Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Political cartoonist, David Horsey, illustrates the problems with Palin's newest book quite eloquently.

Here is what Horsey had to say in his Los Angeles Times commentary:  

I'm a big fan of Christmas, but I'm not inclined to join Sarah Palin's pro-Christmas crusade. Her new book, "Good Tidings, Great Joy: Protecting the Heart of Christmas," lays out the case that Christmas is under attack by stringing together a litany of slights against the holiday -- real, imagined and exaggerated -- that do not add up to much more than her usual chip-on-the-shoulder complaint against anyone outside her narrow definition of "real Americans." 

A column by Michelle Cottle of the Daily Beast includes a pretty good summation of Palin's book: "From the first chapter, it is clear that, whatever her concerns about 'a Christ-less Christmas,' Palin has found a convenient frame on which to hang her rage at pretty much everything: Obamacare, Obamaphones, Nancy Pelosi, the national debt, gay marriage, sexual sin, crony capitalism, the preferential treatment of Muslims (whoo-wee! does she get rolling on that one), the lamestream media, Chick-fil-A haters, abortion, Mitt Romney’s hair, and on and on. No liberal stereotype, from Birkenstocks to the French, vegans, and NPR, is too tired to sneer at." 

The book is also peppered with complaints about her treatment at the hands of pretty much everyone during her run for vice president in 2008. It's amazing how put-upon Palin still feels, given that she has turned her very thin political resume and limited intellectual gifts into a lucrative celebrity enterprise that has included a cable reality show, TV commentator gigs and bestselling books (although her Christmas book may not be setting the publishing world on fire). She should be immensely pleased with how far she has gone from her days as a lowly city council member in a remote burg in the Alaskan outback. 

Very well put!

As many of us here at IM have pointed out in the past, essentially Palin is on a never ending "woe is me" tour, and whether she is giving a Fox News interview, having a Facebook post written for her, or contributing lunatic ideas to a ghostwritten book about Christmas, the central theme never changes.

Which is by the way, "I almost had it all, and then those liberal media assholes took it away from me. Fuck Obama!"


  1. Anonymous12:37 PM

    "very thin political resume and limited intellectual gifts"


    one HUGH lie about birthing a baby in April 2008.

    Everything Sarah Palin does is to distract people from her lies.

  2. Anonymous12:37 PM

    I LOVE it! The perfect critique and so on target!

  3. Anonymous12:39 PM

    Gryphen8:02 AM

    By the way for all of you doubters out there, my sources say that Palin IS in Wasilla right now. 

    Probably leave right after she gets her new ice auger

    Sarah is in Wasilla? What the fuck for? Sarah is not a Wasillian anymore, she just slithers in for a change of draws and slithers out before anyone spots her.

    1. Anonymous3:47 PM

      Would I love it if she tried slithering out and got busted at the airport with some fresh meth and or blow from one of the 'needy" boys in her basement. That would be a great Xmas present!

    2. Anonymous5:04 PM

      Doubt she does much commercial flying these days what with one of Franklin's private jets at her service therefore eliminating any search of her luggage.

    3. Anonymous6:27 PM

      Wonder how many blow jobs she's given Franklin in order to have the service of his free airplane rides? Billy Graham would be so disappointed w/his son if he had a clue what was going on!!

      Sarah Palin does nothing more than use men. Women see right through her...no wonder she's had few, few girlfriends throughout her life and I doubt she has ANY today!

    4. If Franklin were doing her, it would only be for the bragging rights of nailing what passes for a celebrity in right-wing circles. With his wealth, when he wants quality tail, he's going to get himself a nubile, twenty-something nobody, not a 49 year old, dried-out, menopausal, skeletal slattern.

    5. Our Lad4:54 AM

      "slattern" , Very good, don't hear/read that one much nowadays.

    6. Anonymous8:53 PM

      I like it too, also, that there 'slattern.' Harpy I can get on board with also, too.

  4. Anonymous12:45 PM

    As we see so clearly in Palin's case, its not so much that power corrupts as power attracts the inherently corruptible.

    Can any one if us imagine Palin in power in any national venue?

    It would be a return to the dark ages. and the inquisition.

    "Kill them all, and let god sort them out"

    Quote attributed to Torquemada, but I can easily imagine these "religious' folks joyously shouting this out, as they run to the burning stakes waving their torches.

    They just want to see something burn.

    The B.

  5. Olivia12:46 PM

    You put it perfectly. "I almost had it all, and then those liberal media assholes took it away from me. Fuck Obama!"
    It says everything you need to know about Sarah Palin and everything she does.

    1. That is probably the way she thinks, but she's damn lucky that alleged liberal media didn't -and still hasn't- gone after her like the rabid wolves they should, starting with that ridiculous birth story. Nobody has benefited more from our current, toothless media's lamestreaming of itself than Sarah Palin.

    2. Our Lad4:59 AM

      I've been thinking and saying the same thing for years,albeit somewhat coarsly ie: She should give the collective American media a blow job for giving her a pass on 'the wild ride'.

  6. Anonymous12:49 PM

    Some of the reviews at Amazon for Sarah's book say the same thing:

    Why would anyone buy a book from this bad-mouthing idiot? Trash talk is all she ever does. Always the victim, instead of showing love as a true Christian, she reminds us why so many people see Christmas as just another sales opportunity to take advantage of. I have NEVER heard Palin say a kind word about anyone, unless its the NRA or some trash talking politician who vilifies Obama. Now she's full of Christmas in her "heart". Give me a break!

    Because nothing says "Peace on Earth, and good will to men" (Luke 2:14) like buying a "nice, needed, powerful gun" right after 20 children were massacred with a "powerful gun" -- some shot 10-11 TIMES -- and saying "Yee haw" about it. You win, $arah, you got all the guns. You can have them. This liberal non-Christian plans on honoring your Lord and Saviour's natal day in a manner He would approve -- with loving family, giving to our local food bank. I will also be feeling great gratitude that our beloved country escaped having you within a mile of the White House.

    Maybe Palin's next book can be a treatise on divisive politics. Just look at the five-star versus the one-star reviews here, if you don't think that she's a polarizing figure.

  7. Anonymous12:49 PM

    Haha ha ha

    "Surprise, Sarah Palin Did Not Read Thing"


    1. I'm not sure now how I found Immoral Minority this year, but it may very well have been wonkette or somebody there who led the way. Now, both stops are essential.

  8. Anonymous1:05 PM

    The book is also peppered with complaints about her treatment at the hands of pretty much everyone during her run for vice president in 2008.

    Well Sarah you just don't treat a pile of shit like it is filet mignon.

    1. Anonymous1:32 PM

      Sarah what about all the people you stepped on while you were mayor, governor, vp candidate and afterwards?

      Karma is a bitch Bitch.

    2. Anonymous1:43 PM

      Awww fuck you Sarah Retard.

    3. Anonymous8:06 PM

      1:05 I think we should all mail a tad bit of our poop to her in Wasilla, AK. Just put her name on the package - c/o Wasilla, AK! Then she could REALLY piss and moan about Bashir on MSNBC! (Please remember, he did NOT say what the media took off with....pooping in her mouth!)

  9. Anonymous1:17 PM

    Dear sarahbelle the x-mas clown. Because of all the horrible things you have said and done to so many undeserving people the only thing you will get for Xmas is a wicked Hangover and hopefully a drug overdose. You are a scourge to all of mankind and the worst example of a Christian ever seen. Signed Black Santa

  10. Anonymous1:41 PM

    Hell with the lamestream media
    Another great book by Sarah
    Impeach Obama
    Stand your ground
    Take back our country

    1. Anonymous3:33 PM

      A mind is a terrible thing to waste.

    2. Anonymous4:12 PM

      3:33 PM What mind? 1:41 PM is as stupid as Sarah and her Illiterate and Dysfunctional Baby Making, Drug Addicted, Pimp condoning Family. AIP members have no country, they are Traitors.

    3. Anonymous4:15 PM

      For old time sake

      Given the avalanche of media attention on these Pentecostal and Charismatic “newsmakers,” one might expect to find more helpful information on the movement(s) to which all three belong. After all, understanding their affiliations and beliefs can help to make sense of the motivations of such disparate figures

    4. Anonymous4:17 PM

      1:41 Tri-g's Real Mom should take back her son. Great books are not #1015 on the best seller's list. BWAHAHAHAHAHAHA a POS Ghostwritten Book of LIES. Yeah, Stand Your Ground just like Schaefer Cox then cry like a wuss.

  11. Anonymous1:46 PM

    Sarah is visiting Wasilla? Does she wear her fake titties when she comes to town?

  12. Anonymous2:09 PM

    1:46 Doubt it - she doesn't show her face much in public when in Wasilla. She knows how disliked she in Alaska!! She pretty much hides out as she does when in AZ. Wouldn't it be a kick living her life? Yuk!!!

  13. Anonymous2:28 PM

    Save the Duck Commander from the gays.

    1. Anonymous3:38 PM

      I think Phil Robertson created his duck call to mimic a dick he longs to suck but is shamed by the bible to act upon.

    2. Anonymous4:01 PM

      He has not repented from his past. He just paid off some folks so he could escape and not do time. He wasn't about to go back to square things up.

      He obviously has certain things where he fixates.

  14. Anonymous2:44 PM

    Yea, I forgot she goes off on NPR. I'm a loyal NPR subscriber through KSKA in Anchorage, however, for the last two days I've had to turn the dial because they play NOTHING BUT XMAS MUSIC! Suck on that Sarah, godless and liberal NPR subjects everyone to xmas music for two full days prior to xmas...god, my ears, I hate xmas music, but apparently I'm the minority and there are plenty of other stations...

    1. Anonymous4:12 PM

      It started on our office piped-in channel two days before Thanksgiving. If Burl Ives and Gene Autry weren't already gone, I'd be hunting them down. Aaaargghhh! I also noticed how many businesses were closed early this afternoon. I don't begrudge them a bit but just wanted to mention that for $P's sake. She seems to think the world is against her version of Christmas yet I see no evidence.

      Met a neighbor I don't know at our mailbox area and she was having a fit about an atheistic billboard she had just seen. I asked her how that takes away from her own beliefs. She thought for a moment and said, "Well, I guess it doesn't." I put in a good word for 'freedom' and she agreed. Freedom is for everyone, not just the immature poliwogs who buy into the distorted evangelism that Palin fights with. She wants my freedom removed so she can gloat about her own while trying to shove her belief system down everyone's throat.

    2. Anonymous6:12 PM

      @Anonymous @2:44pm
      TWO full days of Christmas music? Heck, one radio station here started playing Christmas music (non stop) since Thanksgiving!!!

    3. Anonymous5:23 AM

      Where I live, several radio stations turned "nothing but Christmas music all the time" right after Thanksgiving. I listen to CDs in the car a lot, this time of year. When I'm in a store playing non-stop Christmas music, I whistle or sing something different to keep sane.

  15. Anonymous4:46 PM

    Sarah can't let anything go, her mental illness won't let her, she is still pissed she lost her internship on the TeeVee because she gave Glen Rice a blowjob instead of interviewing him.

    1. Anonymous8:36 PM

      During that time, wasn't Sarah also doing Todd?

    2. Anonymous9:38 PM

      8:36 PM YES.

  16. Randall6:15 PM

    Sarah blames everyone else, but the failure is hers because she has memorizing talking points confused with being educated.
    And she has being passionate about her position confused with being a bitch.

    And I can say that because, you know, First Amendment.

    1. Anonymous8:34 PM

      Amen brother.





  17. Anonymous6:51 PM

    Interesting. More so considering you've told many lies Gryphen.

    1. Anonymous9:48 PM

      6:51PM You are like a Broken record, stuck on stupid. You can't prove any of Gryphen's Postings as Lies. The LIAR is Sarah Palin and her Heath/Palin co-conspirators in the Tri-g Birth LIE. Sarah Palin had a Tubal Ligation after Piper's birth(Curt Menard is her father). Every Mom who carpooled with Sarah after Piper's birth knows about her complaints of pain from her Tubal Ligation. Do some research, Palin Ass Kisser, then come back with your tail between your legs and APOLOGIZE to Gryphen for SLANDERING him.

  18. Anonymous7:54 PM

    Be specific 6:51. Give us the lies and why you deem them as such!

  19. Anonymous8:46 PM

    6:51, I hope you like coal in your stocking because that is all you deserve! Talk about people telling lies....and you don't even have the guts to be anything but Anonymous. May your christmas suck.

  20. Our Lad4:50 AM

    From her skeletal countenance it appears that she is on a farewell tour and the only missing accoutrements are the vestments of the eternal nap.

  21. Anonymous5:24 AM

    Awww Sarah posted a picture of her family playing Native American Bingo and they finally brought out Caint Get Right.

    1. Anonymous6:34 AM

      Is he okay?

    2. Anonymous6:36 AM

      Did Track bring his guns or his ex-daughter?

    3. Anonymous6:37 AM

      I'm not sure, is that Brad Hanson sitting with the Palin's?

    4. Anonymous6:46 AM

      Don't tell me, is that Glenn Rice drinking egg nogg?

    5. Anonymous6:51 AM

      Did Bristol bring Dylan, Levi, Ben, Gino, Kyle and Joey to the family outing? Did I miss anybody?

    6. Anonymous7:00 AM

      I don't think that is Glenn Rice? I very much doubt any African Americans were invited. Maybe you mistaken Glenn with Sarah's fake spray tan?

    7. Anonymous7:04 AM

      I'm not sure Gino can make it. I heard he is still lost on some Alaska highway after Bristol had her giant monthly cycle hissy tantrum.

    8. Anonymous7:06 AM

      Any single ladies pregnant?

    9. Anonymous7:16 AM

      Are you sure that's the Palin's and Heath? Could be that Sarah threw a Christmas Eve shin dig for some of Alaska's DS community? Sarah is so supportive of the Alaska DS community.

    10. Anonymous7:26 AM

      Who said Sarah has an unforgiving junior high mean girl heart?

      Is that?

      Walter Monegan
      Mike Wooten
      Katie Couric

    11. Anonymous7:52 AM

      Anom 7:26 don't forget the Wasilla librarian and Homer's Kathleen Gustafson who caught Palin's attention with her "WORST GOVERNOR EVER" sign. 

      It is a Who's Who at that party.

    12. Anonymous8:00 AM

      How much would it cost to put up a sign as you enter Wasilla?

      Merry Christmas to everyone the Palins has capped on.

      And God bless us, everyone. 

    13. Anonymous8:15 AM

      The new Wasilla sign shall read

      Merry Christmas to everyone the Palins has crapped on.

      And God bless us, everyone. 

    14. PalinsHoax8:25 AM

      Anon 7:26 & 7:52 am

      Was Shailey Tripp at the Palin's party?
      How about Tawdry's pregnant floozie?
      Did Dr. CBJ pop in for a moment?

      And let's not forget the ghosts of Christmas Past: Curtis Menard, Jr. and Dar Miller.

    15. Anonymous9:16 AM

      Shailey Tripp wouldn't be caught in that den of sin.

    16. Anonymous9:29 AM

      Does anybody see Levi or Sunny in that picture? I thought you said Sarah had a change of heart? I'll believe that when I see Sarah hugging and kissing Levi (no tong please)

    17. Anonymous9:32 AM

      Is that old Sally Heath or old wrinkly Sarah Palin in the top right corner of the picture?

    18. Anonymous9:38 AM

      Dab nab it. In the first round of Native American Bingo, I got a wrapped box that contained used condoms wrapped in a face cloth and no one wants to steal it from me. I wonder who brought it to Sarah's party?

    19. Anonymous1:55 PM

      Silly as to the comment above about Levi and Sunny being at the Palin house for Xmas. They have their own family and extended family with whom to celebrate. I'm sure the last place they'd ever want to be is the Palin house!

  22. Anonymous8:37 AM

    The Alaskans who support Special Olympics had a get together, jumping into the frigid water to raise funds. Not a single Palin in sight. Considering $carah calls Trig her "Gift from God" I wonder why she wasn't there? He really WAS a gift, that helped her run for VP.

    1. Anonymous9:15 AM

      Maybe Sarah doesn't have any meat or muscles left on her old bones and she would freeze to death?

  23. Anonymous12:28 PM

    She needs to choke on a pretzel.


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