Wednesday, November 13, 2013

A little inconvenient truth for Atheists and Liberals. We think we are winning, but we are losing.

This comes to us courtesy of Alternet:  

We are winning the wrong game! 

We are losing the right game. We are winning the cultural war, but the Christian Right is winning in the race to control the levers of power. They hold the keys to our democracy, while we have clever bumper stickers, funny t-shirts, and books that deride virgin births and angry sky gods. The soldiers of God are playing a game that can only be described as Jedi Knight-ish. Meanwhile, we are being made to look juvenile, bellicose, and down right moronic. The Christian Right is ripping our arms off at the shoulder and then slapping us in the face with the soggy bits. It’s embarrassing, and if this were a football game the scoreboard would read: Christian right –120 versus free thinkers – 3. Someone invoke the mercy rule! Also, I hate football metaphors. 

You see, all around this great country, atheists are meeting in cafes, living rooms and Holiday Inn conference rooms to meet, share donuts and talk about how we can remove “In God We Trust” from the dollar bill; and how best we deal with removing “One nation under God” from the Pledge of Allegiance, in an attempt to reverse the sneaky-handed 1954 bill pushed through congress in 1954 by Christian zealot President Eisenhower. We protest home school conventions; any display of the Ten Commandments; and there are even atheist groups who file lawsuits every winter in their respective cities to ensure nothing but the secular “meaning” of Christmas is promoted. 

Look, all these actions are fine with me but, let’s be honest, they make us look like assholes. And frankly, if you’re filing legal action to prevent others from declaring, “Merry Christmas”, then you most definitely are an asshole! 

What’s worse is that atheists are wasting far too much intellectual and emotional energy on battles that lack real political gain or consequence. In other words, we’re taking pot shots at an ideological enemy that’s out of range and forward marching in another direction, and where they’re dropping their ordinance is hurting us. Greatly! While we are busy playing the role of the nation’s police force for political correctness, they are gerrymandering voting districts to ensure they regain and maintain control of the levers of congressional and gubernatorial power. 

While we chant, “Keep the Bible out of the classroom”, they are helping legislate voter ID laws that disenfranchise millions of black, Hispanic, and student voters. While we demand a removal of God from the Pledge of Allegiance, they are stacking the courts with their ideological judicial wingnuts. While we are correcting Christmas carolers with, “Happy Holidays”, they are mobilizing to ensure money buys them judges, congressmen and governors, which not only protects the interests of big corporations at the expense of the little guy, but will also protect the interests of the Christian Right – namely, putting an end to the gay, secular, liberal agenda, and, in turn, setting gender and racial equality back 50 years. 

Poll after poll shows that a majority of Americans favor liberal policies, but our courts and legislatures are increasingly becoming controlled and driven by the Christian Right. Their victories are having a far more reaching impact on our lives and our secular democratic values than our small-minded wins to remove the 10 Commandments from some hick town’s courthouse.

 Dare I say "Amen?"

He is exactly right.

Our numbers may be growing, and perhaps the future is ours for the taking, but today the battles are being fought in school boards, town assemblies, and political backrooms all of the country and not only are we losing, we don't even have any soldiers on the field.

One of the purposes of this blog is to demonstrate both the harm that fundamentalist religions do in the country, but the other is to demonstrate that one can be a good, loving, and moral person without religion.

Believe it or not there are a great number of people in this country who flat out do not believe that is possible. And before we can be leaders we have to accepted as actual human beings first.

After all how many out of the closet Atheist Congressmen do you know?

Time is on our side, the erosion of religion is happening all around us, and the conservative movement is literally dying out, but we also have to prepare for the potentially devastating damage caused by the death throes of a group that has long held ultimate power in this country, and which will do ANYTHING it has to in order to hang onto it as long as possible.

There are going to be some rather serious conflicts. Some political, some intellectual, and perhaps more than a few, even physical.


  1. Anonymous10:05 AM

    O/T but Alaska related and quite interesting.

    This month, the sun will set on Barrow, Alaska and remain below the horizon for 65 days.

    1. That's why we've gone to AK only in the summer.

  2. Anonymous10:10 AM

    There's hope!

    Atheist Mega Churches Are Taking Root All Over The World

    It looked like a typical Sunday morning at any mega-church. Hundreds packed in for more than an hour of rousing music, an inspirational sermon, a reading and some quiet reflection. The only thing missing was God.

    Dozens of gatherings dubbed "atheist mega-churches" by supporters and detractors are springing up around the U.S. after finding success in Great Britain earlier this year. The movement fueled by social media and spearheaded by two prominent British comedians is no joke.

  3. Anonymous10:14 AM

    Sarah Palin’s New Book About the “War on Christmas,” As a Recipe

    Ingredients include calls to action, evangelism and offhand comments about wild things that could only happen in Alaska

    Boiling Bear Skulls and Other Festive Palin Christmas Traditions

    Time gives us a summary of the contents of the book and describes it as covering more ground “than a bald eagle skimming the shores of Wasilla.” Some of the book is totally based on magical thinking and an admission that the stories are totally fiction. For example, she visits Tripp in college in 2028. OMG! None of her regular-needs kids have gone to college. To suggest that Tripp would be in college in 2028 is something someone in the “lamestream” media might write about and then be chastised by Palin for being offensively condescending toward special needs children. However for Palin to even fantasize about it is just another example of her “magical thinking.”

  4. Anonymous10:18 AM

    The Seven Mountains Mandate folks (Dominionists) work tirelessly to place people in positions of power to enable the creation of a theocracy. They are zealots. They are determined, organized, and well funded. They must not be ignored. They are a very real threat to our secular government.

  5. Anonymous10:18 AM

    I think the Koch brothers are as Atheist as I am. They are simply using the religious right to pad their own wallets and further their own political agenda, which has been working up to this crescendo since the early 60's. The Koch's and most of the other 1%'rs bow to one God and one God only, and that God is money. They are all just willing to hold their noses and let the ignorant faithful do their bidding.

  6. Anonymous10:19 AM


  7. Anonymous10:24 AM

    That lady looks like she's grabbing her boob.

  8. Anonymous10:30 AM

    Even our POTUS has to loudly proclaim he is a "christian" VP catholic etc.
    This is completely spot on. We better get our shit together and quit laughing about the griftata!

  9. Anonymous10:37 AM

    Whether you believe in God or not, what does IN GOD WE TRUST really mean?
    I am an atheist, but I study religions avidly and without fear or scorn, snd for the life of me, I still don't comprehend what IN GOD WE TRUST actually means.
    I put my trust in humans for most things. My food is safe, my home sturdy, my roads well-designed, and my friends loyal. The rocks on the hillside stay up due to gravity, and no snake has bit me because I'm cautious. Beyond that, I don't feel that God is in any way responsible for my continued existence or well-being.

    1. Anonymous11:53 AM

      As the corner shop owner said, "In God we trust.. All others pay cash."

  10. Anonymous10:46 AM

    And here's more insanity and racism and hate coming our way:

    Extremists Launch Treasonous Plot to Overthrow President Obama A Week Before Thanksgiving

    ...Klayman is a seditious traitor and he joined Ted Cruz and Sarah Palin during a Washington rally to protest the government shutdown where he repeated his demand that President Obama “get up, put the Quran down, get up off his knees and come up with his hands up.” Klayman’s group also joins Ted Cruz in demanding that “the Internal Revenue Service be abolished entirely,” as well as obliterating the Affordable Care Act. The group also demands that on November 19, the day they designated as “new independence day,” that President Obama “submit himself to examination and appear in front of a citizens’ grand jury to answer questions under oath regarding his illegal, treasonous and impeachable actions during his presidency, as well as provide a physical, original copy of his birth certificate and submit himself to the scrutiny of qualified forensic experts.”

  11. Anonymous10:50 AM

    Check the spanx show at Jake Tapper interview:

  12. Change, like you are talking about, takes TIME & MONEY. First, we have to feel 'safe' to come out into the light of day and away from the small battles we are currently fighting into a larger more viable war. Second, we have to have an organization that is well funded. Ever tried herding cats? Atheists aren't about joining or they would have already formed a 'church', a political party and 'God knows' what else (pun intended). Most of us just want anonymity and peace.

    1. Anonymous1:44 PM

      We have a party... it's called the Democratic Party. No need to reinvent the wheel.

  13. Anonymous10:56 AM

    To spare you 256 pages of your life, here’s how to “get your Christmas on” (she really says that) the Palin way.

    First, find a saw

    A tree is best felled if you do it yourself, preferably from your neighbour’s plot or your own. If you do have to buy a commercial tree, watch out for the ones sold as “holiday”, “pine” or “fir” trees. These are not Christmas trees, and Christmas is all about Christmas! Keep the saw handy: after Christmas you can chop up the tree for your burner.

    The big present should be big

    Todd Palin knows this: when all the girls in Alaska were receiving Gloria Vanderbilt jeans, Todd gave Sarah an Eskimo grass-woven basket. Subsequent years brought a beautiful red manual ice auger for ice fishing, a 30-06 rifle, a pair of hockey skates and some snowshoes. A gun is a great gift because it opens up a whole world of accessories. Take a leaf out of Todd’s book and follow up next Christmas with a metal gun holder for the four-wheel drive. You can give children guns, too, but only air rifles.

    When things go wrong, take heart

    “Thankfully, there’s that ‘religion stuff’, which actually gives meaning to the season – and points us to the One who never fails.” NB This is *not* Nancy Pelosi. Also, a bad present makes a good lesson, like the time Palin’s parents got her a dictionary instead of a Sony Walkman. That was not funny. But it taught everyone: “Words matter.”

    Get outside

    Feel the snow. Look at the stars. See the dog bowl iced up, a moose wander past. And for all this, read: politically, she’s a breath of fresh air.

    Make your own stockings

    Buy some felt. Collect some fur from whatever pelts you have about the house. For a really wild “frontier flair”, ask a parent to saw buttons from antlers: any species will be fine. Hoohah! “You won’t find that on Pinterest!”


    They snap better if left to dry on a windowsill for a week.
    Be pragmatic

    If your nativity display offends people in your town, add a Christmas tree. Take a step back. Does it need a Rudolph? Add a Rudolph.

    Traditions are great

    Every year buy the Guiness Book of Records and read aloud from it. One year, you might be in it (as, for example, 2008′s most searched name on the internet).

    ‘Fear not’

    All these ideas really are in the book.

  14. Anonymous11:02 AM

    Bethlehem doesn't have a Barnes & Noble, so the event was actually in Easton — just a smidge east of Bethlehem, but distinctly less symbolic.

  15. hedgewytch11:07 AM

    This is why I did not join the local education advisory committee (something that engages parents in their local schools but has little political power) and instead ran for a school board seat. It took me 3 tries, but I finally got elected. Now I can work for my school district on behalf of the children and teachers to ensure that they are taught REAL science and critical thinking skills. I don't want to spend effort on the Pledge of Allegiance, or even too much thought on "school prayer" which for us boils down to blessing the food before a school pot luck, because these are trivial issues compared to preparing our children's minds for the challenges they will face as adults and contributing members of their communities.

  16. LoveAndKnishesFromBrooklyn11:13 AM

    In my experience, the Fundie-Xtian-Conservative-etc.'s that I've met are so brainwashed and addled that they don't WANT to know what's going on in the country or the world, they want to be TOLD, just like three-year-olds. I'm not talking about average Christians, I'm talking about "cult members" who are truly terrified of going to hell. Some are raised that way by paranoid parents who pigeonhole them into their own beliefs and never break out of it. The social hours--uh--churches that they belong to suck down their cash (tithing, you know) and then ostracize them if they dare to question anything, or act differently than the other, cookie cutter parishioners. This is what the Xtain Right is playing on--simple souls who listen to the pap and dreck that they're pushing. They're not even aware one iota that this is all a master plan to make the US a cozy little theocracy--and if you informed them, they'd think it was a peachy idea since they'd all have an express ticket to heaven (leaving us rotten, filthy, librul heathens here to suffer--that'll show us!)

    Meanwhile, they're turning their kids off to irrational fear and control at a frightening rate. They're not like their parent's generation, and are embracing atheism, agnosticism and various world religions to get away from all the smothering Xtian crapola. Why, some of them are actually thinking! An acquaintance of mine recently got into a knock-down, drag-out, hair-pullin' floor fight with her daughter because the teen dares not believe in Jesus. Pious Momma was just defending her faith, doncha know!

    I guess my point is if the upcoming generation feels this strongly against the hypocrisy and fear of the uber-Xtians before them, perhaps there's hope down the line. I think the majority of the country is beginning to see through the TP's social issue drama to what waits beyond if we're not careful. For my part, I'm informing everyone I can, even if some condemn me to the down escalator.

  17. Anonymous12:00 PM

    Chilling article. I don't take much comfort in changing demographics, though, unless there's an effort by 1st Amendment-loving liberals to force the corporate media to expose the dominionists.

    To go along with this post, I highly recommend Rick Perstein's new piece, 'The Grand Old Tea Party: Why today's wacko birds are like yesterdays wingnuts.'

    He gives a history of the radical right, showing how it's become more of a threat in today's political climate.

  18. Anonymous2:36 PM

    "we also have to prepare for the potentially devastating damage caused by the death throes of a group that has long held ultimate power in this country..."

    (I missed this sentence before.)
    Powerfully said!


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