Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Betty Bowers, America's best Christian, offers the perfect Thanksgiving prayer.

This may seem a more appropriate post for tomorrow, but I offer it today because I have a certain video to post tomorrow which has become an IM tradition on Thanksgiving.


  1. Anonymous4:48 AM

    I bet it's the same one I have scheduled for tomorrow. Happy Thanksgiving Gryph! I'll be traveling today.

  2. Anonymous5:53 AM

    LOL! Betcha no one can guess what tomorrow's post will be. =)
    You get three guesses & the first two don't count.

  3. Anonymous6:31 AM

    The disclaimer at the bottom of the screen at about 1:55 is hilarious.

    Ah Gryphen, you aren't going to show the turkey being slaughtered behind Palin AGAIN are you?

  4. Anonymous6:43 AM

    We are still waiting for the turkey of a career of a certain quitter queen to be slaughtered. The video should be posted until that happens.

  5. Anonymous7:03 AM

    it has become the Yule log video of choice at my house..for tomorrow.
    suck on that old turkey bone there sarah

  6. Anonymous7:38 AM

    The only video that could compare with Gryphen's choice would be the Thanksgiving dinner food-fight from Cheers. Reminded me of the good times at home [which I ran screaming from at my first chance]. Eat hearty, everyone.

  7. Anita Winecooler5:10 PM

    Happy Thanksgiving, Everyone!
    Can't wait to see tomorrow's clip. WKRP may have met it's match!


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It just goes directly to their thighs.