Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Sarah Palin NEEDS you to believe that she still lives in Alaska. I mean seriously people!

Todd and Trig, well at least we know THEY live in Alaska.
Courtesy of Arizona's own political pole dancer's Facebook page:


Thanksgiving offers us invaluable time to spend with our family (So your finally going to spend time with them? Does Trig even know who you are anymore?) and reflect on our many blessings. In 1789, George Washington declared a day of national Thanksgiving for our new country to render unto God our "sincere and humble thanks for His kind care and protection." 

But even before that first proclamation from a new nation, pioneers across America celebrated Thanksgiving as a time to give praise to God for full harvests and Divine Providence. (Holy crap, not only does she want to make sure that only Christians celebrate Christmas, now she wants to take Thanksgiving away from us as well!)

And indeed, America has been richly blessed. From coast to coast, we enjoy an abundance of natural resources, plentiful harvests, beautiful cities and our most precious gift of all—a people who value liberty and continue to stand as an example to the world of all that can be accomplished by a free and hard-working people. (So it's NOT about turkey, stuffing, and football?)

This Thanksgiving, join me in a moment of prayer to give thanks for the thousands of American men and women in our armed forces who will spend Thanksgiving away from their homes and families, facing danger overseas to protect our way of life. 

When we sit down to enjoy a family meal on Thursday, I will give thanks to God for the blessing of a strong and diverse family life that has taught me so much about loyalty, selflessness, and compassion. I will pray for God's continued blessings on my family, and on yours, and on this great nation of ours. (Yep gotta pimp that Christian cred, after all she has a book to sell.)

From my family to yours, God bless you and Happy Thanksgiving! 

With an Alaskan heart, Sarah Palin

 Look she signed it with "an Alaskan heart" so doesn't THAT prove she is still an Alaskan resident?

I mean what more does she have to do, move to Alaska?

Palin also posted this video on her ghostwritten post, which I THINK was supposed to demonstrate how much people sill love her, but which to me simply showed a woman who appears sickly, undernourished, and desperate for attention.

P.S. By the way if you want to read a rather different, more accurate,  take on the Thanksgiving story, from a couple of teachers, just click here.


  1. Anonymous9:35 AM

    LOL!! Smart Wig from Sony. Get a truckload of them Sarah!

  2. lostinmn9:49 AM

    And in a timely manner HP has posted the great turkey slaughter video with Sara just to get us in the mood for Thanksgiving.

    1. Crystal Sage10:44 AM

      I came here to report that as well! Loved the accompanying article about Ms. Clueless as well. We Will Never Forget.

    2. Anonymous12:15 PM

      I just saw the turkey story and video again. It will live on forever more than any other of remarks as a holiday reminder!

    3. Anonymous12:38 PM

      I will view the video tomorrow and then some Arlo Guthrie will be played immediately following. A new tradition.

    4. Saw Arlo in concert in Boston in 1967 singing his new song, Alice's Restaurant!

  3. Anonymous9:50 AM

    It's obvious than when you first reported their divorce story years ago, and she responded with "Have you seen Todd?" - it meant she couldn't find him and was looking for him.

  4. LoveAndKnishesFromBrooklyn9:53 AM

    No matter what you say, Sarah, it ain't Thanksgiving until the live turkey hits the bee-headin' machine!

    BTW, Wasilla's ex-Mayor's Ford Expedition up to $10,300 on ebay with 14 hours to go...Bri'sAnus? Unemployed Petey? The "Gentleman" from VA? RAM? The IRS? Oh, the suspense...

  5. Oh, fuck that jackassy stupid-ass "with an Alaskan heart" phrase that she likes to throw around.

    Of all the faux-meaningful folksily cloying syrup-smeared prattlings slopped onto the page, that has to be the stupidest.

    Sincerely, with a Michigan heart.

    1. Anonymous10:27 AM

      More like an Alaskan fart.

    2. hedgewytch10:45 AM

      Exactly - WTF does that even mean??? "Alaskan heart" - that her heart can be very cold, dangerous and inhospitable?

      An "Alaskan Heart" to me means the person who comes to your aid, no matter the inconvenience to themselves, or your differences, when you need them, and reciprocating when they need you. It means respecting others space, the challenges that Alaska offers to those who live here year around and the Alaskan hospitality that makes sure you are warm, dry and fed no matter what your make, model or creed is. And that ALASKAN HEART is one that is very much missing in Mrs. Sarah Palin's chest.

    3. Anonymous11:30 AM

      A person with ANY kind of heart whatsoever would welcome the ACA. I hope it morphs into single payer. My relatives in the UK really love their National Health Service. The lies about long waits for surgeries, or even visits are just that - LIES. Does not happen. We need what other civilized countries have - afordable health care. From my British/Illinois heart.

    4. Anonymous11:32 AM

      Mrs. Palin's Alaskan Heart is frozen.

    5. Anonymous12:18 PM

      Look at her skinny shoulder bones as she reaches out her claws to shake hands!
      $arah is looking horribly thin and unhealthy.

    6. Anonymous4:57 PM

      Nefer, you're SO classy. Not.

  6. Anonymous9:57 AM

    I see she strapped on the Belmonts. Wonder if the military got a photo discount from the $25 she's been charging? Also noticed how she looks like she has never held an infant before in that one shot..she looked like she was afraid of the child. I am really sorry there are so many delusional folks out there who think she cares about them.

  7. Anonymous10:02 AM

    "She has a son in the military" says one of her fans in the video. That about sums up how much these people really know about Sarah Palin.

    1. Anonymous1:29 PM

      "She has a son in the military" She and Todd have invited troubled soldiers to live with them and they take care of them. She is cooking dinner for them and they are welcomed to the table and giving thanks with Sarah and Todd will empower them.

    2. Anonymous2:18 PM

      I want some of what you've been smoking, 1:29.

    3. 1:29 has to be a spoof - if Sarah did any of that she would be chirping it from the tree tops - but reality - has Sarah cooked anything other than cookies for anyone over the past 5 years?

  8. Anonymous10:02 AM

    I FUCKING HATE SARAH PALIN, and hate more that those people in uniform are supporting the dingbat! why are are they so stupid?

    1. Anonymous10:57 AM

      You and me both. TRUST me, the goods are coming out sooner than later on this harridan and I, for one, am going to enjoy every bit of it.

    2. Anonymous4:58 PM

      You're a sad, hateful person. I feel for you. Life is beautiful

  9. Anonymous10:04 AM

    No rope line - just a roped off area. More gawkers than fans.

    No more book deals for Sarah.

  10. Well, at least it looks like Trig has one parent who loves him.

    1. Anonymous11:34 AM

      That was a really nice sweet picture of Todd and TRig. It is sad we never see Mrs. Palin in a genuine loving embrace with her "son."

    2. Anonymous12:11 PM

      The pimp does take better pictures with the "son". Todd may be more polite and kind to their prop. He may even have warmer feelings and be more fun. If Todd was an honest man and could face "Boys will be Boys" and defend himself. Or be truthful about what he did and his work, then I would be more inclined to see a loving father. Anyone that believes Sarah did not give birth to Trig would also think that Todd is in on that fraud.

      I just don't get how the love from a guardian or parent who is living lies has much of value for any family member. Sad that vulnerable children love the most egregious abusive parents and can take nice pictures with them. Many people are able to put on a front and look very socially acceptable and are photographic.

    3. Anonymous4:58 PM

      Lynne, there's no need to be nasty. Grow up.

    4. Anonymous5:11 PM

      I have always believed that Todd is his Dad, no matter who the Mom is.

    5. Anonymous7:06 PM


      Trig looks just like Levi.

      It's not difficult to love a child -especially a DS child.
      They only want to love and hug others.

      Sarah Palin hates the child bc she is a truly sick person -raised by sick people- who view those weaker than them as prey, to be used and abused.

  11. Anonymous10:08 AM

    There's a sucker born every minute. I bet there will be a lot of buyer's remorse when those people realize the book actually has nothing to do with Christmas and everything to do with making Sarah Palin some money. They deserve exactly what they get.

  12. Anonymous10:10 AM

    "with a (marinated) artichoke heart"

    1. Anonymous10:36 AM

      "and a pickled brain."

    2. Anonymous10:39 AM

      This is so silly it really made me giggle!

    3. Anonymous10:40 AM

      arti-choke that heart

  13. Anonymous10:10 AM

    More babbling bs from the professional beauty pageant politician

  14. Anonymous10:13 AM

    Keep that witch in the news!

    The 2014 mid-terms are coming around the corner.

    The hard right underestimates the power of the internet. They can throw a million blankets of lies over the country but...

    ...So long as men can breath and eyes can see, Sarah Palin's visage will be resurrected.

    And Glen Rice will continue to dumbfound the prayer warriors.

  15. Anonymous10:18 AM

    What a pathetic cow!
    signed, an Arizonan Heart

  16. Anonymous10:20 AM

    Oh, my goodness. Once you subtract the ginormous rack, and consider that the "camera adds ten pounds", she's really in trouble.

    Most likely, also, too, everyone else in the video were paid actors (possibly from Maryland-?).

    Wild Tortoise

    1. Anonymous11:44 AM

      I seriously doubt those young children of color were there to buy Mrs. Palin's book.

    2. Anonymous12:46 PM

      Yes, what struck me is that if she didn't have the wig, Belmonts, and fake tan, she would look like a cancer patient. How sad that her family, who must know how thin and unhealthy she is, cleans her up, plops the wig on, straps on the Belmonts, and trots her out to gladhand so the family money-maker keeps on making money.

    3. Anonymous2:07 PM

      "What's in it for them!"
      They'll get money by staying on her gravy train, or by telling all the secrets once she's gone to meet her maker (and has good explanations to him for her vile, mean behavior).

    4. Anonymous1:04 PM

      Tits on a Stick, her new name

  17. Anonymous10:21 AM

    "has taught me so much about loyalty, selflessness, and compassion."

    Clearly flunked all of those lessons. Grade: F-

  18. Anonymous10:23 AM

    Sarah's thankful "for the blessing of a strong and diverse family life that has taught me so much about loyalty, selflessness, and compassion". Haha, Sarah is selfless and compassionate?

    Strong? Diverse? Well, okay, I'll give her the diverse family:
    Todd - when he was a senior in HS, along w/ two friends beat up a black child 3 years younger than they were
    Todd - a pimp
    Track - Oxycontin addict who slashed the fuel lines and tires of 53 or 54 school buses
    Bristol - teen drop-out with at least 1 (admitted) child but never married. 2 appearances of DWTS, where she dry-humped her partner on national TV; recurring mono.
    Willow - in drunken/doped up party, broke into and trashed the house of "friends" of her parents. Also a drop-out but a graduate of hair school.
    Piper - well, she's still young
    Tri-G - named after Trisomy G (Downs Syndrome) and sadly neglected by his make-believe mother
    Chuckie, Jr., Sarah's brother - while married to one woman, knocked up a much younger teacher or teacher's aide, then married her.
    Diana, Todd's sister - broke into a Wasilla home to rob it while her 4 year old daughter was left in the waiting car.

    Yeah, I'd say her family is diverse with at least a few who are perverse. Also, too.

    Happy Thanksgiving and Happy Holidays, with a beating heart.

    1. Anonymous12:03 PM

      Great Family list there. We never did learn why Chuck Heath Sr. was listed in another woman's obituary as her adopted son.,235896 He is listed as the adopted son of Dorothy Mooney. When she died, Chuck was already living in Wasilla. The obituary comes from Spokesman Review, Spokane, WA, Feb.11, 1992

    2. Super Fan In Atlanta2:47 PM

      Ahhh....a new nugget. Never heard that before. My precious!

    3. Anonymous3:22 PM

      According to Geoffrey Dunn, Heath essentially ran away from home during his teen years and was "informally adopted" by the Mooneys. Chuckie's father is described as an itinerant sports photographer; mother Nellie was a devout Christian Scientist. Sounds like they were every bit as competent as parents as Sarah & Toad.

    4. Hmmm, I can't find that obit for Dorothy Mooney. I was married to a Mooney from Spokane and lived their for a while. It would be interesting to see who the survivors are.

    5. Anonymous4:59 PM

      grow up

    6. Anonymous4:59 PM

      Why are you slandering? GEt a life

    7. Anonymous5:04 PM

      I put this in "adopted son of Dorothy Mooney" and this came up from the Spokesman-Review,235885

    8. Anonymous5:39 PM

      Here is more on -adoption-

    9. Thanks Anonymous5:04 PM, she was in Sandpoint which is close to Spokane, but I don't recognize any of the names. Darn, I was hoping I could do some research.

  19. No one at her age can have legs that thin without having something seriously medically wrong with them. In Sarah's case there is no doubt in my mind she is anorexic. We heard from Levi how she would go into her room with a bag of Taco Bell and not come out for hours, and from what they said about her eating habits during her campaign. Along with that also has to be another serious mental problem such as poor self esteem. Her new found popularity with her fans must give her a lift from her problems and artificially inflate her self awareness.

    1. Anonymous11:15 AM

      seriously, skank REALLY needs to loose another 40 lbs - she's lookin' waaay chunky to me

    2. Anonymous11:30 AM

      What 'new found' popularity? I've not noticed it. She seems to have been continually slammed in everything I read. Yes, she's been on TV for interviews, but the commentary afterwards was majority negative as to her and the book.

    3. Anonymous11:39 AM

      Only her head is overweight. It is huge. Seems to run in the family. No brains, just humongous heads.

    4. Anonymous11:54 AM

      11:15 Is there a method to your thoughts? Like her demise when shedding another 40 lbs.? She looks horrible - very unhealthy - her body is getting her, no doubt about it. Hasn't had a proper diet in years - broken bones are coming or a dreaded disease that she will not be able to fight off.

    5. Anonymous12:14 PM

      11:39 AM

      I agree. She could easily lose that extra 40 lbs.

    6. Anonymous12:23 PM


      yer startin' to 'get it'

    7. "...and artificially inflate her self awareness."

      All she has to do is look down for that. Her self awarenesses are pushed up and supported by a very clever invention, the Wonderbra.

  20. Anonymous10:30 AM

    pathetic meaning wretched!
    signed with an Arizonan Heart

  21. Anonymous10:31 AM

    Thanks for the great video.
    Sarah at her best

  22. Anonymous10:40 AM

    What a "cunning stunt."
    Signed with an Oregonian heart.......

  23. Anonymous10:43 AM

    Happy thanksgiving!
    signed, a Minnesota Heart

  24. Anonymous10:43 AM

    Too bad Sarah generalizes so much. She says, "Thanksgiving offers us invaluable time to spend with our family and reflect on our many blessings". - Yes, that's fine for the majority, and it's true. But, as a person that tries to be the great example of perfect living, she omits those people, who don't have family, or don't have many blessings, or don't have anywhere to go for Thanksgiving. Sarah's world centers around those with a great support system and those with money and prosperity.

    Sarah doesn't mention those who might be veterans, home, disabled and don't have family. There are veterans in the country, that don't have healthy functional families to celebrate with. There a lot of hurt and pain out there. Some people can't just hop on a plane and pay for airfare like she can. They have to save every penny and then some to make a trip to see loved ones, if they have any.

    I can't take her commenting on holidays like these, as she sounds like a girl who loves to talk about how everything is wonderful and happy and my this and my that.

    I know she's faking it, but even her bots must find her utterances to sound like fantasy-land. Oh, we're going merrily along, me and my great family/Sarah. Send money.

    1. Anonymous11:28 AM

      Wonder how many veterans she has invited to her home for Thanksgiving dinner? You know, someone who doesn't have family perhaps? Wonder if, at least, Track will be there?

    2. Anonymous12:32 PM

      Sarah and Todd are caring for the boys that live with Track and they will be invited to the table for the gathering and all the good eats. That is what the season is about.

      I for one am looking forward to her showing her magnanimous heart when she shares this wonderful season in her albums to her fans. You will see all the family, friends and needy that gather around the Palins.

      Sarah's decor is not what is so important but it will be terrific to see how much energy she put into getting that final touch done just right. Like all the Palin fans, I am dreaming and looking so forward to the many photos she and her family will share.

      Bristol will also post her albums with her cute boy. If Shealah Craighead Photography isn't doing and selling this session there are many pros in Alaska that can do a fabulous job and capture the family in the way that book buyers and fans want to see. People are sick of empty talk, we want to see the real family and not merely a commercial machine.

    3. Anonymous1:30 PM

      "I am dreaming - - - " - sounds sick! Sorry, but who would ever 'dream' about seeing photos of the Palin klan! Most of us are only interested to see what lies and crap she is pulling about the event! Because that is ALWAYS what happens when Sarah Palin announces something beforehand!

    4. Anonymous3:13 PM

      Ye of little faith. There are many, many, many, many devoted Sarah loyal fans who do nothing but hang on to her every word and feel anointed when Sarah, Chuck or Bristol bless them with the wonderful family photos. Sarah knows it! She would be cruel to short change the most loyal but poor of her flock and put on another bunch of sad undecorated dinner time photos. For Pete's sake she is selling a book because of who she is and what she does. She is selling Christmas and war, she is taking time off work to cook a turkey in Alaska, it would be the dumbest marketing ever to not have any back up about her product. Also, too, it is a time for giving and she will be wonderful if she gives her fans what they want. She will share with the photo albums as Bristol and Chuck will also. The next month will be a treasure trove of Heath and Palin good tidings and joy as seen in family photos.

      If she fails she will be the ugliest scrooge ever!

    5. Anonymous4:24 PM

      Track is her first son and her hero. Track will be with his daughter, parents and family at the Thanksgiving table. Do you think he is going to miss seeing his Mom for the first time carve a turkey? The woman is soon to be 50 and carving her first turkey, who would miss that?

      Have you seen Todd/? How are his carving skills? Is he repairing another roof?

    6. Anonymous5:01 PM

      Whats the point in your lies?

    7. Anonymous5:59 PM

      Exactly how many troubled boys are living with Track? Do they all have tattooed warrior bodies? Ask Sarah.

    8. Anonymous6:40 PM

      repairing another roof

      Is that code for going to his remote love nest?

    9. Anonymous8:30 PM

      Their brand is that they are a close traditional loving family. Sarah is in charge of the turkey this year. Track and every one will be there.

      How can she not have the pals of Track at the dinner she is preparing? They live with her, on her property.

  25. Anonymous10:54 AM

    "Selflessness"? Seriously, does that bitch even know what that word means? I think she meant to say, "selfishness".

  26. Anonymous10:56 AM

    The photo with Trig is the same as August 26, the first day of school. Another FB post. How does that prove Sarah is in Alaska? She also posted another on Todd's skidoo which looks as if it could be recent, but how does anyone know?

    1. Anonymous11:48 AM

      We don't know, of course. Mrs. Palin counts on that.

    2. Anonymous11:57 AM

      Check back to Bristol's blog from April and you'll see the matching photos. Trig is wearing the same green jacket.
      The title is Fun at the Cabin, Easter 2013. Click through all five photos.

      Just because Sarah post a photo of herself on a snow mobile with Trig and snow doesn't mean that she is in Alaska now. We don't know where she is, but Arizona is a better bet than The Cabin.

    3. Anonymous2:58 PM

      Sarah is cooking a turkey this year (according to her Facebook spew). She is doing research (she didn't mention Track and she might be doing that on her own).

      You know if she is doing all that prep and putting on a spread that there will be photos. It is an opportunity for her to show her stuff and give her fans a treat and the proof of how traditional she is.

  27. Anonymous10:59 AM

    Gryphen, please, in honor of Sarah and Thanksgiving, please add the YouTube video of Sarah Palin blabbering to a TV camera with the bloody turkey slaughter going on in the background. Please, please please! And, Happy Thanksgiving!

    1. Anonymous11:42 AM

      It was reported at the time that the reporter asked her if she wanted to move, away from that gruesome spectacle. She said she wanted to stay right there. Maybe it was a message? Anyone crosses me, well, look at that turkey!! I think even that early, we saw the REAL $carah.

  28. Anonymous11:02 AM

    Wow, those Thanksgiving stories really bring a new twist to the whole affair. It's incredible that the Puritans and Pilgrims are romanticized and we forget about the fact that Native Indians were sold into slavery.

    That in itself gives one much to reflect on. Divine Providence won't happen when people butcher each other and treat people like animals. The opportunities that capitalism brings has nothing to do with God. It's all man-made and I can't see how someone can look at any historic colonialization as God-ordained. Certainly not Christ Jesus ordained.

    1. Anonymous11:52 AM

      The British used to excuse slavery because those Africans being sold into slavery were not Christians. That must have their attitude about the Native Americans, too. Worse, the Spanish tried to convert them and enslave them-- those who survived. Because the germs from Europe wiped out large populations of native people. And, then everybody took their land.

  29. Anonymous11:03 AM

    The Jeans!!! People trying to shake hands and grasping her closed fists. The little stocking stuffer book did make the New York Times best seller list (which was highlighted on this video: but that figure is based on books that are purchased from distributors by the bookstores and not a true reflection of customer demand. The book is really small and light weight and really deceptive in the amount of hate it contains for her fellow Americans that have a different world view.

    As a humanist, I would like an apology for the misinformation she is fermenting about non-believers and their motivations.

    With a warm humanist heart and best wishes because we are all in this together,

    RJ in Brownbackistan

    1. Anonymous11:47 AM

      Best wishes RJ.

    2. Anonymous11:50 AM

      Happy Holidays to you, too, RJ, and it's meant in the most sincere way, they are Happy Holy Days.

    3. Anonymous12:31 PM

      I am with you RJ..

    4. Anonymous4:16 PM

      +++++ RJ ....

    5. Anita Winecooler5:36 PM

      YES! She de humanizes and demonizes others to sell a book using her "christian (small c) privilege"

      Happy Thanksgiving, RJ.

  30. Anonymous11:06 AM

    She never stops peddling herself, does she? Sending an FB message about Thanksgiving and at the same time trying to cash in by selling her book. I think in Sarah's mind, everyone has cash coming out their ears, all ready to lay it down on her wonderful words of wisdom. She thinks she's an inspiration.

    Please please, when is she going to be exposed for the fraud she is?

  31. Anonymous11:08 AM

    If you watch to the very end, it says "Now a New York Times Bestseller." So, I went to the NYT and in fact, it is listed in hardcover fiction at #9. And at Amazon it is #3 under Christmas books. Someone recently made a big purchase.

    1. I did not see Good Tidings and Great Joy listed under "Hardcover Nonfiction" but it is listed as #13 under "Combined Print & E-Book Nonfiction". It's a puzzle to me how it ranks that high since currently it is #278 for hardcover sales and #3095 for eBook sales (Kindle).

    2. Anonymous11:48 AM

      At Amazon, the book is #260 in their top 100 books. So, it's not even in the top 100 books. Please read the Wikipedia article about the New York Times Best Seller list. From the moment they started it, it was considered controversial. They record the number of books ordered from bulk purchasers and wholesalers. Then, they record the number of books sold in stores. That way, they are automatically double counting. Then, it is possible that over its lifetime, a book can sell more copies and go into extra printings which are not reflected in the weekly sales tallies of the NY Times best sellers list. Then, they have a category for hard back fiction, paper back fiction, hard back non-fiction, paper back non-fiction, so that many more books each have a chance to make it to the NY Times best sellers list.

      What are the chances of Sarah's book on Christmas selling well after December 24?

    3. Anonymous12:31 PM

      I was in Costco last week and specifically looked for Palin's new book, so that I could turn over a few of them (just had to do it!!!!) and could not find the book anywhere. This was in Anchorage, AK folks. I went around the book section three times .... wonder what the deal was?

    4. Anonymous1:20 PM

      Same here (not in AK) - not one single copy to be seen!

    5. Anonymous1:54 PM

      No where in Western Mass.

    6. Today, Amazon Best Sellers Rank: #291 in Books

    7. Anonymous6:07 PM

      Other people who have had NYT bestsellers:

      Justin Beiber
      Farah Abraham (Anal Teen Mom)

      And according to Forbes..."Here's How You Buy Your Way Onto The New York Times Bestsellers List"

  32. Without a doubt in my mind Palin is anorexic and has some serious mental problems along with it. We all heard how Levi described her going into her room for hours with a bag of Taco Bell, and of her eating habits while on her campaign. Seeing her legs in this video, the picture of her on the snow machine yesterday, and the pictures of her this past spring in LA. there should be no question. Her Belmonts are the only thing that makes her look halfway healthy, but we all know they are fake too. Palin also doesn't have the slightest notion there is even anything wrong with her. Not only is she anorexic, my guess is she also has some self esteem problems which has been a problem she has had all of her life when you hear what type of person she was in junior high and high school.

    Out of humanity despite what I think of her, I hope she finds the help she needs and very soon before she damages her body any more than she already has. I also question why her own family hasn't done more to help her. Surely they too must see what's she is doing to her body, yes?

    1. Anonymous11:45 AM

      Yeah, those blasters of hers would not stay so big given the loss of muscle and fat in her legs. They would have shrunk too, providing fat to preserve the function of that tiny brain of hers. They would actually go before her legs. But somehow they remain blasters! Hmmmmm.....

    2. Anonymous1:38 PM

      m baker

      You care about Sarah Palin more than her own mother, father, husband, sisters, brother, children. You are a great and wise human being with a big heart.

    3. Anonymous1:54 PM

      She's their gravy train. They have no incentive to make her "normal." They'll let her go on like this until she can't sustain it -- then they'll try to cash in with books about "what Sarah was really like."
      It's more lucrative for them to just let her waste away.

    4. Anonymous2:52 PM

      1:54 PM Unfortunately for Knocking-on-Deaths-Door-Palin you are right.

    5. don the bluesman3:32 PM

      Her family will ride that horse until it dies then refuse to dismount. Too much money in a dead horse too, watch out sarah, they will let you kill yourself.

    6. Anonymous3:42 PM

      When it comes to ability to help, children born to mentally ill parents learn their limitations at a young age. Not to mention, it's all they can do, and often more, to take care of themselves.
      But I wonder, also too, about those folks in high places for whom Palin has become an albatross, but who don't dare smack her down lest they alienate the Tea Party faithful too much, and/or run the risk of exposing their own very dirty laundry. Hard to see a winning end-game for them...unless she were happen to die young enough and soon enough to have hope of martyrdom, before the laundry gets aired. It's such a nifty solution, I wonder what forces might be at work behind the scenes. I certainly would not put it past 'em.

    7. Anonymous4:54 PM

      I agree with m Baker. A recent picture showed her arm and hand. It was just skin over bone. Her body is "eating" the muscle. This is really getting serious. If anyone close to her cares, she need medical care...NOW.

    8. Anonymous5:52 PM

      There is too much information on the internet about eating disorders to think that in Sarah's large family not one person has researched and learned her eating issues are fatal. They know and are intentionally putting her at risk.

      Complications of Anorexia

  33. Anonymous11:14 AM

    Sarah has a strong and diverse family? What's diverse about her family? Maybe she means that they are spread out in different places, Track is over there and we never see him or his kid (or the kid that they say is his kid). Willow and Bristol are in Arizona, maybe Sarah, too, also. Todd and Trig, maybe Piper in Alaska. Diverse really doesn't mean spread out all over the place.

    Our family IS diverse. My cousin's wife is Hispanic. Another cousin's husband is African American.In our family, there is a mixture of religions and people who are vocal about being atheists. In our family there is a gay guy and his partner, some couples who live together but don't plan to get married, one gal really doesn't want to have a family and is very vocal about it. Some in-laws are further to the right than Glenn Beck and Rush Limbaugh put together. Any discussion is answered with, "He's a crook," or "He's a Muslim," or "You know, Obama was born in Kenya, and he's a Communist, too." We have people in our family who work very hard and others think that the world owes them a living. Some are well educated, and others don't care about learning anything.

    That is an diverse family! No one in Palin's family is educated or interested in learning anything. The women all follow the same pattern, getting pregnant and then getting married. Well, two generations, by the third generation. someone kicked the potential husband out the door. If Palin is claiming that her family is diverse because it includes a child with DS, every family has someone with mental or physical handicaps. What's the big deal about that? My family includes someone with ADHD, a drug addict, an alcoholic, and a pathological liar who sees demons where there are no demons. Is Palin really saying that her family is "diverse" because Todd has a few drops of native blood in his family? Oh, please, a number of people in the US can make the same claim, and more might have a few drops of African American blood in their family, too.

    As for Sarah's Alaskan heart, what's that supposed to mean? It's dark half of the year? It's frozen like the tundra? The IM comments about her not collecting her oil money, twice now, really hit close to home. Some close that the young, immature, inarticulate troll came out to earn her consultant's pay. Sarah posted a photo of her and Trig on a snow mobile-- a photo that matches the set of photos from "A Trip to the Cabin," taken last Easter, not the other day.

    1. Anonymous11:54 AM

      Thank you, 11:14 AM!

    2. Anonymous12:39 PM

      How many families can include a pimp? I would say that is very diverse. Sarah likes to speak in code or tongues so she will not come right out and say pimp diversity. It's her fun little secret, like the Rainbow Bridge Todd is building for Alaska high end money making.

    3. Anita Winecooler5:32 PM

      Yeah, and they had to "postpone" Tracks "Wedding" cough cough cough so her friends and diverse family in the lower 48 could "make it"...... Guess she'll cancel cooking and settle for a quiznos or crunchwrap supreme.

  34. Anonymous11:17 AM

    the video - checkout those ginormous cleavageless fake titties -

    LMAO !!

  35. Anonymous11:23 AM

    How come Todd is the only one that holds that kid 'facing' him? Sarah never does - she's either behind or next to him and when he was a baby, she always held him w/his back to her body. The kid isn't hers and she has always shown that!

    She's the biggest fraud on this planet! And, hey Sarah, the majority of Alaskans could care less if you are in Alaska off and on. We'd really prefer you stayed in AZ!!!!

    1. Anonymous12:21 PM

      beings skank's crosseyed she probably sees two Trig's up close - when truth be told she can't stand him to begin with never mind two at once

  36. Anonymous11:28 AM

    There is nothing worse then the thought of Sarah Palin's voice or writings (whether it is her or a poser), especially this time of the year.

    The best of the season is family gathering together aound the feasts and festivities. As long as Sarah can function and share with her fans she may sell them more books. As forgiving as her fans are, it is hard to believe they will all want those half ass pictures she's tossed out in more recent years, where it looks like her family only bothers with paper plates and plastic utencils. This year she is saying "It's back to the kitchen for me to prep for Thanksgiving dinner; which includes determined research on how to finally, for the first time, not make a pile of mess while carving the turkey." Her fans will love the photos of that great dinner and the carving whether less messy or not. Come to think of it I don't recall that she has ever shared any sit down traditional family dinners. Perhaps I missed it. Her fans will worship her for doing a great job and sharing a special time with them.

    I noticed in the old Sarah turkey slaughter video she said she was in charge of the turkey that year. It sounds like Sarah is in charge this year and she will be carving. Track's date will be Kyla Grace. Bristol with Tripp, can Willow bring her bed warmer?

    In the above picture of Todd with the big Trig, is that the same Trig who posed with Sarah on the Ski-doo on November 25?

    1. I'll bet there's a Wasilla equivalent of Boston Market that'll provide the Thanksgiving turkey all cooked with all the fixin's so that no one has to rely on Sarah's questionable cooking skills (all she's ever bragged about cooking is moose stew, mooseburgers, and moose chili).

      Does WalMart do turkey dinner?

  37. Anonymous11:37 AM

    Think Go seriously dropped the ball on teaching her compassion.

  38. I don't think I've see a photo with $arah wearing her wedding ring in several years. Don't any of her bots notice that or am I just picky?

    1. Anonymous12:27 PM

      Mrs. Palin wore her replacement wedding ring on her interview with Wallace. Never before and not since. So why this one time?

    2. Anonymous5:31 PM

      I think she does it (as she does everything!) as an attention getter.....the ring (or lack thereof) is noted often on this blog.

  39. Anonymous11:42 AM

    You know, Thanksgiving is actually the most Pagan holiday in the calendar. Giving thanks for the harvest that will keep us alive through the winter? Totally Pagan. Co-opted by Christians, of course, but Sarah's too dense to know about any religion- including her own.


    1. Anonymous1:42 PM

      So is Christmas. Before Christ was born, agricultural societies depended on the sun to shine on their crops. As it got darker and darker towards the end of the year, they lit bonfires, candles, anything that could make a fire with hopes that the sun would get the message, imitate the light and shine more brightly. If they did this around December 21-23, it usually worked, because after that, the days got a little longer. In the spring, there was a fertility ceremony that involved the greatest fertility symbol, the egg, not to mention green plants, to insure a good crop for the coming year. If all went well, then they gave thanks, again, for the harvest in the fall. In order to have society repeat the rituals each year, the elders told wonderful stories so people would remember and keep the traditions. Most religions have taken over these pagan rituals and incorporated them in their own religious celebrations. Ask the druids about the origin of this stuff.

    2. Anonymous4:41 PM

      pagan and proud!

  40. This video is priceless; SP steals some old guy's pen to sign a different person's book.

    1. Old guys got no shame when ogling Palin - that was too funny

    2. Anonymous3:36 PM

      Now that was interesting. The big guy accompanying her says "Not him" to the guy with the pen and a photo of Sarah, yet allows her to sign the other guy's book.

      The photo looked fine to me. And since he didn't just buy the book how do they know what it had hidden in it?

      Maybe the big guy didn't like the guy with the pen?

      Noticed that they schooled her in ignoring the guy asking about Levi and Tripp.

  41. Anonymous12:02 PM

    Hell, I'd be thankful if I hosed a bunch of delusional followers / gezus freaks out of $12 million in the past 5 years and didn't have to do a damn thing.

    1. Anonymous12:35 PM

      Yup, but she's not.

    2. Anonymous1:16 PM

      Not thankfu, 12:35 PM? Of course not. She wanted twice that.

  42. Anonymous12:26 PM

    Wow. She is going to pray to God. How about people going out and helping others in need. There are people lined up at food banks, alone in nursing home beds, soldiers' families that a struggling. Why not take this opportunity to really be thankful and reach out. That's what would be real reflection of Christ this holiday season.

    1. Anonymous1:09 PM

      She is also going to church with her family and there will be pictures to prove it is not faked.

    2. Anonymous1:14 PM

      So WHAT, 1:09 PM, we all know it's only for the photo-op. Bristol's already admitted they are not a churchgoing family.

    3. Anonymous2:05 PM

      It is about time Sarah goes back to church. She really needs to make certain that arsonist is caught. She can do that with her influence with the Anchorage and Valley authorities. The FBI and other agencies that were working to solve the questions about who burned the Wasila Bible Church that Sarah Palin attended.

      When Sarah speaks Alaskan authority listens. SOLVE THE ARSON THAT WAS ATTEMPTED MURDER AND STOP LOLLY GAGGING. Get her done! Sarah is on the case and will do right by her church.

  43. Anonymous12:28 PM

    I am sure that pic of Pimp Daddy Todd and Trig was when Trig apparently went to school for the first time. If it were taken now, they would have on cold weather clothing.

    1. Anonymous12:53 PM

      With SO MUCH that is sordid and dark in the Palin world, I always see genuine affection and care from that man for that particular little boy...who that child is, and how he is related to that man, I don't know.

    2. Anonymous1:09 PM

      Pimps, murders and pedophiles all can genuinely love their children or family. I don't find a loving pimp, murderer or pedophile with a child an endearing sight.

      I don't care that one creep parent is more adorable then the other with a child that is used as a prop. Big whoop there are Palins that take better pictures with Trig then other Palins.

      Diana Palin took a good photo with Trig. Big WOW! It doesn't change a thing.

    3. Anonymous1:42 PM

      Yes, that was one of the two times Trig went to school for the first time.

      Obvious that Sarah Palin was no place near Trig at that time. She was living in Arizona. Trig lives in Alaska and collects his funds.

    4. Anonymous1:43 PM

      I hope that Trig's glasses are packed in his giant back pack. How will that kid be able to see a book, an i-pad or the blackboard without them? Oh, I forgot, maybe he just goes and plays games. Is that kid getting any kind of therapy?

    5. 12:53, animals care for and love their offspring. And I have a lot more respect for them than I do for that lying crook and bastard Todd Palin.

      If Todd Palin cared for "Trig" he would not allow that child to be raised anywhere in the Palin "culture" or to have his therapy and needs neglected.

    6. Anonymous6:28 PM

      Liz I.1:47 PM


  44. Anonymous12:49 PM

    Raw Story presents the Turkey Video, with hilarious commentary from TBogg:

  45. Anonymous12:53 PM

    Willow!!! RUN...You can sell the family secrets for top $ but that gravy train won't last forever! No one cares if you had a kid...

    1. Anonymous1:37 PM

      And, Willow, you don't want to be fussing over someone else's hair style. Don't you want people fussing over you? If you write that book, you will be able to afford your own hair stylist, make up person and wardrobe.

    2. Anonymous1:57 PM

      Willow inherited the cling to mommy dearest & anger gene. Her DNA sucks like her big sis. They have zero independence and little brain matter.

      Willow is a slave to the family corruption and fraud schemes. She will follow the family way and never amount to anything. Not even a bad hair stylist.

    3. I imagine it'd be a death wish if any of the Palins broke omerta, especially if it involved large amounts of money. Only the Godmother can make money off Palin secrets, and since she lies all the time, she's not violating the Palin Principle.

  46. Those who depend on her for their three squares and a roof over their heads had better start encouraging her to eat. They have no preparation for non-criminal self-sufficiency and somebody's got to wear the pants and earn some goddamn money around here.

    1. Anonymous1:49 PM

      Todd is prepping to make a fortune with his lodge in the remote but close to big city Anchorage. He won't need her money. If the paper work is in order he could inherit when she is dead. If he cared about her you know he would be taking care of her mental health problems, the eating disorder and her other afflictions.

      He is pretty smart if he wants her dead. It can be a problem to murder her. This way he can just let it happen and be all cool and one day the grieving widower.

    2. don the bluesman3:38 PM

      I agree, they are letting her die for profit.

      With an Illinois heart,

    3. Anonymous4:36 PM

      Pimp Daddy Todd has the motive, the means, and the opportunity to off his wife. He could be slowly poisoning her with some substance or with his controlling behavior. How much better he will be when he can carry his own purse.

    4. Anonymous6:41 PM

      I think Sarah is getting huge! I don't know how she can walk on those tree trunks. Those aren't ankles, they're kankles. Lay off the turkey tomorrow and stick to the cheese filled celery sticks, governor. Drink some schnapps and take a long walk on Lake Luccille. Oh, and keep ringing that bell! LOL
      Oh, I almost forgot, fuck you John mc Cain.

  47. Anonymous12:59 PM

    "Celebrating the Season" That is the same old propaganda she has been using to sell since this book sale started. Couldn't she do better than that EPIC FAIL?

  48. Wendy1:12 PM

    Oops -- in post about Good Tidings and Great Joy I neglected to say that Amazon is who lists this title's sales at #278 and #3095. NY Times best seller lists it at #13 for combined hardcover and eBook sales, not in the top ten list.

    1. Anonymous1:36 PM

      I think all that she cares about is being ON the list, it doesn't matter where, as long as she can say (even if it was only one week), NY Times Best Seller List. Hell, she could be the last one, #100, and she'd still say that she was on the list. One among many many many.

  49. Anonymous1:13 PM

    The more her thighs shrink, the bigger her tits get. Hmm.

    1. Anonymous1:34 PM

      Fat migrates? No wonder there is such a big bumpit up there.

  50. Anonymous1:21 PM

    Correction: This Thanksgiving, join me in a moment of prayer to give thanks for the thousands of American men and women in our armed forces who will spend Thanksgiving at their homes with their families, no longer facing danger overseas to protect our way of life after President Obama ended Bush's illegal and immoral invasion and embezzlement scheme. And pray for those whose job will be to now - somehow - pay for that criminal invasion.

  51. Anonymous1:27 PM

    Remember when Sarah could rock up at some silly Turkey Trot and fake it for the cameras hiding behind Trig's stroller? Now she can't show her bare legs and Trig doesn't want to be near her any more than she wants him around.

  52. Question for Gryphen or other Alaska residents:
    Has it been cold enough so far this season to freeze Lake Lucille solid enough for snow machine riding? I live on a lake and granted it is on Long Island, but it takes many days of below zero temperatures before the lake freezes solid enough to be used for ice skating & sledding.
    Just wondering... and BTW, have a very Happy Thanksgiving!

    1. Anonymous2:41 PM

      Good question. Someone in the know, please answer.

    2. Anonymous4:33 PM

      It has been below freezing since early November and yes the lakes are frozen. We had minus temps last week (which I was out of town for Thank Goodness :-)
      I walked my dogs on Finger Lake today and there were people driving cars and ice fishing.

    3. Thank you for the info!

    4. Anonymous5:26 PM

      The Municipality of Anchorage has been warning people to stay off the lakes within the city because the ice is not thick enough as to being frozen!

  53. Anonymous1:44 PM

    Huffington post has a great article on the infamous turkey slaughter

  54. Anonymous1:48 PM

    It's a funny thing, that Bristol decided after all these years, to go to Arizona for a little while to study skin care. After all, she claimed to be medical assistant in a dermatologist's office in Anchorage. (Never mind about the long drive to and from work all day, and needing someone to look after Tripp while she was working).

    Then I remembered that someone found the Google maps photo of the doctors office, including the parking lot. We all joked that it wouldn't be very hard for anyone to drive by the place and look for Bristol's car. After all, she does advertise her car with the license place "Tripp." (What a surprise). No wonder she left town. She couldn't get caught in that lie. It's really hard to imagine her going into work early every morning, staying all day while having a young kid to take care of. And, it's even harder to imagine a kid with a high school education and the vocabulary of a 12 year old working as a medical assistant. It makes as much sense as Palin snow mobiling to shake off jet lag or Trig going to school without his glasses. Nothing that family does every makes any sense.

    1. Anonymous2:40 PM

      Bristol has something like half day classes 3 days a week. She doesn't have to bother to go because Mama Grizzly already purchased her 'diploma' like she did for Willow.

      I question why she has moved to Arizona for school. Is it so Tripp is too far from his paternal family and his little sister? Brancy will be thankful for Thanksgiving and they always put up pictures of her little bug. If Bristol did make it home with the family she will be helping Sarah with the turkey she is cooking and there will be some good shots.

      Remember that shot she got of Sarah crying when Todd gave her a ring? Bristol will not miss a momento like Sarah carving a turkey.

  55. Anonymous2:04 PM

    Why is it so important for people to think you're still in Alaska, $arah? You ditched them long ago and everyone knows it.

    Why is it so important to continue the facade that you're married? People divorce all the time.

    Why is it so important to portray your born-to-you children as something they're not? Ashamed of them, are you?

    Why is it so important to hide the truth of Trig? Oh wait, we already know....

    Any and all of the above can be answered with what we knew in '08: You are a FRAUD portraying family values that you simply do not have nor attempt to emulate. All for your love of money and attention while you push an agenda that has no place in this country according to the constitution.

    Happy Holidays, Harridan!

    1. Anonymous2:52 PM

      But but Sarah Palin is America's oil expert. She is not a fraud.

    2. Anonymous4:13 PM

      Yeah, her answer to Katrina was to build dykes.

    3. Anonymous4:29 PM

      Her solution to use "dykes" was for the Gulf oil spill. We all thought that was pretty funny down here on the Gulf Of Mexico. (as we sat inside our homes and smelled the crude.....)

    4. Anonymous5:22 PM

      2:52 John McCain kept pushing her as an energy expert which those of us in Alaska knew she was not!!! What a joke!

      McCain came to find out she was a total idiot and will never be able to admit it publically for the rest of his life!

    5. Anonymous11:56 AM

      If only McCant would come clean with the truth about the Palins. He could, with one interview, take the wind out of the TP sails and set to right what he so carelessly unleashed on the American people.

  56. Anonymous3:09 PM

    Hey Sarah, what with your huge Alaskan heart, I'm sure that you were just too busy being important and sexy to remember to mention them but here's a few families whose hearts may still hurt and whom a lot of us will always remember: little 9 year old Christina Greene, John M. Roll, Chief Judge of the United States District Court for Arizona, Dorothy Morris, 76; Dorwan Stoddard, 76; and Phyllis Schneck, 79, Gabriel Zimmerman, 30, all died. And of course, Gabrielle Giffords whose wound changed her life forever but with the help of her genuinely wonderful husband has struggled on.

    All of the above people have surviving families who have at least one empty chair for their Thanksgiving feast and wherever those families are located, there are lasting holes in their hearts.

    But not you or your family, Sarah, you won't remember them. We all know that because you were the rill victim of Blood Libel that terrible day. Happy Holidays, Sarah.

    1. Anonymous3:28 PM

      Sarah Palin

      GFY and your Alaskan heart

    2. Anonymous5:34 PM

      Excellent comment.

  57. Anonymous3:28 PM

    WTF is an Alaskan heart? Cold and dead?

    1. Some people think that being an Alaskan makes them special, it is quite strange. People are people.

  58. Anonymous3:32 PM

    Now wait just a minute, Sister Sarah! Earlier today you posted the following on your Facebook page:

    "It's back to the kitchen for me to prep for Thanksgiving dinner; which includes determined research on how to finally, for the first time, not make a pile of mess while carving the turkey. I watched this tutorial early this morning, will watch it repeatedly, and I invite your advice on proper bird carving:"

    Now I'm confused. One would think that a fishin', huntin', field-dressin', eyeball-holdin' frontier woman such as yourself would have some pretty well-honed knife skills. Carving a turkey in a kitchen would seem like something you could do with your eyes closed. Then to have to watch a tutorial? One would think you could ask your father or mother or Toad or one of daughters' many trial husbands, or even a girl friend or neighbor or any of the other "rill merkins" you hang with--all those people with traditional family values who are always doing those traditional traditions such as serving a turkey on Thanksgiving. Instead watching an youtube video?! Why that's something that an atheist, liberal, muslim-loving, MSM-watching, elitist, city-dweller, i.e. not a "rill merkin" might do. But for you? Sister Sarah, I'm very confused. Perhaps you could go back on Facebook and clarify. Otherwise my world is just coming apart.

    Signed: One Teabag Short of a Tea Party ;-)

    1. Anonymous4:37 PM

      Yea, she gave herself away with that one. Carving a cooked turkey, even a large bird, can't compare to gutting and then butchering a moose or caribou. That takes many hours of study and some really sharp knives. A well cooked turkey can be carved up in record time by a practiced home cook. She's neither a hunter nor a cook. Just more Palin lies...she's just like us ya know, except stupid and inept, oh, wait, she's the heroine of the stupid and inept, I forgot that detail. Her fans probably lose a finger each year when carving the old thanksgiving bird....

  59. Anonymous4:49 PM

    Todd has been carving bird for decades. Hasn't she seen Todd?

  60. Anonymous4:55 PM

    I don't understand why you enjoy writing lies Gryphen? What's the point? Are you sure you want to attack a number of innocent people who too have homes in another state? I would think you would know this. You must have at least average intelligence. Sarah doesn't miss bball games and is seen at yoga and rinks in AK.

    1. Anonymous6:15 PM

      Wow, you're really pushing it, aren't you? Gryphen isn't attacking people who have homes in other states. He's making fun of one pathetic woman who is obviously desperate to hold on to her Alaskan identity (and the dubious credibility she thinks it brings her). You're thicker than usual lately.

    2. Anonymous7:13 PM

      Keep pushing it, 4:55PM, you are desperation Palin. She knows she's toast, Remember it was the "exercise" book that she wanted to do until the "rill" America realized she has...ummm........
      "issues." Next best thing? Jesus! Like she follows him at all, it'll sell! What a pathetic woman.

      Here, kitty, kitty, kitty....they're coming and you KNOW it, girlfriend. Have fun with that tutorial on how to cook a turkey, you DUMBASS.

    3. Anonymous8:19 PM

      Sarah didn't miss Glen Rice's BBALLS game. She is still dreaming about that night.

  61. Anonymous4:57 PM

    You do realize you make no sense right Gryphen? Deep end.

    1. Anonymous7:17 PM

      Out come the trolls when you're spot on, Gryph! You DO know that he has you by your tiny little nards, right Palins??

  62. Anonymous5:07 PM

    I can hardly wait for the Palin Family photos tomorrow of Sarah carving a turkey for the 20 some people there. As for me, a true hunter, we are having venison, wild turkeys, rabbits, ruffed grouse, wild hogs, and a nice prime rib ( we raise our own cattle) pork ribs and pulled pork ( we raise our own hogs) and a few smoked chickens.
    But I bet Mam Grizz will have pics up and I bet she will have pics of homemade pies That she and her girls made.
    I'll be waiting for the pics tomorrow

  63. Anonymous5:17 PM

    All you haters are wrong and the Palin's live a vibrant life and Sarah will show you when she posts fabulous family pictures of their Thanksgiving, I bet she will even post pictures of them all going to Church together. That will shut you all up as Sarh sits next to Trig through services and then posts a slew of photos from their wonderful family get to gether. I wouldn't be surprised if the pictures show all the girls baking from previous days also too.

    1. Anonymous6:20 PM

      5:17 PM You got it right. The Palins aren't stupid and they know how to sell books. God has opened a door, if Sarah blows this one it may be the last door that isn't slammed in her face. Don't say He didn't give her a chance.

      Yes, Sarah and the girls will have photos of shopping, prepping, decoring, praying and all the activity of Thanksgiving.

    2. Anonymous11:50 AM

      Thanks for the link to Melanie Griffith's Thanksgiving shopping spre. I am happy to see she looks so great and is preparing (shopping herself!) for a Happy Thanksgiving.

      The first and only time I met Ms Griffith, I did not know who she was. Her son Andrew and my son were entering Colorado Rocky Mountain School and all the parents were in the gym asking questions, getting information.

      She was sitting in front of me. Who I saw was a beautiful elegant graceful woman, soft-spoken but definitey concerned about her son, would he be safe on the "wilderness experience" - a solo extended camping for those students entering the school. She wanted to make sure she would be able to contact him if she needed to.

      Later in the school's store I helped her buy socks and gloves for her son. I didn't know who she was until my son told me later. There was nothing pretentious about her. She was just a mother making sure her son was prepared.

      After that encounter, I became a full on fan. She is such a lovely woman but even more a loving mother.

    3. Anonymous11:53 AM

      Compare Ms. Griffith's pics of her and daughter shopping for Thanksgiving Day dinner to Mrs. Palin's shopping spree to KMart with Willow to buy toilet paper. That's the difference between class (Ms Griffith) and crass (Mrs. Palin).

  64. Anita Winecooler5:25 PM

    Gee, I thought it was Brancy's job to cover Trig and all things "Down Syndrome". She's had her blog far shorter than "Mummy dearest", yet does tons of posts about her "brother" Trig, also too, posts old photos of various trig's, any of em all of em that have been put before her over the years.....

    Why the sudden interest in Alaska and Trig???

    1. Anonymous6:08 PM

      Why did $arah reply to her in thanks? BFFs and all. She's going down and it's going to be a HUGE fall because people KNOW and are prepared.

    2. Anonymous8:33 PM

      6:08 PM Sweet. I hope it goes off.


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.