Thursday, November 21, 2013

In biggest news of the day Harry Reid and Democrats trigger "nuclear option" in order to stop Republican obstructionism.

Courtesy of the Washington Post: 

The partisan battles that have paralyzed Washington in recent years took a historic turn Thursday, as Senate Democrats eliminated filibusters for most presidential nominations, severely curtailing the political leverage of the Republican minority in the Senate and assuring an escalation of partisan warfare. 

Saying that “enough is enough,” President Obama welcomed the end of what he called the abuse of the Senate’s advise and consent function, which he said had turned into “a reckless and relentless tool” to grind the gears of government to a halt. 

While “neither party has been blameless for these tactics,” Obama said in a statement to reporters at the White House, “today’s pattern of obstruction . . . just isn’t normal; it’s not what our founders envisioned.” He cited filibusters against executive branch appointments and judicial nominees on grounds that he said were based simply on opposition to “the policies that the American people voted for in the last election.” 

“This isn’t obstruction on substance, on qualifications,” he said. “It’s just to gum up the works.” 

The rule change means that federal judge nominees and executive-office appointments can advance to confirmation votes by a simple majority of senators, rather than the 60-vote supermajority that has long been required to end debate and proceed to an up-or-down majority vote to confirm or reject the nomination. 

The change does not apply to Supreme Court nominations. But the vote, mostly along party lines, dramatically alters the landscape for both Democratic and Republican presidents, especially if their own political party holds a majority of, but fewer than 60, Senate seats.

As much as this rule change bothers me, I have to say that I don't think the Democrats had much choice. 

The Republicans have been blocking just about everything this President has tried to do simply because they can, and have been unwilling to compromise on anything.

So as much and I dislike this, and worry what it means going forward when the Dems are no longer in control, I don't see what other options were left.

Any other opinions?


  1. Anonymous4:43 PM

    I hate that label "nuclear option". It's called "Majority Vote" and was the law until 1986. Thank you NOT - worst president ever, Ronald Reagan.

    1. Anonymous5:10 PM

      Worst president ever, is the Kenyan Muslim Socialist.

    2. Anonymous5:59 PM

      @ 5:10

      You're 0 for 3 in your comical description of the President, putting you in solid "Loser" (aka "Palin") territory. Care to put up some facts to back up your claim?

      Oh, right... thought not.

    3. @5:10pm - Why is it that democrat supporters use the correct name for Presidents (i.e. Ronald Reagan) while those who hate that a man with black skin is the democratically elected President have to generate make believe names - much as children might have done before their parents taught them to behave more responsibility.

    4. Anonymous7:09 PM

      The Kenyan Muslim Socialist is Todd Pimp Daddy Palin. The worst Daddy ever to 4 Juvenile Delinquents and 3 Unwed Parents.

    5. Anonymous7:12 PM

      Socialism is Native Healthcare(THE PALIN FAMILY FREE CARE).

    6. Anonymous7:14 PM

      How is that Drug Addict Track Menard Palin's Rehab going?

    7. Anonymous8:08 PM

      Worst excuse for a VP candidate, mother, governor, human being, woman? Sarah Palin

    8. The illiterate traitor moron troll crawled out from under its rock, I see.

  2. Anonymous4:51 PM

    Obama wants to be a better dictator

    1. Anonymous5:07 PM

      You are FOS.

    2. Anonymous5:49 PM

      Lucky YOU, 4:51 PM and 5:10 PM above! It's Thanksgiving and tin foil is on sale! Buy extra and make a hat to wear while you;re roasting that turkey!

    3. Anonymous7:06 PM

      Sarah Palin wants to be a better Pimp's Wife.

    4. You traitorous pants-wetting morons cannot name one thing that makes the President a dictator, because you are totally ignorant regarding the constitution.

  3. Anonymous4:59 PM

    I don't think that Reid had any choice. If there was only one year left of Obama's 2nd term, they probably wouldn't have done this. But the GOP has shown that they will continue obstructing anyone who Obama selects for judicial or executive appointments. The majority should have some privileges.

  4. Anonymous5:06 PM

    The GOP/Tea Party are so transparent. They said from the very beginning that they would be everything they could to obstruct President Obama's presidency and they have certainly done that. Good for Reid!

  5. Anonymous5:12 PM

    The country can't afford 3 more years of obstruction. I worry about the revenge republicans will take, but then, they don't do what's best for the country anyway.

    1. What revenge?? The democrats have never stopped GOP appointees in the way that the current senate has stopped President Obama. There is no downside.

    2. Revenge? The republicans would get rid of the filibuster the second they get the majority, anyway.

  6. Anonymous5:25 PM

    It's about time!........that is all............

  7. Anonymous5:28 PM

    OT but i think hell has frozen over: Bill O'Reilly today. "Sarah Palin won't do this program. She won't come on the program because she doesn't want to mix it up. She doesn't! She wants to give a speech, and nobody gives speeches here. Okay? So she doesn't come on. We invited her on tonight. You're here instead. But I don't begrudge Sarah Palin that. She can come on. She doesn't come on, she does come on, whatever she wants to do. Okay? Fine."

    1. Anonymous6:35 PM

      Hmmm rilly Sarah? You don't think your appearance would sell at least 10 books?

    2. Anonymous8:19 PM

      @6:35 reread the post. Where i come from the saying " hell freezing over" means something you never thought would happen has happened ie: Bill O calling SP out for not being on his show.

    3. The sun comes up; the sun goes down. The tide comes in; the tide goes out. I love the way Bill O'Reilly explains it all for us.

  8. Anonymous5:29 PM

    The world’s leading filibuster expert on what happened today and what to expect next.

  9. If the GOP worked for the benefit of our country in good faith, the Democrats would not have done this. I personally think it was way overdue. So the Republicans have one more thing to whine about. They would have found something anyway.

    1. Anonymous6:51 PM

      Wish I could fan you, Lynne! Have for a long time.

    2. Anonymous7:08 PM

      Lynne 5:33 PM, I totally agree with you.

    3. Thanks, Anon. 6:51. That's nice of you to say that. Made me all smiley.

  10. Anonymous5:44 PM

    That's pronounced "nu-cue-lur" for all you Palin trolls.

  11. Anonymous6:03 PM

    Historically, Democrats have only used the filibuster in rare circumstances anyway. If the GOP takes over the majority and/or the White House at some point in the future, I doubt it will have as big an impact as some people are worrying about.

    The right wingers are predictably having cows over this, claiming that the President is creating a dictatorship. This rule change just means that these nominations have to come up for a vote, NOT that they're automatically approved.

    Hmmm...isn't this supposed to be a majority rules type of government anyway?

  12. Anonymous6:16 PM

    If REPUGS should come to hold a slim majority in the Senate, do you really think they wouldn't shitcan this supermajority 60-vote crap the instant the 51st Repug senator was sworn in?

    NO WAY would Repugs ever let the Dems, as the minority party, dictate nomination confirmations the way that they as the minority party have. No way!

    So Reid did the right thing, the smart thing, and the only thing he could do to ensure that as long as he's in charge, the MAJORITY party, i.e. DEMS, will not keep being forced to defer to the MINORITY party.

  13. As your statistics above show the dems rarely IF EVER block a GOP nominee - look who they allowed onto the SCOTUS as an example.

    This will mean nothing to the dems going forward - it will mean that Dem Presidents can have their nominees appointed during Dem administrations. The 60 vote rule NEVER stopped GOP appointments.

    Nothing has changed that will impact the Dems - you surely don't believe the GOP would not have done this if they faced the same continual attacks against their appointees

  14. Anonymous6:48 PM

    Oh, those pee-ponders are mad now! Bashir just fine through write-in drop MSNBC NOW campaign. Generic aspirin only now. Take a bottle full, patriots!

    1. Anonymous7:39 PM

      quote from the article:
      " But what Martin Bashir said - that someone should p*ss or sh*t in Sarah Palin's mouth in the fashion of an evil slave holder - is not just hostile to the politics of half of the nation, it is likely the most vile, inappropriate and hate-filled language ever used by a mainstream host about a woman on a major American television network."

      is just plain slander. Bashir did not say that. He inferred that she should KNOW this bit of history, but doesn't. He was absolutely correct in identifying her stupidity.

    2. Anonymous8:00 PM

      Bashir was doing nothing more than trying to teach the idiot about the word 'slavery' and I applaud him for doing so.

      She needs to be countered more often and would deserve every bit of it. She's shed nothing but evil and hate on the USA since she ran for VP w/McCain when they LOST! Thank god the door wasn't opened for her!!!!!

  15. Anonymous6:51 PM

    Finally! The Senate (Harry Reid) made an outstanding move to stop the obstruction of the Republicans. They've been horrible in their evil deeds toward the President Obama since his first election and it's way past time that some of their actions be stopped.

    I hope many of the Republicans in Congress do not retain their seats in their upcoming elections - McConnell being the first one (Kentucky) that should go!

    1. Anonymous8:19 PM

      Yes and yes!

    2. Alison Lundergan Grimes...oh my! I still sing and dance to that stupid McConnell ad that introduced us all to such a terrific candidate. Nice of him to give her name recognition so early. No one could ever forget her after that. (Bless his heart.)

  16. WA Skeptic7:20 PM

    It's about d*****d time.

  17. Anonymous9:42 PM


    ABOUT DAMN TIME that we get our government back!!!

    OFF TO WORK NOW, guys! After all, that's what you got elected for!!!

  18. Anonymous3:39 AM

    News analysis headline in this morning's "New York TImes" states that "partisan fever is likely to rise" after filibuster move. How much worse can the GOP's non-stop partisan fever since January 2009 get? Has the US media been asleep since President Obama was inaugurated for the first time? Grrrr. What a headline to wake up to!

  19. Anonymous5:46 AM

    All of US media is owned by 5 giant corporations. They are used to convince the lowest denominator of their views and their preferences. There is nothing liberal about the media.

    If it were, then the repubs would be rejoicing in liberal job creation and with liberal billionaires.

  20. Anonymous7:59 AM

    I would like everybody on this board to bookmark this page. If this next election goes Republican, I would like each of you to read these comments, and remember them when nominees go through without any way to stop them, and without any recourse. When this happens, you may look in the mirror, and tell yourself that the chickens have come home to roost, and that the country is reaping what YOU have sewn. THIS IS A BAD IDEA, no matter what the reason!!!

    1. Nonsense. The second republicans have a majority in the Senate, they would immediately change the rules to allow their simple majority to always prevail, regardless of whether or not Reid had taken this action at this time.

      In the meantime, the Democrats can fill agency positions and judicial appointments that have been vacant for years. Or do you think being able to finally do so is a bad idea.

    2. Anonymous3:07 PM

      Actually, I think as the President does, that the Senate was set up with filibusters "... To protect the minority against the tyranny of the majority." President actual words!

      The Republicans were contemplating this move, but chose not to, because THIS IS A BAD IDEA!

      Your logic is skewed! You are essentially saying that it is okay to do something, simply because someone else will do it later. You are an idiot!!! I teach my kids that they should do what is right, regardless of what others think and do.

  21. WA Skeptic3:37 PM

    The State of CA suffered under the "SuperMajority Rule" for years, thanks to That Ass Ronald Reagan. I knew when I saw him enact this same nonsense in the Federal Government it would wind up the same disaster. A simple majority is a good thing for the entire country.

  22. Anonymous10:12 AM

    Sorry, Gryphen. You "facts" are inaccurate. Not only were dozens of nominations stalled in committee under Bush, they didn't even GET to the point of filibuster, but there were more filibusters than 9, for Bush. Also Kennedy had a few.

    As of Spring of 2012, the Senate had already confirmed more nominees for Obama(129) than Bushes entire 2 terms (120).

    Also, Harry Reid stated that the Senate has "Done a good job on nominations", and a Judicial Committee Democrat stated that we are "speeding up the confirmation of judges".

    Facts are only looked at, when they help your side, right? People will take any data, but not check its authenticity. Great job, dishing out the Kool-aid.


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