Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Video of Sarah Palin leaving the Today Show on October 11, at the very beginning of her disastrous book tour.

Boy that Willow's a friendly gal isn't she?

I love how in the spirit of Christmas Palin steals that old man's pen, uses it to sign two other people's books but not his, and then forces him to wrench in out of her hand to get it back.

I also noticed that in this video Palin manages to ignore the Levi Johnston questions, the same questions to which later in the day she could no longer resist responding.

By the way as of this posting Palin's faux Christmas book is back up to 278 in the Amazon bestsellers rank, which must mean that some conservative group made a bulk purchase in order to help her save face.  Calling in those favors Sarah?


  1. Anonymous4:47 PM

    Love how you're maligning people you dont know. And construing things in mean ways.

    1. Anonymous5:43 PM

      What bizarre word choices and sentence structure you have.

    2. Anonymous5:46 PM

      I love how Gryphen maligns 'em, too! Bring it ON, Gryphen! Keep sticking it to 'em with all you got! -- the meaner the better. It's so much fun to watch them not be able to take it, after they've endlessly dished it out themselves. Poor fuckers! For all their great big talk they are nothing but pathetic whining wimps.

    3. Anonymous5:47 PM

      Anonymous4:47 PM

      Love how you're maligning people you dont know. And construing things in mean ways.
      ES&D Trollie!
      Happy Holidays bitch!

    4. Anonymous5:50 PM

      How many books have you bought? Sarah's counting on you to buy more books to help spread the message that Christmas isn't about buying stuff.

    5. Anonymous5:55 PM

      Eff off 4:47!!
      Why was she told not to sign old man's book? Why did she use his pen but not sign it?
      Fuck her fuck you and to everyone else-
      Happy thanksgiving:)

    6. Anonymous5:55 PM

      Oh dear. Did Gryphen make you cry?

    7. Anonymous6:16 PM

      Willow! We told you to stop using the thesaurus until you knew what the words meant!

    8. Anonymous6:46 PM

      Strange that Bristles was not along for the publicity. I wonder if she had another case of mono??

    9. Anonymous7:02 PM

      BWAHAHAHAHAHA, You are an imbecile, stay away from Evangelical Speaking In Tongues.

    10. Anonymous7:32 PM

      You need help Anon 6:46.

    11. Anonymous8:14 PM

      Maligning people we don't know. That would be true if I criticized some innocent person who just wanted to live their life in private. But Sarah Palin puts herself out there, writing Facebook posts (or having them ghost written for her), making outlandish statements either in interviews or in speeches. So, we do know the Sarah Palin who presents herself in public, and that person can be criticized.

      The problem is that Sarah can't take the criticism. She flubbed easy questions such as "What church to you go to?" or "What do you think of the Pope?" Any one who puts herself out there as a commentator on Fox, and can't answer simple questions is subject to criticism. She's a fake and a fraud.

      There's a difference between maligning and criticizing. Actually, we're making fun of Sarah who grabbed some guy's pen, used it to autograph someone else's stuff, and the guy had to grab his pen back from her. He never did get an autograph. That's not maligning someone. That's accurately describing what takes place in a video, and it's not polite or nice behavior. And speaking of someone who is not polite, you seem to fit the bill, too. Like Mother, like daughter. Earn your consultant's fee, honey, it must be a pretty lousy life.

    12. Anonymous12:17 AM

      She has finally achieved her goal of being a celeb like Ivanna Trump! (Minus the looks, figure, brains, money, accomplishments etc etc etc)

    13. Anonymous1:33 AM

      Someone will eventually snap, blow the lid off all the lies, babies, the divorce, the two houses. When the young kids start to grow up and are asked "How old are you? When is your birthday?" one of them will not be able to keep up the charade and tell the TRUTH. What a horrible way to live. All that money, yet miserable as HELL. This Thanksgiving I am grateful that my kids have NEVER had to lie for me, that HONESTY is treasured in my family. They all have copies of their birth certificates, my marriage certificate, plus any other family document they need to research the family. I wonder how the lying Palins sleep at night? Looking at the skanky $carah, not very well I would imagine.

    14. Anonymous2:33 AM

      I only wish they had interviewed the old fellow to see what he had to say after he was purposely snubbed by Palin. If he is a loyal far, though, he would most likely make some kind of excuse for her rude behaviour.

    15. Anonymous3:26 AM

      So 4:47, now you see that Gryphen and Sarah each have their own merry band of paint chip eating flying monkeys.

    16. Anonymous4:10 AM

      Anonymous8:14 PM
      Good comment! But the bots will make excuses those were "Gotcha" questions and we all know she cain't answer them...

  2. Anonymous4:48 PM

    I'd LOVE to see anyone here handle constant crowds with people pulling at you to get in a car. Blogs get more nasty as the days go by. Such manipulation here.

    1. Anonymous5:47 PM

      Well, gee, if you can't handle constant crowds with people pulling at you to get in a car, best not put yourself in that situation in the first place, eh?

    2. Anonymous5:50 PM

      Poor Sarah.

    3. Anonymous5:52 PM

      Leaving the Today show is just like slavery.

    4. Anonymous5:56 PM

      You are crying, aren't you? Yes you are.

    5. Anonymous5:56 PM

      If you can't take the heat then stay out of the kitchen.
      BTW Some of us do handle it just fine thank you.
      If the publuc makes you then they own a part of you-that's the way it is.

    6. Anonymous6:05 PM

      oh please, she LOVES the attention. And to quip "Am I going to see that on ebay?" just tells you how much she is orgasming over her "celebrity-ness".

      Enjoy while you can, Harpy. You'll be back out to pasture soon.

    7. Anonymous6:22 PM

      Anonymous4:48 PM
      Can't stand the heat get out of the fryin' pan Bitches!
      What a bunch of whining cunts!

    8. Anonymous7:00 PM

      Sarah Palin Manipulated Glen Rice for her Orgasm.

    9. Anonymous7:15 PM

      Sarah gets more nasty as the days go by. And she cannot tell the truth about anything. Not her education, her family, her Christianity (she isn't) her behavior, her life. Nada. She is as fake as her breast size.

    10. Anonymous8:58 PM

      You know what stood out to me? She, who was progressin' forward thinking about ringing' the bells and signin' those books, she ogled at her gigantic signature on that final book. Didn't bother to make eye contact with anyone. But boy, did she like lookin at her fancy writin'. And it's about jobs. And job creation, Charlie.

    11. Anonymous1:41 AM

      4:48 Maybe if your mother did not put it onto "her" tweets, facebook etc. nobody would even KNOW where she was!! Advertising your movements is causing people (who have nothing better to do, poor things) to show up. Got to do the work if you want free money for ghost written books. Go out begging for donations to the Palin Slush Fund, and you have to learn to tolerate some of the donors to want face time. Willow, you could get a REAL job, stop mooching from your mother's charity. That would mean actually working, getting up in the morning, taking your kids to the sitter and EARNING a paycheck. Sounds too much like work, huh? As long as you are supported by this woman, keep your mouth shut, do as you are told. You are making quite an impression on her "fans" by the way, with your scowling.

  3. Anonymous4:50 PM

    Aw how cute. People here are pathetic with the bias

    1. Anonymous5:43 PM

      DO NOT OPEN that link. You'll regret it. It's a boring Obama attack site called the Gospel Truth.

      You're welcome.

    2. Anonymous5:56 PM

      They are "soft". Look at FLOTUS and POTUS work out everyday.
      The fat assed cons eating Chickfila and tacobell everyday. riding on scooter b/c their too fat to walk.
      That is the con base.
      Stuff their fat faces with junk and avoid walking or any exercise like the plague.
      And then we have sarah the Meth queen.
      stick legs, hunchback, with fake tits to pull her further forward...LMAO.
      Keep eating the Chickfila Assfucks!

    3. Anonymous6:53 PM

      Glad to know these nut cases eat lots and lots of PINK SLIME. Doubt they even know what it is. Bet they think it is chicken.

    4. Anonymous8:39 PM

      You are one really sick SOB. Go post your racist BS on a Tea Bagger or far right nutcase site.

  4. Anonymous4:52 PM

    The Levi she knows is the punk dropout who only cared about hunting. Even his wife admits he was a different person then and is thankful her bad boy "is good just for her." oh and he also let ghost writers write a host of lies for him, completely contradicting many things and plagiarizing.

    It's just funny how you overlook it.

    1. Anonymous5:45 PM

      I'm guessing you're locked in your room on the computer while the rest of your family enjoys the run up to Thanksgiving without you.

    2. Anonymous5:48 PM

      What's really funny is that you equate Levi, a private citizen, with Sarah Palin, a very public, rabble-rousing (she sure roused YOU!) one. Or should I said, RAISED you, Willow?

    3. Anonymous5:49 PM

      Wow! Barstool/Wallows posting on the first 4 comments!
      Troll much!
      Rumor has it ICEBERG headed your way Palin bitches on black Friday!!!
      Happy Holidays Skanks!!!!
      and fuck off also,too!

    4. Anonymous5:57 PM

      Go back in your corner and have a good cry. Grab a box of tissues before you come back. We'll wait.

    5. Anonymous6:04 PM

      Fuck off, eh?

    6. Anonymous7:12 PM

      Levi is a sorry case of a boy caught up in the Palin web. Yes, he also ghostwrote a book that failed. But he is no longer loking for the spotlight. Sarah is too lazy to do anything BUT hawk fake books, fake outrage, and lie daily. We are sick to death of her tantrums and anger. Does she ever say anything positive about anyone?

    7. Anonymous9:44 PM

      Psycho at 7:12pm

    8. Anonymous1:45 AM

      I see Levi as one of the first victims of this grifting family. He DID grow up, got a job, married a beautiful woman. He deserves credit for all he has done since escaping the Palin trap. He is one success story from this sad, disgusting saga of the grifters.

  5. Anonymous4:56 PM

    OMGoodness ! The grifters have been doing it for such a long time . I think that they actually believe in their self importance .
    For no more people that appeared to be wanting autographs (they could have graciously done them all ).
    They are so laughable,and at the same time very very sad that so many people are being decieved .I supose they deserve it .
    What goes around will surely come back ,and with a vengence . It's only a matter of when?

  6. For such a move up in the best selling list you know it can only be a bulk purchase for that to happen. Maybe Sarah PAC made a purchase under "postage".

    1. Definitely SarahPac - no-one else would bother

      Postage Costs - payment to the one or two Palin lovers who seem to be posting all over this thread. Grifters - everything they do is for money.

      And 2 old guys pushing each other for an autograph from the biggest grifter of all - they deserve all they get.

    2. Anonymous6:50 PM

      m baker4:59 PM AGREE

    3. Anonymous7:10 PM

      I bet you're right. All that 'postage' money goes to paid trolls, including, no doubt, her daughters. Oh, please Sarah, run for something so the FEC can take a hard look at SARAHPAC.

    4. Anonymous7:59 PM

      Agreed, they probably specified delivery by parcel post so they can call it "postage." Well, it did come by US Mail. Another PAC expense.

    5. Anonymous8:42 PM


      The FEC already looks at SarahPac and have found some questionable items like the NRA reimbursement that came up last quarter but really, she takes in a few hundred grand each quarter and isn't really playing in the major leagues. Suffice it to say, the FEC has bigger fish to fry than the piddling Mrs. Palin with her PAC that raises only pennies.

    6. Anonymous1:49 AM

      She is dangerous with the bile she spews. Look what happened to Gabby Giffords and the others in Tucson. Of couse, $carah was the victim, as usual. I hope the IRS keeps digging into her con game. There must be $$$ she does not report, to pay for the cut-rate plastic surgery she has, and Bristles has also, too. $carah is looking more manish in the face each time she shows up.

    7. Anonymous8:26 AM

      I suspect Palin is paying a LOT for security since she hasn't been covered (taxpayer's $$$$) since she and McCain lost their run! Thank God!

      I'll wager she has had many death threats and has a great fear of being killed!

  7. Anonymous5:03 PM

    surly trio-0-white trash, eh

  8. Anonymous5:14 PM


    1. Anonymous5:34 PM

      from whom? The 5 million MAJORITY who elected him? Twice?

    2. Anonymous5:48 PM

      Thanks 5:34. Funny how it works -- you get elected when the majority votes for you.

    3. Anonymous5:57 PM

      Anonymous5:14 PM
      :) ;)

    4. Anonymous5:58 PM

      Do you have any idea how silly you sound......on second thought....probably not......

    5. Anonymous5:58 PM

      You go live in another country since you don't like our country! We won and you lost now start packing-Russia or china or Korea may be just what you need-dear

    6. Anonymous5:58 PM

      From whom? The five million intelligent people who elected him? Should we give the country to the hateful, ignorant, dumbass teabaggers? I think not..

    7. Anyone who wants health care for all Americans should surely be impeached. How dare anyone other than the 1% have affordable health care. And what about ending wars - and not starting new wars - definitely impeachment needed for bringing nations together in peace, rather than sending in the 2nd amendment.

      The GOP supporters and Palin fans have lost every step of the way. Poor loser doesn't come close to describing their hatred that their bile will haunt them forever

    8. Anonymous8:09 PM

      Sorry. Some of us are still using it.

    9. Anonymous5:06 AM

      Get off your fat, lazy ass and do it yourself, k?

  9. Anonymous5:14 PM

    What I noticed was how carefully she walked w/the support of the arm of one of the men on her back. She appears very fragile.

    1. first thing i noticed: a walking corpse, while in her delusion, she imagines herself a superior, beautiful, brilliant celebrity; what a pathetic spectacle.

    2. Anonymous6:49 PM

      Sarah Palin could be helped if one person close to her or her family would get the ball rolling to have her diagnosed and treated.

      The earliest warning signs of anorexia (anorexia nervosa) can be very difficult to distinguish from normal eating or dieting behavior. Anorexia symptoms may also be concealed, attributed to other health conditions or dismissed as side effects of prescription drugs.

      Today more elderly people are showing signs of low self-worth and even more serious conditions like body dysmorphic disorder than ever before. Older people are not only buying into the unrealistic ideal embraced by a youth-fixated culture, they are falling prey to eating disorders in their effort to achieve it.

    3. Anonymous6:51 PM

      She is starting to look as frail as Nancy Reagan!!

    4. Anonymous7:32 PM


      anorexia ? BRING IT !

      mankind will be far and away better off with this useless pariah gone from this world - can't happen soon enough ..

    5. Anonymous8:05 PM

      She does not look well. Whatever Sarah Palin's illness, help is available.

      Estrella Women's Prison, Phoenix

    6. Anonymous1:52 AM

      We all know she has been "mentally and emotionally fragile" from day one. Her nasty, bile, vile spewings are starting to show on her outside also, too.

    7. Anonymous4:19 AM

      "The earliest warning signs of anorexia (anorexia nervosa) can be very difficult to distinguish from normal eating or dieting behavior. Anorexia symptoms may also be concealed, attributed to other health conditions or dismissed as side effects of prescription drugs."
      Wow! Someone REALLY WANTS us to think she has anorexia and not a METHQUEEN?
      All they have to do is a hair test or urine test on her?
      Sarah has always been a chubette even as a "beauty" queen. and now tops the scales at 89 lbs?
      Meth! Speed kills Amphedimine Annie!

    8. Anonymous4:29 AM

      Palin's lifestyle will age her faster than Nancy Reagan. What is astonishing is to see that with all the drooling and empty words of worship for a false idol, not one of Sarah Palin's peeps can show any authentic care or love for her in her fatal condition.

  10. Anonymous5:26 PM

    Apparently Willow cannot stand her mother's hypocrisy any more than the rest of us can..............

    1. Anonymous7:30 PM

      apparently you're pathetic and a liar

    2. Anonymous7:56 PM

      @7:30 PM And, you are a hater. And, you are immature.

    3. Anonymous8:03 PM

      Apparently you are uneducated, unskilled, and a Colony Girls Gang Member.

    4. Cracklin Charlie8:46 PM

      Willow hates capital letters.

    5. Anonymous9:23 PM

      Apparently, you're right on the money. You made the troll cry again. Tsk, tsk.

    6. Anonymous1:57 AM

      Willow likes starting sentences with "and" A No No, if she had not missed so much school she would know that. I did notice she does not use the "f" word as much as she used to. Being a mother maybe made her clean up her language.

  11. Anonymous5:26 PM

    Has it been a month? A month of her bitching and whining and sniping?
    Someone on Malia's says iceberg ahead on black friday!
    We CAN ONLY HOPE!!!!

  12. Anonymous5:28 PM

    Willow is mad alright. When she HAS to be with her asshole mom she can't troll the blogs!

  13. Anonymous5:36 PM

    This is O/T -- but I found it fairly interesting -- a post from C4P from: MarkRNY • 2 hours ago (some proof of their trying to hi-jack and make glitches in the O-Care Health website) :

    ". . . . . Think I'll skip Thanksgiving with the family this year. . . . . . . and in spare moments I'm going to 'log onto the Out of the Factory Totaled O-website over and over and do my part to make it crash' - and recruit friends to do the same! My version of a Like troll! It can ALL be ours again if the right peeps led by the right Alaskan (in stilettos) lead the charge."

    Aren't they all so clever and cute? N.O.T.!!!!

    1. Anonymous5:47 PM

      I'm sure "the family" is hoping he makes good on his promise to skip Thanksgiving.

    2. Anonymous6:00 PM

      Good catch but they lost again. Enrollment s are up and besides -hundreds can't win over millions. We have might and right on our side!

      Thankful this thanksgiving to have the obamas in the White House:)

    3. Anonymous6:50 PM

      I'm not too worried about C4Pers crashing the healthcare website. There's only about 14 of them over there any way.

    4. Anonymous7:34 PM


      i usually only count about nine of the dipshits

    5. Anonymous7:55 PM

      Next thing you know , they'll be admitting to voting a hundred times to put Bristol on the next DWTS. She must know that she didn't deserve to be there.

    6. Anonymous9:54 PM

      "Alaskan (in stilettos)"...

      Ever notice how so many of her "supporters" have creepy foot-fetishes? You can almost hear them typing out their fantasy posts with one hand. Eww. They not only worship her, they objectify her.

  14. Anita Winecooler5:52 PM

    LOL Love how Willard stomps out and hauls butt into the back seat of the car. That takes a lot of practice, you know! I now see why she did the post that day, she's trying to stay ahead of the media and cover for mini me. Hey, Baldy, she's an adult, keep your nose out of her business.

    1. Anonymous7:29 PM

      She's a normal person. You should probably grow up and stop inserting your fantasy of the day

    2. Anonymous7:50 PM

      @7:29. Sarah Palin is not a normal person. And, neither are you. You are the one who should grow up.

    3. Anonymous8:01 PM

      Willow is a normal Unwed teen mom.

    4. Anonymous9:12 PM

      Projection much?

    5. Anonymous9:25 PM

      OMG! NO ONE in that family is normal. They are all dysfunctional, and several show signs of mental illness, especially the Tundra Turd. Try again. We love playing Whack-A-Troll.

    6. Anonymous9:42 PM

      Hey 7:29pm what is it with you stalking every post? It's like you wait until it's late in the evening when most are done with comments & you reply with silly ass comments. You grow up.

    7. Anonymous6:08 AM

      Hey, in all fairness to Brillo, it's HARD WORK sitting next to Quitler for two hours, sliding books across the table with a scowl on her face, when she should be elsewhere, living vibrantly. SLAVERY, I tell you!

    8. Anonymous6:25 AM

      6:08 AM

      You can almost see the shackles. All of Mama Grizzly cubs are lingering in babyhood prison. They that can't stop sucking her fake teat.

  15. Anonymous6:00 PM

    She takes the pen from one guy and it sounds like someone says, 'no, not him,' and she is directed to sign something for someone else. Very odd.

    1. Anonymous6:40 PM

      I went back and watched that and I wonder who that guy was that said no not him? Does anyone know him? It is really odd, he was just asking for a picture of her to be signed. Hmm.

    2. Anonymous7:29 PM

      It looked like the man behind her was rushing her and actually pointing her toward directions.

    3. Anonymous6:35 AM

      Very odd indeed. The man definitely said "no, not him." Cudos for the man who didn't get his picture signed to at least grab his pen back. It was hilarious! Too bad the reporters didn't catch that, they could have had an interesting interview with the snubbed man after the queen, her sullen handmaiden and footmen left. The snubbed man probably waited for hours to get his autograph. What was the queen saying about Ebay at the beginning of this clip? Something about the signed book showing up on Ebay?? Classy.

  16. Anonymous6:12 PM

    Gotta love how Sarah's book tour commences with her getting bitch slapped repeatedly by a reporter throwing "Levi" in her face. It almost knocks her off her feet.

    Damn, Levi owns her ass.

    1. Anonymous7:28 PM

      lol grow up. He was the one who made such matters public and started the bashing war.

    2. Anonymous8:00 PM

      LOL Sarah grew up when she Fucked Glen Rice. Sarah has not been the same since.

    3. Anonymous9:03 PM

      OMG, Bristol is bitter and hods a grudge-- just like her mother.

    4. Anonymous9:27 PM

      Now that steaming pile of bullshit was something to see (and smell). Do you EVER do any research, Shit For Brains?

  17. Anonymous6:15 PM

    I like the man's comment at the end: "How much is Levi charged to see Tripp?" He didn't get an answer.

    1. Anonymous7:28 PM

      You have hearing issues

    2. Anonymous8:20 PM


      too bad Sunny's got the best thing you ever had huh barstool ? and you ain't EVER gonna get him back - eat shit, all you palin's/heath's

    3. Anonymous4:18 AM

      8:20, A good mother will not be obsessed with a child only sharing holidays with one side of their family. The greatest thing for Tripp and little Breeze would be for them to be together as children and bonding with special moments. A mature parent knows that.

      I don't know what today will bring for Tripp and Breeze. I hope both parents are operating from the best interest of the child.

    4. Anonymous9:42 AM

      Where is Tripp giving thanks this year?

  18. Anonymous6:30 PM

    o/t -- While shopping in a superstore this afternoon, what to my wondering ears should I hear but "Feliz Navidad"!!!

    The nerve of those illegals to try to horn in on our sacred Christmas shopping season with a song that's not in all-American English, the language that George Washington and Baby Jeebus himself used when they wrote the Declaration and the Second Amendment.
    I've even heard that that liberal Pope doesn't speak English back home at the Vatican. I hope he won't try any of that Christmas mass stuff on the 25th -- it's our day to celebrate joy and glad tidings -- we need to protect its precious heart from these foreign usurpers!

    1. Anonymous6:44 PM

      Dunno if we should tell you what language they speak in Bethlehem....

    2. Anonymous7:06 PM

      And how dare the Jews usurp the Christian American holiday of Thanksgiving? Couldn't they change Hannukah. I mean, freedom and God and family and money.

    3. Anonymous7:47 PM

      @6:44, Is that Bethlehem, the place where Christ was born, the centerpiece of Sarah Palin's religious faith, the place that she didn't visit when she was in Israel, that Bethlehem? Or is it the Bethlehem in Pennsylvania where she had her book signing. No, wait a minute, it wasn't in that Bethlehem, either, but a town nearby. So far, for a place that is so important to Palin that she wrote a book about it, she never bothered to visit.

    4. Anonymous8:12 PM

      I am so happy I am a Pagan. It makes my life so easy and natural. And fun.

      When I want to experience my personal awe of the spiritual devine, I go outside.

      How lucky I am to be able to consciously experience the wonders of the earth, and it's all around, and in, me.

      I am thankful for that!

    5. Anonymous4:23 AM

      me too! @Anonymous8:12 PM

    6. Anonymous5:53 AM

      That's right!....Joseph was riding his donkey to Bethlehem, ringing them bells, and warning the Romans "you can't take our guns!!"

      Oh wait......

    7. Anonymous6:39 AM

      Typical SP, didn't visit Bethlehem on her Israel visit but had to visit the US one. Probably because all those foreigners make her uncomfortable. And why doesn't she wear her Star of David necklace anymore?

  19. Anonymous7:09 PM

    I hope Todd asks Santa Clause (Sarah) for a pair of testicles.

    In the video Sarah does not have a purse but you can see a strap on Todd's shoulder used for some type of bag which probably contains Sarah's purse, brush, make up, tampons, douche, extra breasts and her other essentials

    1. Anonymous7:22 PM

      Also a six pack of Red Bull, two Crunch Wrap Supremes, Smores and Gryphens picture

    2. Anonymous7:27 PM

      Tampons? She's a bit long in the tooth for that anymore.

    3. Anonymous8:30 PM

      tampons ?!?

      dried up ol' crosseyed skank's eggs were hardboiled a long time ago

    4. Anonymous1:57 PM

      Todd's new testicles and Sarah's sour twat - great combination!

  20. Anonymous7:25 PM

    Must be Bristol or Willows day to troll...

    1. Anonymous9:01 PM

      Gotta earn that consultant's fee. It's cost a lot of money to go to school, work full time and......give me a break!

  21. Anonymous7:45 PM

    Oh, come on, it's #283 now.
    Why isn't Sarah Palin outraged about all of those retailers being open on Thanksgiving? Will she go on a mission to close the movie theaters that are open on Christmas?

    1. Anonymous4:28 AM

      are you kiddin"? Those job creatin' .02 hr jobs that take hardworkin' kids (like hers) away from their family's on this holiday you know that the pilGRIMS started...
      and they will eat their thanksgivin' dinner at chickfila if there was one in Alaska doncha know?

    2. Anonymous8:12 AM

      There isn't one in Alaska!

    3. Anonymous8:47 AM

      " if there was one in Alaska doncha know?"

  22. Anonymous8:16 PM

    Palin wants everyone to believe she eats all fattening foods-snores, juicy steak and the fat that goes with it(mentioned in Going Rogue),moose stew,Big (Sugary) Gulps--and she looks like a stick figure. If she wants people to believe her, she should
    gain some weight. She is such a liar. If she eats any of the above, she probably takes a bite of two. Her legs look like she's on a diet of saltiness crackers and water.

    1. Anonymous4:12 AM

      She may be addicted to laxatives or vomiting. Whatever it is there is no denial of an apparent fatal disease unless you are a cult member. In that case it is DENIAL, DENIAL, DENIAL.

    2. Anonymous4:29 AM

      Designer meth! So many busted in Dillinham and wasilly? coninkydink?
      Todd? Todd?
      Have you SEEN Todd?

  23. Anonymous8:46 PM

    I'm loving seeing the trolls comments. The level of angst shown in the troll comments clearly indicates G got to them big time with this post. Poor trolls are in pain...

  24. So what is the deal with the old man, where the one "body guard" elbows his paper aside and says "not him"?

  25. Anonymous9:05 PM

    I can always tell when Gryphen hits a nerve because the immature troll with the limited vocabulary comes here to play. How bitter, how sad. I hope she doesn't inflict that hatred on her kid(s).

  26. Anonymous9:17 PM

    Wow! That was SO MEAN and typical of the Tundra Twatwaffle. She is too important to sign that poor man's memorabilia, but she has the gall to jack his pen and sign somebody else's stuff. WHAT AN ASSHOLE YOU ARE, QUITTER QUEEN!

    1. Anonymous10:31 PM

      That was a very telling incident revealing her real self.

    2. Anonymous10:42 PM

      That was a very telling incident revealing her real self.

    3. Anonymous4:31 AM

      Didn't see say something like "this better not end up on ebay" or something?


  27. Anonymous9:44 PM

    Gryphen, I saw it jump up to 209 from 358 yesterday so a bulk purchase looks very likely.

    1. Anonymous4:32 AM

      So she made a bulk purchase off AMAZON?
      Or does that count for everywhere?

    2. Anonymous6:41 AM

      The Koch brothers thought they better jump in and do their manipulating. I'm sure they are planning another bulk purchase a couple more times in the next weeks.

    3. Anonymous9:00 AM

      4:32 AM - that was just Amazon.

  28. Anonymous10:31 PM

    What snots: both Mrs. Palin and her new Mini Me Willlow. Sucks to be you Willow.

  29. Anonymous1:46 AM

    Said it before and I'll say it again: What a FUCKED UP "FAMILY."

  30. Anonymous2:15 AM

    Straight out of the Wasilla Moose's mouth, this explains a LOT in less than 10 seconds.

    1. Wow that's pretty sad to be almost 50 have this Alaskan heart hockey mom with traditional values, yet doesn't know how to carve a turkey?
      Well I suppose 7-11 and Taco Bell better step it up a notch.

    2. Anonymous9:39 AM


  31. Anonymous5:56 AM

    So pathetic that they have to buy up their own crap to "prove" they matter, have to troll blogs and website comments.....I'm mean, REALLY, just how sick does one have to be when down deep you know you're a worldwide laughingstock?

  32. Anonymous7:32 AM

    That old bitch has been married over 20 years and doesn't know how to carve a fucking turkey and has to watch a video for instructions.

    No wonder the Wasilla hockey rink was screwed up and built on unsecured private property and cost more money to build due to Mayor Sarah Palin's incompetence.

    Sarah Palin claims to be a hunter that can cut up a bear but she can't carve a turkey. Sarah Palin is fucking useless.

    1. Anonymous8:17 AM

      The only thing she hunts are the gullible tin-foiled hat bunch. Preferably with deep pockets,

    2. Anonymous8:30 AM

      Sarah Palin doesn't hunt bears. Sarah takes her gun and dresses up in camo to go berry picking and a bear actually snuck up on her.

    3. Anonymous1:54 PM

      Sarah Palin is the furthest thing from an authentic hunter! She's a joke, in Alaska, as to her non abilities as a gun shooter and hunter!

  33. Anonymous8:05 AM

    7:32 And, a lying fraud! Why all of a sudden does she need to learn how to carve a turkey when she has her pimp husband, Track, her Dad, her brother - supposed 'family' - to do the job at her special Thanksgiving 'family' affair?

    She thinks we actually believe her bullshit. What a delusional idiot!!! But, hey, we already knew that!!!

  34. Anonymous8:36 AM

    50 year old Sarah Palin can't carve a turkey

    Bristol, the oldest daughter and mother, doesn't know how to cook a chicken.

    Caint Get Right can't keep his family together.

    Willow can't finish high school.

    Todd can't build a good neighbor fence without it falling over and claims he built their two story red house.

    These people can't do nothing.

    1. Anonymous8:52 AM

      Bristol doesn't know how to raise a child.

      She must of learned how not to raise a family from her mother.

  35. Anonymous8:45 AM

    Sarah Palin can't carve a turkey! What can she do?

    Maybe we should ask Glenn Rice and Brad Hanson what Sarah can do. We should ask Curt Menard Jr too but he had what they called an airplane accident.

    1. Anonymous8:53 AM

      Curt was very close to Sarah, what happened to him?

    2. Anonymous8:55 AM

      Who is Brad Hanson?

    3. Anonymous9:47 AM

      Brad Hanson is a Palmer City Council member that Mrs. Palin allegedly had an affair with back in 2005-2006.

    4. Anonymous1:47 PM

      And, Brad Hanson was a business partner of Todd Palin. Sarah was screwing him! Poor guy - bet he regrets it now that his name has been spread all over the country throughout the past years!

      Thank god, most of us don't have to regret being in the sack with someone in our past!

    5. Anonymous1:52 PM

      Curt Menard is suppose to be the real father of Track Palin. Curt died in an airplane crash. Todd Palin has been blamed for it throughout the years as to having added water to the fuel Menard used for his airplane.

      Curt did not like how Sarah was raising Track - and, stated so - which became public knowledge.

  36. Anonymous9:00 AM

    With a thankful Alaskan Heart, we are thankful on this Thanksgiving day to be rid of Sarah Palin as our governor.

    1. Anonymous1:44 PM

      And, for no longer being a resident of Alaska...AZ, you can have her and the dysfunctional Palin family!

  37. Anonymous9:19 AM

    I'm pissed! I'm watching the Thanksgiving Parade and I just seen the South Dakota Mt Rushmore float and they left off Sarah Palin's face.

  38. Anonymous9:42 AM

    Wishing Shailey Tripp and her family a Happy Thanksgiving

    Wishing everybody who has been terrorized by the Palins a Happy Thanksgiving.

  39. Anonymous2:04 PM

    Serves the old guy right for being a fan of Palin.


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.