Monday, December 02, 2013

Right Wing shock jock Rush Limbaugh helped Sarah Palin pimp her book on his radio show, so, using the creepiest photo ever, she returns the favor.

Courtesy of the Christmas candy cane polisher's Facebook page:  

It was an honor meeting Rush Limbaugh during the first leg of the “Good Tidings and Great Joy” book tour and getting a copy of his great book “Rush Revere and the Brave Pilgrims.” As the daughter of a schoolteacher, I received cherished books for Christmas from my parents growing up. Such books bring us back to simpler, sweeter times; many of them are now passed along to kids and grandkids and still appreciated today. “Rush Revere and the Brave Pilgrims” reminds me of those cherished books of my childhood. Our books make great stocking stuffers! 

Oh yes let's all buy Limbaugh's book about his time traveling fantasies, an invisible talking horse, and his twisted revisionist history. Sounds like just the thing to give to that special somebody you want to never talk to you again.

I think the only thing Rush knows less about than history would be successful dieting tips and women.

Perhaps the creepiest part of this co-pimping by Sarah Palin and Limbaugh is the fact she let him paw her young daughters.

Eww! I won't even let my daughter listen to this asshole's radio show muhc less let him touch her.

Besides it does not seem to have done any good for Palin to prostitute her children to Rush, since her book is now rated 605 on the Amazon book ratings.

I swear I have seen comets plummet to the earth with less velocity.


  1. Anonymous6:19 AM

    If Sarah read a lot of books and her father was a school teacher and Sarah passed these books onto her children, then why are her children so fucking dumb that Willow had to drop out of high school in her sophomore year, no one is in college and no one is smart enough to use condoms?

    1. Anonymous6:34 AM

      Willow looks like she is nursing or preggo again! What is it with these girls? If they aren't trolling the blogs they are fucking?

    2. Anonymous6:36 AM

      Why did Willow drop out of high school in her sophomore year? Did Sarah take her out of school after her pregnancy scare?

    3. Anonymous6:37 AM

      Because she didn't. Education is not a Palin family value.

    4. Anonymous6:50 AM

      I guess the Heaths and Palin females didn't like their boyfriends using condoms. Maybe it's because they like the squirt feeling like that that gum in the 80s, Freshen Up that squirts when you bite into it?

    5. Anonymous6:54 AM

      It IS quite telling that Sarah lets a Pedophile paw on Piper.
      I guess that is the NORM for this family, with old Chuckles and all..."kids are always losing their underwear"...!
      He is so gross!

    6. Anonymous7:08 AM

      Those Palin girls like to play Russian Roulette with penises and they keep loosing.

    7. Anonymous7:49 AM

      The last book that anyone can remember that Sarah read was "Little House on the Prairie."

    8. Anonymous7:57 AM

      If Rush is a pedophile, so is Gryphen. Grow up

    9. Anonymous8:45 AM

      Wish Piper-Diaper would pull off that fug wig off her head!

    10. Anonymous1:07 PM

      >>If Rush is a pedophile

      No IFS about it, bitch, he IS a pedophile and it's on record. It's a fact. On record.

      The ONLY people that have accused Gryphen of being a pedophile are Sarah Palin sycophants who are trying to cover up for Creepy Chuckie's early childhood attacks on his female children. Sarah suffers from early childhood sexual abuse, it's what makes her so vicious and victimized at the same time. It was commonplace in the Heath household, don'tcha know? She's always maligning men by attacking their private parts in conversation, which is a sure fire glimpse into her twisted childhood.

  2. So does his version of the Paul Revere story match $arah's?
    Inquiring minds want to know.(TM)

  3. Leland6:28 AM

    Asking Sarah something like that is like asking Ken Hamm why he (and others like him) DON'T want us to read for ourselves! He will never be able to understand why we believe we can think for ourselves.

    Of course, he completely ignores that fact that the primary reason the protestant movement was founded was a refusal to accept we can't think for ourselves.

    1. Leland6:33 AM

      This comment was actually intended as a reply to 6:19. Sorry 'bout that.

  4. Anonymous6:33 AM

    Oh Sarah must be sad. She better get off her but and make a buck. No one is buying her book to read it. They just want to see her and the only way is to buy one of her shitty books

    Amazon Best Sellers Rank: #641

  5. Anonymous6:36 AM

    Rush likes little brown Dominican BOYS. He is not interested in females, until the latest bought and paid for "wife" decides there is not enough $$$ in the world to remain Mrs. Rush Limbaugh. I wonder what he said about the three of them after they left his studio? Did he call them "sluts" "whores"? For a multi millionaire he seems to wear the same shirt all the time, doesn't he? He certainly did not bother to clean up for the visit.

    1. He certainly did not bother to clean up for the visit.

      That's OK, neither did Sarah.

  6. Anonymous6:39 AM

    Dropped to # 641 since this post was put up.

    Book is going down faster than Bristol on a blind date.

    1. Anonymous6:53 AM

      Dropping faster than the Palins cotton panties.

    2. Anonymous6:53 AM

      That's libel

    3. Anonymous6:53 AM

      I don't understand how her book can be #641 on Amazon and yet be at #14 on the NY Times Best Sellers List. How does that work?

    4. Anonymous6:56 AM

      Anonymous6:39 AM

      Dropped to # 641 since this post was put up.

      Book is going down faster than Bristol on a blind date.
      Great comment!!!! And so true!

    5. angela7:42 AM

      Anon 6:53
      Amazon rates the books that have been bought on THEIR site. The NYT rates wholesale and retail sales. Conservative groups (Sarah PAC) will buy
      up thousands of books and hand them out or sell
      them-- signed to supporters who donate. That is how you make it big on The Times list. I think they used to notate corporate sales but I don't know if they do it now.

    6. Anonymous7:47 AM

      Read what Wikipedia has to say about the faulty numbers involved in the NY Times Best Sellers list. They count how many books are ordered from distributors, and then they count how many books are sold in stores. That's double counting. They also count sales in just one week, so a book can be a long-term best seller, like the Bible, and never have a spike that is reflected in their counting.

    7. Anonymous7:58 AM

      The troll needs to look up the definition of libel. It doesn't mean what it thinks it means....

      because it isn't libel.

    8. Anonymous8:49 AM

      I would trust Amazon over the NYT list...

  7. Anonymous6:40 AM

    Hey kids, let's go to a vile radio jock's studio, who calls women the c-word and uses foul language, and pimp our book about the true meaning of Christmas.

    1. Anonymous7:04 AM

      6:40 - best comment of all! so true!

    2. Anonymous8:34 AM

      Not to mention this:
      "Our political correct society is acting like some giant insult has taken place by calling a bunch of people who are retards, 'retards," Limbaugh said

    3. Anonymous8:47 AM

      Yep, let's bring our daughters to shmooze with a 'man' who calls women sluts for using birth control ... who tosses the word 'rape' around like it's a trivial thing ... and who, like $arah, never donates a penny or a moment of time to help others less fortunate. What a buch of hateful losers....

      Sarah - no job.
      Todd - no job
      Track - no job
      Bristol - no job
      Willow - no job

      What an inspiring family!!

    4. Anonymous10:29 AM

      I meant the "Slut" word, not "C" word.

  8. Anonymous6:42 AM

    no matter how they pose him, Rush looks like a cardboard cutout.
    and Sarah, vavavoom in her black outfit with her boobs, looks like one, too.
    poor Piper and Willow. advertisements for what is wrong with this country.

  9. ibwilliamsi6:44 AM

    Is she tipping over there due to the added boobage?

    1. Anonymous7:57 AM

      Wow! Her head is actually much larger than Limbaugh's!

  10. Anonymous6:57 AM

    #663 this morning:)
    Crashing and burning!!!!!!!

    1. Anonymous7:56 AM

      It's still that high???? Joe M's left the charts after like 2 weeks.

    2. Anonymous9:23 AM

      That's because McGinniss basically told us things we already knew.

    3. Anonymous10:49 AM

      Joe's book was outstanding - along w/the ones written by Geoffrey Dunn and Frank Bailey. They put everything out there about the liar and fraud known to all of us as Sarah Palin. They all supplied proof sources, emails, names, dates, occurrences, etc.

      Suggest everyone read ALL the books. Especially those that think Sarah Palin is a Christian, good parent, etc. She wasn't and isn't!

  11. Anonymous6:57 AM

    I feel sorry for her kids. I can't imagine growing up with a mother like palin.
    BTW, most kids who are read to and read books go to college.

    1. Anonymous7:56 AM

      Grow up, stop lying.

    2. Anonymous9:05 AM

      What part is the lie?
      That children who are read to go on to college? You're inferring that the uneducated Palin kids weren't read to. That's what you're saying, but 6:57 did not!

      Dear troll -- logic is taught in college, and would help you enormously to think and write clearly.

    3. Anonymous9:47 AM

      The grow up troll doesn't know how arrested they are.

  12. Anonymous6:58 AM

    Another example of Palin's poor parenting...letting the creep, Rush Limbaugh, meet and touch her daughters! Yuk, yuk, yuk! Sarah is an idiot, but we all know that!

    Are we really surprised her book has fallen so badly and quickly? The woman who is suppose to be a 'christian' and doesn't live or project the teachings at all. What a fraud - but, then, we knew that too!

  13. Anonymous7:01 AM

    Where's her wedding ring? Did she throw her last one into the lake with her other one?

    1. Anonymous7:26 AM

      Maybe it slipped off her her bony finger when she was pleasing herself and couldn't find it after she finished?

  14. Anonymous7:17 AM

    Mrs Palin replies: "I've read most of them, again with a great appreciation for books."

    Ms Couric: What, specifically?

    Mrs Palin: "Um, all of them, any of them that have been in front of me all these years."

    Ms Couric: "Can you name a few?"

    Mrs Palin: I have a vast variety of sources where we get our books, too. Alaska isn't a foreign country, where it's kind of suggested, 'wow, how could you keep in touch with what the rest of Washington, D.C., may be thinking when you live up there in Alaska?' Believe me, Alaska is like a microcosm of America."

    1. Anonymous7:41 AM

      Palin is so damned slow on her feet! Since she didn't read then, and still doesn't, she got defensive which is also very typical of the fraud!

    2. Anonymous7:45 AM

      That was the stupidest comment ever! Any of
      'em all of them...

      And her comment about Alasska snarking at the "outsiders" Fuck her!
      She didn't WANT to go back to Alaska!
      Bitch deserted Alaskans!
      They should all sing and spill the beans on her ass!

    3. Anonymous7:45 AM

      Hey, Sarah! If you claim to be so religious, the answer to Katie's question was, "The Bible, I read a verse every morning."

    4. Anonymous7:55 AM

      You KNOW if she wouldve named even one, it wouldve been manipulated somehow like every little stupid thing. Dont deny it

    5. Anonymous7:55 AM

      Why are you living in the distant past anyway?

    6. Anonymous8:29 AM

      BECAUSE, 7:55AM, we're going to make DAMN sure that people don't forget what an utter buffoon she is, no matter how many times she tries to re-invent herself. She is fooling NO ONE.

    7. It's absolutely appropriate to keep trotting out Palin's most epic verbal failure, KRISTY...and I'll tell you why-

      Earlier in the day, Palin had been asked how she could be competent to handle foreign affairs and international relations given she'd only had her passport a short time.

      Sarah claimed she was fully versed in foreign policy because of "the VAST AMOUNT OF THINGS I READ every day".

      It was not an ambush, a "gotcha" question. It was a question Sarah opened the door to.

    8. Anonymous9:32 AM

      Nobody who reads would've answered the question that way. Most voracious readers jump to share the books they’ve read! It is like introducing old friends, a total joy! And the deflection she used to imply Couric was being snarky about Alaska was especially telling. We Alaskans immediately knew Palin was deflecting to avoid admitting how little she reads (or actually having to admit to all the garbage she reads, note in Bailey’s book he said she read trashy celebrity magazines while on business trips, unlike former governors who actually worked while traveling). We knew she had no clue what to say when she started up in her sing-song condescending voice in answer to that question. She was losing it and it was beyond repair at that point. She was way out of her league, but she said she was blindsided by that liberal media. Yet, even McCain’s campaign staff admitted she wasn’t.

    9. Anonymous9:49 AM

      Troll 7:55 goes with the palin flow that the past is the past and everything is forgiven yesterday and you only have someone (not them) to blame today.

  15. Anonymous7:19 AM

    President Obama goes shopping at a book store, Sarah Palin follows with a post about the cherished books of her childhood (while promoting her own book).

    1. Anonymous7:39 AM

      Which I'll betcha she never read as a child. Shit, she hasn't read as an adult, which has become so, so apparent! Couric figured that out in her interview w/the idiot years ago!

    2. Anonymous7:46 AM

      EXACTLY what I was going to say. Is anyone surprised? Dance, $arah, DANCE!

    3. Anonymous8:51 AM

      How COULD she read with that wonky eye?

    4. Anonymous9:51 AM

      Anon 7:19 - Bingo!

      Someone left a comment on the IM 'Obama and daughters at the bookstore' post predicting Sarah would feel compelled to compete. She doesn't disappoint.

  16. Anonymous7:24 AM

    Did Willow have a pregnancy scare? If so that means Piper is the last standing virgin in Sarah's family. That's if she didn't you know what.

    1. Anonymous7:54 AM

      grow up

    2. Anonymous8:29 AM

      You first, 7:54 troll.

    3. Anonymous10:34 AM

      7:54 AM The Truth Hurts, Right? Willow had a Baby, not a scare. Piper will follow her 1/2 sisters soon. Do any of the Palin Kids have the same Father? Sarah was a 'rolling stone'.

  17. Anonymous7:28 AM

    Come on Sarah! Your book is tanking big time. Enough carving the Thanksgiving turkey with a cheese knife! Your lazy ass family needs your help to continue in the lifestyle they have become accustomed to...Get back out there and shake that money maker!!!

    1. Anonymous7:44 AM

      I have a new advertising program for that little book. Just the right size to prop up the table with the wobbly leg.

  18. Anonymous7:34 AM

    Her teacher father has only a community college degree, and I'll bet one big reason they moved to Alaska was that, in the early Sixties, the state didn't require that their elementary school teachers have much education -- they just needed adult bodies in the expanding classrooms.
    Really, having seen and heard Chuckie, Sr., would you entrust the instruction of young children to him if you had a choice?
    What "cherished" books do you think he and Sally came up with every Christmas to give to their children (none specified by Sarah) and where are they now? No bookcases evident in the Palin household.

    1. Anonymous9:34 AM

      He was a sub teacher and in Alaska anybody can sub. Anybody.

    2. Anonymous9:51 AM

      Does the Bible count as a new book given each year?

    3. Anonymous1:12 PM

      Creepy Chuckie Sr. just wanted to get close to those nubile young girls so he could carry out his nasty activities that he didn't get enough of at home. He's KNOWN for covering up for pedophiles and sex offenders. Birds of a feather, you know.

    4. Anonymous1:19 PM

      "Cherished book" =
      "Taxidermy for Dummies"

      Wild Tortoise

  19. Anonymous7:38 AM


  20. Anonymous7:43 AM

    Is Big Fat Rush really that short? And, ooooooh, he's touching PIper.

  21. Anonymous7:45 AM

    Rush is a good man with an opinion. Dont like it or agree with it, don't listen. I don't listen to things people like you say or write. #bias #doublestandard

    Remember the 90s lies about Rush that you still take as fact?
    Yeah, real mature.

    1. Anonymous8:05 AM

      You comment is so retarded I don't even know where to start. Why is Tripp named after Todd's prostitute? #weird #creepy #twotone

    2. Anonymous8:18 AM

      Rush is a huckster. He fools fools. The rest of us know better.

    3. "Rush is a good man..."
      No, he isn't. He is a vile liar. (See his lies about Sandra Fluke-and so many others).

      "I don't listen to things people like you say or write."
      Obviously you do. You're here yapping.

      Anyone who thinks highly of Rush Limbaugh is either unintelligent, uneducated, a bigot eager to have their prejudices reinforced, or all three.

    4. Anonymous8:32 AM

      Limbaugh is an crude, vulgar, disgusting man. "...the 90s (sic) lies about Rush..." that WERE facts. The man was high on Oxycontin on the air! His faithful, family values listeners began to comment about it. He was caught by the DEA. He doctor-shopped and was caught doing it. He was caught coming back into the country with a prescription belonging to someone else. "Lies"? No, not lies.

    5. Crystal Sage8:38 AM

      Rush is a good man? Oxycontin addict, possible pedophile and a guy who calls women sluts is a good man? And that's just the preliminaries of the four-times-married fat ass liar.

    6. Anonymous9:01 AM

      You have actually stooped to defending Rush Limbaugh in your drooling love for Mrs. Palin?

      Rush Limbaugh is not a good man.

    7. Anonymous9:43 AM

      “Rush is a good man?” Rush Limbaugh is a criminal. Accept it. And, I guess you have to also accept you are giving him a free pass. What kind of person are you? Also, how far the mighty have fallen and how greedy thyself. In Palin’s governor emails she warned against her daughters being around Jay Ramas because she said he was a womanizer! (And she used a racial slur in her description of Ramas) I guess Limbaugh is a saint in contrast? Wow Sarah, you have certainly become less concerned for your daughters. Rush Limbaugh obviously hates women, but when there is money to be had or publicity you sure seem to go deaf.

    8. Anonymous9:53 AM

      A good man? You think a good man thinks he's entitled to watching consenting women have sex with their partners just because she is a family planner? You want him watching you or your Mother, sister, niece, daughter just because they are on the pill?

    9. Anonymous11:56 AM

      A good man? A drug addict child molester is a good man? I guess only in Bizzaro Palin world

  22. Anonymous7:46 AM

    Aw, Sarah teaches kids to like everyone and not believe hate ramblings on the net. That's great

    1. Anonymous8:08 AM

      Where is Bristol hiding her third baby? #secretpregnancy
      Why didn't Willow finish high school?
      Why did Sarah stuff a pillow in her pants and call it Tri-G?
      #disturbed #mentallyill
      What happened to Curtis Menard?

    2. Anonymous9:02 AM

      Nobody should teach their kids to like everybody. You obviously don't have any of your own.

    3. Anonymous9:54 AM

      I think 7:46 AM was being sarcastic.

      Sarah has no clue about Rush and his proclivities or, if she does, she doesn't care. It's all about her and trying to get her "book" noticed...anywhere, any time. She has delusions of fame and fortune that have dwindled into the dumpster. This moronic faux mother rilly has no redeeming values.

    4. Anonymous10:19 AM

      Like when she taught Bristol and Willow to call that guy a fat fucking faggot on Facebook, like that? Yes, love, tolerance and acceptance is written all over Mrs. Palin's spawn NOT.

    5. Anonymous10:27 AM

      If Sarah was raised by a pedophile or pedophile sympathizers, enablers, she is still attracted to them and will pass it on to her children. Sarah Palin adores Ted Nugent, it is not merely about big metal guns. She clearly is stoked to have her children with people like that.

    6. Anonymous11:18 AM

      Have you read Bitch ol's blog? It reads like she doesn't much like people who aren't fake xristians also too. Seen Swallow's face during the "book tour".Not very friendly.

    7. Anonymous12:14 PM

      She teaches them to like everyone? Is that why Bristol gave us all the finger on DWTS? Why Piper pushed a photographer? Why Willow yelled at that teacher? Yeah, they like themselves and their fans. Period.

  23. Anonymous7:48 AM

    Piper looks like a young Betty, Todds cousin. And she's starting to look just like Willow. Beautiful family.

    1. Anonymous8:09 AM

      Piper looks nothing like Willow. I wonder why? Oh right because they're only half-sisters. #uglyfamily

    2. Anonymous11:57 AM

      Piper looks like her Father's side of the family alright, a spitting image of a Menard.

    3. Anonymous12:12 PM

      Beautiful? Skin deep beauty. The whole clan is pretty ugly on the inside.

    4. Anonymous12:31 PM


      Impossible since Piper is not related to Betty.

  24. Anonymous7:48 AM

    Just because a ghost writer wrote it for her doesn't mean that she read her own book. When she gives a speech, sometimes it looks as if she is seeing it for the first time.

  25. Anonymous7:50 AM

    I recently met a woman who went on for 5 full minutes about the time she realized Sarah and her daughters were regulars in her yoga class. I almost replied, "So? I babysat Rosie O's kids." LOL

    1. hedgewytch8:05 AM

      And I bet Sarah and her daughters spent exactly 5 full minutes in that class before quitting.

    2. Anonymous8:10 AM

      Nice try. Sarah doesn't exercise or spend time with her kids. #worstmotherever #delinquents

    3. Anonymous8:12 AM way that the palins practice yoga. that would necessitate a self-awareness that none of them possess.
      it looks like we have a happy-palin-family troll at work this morning.

    4. Anonymous9:06 AM

      And you KNOW if Sarah had anything to do with yoga, she'd be posing in her yoga clothes i her poses. The whole "yoga" thing is a myth made up by Palin trolls because yoga is something all those skinny little Hollywood starlets do, and you know Sarah wants to be just like them.

  26. Randall7:52 AM

    Rush Limbaugh and the Palin family are perfect for each other.

    I just happen to disagree with them and everything they stand for.

    Other than that I wish them no ill will and hope they all have


  27. Anonymous7:52 AM

    In the pic of 4, Piper looks just like Tripp there. They all have huge cheeks.

    1. Anonymous10:21 AM

      Some of them have naturally huge cheeks, others like Bristol and Sarah have implants.

  28. Anonymous8:01 AM

    Why doesn't Piper look anything like her sister Willow?

    1. Anonymous10:21 AM

      Because Brad Hanson looks nothing like Todd Palin? Just a hunch.

  29. Anonymous8:03 AM

    Rush was asking Piper if she was a slut like Sandra Fluke.

  30. Anonymous8:04 AM

    RUSH and SARAH together
    Doesn't get better than that

    1. Anonymous10:24 AM

      8:04 AM Too late, Sarah got her Ass handed to her by President Obama, and she is still pissed off about that.
      Where can Sarah Palin buy some intelligence? She is lacking in that area.

    2. Anonymous10:28 AM

      Rush Limbaugh the Oxycontin King and lover of Dominican Boys, and Ted Nugent a self professed Pedophile and Pants Pooper are both just the kind of Scum that Sarah Palin and her Uneducated Wasillabillies Love.

    3. Anonymous10:39 AM

      Rush & Sarah, together again, neither will ever run for public office. They make too much money doing the scummy things that they do.

  31. Anonymous8:07 AM

    Call me old-fashioned, but Piper's showing a lot of skin. Date/dance type dress; not appropriate for her age or the occasion.

    1. LoveAndKnishesFromBrooklyn9:17 AM

      8:07am-- 'Cause nutsoid Mamala knows that this tried and true hot-n-sexy mixed message is THE way to draw attention to her "pure" Xtian family...

    2. Anonymous12:29 PM

      agreed - the dress is not appropriate for a 12/13 year old. OTOH - have you known a Palin that dresses well?

  32. So, was the corpulent bloviator generous and passing the Oxy around, or did he keep it all to himself...?

    1. Anonymous8:57 AM

      Sharing is for socialists, duh.

  33. Anonymous8:22 AM

    o/t -- but a burning question that's arisen after i went shopping this weekend:
    "Happy Holidays" is what Communists, Socialists and Atheists want us to say, and, of course, we reject that so we can protect the "heart" of Christmas,
    but what about
    "Seasons Greetings," which i saw on many Christmas cards for sale. Are we allowed to greet each other during this season (winter, I assume), or is this another slide down the slippery slope to Godlessness? Has Sarah told us what to think?

    1. Anonymous8:59 AM

      Remember, many folks are not Christian in the USA. We have multiple faiths hence the reason for Happy Holidays and Seasons Greetings. (companies have to cater to ALL their customers!)

      Christianity IS decreasing in the USA and the supposed Christians (like Sarah Palin) had better get use to it. Just like the color 'white' of skin is on the decline throughout the USA....

      Get use to it folks! We are all the same except for skin color in that we all have red blood, love, work, eat, walk, run, smile, feel, sense, see, etc.

  34. Anonymous8:43 AM

    What is with Palin's obsession with zippers. That's known as a
    stripper's prop. What happened to the pants she had on some
    time back while exiting K Mart with the zipper starting at her ankle and going all the way up the inside of her leg to her crotch.
    Maybe the zipper broke. Better not go there.

    1. Anonymous9:09 AM

      Zippers whisper "easy access" which is why they are favored by slutty types. Let's face it--given Todd's pimping, all Sarah know about how to dress comes from hookers. That's why she looks like an aging sex-worker.

    2. Anonymous9:12 AM

      Did her zipper get rusty? You know women her age leaks pee.

    3. Anonymous11:17 AM

      I wondered why she always wears zippered tops. That explains it - just another sexual come-on.

  35. Anonymous8:50 AM

    Anonymous7:57 AM Grow up. No one dropped out. Why would you insist on stupid lies?

    Then explain what happened to Willow in her sophomore year of high school? Willow couldn't go to the prom until an actual high school boy felt pitty for the fool and asked her to prom.

    1. Anonymous8:54 AM

      Instead of going to school, didn't Willow and her boyfriend go with Todd to Minnesota to pick up his new snowmobile?

    2. Anonymous8:54 AM

      If Willow didn't drop out was she expelled?

    3. Anonymous9:01 AM

      Why did Willow stop attending high school? Was it because she was an embarrassment to Sarah Palin's aspiring political and reality show career?

    4. Anonymous9:43 AM

      Let's be honest here, shall we? This is not a case where a kid leaves traditional high school for whatever reason, is home schooled, and then goes on to college.

      Willow dropped out of regular high school to take the easiest route possible to a "high school diploma." Whether she got a GED or "earned" a diploma from an online high school, it doesn't really matter. (I actually teach online for a couple universities and I am still wary of most online education).

      School was either too hard or too much of a hassle and she figured she didn't need to learn more than the bare minimum.

      College isn't for everyone, but one would hope a person who was a governor and a candidate for VPOTUS would encourage her child to at least get a good solid high school education. I think we all know at this point that education isn't a priority for Mrs. Palin (or Mr. Palin for that matter).

      Again, college (and a full High School education, I guess) isn't for everyone. But saying Willow didn't drop out is semantics.

    5. Anonymous12:28 PM

      I beg your pardon - Willow attended the Nathan Klein Institute in NY when she was pregnant.

      She spent a lot of time there - don't say she's not educated... muahahahaha

    6. Anonymous1:25 PM

      Lies cannot be stupid. Only people (who write phrases like "stupid lies") can (and are) stupid. Lies are either true or false, either the facts are true or false and can be proved. That's not stupid, that's logical. Stupid is a word that a high school drop out uses when she doesn't have much more than a middle school vocabulary. But, she seems to be well paid to express her stupid opinion on blogs.

    7. Anonymous1:55 PM

      Anon 1:25, get a life. DO you really not have anything better to do then perpetuate lies online? IS your God or mom ok with this? I feel deeply sorry for you that you have zero life and live to bullshit about others.

  36. Anonymous8:53 AM

    A couple of years ago , I read Mark Levin's book about a dog he rescued . I found the book to be very cold, I never got the sense of true affection for his dog.
    Which is pretty typical of the tea party devotees.
    The ones I encounter are almost all emotionally dead , with a very strong and unapologetic cruel streak.
    Limbaugh used to delight in telling animal cruelty stories.
    Anyway , in the book Levin wrote that every night he texts or emails Limbaugh and Hannity .
    These three coordinate the tea party talking points , which is why the far right is so bizarre.
    Hannity regurgitates the garbage Limbaugh instructs him.
    As does Palin .
    She will often repeat verbatim the idiocy she hears on the Limbaugh show in interviews.
    Often Limbaugh will discuss a social event where he was the only person defending Palin.
    " I was at a dinner party with captains of industry and high ranking Republicans ", he'll recount.
    " Everyone in attendance said Sarah Palin is an idiot, an ignoramus , an embarrassment , a moron " and on and on he'll go, using the most derogatory language to describe Palin.
    He then says he rose in fury to defend Palin
    as the smartest being on the planet and a shoo in to win the presidency should she decide to run.
    It's always hilarious to hear him repeat the horrific , but, true descriptions of her and then claim to be her knight in shining Oxycontin.
    He does the same thing now with Ted Cruz.
    " I was at a dinner party and everyone there said Ted Cruz was a bumbling idiot , a jerk, an evil doer and I roared to his defense ".
    These four sociopaths set the agenda for the tea party .
    Republicans know this and are finally trying to beat feet away from them, but, they got in bed with them and are now covered with fleas.
    Might be too late to fumigate the party.

    1. Anonymous9:34 AM

      Sarah Palin knows she is a doofus and that's why she hides behind her Facebook and only goes on tv shows that caters to her.

  37. Anonymous9:10 AM

    Will Willow pull a Bristol work ethics?

    Willow shampooed a few heads of hair then takes off for book signings right before Thanksgiving when men and women get their haircuts so they can look nice for Thanksgiving? She then returns to Wasilla for thanksgiving and washes a few more heads and asks for another month off to go on tour again. These people are something else.

  38. Anonymous9:10 AM

    Palin is #9 on the NY Times Bestseller list but on Amazon her book is currently ranked #663 in books, by comparison Humans of New York is #10 on the best seller list but on Amazon it's rank is #1 in books. Surprisingly every book on the Best seller list has a significNTLY better Amazon ranking than Sarah Palin which means Palin is definitely purchasing bulk orders of her own craptastic book in order to inflate her sales numbers and gain recognition on the NY Times best seller list. None of the other Amazon best sellers are ranked higher than #150 in Books, while Palin is a distant #663!

    1. Anonymous10:24 AM

      Here's how the New York Time's Bestseller list works:

    2. Anonymous10:36 AM

      The NY Times Best Seller list is famous for double counting, books ordered from distributors and books sold in stores.

  39. Dear teacher:

    Piper is going to miss a few days of school. She will be helping Rush Limbaugh and I sell books. This is a great chance to see real life and politics and geography and math and whatnot. I told her it's the same as what you guys are learning her in middle school so she's not really missing anything.

    Until next time,
    Governor Sarah Palin

    1. Anonymous10:38 AM

      LOL good one. Problem is that the note is not written in Sarah Palin word salad.

    2. Anonymous12:07 PM

      No, but " helping Rush and I sell books" is grammatically wrong.

    3. Anonymous1:53 PM

      You disgust me

  40. Anonymous9:20 AM

    "As the daughter of a schoolteacher, I received cherished books for Christmas from my parents growing up."

    I guess Chuckie wasn't an English teacher, huh? Awkward....

    1. Anonymous10:35 AM

      Chuckie has thin skin just like his sister, Sarah, has. Remember the lame photo of Sarah carving the turkey with the cheese knife, she was attacking the back of the bird, not the front--- this is what Chuckie posted in response to the "haters."

      "*to all the haters who have left the horrid comments (I've removed them), I guess I should thank you for taking the time out of your extremely busy days to visit my little page. What kind of person does that sort of thing?"

      What kind of teacher uses the star for a foot note when there is no reference to it in the first paragraph?

      Also, too, I like these quotes from Chuckie's Facebook. They are about the book that he co-authored with his father:
      "Dad and Mom wanted to thank the following people who ordered autographed books with the signed Sarah picture from them last week:"
      (I won't list the people that he listed)
      'They still have a case and a half left if you're interested in getting one for Christmas. Send a $25 dollar check to:"

      ....If you're interested in getting one for Christmas-- would that be one book or one case, Chuckie?
      ....with the signed Sarah picture --- would that be an autographed photo of Sarah, Chuckie?
      And, that guy is not only a teacher but an author! To quote George W. Bush, "Is our children learning?"

  41. Anonymous9:37 AM

    Limbaugh is short which also speaks to his low self esteem. I know I wouldn't let him touch my daughters. Hell, I'd never take them to meet him. The guy is an asshole! He fits perfectly w/sista Sarah!

  42. Glenn Rice9:40 AM

    Limbaugh isn't even trying to hide his erection.

  43. Anonymous9:56 AM

    Enough is enough. Leave my auntie alone. She trying her best.

    1. Anonymous10:15 AM

      9:56 AM Go to School, you need more education.

    2. Anonymous1:53 PM

      Wow, you're a sad creature to pretend to be someone else. Is your life that horrible?

  44. Anonymous9:59 AM

    Does anyone have Sarah's book to quote the passage about the Heath tradition of gifting books on Christmas? I know there's something about Chuck Sr. and dusty fossils. Surely she 'wrote' about books.

  45. Anonymous10:00 AM

    Did newly hired Willow go back to work and will they hold the job for her again when she leaves again with her mom to gonon tour again.

    1. Anonymous10:36 AM

      Wow those Palins must be special in Alaska. They can come and go from their jobs and not worry about getting fired. I wonder how the new hires who are not Palins are treated. Can non-Palin employees come and go from their Alaskan jobs like Bristol and Willow do and their employers will hold onto their jobs indefinitely?

    2. Anonymous1:20 PM

      What anon 10:36 said also for Piper. She DOES miss alot of school, and home schooling in THAT home does not sound like any kind of schooling to me.

    3. Anonymous1:52 PM

      Why do you insist in lying?

  46. Anonymous10:03 AM

    What's Caint Right doing these days? Is he hanging out with his unemployed buddies at one of Sarah's houses playing war games on X Box?

  47. Anonymous10:06 AM

    Why are the girls in dance costume? Little private show for Rushbo?

    1. Anonymous11:10 AM

      They do look ready to break into a tap routine, don't they?

    2. Anonymous11:35 AM

      If they're as clunky as their mother, it will be a sad and funny show.

  48. Anonymous10:10 AM

    Limbaugh supposedly has the largest audience of any radio shock jock. His book has been high on the best sellers list since it was released. I get that Palin would pimp her book to his audience. I can't wrap my head around her being proud to take her daughters to Limbaugh's house. She's clueless....or deviant...or clueless and deviant? This ranks right up there with the photos of Piper with Ted Nugent and Piper and Willow in bikinis as deplorable use of children as props.

    1. Anonymous10:53 AM

      She is plain old deviant when it comes to sex and selling. Think about her "husbands" line of work. She is not clueless about every thing.

    2. Anonymous12:05 PM

      I think that's his studio, not his basement. And I see Piper (who is what...12?) is taking fashion lessons from Mom and her sisters.

  49. Anonymous10:10 AM

    OT: "Someone had scribbled on the receipt, "I give God 10%. Why do you get 18?"

    Tips are not optional, they are how waiters get paid in America
    An Applebee's diner refused to leave a tip for religious reasons. The waitress who exposed it wonders if Jesus will pay her bills

    1. Anonymous11:09 AM

      Many of these same types of stories have been found to be hoaxes. I bet this one is too.

  50. Anonymous10:24 AM

    Creepy Rush just can't keep his hands off of them.

  51. Anonymous10:25 AM

    Ho ho ho to those stocking stuffers Sarah, ain't the season great? You betcha that Santa and the elves are stuffing stockings everywhere with your book of merry. Even if Santa can't stuff every stocking this season, because of economically-challenged children, you and your children will never be without, and hey, as long as you're OK, what else matters?

    I guess your jesus, who is the reason for the season, has no power to help needy families, and only you, prophetess of capitalism, can bring people back to the truth? The real Jesus does not approve of your method of being His Ambassador.

  52. Anonymous10:25 AM

    Sarah's book on Cyber Shopping Monday, #653 at Amazon, the Home Office of Cyber Shopping.

  53. Anonymous10:40 AM

    Nothing in Evangelical Christian author Rachel Held Evans’ five years of blogging has gone as viral as her simple little flowchart to determine if one is being persecuted during the Christmas season.

  54. Anonymous10:50 AM

    I had no idea that Limbaugh was that diminutive. The above pic sure accentuates Sarah's humongous (eating disorder) head.

    John Crace reduces the trigger-happy former Alaskan governor's Christmas musings to a rootin'-tootin' 600 words
    Digested read, digested: Sarah's Christmas turkey.

    Oxycontin and Methamphetamine/ Cocaine: why we are all talking about it

  55. Anonymous11:05 AM

    Mrs. Palin needs a sammich.

    1. Anonymous11:23 AM

      More like a dozen sammiches and a 1/2 dozen chocolate malts.

    2. Anonymous11:38 AM

      Throw in a dozen fried chickens for that anorexic retard.

    3. Anonymous11:59 AM

      Sarah does nees to put on some weight. If Glen Rice pounds on her again, I'm sure he would fracture her pelvis bone.

    4. Anonymous1:52 PM

      She looks healthy. #yogabod

  56. Anonymous11:30 AM


    Amazon Best Sellers Rank: #683 in Books

  57. Anonymous11:33 AM

    Holy shit! Piper Diaper has a humongous face.

    1. Anonymous12:53 PM

      How long has the poor child lived by the toxic lake where they dispose of medical and other waste? Something did a number on her hormones. Do all 12 year old look that unusual?

      Piper and Limbaugh together, what a visual.

    2. Anonymous1:52 PM

      Native cheeks

  58. Anonymous11:37 AM

    Time for some more plastic surgery. Sarah Palin's cheeks in the top picture looks like they are going on a long trip. Those cheek bone bags are big and saggy. Boy are they big.

  59. Anonymous11:43 AM

    Is there an Alaskan employment law that states if you are borderline retarded or have aspergers then they can't fire you from your job for bad attendance and poor work ethics? Seriously, what's going on in Alaska?

  60. Anonymous11:44 AM

    Rush is sporting some real Moobs under that shirt! Growing his OWN Belmonts...

  61. Anonymous11:55 AM

    Is Track collecting unemployment? Is he working? How does he pay for his rent and food?

    1. Anonymous1:51 PM

      Why don't you go to school? You need an education.

    2. Anonymous1:51 PM

      Your life is so empty you can't even let good people live peacefully in private.

  62. Anonymous12:02 PM

    I'm warning you. My auntie has a mean streak a mile wide and she holds onto grudges for a long time. Just ask Todd.

  63. Anonymous12:12 PM

    How come none of dem Palin kids looks like Todd?

    1. Anonymous1:50 PM

      I was literally about to say the opposite. I only see Todd in them.

  64. Anonymous12:18 PM

    ...oh, my.

    The liberal British paper published a parody of Palin's book; the teabots don't get the parody part...embarrassing the US in front of the world:

    1. Anonymous1:25 PM

      ...Let me tell you about my Perfect Christmas. Christmas is a time for giving and being with the Family. So every Christmas Eve, Todd and I fly our helicopter low over the forests outside our home in Wasilla and mow down five grizzlies with a machine gun. As my Papa always said: "A family that sprays together, stays together." We then skin the critters to make stockings for the kids. There's nothing like seeing the joy in Track, Bristol and Trig's faces as they open their collection of knives and semi-automatic weapons.

      For many Americans, Christmas is a time of Darkness when they are prevented from remembering that Jesus was an American. Since when has it been a crime to watch Mary and Joseph's favourite movie, Miracle on 34th Street? Since the Commy sonsofbitches took over Christmas and made us all say happy holidays, that's when. Well, yippee ki-yay, motherfuckers. Here's one broad with a great rack – as Todd always says – that's started the fight back.

  65. Anonymous12:26 PM

    LOL both pics check Palin fake boobs rubbing against Rush.

  66. Anonymous12:27 PM

    "Paul Revere and the Brave Pilgrims"? About all that they have in common is Massachusetts, given that the Pilgrims arrived in the seventeenth century and Paul did his historic ride in the late eighteenth century. And he was a silversmith; I don't think that the Pilgrims were into fine silver that much. Maybe Rush and Sarah think that Paul rode out to warn Squanto and his friends that "the Pilgrims were coming, the Pilgrims were coming." Sarah and Rush deserve each other.

  67. Anonymous12:28 PM

    All in black, who's dead? Way to celebrate the Holidays.

    1. Anonymous1:16 PM

      Why doesn't Sarah wear one of those Christmas sweaters, the ones with snowmen, candy canes, the decorated tree, Santa and all of the trimmings? Oh, not Christian enough?

  68. Anonymous12:30 PM

    Does Failin' Palin ever wear anything other than those baggy-ass black hip-hugger pants and that black zippered tuck-in shirt? And what's up with a zippered shirt anyway? So she can give that "come hither" look that says "I darn you to unzip my zipper" stare.
    Gawd is she pathetic.


    1. Anonymous12:38 PM

      FYI, I believe that is a trendy jumpsuit, not a shirt and pants. Although it is wrinkled and looks like it's from Forever 21. You 'betcha. LOL.

  69. Anonymous12:40 PM

    Palin's oh-so-cool black outfit looks as if she slept in it for several days and nights. It must smell so rank! Then, again, she is just plain nasty in all ways.

    1. Anonymous1:49 PM

      Are you projecting again?

  70. Anonymous1:02 PM

    Be sure to read the comments, they so have Baldy's number and it's a big fat ZERO. And there's alot about Christmas and Paganism. Those Brits are so much more informed than so many America 'christians'.

  71. Anonymous1:28 PM

    Catholics Join The Dump Rush Movement With Petition Denouncing Limbaugh

    After Rush Limbaugh attacked Pope Francis and called him a Marxist, the group Catholics In Alliance For The Common Good has started a petition denouncing Limbaugh.


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