Wednesday, December 11, 2013

OMGD! The Baby Jesus has been kicked off of an Air Force base! Release the Palin!

This was the graphic put up on Palin's Facebook page a few hours ago, which of course openly steals Roger Ailes statement to promote her book.

She also linked to this article from her favorite histrionic Fox News contributor Todd Starnes: 

The Baby Jesus has been kicked off Shaw Air Force Base in South Carolina, according to an organization who relishes any opportunity to eradicate Christianity from the U.S. military. 

The Military Religious Freedom Foundation praised officials at Shaw Air Force Base for removing a Nativity scene located near Memorial Lake on Friday. The traditional Nativity included plastic statues of Mary, Joseph, the Baby Jesus and an assortment of animals. 

Apparently, an undisclosed number of Airmen were so emotionally troubled by the sight of a manger scene that they immediately notified the MRFF. 

I can only imagine the psychological damage they must have suffered as a result of glancing at the plastic statues. I hope no one needed hospitalization, God forbid.

So fair and balanced don't you think?

Of course the MRFF explained quite clearly why this was a violation of the guidelines: 

The MRFF’s Paul Loebe wrote in a statement that since the display was not erected near a chapel, it was illegal. 

“It was very sectarian in nature and a direct violation of the U.S. Constitution as well as a blatant violation of Air Force Instruction 1-1, Section 2.11,” he said.

But hey, who cares about rules and laws when you are dealing with the Baby Jesus?

Nor does it matter that the entire Nativity scene is a hoax added to the life of Jesus well after his death.

How can that matter? After all there is outrage to be fanned and books to be sold.


  1. Anonymous12:42 PM

    Fuck Sarah Palin

    1. Anonymous1:22 PM

      Isn't that Todd's job?

    2. Anonymous1:35 PM

      She has vagina dentata. So, no.

    3. Anonymous2:15 PM

      Plus, I'll wager he hates being married to the bitch....can you imagine? She'd create a divorce faster than faster! Plus, I'll wager she is a horrid lay - there tain't emotion there except hate, anger, evil and raunchy!

    4. Anonymous2:33 PM

      2:15. She walks like a man and looks like a man. There is nothing femanine about her.

    5. Anonymous2:44 PM

      if skank's even got a vagina that thing done haired up and healed over a looooong time ago

  2. Anonymous12:43 PM

    Sarah Palin will stop at nothing to sell her bomb of a book. This pic from OzMud today is very funny.

    1. Anonymous12:52 PM

      Love it!

    2. Clap. Clap. Clap :) Now it's beginning to look a lot like Christmas :)

    3. Anita Winecooler7:00 PM

      Merry Christmoose!

  3. Anonymous12:51 PM

    Loved seeing this! The military base - oh my god, the military that sista Sarah so supports! Now what is she gonna do? The non Christian living fraud!!!!

    Happy holidays, Palin klan!

  4. Anonymous12:51 PM

    It is not just any baby Jesus that matters. It is the plastic. Never underestimate the power of Palin's plastic Jewish family. Admit it, she does have a way with words.

  5. Anonymous12:52 PM

    It looks like Sarah Palin doesn't support all servicemen and servicewomen.

    Just the ones that agrees with her.

    1. Anonymous12:54 PM


    2. Anonymous12:59 PM

      Didn't the Wasilla librarian get fired for not agreeing with Madam Co-Mayor Sarah Palin?

    3. Anonymous1:02 PM

      ANCHORAGE, Alaska — Sarah Palin unlawfully abused her power as governor by trying to have her former brother-in-law fired as a state trooper

    4. Anonymous1:02 PM

      The inquiry looked into her dismissal of Public Safety Commissioner Walter Monegan, who said he lost his job because he resisted pressure to fire a state trooper involved in a bitter divorce and custody battle with the governor's sister.

    5. Anonymous1:03 PM

      Anybody see a pattern here?

    6. Anonymous1:09 PM

      That Sarah Palin is not a nice Christian.

    7. Anonymous1:18 PM

      Yea, and the friggin' wonderful thing is that Walt Monegan recently received a big, big award in Anchorage.

      Gosh, sista Sarah, how come these wonderful things keep happening to people you tried to screw? Katie Couric is another good example...she's won award after award after disclosing to the world how inept and 'unread' you really were then and STILL are today!

      Sarah, honey, you are a joke to the nation and overseas...hope you are reading the media from across our oceans!

      No doors are opening for you honey!!!

    8. Anonymous1:21 PM

      If you don't agree with the wonkie eyed over aged losing beauty pageant contestant then under the bus you go.

    9. Anonymous1:23 PM

      Glad for Walt. He's a good man with incredible integrity! It must have been a nightmare having to gently correct her abuse of power in less than her half term.

    10. Anonymous1:28 PM

      What about Sarah Palin's vp speech or news writer? Wasn't she fired for commenting about Bristol's pregnancy that Sarah disagreed with? The woman even apologized but it wasn't good enough for Sarah.

    11. She supports no-one except Sarah Palin. Those who agree with her are simply used to support her lifestyle - and they are such fools they do not realize what they do.

  6. Anonymous12:57 PM

    "OMGD! The Baby Jesus has been kicked off of an Air Force base! Release the Palin!"

    Release them dogs, Suck em Sarah oops I meant to say SICK EM Sarah

  7. Anonymous12:57 PM

    As hard as it is to fathom, she and the folks promoting her are getting dumber.

    1. Anonymous4:50 PM

      I've noticed that too. Desperate times call for desperate measures and Palin & her fluffers are all in.

    2. Anonymous2:10 AM

      Her PAC donations are down and she can't afford people smarter than her anymore.

  8. Anonymous1:07 PM

    So, her support of our military does not include those brave men and woman who happen to object to religious artifacts being rammed down their throats.

    Got it.

    PS Fuck off Sarah

  9. Anonymous1:08 PM

    Screw her to a cross!

    1. Anonymous1:26 PM

      Then she could really be the victim!

    2. Anonymous3:11 PM

      OT: did anyone see SOA last night?
      Would anyone of us love to be Gemma and do that to Sara? What happened to Tara? LOL!

  10. Anonymous1:11 PM

    Excuse me for telling the great religious expert how to set up a manger, but you are not supposed to put Baby Jesus on the manger until midnight, dec.24-25. For that matter, the manger scene should just include the animals and shepherds right now. Mary and Joseph show up on the evening of December. The three wise men arrive 12 days later. Hasn't anyone read the book?

  11. Anonymous1:16 PM

    Ever notice that those who bitch the loudest about this "war" emulate Christ the LEAST?

  12. Anonymous1:22 PM

    Every time the Joe McScrooges go after Baby Christmas, Palin get's another donation. She is a genius, hitching her wagon on to defending Christmas, she'll get a round of donations ever year without having to do, you know, actual work.

  13. Anonymous1:27 PM

    I was laid off after 11 years with the same company. No christmas presents for us this year, but yes, plenty of love :-)
    Sarah Palin should be full of gratitude for her good fortune, and perhaps share a little, teach her kids how wonderful generosity is. She is not a true christian, just another soulless right wing charlatan, fleecing uneducated hateful bigots.

    1. Anonymous2:03 PM

      You are not alone my friend. I don't think I can afford a tree this year, much less gifts. We have had lots of other Christmas's that were very nice. We plan to hang out and look at photos of holidays past. Maybe your family would enjoy that as well. Here's to next year!


    2. Anonymous2:30 PM

      Sarah Palin and klan have no clue as to being thankful or giving....they are takers and manipulators of idiot Americans that give them money!

      Pay attention Americans - there are so many folks across the nation that could do w/food, water, salt, and warmth!

      Don't give a damned cent to the Palin klan that are in no way 'christian'! Check Sarah's records - they don't donate to a damned thing to help others. It's all about them as is the way the Republican/Teabagger party operates.

  14. Anonymous1:30 PM

    I'm still waiting for one of her interviewers to actually ask her to support her statements about lawsuits against religious displays on "my lawn" and other such private properties. So far she's done nothing but blur the lines between public displays and those on privately owned properties.

    1. Leland2:54 PM

      1:30, you're going to have a lo-o-o-o-o-o-ong wait for that one! She knows damned good and well that the crap she is pissing down people's throats is so wrong the courts would laugh her out of town!

    2. Anonymous4:12 PM

      And that's why she's so careful about who she'll permit to interview her.

      Friendly media and pre-screened questions ONLY!!!

  15. Anonymous1:32 PM

    The Palin was released years ago and has been spitting and hissing ever since.

  16. Anonymous1:41 PM

    If this isn't PROOF of how much Sarah Palin is for Christ I can't imagine what is. Linking to Nancy French's Christian Brancy blog.

    1. Anonymous2:22 PM

      who's the fat guy walking with the scrawny seahag?

    2. Anonymous4:10 PM

      Brancy found someone with fuglier hair than Sarah.

  17. Anonymous1:43 PM

    I thought "rill christians" do not recognize that Jesus was Jewish. Why does she keep going on about a plastic Jewish family on her lawn? Are we suppose to be offended that it is plastic instead of something tasteful carved from wood? Is the word nativity too many syllables for her to pronoun?

    1. Anonymous2:28 PM

      Christians do regard Jesus as Jewish.

    2. Anonymous2:41 PM

      They also think Jews killed Jesus.

    3. Anonymous2:51 PM

      But Jews don't regard Christ as the "son of god". To Jews he's just another prophet.

    4. Leland2:58 PM

      They damned well better recognize him as jewish! Don't they know what the hell a rabbi is?

    5. Anonymous3:13 PM

      Plastic made of oil/petroleum in China....

    6. Anonymous4:09 PM

      3:13 PM
      Plastic made of oil/petroleum in China....

      That was my first thought.

    7. Anonymous4:27 PM

      The Christians I've known know that Jewish peeps are going to eternal damnation if they don't accept their Christian Jesus as the 'son of god'.

    8. Anonymous9:21 PM

      Perhaps Sarah P's Jewish support is dwindling (way less big $$$) and this is her payback, 'Plastic Jewish Family?' What does Bibi really think of Sarah?

  18. Anonymous1:45 PM

    "I can only imagine the psychological damage they must have suffered as a result of glancing at the plastic statues. I hope no one needed hospitalization, God forbid."
    -Sarah Palin

    Sarah are you concerned about prostitute Shailey Tripp who claimed to have been recruited and worked forTodd?

    Sarah can you only imagine the psychological damage Shailey must have suffered as a result of having to service your Secret Service agent and some members of the Anchorage Police Department? I hope Shailey did need hospitalization, God forbid.

    1. Anonymous3:20 PM

      not only Shaily but how about Christina Taylor Green's family along with all the other Tucson victims, Dar Miller's family ......

      "I hope no one needed hospitalization " ... ?!?

      Fukin' cross eyed skank inbred cunt can not tip the fuk over permanently soon enough !!!

  19. Anonymous1:45 PM

    the wise men never arrived at the 'manger' was at his home 2 years later.

    1. Anonymous2:04 PM

      Ignorant Sarah Palin probably doesn't know that.

  20. Anonymous1:49 PM

    Maybe skank will do a fly over on her broomstick, get mistaken for an alien and get blown out of the sky.

  21. Anonymous2:02 PM

    So now mother Sarah Palin's Facebook is trying to increase her daughter Bristol's blog readers by calling on Sarah's followers to visit Bristol's page. I guess not enough viewers are going there? How sad.

    Sarah Palin 6 hours ago ·
     Check out this joyful video! When we win the lottery, THIS is what we're going to do!

    Sarah Palin1 hour ago ·
     This is Donald Trump, Ricky Skaggs, and me last month at Billy Graham’s birthday celebration. Take a look at this article Bristol links on her blog about a recent interview Donald Trump gave. He’s right about President Obama’s failure to help Pastor Saeed. Please read the whole thing here:

    1. Anonymous2:46 PM

      check out how on her FB page, her posts about her children and Tripp draw less likes and comments.

    2. Anonymous3:28 PM

      People are sick of the props. She doesn't have much else. The plastic Jewish family is the best prop replacement she could come up with?

    3. Anonymous6:03 PM

      Doesn't she kind of undermine the whole point of her crusade? She's basically saying that the sacred symbols of her faith that so alarmingly is being censored from public view is nothing but a bunch of plastic crap.

  22. Anonymous2:06 PM

    OMFSM! rah-rah has gone beyond ludicrous speed and on into Plaid! call the Spaceballs!
    I mean, rilly!
    signed: an atheist who loves Nativity Scenes on people's lawns.

  23. The picture says it all - lets use the plastic Jewish family to hawk a book that in sane political circumstances would never have seen the light of day.

    My brain cannot comprehend that anyone would buy such drivel that calls itself a book - there are dumb people - and then there are Sarah Palin followers - dumber than dumb.

  24. Anonymous2:09 PM

    Didn't the god of the 10 commandments have something to say about graven images and idols? Commandment 2. Does that ring-a-ding your basic biblical knowledge? Cheap, plastic glow in the dark holy family....he must be really pissed.

    Irritated Atheist

    1. Anonymous3:33 PM

      I am not against plastic Jewish people. I don't like bad taste, however.

  25. Anonymous2:11 PM

    What's the heck is offensive about putting a plastic Jewish family on YOUR lawn at Christmas time?


    Sarah has anybody actually complained about you doing that or are you just complaining and saying that to push your books?

  26. Anonymous2:20 PM

    Because of Immoral Minority's readers comments, watch moron Sarah Palin run off to Walmart to buy a Nativity scene to put on her lawn and then take a picture of it for her facebook to prove some point. Sarah Palin is our puppet.

    1. Anonymous2:44 PM

      2:20 Why bother. She can do as she normally does. Just use any photo she finds that looks even remotely like what she's trying to push and say her family did this, or look at my lawn or whatever, also, too, that will give the impression of it actually being HERs.

    2. Crystal Sage3:33 PM

      I'm still waiting for the photo op at church. You just know that Palin will do it. We should have a pool about when she'll unveil the family at church. I say she'll do it before Christmas so that she doesn't have to mingle with "other people" on Christmas.

  27. Anonymous2:38 PM

    Yeah! Why don't all those Jews shut up already? We're letting them be part of Christmas, what with the plastic Jewish family and all.

  28. Anonymous2:45 PM

    A 'plastic Jewish family' considered too silly to cause offense is unworthy of defense...except by a fool.

  29. Anonymous3:08 PM

    How come Sarah didn't complain about Bristol's vagina look a like statue in front of Wasilla High School? The Warrior Within statue.

  30. Anonymous3:19 PM

    Just pull Chatty Cathy's string and she spouts the same garbage over and over. Give the idiot new talking points, if she can remember them.

    1. Anonymous3:55 PM

      I think someone here renamed her to "Catty Cathy" because the doll was mildly annoying but never as mean and vindictive as Palin.

  31. Anonymous3:21 PM

    It's nice of Sarah Palin pimp the hard work of Chinese labor who have slaved the entire year so Sarah Palin can get Americans to buy cheaply made plastic Jewish nativity scenes for their front yards.

  32. Anonymous3:36 PM

    What is the green thing to the left. Almost looks like a green Buddha. Is that her tribute to her "hot yoga" friend?

  33. Anonymous3:50 PM

    Do you think the 3 wiseman would be go to the Palin's house? Are there any virgins left?

    1. Anonymous4:37 PM

      This is why Jesus wasn't born in Wasilla. They couldn't find three wise men or a virgin.

  34. Anonymous3:54 PM

    Anyone know where I can get some plastic (extra points for garish lights) statues of the child Jesus and his parents celebrating Hanukkah?

    1. Anonymous4:08 PM

      Is it okay if Sarah, Todd and Track are the 3 wisemen and Bristol is the Virgin Mary. If Bristol is the Virgin Mary then which one is Jesus? Tripp or Trig, who did Bristol birth first?

  35. Anonymous3:56 PM

    Pope Francis, Time's Person of the Year.

    What? Sarah Palin has been fighting the war against Christmas all by herself and Sarah is not the Time's Person Of The Year. Something is wrong here.

  36. Anonymous4:07 PM

    O/T It is official, Michigan Legislature OKs initiative to require insurance rider for abortion coverage

    Democrats immediately cried foul, decrying not only the bill, but that it should be an issue decided by all the state’s voters and not just the 315,477 people – about 4% of the state’s voters – who signed the Right to Life petition.

    .."The initiative would require most private and all public health insurance plans to offer a separate rider for an abortion. And a person would have to buy that rider before knowing if they needed an abortion. They would not be able to buy the rider after getting pregnant by any means, including rape or incest."

    Here is an example of some of the stupid reasoning:

    “I don’t think elective abortion should be a part of insurance,” said state Rep. Nancy Jenkins, R-Dover Township. “This doesn’t affect access to abortion. It will still be legal when this law takes affect. Who should be required to pay? Not Michigan taxpayers.”

    My understanding is that the right to lifers PAID people to sign the petition.

    Women need to get out and vote these loonies out of office!!

  37. Anonymous4:48 PM

    In regard to Nancy French using Bristol Palin's Xtian blog:
    "Saeed’s kids wait for their Daddy to come home"

    It is sad for any innocent child but also remember all the children in the USA that are waiting for their fathers to come home. Some are at wars that are based on lies, some were killed, others torn up by divorce or baby daddy arrangements that are failing. Why doesn't Nancy become an activist beyond a petition, tweets and a letter if she is so into the Saeed case? Does Nancy ever mention Saeed is an Iranian citizen (dual maybe?) when in Iran? Has her lawyer husband explained to her about being in a foreign country? You are under their laws, not USA laws. Saeed's kids are innocent but he knew what he was doing to them and the consequences he could face. He is responsible to his kids and telling them the truth about the choices he made.

    1. Anonymous5:14 PM

      Why are Trump and French using bristol Palin to whine? Why don't they do what Dennis Rodman did in North Korea? Rodman didn't just sit around and whine. He made friends with Kim Jong-un. Trump can't play ball but he can buy his way into most things. Ali Khamenei has his price, Trump could figure that out in no time. If Reagan could broker a deal with Iran it should be 10,000 times easier for Trump to master a deal in current time.

      All Trump and French do is blame the present administration, which is a waste of time and only turns more people away from them. Blame. blame, blame is not the answer. French makes Bristol look more stupid than ever and Bristol probably doesn't even have a clue what is going on her blog about Saeed. Bristol cares about sex with Joey Junker and doesn't have time to try to understand or learn a new script. Trump and French need to move on to something more effective for the poor Iranian citizen Pastor Saeed Abedini dual citizenship in the United States but a subversive while in Iran under Iranian law. In Iran Saeed Abedini is a criminal.

      They are so dumb. When they aren't dumb they are just liars. Trump's art of the deal is going to be exposed as crap if he lingers in the same crap as a Palin. Trump, French and Bristol would do so much better for Saeed's kids if they could move on.

    2. Anonymous7:21 PM

      On a fascist blog they control others better than an anorexic turd. Mary's comment (at comment 40) may not remain but she tried.
      Mary • an hour ago −
      They are not letting you vote down or flag as inappropriate. It figures. First they block those who do not agree, and then they fix this ghostwritten blog if you don't agree. There goes our "freedom of speech." What a hypocrite. She's honeymooning with her lover so she can't be writing this blog!

    3. Anonymous5:37 AM

      IT IS THURSDAY THE 12th. @ Bristol Palin's Trump Weighs In on Saeed: Obama “Didn’t Even Ask”

      MARY'S COMMENT and many others are missing.

      Bristol cannot handle the truth.

  38. Anonymous4:52 PM

    A list of storylines being planned for Sarah Palin's latest tv failure.

    Camping and picking the best beverages when plaiinning for tent sex with a special appearance by Bristol Palin

    Milking cows and taxpayers with an appearance by Karen Olson.

    Integrating remote hunting and fishing lodges with prostitution. Sarah Palin interviews her husband Todd Palin.

    Outdoor sex and naming your children the place they were conceived so you won't. forget later in life on the speakers circuit

  39. Anonymous4:54 PM

    The link The Palin provided was to the always hysterical and never having his facts correct , Todd Starnes.
    Local SC station WBTW reports- some
    " The President of the Military religious freedom foundation said they got complaints
    from several people who say they're Christian, but still thought it was offensive. "
    " A nativity scene at Shaw Air Force base is making headlines because some people say they're offended by the display."
    Heck yeah, it's offensive.
    How could anyone with any sense of taste not be offended by the tawdry and cheap plastic schlock
    of a manger scene ?
    Only The Palin and her girlfriend Todd would become overwrought about this.
    Most Christians are probably grateful this distasteful mess has been removed.
    And the Palin's flippant use of " a plastic Jewish family " is not just disrespectful to Jews, it
    borders on the anti-Semitic.

  40. Anonymous5:23 PM

    I wonder if Sarah thinks Tri-G is Jesus because Tri-G is a miracle baby? Sarah said she had her tubes tied after Piper was born so how could Todd impregnate Sarah?

    1. abbafan5:01 AM

      Anon @ 5:23 P.M. - "immaculate conception", wink-wink!!

  41. Anonymous5:51 PM

    Anonymous5:14 PM

    They are going all Benghazi, Benghazi, Benghazi in response to the Brancy post on Trump's ignorance.
    They know nothing about McCain or Benghazi (Sept. 11, 2012). John McCain Knew About Benghazi Security Issues Why Didn’t He Do Something? John McCain says that he knew Chris Stevens well, and that on July 7th, Stevens expressed to McCain his “deep and grave” concerns over security in Libya. John McCain in Benghazi, during the violent military subversion of Libya in 2011, includes the now deceased US Ambassador John Christopher Stevens.

    The men McCain was defending were Libyan Islamic Fighting Group (LIFG) militants, terrorists linked directly with Al Qaeda according to West Point reports.
    McCain and Stevens in Benghazi (McCain's "Libyan patriots" have murdered US Ambassador John Christopher Stevens in the very city McCain spoke)
    It was no accident he was trying to be part of a weapons deal.

    McCain does what McCain does best, cover up and lies.

  42. Anonymous6:01 PM

    So Sarah keeps referring to the nativity scene display as a "plastic Jewish family." - isn't kind of a disrespectful way to talk about a depiction of the symbol of your faith?

    She's trying to have it both ways - first, it's terrible that secularists try to keep displays of the birth of the Holy Jesus out of the public eye, but on the other hand, hey, it's just a bunch of plastic junk, why should anyone object to it?

    She's basically saying that the sacred symbols of her faith are nothing but a bunch of plastic junk.

    1. Anonymous6:42 PM

      You are absolutely correct that Sarah Palin is being disrespectful. Imagine if President Obama said plastic Jewish family. Sarah Palin would have a cow.

  43. Anonymous6:52 PM

    Caril Ridley > Sarah Palin 
    I do love Alaska, Alaska is a good place for Jesus and all his little angels like Sarah.

    Caril you must not be a resident of Alaska because you are a fucking dumbass if you think Sarah is an angel. You don't live around these parts.

  44. Anonymous6:55 PM

    Charlene Groenendyk > Sarah Palin
    Sarah, you are the only person I really trust right now to be President. Hope you run

    Charlene you must be another dumbass who does not live in Alaska if you trust Sarah Palin. By the way dumbass, Sarah Palin will never run and you can bet on that.

  45. Anonymous6:56 PM

    Nancy French is a trouble maker. I am so disgusted. They don't do anything without lies and manipulation. They are making Saeed and his family look bad and ungrateful because birther Trump wants to put Saeed in the new nuclear sanctions with Iran. Trump doesn't even like the Iran deal. They twist it all to wrongfully bash our President.

    28 September 2013 President Obama calls for release of pastor imprisoned in Iran
    "The source stated that President Obama raised Pastor Saeed's case along with two other Americans directly with the Iranian President," said Jordan Sekulow, Executive Director of the American Center for Law and Justice.
    "According to the report, President Obama raised concerns about the imprisonment of Saeed and expressed our country's interest in seeing the American pastor returned to his family.
    "While Secretary of State Kerry has called on Iran to release Pastor Saeed, this is the first time that President Obama has himself spoken out about the wrongfully imprisoned U.S. citizen.
    "On behalf of the Abedini family, we're very encouraged by President Obama raising the illegal imprisonment of Pastor Saeed. Today's call is a significant step forward in this critical case.
    "We're also grateful to President Obama for raising Pastor Saeed's imprisonment and call on President Rouhani to put his promise of being 'moderate' into action by releasing Saeed without further delay."
    Jordan Sekulow went on to say that Pastor Saeed's wife, Naghmeh, responded to the news, by saying, "This is the most encouraging news I have heard since Saeed was imprisoned one year ago. I am very grateful to President Obama for standing up for Saeed and for the other Americans who are held captive in Iran.
    "This development is truly an answer to prayer. I urge President Rouhani, as I have done throughout this week, to release Saeed so he can return to our home and our family in the United States. In recent days, Iran has released 80 prisoners being held because of their beliefs. I pray that we can add Saeed to that list very soon."
    The American Center for Law and Justice represents Pastor Saeed's wife and their children._________________

    Nancy French and the Palins are evil to twist things. They show contempt and absolute disregard for the Pastor and his family. They deeply hurt and harm the family they claim to care about and the kids who want their father home.

  46. Anonymous7:05 PM

    Layne B Landis > Sarah Palin
     I hope you will come to Indianapolis Indiana for a book signing please. There are a lot of patriot's here in Indy. I have wanted to meet you and your family for a while now. P.S. run for senate or president

    Sorry Layne, I don't believe Sarah will be going to Indianapolis right now to solicit money from patriots. Right now I believe Sarah is hitting up Christians for their money.

    1. Anonymous7:37 PM

      Layne is a retard. July was patriot solicit month. Now November and December are Christian solicit months.

  47. Anonymous7:09 PM

    Barbara Lail Worley > Sarah Palin
    am reading your book. a group of women from my church went to the Billy Graham Library last Friday. Two ladies went together to purchase it and it will be passed around at church for all to read. Loving it'

    Babs now you done pissed Sarah off. How in the hell can Sarah make money from you retards if you buy one book and pass it around the church?

  48. Anonymous7:18 PM

    David A. Novak > Sarah Palin
    Yesterday at 6:09pm · Thank you Sarah for standing up for the real meaning of Christmas..Merry Cristmas

    David what is the real meaning of Christmas? Is it Sarah Palin running around the lower 48 try to sell her worthless book and trying to stay relevant?

  49. Anita Winecooler7:19 PM

    One small step for Shaw Air Force Base in South Carolina, a giant leap for Joyful Atheists, their vibrantly living lawyers and non judgmental constitutional scholars!

    Why is Brancy in such a tizzy over Saaid? Shouldn't his church be saving him and not "Big Govmint"? Whatever happened to personal responsibility? Perhaps Grandma can pull some strings with Franklin Graham and fly a plane to Iran and have Todd "Stars Earn Stripes" rappel from his heelycopter while Sarah privides cover with her rack, pink pistol and red ice auger?

    1. Anonymous8:06 PM

      Anita Winecooler7:19 PM

      The only reason for the Saeed lies and misrepresentation is to stir the pot again and have a way to disparage and blame the President for something. President Obama is doing what is best to call for the release of the pastor. They are making mountains out of molehills to say he doesn't care, he doesn't care about Saeed's children and so on. "he doesn’t have personal principles" read the comments on the blog, the President is plotting bad things so he can look like a hero.

      President Obama calls for release of pastor imprisoned in Iran

      President Obama is supporting and helping Saeed and others. What the Trump types want is for him to put Saeed only in the new nuclear deal. A deal they don't like but will use to hurt Saeed so they can hurt the President. Since Saeed is not in the new nuke deal that is proof enough for them that the President doesn't care and is wrong. It is a red herring because people like Trump are desparate to keep bashing. So much they will risk destroying Saeed and his family with their lies. Brancy is at her most vicious and sinister with the Saeed articles. Bristol is again a brainless tool off having illicit sex and abusing her son in that hotel where she posted the Christmas tree and any place she can manage to get screwed again.

    2. Anonymous6:50 AM

      lol, I spewed coffee!

  50. Anonymous7:20 PM

    Peter Schwechel > Sarah Palin
    Yesterday at 11:03pm · hey Sarah Lisa and i need your address in Wassilla to send a christmas card thanks Peter

    Peter you really should be asking Sarah for her Arizona address. You are more likely to catch her there.

    1. Anonymous7:40 PM

      Peter do you think Sarah wants or needs a Christmas card from you. Here's my advice, do not send her a card and save your money.

  51. Anonymous7:26 PM

    Jerry Allsman > Sarah Palin
    There are reports that a fake deaf interpreter was used at the Mandela funeral! He was faking all of his hand movements and they meant nothing in sign language. This is the worst slap in the face to those with disabilities I have ever seen in my life!!

    Jerry how do you feel about Sarah and her money making photo ops with children with DS and using Trig for photo ops but you never hear about Sarah creating a foundation to actually help DS children? Isn't that a slap in the face to those with disabilities?

  52. Anonymous7:34 PM

    Brad Bleich > Sarah Palin
    Wishing you a Happy Holidays!

    Brad wishing Sarah a Happy Holidays doesn't put money into her pockets or fashionable boots on her feet. How many Sarah Palin books have you purchased? How much have you given to SarahPac?

  53. Anonymous7:58 PM

    Phillip Sugg > Sarah Palin
    Yesterday at 5:02pm · I hope and pray you will get back into politics. Our country is drowning, WE NEED YOU!!!!!!

    Phil that's a wasted hope and prayer. Everybody knows Sarah Palin will never get back into politics. Put a fork in Sarah Palin's political career, Sarah is done, especially in Alaska.

    1. Anonymous8:49 PM

      Our country is drowning?

      You can expect President Wanna Be Sarah Palin to suggest hiring the Norwegian Dike-Builders to build dikes.

  54. Anonymous8:01 PM

    Randy DuBose > Sarah Palin
    Today at 8:26am · please explain the mishap on going to mandelas funeral. going to south korea.

    Randy you're kidding right? Sarah can't even explain the story of Paul Revere's ride or tell you what she reads.

  55. Anonymous8:09 PM

    I'm sick and tired of this shit that Sarah Palin is fighting the war against Christmas. When Sarah was governor of Alaska, what did she do for the Native Alaskans? A sheet of cookies didn't warm the houses of the freezing Native Alaskans.

  56. Anonymous8:44 PM


    Comment from another blog:
    I made the mistake of going to the sportsmanship FB site, and now, each time I want to go to my FB site, it automatically opens to THEIR site. :(

    1. Anonymous9:29 PM

      Sorry about that. Thanks for letting us know.

  57. Anonymous8:49 PM

    Sarah Palin's Facebook 12/11/13 .
    This is Donald Trump, Ricky Skaggs, and me last month at Billy Graham’s birthday celebration. He’s right about President Obama’s failure to help Pastor Saeed. Please read the whole thing here:


    Kim Hatch Problem is, all the publicity didn't help the last one... Pastor Yousef. We actually made things worse for Yousef. I have close contacts who know.

    John Wilson Obama does not care for Americans especially Christian Americans Obama cares about Obama and not us........its time for big "O" to go

    Rob Claffy Sarah is an angel deflecting the heat from Satan's best.

    Kathy Hilton Satan himself is running our country...Plus all his helpers...

    1. Anonymous1:53 AM

      can't ya get yerself hung for sedition ?

    2. Anonymous5:17 AM


  58. Anonymous9:36 PM

    {Trump} He’s right about President Obama’s failure to help Pastor Saeed. Please read the whole thing here: {Sarah to Bristol Palin blog}

    In a Breitbart interview, Donald Trump explained the situation in the direct way only he can: {Bristol to Breitbart}

    Trump said “most likely” the reason Obama's representatives, from Secretary of State John Kerry on down, did not ask for Abedini’s release is “because they’re incompetent.”
    Trump added that this issue gets back to how under Obama’s administration, there is an amateurish lack of focus. “We have no foreign policy,” Trump said. “We’re totally disjointed. We don’t know what we’re doing."
    "We have no foreign policy," Trump reiterated. "Our foreign policy is a sham. It’s a joke. And everybody in the world knows it.”
    “What we need, what the country needs, is leadership,” Trump said. “And unfortunately we don’t have any leadership. We have people in Washington that all despise each other because there is no leader that can bring them into a room to get things done.”

    1. Anonymous9:35 AM

      Trump is the last one that knows about foreign affairs. President Obama has kept us out of more war and works peacefully w/negotiations vs the way Republicans do!

      Do not know why anyone would watch Trump on anything. The guy is a creep and constantly brags about himself and his wealth! Yuk!

  59. Anonymous4:20 AM

    Ted Baker > Sarah Palin
    Sarah Palin is one of the most fascinating women that I've seen in politics

    Teddy you are another one of those Palin retards. Tell us exactly what Sarah has done in politics? As governor of Alaska Sarah Palin took an oath to serve the people of Alaska. Sarah Palin one day halfway through her only term as governor quit on us. Shortly after quitting on us, Governor Sarah Palin became reality personality Sarah Palin and made the failure show Sarah Palin's Alaska. I don't know what it looks like to you Ted but a lot of us it looks like Sarah ran off and left her commitment to us for the cameras. By the way Ted, have you heard Sarah is now hosting some type of hunting show. Case closed.

  60. Anonymous4:35 AM

    Oh my! More infightinging within the struggling GOP Party. Sarah run for president and save us (Snark).

    John Boehner Fed Up With 'Ridiculous' Tea Party Intransigence on Budget

  61. Anonymous5:29 AM
    Linda Chadwick "Not one thing!!!!!! Got one up in my yard! Don't know about you but until they pay my bills no one has a right to say what goes in my yard! Lord help them see the light of Jesus!!!!"
    34 minutes ago via mobile · 1

    December 12 "until they pay my bills no one has a right to say what goes in my yard!"

    Where is it that anyone said they do not have a right to what goes in "my" yard?
    Home school?

  62. Anonymous12:05 PM

    Sarah Palin posted on facebook a picture of her two story red house Todd built (how come their house has similar materials like the town hockey rink? ). How come Sarah has what looks like a Santa Claus but we don't see a Nativity scene in her yard?

    1. Anonymous12:22 PM

      Is that the house Todd built? Todd can't even build a good neighbor fence without it falling over.

    2. Anonymous1:28 PM

      Sarah is fighting the war against Christmas but she has a Santa Claus plastic figure in her yard. What's wrong with placing a plastic Jewish family in her yard? After reading this will Sarah run out to the Pigly Wiggly to buy a nativity scene?


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