Tuesday, October 08, 2013

This may have seemed like a controversial episode of the Newsroom last year, but I imagine that the majority of Americans would now agree with it 100%.

I imagine that most of us here at IM were cheering when the Jeff Daniels character, Will McAvoy, made those statements, however there was still an angry and energized minority of Americans who thought the comparison to the Taliban seemed unfair.

Somehow I have to imagine that that minority is even smaller in light of what is happening right now in Washington.

Eric Zuesse. an investigative historian has written a long and incredibly detailed explanation for how this American Taliban was able to take control over our government, as well as who funded them over at HuffPo.

Here is a portion I thought you might find interesting:

Sarah Palin had resigned her Governorship of Alaska, in order to become rich quickly via speaking tours and book deals; and on August 7th at her Facebook page she issued her "Statement on the Current Health Care Debate," and said that if Obama's health plan were to pass, people "will have to stand in front of Obama's 'death panel' so his bureaucrats can decide, based on a subjective judgment of their 'level of productivity in society,' whether they are worthy of health care. Such a system is downright evil." (The phrases 'death panel' and 'level of productivity in society,' weren't in any proposed legislation, but came from Palin's own imagination.) The extremely conservative audience at aol.com was online-polled about this, "Do you agree with Palin's characterization of Obama's health plan as 'evil'?" and within a few days 200,000 respondents entered their opinions, 59% saying "Yes," and 41% "No." When asked "In general, what's your impression of Palin?" 50% said "Mostly positive," and 42% said "Mostly negative." Newt Gingrich on ABC TV's "This Week," on August 9th, was asked his opinion of Palin's Facebook statement, and Gingrich said he agreed with it, because Obama and the Democrats were planning "euthanasia" for old people. Despite ABC's strong Republican tilt, their George Stephanopoulos pointed out that there was nothing of that kind in any proposed legislation, but Gingrich went right on charging that this was the Democrats' intent. The thrust of Republicans and of the healthcare lobbyists and their "grass-roots" fronts was unmistakable: Obama's plan was to euthanize old people, and it was evil. Sometimes, major media were even compelled to correct misrepresentations of their own news reporting that was spread by Koch-allies.

The article of course is much more detailed, and I think everybody needs to read it. However I want to remind all of you that during the time mentioned above Sarah Palin was NOT the bedraggled used up skeletal harpy that we see today, Back then she was the Queen of the Tea Party and had tons of media attention paid to her every ridiculous utterance.

It was citizen journalists who eventually turned her into a laughingstock and rendered her all but impotent. And it is that same kind of grass roots reporting, and dissemination of information, that will ultimately prove to be the downfall of the Tea Party.

We can do this, but we have to be diligent, aggressive, and tireless.

Don't forget the other side, Breitbart, The Blaze, The Daily Caller, and others, all have the backing of big business to pay their bills and to help them push their agenda.

All I have is you.

(Oh, and coffee. I have coffee too.)


  1. Grrrr !4:47 PM

    As both Bill Maher and Jimmy Kimmel have proven, the far Righteous (including Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia) get all their into from Fox News:



  2. Anonymous4:52 PM

    Bernie Sanders Storms The Supreme Court to Stop the Koch Brothers Theft of Democracy

    ...'We are living in a society where a handful of people with incredible sums of money, folks like the Koch brothers and others, are undermining what this democracy is supposed to be about. The bottom line here is that if we do not want to move this nation to an oligarchic form of society where a handful of billionaires can determine the outcome of these elections, then it is imperative not only that we overturn Citizens United, but that we put a lid on how much people can contribute in elections.

    Freedom of speech, in my view, does not mean the freedom to buy the United States government.'


  3. Anonymous4:52 PM

    The Republican argument for not raising the debt ceiling is so weak that President Obama destroyed it in 10 sentences during his press conference today.



  4. Anonymous4:57 PM

    Ever onward fellow IM'ers, with you all the way since 2008!

  5. Anonymous5:02 PM

    Looks like Alaska is gonna take a hit from this shutdown, but does Sarah Palin care? Not in the least! She's been sucking KOCH for so long she doesn't even deserve to call herself an 'Alaskan'.

    -- DC, Maryland, Alaska, Hawaii, and Virginia have the most federal workers per capita and are thus disproportionately affected by the shutdown’s immediate impact.

    -- DC, Virginia, Alaska, New Mexico, and Maryland receive the most federal contract money per capita, which means folks in those areas stand to lose out even if they don’t technically work for the federal government.

    -- Small business owners from the Dakotas, Colorado, Alaska, and Michigan who are looking for funding are hurt most by an inability to garner SBA loans, as those states have displayed the highest small business borrowing rates in recent years.

    --Alaska, Virginia, Montana, Wyoming, and Maine have the most veterans per capita and would therefore suffer most from a lack of VA funding, which could result from a drawn out shutdown.


    1. Grrrr !7:29 PM

      Sarah is merely living up to the ancient motto on the proud Palin family crest:

      "Ubi est portionis meƦ?"

      literally: "Where is my share ?" ...
      aka "What's in it for us ??"

      (The crest, which features an overweight barbarian selling women to the highest bidder, was first brought to Alaska circa 1250 by Todd's distant ancestor, Pimpus Palinowsky.)

  6. Anonymous5:03 PM

    This was PERFECT to post! And yes you have us G to tweet tweet out about the American Taliban!

  7. Remember, Gryphen:

    With coffee all things are possible.

    1. Anonymous7:31 PM

      Give me coffee to change the things I can change, and wine to accept the things I can't.

    2. Anonymous8:00 PM

      HA, 7:31! I was going to say the same. Jesse, you always have wine. We're here for you!

    3. Anonymous3:36 AM

      mmmmmmmmmm, coffee

      nough said

  8. Anonymous5:06 PM

    I am with you. Put on more coffee. Palin at this moment is running our country, thanks to John McCain's taking her from your bosom and dumping her on us. I will fact check and call out these bullies for as long as it takes. Those shitbirds over at the Sea o Pee think we are paid by Soros (no really they actually do) but I am more than happy to do it for free. I hate bullies. Here is one of Palin's most ardent admirers over there:

    MarkRNY 5 hours ago

    In high school, we used to make obnoxious geeks who were rats/I'm telling" types stand on the toilet in the Boys Room and sing Feelings at the top of their lungs. Obama would have been giving command performances twice a day.

    MarkRNY, like Palin and her family, is a bully. Now is the time for the rest of us, who in fact love our country as it really is, care about our government, and do not believe Jesus has anointed us, to put our foot on the neck of the Tea Party until it is dead.

    You led the charge against this bitch before. Lead on! I'm with you.

  9. Anonymous5:06 PM

    The Speaker knows that he is lying. The votes are there in the House to pass a clean CR. There is video evidence of Boehner saying repeatedly that he did not want to shut the government down. There is also evidence that enough Republicans would join with Democrats to support raising the debt limit.

    John Boehner is a total mess right now. He is defending a position that he doesn’t really hold, with lies that are impossible for anyone to believe. This interview was a train wreck. The only thing that the American people got to see was that Boehner is desperate to hold on to his speakership. The Speaker will do, say, and threaten anything to stay in power.

    Boehner has thrown the bogus Republican position of compromise out the window, and shifted to straight threat mode. The stress is getting to Boehner. Here is a man that is cracking up right before our eyes. Rep. Boehner’s angry outbursts can’t hide the fact that he refuses to sacrifice himself in order to save his own party. With each day that this crisis drags on, the odds that Republicans will lose the House next year increase.

    John Boehner is a man on the edge, and the looming debt ceiling deadline may push him over.


    1. Cracklin Charlie6:32 PM

      That's exactly right.

      Holding any vote would put the Speaker is a very bad position. If a vote was held without de-funding ACA, the TeaPartiers (what a stupid name for a coalition) will not vote with Speaker. If a vote was held with a de-fund ACA provision, the main conservative members would not vote with the Speaker.

      Boner loses either way.

    2. Anita Winecooler8:53 PM

      Mr Weepy Orange Dude is between a rock and another rock, and the freshmen tealiban thugs have him by the short and curlies. The longer he delays this vote, the worse it will be for all Republicans in the next election.
      Nancy Pelosi could give him some advice on how to get out of this and save face, why doesn't he just call her?

  10. Anonymous5:11 PM

    This Graph Explains Why Obama Rejected the Piecemeal Approach to Funding Government

    In other words (and colors), Obama wants to fund the whole pie below. The GOP, which would like to pair government funding with Obamacare's defunding or delay, is asking him to fund the blue slices only. The White House's logic is that passing the blue stuff makes it more likely that we go even longer without the larger, redder part of the pie.


  11. Anonymous6:12 PM

    "All I have is you."

    And the truth.

  12. Cracklin Charlie6:25 PM

    "It was citizen journalists who eventually turned her into a laughingstock and rendered her all but impotent."

    A more true statement was never written. I shudder to think what might have happened to us, if you hadn't remained vigilant in your quest to expose the corruption, hypocrisy, and lies of Sarah Palin and far, far too many others just like her.

    Thank you, Gryphen!

    1. Anonymous7:35 PM

      Agree, thanks Gryphen.

    2. Anita Winecooler9:07 PM

      1 billion up arrows! You have my gratitude!

    3. LoveAndKnishesFromBrooklyn2:50 AM

      Exactly! Could you imagine what a hot mess this country would be in if there were no internet to gain info, and this manufactured, bogus bimbo was allowed to become VP? Or "worked" her way up to POTUS? She'd have the lo-infos in the center of the country bowled over by her cute little theocratic lap dance, while the rest of us who saw through the hypocritical garbage would be powerless to do anything. Meanwhile, her bony, wasted finger would be hovering over the button so's the "worthy" among us would be able to finally meet Jeeeeebus. Crap, what a nightmare!

      Kudos, Gryphen, we all need you, and we need all of US.

  13. Anonymous6:43 PM

    As far as I'm concerned, Palin was the instigator in all this during the McCain/Palin run for the White House. She is absolutely evil, and stupid to boot, a dangerous combination. Of all the politicians that I abhor, she's the worst.

  14. Anonymous7:10 PM

    i have been coming to this site almost everyday since the 08 election and i just want to say to gryphen THANK YOU!

  15. betsy s8:19 PM

    It's a long time ago now, but the origin of the "death panel" expression was Palin's complete misunderstanding of the
    AMA's request for doctors to be paid for the 10 or 15 minute discussion and explanation of the "!iving will", something I have and hope everyone else does too.

    1. Anita Winecooler9:10 PM

      So true. Sarah needed to twist that into a lie to keep her "pro life/pro trig" creds in the spotlight. I wonder where she'd be if Terri Schiavo had the forethought to write a living will/advanced directives?
      Making money from someone's misfortune is disgusting.

    2. Anonymous3:14 AM

      When the concept of "living wills" first came up, at least fifteen years ago, the law firm I worked for urged everyone to prepare one and even provided forms. At our local hospital, you cannot go in for a blood test without being asked at the check-in desk if your "living will" is on file or not. I'm glad that ours are.

  16. Anonymous8:25 PM

    I just have this to say. Found this site in '08 after her ghastly VP acceptance speech and am proud to be here. Gryph and many here? I know you're atheists but I am not so let me speak my peace.

    There's a standard verse in the Bible: "God is not mocked." For all those open doors she professed she was going to plow through, where are they now? Slammed shut. Sure, she's a Breitbart sweetheart but she is failing with good reason. She does not represent ANYTHING Christian in thought, words, or deeds. It's all a carnival show for money. When Jesus overturned the tables in the temple? This is her fate that she has brought on herself, and the more the "consultants" try to make her look good the worse she looks to everyone but the fringe. The fringe are a minority and will never win....hate, spite, racism, you name it.

    This is not God nor Jesus as we of faith are taught. That she invoked His name (notice past tense) she is suffering the circumstances as well she should. She has been shunned by the mainstream media, they hardly ever mention her anymore except tp roll their eyeballs..

    What you sow, shall you reap, Esther. No fake pregnancy, fake boobies, botox, facelifts, lipo, etal that you've had done to yourself will not erase that you are all about money, your fake husband is a pimp, and you are getting exactly what you deserve for using His name for your own narcisstic, selfish means.

    Thanks for letting me vent, IMers.

    1. Anonymous4:14 AM


    2. Cracklin Charlie6:13 AM


      Make sure you read Anon 8:25's comment, above. All the way to the end.

  17. Anita Winecooler9:23 PM

    Off Topic.

    MSNBC sinks FAUX'S shiny new battleship. Kelly thwonked by Dr. Maddow! Ouch.


  18. Anonymous11:43 PM

    Is this Sarahbilly's brother?
    Case Number Case Type File Date Party/Company Party Type Date of Birth Case Status
    Showing 26 to 26 of 26
    << < 1 2 > >>
    3AN-10-05095CI Div or Cust w/Children (3AN) 02/10/2010 Heath, Charles W Defendant Closed

  19. Anonymous3:10 AM

    Does the author of the article actually think that Sarah Palin authored her Facebook statement and the words "level of productivity in society"? She wouldn't have any idea what those words mean, then or now.


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.