. Check this out from the PeePond a few minutes ago:


    GOP gives Obama everything he wants. Last two weeks were a total waste.

    Even those lunatics understand what just happened! You know, Americans aren't always paying attention. Busy trying to survive. But when they do pay attention, they say not just NO, but FUCK NO to these fools. As the Baggers like to say, USA! USA!

  12. Anonymous11:40 AM

    Surprisingly, Brewer is seeing the writing on the wall, and she doesn't want to go down with the GOP wreck of a party. On the other hand...

    Between his lunacy and Sarah Palin's notorious curse, Teddy is headed for the ditch, and fast! Ol' Lonegan is doomed, that's for sure. He's even releasing bogus polls to pump up the dwindling numbers he's getting. Once Sarah shows up, it's 'hasta la vista' baby.

    Poll: The more people get to know Sen. Ted Cruz, the less they like him. He went from having a 6-point net positive favorable rating to a 10-point net negative rating.

  13. angela11:49 AM

    Brewer whored her true beliefs when it would fill her coffers and sell her book. The bullshit she was speaking against the ACA and the President was all about big fat american dollars from the Kochs and stupid baggers.. She's just not a long term grifter like Palin is. And since she can't run again she might actually want a legacy not piled with shit.

  14. Anonymous11:58 AM

    I have to say that her cosmetic surgery is doing her well.

  15. Anonymous12:21 PM

    Great. Just when I thought "At least we don't have Arizona's governor," Brewer shows a bit of common sense. Makes Pat "in the bag for big bizness" McCrory here in NC look even worse. Sigh. Who in their right mind turns down free money? Yellowgirl

    1. Boscoe12:46 PM

      I'm in Arizona and I can't believe what I'm reading. I know it's easy to make it all about the money, but as the money is actually going to help poor people, not line her and her buddy's pockets (like our prison system does), it does appear that unlike some Republicans, Jan isn't willing to senselessly screw over our citizens just to strike a political pose.

      I can't believe I just wrote that.

  16. hedgewytch12:34 PM

    Now if we can get Parnell to reverse his course on refusing the ACA funding and the Medicare package as well, ooops. Not going to happen.

    1. Anonymous2:16 PM

      Right, he spent $80,000 of our state's coffers on a study that he won't even share. Hmmm, wonder why he won't share? Could it be that the study said "you are a fucking idiot Sean Parnell, take the fucking money you dolt"?

  17. Anonymous12:47 PM

    Jan is all about the money. Period. She doesn't give a rats ass about Obamacare. She's sucking the government tit, like all the other red states, and this a gravy train for those that jump on. MILLIONS of dollars allocated to states that participate in the medicaid expansion program. Who knows how those millions will ACTUALLY be used within each state. You KNOW that some skimming will happen in some areas.

    She isn't the only Arizona republican who is calling it like it is. Here's the ol' Maverick himself with a little 'straight talk' for one of the FOX floozies. Poor thing, she's just heartbroken:

    McCain breaks Fox anchor’s heart: ‘Defunding Obamacare is not achievable’

    In a Friday interview with Fox News anchor Martha MacCallum, Sen. John McCain (R-AZ) stated flatly that it’s too late to repeal Obamacare and that the tea party-led drive to shut down the government over it has been a “fool’s errand.”

    The senior Arizona Senator was responding to MacCallum’s assertion that the White House has badly mishandled the shutdown crisis. There wouldn’t be an opportunity for the White House to mishandle anything, he said, if the Republicans hadn’t fumbled the shutdown so badly.

    “Let’s have a little straight talk, Martha,” said McCain. The Obama administration “wouldn’t have had the opportunity to handle it that way if we had not shut down the government on a fool’s errand that we were not going to accomplish. The whole premise of shutting down the government was the repeal of Obamacare. I fought against Obamacare harder than any of the people who wanted to shut down the government.”

    But, he said, the Affordable Care Act is here to stay, having been ratified by Congress, the Supreme Court and the American people by way of the 2012 election.

  18. Anonymous12:53 PM

    Oh look! Teddy's got himself a new gift basket!

    Buoyed by a new poll showing that the current federal shutdown has whacked the Republicans and lifted support for Obamacare, one of the president's closest allies decided to thank the architect of the GOP strategy with a fancy gift basket.

    “Dear Ted,” said the card to Texas Sen. Ted Cruz on the fruit and snack basket from 1-800-FLOWERS sent by Brad Woodhouse, president of Americans United for Change and the former Democratic Party communications director. “A Texas sized thank you!! Thanks to you, Obamacare is more popular and the GOP is less so. Keep up the Good Work!! Yours, Americans United for Change.”

    He added, “it's the best $90 we've spent.”

    A new Wall Street Journal/NBC poll found that support for the GOP has dropped and Obamacare soared.

  19. Anita Winecooler7:13 PM

    I rubbed my eyes and read it twice. Did hell just freeze over? Is this the same drunk who wagged her finger in President Obama's face? She sobered up enough to realize Obamacare SAVES states money that could be put to other uses?
    Good for the people of Arizona.

    I take it Baldy white outed Scorpion on her christmas card list and Constitutional War on Christmas stopping book signing bus tour/vacation for Pippin/Postage tour?

    Hey, Jan, have you sent the tax assessor to see Sarah's house yet? Is everything up to code? You know, can't have " a unsafe house/ someone's not paying their fair share of taxes" scandal while you're governor.

  20. Anonymous8:33 AM

    it's "all about jobs," eh, Brewster? How ironic that Obmacare is helping you keep hospitals open and keep jobs when you and all your buddies were saying it'd be a job killer.

  21. Anonymous8:51 AM

    Leather face has had some work done! Good for her. She looks much better. I wonder if that improved her mind as well.


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