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What is the hell is wrong with these people? |
A private, Christian school in Wilmington has adopted a policy giving the school the right to refuse admission of an applicant whose home life includes "homosexual or bisexual activity."
In a letter we obtained that was sent to parents of Myrtle Grove Christian School Wednesday night, the head of the school, J. Stacey Miller, indicates the school will require all families of students enrolling or re-enrolling to sign a "Biblical Morality Policy."
The policy indicates that the school can refuse admission or expel a student who has a home life that is in opposition to a biblical lifestyle.
The exact language of the policy is as follows:
"An integral part of Myrtle Grove Christian School's mission is to foster spiritual development and a biblical world view in the lives of its students. This includes leading students to develop a biblical understanding of morality and to pursue a life that is governed by the biblical moral code. The school works in partnership with families to achieve these desired outcomes, which necessitates that both the school and home come under the authority of God for the benefit of the student.
For this reason, the school reserves the right, within its sole discretion, to refuse admission of an applicant or to discontinue enrollment of a student if the atmosphere or conduct within a particular home or the activities of the student are counter to or are in opposition to the biblical lifestyle the school teaches. This includes, but is not necessarily limited to, participating in, supporting, or affirming sexual immorality, homosexual activity, or bisexual activity; promoting such practices; or being unable to support the moral principles of the school."
So not only will the school reject any new students whose parents, siblings, or house pet is gay, but if they are already enrolled and somebody detects a little "contact gay" they are kicked to the curb.
Okay I have asked this before, but I am going to keep on asking until somebody explains to me HOW these people can call themselves Christians when EVERYTHING they do is in direct opposition to the teachings of Jesus Christ?
If I were a straight parent whose children attended this school I would immediately withdraw them and send them to a learning environment that was more inclusive and accepting.
But then I'm an Atheist so my moral standards are somewhat higher.
My sister lives in Wilmington, and votes liberal. I do not know how they stand it in that state, but then, I am stuck in MI. Luckily, their kids moved away from NC. I too, would pull my kids out of such a hateful situation. It is the only way these people will learn that their behavior is wrong.
ReplyDeleteI used to be an atheist, but thanks to the internet, and ancestry.com. I am now a believer, because I have traced my ancestry all the way back to Jesus. That's right, incredible as it may seem, which is not to say as incredible as christianity itself, I am God, and I have a claim to your tithes.Right now, I am setting up a tax free church to accept ten percent of your labors, and in return, I will guarantee you eternal salvation, without the BS of faux claims to morality. Yes, you too can go to heaven, AND enjoy your life here on earth. AMEN
ReplyDeleteA Biblical Morality Clause... Okay, fine. They must also rule out any hetero couples who had sex before marriage, Any parent who has had an affair outside their sham biblical marriage and a host of other sins found in their beloved book of fairy tales.
ReplyDeleteExcellent points!
DeleteAnd yeah, I'm a Christian. I totally agree with you. I hate the aggressive and passive/aggressive hypocrisy in organized religion.
Until someone trademarks "Christian" anyone can use the term even if the reality is "homophobic assholes). So no problem here. As long as they get no government funding of any kind, they are a private religious organization. And yes, I'm an atheist.
ReplyDeleteLet me see if I got this right. Lot rapes his daughters, so incest is okay, as is dashing the babies of your enemies against the rocks. And eating shrimp cocktail is punishable by death. sheesh.
ReplyDeleteOK, my big question is why is the Christian community so OVERLY CONCERNED WITH SEX? There are so many other problems in our society that need attention and yet Christians seem to have a laser beam approach when it comes to all matters of SEX!!!!
ReplyDeleteSomewhere in the Bible it says "Judge not or so shall you be judged" .. or something like that. It would be impossible for that school to follow that particular biblical principle. I'd never put my kids in a school like that.
ReplyDeleteOr how about "Vengeance is mine, saith the Lord" and "Above all else, love one another."
DeleteSo many Christians just cherry pick their Bible.
Years ago, when my niece was born, my sister went to the local Catholic church to arrange for a baptism. The nun who interviewed her had looked up the financial records and found that my sister hadn't left donation envelopes on Sunday (who knew they kept track of those things?). She berated my sister for being a lazy Catholic and asked her how she expected her daughter to be brought up as a good Catholic when she wasn't one.
ReplyDeleteMy sister took a deep breath, explained to the nun that she had no idea if my sister attended church regularly since she could very well have been putting cash in the collection basket. Furthermore, if my sister WASN'T actually attending regularly, wouldn't that be the kind of family you would WANT to bring back into the fold instead of scolding them for their transgressions?
My sister politely, if coldly, thanked the nun for her time (old training dies hard!), stood up and walked out, never to set foot in that church again. She joined a Slavonic Catholic church that welcomed everyone, took care of the poor, fed the hungry, and had a priest who was the chaplain for the NY Islanders and wore a 'Go Islanders!' button on his cassock on Sundays! The new church, incidentally, had many parishioners who had left that same Catholic church because of its attitude.
Okay, you're questioning the school and its stated policy of discrimination toward gay parents and I'M questioning why a gay couple would even think about sending a child to such a school? How many applications has the school even received from gay couples who want their children educated in such an environment?
ReplyDeleteAs odious as the stated policy is - and it is completely odious - I'd start suspecting the IQ levels of gay parents who'd want to apply. And any parent applying would know the stated policy and be fine with it.
I'm with you. I am not gay and would never want my children or grandchildren to attend such a narrow minded and morally wrong institution.
Delete"Biblical moral code?"
ReplyDeleteYou shall love other people as yourself"
Jesus wept!
Moral clause what about all these 3 4 times married people? How about all these people who live together? what about all these people who have 2, 3 , 4 baby mommies or daddies? They are just the same as gay people. Even the bible says there is nothing new under the sun . We are just like people from the beginning of time. If these school gets one drop of federal money or vouchers they need to be put out of business plain and simple.
ReplyDeleteMeanwhile, a toy drive in a SC school is canceled - mainly because the toys collected in the PUBLIC school go to Samaritan's Purse. A group threatened a lawsuit because it does represent a separation of church and state. Now, where have we heard of that so-called charity before? Oh, Sarah and her friend Franklin Graham taking "needed supplies" to aboriginals in Alaska where photo ops abound.
ReplyDeleteSometimes cute little kids understand things more clearly than us not-so-cute adults do.
ReplyDeleteAt about 4:40, a girl who, at first, doesn't seem totally keen on same-sex marriage says something that gives me hope. At 5:21, an adorable little boy tries to make sense of what "gay" even means. At 9:40, one young lady nails it with how she'd handle it if a gay friend had a crush on her.
"But then I'm an Atheist so my moral standards are somewhat higher." Hm. And you wonder why people think you're arrogant.
ReplyDeleteOh puhleez. Moral standard that you arrive at through reason, versus religious moral standards that you get through uncritical indoctrination? no question which is superior just by method obtained.
DeleteIt's the schools prerogative to accept who they will. Just another example of gays trying to push acceptance of their lifestyle choice. One of the posts hit the nail on the head, "why would you want your kids in a school that opposed the gay lifestyle?" One reason pops into mind other than the obvious reason, drama. You just wanted to see what would happen if you tried. Now you can boohoo about "discrimination". That may work in the public school system but that LGBT crap won't help you this time. Someone posted something really stupid on here,
ReplyDelete" If they discriminated across the board that would be different, but I'm sure there are kids enrolled from adulterous parents, alcoholic parents, drug-addicted parents, etc.," Greg Moore wrote. "But those folks won't be called out because there are more of them than homosexual parents."
They won't be called out because I'm sure they're not going around waving a flag that says, hey everybody I'm pround to be an adulter, alcoholic or drug addict. You people are the ones jumping out of the closet telling the world your business. Then complaining when people are rightfully opposed to your choices. You want people to accept your immoral lifestyle choice but you won't accept other people's choice not to accept it. Yeah, that makes lots of sense.