Monday, November 11, 2013

Just some Hawaiian Christians praying their little hearts out for God to keep a gay marriage bill from passing. Because you know, tolerance.

Courtesy of Time Magazine: 

Hawaii’s house of representatives approved a bill to legalize gay marriage on Nov. 8, and the state senate will address it this week. Approval is a given — they already passed a similar bill and only need to vote again because of an amendment to the house version. Governor Neil Abercrombie is expected to quickly sign the measure into law — which could potentially leapfrog Hawaii ahead of Illinois in the history books. Whenever that happens, many Hawaiians will have reason to celebrate: 5.1% of the population identifies as LGBT, a higher proportion than any other state with same-sex marriage legislation pending, according to Gallup. (Washington, D.C., where gay marriage is already legal, has the highest proportion of LGBT residents.) 

This will bring Hawaii full circle in some ways. The state supreme court ruled 20 years ago that Hawaii’s statute limiting marriage to heterosexual couples was discriminatory and unconstitutional. But in 1998, voters in Hawaii voted for an amendment to limit marriage licenses to same-sex couples. “Hawaii legalizing same-sex marriage will bring an end to a 20-year ordeal,” Wolfson said. 

Yeah good luck with that now that God has been notifed as to what you people are up to!

Gotta love Christians who spend their time praying that other people will not be happy or have the same rights that they enjoy.


  1. Anonymous1:08 PM

    Hawaiians got pretty hard hit by the missionaries and many lost their traditional ways and went hard core christian, which is very sad because their own culture and beliefs are very rich. Those that didn't go over to the dark side are still distrusting of whites, thanks to the missionaries and often are not accepting of whites in their communities. Thanks a lot missionaries for messing it up for everyone, as usual.

  2. Anonymous1:22 PM

    praying their little heart's out

    "Heart's desire," "heart's content"—something pertaining to a single heart.
    "Hearts"—more than one heart; probably what you meant.

  3. I'll be so glad when this issue is behind us, and our gay and lesbian friends and family can just enjoy their lives in peace.

    1. Anita Winecooler8:06 PM

      Me Too. No one should have to wait for equality.

  4. Anonymous2:08 PM

    Gryph, I love you. It's hearts, not heart's. No apostrophe.

  5. Anonymous3:58 PM

    Shouldn't they be praying for the typhoon victims or be out helping their neighbors or community?

    Not a Christian and glad of it because I am not so mean, uncaring, bigoted, and selfish.

  6. Anonymous4:03 PM

    The thing that got me about this picture is the guy in the dark shirt in the foreground, down on knees and elbows, and looking for all the world like somebody a mosque. Which just makes me think that it's ironic that self-proclaimed Christians denigrate Muslims (or Mohammedans, as it used to be said) because they have so much in common.

    Tom, in FL

  7. Anonymous5:18 PM

    If you say that equality is one of the basic American values, but believe that some people are "more equal" than just might be a Republican.

  8. Anita Winecooler8:14 PM

    As an avid gardener, I'd respectfully suggest they carry a pair of knee pads in case the need to "pray hard" hits them. They're blind to the fact that others are suffering because of inequality, makes me wonder how they'd feel if the shoe was on the other foot?


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