Bristol Palin's baby daddy Levi Johnston is tired of getting squeezed out of their son's life -- TMZ has learned, he just filed court docs to obtain 50/50 custody of 4-year-old Tripp Palin.
In the docs, Levi says he wants Tripp to be in his life as much as Bristol's because it's in their son's best interest. Bristol currently has full custody of the child, but now Levi wants Tripp on alternating weeks. (They both live in Alaska.)
Meanwhile, Bristol's attorney is insinuating it's simply a move to reduce Levi's child support payments, saying Levi owed roughly $66,000 in back child support as of October -- and now he wants to pay less.
In the docs, Levi says he's willing to pay whatever child support amount he's ordered to, but urges the court to be fair "as I have a wife and daughter to support." It's unclear what Levi is currently required to pay Bristol.
I disagree with TMZ that both parents are currently living in Alaska, I think Bristol has had Tripp in Arizona with her for quite some time, as the pictures below seem to support.
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Recent pictures of Tripp with Bristol clearly show them living in Arizona. |
Forgot to mention that I've managed to keep this beautiful mama married to me for a year now:) and I do miss my son very much. I Love you both.
Which I think is the real reason that I think Levi is going back to court.
Let's face it Bristol is ALWAYS going to keep Levi from seeing his son, and mess with his visitation, unitil the courts tell her can't do that anymore.
After all, like mother like daughter.
(Tripp photos courtesy of Bristol's blog.)
Well, I wish Levi well in this endeavor. He will be met with a huge amount of nastiness and, I fear, a lot of court complications. One thing the Palins have is money and notoriety. They'll get the gutter press on their side. Hopefully, this time around, Levi has got a good attorney, one practiced in family court matters, who can withstand all that the Palins will conjure up.
Look all LEvi needs to do is tell the truth - everything he knows. Palin has sais that Levi was in their house 3 times. Levi knows that is not true. Why doesn't he call the Palins on this and provide ALL the details. Tell the truth about Tri-G.. I just can't give him any more sympathy. What does he have to lose by spilling all the beans? Enuff already.
Seems as if Bristol/Nancy has removed the post with those pictures of Tripp. I wonder why. Could it be because of all the questions that were being asked in the comments?
DeleteAnonymous8:34 AM
He should tell the paymes he will spill the beans...all of 'em any of 'em unless he gets 50% custody of Tripp and she drops the bogus 66K number. Hey she is the one who can afford a flippin' "Pontoon boat"!
Barstool is a grifter bitch just like mamma! Spill Levi SPILL!
The "Thank you for all the birthday love!!" is still up. It is a terrific plug for Bristol going to school. As Brancy said "long day of school". What more proof do you need to know Bristol Palin is getting an education as she struggles like any other single mother?
DeletePart time skin classes for a long time dermatologist office worker? The long days must be grueling on the golden child.
In other Pain news ....
ReplyDeleteBristol will replace Chuck Todd on MSNBC.
Willow has been hired as a runway model by Victoria Secret.
Todd will star in a new reality show, "Meth Cookers of Alaska"
Umm sorry I know it was a joke but VS models aren't preggo all the time and don't have tree trunk legs.
DeleteTripp looks way older than 4 yo, going on 5.
ReplyDeleteHmmm, I’d say older than four but not as old as seven. I think this is the child that Sarah (a raven according to Levi) stole first, only to swap him for the more compelling Trig. Remember, Tank said there was an older child called Tripp, and the Tripp license plate was purchased well in advance of December 2008. So, Bristol wasn’t really pregnant during the 2008 campaign, as Audrey was starting to explore.
DeleteThat's because he is 6. Poor kid will never know his real age. That's just sad and pathetic. What kid have you ever heard of who doesn't know his real birthday? All so Sarah could pull the greatest hoax in the history of politics.
DeleteThe only contemporary person I can think of like that was Eartha Kitt, who didn’t really know how old she was. Her birth certificate has since been discovered. What they’ve done to Tripp and Trig is inexcusable, and McCain must have been part of it, so I don’t blame Mercede for keeping quiet.
DeleteTripp is not a kid, he is merely a Palin prop. May Levi prevail and Tripp can be a half time Palin prop.
DeleteLevi is going to lie to the kid about his birthday?
Tripp will eventually know his true birth date. Some time in the future, he will want a passport.
DeleteThe Palins have John McCain, he was an enormous help. Remember how he moved into the Johnstons and took care of things for Sarah? Don't you think he would get the best phony birth certificate his clout could pull off?
DeleteTripp looks like Sunny
ReplyDeleteI thought the same thing. Lucky for the kid.
DeleteI thought that too.
DeleteYou wish!
DeleteHe looks like creepy Chuck and Barstool.
Tripp does look like Sunny and Levi! Levi had a side by side picture on FB of their baby and baby Tripp showing the exact same smile. I am sure that is not lost on Bristol and probably causes her to be even more jealous of their family.
DeleteTripp is looking more and more like Levi. Sunny looks more like she could be the mom. One of the sad things Bristol did with all her surgeries is wipe away any resemblance to her own son.
DeleteTripp looks like his Aunt Sadie; men have been known to marry women who resemble the women they are related to (once they get the town ho's out of their systems); ergo Sunny looks like Sadie; ergo Tripp looks like Sunny. I imagine they make an adorable family -- Levi and Sunny, Tripp and Breeze. Although to Levi and Sunny's credit I realize I have no clue what their daughter looks like now, since, unlike Tripp, she has not been pimped out her whole life.
DeleteAs one who lived this 25 years ago, might I say that my ex could not pay the support for our young son and daughter that the courts ordered him, an obvious significantly less amount. At NO time did I withhold visitation any time they wanted to see each other!
ReplyDeleteWith the exception of abuse issues, any psychologist would stress the importance of a child having access to both parents for a healthy psyche. Face it, Bristol is a vindictive bitch just like her mother and it WILL come back to bite her fat @ss.
Bristol must hate that picture of herself at the RNC. No wonder she got the Jay Leno chin implant.
ReplyDeleteBristol is glad to be or do anything Palin. That photo at the top is the epitome of pride, if only she could black out Levi. What daughter would not be happy to stand out for a parent as Bristol did in 2008? The Palins are perfect, if only they could nuke Levi Johnston and he would disappear from all photos. The chin was a much needed medical procedure, btw.
DeleteTroll please note that your pathetic comments are not deleted from this blog as free speech is practiced here-unlike at the pee pond where you are banned if you aren't in lock step with skank.
That said-your life is such a sad existence. You run everywhere standing up for your false idols and yet you worship them from afar-tv appearances and fb and twitter posts. They have no interest in you at all. Send them money-that is the only thing the skank says to you. She couldn't even give you loyal pee ponders one of her books for free-nope. If you gave her money she would give you a signed copy for ten times the list price and you all just do it!!
How stupid can you twenty people be? In all seriousness her only support comes from you and she gives you NOTHING!! No free books, not running for office, no personal appreciation, nada.
So go back to the pond with your palins are perfect. No one is perfect and that family is the farthest thing from perfection there is.
Drugs, rampant sex, prostitution, stealing, fires, plane crash, fake pregnancies, grifting, lies, dairy gate, house gate, palling around with local/domestic terrorists, etc. are just a few things the palins have been associated with. Where there is smoke there is generally a bit of fire if not a full on raging fire storm.
Move along sheeple-you are so not wanted by anyone.
Oh BULLSHIT, 7:45 AM. Medical procedure my @ss. For the umpteenth time, telling a lie over and over will never make it truth.
DeleteLOL< poor troll. Maybe if you actually knew a plastic surgeon you would understand that a chin implant is NEVER medically necessary. It is cosmetic only. and they did a lousy job of it too.
DeleteWell, shit, she had back to back (to back??) pregnancies then..tough on any body but especially one withuot good health habits.
DeleteOh, Bristol made it very clear in her failed reality show "Motherhood's a B!tch" that she wants to black Levi out of Tripp's life. Unfortunately for her, that footage will be evidence. The court will not be pleased.
Delete"The Chin was a much needed medical procedure, btw." HaHaHaHaHaHa!
lol, thanks grow up, k?
DeleteYou are a RETARD Anonymous7:45 AM!
DeleteSeriously krusty get a grip! Isn't it ENOUGH you are right up there with Serra as a national joke "shit for brains" on Wonkette?
How do you live with yourself being so fucked up?
DeleteUh, I'm a daughter who would certainly not be happy to "stand out for a parent as Bristol did in 2008". I would have been beyond embarrassed to have my unmarried preggo ass pranced around for the sole purpose of "proving" rumors about my mother untrue-- trotted out in front of the christian base my mother was hoping to woo, by showing "hey look, i'm just like you-- my kid's a fuckign screwup also!" But I guess all those promises of book deals and magazine covers and reality shows and new trucks and houses were incentive enough to put a smile on her face for pictures.
And the whole the Palins are perfect thing? Is that why their whole "brand" was/is imperfection-- "We make mistakes?" "No family is perfect?" Or do you just consider perfection to be interpreted as "well, as long as they're trying?"
A much-needed medical procedure, eh? Does that thing dispense birth control?
(Also--- I know you get paid to be a "troll" here on IM, but I'm just curious.... what exactly do you think you're trolling? The endeavor of a troll is to change the conversation. And you're really just providing more information against the Palins.)
Yawn.Whatever you say Bristol.
DeleteTo Sarah, Bristol is a tool and nothing more. Same as with all her children. Tragic really.
Delete11:51 When do you think Bristol will realize this and realixe there is more money to be made by outing her mother than she can dream of? And the also personal healing and perhaps personal growth?
DeletePersonal healing and growth is not for the Palins. B. is too dumb to have an ounce of independence. She is satisfied with being a tool in the ugly bubble the Palins have created. There is no greater fortune in her scheme of things than what clinging to her parents pays.
DeleteMy fave was Bristol in the third trimester posting with a hockey puck. One of those sexy boudoir pictures! She's Hawwwt!!!
DeleteMedically necessary procedure? She got the chin to deflect attention from her thighs. smh
Bristol lives a lonely life. She needs to understand that her mean immature mentality against Levi is just screwing up Tri-PP.
ReplyDeleteShe learned from the best! Isn't that right, $arah?
Delete"4 year old son"??Is Bristles still 15?? Why does she find it necessary to pick him up, or lean way over in photos with him? Lots of fathers withold child support until they get fair custody. I am not saying it is the right thing to do, but I understand their feelings. Let Bristles exploit another of her kids, Tripp neds to be with his father in a two parent household with his half sister. He looks happy with the beautiful Sunny.
ReplyDeleteBarstool has no beauty. Sunny is fresh and radiant.
DeleteB/c Barstools a fucked up bitch like her mother, no
Deleteoffense to female dogs BTW...
Isn't Tripp's last name Johnston, not Palin?
ReplyDeleteGood point. I believe it is. I wonder why TMZ thought differently?
Deletei hope he enjoyed his "pink" birthday party....she is turning him into a punky little effeminate kid. i think that scares levi as much as not seeing tripp on a regular basis,,,,
ReplyDeleteOh stop. Colors, including pink, do not make a person effeminate. My son loved pinks and purples as a kid. It's only so called adults that decide what is a boy color and what is a girl color. Leave that part alone.
DeleteI think she's just embracing what she knows he is.
DeleteBristol’s party for herself, I think.
DeleteI doubt bristol asked tripp what colors he liked; she of course simply chose what SHE liked.
DeleteDid tripp have any actual FRIENDS at his party?
No because mommy doesn't stay long enough to make friends with other mommies.
Poor lonely tripp.
Bristol just had a birthday so I would think it's her party not Tripp's.
DeleteIt's a pic of Brisket's birthday with all of her friends over.
DeleteThey are a close wonderful family. Track would be there for his sister and to help nephew with the celebration. Why aren't they showing the house packed with warm happy friends and family? Was Sarah and Todd too busy? After all Bristol has done to keep that family going you would think the parents would want to show appreciation.
DeleteWhat stopped them from being there for Bristol?
I'm trying to understand this picture. PINK balloons, flaming cupcakes, no guests...what, did Bristol throw herself a party? I thought she was all gungho to remodel that mansion across the lake from where Mama once lived? I guess living in ready-made mansions is superior than the work involved in hiring contractors and actually doing any labor yourself. Todd must be too busy toting Sarah's purse around the country to offer any of his mansion-building expertise. What a sorry bunch. And Sarah thinks she's fooling anyone with her new 'family Christmas' offering?
ReplyDeleteI hate attaching genders to specific colors, but it is odd for the palins, who are so into that kind of thing, to allow Tripp to be photographed with all that pink around!
DeleteIs the DWTS baby a girl and having a birthday?
DeleteShe claims that Tripp threw the surprise party for her. Right, and he also styled Bristol's hair.
DeleteBristol seems to be living in Arizona while going full time to Penrose to study skin care. Who takes care of Tripp? He should be spending some time with Levi, too.
ReplyDeleteCheck her classes, if she is going to Penrose or any other "classes" in Az. It is more like 2 or 3 days a week. Not 8 hour days. More like 2 to 4 hour days.
DeletePoor mommy dearest Bristol, how will she even pay the rent on her squalid little apartment without Levi... oh, wait, that kinda looks like a tacky McMansion... she needs Levis $ WHY? Trashbilly Palins. I hope he gets 50/50 and SHE has to pay him support. Haha.
ReplyDeletePINK?? Has Tripp declared he is gay already?
ReplyDeleteWhat mother in her right mind would have a pink party for her son? Oh, yea.....who are we talking about.
She is disgusting.
Go Levi....I hope you get what you want.
I believe the pink balloons are from Bristol's recent birthday, not Tripp's. But supposedly Tripp did the decorating for Bristol's party.
DeleteOnly a 5, 6, 7 year old could pull together a decorating task like that. He no doubt baked a cake and made the mac'n cheese at the same time.
DeleteWho said the party was for Tripp?
DeleteWhy is Tri-PP named after Shailey Tripp? You know the woman Todd forced into prostitution? That's weird.
ReplyDeleteI'll ask him at a book signing coming up - he will be there to handle Sarah I'm sure!
DeleteThat's a cute 6 year old. Why isn't he in school though? Is his development being purposefully stunted like his brother Tri-G in order to keep him compliant? Don't want him asking too many hard questions like "When was I born?" or "Why am I named after Shailey?" or "Why do you tell people Trig is my brother?"
ReplyDeleteYou’re on to something. I’ve mentioned that my first husband had a twin who was a dwarf. The mother blamed herself (??) for that happening, and she deliberately held the normal twin back (no tricycles or bicycles) because she didn’t want the dwarf twin to have hurt feelings. I’m sure it fueled the normal twin’s later obsession with toys. Maybe Tripp will get lucky and become obsessed with education!
Delete4 year old? ROFLMAO
ReplyDeletePalin Math.
DeleteIt's nice to see Bristol is embracing Tripp's lifestyle with pink balloons. I'm glad she's more tolerant than her mother is.
ReplyDeleteTripp should spend more time with a parent who actually has a job like Levi. It will be a good example for him instead of his MINO who doesn't work.
ReplyDeleteBristol is a terrible mom. Not worse that Sarah but worse than Casey Anthony for sure.
ReplyDeleteOh, I don't know... I'm guessing she has her hand on Tripp's chest to keep him from leaning too close to the birthday candles and immolating himself.
DeleteI'm wondering which live-in nanny/boyfriend took the pictures. I understand Dylan Kolvig is living in Arizona.
Levi is actually paying more than $1000/month to that skank. Maybe some time, when he was still unemployed, he couldn't afford to pay he ransom, but now he does REGULARLY.
DeleteThe $66,000 will be renegotiated or dropped. Bristol's idiot lawyer will use it in the press, so what? The Palin's own the APD and many in the Ak legal system and courts. Levi will need a top lawyer who knows the local system, public relations savvy, knows his field of expertise and then some. At this time Johnston/Palin don't want the media involved. Sarah will do what she can behind the scene, but must appear to stay out of her daughter's family business.
With health care such a big deal on the GOP agenda, they will be playing that through Christmas. It is a perfect time for the Palin example to be fully vetted. Bristol was all about being an example and leading unwed mothers. Of course, she would need to start with the truth. If she can't, the 5th estate must do their job.
How is Bristol and Tripp's heath care working out and how can it help other single mothers?
Their health care is working out just great - it's free because of Toad's 1/8th Native Status. No bills for the Palins & their grandchildren. Can anyone say "Socialism?"
DeleteBristol should not wear her hair up. She still has that massive bulbous forehead.
ReplyDeleteIt really is hideous.
Delete"It" can refer to: brisdull, her hair, or her chin.
You decide.
That's Willow's signature Penrose hair style, the powder puff on top of the head. I think that's the only style she learned.
DeleteBristol radiates hideous from the inside. Nothing she does about chins or har make a difference.
DeleteShe doesn't know the key to getting rid of the curse that shows on her.
She looks like "Madam" the puppet, with her hair up and chin down like that. Her old chin was fine, whenever she wants to see it, she needs look to further than Tripp, It looks fine on him.
DeleteThat is Bristol's pink birthday in Arizona.
ReplyDeleteIt looks like a set and the regular fake posing crap they all do right on mark.
Poor sad Bristol. I hope the stage designer and crew were able to keep her company for the "celebration" part. Her little trained prop did his antics for the camera, I do hope he is paid scale.
DeleteSo it's Brisdul who has no friends!
Seems about right.
Are they too tight to hire "friends" to act like they are having fun at the "party"? Tripp doesn't get paid for performing in Arizona. They are on the bribe system. I think Bristol wrote about it in a letter.
DeleteBristol claimed that Tripp made the entire surprise birthday party for her. No boy would buy pink and purple decorations. Fake fake fake.
DeleteThat is the biggest 4-year-old on the least 6, to my eyes.
ReplyDeleteThe thing that will bite them in the ass is that the older he gets, the harder it will be to pretend. If he's actually 8 and they're still calling him 6, it will be really obvious.
Time will tell.
Poor, poor Brisdull .... forced to live in a beautiful home adorned with chandeliers and curved staircases! Yes, her life as an unwed single mother is so typical of the average American gal. What a hypocrite ....
ReplyDelete50/50 custody should also mean that neither parent pays child support (at least that's what my experience has been).
ReplyDeleteIt also means that Bristol can't just take Tripp out of town whenever she wants and there will be a formal arrangement. That is best for Tripp.
I hope, for Tripp's sake, there is a reasonable, rational (un-bought and paid for) judge in the case.
Shared custody does usually mean no child support changes hands UNLESS the incomes show a huge disparity, which means Brisket could be the one owing support.
DeleteDo you think Bristol would submit all her grifting money and the benefits of supporting the Palin [Fraud Family] Brand?
DeleteBristol has the money for a float boat, and she still wants Levi to pay more than his share.
DeleteIt's rather unprofessional of Bristol's lawyer to complain about how much Levi owes in back child support because support money has NOTHING to do with visitation! Putting that out there implies that Levi doesn't deserve to see his son because he is a "deadbeat dad." I will tell you from experience on both sides, the Family and Probate court system in this country is completely skewed toward women and men get treated like money mills. It's disgusting and NOT in the best interest of the child. It's especially sickening when good father's have to put up with money hungry, vindictive bitches who don't care how their behavior will affect their child.
ReplyDeleteMy husband hasn't heard from his soon to be 22 year old son for two years now because we fought to end a crippling child support payment. How is it fair to make a father pay so much support that we had to use the food bank and many nights my 12 year old child only had pasta for dinner?? Our state enforced him to pay for full time college, room and board etc. As his ex said "so he can have the college experience." The thing is neither of them went to college and if the marriage had remained intact? I think his college experience would have been commuting from home to community college or trade school. When I found out after one semester he had quit the state school and was living at home commuting to community college I insisted on seeing his grades and that he be matriculating etc. and the judge never enforced any of it. Then we found out he was no longer even living at home! So we were finally able to have it terminated after his 21st birthday. Sadly, his mom must have said things to him to alienate him from his Dad because he won't talk to him now. Hopefully, he will come around.
I apologize if I sound too bitter it's just a shame that this kind of thing happens so often. I shot a video short for F4J about unfair punitive child support payments on men. Sad. I would love to show it BTW but sadly one of my main interviewees was accused of molesting his daughter (don't know if it's true or not) so I shelved the project.
Sorry...but you do sound bitter. Your husband had a child when he decided to have another one. That does not lessen his responsibility to his first child. BUT....child support can not and should not be tied into visitation. Your step-son is old enough to judge his father and decide if he wants to see him or not. He's almost 22? He's making his own decisions.
DeleteFrom 6:45 AM above -- THANK you.
DeleteJust so our regular IM readers know, F4J stands for Fathers for Justice, which is a particularly virulent father's rights group. It is known for its use of intimidation and terrorist tactics against mothers and family courts. The Southern Poverty Law Center has named Mens Rights Activist groups like these as hate groups. F4J spreads misogynist lies about women specifically and in general. You can see an example of this misogyny within this second wife's post. It is particularly telling that she mentions a member being accused of child molestation. There are a number of news stories out there about documented abusers membership in these types of groups harassing their ex wives for custody of the children they have abused with claims of parental alienation. It is also telling that this second wife is surprised that the son doesn't want contact with a father who cut off support in the middle of his college education. Thanks dad.
DeleteHello, I am @ 8:27 and as I mentioned above I have been on BOTH sides of the CS scenario. What I posted is not even a sliver of the whole story so as much as you want to criticize, it doesn't help to be so dismissive unless you have personally dealt with the family and probate court.
DeleteFirst let me be clear. He was NOT attending college full time or living at home and WE were the ones who had to supply the burden of proof. How is that justified? Also, I raised my step-son until he was 12 (because his mother was a drug addict) with NO child support from her. When we took her to court for a "token" payment of $25 a week we were rebuffed by the judge because she was "volunteering" and didn't have a job. If a man showed up in court and told the judge he didn't work because he was a volunteer what do you think the answer to that question would be? Hmmm???
I also was a single mother for 10 years, worked my way through college with two kids. Luckily my ex and I were always able to work out what was fair without any court order whatsoever.
My two kids are both professionals with car payments and a nice place to live. My stepson is back at home with his mom (he lived with his girlfriends family for the past three years). He smokes pot (talks about it on facebook, not smart thing to do) and is cleaning carpets for a living. Yes I'm bitter because he is a smart, musically talented young man who I encouraged to go to Berklee College of Music (and we would have tried our best to help paid for that gladly!!) but we lost custody because his mother cleaned up her act and the way I see it, wanted child support money more than her child. There was no way we could afford a custody battle and honestly since we had allowed her visitation (I advocated for that when everyone else was going to cut her off) he knew her as his Mom and I didn't want to come between that relationship.
The point is, in our state we were forced to pay for college when the custodial parent did not do her due diligence and even apply for FAFSA. Enrolled him in an expensive school and then deceived us about his living circumstances, his grades and the fact that he was not matriculating just taking classes here and there in order to keep getting the money!
As far as F4J goes. The men I met were an assortment of people from biker types to super smart businessmen and lawyers. It's been a few years now since I worked with the group. The worst thing they did was show up at certain members hearings wearing shirts and holding signs. Hardly intimidating.
Convincing your child the other parent doesn't care about you is called "Parental Alienation" and it is morally and legally wrong.
Hey @9:56.
"It is also telling that this second wife is surprised that the son doesn't want contact with a father who cut off support in the middle of his college education. Thanks dad." He wasn't in the middle of ANY college education. He was living with his girlfriend and working, but his mother continued to collect money, money I'm sure wasn't used on him since he was living in a whole other town under a different roof and working. The courts stink and there needs to be more oversight when it comes to CS payments. Too many people assume that the system is fair but it is not, so good luck to Levi he's going to need it. The judge won't care that he has a family and Bristol can out right lie, lie, lie and no one will hold her accountable.
There are some interesting, if horrifying, things going on with Bristol Palin and how she lives her life. In the Arizona mansion and in her VERY expensive house on the lake (seen in the Wife Swap show) and also in the shots in the Palin Hockey Rink Materials "home," it appears to me that Bristol wants to live in some fantasy stage set that has marble counters, marble floors, oversized but always new furniture and generic "decorator accents".
ReplyDeleteThe visual and emotional consequences of her aesthetic choices are that her "homes" appear like hotels or wedding receptions: slick, "contemporary," cold, with a facade of "luxury."
It's as if she's trying to live all the time in that Harper's Bazaar tea party shoot. The one where she and Willow were tricked out in gowns and jewelry that cost up to $15,000 each (!) with party favors and designer baked goods around her.
It's such an artificial life, and completely out or reach for any of us who support ourselves, work full time, and buy what we need and can afford.
Bristol is not grounded. She only values the superficial. She lives in a construction, a stage set, an artifice of lies whose only function is to generate Facebook photos.
It's also easy decor for a family that has no taste whatsoever and no imagination. Just get it from a box, just like their dinner.
DeleteLike mother like daughter.
DeleteLiz I.8:39 AM
DeleteHow true. She also does the other propaganda when they play last frontier hunters and rugged fishing queens
So true, Liz!
DeleteAdd the things she spends money on right after getting her check for a "Gig". House across the lake from mom, fake chin and lipo, sports car, and a pontoon boat to get to mom's house quicker.
She lives for today and thinks material things bring "class" or "standing" with people her age. A real single mother would sacrifice everything to ensure their child will be ok.
OT: Gryphen, have you seen this? The FEC sent Palin's PAC a letter demanding an explanation regarding money from the NRA not disclosed by her.
ReplyDeleteFascinating, unfortunately this is around the 10th letter the FEC has sent Sarah Pac in the last 4 years. Good O' Timmy seems to make the problem disappear. Maybe because the NRA is named it will have a bit more teeth.
DeleteGood one! Thanks! knew that bitch being paid by NRA! Now if we can only find the Kocksucker $$ being paid to her!
DeleteWell Well Well, the NRA! Like none of us didn't know she's their little whore.
DeleteThe NRA would just be the tip of an iceberg. Can you imagine they many scandalous ways they can launder money to pay off people and get the Palins funds to spread her spew?
DeleteThat speaks to what a sloppy staff Sarah has. Those massive consultants' fees don't seem to be paying for a professional staff. Does she even have a staff?
DeleteNOW you're getting warm, 12:20 PM!
DeleteTheir son always looks like such a brat and weird when in photos w/his mother, but so calm when in photos w/his father. An obvious difference! It is apparent to me that that child needs more time w/his father and his family members! I think that would be the better environment for him!
ReplyDeleteHis act with his mother is horrible and that shows in the set ups they do. A natural happy child comes out with his father and the Johnston family.
DeleteMost of his time has been with the damaged dysfunctional Palins. He has been subjected to that for many years, I hope he can be alright.
The TMZ article is a little confusing. In one place it says he wants 50/50 custody, yet in another he says every other weekend. There is no evidence to suggest that shuttling a child between two warring homes a week at a time is healthy. In fact, there is research that shows shared custody in that situation is the one in which the child fares worst. Every other weekend would be far better, and would allow the child one stable home and fun weekends with dad.
ReplyDeleteI'd have to argue for a stable life with Levi and Sunny and "fun" (translate: no discipline) weekends with Bristol.
Deletepimping the kid on reality tv shows is hardly a "stable home"
DeleteBS, you aren't touting any real studies because they say having 2 involved parents in a child's life is the very best situation for the child. As for any nastiness, you are correct, Bristol should grow the Shared custody is what is best for the child, especially when the second home can provide some structure.
DeleteExcuse me, but every other weekend is the short end of the custody stick. 50/50 usually means a week with mom, a week with dad. There's as much stability as there can be when the mother is always complaining about the father. Two weekends a month are not 50/50. They are a mere token. If Bristol wants 2 weekends a week of Levi, his child support should be cut back proportionately.
DeleteGlad you don't have any kids.
DeleteI thought the TMZ guy was a lawyer. He doesn't have his staff read the court docs they write about? Or do the documents name Tripp Johnston as Tripp Palin. No one is going to correct that mistake? That is horrible, it is sloppy and just wrong of TMZ. Bad parents won't do anything for the boy, that is a given.
DeleteI've got tons of research supporting my assertions. I really don't feel like giving you a foot-noted research paper in this blog post. The assertion that an every other weekend schedule is getting the short end of the stick reflects a parent speaking from their needs, not the child's needs. I never said which parent I felt was the better parent.
DeleteLooks to me like Levi and Sunny have the stable household. They're married with a child, and for the most part living vibrant, nonjudgmental lives away from reality show hell, and anything to do with Sarah Palin's family and the company they keep.
DeleteWe;ve seen trial daddies scaring the crap out of Tripp with stories of wild wolves and bears chasing him in an effort to get him to sleep and spend some "adult time" with Tripp's mom.
It doesn't say every other weekend - it's asking for every other week.
DeleteSarah speaks:
ReplyDeleteY'all know I love to stir up my people. I like to do it all subtle-like, but boy do I know how to push their buttons. Just mentioning Obama, religion, and Iran (or any Muslim country, you know the kind, the ones with dark people) at the same time and my followers are guaranteed to flip out. I didn't even have to fall back on that lazy trick of calling him "Barack HUSSEIN Obama"! They know what I mean.
I also love making the president look bad by asking him to do something that I know he won't do. It's like a win-win for me! I get to look like the nice person, because I'm the one asking for help and justice and all that holy stuff. And Obama looks bad because he refuses to help the person (I guess he's busy running the country or something, LOL I DUNNO), and it's just one more thing he doesn't do. Along with all that other hope-y, change-y stuff he didn't do!
With Christmas coming up, I have been pivoting to reposition myself as a religious leader. Have you noticed? It's been pretty subtle, but it started with my book about the War on Christmas and how we should all be more loudly Christian. Now that I'm promoting it, I'm at full steam on this Jesus thing.
Also, someone pointed out to me that you don't have to keep running for office if you're a religious leader. You just, like, ARE. And all you have to do is go on television! I can go on television! I love to go on television! I hate actually doing stuff and making plans and sitting in meetings, but I love to go on television.
So the thing this week is all about a U. S. Citizen (I like to capitalize "Citizen" it makes it sound more important) who is being held in an Iranian prison, and who will probably get the death sentence. Well I mean, Bristol is the one who wrote the article, but I'm kind of piggybacking on it. She's basically my sock puppet. (Don't tell Bristol I said that LOL.)
Pastor Saeed got eight years in prison just for being a Christian. Isn't that scary? And I'll tell you, that's the way things are going to be in America in a few years if we Christians don't take back our right to religiously freedom! Read my book and I'll tell ya all about it. Buy it, read it, love it!
O/T, but just WOW!
I think I finally figured it out. Ever notice any pictures of the boy and his mother ...... she is always holding him or leaning over? I bet it is an effort to hide the boy's height. He is 4 years old like I'm the pres. of the USA.
ReplyDeleteTripp and his cute little tattoos. He is following Uncle Track and the Needy. Do they also live in Arizona at the Scottsdale compound?
ReplyDeleteO/kindaT....hey Baldy or whoever is on IM duty today! Ya might want to clean up some comments on your Fecesbook page! This comment was posted under that bikini picture of Piper and Wallow...
ReplyDelete"Dale Dillon Wow now thats some sexy women love to have both of them in my bed
October 20 at 9:20am"
PS...old nasty goat "Dale" bares a striking resemblance to Baldy's number one fan...MJ Horny Old Goat...just sayin! LOL!!
Speaking of Baldy and feces....she just posted this picture of herself with "Tan Mom's Mom" and a dog on her Fakebook page!
OK but which is which?
DeleteOh dog!
DeleteYou can tell that pic has been altered to make HER look taller and the other girls look funny. Check out the Big ass bus in the background...ALL Aboard the Grifter tour!
Must be Track's wedding reception. Sarahs got her "Mother of the Groom" outfit on!
DeleteHas anyone see this Palin Christmas board on NYmagazine?
She would do herself a favor not to open her pie hole.
DeleteThe only thing worse than reading Sarah Palin's "words" is hearing her read them.
DeleteHere's a funny line from the article...
DeleteDaily Intelligencer purchased the Palin-narrated audiobook from a local bookstore, where it was on sale early, and listened to all four-and-a-half hours, which is technically not a violation of the Geneva Convention if you're getting paid to do it, New York's legal team insists.
I clicked on some of the audio and OMG it's CRAZY, of course her voice would make anyone lose their mind.
Hahaha!!!! I clicked on the star on top of the xmas tree and this is what she says:
Delete"An angry atheist with a lawyer is one of the most powerful persons in America."
What a ridiculous thing to say!!
Visitation and Child Support should be two different issues. If Levi owes 66 grand (which I find hard to believe, since Bristol's made more that that per annum from pimping Tripp every chance she gets), She should be grateful her son's father wants him in his life, instead she spews ignorance because she's still carrying a torch for Levi.
ReplyDeleteLooking at Sunny, I can see why Bristol's so nasty.
Levi should have listened to uncle Griff and others years ago when he hired tweedle dee and tweedle dumb to represent him. Good Luck for your son's sake, Levi.
Bingo! Old Brisket is stark raving mad because Levi moved on and she can't find anyone to put up with her crap like he did.
DeleteHere we go again! How many times has Levi yelled -- "I can't see my kid!" Phony papers are filed but nobody ever goes to court and all of a sudden --"he can see his kid again."
ReplyDeleteIn the State of Alaska, married or not, he is entitled to 50% custody. I don't care who his "supposed" in-laws are or how many crooked judges are around, that is the law. Period! Plus, Bristol cannot take Tripp out-of-state without Levi's permission. I think the airlines require a letter from the other parent to do so.
Of course, this is all dependent on Levi being the father of Tripp. I've never, ever, found any evidence he is. All these comments being made like he is and nobody knows for sure.
BTW, what great timing for Levi to do this. Sarah's book is coming out and she needs all the publicity she can get. She tells Levi to jump... and he says..."how high?"
There is no presumption in Alaska law for 50/50 physical custody. There is a presumption for joint legal custody. The two are not the same.
Deleteyep, unfortunately, I too, have always suspected levi is nothing more than a paid bit player in sarah's ruse on the country...bunch of trashy folks becoming millionaires off their drama.