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Click the maw of insanity for the video |
This time Palin is wearing her shit eating grin and her Clark Kent glasses, and seems very comfy sitting in the studio that fired her earlier this year. ("I have a new book now you HAVE to interview me.")
Hannity gleefuly starts the interview by suggesting that it is clear there is an attack on Christmas.
Palin: "It's unquestionable that there is an attack on Christmas, which is kind of the tip of the spear when it comes to an even greater battle brewing, and that is an attack on our freedom of religion, where we can exercise our faith, whatever that faith may be. There are double standards applied to those who wish to celebrate Christmas for instance in a traditional way. Those who would..uh..I refer to them as 'Scrooges,' they are usually angry Atheists armed with an attorney, and they want to tell us, they want to tell patriots, they want to tell traditional Americans, that no longer can you acknowledge that Jesus is the reason for the season."
Hannity then laments the fact that there is blow back when people want to put a cross on public property, or a Menorah (?), or thee Ten Commandments.
"No it certainly is this double standard that's being applied. (Wait, didn't he mention a Menorah? How is that a double standard?) So the book's all about empowering Americans to be able to know what to do to stand up for our constitutionally protected rights to exercise our faith. And within the book though are some really jolly Christmas-y ways of doing that and incorporating some traditions, and cool Alaskana recipes, and other kind of family oriented things that make for good reading." (So it's "Stand up for your Christian rights" and "Hey here's a recipe for Moosenugget cookies" side by side?)
Hannity then expresses his belief that Palin loves Christmas and tells some pointless story about his childhood being raised in a right wing think tank while feeding on the blood of innocent liberals. (Or something like that, I wasn't really paying attention.)
After that Hannity does one of the clumsiest transitions ever broadcast on television, by bringing up Obamacare.
'When the President says if you like your plan you can keep your plan period.."
Palin: "LIE! Lie! Lie!"
Hannity, all excited now: "Why?"
Palin: "You know our politicians are to be held accountable. And heaven forbid Americans be intimidated and think that we have to just kinda cower back and not hold a President accountable. He did lie through this Obamacare selling, Sham-well type, Sham-wow type commercialization of what this socialized medicine program is all about."
Some cross talk about Sham-wow.
Palin: "But no there were lies and deceptions involved in all of this. And now the mainstream media, lamestream, thinks that they're going to get away with trying to convince the public that just fixing a malfunctioning website is the answer? That is a de minimis (SOMEBODY Learned a new word. IN Latin even!) fix to the problem. The problem is this stifling, shackling, growing government, that Obamacare is a symptom of. That is the problem, It's the statist (Ooh, another new word!) mindset of our President and the radical Left that follows him. And we need to do something about it. The thing that we do about it is hold our politicians accountable. (I think it appropriate to point out here that Palin was singing a far different tune when Alaskans were trying to hold HER accountable for her actions.) Look at these Democrats who are running in red states, now scurrying for cover. Mark Begich, and the rest of the crew. Here they voted for Obamacare. They have ads running in their states, like Mark Begich does in Alaska, saying 'Rah rah Obamacare' on one hand, but I saw that Fox News cornered Mark Begich and all of a sudden the Senator says 'Oh yeah, I'm chewing out the President every chance I get. You know I'm calling him on the carpet about Obamacare.' No you're not man, you're a typical politician talking out of both sides of your mouth with this." (To be clear Begich still supports the Affordable Care Act but is frustrated about the website. Jut like the President, by the way.)
Hannity then asks Palin if she is going to run against Begich.
Palin: "You know that isn't on my radar screen, but I'm going to call out Begich, (But not in Alaska, where she would be chased through the streets by villagers with torches and pitchforks.) and I'm going to call out all these other Democrats who have so diminished the trust we should be able to have in our government, that was founded upon this idea of it being a government of the people, by the people, for the people. Instead we have these elites in Washington D.C.trying to tell us how to run our lives, and manage our healthcare, and spend our income, and run our businesses. That's un-American."
I continue to find it amazing that there is a market for a book that conflates Christmas with freedom in America, but apparently there is. For them the very idea that Christians cannot proclaim their faith in every public venue in the country, while expressing their intolerance for other faiths, is an attack on their very freedom as Americans. The only question is exactly HOW many people are that stupid and do they have enough spare change to buy Palin's book?
The interview above was actually Palin's second on Hannity, her first, which can be found here, had her weighing in on Chris Christie, his election, his battle with Rand Paul and Ted Cruz, and his embrace of the President after Super storm Sandy. I would provide a transcript but my ears are still bleeding from the one I just did.
However rest assured that it too is full of chronic ignorance and venomous word salad.
She's wearing her shit-eating grin and Clark Kent glass and THE SAME STINKIN OUTFIT she's worn for days!!!
ReplyDeleteBut I guess that goes with the exact same script she has recited on every single interview.
It might be she is lip synching, HA!
All of her crib notes are on that outfit. She HAS to wear it!
Deletehave you seen this????
Go Festivus yourself, Sarah!
ReplyDeletewhy was she wearing cocktail dresses to all of her interviews?
ReplyDeleteBecause that's what she was wearing the night before, and she slept in her clothes.
DeleteThose glasses are just atrocious and her skin is all mottled
ReplyDeleteIs that a photo of what todd gets to see every night next to him in bed?
ReplyDeleteExplains a lot......
Here's a game: Find one thing, just one thing, in any of her statements that is actually true. In Sarah's world, facts be damned. Why does ANYONE give her the time of day? She's far, far past her best-before date, although I doubt she was EVER best before.
ReplyDeleteGryphen here is Baldy this morning on Fox and Fiends! Haven't watched it yet!
I guess they didn't teach willer at hair school about putting that goop on your subject's hairline when dying the roots to prevent skin staining...at least she only had to do that little area on the top where there always seems to be wig slippage. Did you see how douchey keeps staring at her face, probably looking at those spider legs glued to her lashes, and she keeps trying to not make eye contact? I thought liz turned on palin after that rally they did together..I'd look it up but who cares if the know nothing shrews still pal around anymore...
DeleteHere's another interview she did with Newsmax...its pretty hilarious how she babbles the same shit over and over again!
Delete"Jesus is the Season for the Reason"
"Angry athesist armed with a lawyer"
This interview is funny because the interview guy is named "Joe" and he asks her about that stupid imaginery charcter in the book named "Joe McScrooge" and she tries to flirt with the dude to get out of answering his question!
She's wearing that same funky out fit...red sweater...black halter top...HUGE ugly wig!
Clevage area looks like Howdy Doody sneezed all his freckles on her flat chest and then walked away! LOL!
Yes, Sean, but our freedoms are being taken away by the Grinch and McScrooge and we, the whos from whoville need the star on the tree to make it right and buy my book; I bring back the traditions with recipes of cookies and family fun time and we are merry and bright and Sean, the war on Christmas makes us fight stronger against the over-commercialization of Christmas because shoppers need to have that generosity shoved down their throats and shop so we can play Eskimo Bingo and be in unity and make our traditions stick, like a hockey stick, and my ShamWow gift was a gag gift, but Obama didn't use his as a traditional religious reason, but for a socialist reason and used it to force Obamacare down our throats.
ReplyDeleteMerry Christmas Sean; come see us and go snowmachining with Todd and play in the snow and throw more of em' snowballs. We don't need a title to help the teaparty and I'm doing my part in fighting strong for their freedoms, so buy my book and send those donations to SarahPAC.
Just like in "Game Change," she's memorized some key lines and is repeating it in every interview. She's like a robot! She basically said the same things in her Matt Lauder interview...word for word.
ReplyDeleteTip on the spear, onward into battle, they are going to take your religion away. No they aren't. It's all crap.
DeleteThat is because Sarah Palin has no thought process.
DeleteIf she is not given the talking points by teleprompter, she is lost. Her 83 I.Q. does not allow her to retain any knowledge.
I've got a Latin word for her. She's an irritatus ignoramus.
ReplyDeleteAre you sure that's not from the Road Runner and Wiley Coyote cartoon show? They always had some great ones. I think Ms. Turdblossom definitely came in an Acme package and was assembled by Wiley.
DeleteThat was a great interview.
ReplyDeleteSarah is right about Obamacare.
Palin is so angry that she can't even speak or tell the truth. She gives awful interviews, and she used a teleprompter when she was on the Today show. That's why she kept talking and answering questions that Lauer didn't ask.
DeleteAnd, it's the Affordable Care Act.
Oh look, the illiterate moronic traitor is back.
DeleteIt no way was it a "great interview" but it was a typical interview since it was Sean, the paid idiot, talking to Sarah, the fired, has-been idiot. Sarah is NOT right about ACA, she's wrong but then it's Sarah "the stupid" Palin so it's what we've all learned to expect out of her.
DeleteAnonymous10:08 AM
DeleteThat was a great interview.
Sarah is right about Obamacare.
they let you out again krusty?
Or "Shit4brains" is Wonkettes name for you.
Hey how 'bout we ask MS shit 4brains (sarah) about the GOV healthcare her kids and grandkids receive?
Huh treason Barbie? What do ya say?
Krusty you're always gonna be "shit for brains"...
This person (10:08, always w/out periods) reads IM all the time - for 5+ years. Must REALLY be a closet progressive, and comes here to drive up IM's traffic. What's posted is always like what a child would say, too. Hmmmm
DeleteThe Great interview was given by Katie Couric. BWAHAHAHAHA, you Palins are Stupid ASSKKKLOWNS. How's that new girlfriend of Pimp Daddy Toad doing?
Deletechuck_tard jr,
Deletego fuk yer fatass fraud inbred self
LTNS 10:08. Welcome back!
DeleteMy company is saving $800 a month per employee for Cadillac coverage, for a "job creator" like myself Obamacare is wonderful.
DeleteAnd if the insurance company doesn't spend 80% on medical care and/or healthcare education I'll get a rebate at the end of the yr.
She knows damn well that the people who will buy the book have never read a book all the way through to the end. It doesn't matter what she puts it it.
ReplyDeleteprobably the first and last pages have copy and the the in-between pages are literally endless blah, blah, blahs...however, somewhere I saw she has that cross-eyed picture of herself from when chuck used to rouse her out of bed to go hunting and such in the middle spread...
Deleteanon 10:08 shouldn't you scuttle back to Sea Oh Pee where Brian'sAnus is preachin' and MaMcJizz is cookin' up some grub?
ReplyDeleteAt least the reviews of her book on amazon provide some laughs.
ReplyDeleteher flag bracelet has been upgraded it is now a flag in chunky gold and she was clunking it around making noise, it's a wonder the sound guys don't tell her to take that crap off
ReplyDeleteFox & Friends Hosts Clearly Didn’t Read Sarah Palin’s Christmas Book - WATCH THE VIDEO
I thought Elizabeth was going to barf having to sit next to screech, the gap between them couldn't have been any wider
Deleteshe has nicer legs and really does keep in shape by eating right and exercising rather than purging and doing drugs...
DeletePalin Mocks Christie's Weight: So 'Extreme' 'It's Hard Not to comment"
OK, she burned that bridge, good.
DeleteFunny nobodies on her for being a bow legged chicken plucker with fake tits and a fake personality.
DeleteSarah Palin 'taken aback' by Pope Francis's 'liberal' statements
Baldy is gonna be really "taken aback" when she finally arrives in hell and the devil shoves his pitchfork right into her butt. Mind yer own beeswax Baldy, yer Ma left the Catholics fer Billy Graham.
DeleteI thought she quit being a Catholic. What's it to her what the head of my church says. I won't critique her witch doctors and she can just shut up about other religions. She is so simple that the first thing she can even think of is that the pope is a liberal.
DeleteJesus H Christ lose the fugly white vest! Your costumes are soooo inappropriate.
ReplyDeleteAlso too work on a v. 2 of talking points so your ignorance isn't so redundant. The sham-wow slam is gettin' a little stale.
And lose the use of frickin'. NO politician or pundit with any intelligence uses that phrase on the teevee or in their audio book b/c they would sound ignert! And how about going to Goodwill and buying a simple black suit for the parade of shame interviews instead of the cowgirl buckle belt borrowed from Piper.
Wallow! Bristle! Help her for Christ sake! and Happy Holidays to you.
BIZARRE ALERT (with apologies for jumping ahead) - possibly the most bizarre facial contortions Palin has ever made occurred this morning on Fox & Friends in response to the dark-haired host's statement, 'Governor, you ran a state.'
ReplyDelete(beginning at 1:13.)
As for her conversation, there are some gems, including her gall at projecting 'I was for it before I was against it' onto Begich and other red-state Democrats. And her disturbing, forced laugh at the interview's end will haunt me for hours.
That laugh. Good lord.
DeleteShe could spook a horse with that wig! Too much forehead, not enough brains. Sarah and Hasslebeck star in "Brokeback Mountain Reunion on the Curvy Couch"
ReplyDeleteA Very Palin Christmas, Continued
By Charles P. Pierce
Princess Dumbass of the Northwoods went there. Oh, yes, she did.
New Jersey Republican Gov. Chris Christie's weight often fuels comments about his appearance. "That's because it's been extreme. So it's hard for some people not to comment on it," said Palin.
(Note to my pal Jake Tapper: this sack of hair represents nobody but herself. She has no constituency that anyone need care about. Republicans would like her to freeze in a glacier, never to re-emerge. You might as well put an andiron on a chair and ask it questions. Why, dude?)
In related news, she has put together her new Happy Snowflake Jeebus Christmas-without-an-X-at-the-beginning book, and New York Magazine is helping out with the promotional campaign. I like No. 17 myself, with its reference to "free Obamaphone vouchers." Nasty is the reason for the season!
"this sack of hair represents nobody..."
DeleteOh, she's a sack o'somethin', all right.
But it ain't hair.
"New Jersey Republican Gov. Chris Christie's weight often fuels comments about his appearance. "That's because it's been extreme. So it's hard for some people not to comment on it," said Palin."
DeleteWhy then with that line of thought doesn't she comment on RAM's appearance?
This new strain of Christian she is trying to become queen of doesn't believe in PC. That's what they love about her. Must be something taught in the bible maybe, or Jesus must have said it "Be petty and critical of one's appearance because that is what is important."
$arah isn't aging well. Another year and they'll need to only do radio interviews with her.
ReplyDeleteRadio! Dude. When her "looks" go and the camera no longer favors her, all she'll have left is a voice fit for morse code....and a word sausage message beyond the parsing of mere mortals.
Delete.-. .- -.. .. --- ? / -.. ..- -.. . .-.-.- / .-- .... . -. / .... . .-. / .-..-. .-.. --- --- -.- ... .-..-. / --. --- / .- -. -.. / - .... . / -.-. .- -- . .-. .- / -. --- / .-.. --- -. --. . .-. / ..-. .- ...- --- .-. ... / .... . .-. --..-- / .- .-.. .-.. / ... .... . .----. .-.. .-.. / .... .- ...- . / .-.. . ..-. - / .. ... / .- / ...- --- .. -.-. . / ..-. .. - / ..-. --- .-. / -- --- .-. ... . / -.-. --- -.. . .-.-.- .-.-.- .-.-.- .-.-.- .- -. -.. / .- / .-- --- .-. -.. / ... .- ..- ... .- --. . / -- . ... ... .- --. . / -... . -.-- --- -. -.. / - .... . / .--. .- .-. ... .. -. --. / --- ..-. / -- . .-. . / -- --- .-. - .- .-.. ... .-.-.-
the f*** me red pumps are back and her nose looks huge with Jake Tapper, weirdest interview yet!
She really doesn't know when to shut up. Looks like even SHE is tiring of saying the same ol' same ol'. I think she was out of her comfort zone with Tapper. Seemed very uncomfortable and rambled. He had to help her find the word 'fortitude'.
Deletecomments won't post..they must have that "comments have been disabled" feature as they do at my my local rag newspaper when yet another child accidentally shoots her/his self..to clarify, the local newspaper is out of colorado springs, the town in CO who recalled the state senate leader because he dared to push through some gun control...I may as well live in alasky or alabammy as fucking nuts as these colorado spring baggers are...
Deleteon fox and friends she had writing on her hand, with jake tapper she says she goes to church in alaska hahahahahaha
ReplyDeleteThere's a town in Arizona named Alaska?
DeleteAnd Sarah lies, because she doesn't attend church, EVER.
It is hard to watch the video without starring at Sarah Palin's old loose turkey neck waddle. The old aging bitch should of gotten it fixed before she went on these interviews.
ReplyDeleteI'm at the point where I only read Gryphen's comments. I don't care about Sarah Palin shitting all over the airwaves; the woman hasn't said anything factual since 2011 when she admitted to her cult that she had no intention of running for President.
ReplyDeleteCNN. Tapper notes that Clinton got some sexist treatment, and how did Mrs Palin deal with that? Oh, she's got herself a real thick skin and you just push it away, something like that. And, by golly, Hillary is going to get some sexist treatment, she'd better watch out. Tapper says is it fair to criticize Christie for his weight? Mrs. Palin says sure, cuz it's extreme (after she bitched and moaned about getting sexist treatment). She tells yet another story about the day she got religion, it wasn't something her mother said, it wasn't being baptized in freezing cold water.......it was because she was outside, about 12 years old, and saw the beauty of Alaska and that was it. I could have sworn that last week it was because her mother switched from Catholic to evangelical, and that's why Mrs. Palin switched from Catholic. She was pretty astounded at the Pope's "liberal" statements, but of course she really can't comment until she's had time to study what he actually said. She being used to thinking and studying before she speaks, of course. But, by far the one I liked best was yesterday, giving her very own tea party plan for replacement of Obamacare, she says they need to reform health care so "there is less tort-reform threat". OK OK Lawrence O D did it better last nite.
ReplyDeleteActually, according to the catholic church, RCC, Sarah is still a catholic, but a lapsed and bad catholic.
DeleteAgree, don't trust what is in the media. Media has completely whitewashed the entire pregnancy the Palins put on. The media sucked in the flight from Texas to Alaska as if it was reality.
Lapsed Catholics are the worst. Palin is a lapser and a quitter.
the March 26th photo actually shows the bandage for stomach lipsuction....
DeleteYep, she goes to a Bible Believing Church up there in Alaska, somewhere in Alaska, it's got to be Alaska because it's sure up there in Alaska.
DeleteMost people who go to a church, can spit out the name of the church in about two seconds flat. "Wasilla Assembly of God Church"
How hard is it to name a church? Lies Lies Lies.......
Jesus what a nightmare for America' It's a Baldy Blitzkrieg, jamming as much hatred and plain old rudeness into Christmas as she can. Of course she calls the Pope "liberal". He seems to be kind, compassionate, tolerant, loving. Yep, a sher enuf librul! Her Christmas complaint as far as I can tell is that Christians aren't rude and unkind enough to Jews, Muslims, Hindus, Unitarians, atheists at Christmas time. My God what an idiotic, nasty bitch.
ReplyDeleteThe PeePonders' pointy heads are exploding. Which right wing shithead to watch first? Ma McJizz is going to have to get out Baldy's nightstick and give Virginia Racist Gentleman and Brian's Anus a good peepee whacking if they dont get a grip.
I don't know, whenever they say "Boom! Taste my nightstick!" I don't think of "peepee whacking."
DeleteBut I cringe at what does come to my mind........
One of those guys on the couch says something about welfare state, Palin says something about no free lunches (how original) , no one asks her if she is happy with the Alaska Native Health care freebies. Hypocritic fraud.
ReplyDeleteAnd Tawd's fishing grounds.
DeleteSorry starving children, there will be no free lunches. Now go earn that food!
DeleteShe really is satan in a skirt
Her gravitas remark: "aint" no free lunch.
DeleteIt's actually a quote from Robert Heinlein: "TANSTAAFL" "The phrase and the acronym are central to Robert Heinlein's 1966 science-fiction novel The Moon Is a Harsh Mistress, which popularized it."
DeleteNot that Sarah Palin knows anything about Robert Heinlein. Such is the hugeness of her ignorance.
In one of her speeches this week, she attributed the phrase to "Econ 101". Seriously, what adult calls a college course by it's nickname? She's done that before, I think that SHE thinks it shows how "cool" and "hip" she is.
She is such an idiot.
She is sure big on "consitutionally protected rights". Except for Muslims that want to build a mosque on their very own land.
ReplyDeletejust saw the interview with jake tapper on cnn, he looked like he was cringing the entire time, she got a lot of botox in her huge forehead, that puppy isn't moving at all! Jake called her out on the word slavery about the debt, she stuck out her jaw after she explained herself.
ReplyDeleteGryphen! You must watch the Jake Tapper interveiw with Baldy! It's on now and it his HILARIOUS!
ReplyDeleteshe bashes levi and says she was pregnant with Trig again in the jake tapper interview, she says bristol goes to school haha
ReplyDeleteAren't Christian's the one's that stole Christmas from the pagan's?
ReplyDeleteGryphen....link to the FULL Tapper interview!
why is she wearing a black lacy bed jacket in this interview, was the cocktail dress top getting stinky?
DeleteGina, Thanks for the link. Amazing. Spinning some new story lines. Trapper looked like he was ready to pounce. Palin starting to resemble Ann Coulter.
DeleteRJ in Brownbackistan
Jake did try to cut through the grifter's thin skin. She's going to regret dissing Crispy Creme's weight. He's ONE bully she'll regret getting his ire.
DeleteThanks GinaM Great Stuff!
Whoa the slavery comment.... Paging Glenn Rice, Jake won't tapper, that's your job!
DeleteGrifterella shit all over jake tapper's show! Bwahahaha!!!
ReplyDelete"In the — cringe-inducing — video, you can see the moment at which Palin realizes she's said something she shouldn't have. It's the part where her shoulders start to shake as she struggles to exit the hole she's dug. (See GIF at left.)"
Holy poop. That is some crazy shit. I crack up every time I see her or hear her speak. What the hell is wrong with people that they would think this nutcase could create policy?
ReplyDeleteI remember her approaching a black person (the only non white in attendance) at a rally in '08 and telling her that she and Todd really understood racism and it's impact as Todd was 1/816th Eskimo or something and Sarah had experienced this racism firsthand.
I don't know how you can write about her day after day. I'd want to twist my own head off.
This profoundly stupid, hateful, and ignorant person gets a tremendous amount of press. They enable her and feed her narcissism. That energizes her for another go around and another go around and another go around... . It's bizarre but understandable given the nature of today's media. Clicks and ratings reign supreme. It really is a freak show with her.
ReplyDeletepoor widdle scarah - she had to deal with sexism and men never do. Well...girlie.....MEN don't stick out their boobs and their ass, wear skirts up to their crotch and inflate a fake chest. They also don't wear sky high wigs and inappropriate hooker clothes. You got what you asked for. Sexism deserves more sexism. She is the most guilty of sexism.
She seems strangely focused on just the "tip of the spear". Oh, Sarah, you tease!!! Poor Seanny Boy needed a short bathroom break after that one!
ReplyDeleteThere are some hilarious reviews of Tidings and Joy over at Amazon. Good work, y'all!
ReplyDeleteNot sure if anyone watches Chelsea Handler, but her and her comedy panel rip into Palin:
OMG, hilarious..I especially like the last line from Loni Love..haha...I don't care if she writes a coloring book as long as the bitch don't run for president. I'm happy...
DeleteWhat war on Christmas? How does she get away with commanding so much media attention? Again where is the war on Christmas taking place? My household is as liberal/diverse as you can get. Of the six people in my household (including two adult children and a grandma), there are no churchgoers. Half believe in God. Two of us are atheists, and the other is an agnostic. Two people are Presbyterians, two are Roman Catholic, and two are unbaptized (oh, dear, will they burn in hell?). Yet, on November 1, the agnostic hung a Christmas wreath on the front door. The atheist can't wait to "Christmatize" the house. We keep a menorah/kinara on display year-round, and the nativity scene will be placed on the dining room buffet as always.
ReplyDeleteSarah Palin is a hypocritical sack of sh-t, and the media need to stop indulging her. I'm just sickened by all the contrived nonsense.
I almost forgot: we support President Obama.