Monday, December 23, 2013

Good news Conservatives, somebody is rewriting the bible just for you. Gonna have a lot less love and acceptance, and a lot more condemnation and smiting.

Courtesy of AlterNet:

Liberal bias in the media pales in comparison to what you’ll find in your standard-issue Bibles, according to, a kind of Wikipedia for the religious right. The King James Bible, not to mention more recent translations like the New International Version (NIV), are veritable primers of progressive agitprop, complains Andy Schlafly, the founder of (His mother, Phyllis, is an activist best known for her opposition to feminism and the Equal Rights Amendment.) 

But not to worry. Andy Schlafly’s group is on the case, and they have invited you to pitch in. Well, maybe not you, exactly, but the "best of the public,” whose assistance is solicited in proposing new wording for left-leaning Bible verses. 

Don’t know Aramaic, Hebrew or ancient Greek? Not a problem. What they are looking for is not exactly egghead scholarship, but a knack for using words they've read in the Wall Street Journal. They have a list of promising candidates on their website—words like capitalism, work ethic, death penalty, anticompetitive, elitism, productivity, privatize, pro-life—all of which are conspicuously missing from those socialist-inspired Bibles we’ve been reading lately. 

Yeah why ask for help from people who have actually researched the historic Bible or who have linguistic talents when you can just find a bunch of assholes who agree with your point of view?

So let's see how much progress they have made so far.  

Take that story where the mob surrounds a woman accused of adultery and gets ready to stone her, but Jesus intervenes and says, “He who is without sin, let him cast the first stone" (John 7:53-8:11). It might have been a later addition that wasn’t in the original Gospels, according to some right-thinking, or rather right-leaning scholars. So the editors have excised this bleeding-heart favorite from the Good Book, and they've also removed Jesus’ words on the cross, "Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they are doing." 

“The simple fact is that some of the persecutors of Jesus did know what they were doing,” Schlafly points out, proving that, “Jesus might never had said it at all.” 

 Another thing Jesus might never have said at all is, “Blessed are the meek.” Change that one to, “Blessed are the God-fearing,” the translation’s editors advise, which is far less touchy-feely than the King James version. 

Where Jesus teaches that, "It is easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle, than for a rich man to enter into the kingdom of heaven" (Matthew 19:24) our mentors at Conservapedia recommend that we scratch the word “rich” and replace it with either "fully fed and entertained" or, if you prefer, "idle miser," which have none of the Occupy Wall Street-ish sour grapes of the better-known translation. 

When Jesus greets his disciples with the blessing, “Peace be with you” (John 20, 26), the editors cleverly change the wording to, "Peace of mind be with you," so that nobody gets the wrong idea and thinks Jesus was some kind of lilly-livered pacifist. 

Likewise where Jesus says, “For God sent not his Son into the world to condemn the world; but to save it” (John 3, 17), they change “world” to “mankind,” so it is clear the Christian savior is not advocating environmentalism here. Hey, you can’t be too careful! 

Finally, when Jesus admonishes hypocrites to, “Cast out first the beam out of thine own eye, and then shalt thou see clearly to pull out the mote that is in thy brother's eye,” the conservative Bible replaces the word “hypocrite” with "deceiver," since hypocrite is often “misused politically against Christians.” Good point!

Oh yeah, the Conservatives are going to like the Bible MUCH better this way.

You know what might make it even better? If they completely do away with that socialist, hippie guy, that keeps trying to help out the underprivileged and sick. THAT guy absolutely ruins the whole New Testament! 


  1. I love “hypocrite.” I’ve been using it all my life. It might be my favorite word! It drives the “do what I say not what I do” folks crazy. “Fake” and “phony” are good as well, but they don’t work the lips as nicely as “hypocrite.”

    Since the Bible is a perennial bestseller, I’m sure he’s hoping to piggyback on that. Bad luck to the low information uncreative tool; got to copy Momma’s racket.

    Lovely and completely inaccurate picture of Jesus, BTW.

    1. Anonymous6:35 AM

      They need to change the pic to a "black Jesus" Just sayin'!

  2. Anonymous5:06 AM

    This attempt to white wash the bible will turn more believers to non-believers. And that is a good thing.

  3. Kathi in NJ5:21 AM

    The line between the real world and The Onion becomes more blurred every day.

  4. Olivia5:44 AM

    Funny that they can't see that if they themselves can change the wording so easily,it is obvious that others in the past did it too.

    The Bible has been written and re written to control the gullible. This is just another rewrite and the gullible pick and choosers will sit their nodding their bobble heads. So much for "This is the word of God"

    1. Anonymous6:22 AM


    2. Anonymous6:52 AM

      Don't forget, it's the "inalienable" word of God.

      Oh, except for the parts that are much too touchy-feely and tell us to help the poor, be kind to those who suffer, forgive the sinners, give away our money, etc. Yeah, THOSE parts should be changed.

      But the rest of them, the parts that involve smiting and stoning and pox and salt pillars, are fine as long as those things are directed towards them librul sinner-types.

    3. Balzafiar10:58 AM

      What continues to amaze me is how deeply ingrained the need to continue the cultural fraud is, how brainwashed the young children often become. Even after they discover there really isn't a Santa Claus they continue to believe the other fairy tales.

    4. The collection of antique fables, superstitions, myths, folk tales is aptly named: Buy-bull.

  5. Boscoe6:03 AM

    Wow... I guess they'll also need to clip out a few verses like Revelations 22:18 & 19 because the Lord isn't too keen on people altering His word...

    18: For I testify unto every man that heareth the words of the prophecy of this book, If any man shall add unto these things, God shall add unto him the plagues that are written in this book:

    19: And if any man shall take away from the words of the book of this prophecy, God shall take away his part out of the book of life, and out of the holy city, and from the things which are written in this book.

    It is fascinating to see supposed "Christians" who, rather than seeing that their point of view doesn't match up with the book they worship and having a personal REVELATION that maybe they need to re-examine those points of view and possibly repent, they simply decide to change the word to fit their worldly views.

    Why even bother with it at all then?

    1. Anonymous11:08 AM

      Because they feel that giving lip service to christianity makes them more socially acceptable, and to some it does, but to many it makes them more questionable.

    2. Hmmmm, reminds me of a story about some guy's ride on a horse to warn somebody about something and how it was all wrong, so altruistic others corrected the story. On Wikipedia, wasn't it? Whatever.

  6. Anonymous6:13 AM

    After reading this, I think I know of a word to describe what they are doing in a way they can understand: blasphemy.

  7. Randall6:18 AM

    Mark 12:31 ...thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself...

    (OK, we need to add...)

    ...unless he's a foreigner or a homo or one of them Jews or Muslims or a liberal because Our Lord God and Savior don't like any of them, amen. OH, and Ronald Reagan will be a saint, hallelujah.

  8. Jkarov6:25 AM

    I have to wonder how they will "re-write" the passages in the old testament like:

    Kill your children if they are heavy drinkers, or are fat from overeating? Deuteronomy 21: 18-21

    How about selling your daughter as a sex slave? Exodus 21: 7-8

    How about stoning your mother to death if she goes to work on the Sabbath? Exodus 31:12-15

    It's all in the bible, along with a lot of other mythology and spiteful shit about women being 2nd class citizens.

  9. Anonymous6:51 AM

    Oh, what the hell? What a bunch of maroons! Do they really think their book is like Wiki? They can just add or subtract whatever they want to. That's some heavy duty disrespect of their little book. The new Wiki bible. Just remove what they don't like and add what they think it should be. Absolutely pathetic.

    1. Balzafiar10:42 AM

      Great name! The Holy Wiki. I like it.

  10. Anonymous8:07 AM

    Yep, they're hitting on all cylinders to try to dumb down everyone possible, including those that DON'T follow their indoctrination:

    Book bannings on the rise in U.S. schools, says anti-censorship group

  11. Anonymous8:11 AM

    Well, in their endless quest to turn this country into a theocracy they've felt free to rewrite American history, so why not the Bible?

    In a way, it reveals their true agenda even more than than their rewrite of history to claim America founded to be a Christian country.

    I actually heard about this bible project a few years ago --

  12. Anonymous8:27 AM

    Well, why not, when you think about it? It's not as if any of those more humane quotes traditionally ascribed to Jesus were actually spoken by him, since there is absolutely zero historical evidence for his existence, and the gospels were written many years after his fictional death.

    Bottom line, Jesus is an imaginary figure upon which each individual hoodwinkee has always hung his or her own concept of Jesusness. Some depict Jesus as a peace-loving socialist hippie, because that's how they see themselves. Those who depict him as a materialistic sociopath are just showing how THEY are bent.

    It's kind of like little girls playing dolls, only with much more potentially disastrous consequences.

    1. But, at least, he WAS white!

      Wasn't he? Check yer Buy-bull.

  13. Anonymous9:00 AM

    They realize how wrong they are so they continually revise history through textbook editing and now bible editing, sanitizing the actual doctrine so they don't come up short.

  14. Anonymous9:16 AM

    ...What Huckabee and the religious right object to is losing what they consider religious freedom to impose their rules on the rest of the population. Huckabee may have convinced his acolytes that he was standing up for Phil Robertson’s freedom of speech, but for the rest of America he was complaining evangelicals are losing their war on the Constitution and Americans’ freedom from theocracy. Anytime conservative Christians are prohibited by the Constitution from forcing adherence to their religious dogmata on other Americans, they claim they are persecuted and this time is no different. But Huckabee went too far this time and accused gays and the government of being precisely what the religious right has been for years; extreme, aggressive, and confrontational and if they could they would get violent.

  15. Anonymous9:17 AM

    Asked about the number of books on religion around his office in a recent interview, Krauthammer was quizzed about his views on God and spirituality.

    “There was once a philosopher who said, ‘I don’t believe in God, but I fear him greatly.’ That’s about where I am,” Krauthammer told The Daily Caller’s Jamie Weinstein.

    “I’ve had a fairly difficult and complicated notion of the deity,” he continued. “If I tried to explain it I would simply say — and this is by no means associating myself with the greatness of the man — but I would associate myself with [Albert] Einstein’s conception of God, which was a recognition and an awe before the mystery of the order and beauty of the universe, which would imply that there is something very mysterious and very awesome, awe-inspiring, about the universe.”

    Watch the video below via The Daily Caller:

    1. Anonymous11:12 AM

      I respect Krauthammer for his honesty regarding the matter because the christian right will now target him and question every other fiber of his being because he doesn't toe their doctrinal line. It takes balls to go up against those people because they are in the throes of some pretty serious brainwashing and will stop at nothing to demonize those who think differently. Cult of "christian" robots...

  16. Anonymous9:46 AM

    What Jesus says about homosexuality is..

  17. Check out Mark Russell's rewriting of the bible on amazon: "God is disappointed in you." A much more entertaining read.

    1. Anonymous11:14 AM

      I just purchased this and have it queued on my kindle. Cant' wait to get down to reading. The first few chapters were great, especially the part about Moses. I didn't know the story of Moses and Mark Russell told it in such a hilarious way!

    2. Miss that guy. A lot. Always looked forward to his stints on PBS.

  18. Anonymous9:54 AM

    MORE good news!

    The 10th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals has rejected a second request by the state of Utah to put an emergency block on same-sex marriages in the state.

    The second emergency motion, filed by acting state Attorney General Brian Tarbet on Monday, came after a similar request was denied by the 10th Circuit on Sunday.

    "Utah should be allowed to enforce its democratically chosen definition of marriage until the appropriate appellate court of last resort has declared otherwise," the motion read.

    Hundreds of gay couples lined up at the county clerk's office in Salt Lake City early Monday for a chance to get married as Utah officials went to court to halt the weddings that have been taking place since Friday.

    Lawyers for the state waged a legal battle on several fronts as they sought to stop the same-sex weddings. They were twice rejected by the 10th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals, and had a hearing Monday morning before a federal judge in attempt to halt the weddings.

    Clerks in several counties were issuing the licenses to gay couples Monday morning, and people began lining up Sunday in Salt Lake County. Hundreds of couples were lined up at the clerk's office by the time doors opened.

    "We're going to do it until the judge says stop," said Kerri Nakamura, a staff assistant for a county councilman who was helping people process licenses.

    U.S. District Judge Robert J. Shelby on Friday overturned the state's same-sex marriage ban, ruling that Utah's law violates gay and lesbian couples' rights under the 14th Amendment.

    Lawyers for the state want the ruling put on hold as they appeal the decision that has put Utah in the national spotlight because of its long-standing opposition to gay marriage. Shelby was holding a hearing Monday morning on the request.

    On Sunday, a federal appeals court rejected the state's emergency request to stay the ruling, saying it couldn't rule on a stay since Shelby hasn't acted on the motion before him. The court quickly rejected a second request from Utah on Monday.

  19. Balzafiar10:51 AM

    I would like to recommend a book to all IM readers which addresses two things: the Bible, and homosexuality.

    "Christianity, Social Tolerance, and Homosexuality," John Boswell, The University of Chicago Press, ISBN 0-226-06711-4

    It's a great read by a former Professor of History at Yale. It can, and hopefully will, open your eyes about an enormous number of things concerning two contentious subjects. I wish I had known of it when it was first published in 1980, because after reading it last year my viewpoint has changed a lot.

    The book is available for a variety of very low prices and conditions on (a used bookseller's cooperative owned by Amazon). Amazon has it at higher prices in several formats: new, used, and on Kindle. It would be money well spent.

    1. Boswell's "Same-Sex Unions in Premodern Europe" is another extraordinarily embarrassing expose. Hooda thought, the RCs marrying men (to each other!!!) way back when.

    2. Balzafiar1:06 PM

      hrh, thanks for that title; I'll look for it.

  20. Anonymous11:06 AM

    So they are basically saying "If you don't like how the game is played change the rules".

  21. Anonymous8:56 AM

    Just so it is known. I selected Anonymous bcause it is easier. My name is Jake War Eagle. The bottom line is,Christian/conservative is an oxymoron. Just like conservatism and compassion. Born agains have distorted scripture to fit a political agenda,and hide behind the bible to justify bigotry. Plus,hypocracy is rampant in the born again community. Swaggartt,Bakker,Tilton,Reed Falwell. to name just a few. Plus the self proclaimed prophet Robertson. The biggest distortion,is the corruption of the Phrase "Dominon over the earth" They think it gives them the right to trash the planet for fun and profit,and to kill things just for fun. Whatever happened to "take only what you need and leave the rest"? When you destroy the earth you are tearing away the clothing of God. God and nature are one and the same. Seperating them to justify destruction for greed,is in itself a sacrelige

  22. Anonymous9:01 AM

    Religion is a creation of man designed to control others. Spirituallity is a gift from the Creator,whoever you think it is. One has nothing to do with the other

  23. Anonymous9:45 AM

    My name is Al. Must agree with the previous two postings. I know a lot of very spiritual people who have never set foot inside a house of worship. I also know,a lot of so called religious people who do not have a spiritual bone in their body. My big peeve is when they say "God hates" I could never worship a hating God or one that plays favorites among his children. I think what really sticks in the gizzards of born agains is the fact that Jesus himself,was not a Christian,but a Jew who intended to reform Judaism,not create a religion of himself. These so called born again people think they can do whatever they want and they will be forgiven,but others will not,for doing the same thing. Like Jimmy Swaggartt getting caught sneaking out the back door of a bordello. MY GOD LOVES ME NO MATTER HOW MANY TIMES I WAS BORN! OR NOT>

  24. Anonymous10:12 AM

    Call me Dave. Has anyone noticed that there are no posts from religious people? Nothing to defend,I guess. What I really resent is when someone comes up to me and asks,"are you a christian?" My first impulse is to slap them,but I resist. Do not point the finger at me. I have my own beliefs,and they are between me and the God of my understanding. Nobody"s business but mine. Anyone who wears their religion on their sleeve,identifies themselves by that religion,or says they have a "personal" relationship with,and has conversations with God,and get answers,usually exactly what they want to hear,cannot be trusted

  25. Anonymous11:37 AM

    Bill here,Hey Dave! Real people of faith don't brag about it. That is the difference between real Christians and people like Falwell and Robertson,and that nut job of all nut jobs,oral Roberts As for a God of your understanding,I have heard that expression before,in A A meetings. Good Stuff. Personally though,if I could actually understand God,he would have to be an awfull simpleton. It is enough that He understands me.


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