Friday, December 06, 2013

"People are hungry for it." Kentucky Governor says that Mitch McConnell's battle against Obamacare, does not reflect his constituents feelings toward it.

Courtesy of HuffPo:  

It was just Wednesday night that Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) railed against the Affordable Care Act, calling it a "catastrophic failure" for people everywhere. 

"This is beyond fixing. It needs to be pulled out root and branch and we need to start over," McConnell said during an interview on Fox's "On The Record With Greta Van Susteren." "It's been a catastrophe for health care and for the economy at large." 

But the governor of McConnell's home state came to Capitol Hill on Thursday with a vastly different message: the health care law is working, and people in Kentucky can't get enough of it. 

"I have a U.S. senator who keeps saying Kentuckians don't want this. Well, the facts don't prove that out," Kentucky Gov. Steve Beshear (D) told reporters. 

Beshear said more than 550,000 people have visited the state's Obamacare enrollment website since it launched on Oct. 1. More than 180,000 have called into the health care call center and about 69,000 people have signed up, or about 1,000 Kentuckians per day. Of those who have signed up, he said, 41 percent are under the age of 35. 

"There is a tremendous pent-up demand in Kentucky for affordable health care," Beshear said. "People are hungry for it." The governor also boasted of the law's economic benefits to the state. 

Over the next eight years, he said, it will generate $15 billion for Kentucky's economy and create 17,000 new jobs.

Right now is that fuzzy area of politics right before the 2014 mid terms when politicians are trying to determine whether it is better to use the Affordable Care Act to attack their opponents, or whether their opponents can use it as a positive to help them get elected or reelected.

It is not precisely clear right now which way the chips may fall but if things go the way I anticipate they will then Mitch McConnell is going to have a VERY difficult time retaining his seat. And THIS woman may end up being the first female Senator in Kentucky's history.


  1. Anonymous12:50 PM

    Sorry, OT -Palin: ‘Angry Atheists Armed with an Attorney’ Want to ‘Abort Christ from Christmas’

    Atheists Want to Abort Christ From Christmas, Says Kooky Alaskan Lady0

    1. Anonymous2:31 PM

      The only thing that is wrong with this article, "Atheists Want to Abort Christ From Christmas, Says Kooky Alaskan Lady," is that they called the brain dead bimbo a "lady."

  2. Anonymous1:22 PM

    I hope this intelligent attractive progressive Woman knocks this despicable self centered poor excuse for a public servant right on his turtle shell back so hard he doesn't know what hit him. Fuck all you tea bagging' SOB's and fuck you Mrs. Palin.

  3. Anonymous1:33 PM

    Every time I see a photo of McConnell, I just want to knock his block off! He's been a horrid representative of the folks in Kentucky as well as the USA! And, I hope the voters in Kentucky wise up and vote his butt out of Congress! I have zero respect for the man1

    All the jerk has done is obstruct, obstruct, obstruct in trying to make President Obama's job harder. All done in spite of the fact the American people elected President Obama twice by large margina!

    Get the Republicans out of office across the nation....they are doing nothing more than hindering the poor and ruining the middle class.

  4. Anonymous1:49 PM

    Hungry for it. That little phrase spoken from someone in that office...yess!!! Could mean a change in the weather.

  5. OT: Remember the Brown Kodiack Bear? I got a answer from the Park Ranger there about it, would like to share for those interested:

    This email is in response to your inquiries regarding a video that was recently posted on YouTube showing a Kodiak Brown Bear purportedly suffering a heart attack.

    Staff at the Kodiak National Wildlife Refuge have reviewed this video and identified it as one that was taken in August 2011 by volunteers conducting vegetation surveys for a brown bear research project. These volunteers simply happened to witness this strange event and capture it on video.

    Upon verifying that the bear had deceased, a rudimentary necropsy was performed. Nothing out of the ordinary was found and thus no conclusive cause of death was determined.

    The video was also shared with numerous wildlife biologists, but no definitive explanation could be identified. The cause of death remains a mystery, and there is no direct evidence that the bear died of a heart attack.

    Hansel Klausner
    Supervisory Park Ranger
    Kodiak National Wildlife Refuge

    1. Anonymous2:09 PM

      Interesting. Thanks for following up!

    2. Your welcome :) @2:09

  6. AJ Billings2:06 PM

    Boy, that woman has some serious natural advantages over ol' turtle man Mitch

    Erudite, educated, more than very attractive, smart, and a grass roots kinda gal.

    So, lemme see, .. who DOESN'T that remind you of?

    1. Balzafiar4:23 PM

      All that and more. For instance, she was never separated from the Army for committing sodomy, as the Old Queen Mitch was. He called in favors from his Senator to keep it all under wraps and get the discharge.

      I hope she forces that issue by asking him to produce his full, authentic, service records. He's such a fucking hypocrite.

  7. Anonymous2:32 PM

    Beauty AND brains! Don't detect any plastic or botox. Go Ms. Lundegran Grimes!! Make Kentucky proud again!

  8. Anonymous2:34 PM

    I think she has a great sense of humor, too. Kind of reminds me of Ann Richards going after George W. Bush.

  9. Anonymous3:10 PM

    I really think people or smart people are sick and tired of the whole "koch bros" "ALEC" etc especially after the shutdown that Palin calls a "slowdown" and they alternately crow about. And now the RW are dissing the POPE that is not sitting well with Catholics.
    I think Allison has a very good chance, old Turtle better watch his step!

  10. Anonymous3:10 PM

    I'm curious what you thought of the O'Reilly-Palin interview, if you've had a chance to watch. I think Lyda Green, Jay Ramras, Joe Van Treeck, Walt Monegan and a legion of others would question Palin's sincere-sounding claim that she only argues policy and is so above making...or allowing a climate of...vile, personal attacks.

    I couldn't tell if O'Reilly knew she was lying and purposefully chose the gentle path or if he's clueless as to her past and present vileness. He also asked if she objected to rightwing radio jocks' use of personal attacks. Of course, she lied again.

    (link to 1st part of interview)

    1. Anonymous4:53 PM

      Look how fucking thin her face is. Remember the camera ADDS TEN lbs!
      Yep she does have "tomestone eyes"....

      Oh well...

  11. Cracklin Charlie3:50 PM

    I saw this story about Turtle Mitch a couple of days ago. I am not sure that I have ever heard of a sitting Governor calling the US Senator from his own state a LIAR! McConnell is Senate Majority Leader, a very powerful position. His influence should translate into great things for the state of Kentucky.

    Sounds like Gov. Beshear wants better representation for his constituents. Go, Allison!

  12. Anita Winecooler5:10 PM

    Beshear has been making the rounds on television, he even mentioned reaching out to those in the GOP "Brain Trust" who've refused to expand Medicare and have Government pay for the first three years for the "inconvenience" of having to set up a website of their own. He kept repeating that they're taking money OUT of their STATES Budgets to spite their own faces.
    What I love about Allison, was when she first announced, Yertle did a snazzy "What rhymes with Grimes" ad against her, which backfired and gave her attention and added name recognition.

    Thanks for helping, Senator Yertle, Sir!

  13. Anonymous5:26 PM

    OT BUT PERTINENT New Website To Educate About Science and Sexual Orientation


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