Monday, December 09, 2013

Final image of the day.

This showed up on Palin's Facebook page about an hour and half ago with this caption:

My fun date with Tripp today at the bookstore - spotted his twin on "The Christmas Story" movie display!

Yes Tripp is a cute little guy. However what I get from this is that he is still out of the state, away from his dad, and being used by his grandmother to promote her crappy book.

Poor little prop.


  1. Anonymous5:18 PM

    Someone on the blogs pegged the similarity of TRipp with his glasses and Peter Billingsley as a child.
    Is Barstool hoping TRipp will be picked for a remake?
    Fat chance cow.

    1. Anonymous7:06 PM

      Wow, how immature are you?

      Grow up

    2. Anonymous7:44 PM

      You are so boring, 7:06. Why don't you find a family that actually deserves your sickening devotion?

    3. Anonymous8:55 PM

      7:06 Do you continuously post your incoherent Bullshit? You are a Certified Palin Stalker with no life.

    4. Anonymous9:51 PM

      Tri-PP is a cute 6 year old named after a prostitute. Its not his fault he doesn't know his real age.

    5. Sally in MI2:04 AM

      Why isn't he in school? It's still fall semester all over the country, except for the Palins, who are too smart for school. Or something.

    6. Anonymous2:55 AM

      He has the Palin signature large head. My, what BIG hands he has, unless it is the angle the photo was taken. Was Bristles there to pick up her monthly $$$$ from Mommy Dearest??

    7. Anonymous3:59 AM

      Hit a nerve Barstool?

    8. Anonymous3:45 PM

      The book is already 20% off?!?

  2. Anonymous5:35 PM

    This family has no shame.

    1. Anonymous7:06 PM

      no thatd be you

    2. Anonymous9:52 PM

      True if they had any shame they wouldn't have named him after shailey Tripp, Todd's prostitute.

    3. Anonymous3:59 AM

      9"52 or Tri-G after his genetic mishap.

  3. Anonymous5:36 PM

    bout that wreath on the cover of Granny's book: Has anybody told her or her fans that a wreath is a pre-Christian symbol of a bountiful harvest?

    What? They thought Jesus put up a wreath every December outside the "Joseph and Son" carpentry shop in Nazareth?

    Tom, in FL

    1. Sally in MI2:03 AM

      Does she even mention Jesus in her book, other than to use him to slam someone else? Sarah, babe, maybe you could spend some time on your flights READING the New Testament. Jesus was a peaceful man, who turned the other cheek, asked us to love our neighbors, all of them, and would never have approved of your lifestyle, your ignorance rants, nor your baqshing of everyone you don't like. Oh, and your BFFs Jefferson and Adams thought women belonged in the kitchen, so, yes, they would have told you to STFU because they were not Christians either.
      And who takes a 5 year old for an outing dressed in a tee shirt and fleece vest? He looks like you were shopping at Goodwill.

  4. Anonymous5:47 PM

    Detestable little WannaBeBooBoo

    How friggin' disgusting! Ilk.

    And whatnot.

    1. Anonymous7:06 PM

      grow up

    2. Anonymous7:18 PM

      beautiful !!

      LMAO !

    3. Anonymous7:45 PM

      Troll(s) are out....Gryphen touched a nerve! LOL.

    4. Anonymous8:52 PM

      7:06 PM Throw Up, for your Bulimia.

  5. Anonymous5:55 PM

    This is a private family who want to be left alone! The medias and the bloggers are SHAMELESS and non stopping in their attempts to turn this family into the next Paris Hilton.

    Some of the ANONYMOUS comments on the HATE FILLED BLOGS will probably make jokes about Todd carrying his wife's purse. Or that Todd is the next Perez Hilton!

    I'm going to drive my truck to APPLEBEES and have them change their tvs to Sportsman Channel so no one misses anything! I will also ask when they start serving moose chili and moose burgers!

    Sarah will be back in Alaska in February to show her support for the dairycows and farmers at the Beus trial. I'm sure she will be meeting with Governor Parnell about running for Senate or getting appointed to an important state job of some kind. I heard Todd and Chuck Jr already have their toll collector jobs lined up for the new KABATA bridge which is under construction just as soon as they finish Sarah's pipeline!

    1. Anonymous7:06 PM

      lol Someone here needs a nap...and sedative...and life

    2. Anonymous7:43 PM

      lol, it sounds just like YOU, 7:06.

    3. Anonymous7:50 PM

      Todd turning into Perez Hilton? Might be snark...

    4. Anonymous8:56 PM

      It's snark.

    5. Anita Winecooler5:33 PM

      Says "Anonymous" @ 5:55

      "Some of the ANONYMOUS comments....."

  6. Anonymous5:56 PM

    20% off? MCSCROOGED!!!

  7. Anonymous5:58 PM

    Why does Tripp need glasses at 5? Its because he is really 6.

    1. Anonymous7:05 PM

      toddlers are often prescribed glasses that they wear for several years when one eye is weaker than the other.

    2. Anonymous8:50 PM

      Has Tri-pp inherited a WONKY eye from his Granny Grifter?

    3. Anonymous8:56 PM

      A five year old is not a toddler. Neither is a four year, a three year old, or most if not all two year olds.

    4. Anonymous9:08 PM

      Bristol wants him to look intelligent. That's probably why she wears them.

    5. Anonymous2:58 AM

      Well, scrap THAT idea. Bristle's gl;asses do NOT make her look intelligent. Another wrong idea from the "brains" of the family.

    6. Speaking of Tripp's appearance, I never noticed what a pronounced cleft in his chin that he has. Wonder where he got THAT from? Not from Levi, whose chin shows a cleft only formed from whiskers in that perpetually scruffy half-shaved look. Maybe from Bristol, who eliminated what weird chin dimples she had when she had her fake "dental work" done?

  8. Anonymous6:05 PM

    Merry Christmas, Tripp! Hoping you get to see all your family this holiday season.

  9. Anonymous6:11 PM

    My fun date with Tripp today at the bookstore - spotted his twin on "The Christmas Story" movie display!

    Tri-PP potted his twin?

    You mean Tri-G and his twin brother Tri-PP finally went somewhere with Granny Sarah?

    1. Anonymous7:04 PM

      Um, they are not brothers nor are they twins.

    2. Anonymous7:43 PM

      Yeah, let's take YOUR word for it 7:04 that they aren't brothers.

    3. Anonymous8:48 PM

      Just like Track is not Curt Menard Jr.'s son?

    4. Anonymous9:04 PM

      Right, they are not brothers, because Tri-g's parents are not Sarah and Todd Palin.

    5. Well, the guy who played Ralphie in "The Christmas Story" is old enough now to be Tripp's daddy, soooo...

    6. "My fun date with Tripp today at the book store..."

      Why didn't Sarah refer to Tripp as her grandson? Isn't that what most giddy grandmothers do?

      Just wonderin'

  10. Anonymous6:20 PM

    BWAAA!!! They left the friggin 20% OFF sticker on it.

    A hardcover book in a REAL bookstore and marking a so-called Christian Christmas book off by 20% weeks ahead of Christmas.

    Is this Bristol's idea of a joke? Is it a passive-aggressive dig at her mom?

    1. Anonymous7:04 PM


    2. Anonymous7:42 PM

      Yeah, not so good when you already have to discount to get it off the shelves, especially with all this publicity. Yet another stinker brought to you by Sarah Palin.

    3. Anonymous10:01 PM

      7:04 Why would Bristol post a photo of her mother's book showing that it had already been cut in price at a major bookstore weeks before Christmas?

      She COULD have had Tripp's hand cover that corner, but she, instead, posted for all to see that Mom's book is already tanking.

      Huh? That's the question.

      Why post the tacky photo when with just a shift of little Tripp's hand, she could have posted a tasteful photo and it wouldn't be obvious that the book was on the markdown.

    4. Anonymous3:00 AM

      Bristle does NOT think, anymore than she works.

    5. Anonymous4:02 AM

      I think it is a passive aggressive dig at her mom. You beat me to it!

    6. Anonymous4:11 AM

      My rule-of-thumb is not to ascribe to malice that which can be explained by stupidity. I think none of the Palin "brain trust" even noticed the 20% off sticker.

    7. Anonymous4:11 AM

      My rule-of-thumb is not to ascribe to malice that which can be explained by stupidity. I think none of the Palin "brain trust" even noticed the 20% off sticker.

    8. Someone would have to be an idiot to pay full price (or donate $60 bucks) for that book.

      Oops, talking about the folks at the book signings, and the cultists at c4p, my bad! ;-)

  11. Anonymous7:04 PM

    Gryphen, grow up.

    1. Anonymous7:41 PM

      Patullo, shut up.

    2. Anonymous8:47 PM

      Patullo is a lonely sick Bitch.

    3. Anonymous10:13 AM

      Kristy Patullo: "Please post a picture of it decorated, Bristol. Would love to see it in all its glory."

      Patullo is still waiting for Bristol to post a picture of the tree where Bristol shacked up with her boyfriend. THAT IS HILARIOUS!

      Next Pathetic Patullo will go to Wasilla to see Sarah's plastic Jewish family. BAHWAHHAHAHA

  12. Anonymous7:08 PM

    Dude, that kid has Sarahs eyes. Actually he looks a lot like Track as a kid. Ive always thought that. Tracks hair turned darker around age 10. ACTUALLY, he kind of looks like Jim Palin as a youngster.HE DOES. Ive finally figured it out.

    1. Anonymous7:41 PM

      Track does not look like a Palin, but nice try.

    2. Anonymous8:46 PM

      You figured out wrong, Track is a Menard. How is Track's REHAB going? Oxycontin is hard to shake.

    3. Take a look at a photo of Breeze next to Tripp. That's where you'll see the "look-alikes".

  13. Anonymous7:08 PM

    I never noticed Tripp's cleft chin. I can't remember, did Bristol's old chin have a cleft? Levi doesn't have one.

    1. Yeah, I remarked on that above, myself. Bristol used to have a series of weird dimples or indentations in her chin before she had it worked on. The dimples were never really a cleft.

  14. Anonymous7:09 PM

    It's not like they're there for long. And it's not a random excursion. tsk tsk.

    1. Anonymous7:41 PM

      What a heartless moron you are.

  15. Anonymous7:12 PM

    REally, because this is no different from him wearing that stupid "Levi for mayor shirt." Except this is just a fun little thing for him. Nana's book. Such a sweet boy. Impressed. He's active and all-boy, but has always been a sweetie cradling babies since way back.

    1. Anonymous7:40 PM

      Shut up with this "all-boy" thing. It's insulting. And exactly how many babies has this kids been cradling and exactly how way back can you go with a supposed 4-year-old?

    2. Anonymous8:43 PM

      All Boy with a Pedicure? Nana's Ghostwritten Book is BS. You are one Stupid clown.

    3. Anonymous9:02 PM

      Right, Tri-pp has been cradling Bristol's many Babies(Bastards like him) since 2009. Bristol has been a busy Baby Maker.

    4. Anonymous4:04 AM

      All boy?
      Who cares!
      Do you feel compelled to say this because Barstool takes him for mani pedis??
      Again - who cares!

    5. Someone is in denial about Tripp. "All boy", then "sweet boy", then "cradling babies"? Suuuure. Sounds like he has that maternal instinct his grammy doesn't.

    6. Anonymous10:30 AM

      Kristy... You are Such a sick fuck and you appear to be getting worse!

    7. Anonymous10:18 AM

      As long as Tripp stays away from Alaska and he isn't touching his baby sister Brisol will think her little "all boy sweet boy love bug" is the cutest.

      Bristol would freak if a judge had Tripp seeing his baby sister!

  16. Anonymous7:14 PM

    Why am I getting that malware thing on this post?

    And it doesnt hurt a kid to be away from dad for a few months. Kids who only sees a parents once a year aren't harmed by it. It's not like this is a permanent thing. School is important as is a good schedule that gives one more time at home WITH the kid.

    1. Anonymous7:39 PM

      You are smoking some serious crack. Kids ARE harmed by only seeing a parent once a year. This is a dad who wants to see his child on a regular basis and a mom who refuses to let that happen.

    2. Anonymous8:42 PM

      7:14 pm He must be in School all over the country. Bristol is Pregnant, PROVE me wrong.

    3. Anonymous9:06 PM

      I'm getting a malware worning on Immoral Minority too.

      It says content from, a known malware distributor has been inserted into this webpage.

    4. Anonymous2:04 AM

      Don't kid yourself, this kid is being harmed by his mother and grandmother as to Levi and his family. What total bullshit!

      Cannot begin to imagine what it is like to live w/in that Palin klan!

    5. I get that malware warning every once in a while, too. Not every time I log onto IM. Makes me think IM is under attack from one of the Palinbots.

  17. Anonymous7:19 PM

    Too bad Jean shepherd isn't still around. He would have verbally flayed Palin.

  18. Anonymous7:47 PM

    Bristol looks desperate to get Tripp his own reality show. Maybe Sarah will take him hunting with her when he gets his Red Rider BB Gun.

    1. Anonymous9:02 PM

      Is that he gets pedicures?

  19. Anonymous7:52 PM

    Yall are all weweed up again?

    1. Anonymous8:39 PM

      7:52 PM It looks like that 'best seller' is wee wee'd up at 20% off already. BWAHAHAHAHA.

    2. Anonymous8:54 PM

      Yall can't even spell wee wee'd. Schmuck.

    3. Anonymous12:13 PM

      They are "we weed"

  20. Anonymous8:17 PM

    Another empty bookstore on the book tour....

    1. Anonymous9:01 PM

      As expected.

    2. Anonymous10:19 AM

      Did Tripp sleep at the empty book store? Why does he look like he just got out of bed?

  21. Anonymous8:30 PM

    OT, kinda. I was surprised that Mark Burnett, reality show producer extraordinaire, hired Palin's talented nemesis from Homer Alaska, Jewel, as a judge on the Sing-Off. And a few weeks ago, Cher was a guest mentor on his other talent show, The Voice. Burnett's XMas party should be extra fun this year!

    A walk down memory lane with the band, Sarah Baracuda (flute) and the Jewel (guitar)

    1. Anonymous9:01 PM

      Is everybody throwing Sarah Palin under the bus?

      FOX NEWS never gave Alaska's sportscaster failure her own show or a spot on a big show.

      Burnett nevet gave that retarded turd a permanent show.

      According to ex prostitute Shailey Tripp, she revealed that Todd Palin was her pimp.

      Alaska doesn't want Sarah as their senator.

      What's going on here?

    2. Anonymous2:02 AM

      Cher and Jewel are on record for not being able to stand Palin! Love it when something happens she has absolutely no control over....fuck her!

  22. Anonymous9:07 PM

    That poor kid.

  23. Anonymous9:16 PM

    There's a Google malware warning on this site. I'm brave, I came here anyway (ha ha). Someone must have posted a bad link or something.

    1. There's no malware. But an image that I linked to earlier cause Google to overreact.

      The image has been removed but it takes awhile for Google to give the all clear.

      I find this so irritating sometimes.

  24. Anonymous4:56 AM

    Peter Billingsley was 12 when he played Ralphie and that poster was taken. Ralphie the character was supposed to be 9. Oopsie!

  25. Anonymous6:15 AM

    Those are permanent teeth.

  26. Anonymous7:36 AM

    @4:56 - I haven't read the comments yet, but that was my very first thought.

    1. Anonymous10:00 AM

      6:15 and 7:36
      As much as I want it to be true - it isn't. TRust me. There are no indents on the bottom of the teeth as with permanent teeth. Those are still his baby teeth.
      However, he can still be 6 and not 5.

  27. janice10:41 AM

    So, she can still continue begging on her SarahPac for donations and never do politicing again?
    In other words, no one will ever stop her from collecting money just for the fun of it?

    1. Anonymous11:41 AM

      Correct, and 4pees are so STUPID they fall for every piece of crap that comes out of her mouth. She's their golden calf.

  28. Anonymous11:53 AM

    Inquiring minds want to know.... Bristol or Joey?

    Who paid for the trip to Disneyland?
    Did they have separate rooms?
    How did they find time for adult time (Tripp still sleeps with his mother, the moaner?)

    Obviously Joey is Bristol's next trial husband/daddy.
    Will they both be ok with Bristol the Sugar Mama?

    Will the Palin Enterprise elevate Joey to the leval of comfort Bristol aspires to?

    Will the Mat-Su Valley Trash wedding of the year be announced on the Sportsman Channel? The reception at the Rainbow Lodge?

  29. Anonymous2:22 PM

    Tripp looks cute in that pic and he is similar to Billingsley as a child. He is old enough to have some memories of this time when he is older. I don't know how he feels about his sister, being with his dad and Sunny for the holiday. He may not care, he may just be thrilled to miss so much school and that he could go to Disneyland. Nancy French also put up a pic of Tripp with his sweets and he looked like he was in heaven - Who’s on the Naughty List? Sweets must be his most favorite thing. He may not even like dinners as served on Thanksgiving. He wouldn't be the first kid to choose sweets over good food.

    Who is on the Naughty List?
    That is not a picture of I can't wait for Christmas. That is a romantic memory for Bristol. Kristy Patullo and others were tricked into thinking it is a tree that Bristol will deocorate. Someone wants her to show them a pic of after SHE DECORATES THAT TREE. ROTFLMFAO. I feel certain that Joey, Bristol and Tripp stayed at that hotel and had a fun time in Los Angeles. Tripp is no doubt well behaved when on medication and when he is on a diet of sweets. I don't see anything that says Bristol Palin is now a good mother. She may allude herself like parents that spoil and buy off kids to manipulate them so they are better behaved. As far as school goes, he is not in school. Bristol may do her version of home school, but that is not an education. I am not sure what book store or town Tripp and Sarah are having their fun date?

    December 7, 2013 Shealah Craighead photographed a Palin book sale in Monroe, Louisiana. Palin's facebook doesn't say when or where she was with Tripp. Sarah lies, she and Tripp may not have been together, someone may have just sent her the pics of Tripp that she uploaded December 9, 2013, yesterday. The discounted book and empty bookstore is dismal for part of her tour. Why would she go to an empty bookstore after her book sale tour ends? The Palins are slobs and treat their fans shabby, they don't always say what is up and they do tricky things with old pics.

    Tripp does look similar to Billingsley. The current meme seems to be that Sarah is with regular folks. She may or may not have had a fun date with Tripp? She would find him a discounted book to pose with? LOL

  30. Anonymous2:55 PM

    The Palin granny, Griffter, will try ANY prop to push her little "book." BWAHAHAHAHAHHA! She will even use an innocent child. I say that Levi should get a cut of the sales from her so called book since she'' using his child to peddle/push her vitriolic "literature."

  31. Anonymous3:15 PM

    Mrs. Commercialization

    Sarah Palin PR. They are not using the skeleton photographs.
    Appearances. Check out how cute and adorable this family can look.

  32. Anonymous3:50 PM

    They tried to delete the "Guess Where Tripp Got To Go?" picture and comments from the stupid pretend ghostwritten blog of the pretend born-again-virgin. LOL....if they have nothing to hide why delete the posts!
    Are they worried that we ALL know that the abstinence immaculate conception woman will be found to be exposing her son to sleeping with her lover? I say “YES!”

    1. Anonymous4:31 PM


      As if a 31 year old self promoting adrenalin junkie doesn't have sex when he shacks up in a hotel while on holiday with Tripp and Bristol.

  33. Anonymous5:24 PM

    Tripp is wearing an ill fitting white t-shirt and casual jackets. It looks like he has unkempt bed head hair. I would say he is not in Louisiana where it may be colder. Alaska? Tripp might be in Scottsdale. Is that how he is dressed when he hasn't seen Grandma for awhile and she is taking him out for a fun date? Did Sarah fly in from her book tour to go right out to a book store with her grandson looking like that? Who dressed Tripp for his date with Grandma? Where is Willow? Piper? Did they fly back to Wasilla?

    Sarah just (12.10.13) put up a plastic nativity on her lawn. On the photo is a statement" "What the heck is so offensive about putting up a plastic Jewish family on my lawn at Christmastime?"

    Where is Sarah? Scottsdale? Wasilla? Other? Did Joey and Bristol return poor Tripp to Alaska so he can have time with his father?

    1. Anonymous10:21 AM

      Why are there no adults to help Tripp look presentable in public? Does he ever go to school?

  34. Anonymous5:48 PM

    They put the "Guess where Tripp got to go" comments a back in the ghostwritten Barstool blog. It's almost like a child is running the Brisket blog.

  35. Anita Winecooler5:51 PM

    I see a slight resemblance between Propp and Billingsley, though Propp is probably much older than Billignsley in that photo. Propp sticks his tongue out, calls people faggots and gives them the finger. Billingley runs his hand up a fishnet stockinged leg to turn on a lamp and gets his tongue stuck to a frozen pole. How about a reenactment on your next "date" with "Propp"?
    Also, too, Grandmama's on a whirlwind tour of "the homeland" selling book after book to her slobbering fans, and Bristol takes Propp out on a "date" to an empty Barnes and Noble to snap a photo with 20 percent off? What was she thinking? Oh wait, we're talking about Bristol, scratch that last question.

    1. Anonymous10:00 AM

      Propp doesn't comb his hair, like Grandmama.

      Billingsley is well groomed.

  36. Anonymous5:24 AM

    Poor Tripp

    Viewers were left shocked when sisters Bristol Palin burst out with laughter when her four-year-old son used the F-word during filming of her reality series,

  37. Anonymous9:17 AM

    "Sorry Tripp your dad was bad and you can't see him anymore. But hey look there are rides and sugary foods here to take your mind off of it!"

    1. Anonymous10:04 AM

      This is disgusting beyond belief.

      Despicable. How long did that poor child have to shack up at the Long Term Stay Hotel with Bristol's sex toy? Where is Dr. Drew? Dr. Phil? They need to give that girl a good smack down and let her know the harm she is doing to her son. What say Levi? Joey Junker is a cool Sledneck. Maybe that is all that matters. Levi is impressed with the Sledneck, Extreme Sport snowy Alaskan fun.


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.