Saturday, November 09, 2013

Something for religious Americans to keep in mind.

And on a related topic.

For many Americans it simply does not matter how much data scientists present concerning the fact of evolution. Because if it creates that "extremely uncomfortable" feeling, or questions the foundation of their faith, they simply cannot allow themselves to consider that it is true.


  1. Sharon2:35 AM

    That about sums it up. It is still very surprising to me that my generation hatched these idiots, I thought we were more open and progressive..after all we were the hippies. The don't trust anyone over 30 and money is bad crowd became either greedy as hell or just stupid religious fanatics. Sigh..I often wonder what if those Koch Bros both in their middle 70's would be like Bill Gates or Warren Buffet. Can you imagine the good those billions would do? Not only would you improve peoples lives, but just stopping all the negative destruction would be even better. What if?

    1. Olivia5:32 AM

      So many of the hippies were just kids following a popular movement just like they do today. Those trendy folks were the first to grab onto the next big thing and the next because it was important to be fashionable and up to date. The hippie clothing, hair and activities had nothing to do with values, it was just fashion for many. Kids with no meaningful core values are easily sucked into further meaningless pursuits as adults.

    2. Anonymous9:59 AM

      In response to Sharon. I see a lack of accountability from your generation. After all, those "hippies" sold out in the 80s and lead by Ronald Reagan into a life of selfish excess in which keeping up with the Jones was the hip thing to do. This lead to irreparable damage to the planet and eroded the work ethic of the people through outsourcing and the pursuit of the almighty dollar and a higher stock price. When you outsource and strip the masses of their sense of purpose then you end up with malcontents and people who live off the system. Tell me, how healthy is your 401K or do you rely on the kindness of the Canadian government to provide for you? If you lost your earnings it is not through the fault of the current generation of 30 to 40 somethings, but rather those baby boomers that were just getting to the end of their careers such as Bernie Madoff and the leaders of Enon, Worldcomm, AIG, etc. So when you call the younger generation distrustful, uninformed and less intelligent I think you are way off base and out of line. We have a right to distrust your generation based on how you have treated the planet, the economy and the average worker in North America.

  2. Anonymous2:41 AM

    Don't expect rational behavior from irrational beings........

  3. Leland5:55 AM

    "...they simply cannot allow themselves to consider that it is true."

    More like they are AFRAID to consider it.

  4. Anonymous1:53 PM

    I tell people that if they don't believe in evolution, they can go without this year's flu shot because last year's flu shot should still be good, right? If I keep at that enough, their numbers will dwindle!

    Tom, in FL, where we know that you can't spray this year's roaches with last year's bug spray

  5. Anita Winecooler5:08 PM

    My Daughter's roommate in College was raised in an uber conservative Christian family, she does all the "right" things, reads her bible, goes to church faithfully etc etc. She didn't believe in evolution, but is just now learning what evolution REALLY means, not that man as a species evolved from apes, but that man and apes shared a common ancestor.
    They're both taking pre med, but it just boggles my mind how she got as far in her thought process in such a short time yet feels the need to belong to church, tithe, read and believe the Bible as the Word of God. etc.
    To me it's an either/or type of thing, not something you can deny or switch on and off at will. I'd love to have a conversation with her, but don't want to interfere with my daughter's life while sharing a dorm room.


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