Friday, November 22, 2013

Just in time for Thanksgiving, the Huffington Post provides everything you will need to debate that Right Wing relative who is just itching to pick a fight over Obamacare.

Here is my favorite one courtesy of HuffPo:

Hank (He represents the generic Right Wing relative in this scenario.)The website screwup means Obamacare is dead. 

Talking point: The website’s frustrating and time-consuming glitches are deterring healthier young people who are not in dire need of health insurance from signing up, leaving the most desperate and sick as the majority of successful enrollees. 

Talking point: Even Democrats are abandoning this sinking ship! 

Emily (She represents you.): GOP Governors are largely responsible for the struggling health care rollout in the first place. And Democrats are wimps, so that's not a surprise to anybody. 

First off: Remind Hank of the Republican governors who refused to implement state-run marketplaces and forced the Obama administration to set up a single federal marketplace, compounding the federal website’s tech burden with managing exchanges for 36 states. 

Republicans then refused to appropriate funding for the additional website burdens on the federal government, which left the Obama administration scrambling to secure additional funding for Healthcare.Gov. 

Talking point: Republicans even forced the guy hired to fix the website, Todd Park, who wasn't involved in the rollout, to take nearly a week off to testify before a House committee. The GOP is clearly trying to sabotage this. 

State-run online health care marketplaces, notably the ones for California and Kentucky, have fared significantly better than the federal website. 

Talking point: Red states have refused to participate in any education initiative to inform the public about the law, and have actively thwarted those who have tried to help -- requiring navigators to jump through government hoops and trying to scare people away with baseless allegations of fraud. All of a sudden, the GOP loves government oversight and regulation. 

Lastly: Enrollment goes until March 31. During the first year of Romneycare, younger Americans waited until the last minute to sign up for insurance. That could happen this time, too.

This of course is only one example but the rest of the responses are very useful as well. I don't know about you but I am going to have this baby locked and loaded onto my I-Pad for the first idiot dumb enough to challenge me on the facts. (I usually do not require any back up, but this website thing has provided my opponents with a whole new arsenal to choose from. Could get ugly.)

By the way here is a look at the REAL victims of the Republican obstructionism.


  1. Anonymous4:32 AM

    OT: Did anyone happen to see that "Carb Bar" recipe $carah posted on Facebook yesterday?

    1 CUP of brown sugar AND 1 CUP of honey and 4 CUPS of sugary cereal... along with the peanut butter -- AND, just in case one of the kids hasn't lapsed into a diabetic coma, you can add "optional" chocolate chips.

    I'm sure you'll want to wash that down with a BIG GULP.

    Don't forget to tip the EMT.

    1. Anonymous5:35 AM

      Oh that's definitely a RAM post!
      Oink! Oink!

    2. Obviously it comes with an insulin kit as well... dear gawd that is a frightening concoction.

  2. Anonymous5:22 AM

    I don't know why everyone is calling it a failure. When you consider the fact that it got one month straight of bad publicity and no one could go on the damn thing and it was the beginning of the process and people have until 3/31/14 to sign up, I think it's pretty impressive that 100,000+ signed up.

    Everyone talked about the lower 20,000-ish number for the website…but the ACTUAL number who signed up was > 100,000 -- or about a quarter of the anticipated 500,000 needed to make it work.

    I wish the offing Dems would talk about THAT instead of letting the GOP hog the discussion and turn the whole thing into a negative.

    1. Anita Winecooler9:42 PM

      And here's more info we "didn't see covered"

      As Martha Stewart says "It's a GOOD thing"

  3. LoveAndKnishesFromBrooklyn5:24 AM

    If all else fails with your obstinate Patriuuuuhhht relatives, load the Palin Turkey video and show it during the pre-dinner snacking hour, or use that cartoon as a handy Thanksgiving card. Face it--it's now a holiday classic right up there with the Macy's Parade and "Alice's Restaurant"!

    1. Anita Winecooler9:36 PM

      We always do the "WKRP" classic turkey drop, the gore and blood go on off screen. Great idea with the Palin Vid.
      Make sure they all get bloody mary's before hitting the play button.

  4. Sharon5:37 AM

    I am so disgusted with all media....esp MSNBC, which mostly reported the facts. Morning Joe, Chuck Todd...yuck! I keep hearing how the Dems will lose the Senate and the Congress in 2014....I dunno. Being afraid Romney might win ended with America coming thru, I think they will again. Voter suppression and purging lists are still going on now, I wish we had Dems fighting that. If the GOP gets back in power you can kiss this country goodbye.

    1. Anonymous8:50 AM

      Amen to THAT, 5:37 AM!

  5. Anonymous5:40 AM

    And our very own Captain Zero, aka Sean Parnell, or Sarah Palin, 2.0, is an enabler of obstructionism and health care barriers. What is this self-proclaimed Christian's motivation? He tells everyone to "Chose Respect" to protect women and children, plain old platitudes rather than walk the walk by providing Denali Kid Care and Medicaid expansion.

  6. Anonymous8:10 AM

    Whoops! Obamacare turns out to be great deal personally for Boehner

    Poor John Boehner.

    Thanks to a Republican amendment to the Affordable Care Act, most members of Congress will see their government-provided health insurance lapse at the end of the year, leaving many of them no other choice but to enroll in dreaded Obamacare.

    As speaker of the House, Boehner is technically exempt from the requirement, but in order to avoid the accusation of special treatment (i.e., because of politics) he decided to take the plunge, too. And he wants you to know how difficult it was. He even wrote a blog post about it.

    “Earlier this afternoon, I sat down to try and enroll in the DC exchange under the president’s health care law,” he wrote. “Like many Americans, my experience was pretty frustrating. After putting in my personal information, I received an error message. I was able to work past that, but when I went to actually sign up for coverage, I got this ‘internal server error’ screen”: [Here he embedded an image of an internal server error screen.] Despite multiple attempts, I was unable to get past that point and sign up for a health plan. We’ve got a call into the help desk. Guess I’ll just have to keep trying …”

    It’s a bummer Boehner got that error message. Tyranny almost. But if he’d reached the point at which he was signing up for coverage, it means he’d already had a chance to shop around and pick a plan. His post is oddly quiet about that part of the experience. Which is curious. As a 64-year-old heavy smoker, it’s a marvel Boehner will be able to purchase individual market coverage at all. I wonder what crazy law guarantees that he can?

    At any rate, since he didn’t disclose which plan he’d settled on, or what his options were, I thought I’d try to re-create his experience for you. So on Thursday night I possibly perjured myself, and created an account on D.C.’s health insurance exchange for a nonexistent 64-year-old man seeking individual coverage.

    Because he’s shopping on the D.C. exchange, and not in Ohio under, I am assuming that his wife, Debbie Boehner, a real estate agent in suburban Cincinnati, has her own coverage, and so he’s not purchasing a spousal plan.

    It turns out, Boehner, who as speaker makes $223,500 a year, has a lot of affordable options to choose from.

  7. Anonymous8:26 AM

    TG dinner with a bunch of RWNJs. I'd rather have a grilled cheese and a glass of screw cap red wine all by my lonesome.

    RJ in Brownbackistan

    1. Anita Winecooler9:32 PM

      Smart! At least you're in good company.
      Happy Thanksgiving!

  8. O/T (although it's still about the dysfunctional Palins):

    I just surfed over to the Wasilla Witch's Facebook page using one of your links, Gryphen, and looked through some of the Craighead pix.

    I was disgusted and nauseated by this one.

    How could a mother who's so concerned about her daughters that she took two of them out of public school in Juneau actually let this plummy-voiced lecher paw her youngest daughter? Ugh.

    That's as bad as the campaign family picture with Saxby Chambliss fondling his granddaughter's "chest".

    1. Anita Winecooler9:13 PM

      I'm with you, KaJo. especially the first photo. Piper's at a very difficult "tween" stage, she's obviously developing and most kids that age are very self conscious about their bodies, especially girls. She's dressing a bit older with the low slung neckline and bare arms, and that man's hands on both shoulders makes me want to smack him.
      But apparently Mom's fine with it.
      Odd, she was in a faux rage over Joe Mc Guinness for moving next door, yet was obliviously comfortable when it was a crack house.
      What's beyond me is Piper seems oblivious, almost comfortable with a grown man's hands on her shoulders.
      The chambliss one is truly outrageous.

  9. Anonymous9:01 AM

    Let's remember the cancelled policies didn't meet basic standards. If a policy was cancelled it would do no one any good in a medical emergency.

  10. Anita Winecooler9:30 PM

    I've found a way around the rwnj's in my family. When they show up, I give them the bird. They're used to it.


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.