Saturday, December 21, 2013

For those a little slow on the uptake.

Should be sent to all of your knee jerk Teabagger relatives and friends immediately.

Or you could just hang onto until that special moment during Christmas dinner when Uncle Cletus starts in on the liberal takeover the country and how poor ole God fearing Phil Robertson was the victim of the gay agenda.

Up to you.

By the way apparently A&E warned Robertson to keep his big homophobic mouth shut.


  1. Anonymous12:40 PM

    I just hope their contracts have in place a non competitive clause that would prevent them from going to other networks. The clause would eventually expire but at least their crap would be off television for a few years.


    1. Leland1:22 PM

      Unfortunately, TexasMel, the networks will show whatever garbage the population WANTS to see as far as garbage is concerned. All of the reality shows are garbage in my book, but the intelligence level of way too many people is so low they adore crap like DD!

      It's one of the reasons I got rid of TV service entirely in my house! I have far more important things to do than waste my time with crap.

    2. Anonymous2:06 PM

      They would just change format to Butt Hole Surfers and move to Sarah Palin's Sportsman Channel.

    3. Anonymous3:00 PM

      Guess where the quacker is going...Fox

      Coming Soon To Fox News: Dick Dynasty With ‘Hateful Phil’ Robertson

      "Fox News has announced the signing of former Duck Dynasty patriarch Phil Robertson to an exclusive contract to host a new program on the cable news network.

      Fox News CEO Roger Ailes is said to have personally directed the Robertson signing. It is consistent with his philosophy of demonizing the gay community that he lived in fear of, and built a bomb-proof office to protect himself from. Likewise, his security measures shielded him from dark-skinned and Muslim people of whom he was also afraid.....

      ....With Robertson’s addition to the Fox family, Ailes will have another ideological ally to advance his Tea Party agenda. Plus, there will be an experienced marksman in the building in the event of an attempt on on his life or an outbreak of civil unrest. Insiders are speculating that the new program will have spring premiere so as not to interfere with duck season."

      And who says being a racist,bigot doesn't pay.

    4. Boscoe3:36 PM

      And Fox's demographic just gets narrower and narrower. Fox is cornering the market on hateful bigots and ignorant white trash...

    5. Anonymous4:52 PM

      Maybe we can just have a drone accidentally drop on FNC on a day when Palin is there also,too!

    6. Anonymous6:08 PM

      3:00 PM


    7. Anonymous7:07 PM

      6:08 -
      Isn't it just so wrong that you can't tell whether or not this is satire and it's completely believable that this COULD be true?

      That says a lot about the quality (or lack thereof) of what Fox broadcasts.

  2. Anonymous12:58 PM

    Yuppies in redneck drag. Just like the Palins. I wish them duck fuckers would go to the Sportman Channel along with Mrs. Palin and her BFF Ted Nugent. Put them all on one channel so I can dump the lot of them.

    1. Anonymous2:02 PM

      I beg to differ; the Palins were white trash with money, not Yuppies. The term Yuppie implies education and hard work, and nobody in the Palin-Heath Klan has any of that.

    2. Originally (1980s?) the term yuppie was coined from the phrase Young Urban Professional.

    3. Anonymous4:35 PM

      White trash.
      Bristol has previously weighed in on The Gheys by acting as a parenting coach (and why wouldn’t Bristol share her expertise since she started parenting way earlier than most people?) to those black people who live in our White House. Also, keep in mind that Bristol knows whole lots of stuff about The Gheys because she was briefly on one of their teevee shows. Now she is defending the 1st Amendment rights of Phil Robertson to say smart stuff like:
      Saturday, December 21, 2013 15:00 EST

      Nancy French is getting Bristol the attention she craves.

    4. Anonymous5:12 PM

      1099 Comments for Nancy. Will she come in and clean up what they don't want later?

  3. Anonymous12:59 PM

    Robertson broke his contract. He is not a stupid man, some people are slow to understand the TV character and that reality TV is not reality.

    _Phil and other family members also probably signed contracts containing "morals clauses" in which they promised to, among other things, avoid anything that would embarrass or bring shame to A&E or the brand. Such clauses are standard in the entertainment and sports industries._

    Con Maroons will not get it. They are on a mission. They want to denigrate GLAAD. Sarah and Bristol are chasing this one for sure. Who wooda thunk Bristol's misinformation blog at 777 Comments thanks to ducks. She spills on her hate and it is all about a community that she falsely portrays.

    1. Anonymous4:54 PM

      so that's where krusty been lately...

  4. OverMountainMan1:01 PM They are as fake as Sarah Palin

    1. Anonymous2:51 PM

      OverMountainMan1:01 PM
      YES! Impostors

      974 Comments @ Bristol Blog NANCY IS ON FIRE!!

      sher •
      All I can say is if God was reading he would be very sad at this whole comment section, a lot of hate being spewed in his name...SAD...

      Bristol Palin explains how you should feel about freedom of speech about having not-vagina sex

    2. Thank you. The video deserves to go viral. Fake DD guys created a fake controversy just in time for Christmas.

    3. Anonymous4:21 PM

      Charlie certainly does have his shinning moments. I hope many others in his position won't hesitate to twitter up and on!

    4. Anonymous6:34 PM

      Never heard of this guy before. Think we all should check him out. You too G.

      The B.

  5. Anonymous1:07 PM

    I stand with Phil and Sarah and Bristol
    Against the gay agenda and Bathhouse Barry

    1. Anonymous1:57 PM

      If you coninue to stand there with your pud in your hand the bathouse you talk about will be a jail cell with a bunkmate named Bubba

    2. Leland2:40 PM


      Now. Why don't you see if you can find where they are hiding - Alaska or Arizona - and literally GO STAND BY THEM and leave us alone?

    3. Anonymous4:56 PM

      You forgot "Two tone" aka as Todd Palin, just sayin...want to talk teh gay got to include the toddster...

    4. Anonymous5:55 PM

      Sarah and Bristol don't stand, they lay on their backs to make a buck.

  6. Anonymous1:07 PM

    "The company is a joint venture between Hearst Corporation and Disney-ABC Television Group, a subsidiary of The Walt Disney Company." (Wikipedia)

    Support Cracker Barrel and spread the word that A&E is a Walt Disney Company.

    1. Anonymous2:03 PM

      Good for Cracker Barrel! The Tea Baggers can go to mall wart for their cammies. And I can go to CB wihout all that hatred on display.

  7. Anonymous1:11 PM

    Like, TexasMel

  8. Anonymous1:13 PM

    A & E should apologize to the Duck Commander

    1. Anonymous2:51 PM

      What the fuck for? The idiot opened his mouth by his own volition, nobody forced him. He should apologize to the entire gay community, and to Jesus for using him for his own agenda. Apologize my ass, you fool.

  9. Anonymous1:18 PM

    A 35-1/2 hour marathon of their show starts tomorrow on A&E. New episodes are scheduled for mid-January that are already filmed. It's a publicity stunt right before Christmas to increase the sales of the junk. We get to laugh at the hysteria of the fundie rednecks and A&E as well as the Robertsons get a good laugh on their way to the bank. Robertson is a marketing genius.

    They probably watched Sarah flounder around with her obviously fake piety and failed reality shows and said "We can do better than that".

    1. Exactly right. Who benefits? Follow the money.

    2. Anonymous8:54 AM

      I keep saying the same thing. Marketing. Pure and simple. And I keep seeing people take the bait. One idiot actually said he plans to 'support the first amendment by buying some duck calls that he does not need'. Good Grief.

    3. Will it?

      A&E could easily substitute a marathon of some other show. We'll see if they go through with the marathon or not.

  10. Anonymous1:21 PM

    And damn proud.

    1. Boscoe3:32 PM

      It's funny because that was exactly what I thought the first time I saw that guy! LOL

  11. vegaslib1:30 PM

    No wonder the idiot Palin's came to their defense. They are as fake and phony as the Quack family. I have seen pictures of the kids before they were on the show and they are about as yuppie as they come. They actually look like beach boys.

    What a bunch of money grubbing shit bags, all of 'em.

  12. It's so easy. Phil and I have a Constitutional guarantee of free speech; Phil and I do not have a Constitutional guarantee of a television program.

    If a network has hired me, and I agree to an interview, well then, if I don't want to ponder first whether my opinions might be interpreted by my employer as detrimental to his business, I either still state them and suffer the consequences without complaining, or I evade the topic.

  13. Randall1:48 PM

    Oh, let's not go feelin all sorry for Phil just yet, gang.

    My guess is Fox News'll let him come on board and do a little punditin' and a-commentin' and whatnot.

    And he'll fit right in with good ol' Sarah Palin and that ol' squirrel-eatin' Huckabee an' all.

  14. Anonymous1:58 PM

    The Robertsons have more in common with the Palins. Buy people off and skip jail and apologies.

    On his violent past:
    During Phil’s darkest days, in the early 1970s, he had to flee the state of Arkansas after he badly beat up a bar owner and the guy’s wife. Kay Robertson persuaded the bar owner not to press charges in exchange for most of the Robertsons’ life savings. (“A hefty price,” he notes in his memoir.) I ask Phil if he ever repented for that, as he wants America to repent—if he ever tracked down the bar owner and his wife to apologize for the assault. He shakes his head. “I didn’t dredge anything back up. I just put it behind me.”

    1. That's not very Christian of him.

      I guess Rednecks Anonymous only has an 11 step plan, asking forgiveness not being one of them.

  15. Olivia2:07 PM

    Apparently, many people who spout off about "free speech" have never read the First Amendment. Here it is in all it's glory...

    Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances.

    1. That's correct. A lot of people think the first amendment thinks you can just say anything you want without consequences.

      They also have no concept of what libel and slander are or the laws pertaining to them.

  16. Anonymous2:20 PM

    Westboro Baptist Church to picket A&E in support of ‘Duck Dynasty’ star Phil Robertson

    1. Perfect. Just perfect.

    2. Anonymous3:14 PM

      Westboro Baptist, Sarah and the fundies all on the same side. Finally it comes out in the open. I've thought for some time that Sarah and her mentally challenged family belonged with Westboro.

    3. Anonymous5:26 PM

      Sarah Palin will hear "Baptist" and screech out support until one of her handlers reminds her these nuts picket soldier funerals.

    4. Anonymous5:42 PM

      Aren't they the group that have made showings at various veteran funerals, etc.? They are a nasty group that is basically kept away/blocked from things as much as possible.

    5. Anonymous5:51 PM

      Did the Westboro Assholes ever show up at Mandela's funeral? Such Wimps they are.

  17. Anonymous2:24 PM

    Does Palin know that she signed with a channel that's owned by a big Obama donor? The owner also has several channels geared toward the African-American community, one run by Magic Johnson who may not take kindly to Robertson's thoughts on civil rights or HIV.

    The world of media is a strange place.

    1. Sadly, big media is not black or white... it's green.

    2. fromthediagonal5:39 PM

      ...exactly... and that is the problem...

  18. Anonymous2:27 PM

    Like Conservatives, Westboro Baptist Church supports Duck Dynasty Star, plans to picket A&E

    Westboro Baptist Church is throwing in their support for Phil Robertson, the Duck Dynasty reality show star.

    Westboro Baptists will picket A%E on February 1st, 2014 because they say, “Fags run A&E!.”

    In the cult’s Twitter timeline, they tweeted, “@WiseManPhil negotiates his ‘hiatus’ with an @AETV exec #duckdynasty #godhatesfags Cc: @goodasyou @HRC”

    Jesus wept: Franklin Graham supports his ‘friend’ the racist, bigot from Duck Dynasty

    The Rev. Billy Graham’s son, Franklin Graham, released a statement in support of Phil Robertson, the Duck Dynasty reality show star after the netowrk A&E suspended him over his controversial remarks about gays and blacks.

    Graham’s statement will shock no one, ever. An evangelist’s response over racist and homophobic remarks is only surprising these days when he or she rejects such acidic comments.

    Graham writes in a statement titled, ‘I support my friend Phil Robertson.’:

    1. Anonymous5:36 PM

      Anyone thinking the horrid Westboro Baptist Church group is good to have supporting them is absolutely nuts and in huge trouble!

    2. Anonymous5:39 PM

      Billy Graham would be so disappointed in his son if he had a clue what he was doing and supporting. The son - like Palin et al - is an idiot and as non Christian as they come!

  19. Anonymous2:31 PM

    Conservatives’ Favorite Company Removes Duck Dynasty Products From Stores

    That ‘Show of Support’ for Duck Dynasty by Walmart Customers? Not So Much

    ...As it turns out, though, almost all of the items being cited in these stories were already out of stock before Phil Robertson’s offensive remarks about gay people and blacks in the Jim Crow South were even published. For example, here are the Google cache pages for several of the items, dated just prior to the controversy:

    1. Anonymous2:46 PM

      Oops, forgot the link:

  20. Caroll Thompson2:31 PM

    This is not about free speech. This is about people who use a religion (falsely I might add) to discriminate. These same crackers used religion to justify slavery and then racial discrimination. They used religion to keep women "in their place".

    Bullshit I say. And that is my free speech for the day (which G does not have to publish because he is not the government).

    1. Anonymous3:15 PM

      I agree completely. Using the Bible to justify hate and ignorance, bigotry and discrimination is an old trick, and one that the right wing seems to thrive on.

      This is such a bullshit outrage that is going on. Robertson fucked up, A&E took action. It's his right to fuck up and it's their right to shut him down. Everything else is just noise.

  21. Anonymous2:33 PM

    And Now Bristol Palin Is Defending Phil Robertson: ‘Leave Him Alone!’

    ...Perhaps Bristol Palin felt compelled to defend Robertson because she herself has come under fire for past incidents surrounding homophobic language. When she was confronted by a man in a bar while she was filming her reality show in 2011, she asked him if he hates her mother Sarah Palin because he’s a “homosexual.” The bar patron accused Palin of being “homophobic” and sued her and the Lifetime network for defamation.

    Even more troubling was the scene from Bristol Palin: Life’s A Tripp in which Palin’s then 3-year-old son appears to call his aunt Willow Palin a “faggot.” In another blog post written to “set the record straight” following that incident, Palin insisted her son had “used a different ‘f word.’

    1. Anonymous5:27 PM

      It's not Bristol. Bristol can barely understand anything, let alone have any desire to write about it.

  22. London Bridges2:33 PM

    Just a matter of time before that we find out that these Mother Duckers are connected to and/or funded by the Koch Brothers.

  23. Anonymous2:48 PM

    Country Singer Charlie Daniels and Piers Morgan Engage in Crazy Duck Dynasty Twitter Brawl

  24. Caroll Thompson2:56 PM

    I am not a Charlie Sheen fan, but he just exercised his first amendment rights and handed the Duck guy his ass in a massive tweet. Winning...................

    1. Anonymous3:18 PM

      Charlie Sheen just WENT OFF on "Duck Dynasty" star Phil Robertson -- threatening to unleash a monstrous media attack on the reality star ... unless he makes amends with gay people.

      Sheen posted the long diatribe on Twitter ... and quickly put Phil on notice saying, "just when your desperately sub evolved ass thought the pressure was off, you are now in the crosshairs of a MaSheen style media beat down."

      Charlie claims he's only voicing his opinion out of the blue for one reason ... to stick up for all his gay friends whose voices are not as powerful.

      The letter is filled with classic Sheenism's -- like calling Phil a "shower-dodger", something about Charlie whittling his "cosmic banjo" ... and even a "news flash" for old times sake.
      update-grey-gray-barhey Mallard brained
      Phil Robertso!
      you have offended and hurt so many dear friends of mine,
      who DO NOT have the voice or the outreach that I do.
      well news flash
      I will speak loudly and clearly for ALL of them.
      just when your desperately sub evolved ass thought the pressure was off,
      you are now in the crosshairs of a MaSheen style media
      beat down.
      (I'll try to keep the big words to a minimum as not to confuse you)

      your statements were and are
      abhorrently and
      mendaciously unforgivable.

      the idea that you have a job
      outside of dirt-clod stacking
      is a miracle.

      the only 'Dynasty' you are attached to might be the
      re-runs of that dated show.

      the only thing you should ever be in charge of building is a hole in the ground the exact size of
      your head.
      perhaps your beard would fit as well if you plucked out the
      army of scabies and
      bull weevils sequestered deep in it's sarcophagus of dander and weasel pelts.

      shame on you.
      you're the only surviving
      brain donor I've ever known.

      when the gators and Egrets
      kick you out of their
      you need to make serious amends to those you have
      radically offended.

      on the eight day
      when I was whittling my cosmic banjo,
      I'm pretty sure YOU were the scattered dross I then used to light a fire and
      locate the nearest
      Andy Gump.

      repulsed by you;
      c sheen

      hash tag;
      Duck; that was me.

    2. Anonymous3:19 PM

  25. Anonymous3:51 PM

    Log Cabin Republicans Suggest Holding 'Moonshine Summit' With Duck Dynasty Family

    The nation's largest Republican organization for LGBT Americans has reached out to Phil Robertson and the "Duck Dynasty" family, suggesting that they all get together for a "Moonshine Summit" to work out their differences.

    Log Cabin Republicans Executive Director Gregory T. Angelo released a statement on Friday in response to the controversy over Robertson's suspension over anti-gay remarks.

    “Let’s put an end to all of the fussing and feuding and talk about this like adults. Phil, you have your views and we have ours, but I think you’d be surprised how much we all have in common, and there’s no better gay folk out there to make that case than Log Cabin Republicans. We’re conservative, we’re guided by our faith, and we believe in freedom of speech. Most important, we are all children of God; that’s the most important thing we have in common. So in the spirit of the season, let’s get together — your family and ours — raise a glass, and work this out.”

    A&E has indefinitely suspended the "Duck Dynasty" star Phil Robertson after the anti-gay comments appeared in an interview with GQ magazine for the January 2014 issue.

    In the Log Cabin Republicans' initial statement responding to the "Duck Dynasty" controversy, Angelo said that Robertson's comments should spark a conversation, rather than unequivocal condemnation.

    "What Phil Robertson’s comments highlight is the need to engage the evangelical Christian community on the importance of gay acceptance. The knee-jerk reaction from the left shows that their strategy to engage evangelicals is to ignore them or shout them down, but that’s no way to win allies," said Angelo.

    1. Anonymous5:27 PM

      Don't forget that Robinson is on video showing he is also a racist!! Anti gays too! I've never watched his reality show and have zero need to do so! Boycott it and it's sponsors.

      As to the retard's upcoming new show - Sarah Palin - you know who I mean - boycott it too! The one who had to ask her Dad how to handle the gun - it's on video folks. She's a fraud!

  26. Anonymous3:56 PM

    Twas The (Republican) Night Before Christmas.

    ‘Twas the night before Christmas, and all through the House
    Not a bill was debated, thanks to an orange souse;

    The interns were stuffed in the offices with care,
    In hopes that no journalists would make them share;

    The lobbyists were counting their dough in their beds;
    While visions of special bills danced in their heads;

    And Michele with her corn dog, and King with his hate,
    Had just muddled our brains, and sealed our fate,

    When out on the steps there arose such a clatter,
    John sprang from his bed to see what was the matter.

    Away through the hallways he flew like a flash,
    Threw open the doors and dropped some spare cash.

    When what to John’s booze-reddened eyes did appear,
    But a beat-up old Chevy and a man with a tear,

    And a little old lady who shivered with cold,
    John wished to ignore her, and anyone old.

    More vapid than Bill-O John’s colleagues they came,
    And he mumbled, and cried, and called them by name:

    “Now, Denham! now, Duncan! now Perry and Olson!
    On, Cantor! on, Chaffetz! on, Duffy and Hudson!

    To the floor of the House! to the gallery, too!
    Don’t let the poor and ill try to sway you!”

    So up to the top of the Capitol they rose
    While avoiding the poor folk who slowly froze.

    “We Don’t want to know,” they cried as they went
    “If poor folk are starving or can’t make rent.”

    As they drew in their heads, ignoring the sounds,
    More needy surrounded the Capitol grounds.

    They were dressed all in rags, from their head to their foot,
    And their clothes were all coated with ashes and soot;

    A bundle of sticks one slung on his back
    For fire, as money for heating they lack.

    Their eyes—they were sunken! their hair very dirty
    Their homes had been taken, it was not very pretty.

    Their lips were drawn closed tight like a bow,
    As they tried to shake off the cold and snow;

    The sick folk had suffered and lost their good cheer,
    That they needed insurance was really quite clear.

    The hungry had barely any food in their bellies;
    Not even some smelly old government cheese.

    Yet John Boehner’s colleagues were very well-fed,
    And had warm homes and comfortable beds;

    The closing of eyes and votes for no help,
    Soon gave us to know they were all for themselves;

    They spoke no good word, but went straight to their work,
    And slashed all the programs; making each one a jerk,

    And doing the bidding of Walton and Koch,
    Put the whole Middle Class in a horrible yoke;

    They vote for the money and care for the rich,
    And call unemployed folks “you sonuvabitch.”

    But we vote next year to replace those on the right—
    So, “Merry Christmas to all, and to all a good night!”

    1. Anonymous5:59 PM

      Anonymous3:56 PM
      Perfect and so true...thank you!

    2. Anonymous6:25 PM

      Loved this!Thank you!

    3. Anita Winecooler6:35 PM

      Thanks for making me smile, I needed that!

  27. Anonymous4:12 PM

    Duck Dynasty Clan Falsely Playing ‘First Amendment’ Card – Threaten To Quit

    When you’re worth, collectively, several hundred million dollars, you get used to not having to play by anyone’s rules but your own. And when you own your own business, are heralded as heroes of (self-described) red-neck America, you live in Louisiana — where the governor doesn’t understand the First Amendment — it’s almost understandable that you’d do what Phil Robertson’s “Duck Dynasty” clan just did: threaten to walk.

    To recap, for those who were asleep the past 48 hours, the father on A&E’s “reality” show, “Duck Dynasty,” Phil Robertson, in an interview with GQ magazine, compared homosexuality to bestiality, adultery, prostitution, alcoholism, lying, stealing — and terrorism. He also, unsurprisingly, said gay people are not going to heaven.

    (And then there was that whole race-baiting or flat-out racist bit.)

    And he used the Bible to further attack LGBT people.

    All this, according to the anti-gay and religious right, is Phil Robertson’s First Amendment constitutionally-protected right to free speech.

    But, of course, many who believe in the Bible never really read it, and many who wave the American flag never really read the Constitution.

    Phil Robertson has not been censored by the government — which the Constitution protects against. The Constitution does not give anyone the right to mouth-off, denigrate an entire class of people, lie, and promote false and dated stereotypes, under the guise of “religious liberty,” and face zero consequences from the free market, or from the company that signs your paycheck.

    Now, the Duck Dynasty clan is fighting back.

    “We are disappointed that Phil has been placed on hiatus for expressing his faith, which is his constitutionally protected right,” the Duck Dynasty clan writes on their website — their store, which makes them untold millions annually, and many millions more, now that they are right-wing celebrities backed by Sarah Palin and Ted Cruz.

    Of course, Phil has no “constitutionally protected right” to say what he said, or anything else — during the course of an interview — and no right from his employer responding as they did, which was to suspend him indefinitely.

    “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.”

    That, my friends, as you know, is the First Amendment.

    The “Congress shall make no law” part means that the government cannot control your speech — but your employer certainly can. And it does not give you an automatic “get out of jail free” card to use your religion, whatever it happens to be, to speak without repercussion.

    As I said to some on Twitter last night, it is astonishing that those who defend pure unadulterated ignorance as “biblical” and “free speech” assume it should have no consequences.

    Meanwhile, back to the Ducksters.

    1. Oh, please quit. Please joint in solidarity with your bigoted redneck racist patriarch and all quit. Please! Just do it.

      Give us the best Christmas present ever.

  28. Anonymous4:21 PM

    As news spread last night that A&E had suspended the “Duck Dynasty” dad, Phil Robertson, over his ugly and graphic anti-gay remarks, from Sarah Palin to the National Organization For Marriage to the Westboro Baptist Church, the entire right wing anti-gay hate machine exploded into action.

    Vowing to boycott A&E (which, ironically would include and damage “Duck Dynasty”), screaming that Obama instead of Robertson should have been “fired,” and other illogical and ill-thought reactions, the right is clearly out-of-control furious.

  29. SHARON5:12 PM

    Can anyone else hear the entire globe laughing at this country?

    1. Anonymous6:17 PM

      My sentiments exactly.

    2. Anonymous7:05 AM

      May this sad tortuous saga soon come to an end.

  30. Anonymous5:31 PM


    1. Anonymous6:01 PM

      Anonymous5:31 PM
      Thank you! And you also!! Happy Winter Solstice!

  31. Anita Winecooler6:29 PM


    I'm so sick and tired of looking at this ignoramus's mug on the net, television, and hearing about it in the media. The local Target Store refused to carry Beyonce's new album because she had the ballz to release it on I tunes first. Today, they were kissing customer's asses because their system got hacked, and they were offering ten percent off your entire purchase. I saw a bunch of "true believers" snapping photos of Target employees boxing up "Duck Dynasty" branded merchandise, for whatever reason.
    I looked on the local news channels to see the coverage or read about the "outrage" and there was nada, zip, zero, nothing at all.

    If a store has merchandise and it isn't moving, they have every right to send it back, donate it, toss it in the trash etc..... I hope this marks the beginning of the end for DD. Sign every petition against them. Wanna be reality show rednecks? Go ahead. Wanna be Right Wing Bible Thumpers? Go ahead. Just don't do both. You're messing with kid's minds and robbing them of their childhood, not to mention offending a majority of Americans.

  32. Anonymous6:50 PM

    According to the UK Daily Mail the DD family is angry at
    A / E because they
    allowed Phil to have freedom of speech.
    Apparently, A / E should have stepped in and muzzled Phil-
    in other words, A / E should have violated his First Amendment right to free speech.
    You can't make this stuff up.
    The family thinks the " New York types "
    at A / E ( code for Jews ) " set Phil up "
    by allowing him to talk to the interviewer from GQ.

    1. Anonymous7:00 AM

      Did A&E forget to change his diapers? LOL. Why did Ms. Kay let him out of her sight? Wasn't Willie baby sitting that day?

  33. janice11:29 PM

    How come we haven't heard from the Graham family or Phil on their thoughts of Sarah sleeping with a black man. Phil would say it is against the Bible teachings. I am sure if Graham read the part about Phil's beastiality, virginas and anas bans in the bible, we will not hear from him because it is not in the bible and the Graham's will not comment on this at all.


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.