Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Greta Van Susteren interviews Sarah Plain about the Duck Dynasty debacle, phony wars on Christmas, and that time she was wrong about wanting Bristol to get married, while Palin struggles to stay conscious.

Greta starts off by introducing the Duck Dynasty brouhaha and mentions that Palin was one of the firs to get her panties in a twist over it.

Palin: "Yeah well this is becoming a discussion now I think outside of the legal realm, letting attorneys decide whether its a free speech in..the..of..the..rule of law or not (Someone's medication needs to be adjusted), and now it's becoming more of a discussion..uh..within the exchange of ideas in the public and private square, and in pop culture, whether we're allowed to express our personal opinions without..um..threats of intimidation, and mockery, and criticism, and loss of jobs, and revenue. It's becoming a greater, bigger issue than what it started out to be just a few days ago." (Somewhere Martin Bashir is banging his head against the wall in frustration.)

Greta seems to catch the hypocrisy flowing here, and says "I think people loosely use the term 'free speech' meaning that all the sudden you have people jump someone for saying something and that you don't jump others. I think that is sort of the inequity, either we are going to let people trash talk or we're not going to let people trash talk. but on the same token sort of let..if the market wants to be such that people don't want to watch someone so be it." (Carefully watch Palin's chest heave during this part and you can tell that she is seething that Greta came so close to calling her a hypocrite.)

Palin: " Well that's right. (It is?) And that's why I say that attorneys discuss and argue whether it's a legal free speech issue or not, but I'm hearing a lot of people start discussing now whether in our, especially pop culture venues, whether we're going to be allowed, without threats of a lot of intimidation, and loss of opportunities, to express our opinions." (Clearly somebody wasn't listening.)

So Greta tries again "It's one thing to express your opinion, do you have any problem about the manners in how he said it. I mean we don't talk about it on television much, but if you actually read the article there's a rather graphic and offen..at last I think offensive description of it. I mean there are two ways to say different things and his..in the article, and I know he's a graphic type guy, but do you have any objection on the manners aspect, how he said it?"

(Wait for it.)

Palin: "I haven't read the article. I don't know exactly how he said it".

(Did you get that? This woman who went all in to defend Phil Robertson in response to his horrific and insensitive language, not just against the LGBT population, but also concerning African Americans in the pre-civil rights era, has NEVER read the fucking interview!)

But wait, there's more.

Palin: "But Greta..uh..uh..what he was doing was in response to a question about a lifestyle that he disagrees with and yet he has said over and over again, he doesn't hate the person engaging in a lifestyle he disagrees with but he..he.. in response he was quoting the Gospel, so people who are so insulted, and offended by what he said evidently are offended by what he was quoting in the Gospels so you know that's a whole..that's another interesting aspect in all of this." 

(Yeah the book you all claim to get your sense of morality from is full of hate and prejudice, that is the "interesting aspect in all of this.")

Greta, who by the way now looks completely disgusted with Plain asks her about Cracker Barrel's response, and the Wasilla Wendigo mocks them for expressing their opinion and suggest they "thicken their skin."

At this point Van Sustern takes a break. (Probably so that she can fins a soundproof room nearby to scream out in frustration.) And when they come back Palin looks like she may have self medicated, looking for all the world like somebody JUST woke her up for the interview.

As Greta wades into the phony War on Christmas Plain sounds groggy and barely coherent, as she attempts to pimp her book and drum up outrage that Christians cannot force others to celebrate the holidays the way they want.

( I am going to transcribe a little more in a few minutes. I need more coffee, and possibly a moment to go into a room and do my own primal screaming.)

(I'm back.)

Greta asks Palin to elaborate on why there is this so-called the war on Chirstmas.

Palin: "I think that people are offended, some people, at the idea that we aren't 'all that,' we're not the center of the universe and we as fallible, mistake man, we should be serving something greater than self. Our world would be a lot healthier, more peaceful, safer place if we were all to be more selfless and serve something greater than self, ie our creator, and I think that idea is really offensive to a lot of people, especially the elites who kind of control much of the media, much of politics, because they do thing they're 'all that.' They think they're the hope, the change, the answer. They think they can create utopia, when you when most of us, who are humble enough to admit that man can't do that. We're..we're.. so fallen that we need a savior. We..we.. need something  to look to for strength, and hope, and peace, and joy, and a lot of us look to God for that."

(Okay did the woman who is on a book tour selling a book ghostwritten for her in order to keep her name in the limelight, and who claims to believe in a religion that argues the entire universe was created by God specifically for THEM, just suggest that those who do not think like she does are the arrogant selfish ones? I don't think I spent enough time doing my primal scream to get through this. By the way, she DOES realize she is being interviewed by a Sceintologist right?)

Greta decides at this point to suggest that there is room for everybody during the holidays and wants to know why people choose to "jab" each other about religion this time of year? Clearly this is directed at Palin's lack of  understanding toward those who do not celebrate the way she does, but does she get the hint? Hell no!

Palin: "They jab people, they waste a lot of money, like that billboard."

(This refers to the Atheist billboard that was brought up at the start of the interview.)

"Why didn't they take the money they were gonna spend on trying to offend Christians or anybody who believes in Jesus being the reason for the season (You know I think that is ONLY the Christians.) Why didn't they spend that money on helping the needy, or helping the poor, uh..I think that was a waste of resources." (Did she seriously just say that? )

At this point Great returns to discussing the ghostwritten book and ask Palin about the time she admitted she was wrong (There's a Christmas miracle for you.), that supposedly centered around when Bristol told her she was pregnant, (Which time?)

Palin: "Yeah, I think that is some of the heart of Christmas, being humble enough to admit that again we're 'not all that' we don't have all the answers. In that episode that I was reflecting upon when Bristol came to us to tell us that she was..uh..going to have a baby and Todd and I argued over what should she do next, I..you know..I thought she should get married, and Todd said 'No, there's already been a heap of trouble piled on her plate let's not encourage more heaping of more trouble on her plate.'  We argued about it and then I realized that he was right, and he WAS right. Humbled myself and told him that, and reflected upon that in the book and that again has a lot to do with that humbleness of Jesus being born in a manger, not as some lofty king who..um..came down amongst privilege and..um..in your face kinda lecturing of everybody else in the culture in which he was a part of. And..uh..much of the spirit of Christmas has to do with being humble enough to accept that and have that childlike faith to know that it was real." 

Holy shit! what the hell was all of that?

So she agreed that Todd was right about Bristol getting married because Jesus was born in a manger and you have to be a child to believe any of that was real? Is THAT the takeaway here?

Okay well there are a few more minutes of the interview and you all are welcome to listen to them and share with others what she says, but Gryphen is taking a mental health break here.

(It is not quite 8:00 AM here, but I am wondering if it is okay to start drinking this early since it's a holiday, and Jesus was born in a manger and everything?)


  1. Anonymous6:39 AM

    Just curious, how come Sarah has a blazing fire in her fireplace every time she goes on FOX?

    1. The fire in the fireplace is probably started by flying sparks from her pants.

    2. Anonymous7:59 AM

      When Sarah speaks with the fireplace in the background, her fans think that she's hot. It's a visual, like the book propped up under the Charlie Brown Christmas Tree.

    3. Anonymous3:53 PM

      Did they yank her scalp back to raise her eyebrows two inches?

  2. Anonymous6:48 AM

    Sarah sounds like congrats are in order? Are you expecting another bastard grandchild?

    "I hate how the LGBT community says it's all about 'love' and 'equality,'" she added. "However, if you don't agree with their lifestyle, they spread the most hate. It is so hypocritical it makes my stomach turn."
    -Bristol Palin

    Anonymous6:34 AM

    It is so hypocritical it makes my stomach turn."

    Uhhh Bristol you may want to go to the drugstore and buy yourself another pregnancy test strip. Sounds like a little tadpole won the race.

    1. Anonymous7:04 AM

      Who be the papa?

    2. Anonymous7:57 AM

      According to Sarah Palin bastard is gospel. If you have a problem with the correct word, bastard, you don't like Palin's gospel.

      "A bastard shall not enter into the congregation of the LORD; even to his tenth generation shall he not enter into the congregation of the LORD." American King James Version (others).

    3. Anonymous9:35 AM

      7:04 AM Any of 'em All of 'em. BWAHAHAHA. Bristol might not know who the Daddy might be. She's been GETTIN' BUSY.

  3. Anonymous6:49 AM

    Fox is not letting Sarah do 1001 takes to get it right anymore. At this point all remaining palinbots are idolaters, for Sarah clearly sleeps with Satan.

  4. Anonymous6:50 AM

    Did Sarah cut her wig or buy a new shitty looking wig?

    1. Anonymous7:58 AM

      Neither, Willow has to justify her consultant fee, her very large consultant fee.

    2. Anonymous8:25 AM

      What more proof is needed that Willow flunked hair school and her warden paid Penrose off for a hair diploma? Has anyone verified what is to qualify Willow to do hair?

      What a pox on the house of Penrose Academy or whatever it is called. I hope it goes down in history about their fraudulent business.

    3. Anonymous11:57 AM

      It actually looks like someone made a effort to try to make her look presentable and dare I say "nice"?
      But she opens her mouth and ruins it. Oh and I love she is ginning up the controversy about this DDFUCK shit and she hasn't EVEN READ the interview? Barstool is Ginning up the controversy and she didn't even write the blog?
      What a bunch of posers!
      I wonder if she is one death watch over upchuck sr which is why she up in AK so much lately?
      Anyone know?

    4. Anonymous3:34 PM

      Her hair is ridiculous

  5. Anonymous6:51 AM

    Palin lectures The Faux Channel Faithful on serving something greater than self?!? Oh, that is RICH. She is ALL about self! I would just love to know how she thinks she serves God.....she has no concept of what that means, just like any other subject she weighs in on.

    I must say, she is looking WAY long in the tooth. She'd better lay off the drugs (or whatever she's doing) and quick, I mean, just LOOK at her. Really, do a side-by-side comparison of her in '08 and now. YIKES.

    1. Anonymous7:24 AM

      OMG, what is wrong with her neck? It's like there's absolutely no flesh there. The muscles are all exposed She's really looking bad!

    2. Anonymous7:57 AM

      My daughter, who does not follow the antics of the weirdo from Wasilla, did not recognize her from a few years ago.
      I think she is doing something, but who knows what.

    3. Anonymous10:17 AM

      >>>I think she is doing something, but who knows what.<<<

      All of 'em. Whichever are in front of her!!!

  6. Anonymous6:53 AM

    Wow look at all that old turkey waddle on her neck. How old is she? 69?

  7. Anonymous6:54 AM

    According to her fan club, she was a last minute sub for a guest who cancelled. She looked like she was propped up from behind to keep from falling over.

    Also, I have to say it's pretty bad when Greta looks better than you in those side by side screenshots......

    1. Anonymous10:09 AM

      If $carah was a last minute sub, why was she not wearing camo, didn't she say they wear it ALL the time up there?? She looks more like the Madam in a whorehouse.

    2. Anonymous12:02 PM

      Gretta looks like John Travolta in that interview. Her face is huge!

  8. Anonymous7:03 AM

    its a free speech in..the..of..the..rule of law or ...
    -Sarah Palin

    What fucking high school did this idiot go to?

    1. Anonymous9:06 AM

      The fact Palin is from Wasilla, AK - the meth area of the state - and, the fact she is nothing more than 'white trash' - were so apparent in this interview. She's a friggin' mess and it's time Alaskans do something to shut her up....like disclose all the bullshit she and her family have done! Bastard babies - Sarah never being PG w/that last kid that lives in her house, etc. The fraud of a marriage that she and Toad have...Bristol having more than one kid and supposedly is pregnant again...getting various records released from the State of Alaska - Juneau (will have to work around the current gov parnell - who is her buddy!), etc.

      The woman needs to be confined to her home or put in the API Hospital in Anchorage w/the key thrown away!

  9. Anonymous7:08 AM

    Its on Politico now...haha

    1. http://www.politico.com/story/2013/12/sarah-palin-duck-dynasty-interview-101500.html?hp=r2

    2. Anonymous9:14 AM

      It's also front and center on www.talkingpointsmemo.com. Time to continue laughing at stupid Sarah again. What? She didn't even read the article before she defended? Can that woman even read and comprehend?

  10. Anonymous7:10 AM

    This comment at TPM gits-r-dun

    54 Seconds Ago
    Just another example of why women should keep their mouths shut and never seek out a position of authority. It's in the Gospel, so no arguing there, right?

    1. Anonymous7:25 AM

      Sarah is not representative of real WOMEN. She's practically a man, especially when it comes to thinking.

    2. Anonymous8:09 AM

      Idiocy knows no gender boundaries. I have wonderful, smart, sensitive men in my life (husband, father, brother, friends). She's a moron, no matter what her sex.

    3. Anonymous8:49 AM

      No, wiscojoe explains why Sarah claims to have "humbled" herself. Sarah humbles herself for no one!

  11. Anonymous7:12 AM

    "I mean there are two ways to say different things and his..in the article, and I know he's a graphic type guy, but do you have any objection on the manners aspect, how he said it?"

    (Wait for it.)

    Palin: "I haven't read the article. I don't know exactly how he said it".

    Damn! Sounds like Greta is trying to be like Katie Couric and wants to expose that Arizona fraud?

    1. Anonymous7:17 AM

      WOW talk about a HARD question!

      Asking La Paylin about manners! Or about something she SHOULD have read.

      Exposing a lack of preparation because incompetent/lazy? UNFAIR!!!

      Guess the trolls will be busy elsewhere today.

    2. Anonymous7:25 AM

      She hasn't read the article? I thought she read everything? Isn't that what she told Katy Couric. She's a damn liar! She read that article, she just doesn't want to talk about anal sex on tv.

    3. Anonymous7:28 AM

      And she was the FIRST to tweet out in phil's defence. Jump-on-the bandwagon-attention-whore sarah.

    4. Anonymous7:56 AM

      Sounds like Greta still holds the belief that Sarah has even an ounce of credibility.

    5. Anonymous7:57 AM

      @7:25, September 30, 2008
      COURIC: And when it comes to establishing your world view, I was curious, what newspapers and magazines did you regularly read before you were tapped for this — to stay informed and to understand the world?

      PALIN: I’ve read most of them again with a great appreciation for the press, for the media, coming f—

      COURIC: But like which ones specifically? I’m curious that you—

      PALIN: Um, all of 'em, any of 'em that, um, have, have been in front of me over all these years. Um, I have a va—

      COURIC: Can you name a few?

      PALIN: I have a vast variety of sources where we get our news too. Alaska isn't a foreign country, where, it's kind of suggested and it seems like, 'Wow, how could you keep in touch with what the rest of Washington, D.C. may be thinking and doing when you live up there in Alaska?' Believe me, Alaska is like a microcosm of America

    6. Anonymous7:59 AM

      Hasn't Sarah been palling around with the dukkk fukkkers for a long time? Maybe she was in on this scam BEFORE the "controversial" article was published?


    7. Even Greta's colleague Alan Colmes weighed in on this particular interview (funny - the Pbots are going to hate it): "Palin Admits She Didn’t Even Know What Robertson Said Before Defending Him"

      It seemed like Alan Colmes was all but saying the Keith Olbermann refrain, "This woman is an idiot!"

    8. Anonymous9:47 AM

      SHE didn't tweet. Consultants/postage. She admitted she didn't even read the article. If she DID tweet, just shows how she waits to jump on the first thing she can to be in the news. Would someone get her help? SOON?

  12. Anonymous7:13 AM

    Happy Holidays Sarah!

    How's that pundit teevee stardom workin' for you lately?

    1. Anonymous8:30 AM

      Harpy Holidays Sarah from the Secularists! May all your dreams of being a 3rd rate cable station reality tv celebrity come true again!

  13. Chenagrrl7:16 AM

    G, there are a lot of great freeze-frame shots in that one, especially after 10:00.

    1. The moments right after GVS talked about the atheist billboard and the school caroling controversy, when she says "and now we're back with former governor Sarah Palin..." -- at 4:09-4:10 -- are hilarious.

      Like Gryphen was saying, it looked like Palin was nodding off in some kind of stupor. Drug-induced? Or maybe a LACK of her favorite drug(s)?

    2. Anonymous9:35 AM

      I've been around drug addicts. Prescription drugs, medications can be the worst. She looks like people that are on both uppers and downers. Not just where she nods out for a sec. Her whole demeanor.

      The Fox execs have to know, they are fine with it. I am going to do what I can to be sure they will have her on TV more. Like support her appearances as if I am in the cult.

      I think Sarah will do for Fox and Christianity what she does for Republicans. The more they go along with her fraud the more they will be exposed one day.

    3. Anonymous10:52 AM

      I think she was trying to do a disgusted eye roll after the Atheist story, but it just looked like she was going to pass out.

    4. Anonymous11:07 AM

      I'm thinking she acted like she was on prescription drugs with her sleepy, slow moving eyes. I was around some drug addicts too who were on Oxycontin. I've seen them drift off with their fork full of food mid-way to their mouths. Or drift off mid-sentence. Sarah thinks that her habits are hidden from the world. Simple Sarah.

    5. Anonymous11:13 AM

      Some of the prescription drug addicts that I've been around would go for days without eating. One would go for a week or ten days and then only be able to eat a bite or two. He's dead now from an over-dose. Just lay down, went to sleep and didn't wake up.

  14. Chenagrrl7:17 AM

    She's in ARizona, the fireplace is back.

    1. Anonymous7:40 AM

      It's the Alaska chateau home with the hangar attached.

    2. Anonymous8:00 AM

      Where is Trig? With his blood parents in Alaska?

    3. Anonymous8:31 AM

      Where is Track? Is he gainfully employed?

    4. Anonymous8:48 AM

      Where does Willow live? Are we going to be treated to more pictures of how Tripp decorated his entire house to surprise his mother? Maybe Tripp is chopping down a neighbor's tree right now, to decorate for her, with pink hearts.

    5. Anonymous9:28 AM

      Sarah is a traditional kind of gal. She will write one of those Christmas letters and fill in every little detail of all her family. She knows how much it means to her fans that are so loyal and spend their time and money for her. She would be a hideous Grinch to fail her fans. Have you seen all that were there for Bristol? Today "Leave Phil Robertson Alone!'
      2178 Comments. That is after Nancy started deleting. Bristol has never had so many to show a genuine gratitude. She has every reason to do it right this time. Not those half ass lazy "Look Who Came to See Me at School!" when they say zero and use old pictures. When she does that she may as well say I don't care about you fools, send money or just give me hits on my blog. Make me relevant and I will give you the middle finger salute with a smile.

  15. Anonymous7:18 AM

    Hard to believe this word puree came out of the same mind that gave the Newsbusters interview.

    1. Anonymous7:27 AM

      Because the NB interview wasn't her words, they were completely ghostwritten for her. She can't fake it as well in person.

    2. Anonymous8:46 AM

      It's easy to read the ghostwritten copy when the interview is done by phone or by the internet.

  16. Caroll Thompson7:21 AM

    A couple of thoughts:

    She didn't read the article? She is condemning the response to an article that she did not read? And she actually admits to not reading the article? Unbelievable.

    Also too, Sarah obviously has never read the Gospels. The Duck guy was not quoting the Gospel. The Gospel is the word of Jesus (the New Testament) who never said a word about the gays. He said to live and let live along with a lot of encouragement to help those less fortunate than ourselves.

    Sarah has a turkey neck and no amount of plastic surgery can cure that; but maybe some food would.

    1. Anonymous7:48 AM

      No, no, no. Ixney on the oodfey. The desert rat needs less food, not more. It's becoming obese, such a pig.

    2. Anonymous11:18 AM

      Another slight correction: they're gay people, not "the" gays. You're absolutely right, Carol, she will not mention the Gospels. She doesn't know them nor live them. It's all a big facade to sell a tanked book and you can tell it every time she opens her mouth.

    3. Anonymous11:51 AM

      11:18 AM
      I heard her mention Gospel at least twice. It was clear she said Gospel. Is there a transcript?

      It went something like, if you don't like what Phil said, he was talking Gospel, you don't like the Gospel.

      Sorry I did not say that well. I'd like to have the transcript. She definitely mentions the Gospel.

      She also said she did not read what Phil said. How did she know how and why to defend him? Bristol also, too. They didn't read what he said. No one told them what he said? Greta failed to get to what was going on with her.


      More than one interview. She said something about she and Phil Robertson were Gospel, if you don't like their words, you don't like Gospel.

      She did not say what Gospel. I thought Born Again people meant by Gospel, the New Testament. Christ's words?

      Christ is not the one whose words Robertson said and people reacted to. Both Palin and Robertson seem to be very wrong. No Christian seems to care and they just go on with these lies. Lies of mission are just as vile.

  17. Anonymous7:26 AM

    TriG wrote the Newsbusters interview.

  18. Anonymous7:39 AM

    The irony is sooooooooooooo thick.............


    Do Scientologists celebrate Christmas?

    "In terms of honoring the birth of Jesus, no.

    The religion teaches that spiritual salvation comes from the self and brotherhood attained with fellow man and the universe.

    They do not believe in Christ as Savior and do not get behind the Christian roots of the holiday. ........."

    1. Anonymous8:45 AM

      Then Greta is tied into Franklin Graham's charities because of.......the publicity???

    2. Sally in MI10:04 AM

      Oh, Franklin is not a believer either. Anyone who skims millions of dollars off a charity and calls it 'salary' is not following Christ. He's following someone else entirely.

    3. Anonymous4:33 PM

      Scientologists believe in reincarnation, which goes against Christianity.

  19. Anonymous7:52 AM

    Headline at Talking Points Memo:
    Palin never read the GQ article before defending the DD star.
    According to Palin's reasoning, she didn't have to read the interview to defend Robertson in the first place because the substance of his comments didn't matter. He was invoking the Bible, she said, so his critics are actually taking issue with Scripture itself.

    1. Anonymous8:44 AM

      Same story at Raw Story and other internet blogs. It's really funny that she defends something that she hasn't read.

    2. Olivia9:23 AM

      I would be willing to bet she hasn't read the Bible either...ever. That wonky eye makes reading anything difficult, aside from the fact that she is just plain lazy.

    3. Helpfully adding the URL for Raw Story...


      The comments are priceless, as always.

    4. Quote from commenter Ritorna Vincitor at Raw Story:

      "What a mixed metaphor. An aging Sarah Palin dressed as a Republican red elf citing Bronze Age Jews on anal sex while sitting in front of a greenhouse gas source, a fossil, and a pagan solstice tree topped with a red, white and blue star of Bethlehem."

    5. Anonymous10:35 AM

      Hahahahaha…thanks KaJo. Priceless observation.

    6. Kajo, that comment is terrific! And happy pagan Solstice!

    7. Anonymous3:53 PM


      That is so Sarah/Bristol/Nancy. I can see why they are so proud to stand by him.

  20. Anonymous7:54 AM

    Wow, she's looking really old. I'd put her in her early 60s trying to look 50.

  21. Anonymous7:54 AM

    The Real question:
    Is Palin going to carve another turkey upside down with a cheese knife on Christmas day or has she learned how to do it right?

    What a freaking fraud and liar.

  22. Anonymous7:57 AM

    Three years ago...... the duck commander.





  23. Anonymous8:01 AM

    slightly o/t -- none -- not one -- of our big box stores, grocery stores, or book stores has ever -- EVER -- carried one copy of the Palin Hooray-for-Holly, Santa, Johnny Mathis and plastic Jewish families tome. The minutes are creeping along -- by Thursday it'll be as fresh as the Cheez-Whiz appetizer from Christmas dinner. Both headed for the landfill. One doubts there'll be a second edition, for next year.

    Unless.....there's a war on Easter abrewing out there on the dead lake.

  24. By the way for all of you doubters out there, my sources say that Palin IS in Wasilla right now.

    Probably leave right after she gets her new ice auger.

    1. Anonymous8:11 AM

      I'm still waiting for pics of her house decorated for Xmas.

    2. Anonymous8:39 AM

      Bristol, I can't wait to see how you decorated the love nest motel Christmas tree. Patiently waiting for her awesomeness.

      Krusty P.

    3. Anonymous8:43 AM

      Should be be taking bets on Christmas dinner? Turkey stabbed in the back with a cheese knife?
      Ham to piss off the Muslims?
      The roaring fire in the stone fireplace is in the TV studio in Wasilla. The AZ fireplaces look different. I want to see the manger scene in front (or in back of) Sarah's house, the tree, the presents, the decorations, and a photo of the Palin family going to church.

    4. Anonymous9:17 AM

      Chuck Heath, Jr. was a victim of Target's mishap. He finally got back to his Christmas spirit. He should be ready for the wonderful family traditions. It is a very special one this year. They are all aware of Chuck Heath, Sr. close call with death and his ensuing difficulties. Both parents are of an age you know they could pass on at any time. This will be an especially unified and traditional wonderful Christmas for them all to remember and share with all the fans that support them. There is no way they can disappoint this year. I am sure Bristol and others will all share multitudes of family togetherness and joy. Fun with the kids also. Most of all the great food they prepare and you know the best can be those kitchen shots of how it is all prepared for the table. I hope they don't just make props of the cute children. Sarah's fans want to see her in action and her older children, parents, siblings, cousins and friends. Joey Junker with Bristol and Tripp, Willow's latest and Track and his buddies with their girlfriends.

      Yes, the prime rib, ham or turkey or all. Sarah, Bristol, Track's decor. It is the best way they can thank all that bought or will buy a book. don't hold back this Christmas Heath/Palin family. You have many people to show your appreciation.

    5. Anonymous9:30 AM

      They don't do church, 8:43.

    6. Crystal Sage10:05 AM

      I have predicted that the Palins will attend church. For show.

    7. Anonymous11:51 AM

      Sarah would much rather receive a Glenn Rice Auger.

    8. Anonymous11:56 AM

      Sarah Palin could have read the GQ Article and The Gospel at the same time with that WONKY EYE.

    9. Anonymous3:51 PM

      There will be no church - that would mean $arah would have to confront rill people in an unscripted setting. Won't happen.

      Why is it that no one ever speaks out about what schools the Paylin kids attend, or their whereabouts when Grizz is in AZ and grifting around the country? I mean Piper, Tripp and Trig= since we all know that Brisdull, Willow and the mysterious Track do not care a whit about education.

    10. Anonymous5:05 PM

      There are no schools of which to speak. Sarah has an arrangement with the Az school where Willow learned so much about hair. Now Bristol can say she is schooling for skin.

  25. Anonymous8:06 AM

    Hey, Gryphen, After your ears heal, please transcribe the portion of the interview where Sarah describes humbling herself (just like Chirst) to Todd, when they argued about whether Bristol should get married or not (when Bristol announced that she was pregnant). Todd said that Bristol already had a heap of trouble on her plate and she didn't need to add any more trouble .......excuse me, but what other troubles could Bristol have had other than being an unwed pregnant teen? Could it be that they knew that the child she was carrying would be born with DS?

    Sarah's story doesn't make sense, agreeing with Todd that Bristol and Levi shouldn't get married because when Bristol was introduced to the world stage at the Republican Convention, August 2008, Sarah said that Bristol and Levi WERE going to get married. You can't have it both ways. That's like being for freedom of speech when the speaker is Phil Robertson and against freedom of speech when the speaker is either Martin Bashir or an atheist.

    I can't imagine Sarah Palin humbling herself to anyone. I can hear Todd saying that the kids shouldn't get married. How could Sarah hope to be chosen as VP with a teen aged daughter who just had a shotgun wedding and a baby? No, Todd had a better idea, adopt Bristol's kid, and it will make Sarah look Pro-Life. The question is: Did they know ahead of time that Trig was going to be born with DS?

    1. Anonymous8:10 AM

      But they didn't mind trotting Levi out on stage.

    2. Anonymous8:41 AM

      Gryphen, Thanks and Happy Happy Holidays!

    3. Anonymous9:58 AM

      Sarah told everyone the kids were married before the FIRST baby was born. She claimed she wasn't having any BASTARDS. That was when Levi and Bristol were taking online courses at home just after Tripp was born in 2007. Their first child, Trenton, was born a year or two prior.

      There was no way for Sister Sarah to explain Bristol's babies, so she pretended to give birth to a DS child. Having a DS child prop worked so well for Gina Loudon, that SP asked Gina's husband to procure one for her ownself.

    4. Anonymous10:56 AM

      What happened to Trenton? Is he still with Bristol? Is he the "other child" or "older child" that Tank spoke of?
      Was he adopted out? Or shuffled off to live with a Palin/Heath relative?

    5. Anonymous1:31 PM

      Trenton born 2005?
      Is he alive? Somewhere there are photos of him. Those who know who he is can get recent?

      I haven't seen anything concrete to convince me of Trenton. It does fit in with the kids in Wasilla and the baby breeding way they are raised.

      Someone will be a multi-millionaire one day when they come through with documentation.

      I would think that Willow would be sick of Sarah and having a life without her own identity. She must be very low, low IQ. Although she isn't scripted that way.

  26. Anonymous8:09 AM

    LOL, she had to bring old Brisket into it because too many people were reminding others that if you wanted to go by the bibul Brisket would have been stoned to death for getting knocked up.

    1. Anonymous2:30 PM

      What does the bibul say about twobulls?

  27. Anonymous8:14 AM

    "You didn't prep me"!!

  28. Anonymous8:20 AM

    Sarah is close with church elder, Phil Robertson, Franklin Graham and many other modern day greats of deep Biblical beliefs. If she is not correct about what she calls the gospel they can't just let her go on like a fool and take them with her. They all look like frauds and charlatans to align with her and do nothing about her public mistakes about their great book. They have no choice but to publicly rebuke her and make sure her stupidity does not go on and harm their book. It seems almost blasphemous to desecrate their holy book, The Word. For other Christians to maintain silent complicity is a sin of the worst order.

    7 Bible Verses about Bastard Children

    Each and every Christian that remains silent is distorting and complicit in destroying what they claim to believe is the word of their God. How can they fool themselves in such a treacherous manner?

    The are either blind ideologues or they will take a stand and speak up loud and clear about this egregious err and sin of Sarah Palin.

    Sarah Palin in her way will certainly finish off Christianity with her ignorant interpretation of the Bible. She will take all the Christians like her down to where she is going.

    1. Anonymous8:52 AM

      She believes in heaven and hell and there is no doubt hell will be her resting place. May she have a long and painful death to make up for all the harm she has done to the USA since she ran w/McCain (in the second spot!) which they lost by a substantial margin! Thank you President Obama and VP Biden - you guys saved us!

      Majority Americans were not fooled by her then and are not today. John McCain was the only one showing himself to be the fool and is still doing so! The team members that worked w/their campaign were appalled at what an idiot Palin proved herself to be (which she is STILL doing today - all these years later!).

      Sarah is making a joke out of the 'christians' which makes me wonder when some of them are going to begin standing up to her.

      Greta had a hell of a time w/her on the show yesterday....you could see Greta was not a happy camper w/having the fraud on her show! Do you think they pull straws on FOX as to which one is going to HAVE to interview the druggie?

    2. Anonymous10:04 AM

      Sarah Palin speaks for all Christians. Not 'christians'. If there are Christians that don't think they are just like her, they need to talk to their leaders. They need to get real clear about who they are and who Sarah Palin is. Until they take care of business Sarah Palin is a Christian leader. Sarah Palin speaks for all Christians. Sarah Palin teaches and knows the Bible.

      it is not up to the general public to discern between Christian and 'christian' if Christians don't speak out and clear up these matters.

      Sarah Palin is bold and is fine with doing her Bible lessons for all Christianity. I think she is an idiot and wrong about many things. I have not heard those like Franklin Graham, Phil Robertson or any others do anything but go along with her leadership.

      If I was part of a group and in the Palin situation I would talk to others in the group and especially the leadership to address these matters loud and clear in public.

      People will think 99% of Christians dishonor their Word of God Bible as Sarah Palin does. People will think 99% of Christians are uncaring and nothing but charlatans.

    3. Anonymous11:49 AM

      10:04 Sarah Palin is the furthest thing from being a 'christian' .... she doesn't attend church, doesn't live the life of a true 'christian', is a proven liar and fraud, has had affairs, had a son by someone other than her husband (Menard/Track), is a horrible mother, was found to be unethical by the Legislature in Alaska and faked a pregnancy!

      If you want to claim her as a true 'christian' than be my guest! She assuredly is NOT a 'christian' leader. Oh my gad!!! She can't lead a damned thing - she always quits!

      She is evil through and through and will end up in Hell!

    4. Anonymous1:59 PM

      10:04 said Sarah Palin speaks for all Christians. Not 'christians'. She represents and speaks for Christians. It is not that Palin is a Christian. She is just one of their leaders. She is a CINO- Christian In Name Only or 'christian'. CINO='christian'=fake=fraud. What is a true 'christian'? It is a true fake.

      The church accepts Palin and Robertson and all their Christian supporters as Christians. Palin will not change. If she is caught in one of her frauds and goes to prison, she will still be the same. The Church will accept her and support her as a true Christian. Until they do something honest about her, she is, in the view of the world, a true Christian. That is how she is marketed and sold. She is not marketed as a CINO, fraud or hoax.

      It is similar to the pedofiles in church that are used and marketed as good Christians. All the while church leaders hide what is going on and they are considered (while acting as a pedofile) to be a true Christians doing the Lords work.

      Sarah Palin deserves to end up in hell as do all the Christians (true?) that do not speak up about her and do something. If they keep their mouth closed, they all, the entire church that is silent, deserves to go to hell with her. Hell will be so full of Christians, there will be no room for other groups.

  29. Anonymous8:29 AM

    Not too early for a coffee and Bailey's on Christmas Eve Day Gryphen! It will settle your nerves a bit :)

  30. Anonymous8:31 AM

    Hey Sarah, you Constitution-lovin' woman, as a matter of fact, NO, we DON'T have the right to say whatever we want "without mockery or criticism."

    Person A has the right to make a statement without the government interfering. Person B has the right to disagree, or mock, or criticize, without the government interfering.

    They can say pretty much whatever they want to each other, without THE GOVERNMENT interfering.

    Got it now???? (Somehow I don't think so.)


    1. Anonymous9:25 AM

      Don't forget that corporations are people also, too.

    2. Anonymous9:53 AM

      then give them the death sentence and hang 'em high.

    3. Sally in MI9:59 AM

      And if we can't mock you, dear Sarah, then you can't mock Bashir or the President, you ignorant lump.

  31. Anonymous8:31 AM

    Phil Robertson the Oracle of Orifices.


  32. Crypt Keeper Palin8:32 AM

    The hypocrisy burns. She is so clueless that she makes arguments against her own actions and doesn't even realize it. She says people should be able to say what they want (unless it's about her). If Phil has daid someone should defecate in the President's mouth she would have been cheering him on.

    The athiests should have spent their money on the poor instead of a billboard, yet she (well her PAC) spent all that money on on private jets & hotels for her & her family for the book tour hawking her book. Are you tithing 10% of your book earnings granny? Oh that's right ur too busy to got to church.

    By your appearance, it looks like you worship at the meth pipe, not church.

    1. Anonymous8:52 AM

      This must have cost a few bucks. Plus it is bogus moose poop they spew. Think of the cookies she could have baked for Native Alaskans. Ancestral and relations to some of her own children.

    2. Anonymous10:37 AM

      Even funnier that the PAC sent it so Sarah could say she was ignoring it. Even though Tim Crawford said himself that she makes all decisions regarding the PAC. I'm pretty sure I recall a statement she made saying that her PAC sent the letter like she had nothing to do with it. Lying hypocritical biotch.

  33. ...so she is turning Brist into the virgin Mary?

  34. Anonymous8:40 AM

    If you go to Greta's blog, you see many of her commenters are vocal Christians. Do none of them realize Greta is a Scientologist?

    1. Anonymous8:55 AM

      The Christians have clearly made a deal with the devil in order to embrace Scientology. They want to know how to run a highly successful cult that can keep people donating slaves to what they fake.

  35. Anonymous8:43 AM

    I just realized why Palin is so intimidated by women. I always thought it was an inferiority complex, but it might just be that she knows she can't control them like men. Smart women see through her faux sexuality. Plus women don't frequent hookers so she and Todd can blackmail them either. I really think that's how she came to power. Todd got them hookers, had hookets tell them about their weird sexual proclivities or possibly even video taped them and they used it against them as needed to get what they wanted. If they offerred hookers to the Secret Service, I'm sure McCain gave in and that's why he won't spill the beans. McCain doesn't care about Palin but he does care about his reputation. It's already been damaged by his choice of Palin. A hooker scandal would be something new so he keeps his mouth shut.

    I also think Todd's investment in the Rainbow lodge is a way to "entertain" VIPS. Hookers & hunting

    1. Anonymous9:28 AM

      Interesting thinking-- could they have done the same thing to Levi? Levi might not have know that it was one of Todd's hookers-- just some gal who was willing to give him an unusually good time in some really weird ways. Levi has all of this damning information about Bristol taking Tripp out of state for prolonged periods of time, Bristol admitting in her blog, on TV and in a letter that she couldn't discipline Tripp, and there are all of those girly photos of Tripp getting his toenails painted. The Palins are holding something over Levi-- maybe 8:43 has provided the answer.

    2. Anonymous9:52 AM

      NO doubt that Rainbow Lodge is another name for 'Massage Parlor" wink wink, you betcha'!!!!

      Underage children, gays, illegals - you ask- you get...for $7K per visit.

    3. Anonymous10:38 AM

      It seems I read something about Levi knowing or in connection with Shailey and a so called massage parlor (at the time Shailey Tripp was a prostitute). There is also Todd's friend Keith Johnston. He meant something to John McCain people who scrubbed him from the internet in 2008. I only saw good things about him helping young boys with a hockey rink. I forget what he did exactly. But it was all good regarding kids and hockey. Why scrub that? Keith like others in Wasilla had church family, Christians. He had a wife and children. Like Sarah's brother he had affairs. He married a replacement.

      Todd no doubt has old tissues and things on Keith.

    4. Anonymous10:42 AM


      I don't doubt it. I think they've been doing it for a very long time. They entrapped Levi's mother to "get rid of her" and I'm sure they did the same to Levi then took the evidence to Bristol so she'd break up with him. They couldn't trust Levi to keep all of the Palin secrets, so it was best to get rid of him right after the baby was born. remember when Levi & Bristol got back together and all of a sudden there was a rumor that he got another girl pregnant even though the girl hadn't seen Levi in years? Sarah & Todd released that info and manipulated Bristol to come back to the compound where they could better control her. She was rewarded with the DWTS gig. I'd feel sorry for Bristol if she wasn't such a little bitch who uses her kid for attention.

    5. Anonymous11:18 AM

      Keith Johnston is Todd's BFF and Levi's father. IMO, HE is the father of Tripp.

      Levi and Tripp look like brothers, because they are brothers. Keith had a reputation for partying around with the teens, buying booze and drugs. He probably paid Todd for access to the 'virgins'.

    6. Anonymous11:31 AM

      It's pretty clear that Todd wanted to get rid of Levi. Levi knew about Shailey Tripp.

      It's good that Levi got out fr om under that horrible family, but I do think Bristol wanted to marry Levi. Instead her mother and father turned h er life into a series of embarrassments and failures. Yeah, Bristol the Pistol.

    7. Anonymous12:00 PM

      11:18 AM

      If people in the Valley could talk, others would see how plausible that is.

  36. They think they're the hope, the change, the answer. They think they can create utopia, when you when most of us, who are humble enough to admit that man can't do that.

    This is all code for I ca't believe a black man beat me to the White House.

  37. Anonymous8:56 AM


    The firewalls on that fireplace never get soot and the fire varies from looking like the real deal to fake.

    Sarah is trying to do the 1950's look that is trending now. S.E. Cupp interviewed Glen Beck a few days ago and she was trying to rock the 50's with the hair, glasses, and dark makeup. Dress also, too. S. E. looked as old as Sarah. Glen Beck came off as somewhat sane....and S. E. did one of the most softball interviews of all time. CNN Piers Morgan time slot.

    The Ducks are featured in Teleflora ads. Down load their holiday tune with some festive florals delivered to your grannie, or great aunt gertie.

    A great last minute shopping suggestion.....a Cracker Barrel gift certificate. Sausage, eggs and a spin around the grift shop. All of your holiday ducks in a row.

    In a week, we can put up a 2014 calendar and start all over again.

    Happy New Year!!!!
    RJ in Brownbackistan

  38. They think they're the hope, the change, the answer. They think they can create utopia, when you when most of us, who are humble enough to admit that man can't do that.

    This is all code for I can't believe a black man beat me to the White House.

    1. Sally in MI9:56 AM

      Indeed it is...and coming from a woman who thinks SHE is the answer for everything, too. She is such a hypocrite...actually, well beyond hypocrite status. She is insane. And where'd her book tour hair go? She's been wearing it long on the sides and now she's all swept back trying to look like an adult?

    2. Anonymous11:30 AM

      Yes it is,MimiC, remember how she sharpied out McCain on the blue visor in Hawaii? The concession speech that didn't happen? I'll bet it burned her to lose to Maryline Blackburn for Miss Alaska, who ended up an accomplished politician in her own right and I'll bet it burned her even more to be cut off by Joe Liebermann when she stormed the stage at the White House Press Dinner. She was good for lay by Glen Rice and that was it. Still is, as well as her daughters.

  39. Anonymous9:19 AM

    Sarah would love it if there were laws passed making it a crime to mock stupidity. Sorry, Sarah, won't happen. Even if it did, I'd make fun of her until the day I was strung up. Greta confused her. I think Greta's getting tired of drawing the short straw.

    Having never watched DD before, I've been watching their re-runs the last couple of days. The youngest of the brothers, Jep, wears a wig that's isn't disguised with a bandana. The others probably have an wig exchange worked out with Sarah as the colors and thickness of hair change from episode to episode. The only one who doesn't appear to wear a wig is Uncle Si. He is on camera more than anyone else. The show is a poor imitation of Beverly Hillbillies but just as scripted.

    Tomorrow I'll spend the day with: a Jewish Scientologist turned back to Judaism; a Lutheran turned Scientologist turned back to Episcopalian; an ex-communicated Catholic who finds his "salvation" in Vodka; and then there's me who rocks along not believing in organized religion but I do believe in the right to not believe. Oh, and the kids, all of whom pretend to still believe in Santa and don't appear to be at all confused. It's always fun to share holiday dinners with the family.

    Oh, and Happy Holidays, Bristol. Your mama just embarrassed you before the world again by talking about your unwed-mother status and the angst it caused her. Poor little Sarah, good thing she's "all that".

  40. Anonymous9:23 AM

    I wish someone would just walk up to her and slap that "shit eating grin" of of her ugly kisser. Happy holidays, desert rat and before I forget, fuck you.

    1. Anonymous10:30 AM

      I think it would be more fun to walk up to her and pull off her wig!!! I'm sure she gets yelled at when showing her face anywhere today. She hides in Wasilla (currently is in the state for Christmas) as she and the family know they are really, really disliked by the majority! Think they do pretty much the same thing in AZ....hide out!

      Sure as shit would not like living her/their lives...she probably lives in fear constantly of being hollered at or gone after in other ways. Perhaps that is why she's on drugs!!!!

  41. Anonymous9:23 AM

    Greta read the part of Sarah's book that described this episode. The baby that was born became the foundation of their family. Really? Tripp is the foundation of the Palin family? The kid who gets his toenails painted in an Arizona beauty school? The kid who painted a bird house pink and wrote his mother's name with a heart over the "i"? That Tripp?

    Greta described how the baby "melted into their arms" and "melted into their hearts." That sounds like the way they described seeing Trig, and Trig really was a "foundation" for Family Values, for an ambitious woman who wanted to be chosen as the Republican VP nominee in 2008. It would not have looked good for Palin to have a knocked up teen daughter, married or not, but if she and Todd took the kid and said that Sarah did not believe in abortion, that would be a Family Value worthy of appeal to the Religious Right. Levi said that Sarah kept pestering him to let her adopt the baby that he and Bristol were expecting. That makes no sense for Tripp, since Sarah just had a child with DS (or so she said). But it does make sense for a mother to adopt the child of her unwed teen daughter; it's been done many times before. Bobby Darin's "older sister" turned out to be his mother, and the woman who he thought was his mother was really his grandmother.

    The part of Sarah's story that doesn't make sense is that she agreed with Todd, the kids would not get married. But, at the 2008 convention, Sarah said that the kids would get married. Another very small point. Bristol told the story that telling her mother that she was pregnant when she was expecting Tripp was the hardest thing that she ever had to do, harder than labor! In fact, she brought along her girl friend and Levi, and it was the girl friend who blurted out the information because Bristol was so frighted to tell her mother. That story does not match Bristol coming to Sarah and Todd in the Greta interview version. It would be much harder to tell her mother that she was pregnant a second time, much harder.

    1. Anonymous9:50 AM

      And a 3rd and a 4th time. Bristol goes into hiding each time she becomes pregnant. Her latest photos always have someone or something in front of her Belly. Other photos show her bending forward, hiding her girth. Everything about the Palins is Fake.

    2. Sally in MI9:54 AM

      Had McCain cheated enough to win, I have no doubt that Bristol and Levi would have been married in DC, and Sarah would have pushed for a White House wedding, because in her hard, ego-driven heart, SHE would have been the real President. Once they lost, the wedding was off...no press, no benefit, no money for Sarah. Besides, had Bristol married, she and the baby would have been off Todd's insurance, and Levi had no job.

    3. Anonymous10:25 AM

      Sarah would not have been elected POTUS! It would have been John McCain (thank gad they lost!) and he more than likely would not have allowed her to have PG Bristol's wedding in the White House. The POTUS are the ones that have access to the White House, not the VP!

    4. Anonymous11:15 AM

      McCain wouldn't have lasted a year...... Palin has her ways of making people go away forever. The surveyor marks were already in place.

    5. Anonymous12:58 PM

      Thank you, 11:15 AM, I'm sure he knows ALL about the Palin Mafia. If he even cared one WHIT about this country, he'd out her but he never will. Complicit as the day is long

    6. Anonymous1:04 PM

      Absolutely right, 11:15 AM, the Palin Mafia would have seen to it and he knows it. He'll never say one word against her. Complicit as the day is long and I still don't get why political shows and media give him one smidgen of press/face time.

  42. Anonymous9:24 AM

    Gryphen, you can go ahead and start drinking….but only if you drink humbly, because, you know, Jesus was born in a manger and stuff...

  43. Anonymous9:25 AM

    This is so ducked up. Palin didn't have to read the article because he was quoting Gospel, only it isn't gospel....oh look, shinny-thingie over there...."don't pay attention to anything I say, just send me more of your money." geeeeeeeshhhhhhhh

    1. Anonymous10:52 AM

      You got it. It is Gospel (not actually), she doesn't read. She just goes along with the preacher man.
      Don't question authority, Sarah. Everybody else has a problem with The Word, The Bible, Gospel if they don't like what Phil said.

      A part of this I don't like is that kids, young people love DD. They will be more impressed with ducks and their pals like Sarah and role model Bristol than adults.

      The ducks and Palins are teaching young people the Gospel. You trust your elders and those of that God or your little kiddies will burn in eternal damnation. that's Gospel.

      Have any religious leaders picked up on this?

    2. Anonymous12:15 PM

      Young people view it as a 'comedy show' at the same level as Laverne & Shirley.

      They made a fortune creating a duck call tricking the fowl into believing you want to fuck them with your corkscrew penis. (like any normal duck).

      People aren't imitating these guys anymore than they imitated Fred Flintstone. They are a joke and they are perceived that way.

    3. Anonymous2:10 PM

      Young people view it as a 'comedy show' at the same level as Laverne & Shirley

      Yep, totally harmless. I am glad Laverne & Shirley weren't religious like Phil, can you imagine going to a Laverne sermon?

      There was tons of L&S product and it still sells.

  44. Anonymous9:27 AM

    So she agreed that Todd was right about Bristol getting married because Jesus was born in a manger and you have to be a child to believe any of that was real? Is THAT the takeaway here?

    So who won the argument between Todd and Sarah that Bristol should go bed hopping (ho-ing) looking for her trial husband?


    1. Anonymous9:44 AM

      I liked the additional material about Jesus having a humble birth, not the birth of a lofty king who went around preaching and talking down to people. Is Sarah ever going to get over losing to President Obama?

  45. Anonymous9:32 AM

    Greta when will you have the balls to question Sarah about Shailey Tripp?

    1. Anonymous9:59 AM

      They deny Shailey Tripp is even a real person. They will never acknowledge her. She was Todd's "Light of My Life" on the day SP was chosen as McCain's running mate.

      It doesn't fit with the ginormous fairy tale that has been sold to the lower 48 to swindle the public.

    2. Anonymous10:19 AM

      Why don't we contact Greta and suggest she get even tougher in the questioning when it comes to the idiot Sarah Palin. This interview showed Greta being more direct w/her than I've seen in the past.

      Questions should be put out there about Tripp, the prostitute, and the fact Bristol named her kid, Tripp! Any good journalist should be interested in researching that, I would think.

      There are so many things they could nail the Palin klan on .... so, so many! Alaskans could help in directing them to the various fraudulent stories that have occurred just in Alaska for crying out loud!

    3. Anonymous10:35 AM

      Don't worry, Sarah is worried about Greta "betraying" her. She FEARS being asked anything about Anchorage hookers. Everyone is suspect. This most recent failed interview (her failure, not Greta's) just gasses her paranoia.

      More self medication is the grifter's probable prescription.

    4. Anonymous12:37 PM

      And worried about lawyers. LOTS of 'em.

    5. Anonymous12:38 PM

      Ans worried about lawyers. LOTS of 'em.

  46. Anonymous9:41 AM

    Programming Alert: Stay tuned as the Palin Family Foundation series continues with the intriguing episode, 'The Case of Bristol Having The Baby.'

    As we saw in 'The Case of Sarah Being Blessed With Trig,' God continues bestowing miracles amongst the Palins in 'less than ideal circumstances' as babies, arms, and hearts melt.

    Stock up on tissues.

    1. Anonymous11:33 AM

      Bristol has 4 babies now?

    2. Anonymous12:12 PM

      hard to tell - she gives them away...

      They all have different fathers.

    3. Anonymous2:27 PM

      If Bristol has 2-3-4 "babies" isn't it more appropriate to call them bastards?

      To my knowledge Bristol Palin has never been married. She can only have bastards.

      One thing I don't get is this Heath/Palin lifestyle where a male impregnates a female long before marriage. In one case the male was married with children and impregnated a stero typical young honey before dumping the family.

      These Heath/Palin males do marry the pregnant females before the fetus is born.

      Is the fetus called a bastard? Is there some magical thing about these mistakes not being a bastard when the pregnancy appears to be the reason for de-bastardizing a bastard fetus?

      I really don't see how in the Christian way that those birthed in that manner are any less bastard. There is something creepy about trying to fix adults sins like that. Those males are spilling seed in sinful places and they could only create a bastard. Yet, they can have a change of plans and not have a bastard from the bastard fetus.

  47. Anonymous9:42 AM

    Sarah Palin's words of the day:




    1. Anonymous10:37 AM

      Saving this for later...


  48. Anonymous10:46 AM

    Hey Sarah, the kid is 5 or six now and Bristols 22. Stop bringing up the teen pregnancy like it just happened. Are we selling Bristol again. Look for another reality show or a book from Bristol in 3...2..1.

    1. Anonymous11:14 AM

      "Life's a Lie: My life , vol two,"

    2. Anonymous11:19 AM

      How many more years is Sarah going to drag that story out during an interview? Will Tripp ever not be the bastard grandson that humbled Sarah? Will Bristol ever be forgiven for screwing up her mothers grand plan to be VP? Give it a rest Sarah. The kid is 5 and Bristol is 22. Move on

    3. Anonymous11:27 AM

      The reason to bring up the birth story of Tripp is because they have been trying to market him as the adorable kid who looks like the kid in Christmas story. One reality show can't be enough, there have to be more. Doesn't anyone want a reality show about a little blond boy who gets his toenails painted at the beauty salon and then goes and and plays a mean game of hockey?

    4. Anonymous11:33 AM

      There is no one that 'uses' and 'abuses' her children and grandchildren more than Sarah Palin! She's horrible and, if I were one of her kids, there is no way in hell I'd claim her as my mother.

      She's pure evil and ranks in the top five, of Americans, fitting the description of being the 'the scum of the earth'!

    5. Anonymous12:29 PM

      11:19 AM

      Thank you for a proper perspective on Sarah, Bristol and Phil's Gospel. Tripp Easton Mitchell Johnston or is it Tripp Easton Mitchell Palin as TMZ reports from court documents? Either way he should always be Tripp the bastard child of Bristol Palin or bastard grandchild of Sarah Palin. That is not harsh in the least, it is Gospel. Not only is it best to call a spade a spade, Tripp a bastard, it is kind compared to what his Gospel life will be.

      Deuteronomy 23:2 A bastard shall not enter into the congregation of the LORD; even to his tenth generation shall he not enter into the congregation of the LORD.
      Hebrews 12:8 But if ye be without chastisement, whereof all are partakers, then are ye bastards, and not sons.
      Genesis 19:36 Thus both the daughters of Lot became pregnant by their father.

    6. Anonymous12:54 PM

      Sarah also said, "My little girl gave birth to this little boy." Little girl? When Tripp was born, Bristol was 17 going on 18. However when Trig was born, maybe Sarah still though of Bristol as "my little girl."

    7. Anonymous2:29 PM

      that's the legend, but Bristol was 16 when she birthed Tripp, and 14 when she birthed Trenton.

    8. Anonymous2:32 PM

      Deuteronomy 23:2 A bastard shall not enter into the congregation of the LORD; even to his tenth generation shall he not enter into the congregation of the LORD.

      That explains why the Palins do not go to church. It must have been awful for them when they did go. Although Todd stepped in for Curtis, Track was a bastard. It also explains why Linda Menard, the grandmother has pretty much disappeared. The secrets that lady must want to take to her grave.

  49. Anonymous10:53 AM

    my god, she looks more and more like my grandma!

  50. Anonymous11:25 AM

    I also remember Sarah stating that Levi and Bristol were going to get married...the implication being that it would be after McCain/Palin won the election. I immediately thought to myself...a wedding is never going to take place if they lose, it's all being said to court the Bible thumpers and get votes.

    1. Anonymous12:51 PM

      That;s why Sarah's story about having an emotional argument with Todd over whether Bristol and Levi got married makes sense in terms of Trig's birth, not Tripp's.

    2. Anonymous2:28 PM

      UNLESS Tripp is older than the Palins pretended. He was born before TriG was presented to the world as a Palin.

  51. Anonymous11:43 AM

    If Sarah Palin lied to Todd about being the father of Track, I'd bet Bristol lied about Levi being the father of Tripp.

    1. Anonymous12:21 PM


    2. Anonymous2:35 PM

      Tripp looks like a Johnston. If not Levi, who?

    3. Anonymous2:49 PM

      Maybe Levi's Dad? Maybe she's the "young girl" that broke up their marriage?

    4. Anonymous4:38 PM

      11:43 AM Bristol did tell Levi that she hoped that he was not the Father.

    5. Anonymous4:58 PM

      4:38 PM

      I would like to know all the men/boys she thought could win that lotto. lol

  52. Anonymous11:44 AM

    katie couric, the stupid lady still does not read anything!!!

    1. Anonymous12:08 PM

      She reads IM... and she knows only a few pieces of Trig puzzle are all that remains from her being outted.

    2. Anonymous1:44 PM

      12:08, no more pieces to the puzzle are needed, what's needed is for someone to step up and speak the truth. Medical professional, family member, spouse, whoever, someone other than Sarah Palin knows the truth.

    3. Anonymous1:57 PM

      I still remember Katie's face in that interview: "OMFG!" Got'cha questions were born because she showed just how stupid she is, still doesn't understand how anything works, and no one but NO one puts down Queen Esther! Baby In A Corner she is and it's amusig as well as sad to watch how she is more disheveled physically and mentally with each interview she does. She thinks she ALL that, the world laughs, and her own family loves money more than seeking the help that she desperately needs.

  53. Anonymous12:08 PM

    Leave Phil Robertson Alone! 2195 Comments
    Judy • 4 hours ago −
    God said it, I believe it, and that settles it. Those who think Phil was wrong evidently do not believe in God or his word. It's all in the Bible people so those of you who are complaining don't know what your talking about. Those who are complaining just look at their background. Hellooooooo of all people Charlie Sheen. Now who has sins to display.

    1. Anonymous2:20 PM

      12:08 You obviously are very, very slow on the uptake. Many of us on this blog are not 'christian' and do not believe in your warped belief in the 'book'. You need more research...plus, I see more sin in you supposed 'christians' than I do in the agnostic or atheists! Happy holidays honey!

    2. Anonymous2:27 PM

      blllaaaatttt....poster @12:08 is wrong, dead wrong. None of the filth spewed from the fake bible thumper is in the bible.

      There is NOT ONE WORD against gays.... LOVE they neighbor as thyself.

    3. Boscoe3:14 PM

      Actually it was Paul who said it, not "God", so you're basically making a random guy who wrote some stuff as equal to jesus. But by your "logic", raped women must be sold to their rapists and disobedient children should be stoned to death in public. So, unless you're a hypocrite, I have to assume you believe in those things too because "god said it".

      But here is the detail you always overlook. Nowhere in the bible does it say it is evil or a sin to BE gay. It only talks about the sex act itself, in the same way and with the same penalty it talks about hetero adultery.

      It says nothing at all about gay marriage being wrong. So clearly, it is the bond of marriage that is the important defining factor between sin and not sin.

      So, married gays wouldn't be sinning.

      ...so Jesus has brilliantly tricked you into revealing the dark prejudice in your heart and how utterly unworthy you are of his light.

      "Judge them by their fruits..." are your fruits love and brotherhood, forgiveness and mercy, or judgement, oppression and intolerance?

    4. Anonymous3:31 PM

      Phil Robertson: “It seems like, to me, a vagina — as a man — would be more desirable than a man’s anus. That’s just me. I’m just thinking: There’s more there! She’s got more to offer. I mean, come on, dudes! You know what I’m saying? ” How is that Leviticus 3:15?

      Leviticus 3:15-16. the two kidneys and the loin fat on them, and the gall bladder. This burnt offering is very pleasing to the Lord. All the fat is Jehovah’s.

    5. Anonymous4:00 PM

      12:08 Please don't use the Bible to justify anything. God got pretty angry and killed off just about everyone a couple of times (Noah and the flood). There were men who had more than one wife at a time. People had slaves. The Earth was not created in 6 days, and I doubt that you rest on the 7th day and keep that day holy. The Bible was not written by God but by men who wanted to justify whatever religion they were preaching at the moment, which is why there are different versions of the same stories. The Bible is not a scientific reference. If you want to pick and choose any quote or saying, how about, "Let he who is without sin cast the first stone."

      Phil Robertson preaches repentance, but he did not go back to Arkansas and ask forgiveness of the bartender and wife that he beat up there. Phil Robertson is a hypocrite and a marketing genius, marketing his family for big bucks. In a few years, they will shave off their beards and retire, and you won't recognize them.

    6. Anonymous4:35 PM

      12:08 PM Sarah Palin is an Adulterer, is that o.k.? Sarah Palin had Pre-Marital Sex with Glenn Rice, and Curt Menard Jr. Is that o.k. Sarah Palin was 8 months Pregnant when she eloped with her substitute Sperm Donor Pimp Todd Palin. Was that o.k.?
      Track Menard Palin is not Todd's biological son, is that o.k.? Bristol and Willow gave birth to babies out of wedlock, is that o.k.? Now who has sins to display?

  54. Name one time when Sarah Palin ever 'served' anything other than her own best interests? Not once. What an idiot.
    And Sarah, YOU are the one promoting some
    war...there is no war on Christmas. Doesn't exist. Either we are free to believe what we choose (according to the Constitution) or we have to fall in line behind you and worship YOUR version of a greedy, vengeful, angry God.

    1. Anonymous2:03 PM

      She doesn't even follow Christ. Beats hawking jewelry on QVC. What a "celebrity."

  55. Bustol you stop it Ho! Gays do accept hateful uneducated racist homophobic loose lying punks like you and the rest of your followers. But you do more than not accept gays you bash them, throw slurs at them and you use the word "gay" to disparage them and to incite violence.

    Do you really believe they would take that bullshit from you and your homophobic mob?


  56. $arah is like the cat that comes running ever time it hears the can opener. Totally freaking clueless, but at least the cat has an excuse.

    1. jcinco3:08 PM

      fanned & faved. :)

    2. Happy Post Solstice Celebration Day! ;-) And Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays and Peace on Earth.

    3. jcinco4:01 PM

      and to you my friend! off to crab/corn chowder & a little wine. be well!

  57. 12:08 The word of god sure ain't coming from any Bible that I've read. It's very obvious none of you idiots read the book. You inbred clowns break the ten commandments ALL the fucking time.
    At least read that you ridiculous fool.

  58. You can't get any more Christian than the Pope yet these backward assholes deny his word for a racist homophobic junkie drunkard violent woman beater. These people are straight up mad crazy.

  59. Anonymous3:43 PM

    Sarah and Bristol Palin stand by the Gospel and their man.

    Sarah Palin: ‘I haven’t read’ Duck Dynasty interview but anus remark is ‘quoting the Gospel’

  60. Anonymous4:13 PM

    I almost feel bad for Greta Van Susteren, she had to come into work, spend 3-4hrs preparing to do her show, learn about all the latest "news" on the ongoing "Duck Dynasty" controversy, she goes "ON Air" with palin...and BAM asked palin why she was defending what phil said in the GQ.com interview and true to form, stated that, well no...she had not read what phil had said....HaHaHaaaa poor greta....

  61. Anonymous4:39 PM

    With Sarah,consciousness is a relative term............


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