Sunday, December 22, 2013

Good news for Duck Dynasty's outspoken homophobe Phil Robertson, the Christians have your back.

Courtesy of WYFF:

Franklin Graham posted a statement on with the title, “I Support My Friend Phil Robertson”. 

The statement said, “Phil Robertson’s desire is to see all men and women repent—that is to turn from their sin and follow Christ in obedience. Indeed, that’s his own story, as he freely shares. This is my desire too. We live in a culture that openly supports and promotes sin against God. While Phil Robertson is not anyone’s judge—God is, and will judge all sin. Jesus Christ came to this earth to save sinners, which includes me. I have appreciated the Robertson family’s commitment to biblical values, and that they have not backed down in a politically-correct world that is tolerant of everything except biblical standards and values. I pray that we would be a nation where we can disagree civilly while holding firm convictions. I support my friend Phil Robertson.” 

Hey if it's in the Bible than how can the Christians NOT support it right?

Well that is certainly the thinking of the Westboro church people, who ALSO have come out in support of Phil Robertson: 

The Westboro Baptist Church plans to picket the A&E cable network in support of Duck Dynasty star Phil Robertson after A&E suspended Robertson from his hit show for using his Christian faith to justify some disturbing and offensive anti-gay remarks. 

According to a report issued Dec. 21 by Raw Story, the Westboro Baptist Church will be picketing A&E on February 1, 2014 because, it claims, “F*gs run A&E!” 

The Westboro Baptist Church, a notorious Christian hate group, joins other Christian hate groups, such as the Family Research Council, in supporting Robertson’s controversial and demonizing characterizations of LGBT people.

Well now isn't THAT interesting? Remember, the enemy of my enemy is my friend.

I would like to point out that this whole accepting the gays thing is just the latest moment in history where the Christians have been pulled kicking and screaming into the future. The Bible was also used to argue against working on Sundays, freeing the slaves, and allowing women to vote.

Progress and equality does not occur BECAUSE of religion, it occurs in spite of it.


  1. Anonymous12:07 PM

    Did Christians just agree ENDA (Employment Non Discrimination Act) should protect LGBT employees in the workplace?

    The main Christian argument with the Robertson drama is anyone should have the right to be themselves and should not be penalized by their employer.

    Thank you, Christians, you just sealed ENDA as a law you agree with!

  2. Anonymous12:20 PM

    Wow, With Palin, Graham and Westboro in your corner, what could go wrong?

    1. Anonymous12:48 PM

      Especially with the videos showing what a hoax the DD show and characters are. Have these people ever heard of acting?

  3. Anonymous12:26 PM

    Gryphen, The modern concepts of progress and inequality are certainly related. Your progress is humanistic socialism. which has as its foundation the unscientific and flawed concept of evolution. Racial inequality (racism)has it roots in evolution. Just ask Margret Sanger, Adolph Hitler and numerous other seekers of a "pure race"!
    Furthermore, it is your "Christ-o-phobia" and "Biblio-phobia" that is the root cause of the absolute depravity and misleading propaganda you promulgate! You want equality? You will not get it on the path you presently insist on following. You want progress? Progress to what? Define Progress!

    1. Wow those are some very impressive leaps in logic there. Gonna pull a muscle that way.

      If you think that evolution is "unscientific" you lack the the most rudimentary understanding of both science and evolution. And did you actually bring up Adolph Hitler?

      As for how I define progress, well that would be anything that keeps idiots like you out of power in this country.

    2. Anonymous1:34 PM

      Because God, Gryphen...because God, dontchaknow.

    3. Anonymous1:47 PM

      Gryphen, It is your idiots who presently hold the "wand of power"! Yes evolution is unscientific and quite the number of real Scientists continually debunk the fraudulent claims of evolution. Their resources are available, if you care to step out of your little world!
      And no, I am not a Scientist, but like you, am more educated than you would care give me credit for.
      The fact is that Evolution and Humanism are religions. They are religions based on "faith". But not in a "spiritual sense" but in the "evolutionary" perfection of man and the concept that man is "the highest authority"! How arrogant and self serving is that?
      Progress is defined as gaining a further betterment of mankind! I do not see that in your discourse or rebuttals! You seek only what is better for you and you alone! How selfish is that! Hmm, I see a pattern! It certainly fits!
      Yes, I mentioned Hitler because National Socialism (NAZI) is a hand holding buddy to the socialism you espouse! Then, you ignored Margaret Sanger! Heres some of her quotes for you! The founder of Planned Parenthood and breast fed baby of the Obama administration. Racists anyone?

    4. Anonymous2:21 PM

      Evolution is not about perfection.

      (hard to believe you aren't a scientist. /sarcasm.)

    5. Anonymous2:21 PM

      Could you possibly use a more biased source than "lifenews?"

    6. Anonymous2:40 PM

      Humanism is certainly the religion that enables the "perfection of humanity". {the Supreme Court has ruled that secular humanism is a religion. In the 1961 case of Torcaso v. Watkins, Justice Hugo Black wrote in a footnote that:
      ”Among religions in this country which do not teach what would generally be considered a belief in the existence of God is Buddhism, Taoism, Ethical Culture, secular humanism, and others.”}
      Evolution is merely the the "natural" explanation behind the dichotomy.

      (hard to believe you are rational human. /sarcasm.)

    7. Anonymous3:23 PM

      I repeat...evolution is not about "perfection."

      As for humanism and perfection, please define your terms. What exactly does the "perfection of humanity" mean?

      To say that evolution is unscientific is to not understand the meaning of the word "science."

    8. Eating mash potatoes can be a religion too. Your argument is elementary, nasty, hateful and ignorance. It's as shallow as gay basher Phil's statement talkingng about men shouldn't be gay because women have more body parts. Stupid silly shit like this pissed me the fuck off.

      Another thing you racist pigs do that is plain crazy--your cracka talk about how happy your negroes are. It's racist and caused for Phil and his racist klan to get his come up-in.

      Meanwhile phil the stinky, lying nut who plays with whistles is playing y'all stupidasses and you want that. Pathetic imbeciles.

      BTW Phil is preaching white supremacy, hatreds, racism, his fucked interpretation of some book.

      Do us all a favor and MYOFB.

    9. Anonymous4:43 PM

      Actually evolution has been proven over and over again. Though I do think talking to imaginary creatures, following what imaginary beings tell you to do is classified as a mental illness.
      Better go back to GED classes if you didn't learn that.

    10. Anonymous4:45 PM

      Evolution, homosapians are getting taller. Now see, not all homosapiens, there are still short people like the Palins, but on average height is an asset and homosapiens in industrialized nations are about 2.4 inches taller than 150 yrs ago. But I'm sorry if you are still short Wallow, in stature and intelligence.

    11. Anonymous7:31 PM

      "Just ask Margret Sanger, Adolph Hitler and numerous other seekers of a "pure race"!

      Wow! Just ask Hitler, maybe you skipped history class, but he has been dead for quite some time.

      Evolution is a religion, never heard that before. Is a a christian religion? or one of those other "fake" religion?

      Please explain how Obama is relevant to your discussion other than he is black, therefore you hate him?

  4. Anonymous12:31 PM

    Graham is a Grifter 10 times more than Sarah Palin.

    1. eclecticsandra1:58 PM

      Franklin Graham is a disgrace to the loving Christianity that Billy espoused. Franklin hasn't saved anyone he has reinforced the positions of those who send him money. I hope Billy is peacefully unaware of what Franklin is doing.

    2. Anonymous2:20 PM

      Billy Graham sucked up to Nixon and supported his antisemetic views. Some of us won't forget that.

    3. Anonymous2:48 PM

      Agree 2:20. Papa Graham Cracker knew better to share his 'feelings' and 'opinions' in those 'quiet rooms' Mitt seens to favor. They truly feel their lofty words and ideas are not for the littler people, the help. Little Frankie grew up with the uber wealth and entitlement his father's religion bidness generated for the family. Just another spoiled trust fund baby taking over the family biz without one iota of real concern for his 'customers'.

    4. Anonymous3:29 PM

      Billy Graham is against equal rights:

      "Yesterday, Billy Graham, who was once considered the spiritual leader of the Protestant church in America, shredded his place in history by endorsing Amendment 1, a ballot initiative in his home state of North Carolina that would ban gay marriage."

    5. Anonymous4:53 PM

      Billy Graham doesn't have a friggin' conception of what is going on in "Graham Land' today - he's sick, in his 90's and his baby son, Franklin, is running the show for the bucks and nothing more. His Dad would be appalled if he had a clue as to what was going on in his ministry. His son is a fraud and I'll wager Sarah sucked his you know what when she hopped on his airplane all those times in Alaska. She had to 'earn' her way, you know!

    6. Anonymous5:32 PM

      I'm not so sure Bilky would be so appalled

  5. Anonymous12:34 PM

    Such wonderful Christians! My ass!

  6. Anonymous12:40 PM

    Franklin Graham, The Westboro Baptist Church, Sarah Palin, Phil Robertson and family, Ted Cruz, Bobby Jindal, Bristol Palin and the list goes on.

    Bristol Palin hitting the big time, Conservatives and Fundies care. It is the biggest thing since shit on a shingle. sarah will sell more books and collect more SarahPac donations for her 2014 campaign (lol). Bristol was never so big before. She is driving more fans and money than ever before. So much her blog monitor is barely deleting. That's a change in operational procedures.
    Sarah Palin (where they tag her as politician): Be sure to check out that article linked above. It (Bristol: "Leave Phil Robertson Alone"was trending on Yahoo earlier)

    1. Anonymous1:11 PM

      How does Bristol get any money out of her blog and facebook posts other than being paid as a consultant by Sarah's PAC??? Abstinence lectures? Another book? Another TV reality show? That girl is as interesting as a frozen pile of....... It looks as if she is trying to market Tripp as the next adorable child. Look, he can even write Bristol's name with a heart over the letter "i." (What little boy uses hearts? None! Kids write their own name, not their mommy's name. The only problem that Tripp has is the last name. Will Bristol teach him "Palin" or "Johnston"? Which is Tripp's legal last name?

    2. Anonymous1:21 PM

      You know you've hit the Big List of Historical Nuts in History when you see your name linked up with those crazies.

    3. Anonymous1:51 PM

      Tripp came from Todd Palin's Prostitute, Shailey Tripp. What a way to name a Baby. How's that Pregnancy coming, Bristol? Do you know who the Daddy might be? Junker won't claim the BASTARD. How many Bastards have you given birth to, Bristol? Why doesn't Nancy French write about your Promiscuity? Does Christian acting Nancy French condone your out of wedlock Sex with many men? Nancy must accept your Sins, because she pretends to be you in her writings. Maybe Nancy has a secret desire to live a life of Sex and Drugs like you Palins. Are you a good role model for Nancy French's kids?

    4. Anonymous2:23 PM

      Nancy French isn't a good role model for Nancy French's kids.

  7. Anonymous12:46 PM

    Franklin Graham is sucking his Daddy's Bank Accounts Dry. Grifting is the new Religion with the same old Begging for Donations.

  8. Balzafiar12:57 PM

    The story says: "Jesus Christ came to this earth to save sinners..."

    Think about that for a moment. If all that has been written in the many versions of the collection of fables called the Bible is true, then why has God only sent Jesus to this earth to intervene only ONE time in all of the thousands of years of history? As an example, where was Jesus when Hitler was around? Surely we needed him, or someone like him, to intervene.

    Answer that for me, please.

    1. Anonymous1:17 PM

      There are many beliefs. Not all believe 'God only sent Jesus to this earth to intervene only ONE'. It works for Christians b/c you will go to eternal damnation if you don't obey their interpretation of the Bible. Which version?

      Hitler wrote about Christianity in his writings. He claimed to be a Christian. There was plenty of Christianity in Mein Kampf. These are things that Phil Robertson has no clue about when he teaches his brand of history. Hitler claiming to be a Christian doesn't make him a Christian. He was like Sarah Palin and Phil Robertson, who also claim to be Christian. Look at their actions. They also claim to be gospel. How gospel do they behave?

    2. Anonymous1:19 PM

      Why didn't he just create all of us in the fashion of Jesus? We could all still be unique, different interests, talents and personalities etc.

      Why invent hate, violence and cruelty? Sorry, I don't get any of it.

  9. That says it all

    1. Anonymous2:01 PM

      You only wish you could do as much good for the world as the Grahams.

    2. Anonymous2:18 PM

      Billy Graham is an antisemite. Franklin Graham is a grifter.

    3. Anonymous2:50 PM

      Hmm..just which part of Samaritan's Purse, 'does good?' The Shoebox Project, where hundreds of people get others to fill shoeboxes and send them in, while Graham takes the credit? The millions of dollars he takes from the 'charity' in salary? I know, photo ops with Sarah Palin so she can prove she did too respond to those starving Alaskans. The Grahams are charlatans. A Christian leaders hould not have millions of dollars..ever. God is not about wealth...just love.

    4. Anonymous3:15 PM

      The Pope recognizes all religions as true. Franklin claimed that Islam was a dirty religion. Why is theirs the only religion? It wasn't the first religion on Earth. Jesus was a Jew. There were Buddhists and Hindus before Jesus was born. The Pope has a better understanding of the spirit of man and God than the Grahams do.

    5. Anonymous3:31 PM

      Until he endorsed Mitt Romney, Billy Graham said that Mormons weren't real Christians.

    6. Anonymous5:49 PM

      I am SO going to turn Mormon when BYU plays the UW Huskies. December 27th, just for the day. Can't see much else they're good for.

  10. Anonymous1:04 PM

    Rev Phil Robertson and Sister Sarah Palin are gospel
    Duck Dynasty Country

  11. janice1:08 PM

    Wow, I guess everyone must think it is ok for Sarah to sleep with a black man in a college dorm, for Sarah's daughter to do it in a tent as a teen then become an unmarried mother hoping the guy who got her pregnant was not really the father, having her son get married to give his baby a name then divorce her, taking only his guns. The world is screwed up and not the Grahams, Palins and Phil is deciding what got will accept. I say, a sin is a sin. God judges, not these people.

    1. Anonymous2:01 PM

      At least get facts straight. And maybe not spread lies.

    2. Anonymous2:17 PM

      Which part of that was not "straight," 2:01?

    3. Anonymous2:32 PM

      I agree with Anomalies 2:01. Stop spreading lies about Sarah sleeping with black guys. Everybody knows Sarah wasn't sleeping when she was doing the black guy.

    4. Anonymous2:51 PM

      Yes, Janice, it is documented that Sarah Palin did have sex with a strong healthy athletic black man. She has never sued or denied it to my knowledge. If anyone has a link to the contrary go ahead and leave the link for an update. It is fully documented Sarah Palin had unmarried sex, she has never repented or been forthright regarding the matter and the fact.

      Her daughter, Bristol, wrote in a book about having tent sex. Others were there and her version may be a lie. It is true she had unmarried sex and concieved a bastard, in the Biblical sense. (Sarah likes that gospel language, try to respect that).

      Those are only 2 examples of the Heaths and Palins. More recent her brother Chuck Heath, Jr. was married with 2 children. He had unmarried sex and a bastard was conceived, it may have even been at an elementary school. The fact is Jr's bastard's mother was a co-worker that was much younger, he took advantage of a younger co-worker. His idea to remedy the problem of having a bastad was to divorce the old wife and get married to a younger one. His excuse was something about being emotional with the young one, his marriage wasn't worth working on because of his emotional problems.

      Track Palin is shrouded in mystery. It is fact he concieved a bastard and he must have taken his Uncles advice because his PR said he did marry someone and in a few months a baby was born.

      The thing is with the Hearh/Palin there is clearly a pattern.

    5. Anonymous3:00 PM

      2:32 PM

      It has been documented and verified. Sarah Palin will sue what is not true. She is not at all denying she had sex unmarried with a black athlete.

      It is fine that she did that.

    6. Anonymous3:02 PM

      Let's see. It was Mama Griz, herself, who shared her 'relationship' with Mr Rice. It was Bristol, herself, who shared the tent story in the book she had written to defame her child's father and publicly state that she had hoped Levi wasn't the father. Mama P, again, posted her son's 'marriage' on FB with a group photo and very quickly thereafter photos from the baby shower. AK news outlets shortly thereafter reported the divorce settlement of $P's son's marriage. There were guns mentioned in that settlement and he, indeed, got them.

      Can we now conclude as fact that it's been the Palins spreading the lies all along???? Thank you for clearing this up 2:01.

    7. Anonymous3:13 PM

      Hey, 1:08, you left out Sally Heath being pregnant before she got married. You left out Chuck Jr. who got his present wife pregnant when he was married to his first wife. You left out Sarah who was pregnant when she and Todd eloped (got married quickly with no one from their family present). Bristol would rather curse the father of her child instead of including him in Tripp's life. So much for her Christian heart.

    8. Anonymous4:43 PM

      2:51 The Palin klan is nothing more than 'white trash' from Wasilla, Alaska and Sarah shows it every time she makes a statement or projects her physical image upon our nation. She and her klan are an embarrassment to Alaskans and our country. She doesn't have a clue that she is retarded and has passed the gene on to other members of her family.

      What frauds ALL of them!

  12. Anonymous1:08 PM

    I think that Franklin Graham must be relate to Ted Haggard, the pastor who preached homophobia while engaging in gay sex, not to mention some heavy drug use. I swear that they could be brothers.

    1. Anonymous1:33 PM

      They're all related.

    2. Anonymous2:28 PM

      I was thinking Ted Haggard=Phil Robertson. Phil did mention he did drugs.

      I haven't found the whole article or book where Robertson, a church elder, talks about being Born Again. It is cloaked in mystery,I guess he would say it is his private life? It didn't include apology or restitution. Like Bristol's minor comment on how forgiving worked for her blog. They are never clear and you just have to accept that because they believe in their God they are forgiven and or Born Again. They can preach, no one can question or critique them.

    3. Anonymous3:11 PM

      @2:28 Phil admitted being into sex, drugs and rock and roll. Then, Jesus changed his life. Right. He just says that he "got religion." After he beat up the couple in Arkansas, paid them off and fled the state, he may have had that "come to Jesus" moment, which was more like, "Hey, I'm gonna grow a beard so no one will recognize me, hide out here in the woods, make duck calls and market myself (and my lovable family) as a bunch of backwoods hicks. Good idea. Ain't nothin' like in on the TV machine, and we could clean up. Yeah, I'm coming, Jesus, I'm coming to you. I'll thank you after very meal. Oh, in case you want to know where I got my idea, I was watching Dog the Bounty Hunter, another A&E favorite. They dress in crazy costumes, have a prayer circle before they find some bad guy who jumped his bail, they beat him up and then give him a lecture about saving his soul. I like that, the prayer circle. Thanks, Dog, I owe you one if you ever come to Louisiana."

    4. Anonymous4:26 PM

      Dog needs to go to Louisiana and make things right for the couple that Robertson attacked. It would make good A&E TV for Dog to save Robertson's soul on a show. I might even watch that one. There would be one less fake Born Again out preaching and good for Duckman to finally make amends.

  13. Anonymous1:15 PM

    The statement said, “Phil Robertson’s desire is to see all men and women repent—that is to turn from their sin and follow Christ in obedience.

    There's just one problem. Phil Robertson is a big fat hypocrite. He beat up a bartender and his wife in Arkansas and was facing assault charges. Mrs. Robertston gave the bartender and wife all of their savings (a considerable amount according to Robertson) to forget the problem, and then the Robertsons moved to Louisiana. When asked in the GQ interview if Phil ever returned to the bartender in Arkansas to seek redemption he said, "No." He just moves on and puts things behind him. Maybe he should practice what he preaches. Hypocrite.

    1. Anonymous4:01 PM

      This is a very troubling story.

    2. Anonymous4:27 PM

      In his own tell he exposes himself as a fraud.

  14. Anonymous1:32 PM

    Bristol says the gays are the meanest. That must mean she thinks the WBC isn't so bad.

    1. Anonymous2:01 PM

      Um, that is a lie. Neither Bristol nor anyone in her family has problems with gay people in general. Remember Willow apologizing to that boy she met in DC for using teenage vernacular?

      You should probably grow up

    2. Anonymous2:03 PM

      Says she who attacked the guy on Sunset Strip doing her mechanical bull ride. "Are you homosexual?" All because he spoke out against "Mommie Pays My Lifestyle."

    3. Anonymous2:16 PM

      "...they spread the most hate."

      Here's the full quote from Bristol herself about gay people just to show that she actual DOES have a problem with gay people:

      "I hate how the LGBT community says it’s all about “love” and “equality.” However, if you don’t agree with their lifestyle, they spread the most hate. It is so hypocritical it makes my stomach turn. They need to learn how to respect others’ opinions and not just jump to the conclusion that everyone who doesn’t support homosexuality and gay marriage is homophobic. "

      How can you possible defend her?

    4. Anonymous2:32 PM

      2:03 PM

      That was so strange. As if she didn't know it was a gay bar?

      She can't act and they were so dumb to stage that act.

    5. Anonymous3:04 PM

      Bristol was heckled by some guy in a bar and her response was, "What are you, gay?" What a homophobic thing to say? What are you, Bristol, an idiot?

    6. Anonymous3:32 PM

      What are you Bristol, a whore?

    7. Anonymous3:36 PM

      2:16 PM No, Bristol, your current Pregnancy makes your stomach turn. Baby Making is all that you can do. Raising children is your biggest challenge. You have not GROWN UP yet.

    8. Anonymous4:20 PM

      Actually, Bristol, I'm pretty sure NOT supporting homosexuality or agreeing with it does, indeed, make you a homophobe. Pretty sure that that IS the definition of a homophobe.

    9. Anonymous4:20 PM

      I suggest that anyone who is close to Sarah Palin 'anywhere' pull off her wig! If close, as to proximity, to either her, toad or Bristol, yell a specific question to her/them for the pure joy of embarrassment to them! You know - it's all about free speech and we have the right to fling it at them as they do us. They are fucking assholes and I can hardly wait until they are gone from this earth!

  15. Anonymous2:00 PM

    No one should be criticized or trashed for an opinion. That only adds to the intolerance pile. People grow in time. Phils a good person.

    How typical that people here have nasty things to say yet theyre the ones who hate daily.

    1. Anonymous2:13 PM

      Yeah! NOBODY should be criticized for an opinion!!

      It's ok that Neo nazis hate black people and jews.
      It's ok that the WBC pickets soldier funerals.
      It's ok that people blame women for their own rapes.

      And the gays are the WORST!!! How dare they criticize people who equate gay sex with bestiality and incest? It's only an opinion after all.

      (you're an ass)

    2. Anonymous2:33 PM

      "the ones who hate daily."

      That is your judgement.

    3. Anonymous2:42 PM

      Phil is evidently a liar as well as a homophobe who hasn't actaully read the New Testament. And you..well I won't comment. It is the holiday season.

    4. Anonymous3:03 PM

      Phil's interview wasn't just an opinion. It was hate speech, and it inspired people to issue death threats against A&E. Loving kindness? No, Phil preaches repentance for others, but he did not repent of his own sins (beating up a bartender and the bartender's wife in Arkansas). Phil's "opinions" are those of intolerance and hatred. Oh, yeah, I'm gonna accept that. No, he is playing to his audience, saying what thinks they want to hear and it's a nasty message.

    5. Anonymous3:42 PM

      I'm confused. Is it opinion, belief or their religion?

      2:42 PM Sarah Palin was very clear that Phil spoke The Gospel. Sarah and Phil are speaking The Gospel. Isn't that the New Testament? Are they intentionally confusing everyone? What are their motives? That would be a very deceptive and an evil thing to do. They are conspiring for ulterior motives and that is what I would like to know more about.

      They are either gospel or not gospel. What gospel are they talking about? The Gospel? Old Testament gospel? Gospel of Judas? Cross Gospel?

    6. Anonymous3:42 PM

      I'm confused. Is it opinion, belief or their religion?

      2:42 PM Sarah Palin was very clear that Phil spoke The Gospel. Sarah and Phil are speaking The Gospel. Isn't that the New Testament? Are they intentionally confusing everyone? What are their motives? That would be a very deceptive and an evil thing to do. They are conspiring for ulterior motives and that is what I would like to know more about.

      They are either gospel or not gospel. What gospel are they talking about? The Gospel? Old Testament gospel? Gospel of Judas? Cross Gospel?

    7. Anonymous4:12 PM

      Phil is all about the money. He is NOT what he projects himself to be today! He is as big a fraud and liar as is Sarah Palin. Hopefully, Americans will stop falling for their bullshit!

    8. Anonymous4:23 PM

      So...lemme get this straight...we shouldn't criticize you for YOUR opinions or Phil Robertson's...but you have every right to criticize us for ours?


    9. Anonymous4:47 PM

      2:00 PM Are you Stupid? Have you already forgotten about Martin Bashir? Martin had an opinion, and all of you righties jumped all over MSNBC to fire him. What is the difference between an opinion from Bashir and an opinion from Robertson? Sarah Palin likes to pick and choose what she does not like. She has NEVER gone against any of the terrible things said by Limbaugh, Ann Coulter, or any of the other Conservative talking heads. When Ann Coulter attacked Sarah Palin, Sarah went Silent. When Limbaugh spewed 'Retarded' on his radio show, Sarah went Silent. When Rahm said Retarded, Sarah went Crazy asking for him to be fired. There is a pattern of unequal treatment from Palin when the left says some of the same stuff that her cronies say. Maybe Sarah Palin is too Stupid to understand that she is Biased.

    10. Anonymous12:07 AM

      Everybody should be free to have an opinion and voice it. But if your opinion is repugnant, others have the right to voice their opinion that you are an idiot.
      (Just think about it:'Mein Kampf' is also full of opinions)

      (O, and when are you going to learn how to use the apostrophe?)

    11. Anonymous1:17 AM

      Bashir never said this, but I'd love to have folks hold the bitch Palin down so that I could shit on her face. I dislike the woman so much due to the hate, racism and lies she has spread since prior to 2008. She deserves to be hung from the rafters due to all the evil she has spread across our land. In the olden days she would have been burned at the stake! Wish it could be her fate today!

  16. Anonymous2:07 PM

    I was just made aware that the Phil Robertson family on Duck Dynasty "reality show" are not quite what they seem:

    1. Anonymous2:41 PM

      What a surprise. Lying for cash. No wonder Sarah is a fan.

    2. Anonymous3:55 PM

      I don't have anything good to say about Phil Robertson's "opinions." But, the show? It's entertainment. People who have suddenly discovered the Robertsons aren't rednecks obviously have never watched the show or they would have known that all along.

      The Robertsons make no secret of their wealth, the mansions, the gated communities and so on. They are poking fun at the two apparent disparate aspects of their lives. The intro of the show every week, when they drive up in their rolls, establishes the joke from the get-go.

      Folks who immediately stereotyped every one on that show because of Phil, because of their beards, their hunting etc. and then "discovered" the stereotype was not wholly accurate made the mistake. The Robertsons themselves make no attempt to pretend they are not astute and wealthy entrepreneurs.

    3. Anonymous4:39 PM

      Putting aside the current controversy, I have to say I am totally flummoxed by the popularity of this show.

      Last fall I began reading that it was great entertainment, no matter what your stripe and that it also happened to transcend political persuasions.

      So, I gave it a go. Twice. What a snore. I realize that ALL "reality" shows are scripted and manipulated, but the "storylines" of this one just seemed especially set up and the set-ups were BORING. I don't mean they have to be trashy to be interesting (Housewives), but I could find NOTHING that interested me about them. Is it just the beards? I live in the Northwest, so that's hardly a novelty.

      Fans seemed to say it's "the only reality show" that was decent, but what about that "Little Couple"...I was entranced by them and their stable decency and journey to have a family (praying the wife survives her current cancer). Even the other "Little People" show was interesting to me. I know they are also religious and the husband is a fanatic of all kinds, but the family seemed REAL and they allowed their heartbreak and vulnerabilities to be filmed, at least as far as the viability of their marriage by the end of the show.

      Nothing about the DUCK show struck me as deep and/or sincere, nor did I find it funny.

    4. Anonymous4:42 PM

      3:55 PM

      What disappoints me are their products. What I have seen so far. (not including the duck call whistle that looks quality). It is the products they sell to poor people at places like Walmart. They are in a position where they could manufacture better quality for the poor customers.

      Where are those things made? In the USA? Do they keep jobs in America?

  17. Anonymous2:18 PM

    I'll say this. At NO time did Jesus EVER mention homosexuals. Not one time. In biblical times, they most likely didn't know it's not a choice, as we do now. This is a long suffering battle that does not need to be fought if one adheres to "“this is my commandment, that you love one another as I have loved you." John 15:12

    1. Anonymous4:27 PM

      The Greeks considered relations between men to be better and more pure than between a man and a woman. I'm sure the same would be said for the Romans. So he would have been fully aware of the practice of gay sex and more than able to criticize it -- it he actually existed.

    2. Anonymous7:41 PM

      My point was, as much as they preach Jesus, take one look at any of 'em, all of 'em. From her stupid book to their fake show, yeah RIGHT. They live everything Jesus was against. Apologies to atheists and agnostics, it's INFURIATING that people fall for it.

  18. The families in the "before" pictures look just like the Romney boys and their ultra-white children

    1. Anonymous5:23 PM

      Phil did vote for Romney.

  19. We have two Americas. And the difference between the two is getting wider every day.

    1. Anonymous3:59 PM

      Whenever Sarah Palin is involved you can bet we will have two Americas

    2. Anonymous4:43 PM

      Palin banks on those 2 Americas and war.

    3. Anonymous11:32 AM

      Rioting in the streets coming to America soon? Between the Republicans in the U.S. Congress handling things the way they are - the poor getting poorer and shut out - the Congressmen getting richer and richer - the governors of states across the nation getting richer and richer - Republicans fighting to decrease SS benefits and to rip the health law apart (President Obama's) next session, etc. They could care less about the people that put them in office.

      I see uprising doubt about it. There is now so much hate and division in our country which I blame on John McCain, McConnell (from Kentucky), Cantor, Ryan, Romney, etc. Racists and frauds - a party that created the KKK! I'll wager every one of them has increased their security substantially and we are paying for it folks w/our tax dollars. It pisses me off as it does many others across the nation

      People need to pay attention for whom they vote! Research how these jerks have voted in Congress. Check which lobbyists are supporting them or the matters they support for the lobbyist. i.e. the oil industry

      We are becoming a third world nation!!!!

  20. Anonymous2:47 PM

    And the guy who 'blessed' Sarah's VP run..the pastor...was responsible for killing 'witches' in Africa.
    True story. My husband's Mom died last Christmas, so one of the daughters invited all her siblings, spouses, kids and their kids as well as our still-grieving FIL, for dinner. Her eldest son was not there, asn he lives down the street. Wy not? Because Christian Mom, who had us all pray before her dinner for hundreds, doesn't like his girlfriend, so he was not invited. To a family dinner in honor of his deceased grandmother, a woman who raised him for four years while his divorced mother returned to college. Merry Christmas.

  21. Anonymous3:06 PM

    Christians killed each other in the name of Christ, Catholics against Protestants in Northern Ireland. The IRA also bombed innocent people in England to put across their political point. Sorry, Christians have killed in the name of Christ, too. They have killed other Christians.

  22. Anonymous4:08 PM

    When talking about these people, you need to put "Christian" in air quotes, because they sure don't fit the actual definition.

    1. Anonymous9:05 PM

      They need to "Christian" but they won't.

      If there are good authentic Christians they are the ones that must call the problem out. Or they will be painted with the same brush.

    2. Anonymous11:21 AM

      I think Americans do not realize that the 'christian' numbers are dropping drastically in our country.

      All the supposed 'faiths' are doing is taking your money folks! Want me to name a few of them? Look at all the national 'christian' preachers....their millions should be going to the poor and needy and they aren't! They are ALL living high off the hog w/their little followers continually donating from their Social Security income. What total bullshit.

      So many in our country are nothing more than 'sheep'! It's way past time that people wake up, read, research, learn - same as to our government and the Republicans. Why any voter would mark their ballot for even one of them across the country amazes me!

  23. Anonymous4:27 PM

    I see blood in the streets of America the way we are going. Sarah Palin should be the first to be shown her ways of the devil! She is as evil as they come as are some of the others that follow in her rancid footsteps!

  24. Here's the bottom line for me. I have to acknowledge that a significant percentage of the population holds the same views as Phil. As backward and ignorant as I think they are, I have to acknowledge that that is their opinion based on a 2000-year-old book from which they like to cherry-pick. What I would like just ONE of them to acknowledge (and I'm not holding my breath) is that the Constitution says that they can't use the 2000-year-old book to make public policy and deny others rights guaranteed to them by the Constitution. If we had allowed that, we would still have slavery, which was A-okay 2000 years ago...hell, 200 years ago.

  25. Here's the bottom line for me. I have to acknowledge that a significant percentage of the population holds the same views as Phil. As backward and ignorant as I think they are, I have to acknowledge that that is their opinion based on a 2000-year-old book from which they like to cherry-pick. What I would like just ONE of them to acknowledge (and I'm not holding my breath) is that the Constitution says that they can't use the 2000-year-old book to make public policy and deny others rights guaranteed to them by the Constitution. If we had allowed that, we would still have slavery, which was A-okay 2000 years ago...hell, 200 years ago.

    1. Anonymous11:17 AM

      Folks have to remember that the people that are tied into this guy are a 'minority' when compared to the total number of folks occupying America. Compare their show numbers to others on different channels that are popular and have been consistently for years.

      This show will NOT last on A & E and assuredly won't be watched on other channels that want them. Ones we've never heard of for crying out loud!

      Heck, put them on a 'christian' channel! It would be fine w/me cuz I never watch that/those channels either! There is such a thing as 'turning the dial'!

      All this fuss is about nothing and has been ginned up for viewership! DO NOT WATCH THE SHOW and/or don't buy the products that support and advertise this show.

      Problem solved so damned easily!!

      Plus, we have since found out that the family is NOT who they are projecting themselves to be on the show...frauds as usual....Christian frauds and liars, but what else is new? I compare this crazy crowd to that of the Sarah Palin klan!

  26. Anonymous4:34 PM

    Sarah Palin fits the description of a witch....should we burn her at the stake for all to view? Think she should hire more security due to the division across America between 'christians' and those that are not.

    She started the hatred and deaths in our country - AZ - and deserves the exact same evil to herself and her family members.

  27. Anonymous5:03 PM

    Does anyone know if Todd Palin is bisexual?

    1. Anonymous5:16 PM

      Is that you Sarah?

    2. Anonymous5:20 PM

      Shailey Tripp and other girls would know?Well, maybe some boys, Hope they have video or cloth.

    3. Anonymous5:38 PM

      It's none of your business if Todd is bisexual or not. That is between him and his guy if he is. Right Todd?

    4. Anonymous5:39 PM

      Does one time make you bisexual? How about two times?

    5. Anonymous5:42 PM

      Not saying that he is, but if he did have relations with a male prostitute, I betcha Todd has blackmail material against him to keep him quiet.

    6. Anonymous9:03 PM

      When matters with Todd are in court or depositions many things can become relevant. It may well be that sex with his young male buddies is central to a case. It won't be private.

      Read about the men that do the frontier Ak sports like Iron Dog and snow machines. Same as other groups of men. Men that like men are not free to say what goes on. They are in these out back places all kinds of things go on. There is also the drink and drugs. Girls for sex, too. It's probably wilder than the old days of sex, drugs and rock and roll. But it is in the snow and not where there is as much paparazzi

  28. Anonymous5:21 PM

    Well, let's see if they follow through on their threats in NYC and see what sort of counter protest is there to greet them, because you know it'll be massive and totally awesome to witness.
    M from MD

  29. Anonymous5:32 PM

    4:27 PM
    now anyone can buy a drone for $1000.00. It could get crazy especially places like Ak. remote

  30. Anonymous5:40 PM
    M from MD

  31. Anonymous5:54 PM

    Cult Of Dusty

  32. Anonymous6:39 PM

    The Duck Dynasty patriarch led a small Bible study group in his home town church in West Monroe, Louisiana on Sunday.

  33. Anonymous7:36 PM

    Funny how a man who has cheated on his wife speaks of sexual morality.... hypocrite

    1. Anonymous9:16 PM

      He was born again. He goes to church now where his son is the Pastor. He preaches at places like Pastor Rick Warren's Saddleback Church.

    2. Anonymous8:22 AM

      So.... going to church doesn't change the fact that he is judging others actions when he himself broke a commandment. Maybe he should worry about his own actions instead of condemning others.

      Pastor Rick Warren worth $25 million.... yea another rich guy preacher... he should give his money away and live according to the teachings he is a preaching, than I might be able to take him seriously.

  34. Anonymous11:44 PM

    Palin's Witch-hunting Pastor's PROMO Video
    Palin Witchcraft. Sarah Palin accepts the blessing of Pastor Thomas Muthee, who asks Jesus to fund her political campaigns, and protect her from witchcraft.

  35. Anonymous1:21 AM

    A drone would be perfect over the home of Palin on the dead lake in Wasilla. Might even be a good idea over her home in AZ - which is much more palatial in appearance!!

  36. Anonymous5:42 PM

    That photo of Graham - defiant and defensive! Wonder how many times Sarah Palin has sucked his dick for taking free rides in his airplane in Alaska! Both of them are creepy!

  37. Anonymous2:09 AM

    Here is what Phil and the cast of Duck Dynasty now needs to do- it is very urgent-
    First of all, he must not back down from his biblical stance. He must not "apologize" for stating God's truth.Even if it should cost him and family the termination of the show Duck Dynasty. And from what I am reading, he is not backing down, but he must show Christian calmness and love- not anger, bitterness and hate toward A&E.
    Secondly, he he must IMMEDIATELY publicly condemn the actions of the Westboro Baptist Church, which in reality is not a church but is instead a hate group. ( And I believe that their underlying motive is to make Christians and the bible look bad in the eyes of the world.) Although the Robertsons are in no way affiliated with the WBC, the WBC has just stated that it supports Robertson and intends to pickett A&E. Even so, as I have stated,their motives are far from good. Their actions have proven their ill will, such as picketting of soldiers funerals and harassing family members of the deceased, wishing for more dead soldiers, and their hatred of homosexuals. They blasphemously claim that there is no hope for homosexuals but scripture says otherwise. Unlike the UnChristian WBC and their message of hate, Phil Robertson must immediately publicly state that he loves homosexuals.That is why he speaks out against the sin of homosexuality and invites them to turn to Christ, repent and be saved in the Lord Jesus. Statistics show that there is much grief associated with the unnatural homosexual lifestyle but there is hope. A joyeous renewed life in Christ and life eternal. When mentioning sins including homosexuality,the apostle Paul notes that some in the church had been homosexuals before they became Christians. Phil needs to mention this and quote first Corinthians - iOr do you not know that wrongdoers will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived:Neither the sexually immoral nor idolaters nor adulterers nor men who have sex with men[a] 10 nor thieves nor the greedy nor drunkards nor slanderers nor swindlers will inherit the kingdom of God. 11 And that is what some of you were. But you were washed, you were sanctified, you were justified in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and by the Spirit of our God.-1 Cor 6:9-11 NIV-
    There is true hope and change! That's God's loving message and the message that Phil Robertson wishes to convey.
    As for his comments about African Americans, He needs to make clear that he was referring to a time when many African Americans had faith in Christ. Although sadly,they were under oppression by man's law, they were living Godly lives. He needs to mention that he was referring to civil rights leaders and those working hard for civil rights years ago, and point out that they were well mannered and well dressed. Why? Because many had a strong belief in God and representing Him as believers, they showed this in their actions and appearance. He needs to state that the original impetus for the civil rights movement was based on a faith in God and equality of all men. He needs to show that no race is lesser than others in the eyes of God and he needs to make the point that homosexuality is a sin as defined by God's word but being born a certain color or race is no way a sin or mark of inferiority or superiority in the eyes of God. In fact, in Numbers chapter 12 we read that Moses, the writer of the law, married a Cushite woman, (no doubt a dark skinned woman from Africa) but God showed no partiality with Moses choice and even rebuked Aaron and Miriam for speaking against Moses on account of his Cushite wife. See Phil Robertson's sermon- America Needs Jesus- on youtube.


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